Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Jun 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1932 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and the Community Social and Personal Readcrs are invited to sub- mit social and personal items for publication in this column. Kindly send or phone them to The Times oftice, Phone 85 or after office hours to Miss Lois Mundy, Phone 812. Rev. Lazare of the Church of All Nations has left the city to go to Pittsburg University where he will take one of the summer courses. He will return to Osha- wa in the fall. While he is away Mr. Alex. Lazare, a member of the church, will take charge of the services and the business of the church. Ld * Miss Margaret Burns, a teach- er in the Woodstock Collegiate Institute, arrived in Oshawa last night to spend the summer at her home here. " Mrs. W. H. James, Wiliam St. East, who hag been ill for the past few weeks, is progressing favorably and is recuperating at her home. * LJ Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Souch, .Rowe Street, are leaving on Thursday to spend the month of July at Deer Lodge, Lake Kushog, in Haliburton County. . Mrs. Alex. Findlay and two children, Bruce and lan, of Sim- coe St. North, have gone to their summer home at Kluey's Bay, Muskoka, for two months. " * Ld Mr. A. W. Bell, of Toronto, formerly of this city, was here last night attendisg the Masonic celebration. . Mr. William Deans, who was moved from the Oshawa branch of General Motors to Prince Ed- ward Island a few months ago, is again in the office here nting no and or Geen n vocal, pi: ital in Simcoe on Thursday eve- Mr. R. G his pupils gan at a rec United Church, ning. Street . + and Mrs. F. J. Max and Misses Greta and May Max- well are leaving to-day to take up their new residence in Toron- to. They will be in the city for 11 well Rey the month of July and expect to | spend August at their summe: cottage. » * Miss Geraldine Cotterell a: Miss W. Joan Elliott dancing teach ers in the city are leaving this week tn: take summer courses in y York. They will return to Osha, in the fall to open their school again here, | Try Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound ; 1 She Shouldn't he Tired ' Noenergy...circles under her eyes. If she would only try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in tablet-form, she could be strong and happy again. WILSONS | | Migs Jackson's Class. REALLY KILL One 2 kills flies all day and every day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each | packet. No spraying, no stickiness, no bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THEW ILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont, DRESS UP For DOMINIONDAY Miss Ethel Hoar and Miss Jean Stewart, of Oshawa, were in Mont- real last w eek-end. Members of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club paid a visit to the Canadian Girls in Training Camp yesterday at noon after their regular week- ly luncheon. The camp is being held this week on the Kiwanis pro- perty, north of the city, and yester- day was visitors' day. A large number of mothers and friends of the girls at the Canadian Girls in Training Camp took advantage of yesteruay be- ing visitors' day and went out to the camp, norch of Oshawa. In the afternoon they watched the campers take part in a sports meet, managed by Miss Anne Sto- rie, the recreation leader and in the evening witnessed a playlet by the members of Miss Mildred Hunt's dramatic group. Ed . Ld The visitors to the Oshawa Golf Club and those playing in the, ladies' district. tournament were entertained at tea at the club house yeslerday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Bull and Mrs. I', L. Henry presided over the attrac- tively appointed tea table wlien the guests were looked after by members of the entertainment committee of which Mrs, J. L Stuart is the convener, The play- ers from out-of-town were also entertained to Juncheon at the club house. » . Ld Mrs. Cord Taylor and ner fam- ily of Montclair, New Jersey, have taken a cottage at Heyden- shore Park, Whitby, and will ar- rive on Monday to stay for the summer momths, LJ Ll » Mr. R. 8. McLaughlin is leav- ing to-night for Cap Chat, Que- bec, for several days CEE Lieutenant and Mrs, Churchill Mann, of Toronto, have Mrs, John Pangman's summer cottage at Heydenghore Par Whitby, for the season. | past four years. » » ' Hamilton, of iting Mrs. J. M. {to, is in the city v | her son, Major | and Mr Hamilton, at | home, 537 Simcoe Street | On Tuesday of next | Hamilton will celebrate her | ty fifth birthday, GIFTS PRESENTED BY S.S. CLASSES with Georg week | Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Cuts | Honored by Adult Sun- day School Members A most enjoyable evening was spent at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mackie, at Oshawa on-the-Lake on Monday evening, when two of the adult Bible Class ¢ King Street United Chure Fp "MC. 8. Cragg's class of me and oh Jackson's 'class held a joint social in honor of the retiring pastor of the church, Rev. C, E. Cragg and Mrs. Cragg, who are leaving the city on Thursday after a four years' con- nection with King Street United Church, A game of softball af- forded entertainment for = the first part of the evening. Later the party of over two hundred retired to the lawn of the Mac- kie home where refreshments were served, On behalf of the | people present, Mrs, D. C. For- | rester presented Mrs. Cragg with a silver platter and gravy boat, ufter a letter expressing the re- uret of the company at her leave ing the city and of appreciation {of her interest and co-operation in the past years, had been read | by Mrs. W. Gamble, president of Mrs, Cragg | responded to the words address- ed to her and expressed her | hearty thanks for the gift. To Mr, Cragg, T. Stephenson made a presentation on behalf of the assembled people while E, Trew | read a fitting address. Mr, Cragg not omly thanked those present for the gift but for the very loyal | support given him during the A musical comedy actress haz to fight to get to the top, says a critic, And when she does gat to the top she continues to show her teeth, Buy Your at NELSON'S Men's, Women's And Children's Big Savings taken | ---- JIMMY SKUNK RUBS HIS EYES You think yon Know. but do you know? Be somewhat slo win saying so. ~Jimmy Skunk. There were five little skunks in Jimmy Skunk's home. Jimmy knew 'it because he hd seen them out on the doorstep, It was Jimmy's nome, yet it wasn't his home. It had been his hone, but just before the arrival of those hahies Mrs, Jimmy had drven him out of it and as yet she hadn't allowed him to re turn, So he had never been in side to see those babies although they were his own, This may seem strange to you but it didn't seem so very strange to Jimmy He was used to it, He didn't like 4he arrangement! and at first he protested. He couldn't understand why he was driven ont, But when he dis covered that Mrs, Jimmy had a family to look after and worry about he began to that there wasn't room for and that, mother-like, Ilimmy was afraid he might them, So for a whila he must live by himself It always had heen so In his fami go it didn't seem particularly strange to Jimmy, Jimmy | ng the doo vhen for 1 y bal hin Mrs happened to be watch- rway of 'his housa y first time some ed on Worl Hamilton | | Had retr ida the Mrs, Jimy feet hehind him Es mmy could | home, 1 ldren wi on do thera away. watih the we { times thres or wice he counted five, Once But they What New York Is Wearing With Dainty Blousetts of Dimity A lovely i iZmal, I white dimity ink Don't vou adore the way the b ice of the dress fastens at sides? The buttons were in shade, Inverted plaits provide ne- cessary width to the skirt Besides linen, firmly woven cot- tons can also. be used for the over- dress as pique, broadcloth and many novelties, etc. It's so simple to make it. so decidedly individual. And it will cost you next to nothing. 18 Wear At See Windows Nelson's Style No. 440'is designed for sizes 8. 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 10 re- quites 1}4 vards of 35-inch print | with 214 yards of 39-inch plain ma- terial, Our Summer Fashion Magazine | will help vou esonomize. It includes styles for the miss, the stout, the Matron and adorable models for the kiddies, Also modern embroidery for home, lingerie, pajamas, etc. Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully, = Thornton Ww. Burgess understand | matching | were all the time running in and out so that it was difficult to keep track of them. Usually heir mother was close at hand keeping careful watch over them. If one strayed a bit too far on his wobbly little legs she would seize it an bring it back. A good mother, was Mrs. Jimmy, She was constantly on guard lest some harm should eome to her babies. Once the hunting cal! of Hooty the Owl sounded frown no great distance and Mrs. Jimmy hustled the children down into the house nor did they come out again that night, So Jimmy lived by himself while the little Skunks grew Now and then he took long trips but in. the end he always retura- ed to the neighborhood of his old home and tamily. Once he was gone up in the Old Pasture for nearly two weaks, It was on his return from this trip that he got one of the greatest sur- prices of hig life It was moon- and Jimmy was near hom when he saw Mrs, Jimmy come out from behind a bush and at her heels one of the children, light PICNIC ENJOYED BY NORTHMINSTER Children of S. School Giv-| en Annual Treat The Northminster Sunday school held their annual picnic at Oshawa's beautiful Lakeview Park, on Monday afternoon. Judging by the happy throng of little children and older ones and by the number of parents pres- ent, it was a very successful event, Rev, were present were right at young people. When the supper call went out the children came trooping to the well-laden tables, go micely ar- ranged in the shade of the trees, After doing full justice to the good things provided, they were given {ee-cream. cones and soft drinks | In the athletic field the fathers and Sunday school officers thor- | oughly assisted with races, the tug-of-war and the ball game The prize winners of the races | are the following Poys and girls, six Robert Reid, Glenna Bennet Bova, Mr, and Mrs. A. M, Trwin and, as ~ always, home with the apparel and home needs. But unlike the this store for more than twelve years, and the and under "| §| ITS HISTORY. Jahn Re Chapm 7 and 8 yrs Knapp, Bruee Then came another and another | had counted five, | he whole family | wi Jimmy, "My, | how the yngsters have | grown! Hello! What's this?" | This ther young Skunk | who appear we #8 much a [1 part of f 7 Hy 5 any of the | ! ared that appe then th his eye He was ve childre He counted | make sure and te'l am where to him at do you sure rot "1 mean added hasti) "Hav they enough to | dren." Jimmy, | Isn't Aren't you was own chil Mrs. oirs, the an them | thes to: gol 8 used to he out dawn, to on get 1 Hom JUST LAZY "Rastug, your dog seems to he in pain." vogsuh, he ain't In pain---he's azy, dat's all." "But surely he must be suffer- fing or he wouldn't howl that laziness, sah, plumb laziness--va see, on a thistle," Jes' he's sittin' Fountain of Youth That's what they call this place because it's the ren- dezvous of the smart young- er set....before the show, after the show, at lunch time: ICE COLD DRINKS Lime Rickeys, Stone Ginger Beer, etc, ete. " HOT DRINKS . Tea, Coffee, Chocolate Milk Shakes Special 44 Farm Buttermilk Hy, . pie FANCY SUNDIES if Strawberry, Fresh Banana Splits SANDWICHES Hot Roast Beof, Chicken, Ham, Cheese, Baked Beans and Hot Steak Pies, etc. KARN'S LUNCH COUNTER Next P.O, Phone 78 Peanut, Frait, Address orders to: Pattern Edit- or, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. m the land family? I]ion 15. 9 and 10 yrs D. Du Dafoe, Hilda Hq: Jean We're Elected On The Basis Of Our Platform Honest Service-Dependable Merchan- dise- Fair Prices Many hundreds of people have elected this store to meet their aren't elected for any specific term unless we keep faith with our customers, we will lose out tomorrow as surely as we have won today. Oshawa and the surrounding country has supported vote of confidence that is given it day by day. IN HOLIDAY APPAREL THIS STORE OFFERS YOU THE BEST VARIETIES OF EXPERTLY CHOSEN STOCKS IN Shop here for best service and for complete satisfaction." political candidate we we are grateful for the ehetbed an i yre Sheridan, Ayli Rut! ertord. and 12 Ron or 5 and 16 yrs 7 ew York Hamilton '. Han t few minutes aft it was wed the MeTavieh fhree-lege ilton and 1 rry and V and K are after -- Zit's m-hackward | al expenses to $1,000 weckly, Har Kreuwer £40,000,000, ical Weekly, fiton losing I heatr one- | United Mexico comprises about of the area McLAREN'S coo ail INVINCIBLE dA LL QUICK PUDDINGS When pressed for fime here's a dessert that's made in a jiffy 104 Groceterias Throughout Ontario LOBLAW [= GROCETERIAS [& CASH B COMPANY, LIMITED SPECIAL--Ideal for Picnics or the Summer Cottage MILDLY CURED BONELESS SMOKED PORK ROLLS' - Re SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 29 TO JULY 6 CASH You Can ALWAYS Take Your Time at LOBLAW'S Ed 1b. 16¢ SPECIAL -- LOBLAW'S Fresh Madeira Cake »17- HIGH PARK COFFEE . 1b. 49¢ 3 $ Vacuum Tin OL ASANO RNIB 0005 508 wir | Cherries 2 SPECIAL. -- AYLMER -- Fancy Quality n . Pineapple I i145 | Always FRESH ! 4 No. 2 Squat Tin Bits EE ------ SPECIAL -- AYLMER -- Green Label bat Catsu 12-0z. GR OCERIE Li) x S UMMER COTTAGE SPECIAL -- CROSSED FISH Brand Sardines 227 Stores CLOSED FRIDAY JULY 1st Open Till 10 p.m. Thursday, i os Ideal for the Picnic ALPINE CLUB Pala Dry Ginger Ale 12. wn 10e 2 Deposit of Bul. per Botile SPECIAL -- SOMOR -- Pimento Stuffed | Olives 2 censor] Qe ig: | SHIELD Brand Salad Dressing 8-03. "tor 17¢ Always FRESH ! Salmon BIFTI 1} OXTAIL SOUP Tin J4e SPECIAL -- AYLMER -- Choice -- RED PITTED on 13 LIBBY'S Homemade PICKLES He: 19¢ we The "4 SK MANAGER FOR 8-0z. Tins FULL PARTICULARS HORNE'S Lemon or Orange 11 SPECIAL -- Cream or Pimento -- "It Spreads" Rideau Cheese 1a-Ib. Package SPECIAL -- SOVEREIGN -- Fancy RED SOCKEVE AVES Tin "PICK OF THE CATCH"

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