Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jun 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1932 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and the Communisy Mr. and Mrs, L. James Patter- son, of Richmond Street wast, have been called to Brantford owing to the death of Mr. Pat- terson's father, Mr, John Patter- son. They will remain in Brant- ford until after the funeral which is on Friday, Miss Dorothy Smith of this city, left yesterday for the Neighbourhood Workers' Camp at Bolton, Ontario, where she will be one of the eamp directors. The satis iy at the home * Mrs. George McLaughlin, Sim- 06 Street North will be a per- fect setting for the play by "The Romancers'"' which is to be the feature of the Lyceum Women's Art Association garden party ou Saturday afternoon. Under tue direction a Brownlow Card "The Romancers"' promises to be a play of rare distinction, breatii ing the spirit of the French ro- manticism of the 18th century. IL is alluring with its powdered wigs, flounces, ruffles and fans, pastels and perfumes, courtiers and beautiful ladies. "The Ro- mancers" is being played bY Brownlow Card's company for the Lyceum Art Association in Toronto this week, where it = being received with great favor. There will be other attractious at the garden party, which wi! no doubt make it one of the ou'- standing affairs of the summer season in Oshawa. * * - Mrs. J. Davenport, Montrave Av- enue, president of the Westmount Home and School Club is in the Oshawa Hospital recovering from a serious operation and' her many friends in the city will be pleased to learn that she is getting better and expects to leave the Hospital short- ly. She will visit her son and his wife in Harmony before returning to her home, * * * Messrs. F, Donnelly, Jr. and Jack McLaughlin, of Oshawa, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Valleau Aber- nethy, of Kingston, Women's Meetings - PLEASANT MONDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Mrs. Culling presided at the Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club this week in the absence of Mrs, J. Davenport who is ill. The final ar- rangements have been made for the club's annual picnic and a list of "announcements was made by Mrs. Snelzrove and Mrs. Simpson. After some favorite hymns were sung and the 'ladies listened with delight to a reading, tea was served. Young People's Societies COUNT-ON-ME-CLASS The executive of the Count-On- Me-Class of King Street United Church Sunday School met at the home of their president, Miss Dor- othy Toung, Division Street on Friday evening of last week to spend a social time with Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Cragg as their guests of honor. During the course of the evening, Mr, and Mrs. Cragg were presented with an address in which appreciation of their splendid work in King Street Church was express- ed and acknowledgement made of their unfailing interest in the Count-On-Me-Class, Mrs. Cragg was the recipient of a beautiful ruby ring set with a small diamond and Mr. Cragg was presented with a fitted leather dressing case. They both thanked the class for their thoughtfulness . and co-operation during their pastorate. Movie Actress -- "Did you ex- plain to that newspaper editor that I detest publicity?" Her Press Agent -- "Yes, and even that failed to make him give you any space." New Wonderful Face Powder Prevents Large Pofes-- Stays on Longer For a youthful complexion, use new wonderful MELLO-GLO Face Powder, Hides tiny lines, wrinkles and pores. New French process makes it spread more smoothly and stay on !onger. No more shiny noses. Purest face powder known. Prevents large . pores. Ask today for new, won- derful face powder, MELLV- SLO, that suits every complex- on. -- LL IE TTT TL TL Sturdy Boys Scott's Emulsion EASY TO TAKE . Wrap coin carefully. LODGE MEMBERS PRESENTED WITH FAREWELL GIFT Loyal True Blue Lodge Convenes on Monday Night The regular meeting of Re-Echo Lodze 493, was held on Monday night. "A large attendance of offi- cers and members were present. Also visitors from Victoria Lodge and Contederation Lodge, Bowman- ville. The Blue Degree was conferred on three tandidates and Blue De- zree was exemplified by the Degree team of Re Echo Lodge. At the close of the meeting Sis- ter and Brother Harmer who are leaving shortly for England were called to the dias to receive True Blue pins which was presented to them on behalf of the Ladge by Sister Cockerham, An address was read by Sister Ina Follest which ex- pressed the feelings of the Lodge. "Dear Sister and Brother Harm- er: We; your sisters and brothers of Re Echn Lodge, L.T.B,, 493, take this opportunity of extending to vou our best wishes as it will likely be a long time before we meet in this way in lodze meeting again. We regret very much your leaving us, for we realize we are losing two faithful and sincere members and workers of our lodge and we will indeed miss you but this seems an aze of meetings and partings. We have as a lodge appreciated the many kind acts you have performed for we feel they were prompted by the love vou have for our associa- tion. We, therefore, wish you to accept these small gifts, not for their in- trinsic value but for the friendship that exists among us, as sister and brothers. We trust as you wear them vou will be reminded though distance of land and water separates us, we are still joined in thought and love in Faithfulness, Fearless- ness and Fondness. We trust that the Supreme Grand Master of the universe will protect you on. your journey and that you will have a happv reunion with vour loved ones in the Old Land and that vou will feel if God so wills vou to return that vou will have a real joyful wel- come to Re Echo. Signed in F. F. F. Sister Mina Hubbell, WM. S Ethel Cockerham, DW." ister Garrulous Wife (after ma"- inee)--She doesn't speak and keeps perfectly still for the best part of an hour. Hushand--That's why the play is called "The Miracle," my dear What New York is Wearing Because of Its Smart Sophistication And here's a snappy one. It has all the new features, including a built-up waistline, now sa popular with grown-ups, The skirt is smartly cut with in- sets at the sides. They form in- verted plaits, joined to the front panel section. providing interesting flare to the hem. The separate bolero jacket is the smart collarless type, Tt can be made with lonz or short sleeves. A flag blue and white linen made the original, with plain white linen contrast. The pert tie of white lin- en had vivid orangv-red insets. By Thornton Ww. Burgess REDDY FOX BECOMES INTER- ESTED 'Tis common sense if you suspect Unusual things you may detect. --Reddy Fox. Always it has been a rule of Reddy's life to be suspicious of anything unusual, That uu- doubtedly is one reason why he has been so successful in avoid ing traps which have heen sei for him, and in fooling the dogs and hunters who have so often tried to kill him, He is smart, is Reddy Fox. There is none smarter. And so he always in- vestigates anything unusual, not out of idle curiosity, but to find out all about it and make sure 1f it be harmless or dangerous. This evening Reddy left tha Old Pasture where his home was and had gone down on the Green Meadows to hunt for Mice. Pres- ently he sat down where the Black Shadows were the black: st and looked out where the moon- light lay white across the Green Meadows, Almost at once he saw way off in the distance some- thing bob up out of the grass and almost at once disappear. In a minute or two it bobbed up again and then dropped out of sigus as hefore. Reddy stood up on his hind feet that he might see bet- ter. There it was again. "If 1 didn't know that he has too much sense to come out the open like that light I should say that Peter Rabbit," muttered "But Peter knows to do anything so foolish as that It cannot be Pater, but it he some foolish young Ral who has not yet learned that o of the first laws of safety is remain unseen. It is a good thi: for me that a lot of silly things never do learn the Once more Reddy took a long look. satisfied grin keeping in the ran swiftly off to get betwec jeet and safety, 'which happened the old stone wall, Over this he jumped and crept along bhe- hind it until he was just opposi* the place where that object kept bobbing Carefully Reddy peeped over the stone wall, Thana he grinned and that grin was a hungry and triumphant grin. It wag a Rabbit out there It wa back to him that could not see if it was a Rabbit of hig acquainta Rai hit. Not that it mattered in tle least, It was enough for him that it was a Rabbit, "It was very thought Reddy, that is Red better may you law.' Then with a he turned anc Black Shadows side bobbing ob- place of to one 80 i that the nearest up. he 50 nee or a strange clever of me," "to keep in the Black Shadows and get way around here, In a fair race witn no holes into which he can dodge and no hbramble-tangles into which he can creep. I can eatch that fellow without any trouble This old wall is the nearest pla:e of safety for him and I will be be- | Hello! As Rabbit! He with . swee! tween him and it. I live that it Peter is stuffing himself clover." Reddy didn't rush out at once to catch Peter Ha was crafty for that, You see li suddenly began to suspect that there might be something he had overlooked: "I've known Peter tho | will iu | ; | in the moon- | stood up anu to be | Scotland. | ronto, | fo the | run was | | on board. NO MORE T EARS RS. HOFFMAN was eighteen | when her baby was born. Within a year she had a serious operation. Then the flu. Her nerves : went to pieces. She cried over nothin, at all. It was an unhappy iin * Her grandmother told her about the famous Vegetable Compound. That! s how old and trusted a remedy it is! "I have taken six bottles," she says, "with marvelous results and Iam thankful for my increasing health." Zz, Tt ECC lin VEGETABLE COMPOUND | but gave me a wink and when I | cab with him | was not enough room, | what a Scotch locomotive would a long time," thought he, "and 1 have known him to do some fool- ish things, but not since he was a youngster have I known him to do such a foolish thing as to ven- ture so far from safety in bright moonlight, He is on guard ail right or he wouldn't keep bob- bing up for a look around, but just the same there is something queer ahout this." He watched Peter for a few minutes and all the time he was trying to think if there was an old hole'of Johnny Chuck's near enough for Peter to find safety in. He was sure there wasn't. He knew every inch of the Green Meadows and he was sure that the old stone wall behind which he was now hiding was the only possible place of safety anywhere near where Peter was now stuf- fing himself with sweet clover. "I don't see but what I have him cornered this time," thought Reddy. "His appetite must have overcome his common sense, It do it sooner or later with most people. Well a Rabbit din- ner will taste as good to me as that clover does to him. (Capyright, 1932, by Burgess) story: 'Reddy Loses T.-W. The next Interest." HECTIC RECORD MARKED OPENING OF LAGHINE RY. Directors of "Line Had Rough Trip When Road Opened Montreal, -- Eighty-six years ago this month the Montreal and Lachine Railroad, one of the first to exist in Canada, was incorpor- | ated and the work of building | the road had started. The line | was completed in 1847 and in | that year a speed record was set | up by an engine imported from | Captain Melville Millar, of "o.| grandson of Alexander | Millar, the engineer of the train, has in his possession an interest- ing account of the first test trips | | from Montreal to Lachine and re- ited one of turn as rel: of Dundee, tors of the line, "There were three cars hitched lacomotive when the first made," it runs. "The of the company were There were also three an engineers who wanted to see what a Scotch locomotive could do. We started. The directors were tossed from one side to the other and their high hats threatened Lo go through the ceiling of the car. I was very anxious and Millar would not listen to anyone, One of the managers for my uncie was on bbard and a sudden pitch of the car sent his hat and head through the roof of the car. He was unhurt and in 11 minutes we were at Lachine. "The directors were furious and were half dead with fright They made Millar promise that he would travel more slowly on the, return trip. He promised by Mr. Kilmond, the contrac- directors Amer tried to climb into the engine he told me there He adil- ed that people wanted to see do and that he would show them. He advised me to climb into the last car, saying that if anyona would break his neck it would be he. "We left Lachine and were in Montreal in nine minutes, The directors were doubly angry and the president told me Millar would be dismissed the next day. I made no answer as I had no au- thority. Fortunately, they did not discharge Sandy Millar, but instead made him general man- ager." To make naval ships immune from submarine attacks,-a new tor- nedo-proof type of bulge has been invented for British warships, Style No. 466 is designed for sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 10 re- quires 2% yards of 35-inch material with 1)4 vards of 35-inch contrast- ing. Tub silks, batiste prints, cotton novelties. in basket weaves, gay stripes, checks and dot motifs make up attractively in his cute model. Our Summer Fashion Magazine will helo you economize. It includes styles for the miss, the stout, the matron and adorable models for the kiddies. Also modern embroidery for the home, lingerie, pajamas, etc. Price of BOOK 15 cents, Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Address orders to: Pattern Edit- dor, Oshawa Daily Times , Two popular brands for household use. "'Dreadnought" rolls contain seven ounces sterilized, tis- sue. "Navy" rolls have 700 sheets soft, sanitary paper, All made with water sterilized in Eddy's $400,000 Filtration Plant. Ask for them br name, and be safe. GIFT PRESENTED TOMRS. C. E. CRAGG W.M. Society Meets After Prayer Meeting to Honor Retiring Minister's Wife Miiton Werry was in charge cf the regular Wednesday evening prayer service. at King Street United Church this week. A large number of the members of the Women's Missionary Society were in attendance and at the close of the service made the present» tion of a beautiful wrist watch to Mrs. Cragg who has heen presi- dent of the society for the past 18 months. Mrs, Cragg's words of thanks and expression of regre. at leaving Oshawa were 1Inost sincere. Following is the address which the ladies read before thoy gave their gift to Mrs, Cragg: Dear Mrs. Cragg. On behalf of the Women's Missionary Society of King S" United Church we wish to e- press our regret at your depart- ure from our midst. Your untir- ing efforts as our president have made our meetings inspirational! as well as educational and en tertaining. A light house sound: no gong, it heats no drum, a:d yet far over the waters, its friendly spark is een by the ma:- iner. Your life has been so lumined by noble deeds, it shall not fail to bg beneficient. We ask you to accept this g as a tangible expression of 01 love and appreciation. Signed on behalf of ciety by Mrs. R. Bird, Barker, Mrs. C. Crozier. the S Mrs. H For Many Weeks We Have Been Planning This Three Day Hosiery Sale We have been fortunate mn gaining the co-operation of man- ufacturers, with the result that we have Hosiery here for you on Thursday -Friday-Saturday That sets a new mark in low prices. There are exactly 25 lines of Hose involved in this sale. Supply the needs of the whole family at the smallest cost on record. By all means shop here for your Hosiery if you want to save. Throughout Ontario CASH SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WF ALWAYS Take Your Time at / LOBLAW'S GROCETERIACS COMPANY, LIMITH of experienced sales people are anxious render service and GROCERIE make every purchaser a satisfied customer. similar FOR SU at Halifs YOUR i li ive engaged LADIES W EAR go *type. CANAPAR "The Cookery Parch- ment"... Roll AUSTRALIAN CANNED PEACHES and Halves... ..No. 2 Bize Tin Bliced SURE JELL CERTO Mak a Jellies arms inny Bottle LIBBY'S SAUER KRAUT "For Health 2h Economy" ah 2 21g ! HORNE'S RAE j 13-02. Bottle INGERSOLL CREAM Medium Size Pkg. LIBBY'S Homemade 18-0z. Jar SPECIAL -- CAI 23c¢c Golden Areas--Choice Quality -- 21c es More and Better Jam s: je of Ownership Sale LOCH"'S LTD. 2st Be Liquidated cies @ Limited Time / / € narked down, many lines being grouped and sold at a fraction of cost.' ar rs 'Worth of © oid Goods in the : Store PICKLES &===== : : 9 § SUITS One and Two Pant MIP of troops, disem SPr Andrews and re- | follower y 1a i : 7 SIMCOE ST. S. FOX'S ed by landing will constitute hase of the tactical part nnderstood | Ads tire Choice Stock of 5 -- $21.75 Serv SPECIAL --T === ARGAINS on MEN'S SPECIAL -- F including TWEEDS, ANNEL, COTTONADE, carr ---- SATS, SHORTS, SPORT SHIRTS, WASH SUITS, SOX, BATH- LU 4 ¢r& K. CLOTHIERS DETENBECK COMPLETE NEW RANGES of 'Men's JERSEYS, 'POLO SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, BATHING SUITS etc. ING SUITS, etc. T GENUINE SAVINGS Shop in the morning for best service, DON KINLO

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