Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932 PAGE FIVE Social and Personal Readors are invited to sub- mit social and personal items for publication in this column. Kindly send or phone them to The Times oftice, Phone 85 or after office hours to Miss Lois Mundy, Phone 812. University of Toronto where their son Mr. Clare Anderson is receiving his dgree in the Faculty of Med- icine, * = i Mrs. Gordon Bunker who was conyalescing after several months' illness had the misfortune on Friday to fall on the stairs and fracture her 'ankle. She will be layed up for some time. Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Cameron, Brock Street Hast, had as their guests yesterday the latter's two uncles, Mr. A, A. Lawder, of Chicago, and Mr, James P, Law- der, of Lindsay. ® W *® Miss Margaret Hart of this city was a guest at the graduates dance at Hart House in Toronto last night. Ld LJ * Mrs. D. Cook, Athol Street, entertained at a shower last night in honor of Miss Gertrude Dahmer whose marriage is to take place on the eighteenth of this month. Thirty friends of the bride-to-be were the guests. A shower of gifts for the guest of honor were hung from ribbons that fell from a garden watering can attached to the ceiling. When the bride had unwrapped them all she had a large collection of useful articles for the kitchen of her new home. The untying of the gifts was the main feature of the evening but the party also enjoyed games and a sing song after which Mrs, Cook assisted by several of the young ladies present served refreshments, - ® Nd » Last evening proved to be the jolliest of any that the members of Holy Trinity Young People's Club have spent in some time. They were guests of Miss Roma Mayberry at a weiner roast. The party met at the corner of Wil- son Road and King Street and were taken to an ideal spot in the country for such a party. Building the huge bonfire was good fun. Then the merry party of young people sat around fit to cook their supper and enjoy the tasty things out-of-doors. After the supper there was a display of fireworks and a sing- song before things were picked up in readiness to go home. LJ * . Mrs. Leo Gray, Mrs. D. M, Tod, Mrs. W. A. Hare, Mrs. F. Hal- lett, Mrs. F. Black, Mrs. R, Burr, Mrs. A. G, Storie, Miss Mae Storie, Mrs. L. Richer, Mrs, C. M. Mundy, Misses Lois and Norah Mundy, Mrs, W, H. Ross, Misses Elsie and Alice Ross, Mrs. George Fleming, Mrs, Chas, Bow- @en, Mrs, Wm, Karn, Miss M. Ross, of Oshawa, were among the guests at the Ontario Ladies' Oollege graduating exercises yes- perday afternoon. LJ » LJ] Mrs| Gordon Myers of Montreal #8 in town visiting her parents, Dr. gnd Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood, King Street East. * - Mrs, Alfred Fursey of Leamingz- fon is the guest of her nephew and neice Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bunker, Brock Street. . Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Anderson, Masson Street, are in Toronto to- day attending convocation at the New Wonderful Face Powder Prevents Large Pores-- Stays on Longer For a youthful complexion, use new wonderful MELLO-GLO Face Powder, Hides tiny lines, wrinkles and pores, New French process makes it spread more smoothly and stay on 'onger. No more shiny noses. Plrest face powder known. Prevents large pores. Ask today for new, won- derful face powder, MELL)- SLo, that suits every complex- It's YOUR TREAT It's a treat for everybody «+ .the family's dessert; the evening refreshment for your guests. Pure, delici- pus, zestful, nourishing. ICE CREAM Many delightful combina- tions of flavors in quart bricks. pize 30c¢ pint 35¢ brick /KARN'S DRUG Next P.O. Phone 78 'We Deliver Young People's Societies An interesting event took place on Monday evening when a num- ber of young people banded themselves together to form the first Couchiching Club in the city of Oshawa, membership in which club is comprised of per- sons who have attended the On- tario Religious Education Coun- cil, Summer School, held amnual- ly at Y.M.C.A, Park, Lake Cou- chiching. ; At the organization meeting three denominations were repre- sented, namely, United Church, Baptist, and Anglican, and it is hoped that other churches and denominations will join our ranks by helping to send persons to the Summer School this year, which will be held July 9th to 16th. The officers of the' elected at last night's are: President--Miss Velma Harris, King Street United Church. Vice-President--Miss Hazel De Guerre , Centre Street United Church. Sacretary--Miss Mildred Bull, St. George's Anglican Church. Treasurer -- Miss Gladys Mec- Curdy, First Baptist Church. The first project undertaken is the completion of plans for a strawberry social, dates for which will be amnounced later. The Couchiching Club will be happy to receive the names and addresses of any and all per- sons interested in the Couchiching Summer School in order that full information may be sent to them, club, as meeting CENTRE STREET 'YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY The Youmg People's Society of Centre Street United Church held an open-air meeting on Monday evening, in charge of the presi- dent, Miss Hazel De Guerre. The program was introduced by a ser- vice of worship. The Scripture lesson, Psalm 24, was read re- sponsively, The offering was re- ceived and dedicated. Rev. W. Fred Riding led in prayer and the Lord's Prayer was sung in unison, A study was made of the childhbod of David and of char- acteristic psalms of David. An- nouncement was made of various activities under the direction of the society for the comin¥ months, and of the softball league, spon- sored by the O.Y.P.U.. The meet- ing closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. A DIFFERENCE IN FEELINGS With eyes alike how can it be That folks so differently can sect --Farmer Brown's Boy. Farmer Brown's Boy stool perfectly still listening, on his face a startled expression. Some one had just screamed. It had been a loud scream, a scream more of terror than of pain. Some one was terribly frightened. "Only fright could cause a scream like that. But who wag there at the Smiling Pool who could scream like thai? Never had Farmer Brown's Boy heard a scream like it.. He shook his head in wonder as he listened for it to he repeated that he might locate the place from which it came. There it was again! ofie was in dreadful trouble. There was no question about it. Some one was in need of help. It seemed to him that that scream had come from a point on the shore of Smiling Pool a little way beyond where the bull- rushes. grew. He rushed forward and as he did so he heard a thresh- ing in the shallow water ahead of him and saw Mr. Watersnake struggling with some one, just who he couldn't see at first. When he drew near he saw that it was Some W. Burgess the throat of Frandfather Frog. But it had and the terror in it was real terror. You see Grandfather Frog had been caught by one of his long hindlegs by Mr. Watersnake and kick and struggle as he would he couldn't get away. He was about to. be swallowed little by little but surely just as he had so often swal- lowed other Frogs smaller than himself, and the fish he had caught. No wonder he had screamed. Farmer Brown's Boy had no stick but he didn't mind that. He knew that Mr. Watersnake was harmless so far as he was concerned, With Grandfather Frog in his mouth he couldn't bite if he wanted to and he wouldn't let go of Grandfather Frog. No, sir, he wouldn't let go. He had waited a long time tg catch him and he didn't intend to be cheated of the dinner that Grand- father Frog would make him. He glared at Farmer Brown's Boy and and did his best to pull Grandfa- ther Fros into deep water. But Grandfather Frog was big, much the biggest Frog, who ever had liv- ed in the Smiling Pool, and he was strong. He had screamed in terror but that didn't mean that he would give up without a struggle. He was kicking with his. one tree leg with all his might, and with his hands he was holding on to the grass. My that was an exciting few min- Grandfather Frog, and he knew that it must have been Grandfather | Froz who had screamed. It Farmer hadn't known that he could scream like that. Few people do know It had been so like the scream of] a child that even now it was hard to believe that it had come f was, Brown's from' wing utes there at the Smiling Pool! Grandfather Frog's screams had ht all whe had heard it to see the trouble was. From the Rock Jerry Muskrat was look- | broug boy | what n on. Spotty the Turtle was | swimming over from the other side. | Redwing the Blackbird, Mrs. Red- Rattles the Kingfisher, Teeter Red Rose Tea at reduced prices Red Label, 257 1 Ib. Orange P ekoe, 38¢ } Ib. Women's Meetings ALICE JACKSON Y.W.A, Mrs. Branton, 129 Clark Street, opened her home for the meeting of the Alice Jackson Young Wo- men's Auxiliary on Tuesday eveping of this week, and the young ladies enjoyed a most pleasant evening. The business session consisted of discussion for the annual picnic which 'will be held in July. The opening prayer was offered by Miss McRitchie. Miss Flora Hawkins read her report on the Sectional meeting at which she represented the Auxiliary. Miss Helen Branton read an article on Temperance and Miss Bessie Buckler one on "Korea" Mrs. Ror in charge of the De- votional Period, had Miss Rowe read the Scripture lesson and an essav on "World Peace and Bro- therhood" that proved most inter- esting and' beneficial was read by Miss H., Branton, The chapter for the month of the study book galled "The Old and New Styles of Korea" was reviewed by Mrs, Myers and Miss Norma Glaspell read "The Education of Women in Korea." A vocal solo was sung by Miss Beulah Walker, The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Myers, after which refreshments were served. Base Line West Mr. McCurdy reports a good crop of fall wheat, alfalfa and hay on the hospital farm this season. . Mr. Kerr, "Twin Stream" farm, paid a visit to the hospital farm and Mr. Mclvor on Sunday. Mr. John Kennedy, John Kemp, and Mr. H. Ross were visitors with old friends Sunday. Messrs. Levinson and Nesbitt are remodelling their residences as a summer resort. Mrs. Elms and Miss M. Ross were recent visitors to our district. When Mr. Irwin was flying over the marsh on Saturday a man in a boat waved to him and lost his balance, Plunging into the water. Fortunately he was near shore and escaped with only a ducking. Baggotsville Mr. Joseph Cendric, of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Walter Trull, of Ashburn, visited at C. A, Lynde's, last week. The Audley Community Club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Puckrin, next Mon- day evening, June 13. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little (nee Hazel Cowx), who were married June 3; BORN---On Saturday, June 4, per to Mr, and Mrs. Percy Mantle, a Summer Dresses See our immense assortment 98¢ to of styles.--Popular priced, $5.95 Summer Hats New Shapes, New Colors. $1.59 to $1.98 Spring Hats Clearing Every Hat--Friday and Saturday. at 79¢ NELSON'S En NOW is the time to (2) Lower cost of TE in SH et i. ST i i -- Cabin Class. Tourist Class 'Third Class Farell A dati IY SAIL » EUROPE now WHILE YOUR DOLLAR IS WORTH 209, MORE wv take advantage of: (1) Reduced steamship rates (from 109, to 20%, less). travel in Great Britain and Europe, and ENJOY a really economical holiday abroad. LOW OCEAN RATES One Way $104.00 up Round Trip $192.00 up 157.00 up 119.00 Cuisine and Service 89.00 up 67.00 Regular weekly sailings--Montreal to London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Belfast, Plymouth, New York and Boston. asa Damon Sesamers form Qa cul | sigma, ono ANCHO® daughter, fo BAA Ter ite / oN Wa No. 370--Fascinating Model. This style is designed in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches bust measure; Size 10 requires 34 yards of 39-inch material, No. 390---Darling Playtime Dress. This style is designed in sizes 2, 4 and 6 vears. Size 4 requires 2)% yards of 35-inch material with 3% yard of 35-inch contrasting. No. 425--Charming Model. This style is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 30, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust measure, Size 36 requires 3: yards of 39-inch material with J§ vard of 39-inch contrasting and 17% yards of ribbon, No. 408--For Small Folk. This style is designed in sizes 2, 4, 6 and 8 years. Size 4 requires 1}2 yards of 35-inch material with 24 yard of rr 3)-inch contrasting. No. 910--Home Ensemble. This style is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 | years, 30, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Size 16 requires 335 | vards of 39-inch material with 12] yards of 35-inch contrasting {for ipron and dress collar. Our large Fashion Magazine will | help you economize. It includes | styles for the miss, the stout, the | matron and adorable models for the | kiddies. Also modern embroidery | for the home, lingerie, pajamas, etc, | Price of BOOK 15 cents. All patterns 20 cents in stamps or | coin (coin preferred). Wrap coin carefully, Address orders to: Pattern Edi- tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ontario. the Sandpiper and Mrs, Teeter were flying about and shrieking excitedly for they all hated Mr. Watersnake although he never bothered them, living as he did: on fish, frogs and toads. Probably it was because he reminded them so much of Mr, Blacksnake, whom they all feared, and with cause, for eggs and young birds are his delight. Farmer Brown's boy rushed for- ward and seized Mr. Watersnake by the neck, despite his struggles to escape. , Once he had hold of that neck he began to squeeze. Mr, Watersnake struggled and hung on to Grandfather Frog for a few min- utes, but in the end he had to let go and open his mouth, That re- leased Grandfather Frog. He didn't stop to say thank you to Farmer Brown's boy. He didn't stop for anything. He plunged for the bot- tom of the Smiling Pool and disap- peared in the mud, Then and not until then did Far- mer Brown's Boy let Mr, Water- snake go. He glided away in a great rage. He hated Farmer Brown's Boy, although the latter had not harmed him in the least. And down in the mud Grandfather Frog felt that he loved Farmer Brown's Boy as much as he could love anybody but himself. And there you have the difference in feelings caused by the same deed. (Copyright, 1932, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Old Mr. Toad Forgets the Heat." GIRLS' CLUB OF ~ SEAGRAVE MET SEAGRAVE, June 8. -- The Quadrata Girls' Club held their June meeting in the Sunday schol room with 10 members present. The president, Miss Alma Clem- ents in the chair, took charge. Hymn was sung, followed by re- peatigg the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Mrs. B. Dawson read the Scripture lesson. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. After roll call and business ses- sion, the following program was given: reading by Miss Norma Moon, contests in charge of Miss Ruth Clements were enjoyed. Meeting closed in the usual way. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Clements. The service in the United church on Sunday evening was withdrawn, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Green, attended the Conference at Lindsay. Sunday school 'in the morning had a much smaller at- tendance than usual. A large number went to Uxbridge and at- tended the special services of the Young Men's Bible Class. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leask, at, dinner. Mr, and Mrs, J. Harding, Jean and Fern Moon attended anniver- sary services on Sunday at Beth- al. Misses Jean Harding and Fern Moon were heard in a vocal duet in the afternoon and Mrs. Har- ding favored with a vocal solo In the evening which were appreci- ated. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colwell, ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs. T, J. Wooldridge, attended anniversary services at Leaskdale, on Sunday. Swimming in the Nonquion Creek is enjoyed these days by the children and older folks in the evening. Baseball practice and choir practics are also the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Atkins, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Dawson, Sr. Mr. Angus Wilkinson, of Osha- wa, visited relatives over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dawson spent Sunday at Uxbridge. Master Beverley Scott has re- turned home from Myrtle after an enjoyable holiday with rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding were at Balsam ILake recently, where Mr, Harding has a large number of young cattle on a ranch, Mrs. F. Harrison, Gordon and Mrs. R. Long of Myrtle visited relatives on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and family, of Port Perry, visited the former's parents, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, H. Wanamaker was in Lindsay, on Saturday. Mr, Bert Wamamaker spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleep and fam- ily, of Brooklin, visited relatives, on Monday. It is expected that all roads will lead to Seagrave on June 12- 13, when the Sunday school anni- versary services will.be held. The program is as follows: Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m., by the Rev. J. M. Whyte of Enniskillen; mu- sic by the children's choir in the morning; special music by the church choir in the eveming. ~~ ' Messrs, Thomas brothers Layton and their sister, Mrs. Frise attended the funeral cousin in Oshawa, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H Wanamaker spent Sunday. with relatives at Zion Miss E Graham spent the holi- day and week-end with her par- ents at Fenelon Falls EndPiles Quick No S%lves--No Cutting Your itching, bleeding, pro- truding piles will go when you actually remove the cause--bad blood circulation in the weak, flabby parts--and not one min- ute before, Salves or cutting can't do this--an internal reme- dy must be used, HEM-ROID, prescription of Dr, J. S. Leon- hardt, succeeds because it stim- ulates the circulation, drives out congested blood, heals and re- stores the almost dead parts. HEM-ROID has such a wonderful record right in this city, that Jury & Lovell says one bottle of of Ww. of omen's Interests in the Home and the Community | < REDTINE CINE What New York is Wearing = | FELT BROS. Offering Exceptional Values all THIS WEEK If you appreciate Fine China and Low Prices, you will surely wish to take advantage of our Liquidation Sale Offerings HERE ARE A FEW SPECIAL ITEMS $39.95 $21.95 $22.95 We invite you to call and inspect our new decorations in Dinner and Teaware, all open stock, at SPECIAL SALB PRICES. "Golden Pheasant" China. 97 Piece Dinner and Tea Set. Regular $60.00. SALE PRICE English Semi-Porcelain, 97 Piece Dinner and Tea Set. "Severn". Reg. $40.00. SALE PRICE English Semi-Porcelain. 97 Piece Dinner and Tea Sea. 'Acton'. Reg. $37.50. SALE PRICE In discontinued Sets we have odd pieces such as Vege- table Dishes, Platters, Salad Dishes, Gravy Boats, Cups and Saucers, Plates, etc., selling at 14 price and under. Perhaps just what you want to fill in at special sale prices, Better Come Before What You Want ITs Gone. Prices Won't Come Again, Thesa Extra Special! Guaranteed Rogers' FLATWARE ii (ie CA Wii 5 O'Clock Spoons Tea Spoons and 11c each Forks, ..19¢ each Dessert Spoons, Table Spoons, Dessert Salad Forks, Butter Spreaders, Sugar Spoons Cold Meat Forks, Berry Spoons, Dinner and Dessert Stainless Knives ....... 20¢ each Beautiful Cut Glass STEMWARE Exquisitely fashioned in pieces as shown above, sparkling with brilliancy, Values from 75c¢ to 85¢ each YOUR CHOICE ANY QUANTITY only 39c each You Don't Want To Miss This Sale of Wonderful Bargains! FELT Bros. "Buy Where Satisfaction is a Certainty' 12 Simcoe St. 8. Established Oshawa 1886 HEM-ROID Tablets must end your pile agony or money, back, of British says a critic. A vulgar fractiom=-- = ; "Only a fraction London Star. folk really like vicious plays," eS AR EASE ww EET ETT An Clothing Requires Frequent Cleaning to Keep Them Sanitary This is true at all times, but more so in warm weathers For service and quality work ; Phone 2520 We call for and deliver everything and anything, large or small. Oshawa Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. Expert Launderers and Cleaners PERCY EVELEIGH, Prop EE

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