Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1932, p. 2

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NE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932 Synopsis of Preceeding Instalments: Malcolm Crayn, employed by a New York title and mortgage com- pany, and Emily Rallifer, a Mary- Jand girl, had been married less fthan a year. The day before their wedding Barton Hale, his broker, 'had telephoned to him at Emily's 'Southern Home fdr more margin 'but Malcolm had no, more money and was sold out. Later Emily Jearned that he had to borrow $150 from Tory Birch, his Harvard 'room-mate, who was his best man. 'Malcolm's mother gave Emily a $1,000 check as a wedding present, 'saying with emphasis, "And you-- yourself, not Malcolm--are to have 'the sole spending of it." The young 'couple lived at first in a New York hotel, then. Bette, = daughter of "Emily's cousin Louisa James, who 'had just married Andrew Osgood, proposed that they take an apart- ment in the suburban house they lived in. Malcolm seemed reluctant 'and finally told Emilv they had 'spent his mother's $1,000 on their honeymoon. He went into the mar- ket again on a shoe-string and made .over $2,000. They took the apart- dment but Emily was constantly avorried by bills. He made another "small killing, got her a $1,500 ermine <coat but paid only $500 on it. He Jost his position the day she learned she was to become a mothre. Emily 'had managed to save $300. He in- "duced her to let him have it to play 'a hot market tip, and won enough "to pay their most pressing debts just before her mother came to visit them. , Instalment 16. Mrs. Rallifer, was like Southerners, a good visitor. She 'admired, she didn't interfere or suggest changes or ask questions. 'She liked every one of Emily's friends, she renewed contact with 'cousin Louisa and James on the right note of impersonal affection-- sthongh she remarked privately, with satisfaction, that Louisa cer- 'tainly did look her age--she played cards and went to the theatre and {shopped with all the avidity of a 'child at its first circus, and she coqueted facetiously with every "man in sight, even the staid and Uscrious Andrew, and yet, in some jmiysterious way, was not ridiculous. She brought Emily a large budget 'of local and family news, containing 'the interesting item that Johnny Keller was showing signs of mak- fing up to Lucy Coleman. "Lucy .says it's nothing but that she'll listen to lim rave about you; she says he doesn't know anything 'of her exists except her ears. But ishe might get him, Emily, on the "rebound. It's been done lots of times. Consolation prize, you know." It made Emily homesick to hear 'her, a pleasant dreamy homesick- ness, without any real pang. "I'll send Lucy a vanity case with a new kind of lipstick," she said #Maybe that'll bring Johnny up to the scratch." «There was other news, too. Cous- gn Ada Dennis's sick girl was get- #ing better, and the other one was gorking in Richmond in the Woman's Exchange and doing quite 'Well--though Cousin Ada deplored shat she called her child's presence the marts of trade.. "But Ma'Sue #old her all the debutantes were go- Ying into shops and that it was the veal stylish thing to do, so Ada's more reconciled now." Ma'Sue, Mrs. Rallifer added, was morc managing than ever and really ought to be President of the United 'States. Emily did not tell her mother that Mac had lost his job, and Mac kept silence on the subject, too. He went into town each morning, and game back cach evening exactly as 4f he were working. He seemed to be cheerful and to have plenty of gnoney, at least he spent freely in entertaining for the visitor, dinners Sn town, taxis, theatre tickets. Emily asked him nothing; she made her mother's presence a rest and respite from her own cares. Re- assurance, too, for as she realized how long and comfortably her smother had lived in the shadow of overwhelming debt, she found com- fort for her own case, thinking that perhaps time would make it easier for herself. - Only, of course, her father was not like Mac; he recog- nized debts as something to be paid. 'Her father had not been compelled #6 shoulder the burden of his bro- ther's extravagance, but he could Jwot endure that any man should lose a dollar by the folly of one of his Own name and blood. Mac would 'pever have done the same, given the same circumstances. But Emily did not want Mac to be quixotic, "she did not even feel that her father's course had been entirely right; her -uncle should have been gihade to face and deal with his own disaster with less help. "Mother d I ought not to have suffered om it," she thought, and realized i never before how a man's wife "and children are bound up with his She was bound with Mac, Ee atever he did. And when their whild came, he, too, would be bound to his father 'until he reached the age of self-support. + She asked her mother: "Didn't frou ever mind about father paying "Uncle Joe's debts? Didn't you ever 'wish he hadn't taken them on?" Mrs, Rallifer's ready smile chang- led into an unusual gravity. "Dear 'knows 1 don't enjoy being poor, t I didn't sce what else your "father could do. Joe Ralbfer was a most thought he was poi and if the bts hadn't been paid 'that's what le would have said about him, d about your father, too. Hon- Bty's so important, Emily, $0 much fe important than being poor." "Oh Mother, that's the truth!" id Emily, with fervor. "You're ully wise--and brave. " "I'd"a heap rather be told I was ndsome. yi Emily. could not help laughing. ied re handsome, too. only "Hope 1'll be as good-looking when care for any ' kind of with allusions to my d now I'm going to a andor No woman ever Tan visualize herself as a grand- Sgother." "You're vain, that's what." "Of course I'm vain, What use is a' woman unless she's vain? I tell you, Emily, unless a woman takes care of her hair and her hands and her complexion, well, she may be educated and cultured and so forth, but she's not intelligent." When Mrs. Rallifer at last de- parted, after three wecks and a half of 'the best visit she ever had anywhere--her own words--she had made Emily promise to come home to have her child, and to spend a month there afterward, or perhaps two months, "I'd be nearly crazy if you were in one of these stiff sterilized hospitals up here." Emily, who had rejoiced in her mother's presence, found her going timely, principally for the reason that her funds were running low. The maid she had hired cost more than Rendivoo and the house bills had been heavy. There couldn't be any more matinees" or lunches in town, or bridge afternoons--the three things Mrs. Rallifer most loved--if Emily had to pay for them, Cousin Louisa, Virginia Gover, Bette, Tory and Barton Hale had. all given parties for the visitor, but these were only instances and there must be return entertainment for all of theirs. Moreover, the first of the month with its grist of accounts was near. She told Mac this on their first evening alone: "I've not had a chance for a good talk with you since Mother came. Tell me--have you got another job, or any pros- pect of one? I've been so anxious. You've gone in town so regularly--" "Just like the other wage-slaves, haven't 1? T didn't want to say anything before your mother. But I'm not a wage-slave, nor a tired business man, and don't intend to be." The warm excited look she knew so well came into his eyes. "I've simply been operating in the market, and 1 tell you, Emily, that if I can keep going as I've started, I'll be one of the big boys before long, with an office of my own, 'n' everything." "1 don't understand Mac. It's all gambling, even if you do call it speculating--and it's uncertain, it's so unsound, it gets us nowhere." "It gets us a fortune if I have any sort of break. And right off, while re still young enough to enjoy SO it. "But you said "Now what did I say? "Don't you remember--you. said you wanted to be a solid citizen, some one who's looked up to and consulted, his opinion asked on business and politics, and all that I know the way I repeat it sounds ridiculous, but you said that was your ambition, to be a leader, noted, distinguished." "If 1 make as much money as | intend to, I'll be distinguished and noted, and a leading citizen besides. We'll have cars and a country house, and a yacht, ad lib." "That isn't being a leading citizen, that's only being a playboy. Mac aren't you going to try to get a regular job, at. all?" "Oh, I don't say 1 won't take one, if there's a whale of a salary at- tached, and no fixed hours, and no petty restrictions, but jobs like that are few and far between and them that's got 'em are clamped onto 'em. But you see, my dear, when | get to be a real operator, I'll have plenty to do--that sort of thing branches out in lots of directions." "Yes--where ?" "Oh, - promotion schemes, and public utility companies, and boards of directors of this and that. The market's all bound up with the banks and the railroads and busi- ness geferally," replied Mac with airy vagueness. Emily sighed--these were matters of which she would never know the first letter. But there was some- thing very important which Mac had not yet told her. "Have you made any money ?" she asked blunt- ly, "because I've used up practically all you gave me before Mother came, and the bills will soon be coming along again." "Tt would be a miracle if, just once, you and I could talk for five minutes without money coming into it," said Mac, laughing. "If you'll agree to give me a cer- tain allowance 'every month, I'll never mention money to you again, never, never. [| don't like talking about it any more than vou do, but unfortunately we require a roof over our heads, and food to eat and clean clothes." She too was laughing, but her demand was in much would you require, an 1 SeTwo hundred dollars and T'll pay i everything except the rent, including my own clothes." She could settle up the old debts with that, she knew, but she did not speak of "i tell you what I'll do, darl- ing girl. Ill give you five hundred dollars the first of every month, and you can pay cverything, rent and all. But--you must keep the i No more doing so much Emily put out her hand. "Done, provided I get next month's pay- ment now, and you come across promptly on the first of each month thereafter." "And this is the woman who promised me she'd never be a gim- me! You'll have to wait until to- morrow, Miser. Then, if you're a good girl, maybe I'll ante as per de- mand." "Mac, you've no idea what a pur- ring peaceful person 1 would be with a regular income to count on." She didn't know why she so in- sisted on "the money; perhaps she doubted his ability to keep his promise. But this time she was wrong. He came in gaily and hand- ed her a check. "I suppose you wouldn't be willing to give a party out of that," he said, "I suppose you'd "grudge the ice cream and the cake." "Not to mention the sandwiches. Well, re might have a little party, thou, we. had so many while Mot! or was here I'm a trifle fed up on them," "Just some people to dinner, then. Our usual crowd, Bette drew, Ruth and Hale--" the | "Why y not Tory?" "No, I want Hale. He's been particularly nice to me and I want "We could ask Tory anyway. him to keep it up. » "Oh, don't let's make an uneyen party. | prefer the animals assorted in twos, like the ark." "All. right, Tory's' out this time, Mac, let's ask the Grovers." "And have him come in roaring full and act like a nut? No. I'm not going to let you be frightened or agitated" "Virginia'll know whether to let him come or not. I'd like to have them. He's very nice when he's not drinking. And we've not asked them together for a long time." "Very well, darling girl, as. you like it." She had never told Mac of Vir- ginia's outburst, it was not her own secret to tell. Bette had remarked, and gossip had confirmed it, that Ted Gover had cut down on his drinking and was making a pitiful effort to be his old self. Poly would have liked to ask Virginia if this was true, but she knew that nothing breaks friendship more quickly and completely than to have a secret turned into a serial story, continued on demand. Emily didn't want Virginia to ask her if her financial state had improved--she way equally certain that Virginia didn't want her to inquire about Ted. She gave her to Virsa exactly Bette, and it was accepted the day before the dinner she received in the mail a long envelop addressed in typewriting. It contained . five hundred dollars in new bills and wrapped in a sheet of paper on which was typed: "Use exactly as you wish. A Friend." (To be Continued) (Copyright 1931, by Sophie Underwood.) PEARSE WILL IS DECLARED VALID invitation therefore she did to But party as Kerr (Con dnued from page 1) tion with regard to a young woman which seemed to, be troubling him. | Justice Garrow stated that in his] examination showed that amount ot for. a medical making the will, was using a great sideration and thought. In addition had no hesitation in accepting | the svidence of Dr. Jeffrey regard- ing the mental condition of Pearse Another feature that showed thinking future Ww question to A er the physi con 0 as 1s to wheth rtificate of h condition shoul d not be included ir will. His Lordship assert that he had no doubt that if Harris had known all the circum- stances of the past histo i thel that he woul t taken | precautions than he | Mass of Evidence mass ol evidence » capability have cusp did more There was a | pro and con @ of Pearse following hi Ontario Hosp ial ocacsion show that coming physic "ally feeble and subject | to depr was emotionally dis- turbed and suffered from periods of depression. There was also a mass of evidence showing that he dul everything after his release that he had before, while witnesse could see no change in him, was great truth, His Lordship in the statements that he sidered odd. The lence Bell was somewhat tice Garr A in. which she said arter a period of disturbance, they took Pearse out to | the Ward home for the purpose I 1 0 he was be-| c¢ssion, wits evi tat state | that several | job { Bowman buying his car, The fact that such a question should be discussed in the midst of a period of depression was hardly creditable, The letter sent by Pearse to Mrs. Bell also wave no indication that he was a man who did not know what he was doing. Reviewing the . expert evidedce given by Drs. Senn and Stevenson, of the Ontario Hospital for the de- fendents and also that of Dr, Clare and Dr. Armour for the plaintiffs, His Lordship stated that he arrived at the conclusion that Pearse on the occasion when the will was drawn up was possessed of the capacity to make his will and realize the re- sponsibility of his act. Yesterday's Evidence With the opening of the Supreme Court at Whitby on Wednesday morning John Harris, counsel for the plaintiffs called a number of witnesses to show that Mr. Pearse was mentally the same about the time he made the contested will as he was in the past. George Hamers and John Heard, who leased store properties from Pearse stated that they had scen him in December last and that they could not gee any difference than in the past. He still had the faculty of looking after his money. Evid- ence of a like nature wis given by W. C. Town, furniture dealer, and F. = McIntyre, hardware dealer, both of Whitby. Evidence was given by Stewart Morrish, a storekeeper at Highland Creek, who said that he had known Pearse for the last twenty-five years. ' He say him on a Wednes- day between Christmas and New Years of last year, when he came to the store and asked if he might be taken out to the home of Frank Pearse in Scarboro Township, as it was the custom of the store to make a trip into the country each Wed- nesday, On the way out to the tarm Pearse appeared to be inter- ested in the township elections and asked who was in the contest, He talked on the way out and appeared no different from the usual, Mr, Morrish said, and talked most sensi- bly all the time. Hilliard Fleming, Loo acted as poll clerk in the Scar- Township elections, testified Mr. Pearse cast his vote in the election on New Year's Day. Mayor Testifies Frank Green, a. carpenter in Whitby testified that late in Nov- ember Pearse engaged him tg make alterations in stores which owned in the town, and at all] times his instructions were sensible. More than that Pearse was on the at 7 a.m. to sce that the men started on time. Mayor Edward | testified that during 1931] Pearse had enquired "at different times with regard to putting insur- on his properties and had in several of them which were formerly covered. John Bott Troop, of Brock Township, "they had scen Pearse during December last and he had appeared same ag usual. Troop said that saw the man getting the mail the Ward family from their box on one occasion Dr. H. Clare Harris then called vi Clare, superintendent the Homewood Sanitarium at Guelph, who had thirty-two years experience with mental diseases, He said that he had had no way of forming an opinion of the condition of Pearse other than by listening to the evid- ence of the There was nothing to show that Pearse did not know what he was doing or where he was when he made the will and pointed ont that the incident of the mail box cited by Troop was swgnifi- cant. The evidence 6f some of the witnesses in which they said he was confused one day and lucid the next, quite agreed with what he « boro he ance sured for mail Dr. of Mr, Har- witnesses. the highest quality corn and salt of crystal puri the nouris but a cent a serving. stores. and An- | First choice of all the Children! UST let the children have Flakes once, and then they will want them always. The flavour is intriguing. It is of flavour ever put into a ake. Special malt, pure CANE And preserved crisp and fresh by our triple seal and wax wrapper. Rich eneigy food of sun-ripened corn, ment of milk and cream. children need no coaxing to take milk when Jou serve it on Quaker Corn Flakes. ave all of this delicious cereal they will eat. For any meal, or at any time of day. Costs Quaker Corn Flakes are always fresh in the MADE IN CANADA. QuAakER CORN FLAKES Dr. tia was not a disease but rather a condition usually found in aged per- ever, oration to that of dementia latter' signified loss of the mind. plaintiffs of tal discascs with wide "that asserted that what he stated, condition which were cited in which a Iv and ants, knew of such cases. Another in- stance cited by Dr. Clare, was that of the day Pearse went to the store at Highland Creek. It was signifi- cant, he said, that he should go there on the only day that the store made deliveries into the coun- try and that he was there in time to go out with the truck. Dr. Clare stated that he believed that Pearse was competent to make 8 wilh and asserted that he gave Jeffrey's opinion a high place in WY consideration of the facts, as the physician had had long experi- ence in mental work. Dr. Clare considered that Pearse's judgment was just as zood on the day he made the will as it was a month before. There was no question of a scientific test made by Dr. Jeffrey, but rather that of personal judg- ment. Mr. Harris then read ex- tracts from a text book on psy- chiatry in which the author stated that in some cases of senile deteri- oration periods of great lucidity were evidenced at times, Dr. Clare affirmed that this statement agreed with what he had learned in prac- tice. Cross examined by Mr. Anderson, Clare stated that senile demen- sons. He asserted that he did not disagrec with the physicians of the Ontario diagnosis made stated regard to the the case, that old age produced both physical and mental changes. How- he preferred the term deter as the in in Hospital Dr. Robert Armour The second expert called by the was Dr. Robert Armour Toronto, a noted expert in men- experience medical work. He he also had not seen and based hig on had heard in the court, He that if the evidence H. Harris, Dr. Jeffrey and Dodd 'were to he accepted was satisfied that the man field of Pearse opinions however, f W. Miss then he was capable of making his will. several pparent alive to-day themselves came about hopeless cases were taking of Counsel Argument After the noon adjournment Mr Anderson, counsel for the defend commenced to give his ad Iress to the bench. He stated that the point of fraud and undue in fluence cited in the <laim defendants had not been during the hearing, w Care of pressed there nor as and | the | mn | | | | | evidence to show any such action had taken place. Mr. Harris in drawing up the w in had acted in all good faith, he said, vet there were certain aspects in its drawing. to which attention should be drawn, Pearse was in- troduced to the solicitor by James Ward, who was later named as one of the beneficiaries. Further, Har- ris did not know Pearse nor was he advised that he had been a patient in the Ontario Hospital, nor did he know whether he could read, It was further pointed out by Mr. Anderson that three things had been talked or in the solicitors of- fice, namely the mortgages held by him in Whitby and a power of at- torney to administer them, about which nothing was done. The ques- tion about a young girl who miZht bring a damage action against him was also discussed but in a rather indefinite manner and no action was taken, It was significant that the question of the will was not brought up until the last at which time | or | there w | times { could not help the court Ward left the office. Mr. Anderson went on to point gut that the solici- tor was not chosen by the testator but by Ward. It was stated by Mr. Anderson that the will as drawn up by Mr, Harris contained a clause revoking all previous wills, le pointed out that Miss Dodd, the stenographer, had stated in her evidence that the clause was included only as a mat- ter of routine and not by instruc- tion. Mr. Anderson submitted that the revoking clause was not the will | intention Pearse nor was it] Cream Pie? Of course you like Christie's Graham Wafers just as they are. And you'll like the recipe for delicious Cream Pie you'll find in every package. It's a new package and a new idea, Graham Wafers } specific instruction. Such a clause should have been carefully explained to the testator; and Mr. Harris should enquired il tliere werc any previous wills the other wills made by nention had been made or used for the of cemetery lots and f the cree- tion of a fombst while no men- tion was mad items in this will and everything was left to Mr, und Mrs, Ward equally. Mr, An derson submitted that there should d have specie 0 monevg to be upkecp me, ) of these A » SC as a Te given by Mr. Harris as to the was in his office after No questions were previoug condition, it Mr. Harris railed lo should have, Mr, Ander stated that Dr Jeffrey's « {NM what id ana idence mit n- 1m cc to a conclusion as to the true c« te all dealt with the time even Mr. Anderson compared er and Dr, In} pl tic th ition of Pearse at that time. Mr. Anderson submitted that af- r December 1, Pearse had showed marked reduction in his faculty f judgment and in memory, while the evidence of the plaintiffs prior to Decem- even this Showed that he had er 1, and then the evid- physicians for the laintiffs and for the defendants submitted that Dr. and Armour had had no chance to ¢ Pearse at any time and for that son the evidence of the Whithy 1ysicians more acce ice given the Clare was fr. Anderson also drew the SOR n of the court to an extract from examination for discovery in h Mrs. Ward expressed herself eatly surprised to learn that a will had been drawn up, when was informed such was the case her uncle several davs after his to Mr. Harris's office. suffered lapses. | | club-house. table. | BIRDIES COMMON Montreal.-- Birdies are mo lon- ger rare at Whitlock Golf Course, By Dominion Order-in-Counci. the course at Hudson Heights Que., has been created a federa, bird sanctuary. A sixteen-compartment martin house has been opened near the The Whitlock course by uplands and woodlands and is traversed by two trout streams. Many United States golf clubs have added bird sanctuaries to their courses. is surrounded The first Saturday of the Scout troops of St. Lawrence County, Ontario, out on a tree- planting bee at Camp Vigor, on the Lawrence river. Each troop was given 250 trees and a quarter-acre in which to plant them, The plots are* marked and May saw St. the troops will watch the growth of their various piantin SPECIALS FOR WEEK OF JUNE 9th to 15th ig imited Leisure At Loblaw's Featuring This Week at a SPECIAL PRICE NESTLE'S EVAPO™ ATED Milk Baby Size Tin C Tall Ti 10}: Special -- AYLMER Choice Quality reciou the su uaker Corn sugar ty. lus he Let them 2160 Finest Creamery Butter 20- 1b. CHERRY ALLEY CREAMERY BUTTER 18¢ 1b. SPECIAL -- QUAKER SPECIAL -- STAR or Powd Ammonia KEILLER'S ORANGE MARMALADE Bitter Sweet ves .16-0n. Jar 23c¢c FLOOR WAX "Easy to aml .. 1<lb. Tin 42¢ IMPERIAL DESSERT JELLY POWDERS Assorted 3 Pkss. 16¢c Flavors WHITE SWAN BRAND WHEAT FLAKES "Never Fall to Sat- 19¢ isfy". ....Large Pkg. FRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD "It's the Best" 12¢ SPE IAL=L. OBLAW'S Delicious Ib. 29: Made by Master Bakers to the high Loblaw Standard, Halves Tin -- Fresh and Crisp HANDY Brands er 11% in our own Pure Food Kitchens. SPECIAL -- WALRUS -- Choice Cohoe (RED) Salmon Tall Tin 19: Crackles 2r«21¢ 2 Pkgs. 11 A Meal Wa a Glass T0DDY 146 1b. Tin Cleans, Scours, Sweetens and Purifies! CLASSIC CLEANSER Tin 8c } White and Pure; IT FLOATS! Fairy Soap 9 Cakes 9c Crossed-Fish Brand SARDINES 2 Tins 33c

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