Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1932, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932 PAGE NINE THROUGH THE ca 3 = Kay .s 7 --- po ~ - he ¢ nN CLASSIFIED] Nail L Legal MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, 11 King St. East, Phone 282, Residence 798. v +4 (17 feb tf) 'S BARR LL, Solicitors, Notaries Public. Etc. Conveyancing "and general oractice in Law. Office 7% Sim- coe Street South,, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. .F. Annis, B.A., LL.B. w. . SINCLAT, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building, P. MANGAN, B.A, BAR- 'vister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. .GBI . EZGHTON Fraser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg, fours TG. HYMAN, BARRISTER, olicitor, Notary. Morey to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone -67. Residence 2544W. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Etc. 241; Sim- coe St. N. Phcne 8160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. S.J. HENNICK, B.A., BARRIS ter, 121; Simcoe St. South. Tele- phone 3038--5865. ("8 sept tf) Medical OR. B J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sieian and Surgeon, special atten- Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU FERITRSTIOn. Permanent Wave $3.50 up. "Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 50c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and trim $1. Expert operators on'y. 79 Sim- coe St. North (notes mew ad- dress). Phone '2968. (8 aug tf) GENOSHAH ATRORESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $1.09. Marcel 50c. Fac- iars, scalp treatments and mani- cures. Coffee Shoppe entrance. Phone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) LORENE JOHNSON, HAIR: dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling 85¢ and finger waving 650c. Phone 2188J. (14 june ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR- dressing and Beauty Zuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov t?) LILLIAN McLEAN, MARCEL 36c at your home or 735 Albert St. Phone 2105, (28 june ¢) WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR, 5 Celina St. We specialize in per- manent waving, marcellin_, finger waving, hair cutting, ete. Permanent waves $4 to $10. All work guaranteed. For appoint- ment phone 2653. {9 june ¢) For Rent APARTMBNTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentdls. Disney, phone 1550. (1 june tf) FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH all conveniences. 137 Simcoe North, Phone 1236W. (119tf) 3 ROOMED FLAT WITH PRI- vate 'bath. All conveniences. Ap- ply to 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 2850. (4 jly ¢)° FOR RENT --- TWO HOUSES, Simcoe north and Division streets. Also small apartment. Central, Phone 1693. (133¢) FOR RENT--7 ROOMED BRICK house. All conveniences. Sun par- lor and back kitchen, 131 Brock St. -E. (133¢c) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE. All conveniences, on paved street, Apply at 123 Huron St. or phone T1IM. 1 (133¢) ROOMS TO LET--ATTRACTIVE front bed rooms one or two. Breakfast optional. 14 Yonge St., Oshawa (1341) FOR RENT ---- SUMMER COT- tage on Lake Scugog, opposite Port Perry. Boats including out- board motor, electric light, fully furnished. Phone 226. (134c) FOR RENT ---- BRICK RESI- dence in town of Whitby. Excel- lent location, Modern in every re- spect. Hardwood floors through= out, all conveniences, extensive lawns and garden. G. M. Good- ce cern ee | Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--11; cents per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c. Each subsequent tive insertion word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number "(0c additional. Professional cr Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word. PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department consecu- lc per Summer Resort Motor Cars FOR SALE -- 1929 OLDSMO- bile coach. $350 cash, Phone 610W, : (134c) TIME TABLES | FOR SALE--27 CHEV. CAB. Good condition, Phone 1518F. (1356¢) 1929 CHEV, COACH FOR SALE. First class condition, Small mile- age, Apply J. Wilson, 266 Rit- son Rd. N. (1385¢) Dental DR. S. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959, House 1312, Wanted to Buy TRUCK WANTED---- ONE TO three ton truck, stake body, Will pay cash. Apply James Fowler, Five Points. Route 1 Oshawa. (135¢) Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS AND STARTED | Chicks, bred to lay strains (Bloodtested). Nine and ten cents, Phone 1337J. (9 july e) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD IN COM- fortable home for business man and son 8 years. Central, Box 110 Times Office. (135¢) Auction Sale BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY Week Day Schedule (Daylight Saving Time) (Effective on and after May 1, 1932) est Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Hospital 620a.m 6.55 a.m. 720am, 8.05a.m. 815a.m. 9.05am. am. 10.30 a.m. 45 le p.m, oS 12.4 pm, > m, p.m, p.m, p.ol, m, p.m, ESNuma= Lehi 1.15 p.m, 7.15 p.m, 11.30 p.m. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (Daylight Saving Time) Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bownsanville Oshawa Whitby 8.Wam 830am 8.45am, 1C.15 a.m. 10.45 am. 11.00 a.m, x)4 pm, 215pm. 2.30pm, 2.45 p. 6.15pm. 6.30pm. 9.45 p.m. 10.05 p.m. 20 p. 12.30 p.m, Arrive Hospital x 9.15 p.m. 11.40 p.m. 12.10 p.1a, Leave Hospital Oshawa Bowmanville 9.40a.m. 1045am CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective May 1, 1932, (Standard Time) stbound 9.26 a.m, Daily. 4 2.45 Trenton Local Daily, except Sunday. x4.18 p.m, Daily, 11,06 p.m, Daily, 12.05 a.m. Daily, x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only-- Flag. . Westbound J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE 4", Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 798 Phone 2895 5.52 a.m, Daily. 6.30 a.m. Daily, n , except Sunday, ly. m Toronto and West only--flag. | 1930 ESSEX SEDAN in beautiful shape | Ross, Ames & Gartshore i HUDSON--ESSEX YOUNG PEOPLE MET AT MAPLE GROVE Short Impromptu Speeches by Members Feature of Program Marion Snowden, pondent) MAPLE GROVE, June 7.-- The Young People's meeting last Wednesday evening was: in the form of a social, The president, Mr, Ernest Twist, opened the meeting with a hymn and pray- er, Mr, Oscar Jamieson played a violin solo which was much en- joyed. Two very amusing stunts were put on by the boys after which Miss Elsie Allin, Bowman- ville, played a very pretty piano (Miss Corres- { | 185 King St. W. Phone 1160 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 WIGWASSAN LODGE, ON LAKE Rosseau, Muskoka; unexcelled location, all conveniences, bad- minton, bowling, tennis, golf, croquet, quoits, dancing, good bathing. For descriptive folder and pamphlet on "Making your holiday dollar go farther", write Wigwassan Lodge, 86 Duplex Avenue, Toronto. tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block, Phone 2050. Office open 9 am 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 2416. Undertaking LUKE BURIA} CO., 67 KING St. East. Arsbulance. Residence 542 Simcoe Street North. Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. * (4t1) Architects CG. C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phone 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., Oshgwa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing fA. VON GUNTEN, BXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage 1s solicited. Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, 17 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 263 Simcoe S. Phone 1656, (6 ily 31) . Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. Colethan's, 85 Bond West, Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Radios Repaired PHONB $3500 OSHAWA RALIO Service for radio repairs. Fully equinped to give reliable service. Chas. Wales, (10 june ¢) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 7bc with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 960. { For Exchange KNOWLEDGE POWERFULLY transmitted. Anything useful ac- cepted in exchange will teach, start, protect your battery service 1215p.m, 12.45 p.m. 3.3 0.m 4.00pm. 7.45pm. 815p.m 11.10 p.m. 11.40 p.m. fellow, phone 35, Oshawa or 58 Whitby. (134e) TO RENT -- MODERN SIX roomed house. All conveniences. Rent reasonable. 636 Somerville Ave, Key next door, (135¢) 2° LARGE UNFURNISHED rooms, reasonable rent, garage included or 1 furnished bedroom, board optional. 110 Athol E. (135a) ROOMED BRICK house, hardwood floors. All don- veniences, furnace, good base- ment, built in cupboards in kit- chen, front and back porches, paved street, garage. Immediate possession, Rent reasonaltle to good tenant. Apply 31 Elgin St. East. Rhone 1408W. (134c) Female Help Wanted WANTED--FIRST CLASS ROOM girl who can assist in dining room. Apply Richelieu House Napanee, Ont, (134¢) Shoe Repairing "BEST IN THE LONG RUN" Slogan of the Champion Shoe Re- pair. We coliect and deliver, Sat- fefaction guaranteed. Reasonable prices, Phone 1216. 17 Bond East. (27 june c) IF YOU WANT GOOD SHOE RE- pairing phone 672W. Evenings 2524W. Shoes called for and de- livered. Jack Read, corner Mary PERMANENT WAVES SPECIAL for 1 month, $15 Cuel Oil Treat- ed, $6 or 2 for $10; $15 Luster Wave, $5 or 2 for $9; $10 An- toinette Wave $4, or 2 for $7.50; $7.50 Our Oil Treated Wave, $3.50, or 2 for $6.50; Pierrette Wave 2.75. Arthur Huyek, formerly Modernistic Wave Shoppe, 105 Celina St. Phone T09W, (17 june c¢) NORMA'S BEAUTY PARLOR, shampooing. haircutting, scalp treatments, etc. Special marcel- ling Monday and Tuesday 35¢, balance of week 50c. Finger wav- ing morning 50¢, afternoon 75c. 31 King St. E. Disney Bldg. Phone 2525. solo, Short impromptu speecheg were then enjoyed, given by the following «people, Mr, Bill Phil- lips on "Cosmetics"; Miss Edna Swallow. on "Choosing .a Life's | Partner: Mr. Bob Corbett on {10 Simcoe St. 8. "Keeping IL.ate Hours"; Mr. | Clifford Swallow on "The Weather" and Miss Winnie Lancaster on "Riding in an Es- sex", Mr, Bill Phillips was in charge of the recreation after which the young men served ice cream and cake. The services here were fairly well attended, At the church service Rev, W, 8. P. Boyce, a former pastor, took charge and preached a splendid sermon on "Faith", Mr. Harry Freeman assisted in the service. Miss Vera Trimble, Lifford, | spent the week-end at her home here. Several from Salem anniversary and visited relatives Mrs. George Craven, London, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs, Chester Power, Mr. and Mrs. R, R.. Stevens, and little granddaughter, Betty, and Miss Ida Stevens, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toron- to, on Sundar. BUILDERS CARE FOR | FAMILY OF ROBINS 2.50 p.m. 7.15 p.m. 10.35 p.m, AUCTION SALE---HAVING RE- ceived instructions from Mr, H. Fry to sell by public auction at 166 Alma St., Oshawa, on Satur- day, June 11th, 1932, all his! valuable furniture consisting of | upholstered chairs, library table, | dining room suite, walnut bed, dresser, dressing table, chilfion- eer, child's erib, one Brussells rug, 2 Congoleum rugs, one square of linoleum, kitchen ecabi- net, electric stove, table, 2 kit- chen chairs, dishes and cooking utensils, curtains and = blinds, one dozen hens. Sale at 1.30 p. m. Terms cash, W. J. Sulley, Auctioeer. (135b) 30 p.m, 10.55 p.m. PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY Then he BRUS STORE OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, LINDSAY AND BOBCAYGEON Commencing June 1, 1932 (Daylight Saving Time) NORTH BOUND Sat. p.m. Sat. Daily Ex- only, Sun. Only cept Sat. p.m, un. & Hol. p.m. We Deliver (1 july c) FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE 4 roomed cottage, Bowmanville west side. Lovely sandy beach. Also lots for sale. Apply H. Paw- son, 550 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. (133¢c) INQUIRE about our Free Washing and Greasing. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King St, E. FOR RENT --5 Oshawa lowmanville .. Hampton ., 1 in 8.15 BY 8.40 8.50 9.00 9.10 nniski Burketon on Sunday Blackstock .i.. Phone 900 Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S réferences, maternity or general nursing, assists housework. Charges moderate. Mrs, Noble. Phone 3033J. (134c) Female Help Wanted WANTED---MAID FOR GENER- al housework. Must be competant and experienced. Apply Mrs, R. T. MacLaren, corner of Brock and Mary Sts., Whith (133¢) WANTED -. EXPERIENCED cook general for small adult fam- ily. Must be good plain cook. Ap- ply Mrs, Joseph King, Whithy. (133¢) Lost i and Colborne. (11 june ¢) | LOST ---- SATURDAY NIGHT, | = SR ion TRS either on Simcoe or Metcalfe | Barber Shop | Sts., brown fedora hat. Finder GUS BANKS BARBER SHOP, | leave at 76 Gibp St. 41341) 180 Celina St., corner of Ash. All| ~~ Fr Ql. Fob. haircutting 15c¢. Closed Wednes- For Sale or Exchange days 1 p.m. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -- 490 special touring car, Will ex- | change for motorcycle or bicycle and cash. 242 Verdun Road. (198¢c) Pleasant Point, Dunsford Ancona P Bobcaygeon (17 june ¢) PRINCILLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty, $2.50 to $10. Finger waving 50c, marcelling 35c. Phone 688. (9 june ¢) Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY BODY HARD wooed. Guaranteed full measure, 1% cord, $3.25. Mixed. $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F (8 july e¢) FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE dry body wood, hard, mixed slabs. Soft wood. Phone 2423W. 115 Annis St. (2 july e) FOR SALE -- BODY HARD- wood. R. Christy. Phone 1979W. (30 june c) TIRES--ALL SIZES FOR SALE, exchange and vulcanized, Also bicycles. joyeycles, fishing tackle and accessories. 90 Simcoe St. South. Telephone 1077W. (13 june e) NEW AND USED FURNITURE and stoves bought and sold M. Collis Furniture Store. 78 King St. W. Phone 1030, 4 REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 h 12 Simcoe St. South 11.03 int... Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only am. & p.m. 6.45 Daily Except f aturday, Sunday and Holidays, am. () here attended on Sunday there, TENDERS FOR DREDGING SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed | Lind i "Tender for Dredging, Oshawa, {anetville Ont.," will be received until 12 o'- | (FHT clock noon (daylight saving), Fri-| Blackstock day, June 17, 1932, Burketon Tenders will not be considered Enniskillen unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accord- ance with the conditions set forth therein, Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained on appli- cation to the undersigned, also at the office of the District Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ontario. Tenders must include the towing, of the plant to and from the work. | The dredges and other plant Bobcaygeon ... Ancona Point Dun rd Plea { Bowmanville .. Oshawa "eas 10.1 10.0 Speciai Busses For All Gccasions Reasonable Rates and Carefus Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 346 Oshawa "Waiting Room, 6 Prince St. hone 2283 GRAY COACH LINES Effective May 1, 1932) (Eastern Standard Time) -EAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO M. P.M, AM, PM for the most proper setting the robin is undoubtedly } "front lawn" that bird particular where it 'makes its home. One .ambitious couple has which are intended to be employed built its nest right in the frame- on this work, shall have been duly work of the partially constructed registered in Canada on or before | g 3 . | premises of the Protestant Board i inde fh . , . { of School Commissioners here, ithe thirty-first day of December, ! 4: TR wi Mods Ere -- 11929, or shall have been construct- and the Tamily they raised Is : ! py is in C ai g! Transportation jou and registered in Canada since 4d BA 2% Ja At the beginning of their mat- | REGENT CARTAGE AND MOV-!| Each tender must be accompan- | , a= Daily except Sunday. b--Saturday, | FiMonial career, the robin parents Ing. Low rates. Prompt service. lied by an accepted cheque on a unday and holidays only. d--Sunday only, | erected their nest on 'a broad Call. M. F. Riordan. Phone [chartered bank sivable 10. the Or --Except Sunday and holidays. steel girder which forms part of 1716F (27 june ¢) i Pa) -. the first storey floor. Workmen = ; discovered the abode and were While the is (23 june ¢) All the New Styles in Glasses JURY & LOVELL | Optical Dept. Phone 3215 8 King St. E. Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS, SHARPENED and repaired, ealled for and de- livered. Lawns rolled, cut and fixed, Driveways filled, Slater Bros. Phone 3193W. (51 june ©) LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED or repaired. Six months' service for $1. Phone F. Severs, 1848M. (20 june c) LAWN MOWER SHARPENED 75c and $1. Saws filed. Work guaranteed. 14 Yonge St. (1341) (18 june c¢) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, sods, black loam, Essery Bros. Phones 1045J. 332 r 1-1. (28 june ¢) BLACK'S WOOD YARD, 79 John St. Phone 3109). Slabs $2.25, Body hardwood $3 cord, (1 july ¢) 148 SIMCOE SOUTH, NEAR Loblaw's. Second hand clothes bought and sold here slightly worn. Both ladles' and men's. Don't miss these bargains. (2 July ¢) WOOD FOR SALE. $2.25 TO $2. H. R. Stark, 386 Pine Ave Phone 1727W. : Accidents every day. Get your auto, house, contents insured in good sound companies thru J. H. BR. LUKE Regent Theatre Block Phone 871 or 687TW ake [ 12.04 am, to make up an odd 12.00 am. Dalle: WESTBOUND _____ Private Sale PRIVATE SALE OF FURNI- ture, afternoon and evening. Party leaving city, 31 Ritson Rd. South, Phone 1555W, By order, | Cv. Oshawa, N. Desjardins, Secretary. tment of Public Works, 1 awa, June 7, 193: (135,. 1 Tt might be easier to keep the wolf from the door if only we |couid keep the bear from the market.--Judge. der of the Minister of Public] CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS AR = = | Works, for 5 per cent. of the con- rain Service oroperly respectful. but they: had Real Estate For Sale tract price, but no cheque to be for pr ae there. Construct- | LOT WITH GARAGE, 96 NAS- less than five hundred dollars. ing a little shelf about the height | sau, Reasonable for cash. Make. | Bonds of the Dominion of Canada of their heads, the men moved offer. Mr. Victor Wakely, Port or bonds of the Canadian National | the nest onto it and all was well | Hope, Ont. Box 711. (123¢) Railw ay ( ompany yi be Bécepied | for a while. Soon. afterwards, | -- ----- {as se ¥ * 8 1% . » ifMMie » . 775 DOLLARE CASH WILL BUY [2 equim to make: un" ar odd | however, A Sy dilicully arose, | a tive room frame dwelling on a he men had to pour concrete on good Jot 80 x 90. Very el to amount, the second storey and the nest . % IY ry close was unprotected from above. This centre. Property must be "sold was solved by building a roof this week to close an estate. No above the nest. Later hazards phone information given, Apply were flying chips and falling Bradley Bros. office. planks, so they added walls to the De 1.47 pom, E nop. Except Sunday 9.17 p.m. Daily, (2 July e) (135¢) (135¢) 37, 139) stations. Plenty vacancies, Uni- que Service, Ontario Street. (132¢) FOR EXCHANGE--A GOOD SIX roomed house with small mort- gage, for a four, three or two roomed house and lot clear. What have you? Apply Box 109 Times. (135¢) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 80 reputable Fire Companies. SUN LIFZ ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. 'Alex. S. Ross, S. F. Everson. Phone 1834. 2 + (15 oct tf) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR- paulins, everything in canvas. Phone 2104. George Reid, 66 Bond West. J. J. Turner & Sons, Representative. (25 june ec) FOR SALE--ELECTRIC STOVE wien or without annex in first class condition. Apply 220 Alice St. Phone 17T37TW. (138¢c) FOR SALE--NO. 1 SUMMER wood. Cheap. Call 2366W. Shields. (133¢) Pt RENAE 3.1. dud FOR SALE--BODY WOOD AND soft wood, mixed slabs, Call W. H. Thompson, 507 King West. Phone 742), (7 july c¢) FOR SALE--A BLACK SATIN coat, nearly new, fit 42 or 44. Price $8. Phone 27. ) FOR SALE -- GURN 10 Simcoe St. N. Phone 72. (134c) FOR SALE--A GUITAR, QUAR: ter horse power electric motor, bicycle and model T Ford, Cheap for cash. Apply 160 College Ave. (134c) sizes. Price one fifty up, Vulcan- lzing dome, satisfaction guaran- teed, lowest prices. 168 King St. Ww. (134¢) RECONDITIONED TIRES, ALL | | Jans | F=Flag stop to let off Montreal passengers. | birds' home. N T THE DEMOANSTR 1 OVERHEARD SO ' | iEanrs ABOUT RE RAVIOLA TETTING EVEN WITH 7 By Russ. Westover THEN SOU KNOWS LiKE THE OATE, For T DEMONSTRATION ~ "YoU KNOW 1T'SETHENI3™ con't [see 'THE PUSSY THAT de FOLLOWED ME HE Work Wanted WORK WANTED -- POSITION as housekeeper, references ex- changed. Phone 1935W. (20 june c¢) 75 UND CARPENTERS : tors will work for half than Rr relief rations, vi J. ? (1301) (134c) FOR SALE -- BICYCLE AND coal ofl heater. 64 Rosehill Blvd, (135a) Drugless Practitioner FOR YOUR HEALTH . SEE A Ernest Hewson, Registered Drug- less Practitioner, Oshawa on Saturday's, office at' 29 Simcoe St, South, to give Manipulation Treatmen.t "This treatment can be applied quite readily to any condition, such as headache, dizziness, nervousness, S---- A Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on all. matters of im- portance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F, Business private. > (3 july ¢) or any trouble of the spine and muscles of the back. Can be treated without fear of pain .I also specialize in foot For appointment phone 169. Of- fice hours 10-12 a.m.; 1-6 p.m. (1353) I will be in|. trouble. | OM, YES J YOU MAKE ME SiCK/ BUT BE : oi A, aT BUT EAT CLANCY BROUGHT THE LADY AND THE GIANT FROM THE CIRCUS TO a Rh | TTA EEA

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