THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1932 PAGE SEVEN THROUGH THE . .s PK 7 a [ / Fo 29 CLASSIFIED . Legal MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to foan. 11 King St. East, Phone 282. Residence 798. (17 feb tf) 1 ANT & ANN:S BARRIS: ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public. Ete. Conveyancing and general practice in Law. Office 7% Sim- coe Street South,, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A., LL.B.; A. F. Annis, B.A, LL.B. oe iW. E. N. SINCLAT(, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building, : JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A., BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Converancer., Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GR'ERSON, CRE.GHTON & Fraser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg, OUTS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North. Phone 67. Residence 2544W. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BDAR- risters, Solicitors, Ete. 241, Sim- coe St. N. Phcne 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. S. J. HENNICK, B.A., BARRIS: ter, 121; Simcoe St. South, Tele- phore 3038-563. "5 sept tf) Medical PR. B, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten- tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phons 2050. Office open 9 am 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 2416. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING St. East. Ambulance, Residence 542 Simcoe Street North. Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W 87 Celina. (4tf) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectiral work. Second floor Royal Bank Bullding. Phone 1496. Residence phone 909]. Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St .S., Oshgwa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock aad {mplements. Your patronage solicited ~ Watch Repairing Fg A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT iss watchmaker, repair shop at $46 "King Street West. patronage 1s solicited. Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, 7 CENTS ON .smbrojdery work, alterations, firessmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 63% Simcoo 8S. Phone 1656, (6 ily 31) Transportation TARTAGE AND STORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- lalists in furniture moving, Stor- 1ge warehouse and moving van rquipment. Phone 82. Your - REGINALD G. GEEN, 'ORGAN- Is. choirmaster, Simcoe United Church. Plano, organ, singicg. Phone 3128. Residence 765M. ae S, EY 2) Radios Repaired FHONE 3350) OSHAWA RATL'IO Service for radio repairs. Fully equipped to give reliable service: Chas, Wales, (10 may c) YOUR RADIO SCIENTIFICALLY repaired, ten years' specializing in repairing on all models. Cal _2806W, Certified radiotrician, : (22 may ¢) BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent Wave $23.50 ug. ""Cro- quinole 1 Spiral". Marcel 50c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and trim $1. Expert operators only. 79 Sim- coe St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968, (8 aug tf) GEN O s HA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Wara and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $1.00, Marcel 50c. Fac- jars, scalp treatments and mani- cures. Coffee Shoppe entrance. Phone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) ORENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling 35¢ and finger waving 60c. Phcne 2188). (14 may c! PEMBER'S BRANCII HAIR: dressing and Beauty "uiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osb- awa, Ontario. (23 nov t?) LILLTAN. Mc¢LEAN, MARCEL 35c at your howe or 745 Albert St. Phone 2105. (28 may ¢) OPENING 'SPECIAL PERMAN- ent waves recular $5 for $2.75. $15 for $6. Phone 709W. Arthur Huyck, formeriy Modernistic Wave Shoppe, 105 Celina. . {7 may c) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON, hairdressing, marcelling, finger wave 50c, Massages, mani- cures, tinting, hatr trimming, 10 Prince. Phone 688. aE. 35¢; = (7 may ¢) THE McNERNEY BEAUTY Parlor, 3 Simcoe St S. Phyllis E. McNerney, proprietor, form- erly of Lucille Hairdressine Finger wavine, permanent uw ing and all other lines of culture work done, For appoint- ment phone 815, RRS 23 may ¢) MAYFAIR ~ BEAUTY SALON. under new management, . Per- manent waves, finger waving marcelling and all other hranches of hairdressing. Jean 14% King St. E. Phone prices and appointment 2020 for MISS McKENNA, HAIRDRES sing and beauty culture at nr home or at 156 Roxborough. Phone 1230T { june e) vo Guaranteed full measure, 3% cord, £3.25. Mixed. $3. Soft wood, $2.50. A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 262% 8 mav FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE dry body wood, hard, mixed slabs. Soft 'wood. Phone 2423W 115 Annis St. (2 june ¢) DRY SLABS $2.25 3; "cord, No. 1 Body Mecle $2 Coke 79 John St, Phora 3104). wond. e) . (21 may ec) DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Beach and Maple. Stove length $3 34 cord. Robert Christy Phore 1979W. (15 may ec) DRY BODY WOOD, $3 1% cord. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert St Phone 1079J. : (19 may ¢) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, black loam. Quality and service Essery * Bros. Phones 1045J 332 R 1-1. (20 may c) FOR SALE STRAWBERRY plants, Senator Dunlop. 'Good 75c per hundred, 8S. R. Solina. Phone 1652 r 4. Perkins, (1081) near Loblaw's, second hand clothes bought and sold here, Also lady's goods slightly worn. Ww Lo (1 june ¢) DIRT AND STAINS GJ FROM Marvelo. Phone 774W. Prompt delivery. The sensation of the feason, 40c gal. (1071) ANY RADIO TROUBLE? FOR prompt service, moderate charges, work fully guaranteed, National .Radin Service. 3186M. (17 may c) FOR FIFTY CENTS WE WILL make a careful inspection of your aera and ground and test the tubes of your radio. John Mea- gher, 92 Simcoe Nerth. ' (23 May cc) Battery Service WILSON BATTERIES -- ANY- thing in storage Batteries, More battery per dollar. All batteries puarenteed. Sales and Service. 14 Church St. ( 8 may c) BATTERIES CHARGED 70¢ with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered. Batteries $2.95 and ap. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 960. FOR SALE--CABBAGE PLANTS Golden Acre, Copenhagen Mar- ket, Early Jersey Wakefield, 60c per 100. Lewington Nurseries, Kingston Rd. W, Phone 1574J, (107¢) AND FOR SALE-- Glen Mary ~ DUNLOP Strawberr, lants, $4.50 per thousand. 1! raspberry bushes $10 thousand or $2 hundred. Also two renewed cows for sale. Phone 1652 r 5. (107e) FOR SALE--MOTOR LAUNCH, 25 fu. long, complete with motor, $150.00. Phone 3043. a (107b) FOR SALE--WICKER STROL- ler and go cart, both in good condition. Apply 551 Masson. Phone 2906W. : (10¢h) CINDERS, SAND, GRAVEL, stone, loam, manure. Phone 2906J. (108¢) Shoe Repairing {7 YOU WANT GOOD SHOE RE- pairing phone 672W. Evenings 2524W, Shoes called for and de- livered. Jack Read, corner Mary and Colborne. (11 may c) . Baby Chicks . BA CHICKS CUSTO) Hatching, White Leghorns, Bar- red Rocks, Blood tested, bred to lay. Cockerells ten cents, Phone 1337). Oshawa Hatchery, 144 Park Rd. N, (20 may c) FOR SALE--SEED POTATOES, Irish Cobblers, Dowley's, grown from certified stock. Call Har- old Bennett, phone 1651 r 11, (108-114) MANURE FOR SALE --$1.75 A load delivered. Phone 2675W. ---- (108a) FOR SALE--ATWATER KENT 8 tube radio with Dynamic Speak- er, $39 complete. Easy terms. John Meagher, 92 Simcoe St. N. (108a) For Sale or Rent Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency In Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers; Alex, 8: Ross, 8. F. Everson, Phone 1834. EA G (15 oct tf) 6 ROOM HOUSE WITH GAR- age for sale or rent. Will sell cheap by June 1st. Apply 325 Celina St, (1041) Barber Shop GUS BANKS BARBER SHOP, 180 Celina St., corner of Ash, All baircutting 16c. For Rent APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals. Disney, phone 1550. (14t0) IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR an apa'tment, we invite you to tuspect the Victoria and Simcoe Mavor. Very reasonable rates. Bradley Bros. (23 May c) FOR RENT--NEWLY DECOR- ated 6 room, all conveniences, garage, orchard. Will Jease cheap, Owner leaving town. Apply 282 Nassau St, (1041) MODERN 4 AND 6 ROOMED apartments, chestnut trim, elec- trically equipped, fruit celi r, continuous hot water, heated, with sarage, low rental. Phone 269. Ci (104e) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, reasonable rent. Phone 1586J. fe os (3 june c) FOR RENT-- ONE OR TWO furnished rooms for lizht house- keeping. Suits business girls or young couple. 238 Golf St. 1051) Furnished. Centra! once, Box 723 Times. (106) FOR RENT--- FOUR ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. Separ- ate light and entrance. Apply 127 Nas au St. ; (107¢ FOR R --BRICK BUNGALO, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, all down town. Possession at FOR SALE--FIVE ROQMED house. All conveniences, garage. Will sacrifice, 522 Cubert St. (106¢) FOR SALE--A TOURIST HOME on highway. Very cheap. Apply to Box 906 Times. (107b) Work Wanted GEORGE BEDDI..G, BROCK North, Whitby, Shoeing, general blacksmithing, springs and bum- pers welded, Setting spring for car, Phone 449, (8 june ¢) LAWNS CUT, ROLLED AND fixed, edges trimmed, driveways filled. Prices reasonable, Slater Bros., phone 3193W. (22 May ¢) WANTED POSITION AS housekeeper by middle aged lady, reference, Box 903 Times. Y (107) REPAIR SERVICE -- RADIO, washers, cleaners, irons, toasters, stove, awnings, ete, Phone We deliver, Cleve Fox (6 june ¢) HOUSEKEEP- desires posi- excellent 25. EXPERIENCED er with little girl, tion, farm preferred, references. Box Motor Cars CHRYSLER SEDAN 65 FOR sale. Reasonable, Phone between Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--1%5 cents per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c, Each subsequent tive insertion word. Three consecutive ~ inser- tions for the price of two tirst insertions (threes cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number * (Oc additional. Professional © Business Cards. $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worg per month for each additional word. PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad consecus 1¢ per Department 5 and 8 1231, (106e) conveniences, garage. low rent. Apply 31 RFlzin Street Fast Phane 1408W, (107¢) TO RENT FURNISHED FRONT room in private honie neaj centre of eity on King St. East, suitable for professional or busi- man. Phone and eparage available, Phone 932 (107h) FOUR ROOMED UNFURNISH- ness - {ed flat, Winter, | (4 june ¢) Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY sODY HARD \ strong roots, $5 pe= thousand or FOR SALE--148 SIMCOE ST. §,, large veranda, * heat, water, phone. . | Font 794) FOR RENT- ed apart floon CONTAIN al, hardwood SELF FOR RENT ne | ) rooms for electrie, all reasonable FOR RENT__ MODERN roomed house, All conver Close in. Garage. App! Peacock, 102 Roxborou 14097, (108: TO LET---FURNISHED HOUV.E also garage All « modern, 527 Mary st FOR SALEZ-6 ROOM brick hous every convente paved near Collegiate 225 per month to own A snap. Apnly 814 ; (108¢ FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH ed apartment, down town, refrlz- erator, Murphy bed, Built in bath, Beach stove, 5 roome, new- ly decorated. Box 726 Times (10811) FOR RENT _ NICELY FUR- nished bedroom in oma with overv conveniences, very central, ! Apply 16 Nassau St. Phone 2500. (108a) 5 ROOMED APARTAENT, MOD- ern, a real home, Apply 92 Nond West, Phone 857, (108a) Pets and Livestock CANARIES FOR SALE--FOR Mother's Day let us suggest a singing Canary. Special, Guaran- teed ginger, cage and stand com- plete for eleht dollars. Also some hens, A. E. Henning, Oshawa Aviaries, 129 Colborne St, E. Phone 1916F (106¢) Educational QUE STUDENT WILY, TU- tor French and German, Reason- able. Phone 732, (107h) TUTORING IN FRENCH, GRR: man, Spanish, Latin and certain other courses at reasonable rates. | M. Hutchison, phone 114 nience (108e) RUG nee, gtrect (1081) Notice to Trappers | FURS WANTED--25,000 MUSK: ! rats wanted to fi! a manufac {turer's order. Able tn pay high t cash prices. 1. Stein, Phon« S1.reverse charge, Whithy, oy | 116 mav ¢ trio -- ae dean | LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED [ repaired, Scissors, axes ete iaanlled fi and delivered, Slater ! Pros 3193W. (21 May ¢) and . Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR y naaling, everythin fn canvas Phone 2104. Reid, 66 | Bond West. J. J, Sons, | leprasentative, r & "AWNINGS, STORE fent Tarpauiing ('anog y rent T Pike Co Oszshawi Phone 3577. HOUSE | Awnings, | Weddin Toronto (1 june ce) Cleaning and Pressing NORMAN LAMBERT---FRENCH ary cl and repairing joods for and delivered hone 68 Bagot Street 123 May ¢) aning ed 523 Painting and Decorating g AND DEX MacDonald rhanging, Grainin. Phone 557) (19 may ¢) | Aucilon Se'e AUCTION SATE -- OWING TO weather conditions the which was to take place at Fred Tiek's, 204 Huron St, will be held Monday, May 9th, all his household furniture as follows: dining room tabla and chairs, divanette, 2 leather seated chairs, one rocker, one wicker chalr, two beds, two dressers, (wo stands, 3 small tables, linoleum, dishes and cooking utensils, a cook stove, a gas range, sewing machine, other things too num- erous to mention. Sale at 30 p.m. Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer, (108a) = Automobile Loans { REASONABLE CHARGES FOR Loans, Refinancing or the Financing of Private Sales, 2tod p.m. A. A. EMMETT 135 King W. Phone 1160 Mornings and Holidays, Bowmanville 39. {8 may ¢) RATING Paint- { PAINTING Reynolds and and, pap and 'sign writing, ng gale | of Contracts | Dental ORCS. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- ett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in sitendance Phoue 909. Hous Lawn Mowers Sharpened | LOOK AHEAD---GET INTO THE Clivie Service ag Postman, Clerk, MAN WITH DUMY rent lau 1 pi trucl , Apply : 102 Roxborou 1gh, Wanted to B FO 2 Tim 1 uy Wa) At fares, A TID ) pply Box 90 GOOD must WANTED TO. BUY 1sed car, no agents, price be right. Box 909 Times (108a) TT0. BUY--LAWN good condition. Must Apply 76 Colborne 809, (1082) BUY LARGE Phone 262&F WANTED ler in » reasonable t. West or phone oo ep. WANTED ; tarpaulin, CI (108a) OR RENT ANTED TO BUY N and Pick- arm, | 'm Oshawa ering, 25 to 50 acres sandy loam fris market gardening, sloping to | south or south-east with build- | inge, close to hizhway Write, | | | Ww el w «John R:1, Pain Court Ont. (108a) Snss, For Exchange { ONE HUNDRED ACRES, FAIR | bulldings, Trenton district, five { thousand, mortrage sixteen hun- | dred. Will exchange for house. Disney Real Estate, | (108¢e) | Help Wanted INARN UPWARDS OF | $25 | weekly, growing mushrooms for in cellars and sheds. Begin | now Illustrated booklet free, | Canadian Mushroom ('o,, | to. (1086, | of W J Fry and 49 Bond St. West, Oshawa. All bills to be settled at office of "A. J. Parkhill, 37 King St. East, on or before May 10, 1932, partpership ! Geo, Frise, (102, 105, 108) | Toron- | 108) | Dissolution of Partnership | Take notice of dissolution of | ly Just a few of our ex. ceptional USED CARS guaranteed and priced right. 29 Buick Sedan 31 Pontiac Sedan 29 Chevrolet Coach 28 Pontiac Coach 29 Essex Coach 30 Marquette Sedan 29 Chevrolet Sedan. H. R. ARCHER MOTOR SALES ' Port Perry Phone 57 TRAINS FOR FLYING HEAD DOWNWARDS | | Leave , = Flying Ofticer C, K.| Bowmanville 1 8.0 n. its strapped 1 ng in conne Jisplay aerobatic or > upside-dow with ar tu yhan's display, 180 towns in giving them a aviation day," said Turner "Upsid I car cathe nati down fl n ind br into training." wn vou would or Fido I'd never | pleasu little Notice to Creditors R.S.0. 1927, Cap. 159, Sec. IN THE ESTATE OF LOUIS PAR Rn, Widow, deceased. A 1} J 1 cl day hereby en teenth D. 1922, are eu file with the undersigned, ¢ re the Tenth day of M 1932, full particulars ediate not D. of the claim Imi the assets of the will bé distributed those entitled thereto, regard only to claims so filed, Deted at Oshawa, the Ty 2 Y day. of April, 1032 NOLAIR. I treal BI date, d Oshawa, (26, 102, Huglies. YTOWS Of r ly after said |, Jeceased | nty- KARN |THE DRUGGIST B R SERVICE PHONE 578. NEXT THE POST OFFI) nmmm---------- | TIME TABLES | Week Pay Schedule (Effective on and alter January 24, 1932) an the coming | think to | or A. | nn ost having | Ontario. | 108) | FOR RENT SUMMER COTTAGES -- at Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa. Screened porches, City wats er, clectric ranges, fires plases and all conveniences, Immediate possession. G. D. CONANT, ! + Oshawa. i | | | 9.30 { 1.30 *M. Sunday | ilar now AER INQUIRE about our Free | ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 55 a.m. 8.05 a.m. 9.05 a.m. 10.30 s,m. 212.10 p.m. 1.45 p.m, 50 po. . 31.00 pan, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Geing West Leave Oshaw £3) a x 9.15 p.m, 11.40 pu, Leave Hospital p.m Special Busses Reasonable Rates T. A. GAR BOWMANVILLE Oshawa Waiting hone 22! GRAY COACH LINES (Effective (Eastern Standard Time) -EAVE OSHAWA AM, P.M. { 15.45 2.30 3.30 4.30 5.30 bé.20 7.30 bs.30 9.30 1.30 di0.20 a--Dally except and holidays --Except Sunday a 16.30 7.30 £30 0.30 2.30 CANADIAN NAT Train Effective (Eastern Standard EAST a F5.57 a.r p CANADIAN PA Effective (Stand Eas Daily, Lacs .M Westbound i m m Toronto and W and TON, PROPRIETOR 120 ay WEST Washing and Greasing. | { LIMITED 86 King St, E. Phone 900 | le GENERAL INSURANCE C. YOUNG 4, Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 793 Res. Phone 2893 West Arrive Whitby 7.10 a.m. £20 a.m, (Arve 1240 p.m, | 6.45pm. |} Leave Arrive Bow- Oshawa manville ESSEX SEDAN in beautiful shape h Ross, Ames & Gartshore | HUDSON--ESSEX 133 King St. Ww. 19 i Arrive Arrive Hospital OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 189 LEAVE TORONTO | ll is nm 3 NEW LOW | PRICES #% | ROYAL YORK TEA V2 Ib. Pkg. 24¢c 1 Ib. Pkg. 47c at all Superior Stores Arrive awe Bowmanville m. 10,45 a.m. 12.45 p.m. 4.00pm, Osh. 0.4 3.30 pan. 7.45pm, 815pm 1.10pm. 11.40 p.m For All Occasions Carefu; Drivers PHONES 412 or 348 Room, 6 Prince St, May 1, 1932) 5.00 a6.30 3 7.30 ; 10.30 Sunday. b--Saturday, | only, d--Sunday only, | nd holidays, | TIONAL RAILWAYS Service May 1, 1932 Time) ) BOUND Facept Sunday, Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always [OMPSn 2 DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver Daj BOUND m. Daily, m. Dail daily, .m. Daily CIFIC RAILWAYS May 1, 1932, ard Time) thound and al Daily, Sunday ntreal and East only--- est only~flag, "Our romance | romantic way mi. drowning er, you k notice vou No. I don't me again," | save began in a most | My wife saved n She's a magnificent now. don't JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. | Eyesight Specialist Phone 3215 ) out very | know if she would | fi 4 REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our FELT BROS. Established 1886 Simcoe N12 = 3 PE MONE a +) = 1] $600 buys 3 roomed house on good sized lot. Rosehill Blvd. Close to Kingston Highway, Good well water. Apply J. H. R, LUKE Phone 871 or 687V Bi SE SR To Rd We A oR Specialty St. South TILLIE THE TOILER--A Knock-Out. I'M SUST DYING TO KNOW How You CAME OUT IN '| YOUR DATE HE'S NOT ON THE LEVEL *SHH--= HERE COMES SOME ONE - LL HELP! ON'T HOLLER. FOR THAT SHRIMP MAC - I'LL TAKE CAR OF HIM rs TULL "TEAC + You YOU'LL, BE SORRY JUST THINK. OUR MAID HAS + ODO HOPE THAT NO MORE UP AROUND HERE ITD i is . King Featu "(23 may c) J BEEN MARRIED FIVE TIMED. OF HER EX-HUSBANDS SHOW i i Syndicate, Ince Sra Britain rights reserved. DONT WORRY- fVE FIRED PVE GOT A POLICEMAN ™N THE WTCHEN AND THATLL KEEP 'EM AWAY: LL GO SEE IF SHE STIL LIKES WHER POSITION. SHE LEFT & NOTE SAYING SHE WAS ELOPED WITH THE POLICEMAN. 9 7, il )