Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 May 1932, p. 7

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ia ; ld oF T Tr bh iy 1 vr THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1932 Legal ANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- , Solicitor, Notary. Money to pap. 11 King 8. Fast, Phone 798. 82. Residence an i AP. rs, Solicitors, Notaries Public. te, Conveyancing and general ractice {n Law. Office 7% Sim- oe Street South,, Oshawa. Phone . G. D. Conant, 24, LL.B.; A. , Annis, B. B. oe WV. E. N. 8 '(, K.C., BANK Commerce Building, - (8) . MA N, B.A., BAR- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. onveyancer. Money to loan, of- fice 14% King St. Fast, Osawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. RSON, RE.GHTON & r. Barristers, Etc. Bank of ommerce Bldg, iad [OUIS 5. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Bolicitor, Notary, Money to loan, 6 Simcoe Street North, Phone 57. Residence 2544W. ~~ = GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- ters, Solicitors, Etc. 241; Sim- oe St. N. Phcne 3160. Residence B514. Money to loa J. NNICK, B.A, BARRIS er, 12% Simcoe St. South, Tele- phote 3038--568. B P qQ ON a ¢ ("3 sept tf) Medical GR. B, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- ician and Surgeon, special atten- jon given to X-ray work and [Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open a.m, 9 p.m. Residence 421 [King Street East. Phone 2416. - Undertaking RIAL CO., 67 KING t. East. Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe Street North. Phone 210J snd 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M. F Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W 87 Celina. (40) Architects . C. E, GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phone 909). Auctioneer §J), W. J SULLEY. 846 Simcoe St, S., Oshawa. Special attention given to household furniture es and farm stock and {mplements, Your patronage solicited Watch Repairing ¥ A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage 1s solicited. Hemstitching BEMSTITCHING, 17 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoo S. Phone 1656, (5 ily 81) Transportation h BE AND ORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- sage warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Music lessons 'REGINALD G. GEEN, ORGAN- 1st, choirmaster, Simeoce United 'Church. Plano, organ, singing. Phone 3128. Residence 765M. (25 may c) I Auctioneer, PHONE 3360) OSHAWA RALIO Service for radio repairs. Fully sequipped to give reliable warsiee #Chas. Wales. (10 may ¢ - sY0 NTIVICALLY *répaired, ten years' specializing | ip repairigs op sll models. Cal | 3806W. Certified radiotrician, (22 may ¢) . ompt service, moderate charges, tors' fully guaranteed, National Sham pod. $1. Expe coe St. dress). | GEN Parlors, Marsha Beauty wave sham lam, Phone 1 oon dresser, ling 8 Phore PEMB! dress} 9B awa, LI 35¢ St. OPE e $1 Huyck, in Wave pri PRING finger cures, t Prince. THE Parlor, E, erly Finger ment GOOp Nmekee' wood, slabs. o mane - nole y P } ; 01) BEAUTY P nd Spiral". Marcel 50c. , Finger Wave and trim rt operators only, 79 Sim- i North (note new ad- Phone 2968, (8 aug tf) %§ H A HAIRDRESSING d il |. experts in all kinds of Culture. Our permanent specialty. $5.00, $7.50 00, Fipger wave and $1.00. Marcel 50c. Fac- ip treatments and mani Coffee Shoppe entrance. ¥ "appointments 1973. : LF may 1 Be) N, HAIR- St. Marcel. waving b0c. ures. g J08 . 92 Chu [and fin 188J, ' (14 may ¢) iE UIANCIT HATH #8 and Bepty Tu.ture No ey Dldg, Phone 3%, Osh. tario, (23 nov t*) i McLEAN, MARCEL our home or 735 Albert 2105, (28 may ¢) ECIAL PERMANY s reznlar $5 for $2.75, prrows, Pjone 709W. Arthur forperly Modernistic @opped 105 Celina. n into (7 may ¢) JEAUTY SALON. marcelling, c. Massag halr trimming 088 t 5 tor §° hairdr 35¢; mani- 10 McN Ma og cs (T may ¢) S. Phyllis proprietor, form. eille Hafrdressing. permanent wav- other lines of beauty k done. For appoint. $15 P: ae i 2 Prey wood. | 14 cor % t ap (23 may ¢) 'ockticles for Sale cellette "WEGUND DRY 8ODY HARD Ln Guaranteed full measure, FRAN, Gnd. $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft dry by of $2.50. A. Wall, 202 Cour- # Ave. Phone 2628F 115 Apts wu = 8 may c) PRY © | K McQUATD, COAL, COKE 1 Bod dy wood, hard, mixed St. Ph Soft wood. Phone 2423W. nis St. (2 june ¢) ED 32.25 1 cord. No, DRY | Beach | $3 iy Mezle $3, Coke 79 John ore 3108]. Phore (21 may ¢) DRY Ek and Maple. Stove length Claude cord. Robert Christy Phone | 1979W, J (15 may e¢) SAND, 10DY WOOD, $3 % cord black 1at#8 McQuaid, 54 Albert St Essery Y079J. 332 R 1°W (19 may e) FOR SA°Y GRAVEL, CINDERS, plants, §'9am. Quality and service strong rc Bros. Phones 1045) Sc per Fl. (20 may e) Sollna. Ph 11 E -- STRAWBERRY genator Dunlop. Good ots, $5 per thousand or and lawns) pundred. S. R. Perkins, loam, sony gone 1652 r 4. dens or la | (1020) __&I'YOUR DRIVEWAYS FOR SALEx sy Cinders, sand, gravel. loam delivege and manure for gar- Phone 1664 gwns. Phone 2906J, FORSALE-® (950) tion ten tub® -- SAND, GRAVEL, three piece red, lowest prices. baby wardrc8 r 1-4. (102¢) Simon's. Pho SCVTCTOR COMBINA- wu radio and electrola, FOR BALE--"¥alnut bedroom snite, near Loblaw pbe, new baby erib, clothes boughiine 14817, Also lady's go Li (103e) 48 SIMCOE ST. S., 's, second hand and sold here. ds slightly worn (1 une ¢) ELY NEW VAR- Bluefish Pink, ROSES, ENT! {ety, Climbing. Blush Purple, ing new colors. 178M. FOR SALE ~-- t Wave $3.50 yg. "'Cro- Betty Ward and Grace For Rent APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals. Disney, phone 1550. TO RENT-- BRIGHT, apartment, down town, refrigera- tor. Murphy bed. Built in bath. Beach stove. 5 rooms, newly dec- orated. Box 626 Times. (9211) IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR an apa:tment, we invite ySu to luspect the Victoria and Simcoe Manor. Very ressopable rates. Bradley Bros, (23 May ec) FOR RENT-- LY D ated 6 room, all conveniences, garage, orchard, Will lease cheap Owner leaving town. Apply 282 Nassau St, (1041) 'O RENT -- NEARLY NEW, solid brick house, 4 large rooms, kitchenette, all conveniences. 131 Albert St. (102¢) FOR RENT---6 ROOMED HOUSE, 212 Gibb St, Possession June 1. Harvey Crossman, Phone 163 r >. (102¢) BACHELOR APT. DOWN TOWN, Furnished, central, Possession at once. Box 728 Times. (102¢) FOR RENT--A BRIGHT COM- fortable room private home, suitable for business or profes- sional gentleman with garage, North. Box 628 Times, i bo (102¢) FOR RENT -- UNFURNISHED flat in new house, oak floors, all conveniences, Reasonable rent, 350 Division Street. (103h) FOR RENT---FRONT DEDROOM algo garage, 92 Alice St, HOUSE, GARAGE, ORCHAED and one acre garden, Park Rd. North. $10 monthly, Apply Dr Beit. (104c) MODERN 4 AND 6 ROOMED apartments, chestnut trim, elec. trically equipped, fruit cell r, continuons hot water, heated, with pg ge, low rental, Phone 269 (104e) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, (NSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa, The nldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 20 reputable Fire Companicas. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- | pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Alex. 8, Ross, 8S, F. Everson. Phone 1834. (15 oct tf) Automobile Loan REASONABLE CHARGES FOR Loans, Refipancinzg of Contracts or the Financing of Private Sales 2to9 pm, A, A, EMMETT 135 King w. Phone 1160 Mornings and Holidays, Bowmanville 39. (8 may e) ITER _------ =, mI = RA MO ee Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND DECORATING. Reynolds and MacDonald. Paint- Ing and paperhanging. Graining and sign writing, Phone 557J. (19 may ¢) (104c) | Real Estate For Sale NOTICE--] HAVE FOR BALE seven acres of land. V'ill sell in one or more acre lote, Apply B. W, Prevost, Orchard View Blvd., North Cshawa, (102¢) FOR SALE--6 ROOMS, HARD- wood floors, chestnut trim, all conveniences, clothes closets, ete. Blinds, fixtures decorated on paved street north. Make offer Box 724 Times. (102¢ FOR BALE--FIVE ROOMED house, with garage, acre of land, at 369 Louisa St. (off Gibbon). Sold as rent. $12 per month, Phone 3033W. (103¢) For Sale or Exchange NICE 5 ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale or exchange, A good car as part payment, Best location, north in city, tive minutes walk from four corners. Apply Box 822 Times, (102¢) Ee a ri re dT me -- Work Wanted GEORGE BEDDI..G, DROCK North, Whitby, Shoeing, genera! blacksmithing, springs and bum- pers welded. Setting spring for car. Phone 449. i (6 may ¢) LAWNS CUT, ROLLED AND fixed, edges trimmed, driveways filled, Prices reasonable, Slater Bros., phone 3193W, (22 May ec) EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAR- ried woman wants position, Gen- eral housework by day or hour. Phone 2903W, (102¢) CAPABLE WOMAN WANTS | work of any kipd. Phone 2153M. (102¢) | WORK ~~ WANTED --PREFER- ably In or near Oshawa, junior matriculation completed, Apply for further reference at 138 King St, E. Oshawa, (104a) Notice THE HUB SHOE SHINE PAR- lor, Hats cleaned and blocked 50c. 15 King West. Phone 2249 (5 may c) Notice to Trappers FURS WANTED--25,000 MUSK: rats wanted to (I! a manufac turer's order. Able tn pay high cash prices. 1, Stein. Phone Sl.reverse charge, Whitby, On. tnrio 116 mav ¢) I a aa 3 Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired. Bclssors, axes ete., called for and delivered. Slater Iros., phone 3103W, (21 Maye) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR. pauline, everything In canvas Phone 2104, George Reld, 66 Bond West. J. J. Turner & Sons. Representative, n (25 may ¢) HOUSE AWNINGS, STORE Awnings, Tents, Tarpaulins, Wedding Canopies for rent. T, Pike Co. Ltd., Toronto, Oshawa Phone 377. (1 june ¢) Dental OR. 8, J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to' X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse In attendance Phone 959, House 1312, Help Wanted Male and Female YOU CAN MAKE $7 DXILY-- Energetic men and women show- Ing mew Window Refrigergtor Housewives enthusiastic, Sells on sizht to every home and apartment, Full or part time. Big season just ahead, Act quickly. Postal Box No. 81, Hamilton. (104¢) ay rr -- -- Male Help Wanted WE REQUIRE TWO NEAT AP- pearing .men immediately, Must be satisfied to earn $15 a week to start, Apply 31 King St. W. For Exchange FOR BEXCHANGB--CHEV. 37 stake hody, 11; ton truck for car. 292 Vimy Ave. (104e) Pets erd Livestock FOR SALE--POLICE DOG, Phone 1895F, (104c FURNISHED ROOM SUIT husiness gentleman. Board op- tional. Apply 110 Colborne $t. East. (104¢) Cleaning and Pressing NORMAN LAMBERT--FRENCH drv cleaning and repairing. Joods called for and delivered. Phone 523. 66 Bagot Street. (23 May ¢) Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--1% cents per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c. Each subsequent tive {insertion word. Three cousecutive {inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three fosertions 60c. loz pumber '0c additional. Professional' or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additiona) word PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department consecu- lc per WOMEN'S PRESS First Women's Page in Newspapers Toronto,--The triennial of the Canadian Women's Press Club, to be held in Calgary in the closing days of June is the occasion for reminiscences of "Kit," who es- tablished in Canada the first Wo- men's Page, J. W. McAree writes in the Mail and Empire: 'It must have been sime time in the early 90's that she came to Toronto from Ireland, and it was the late E. E, Bheppard who first encour- aged her to seek a living by her pen, economic necessity having made it necessary that this high- ly cultivated and widely travelled young woman, alone in the world, should hecome self-supporting, 85 she came to this paper and es- tablished her woman's page. She attracted some very clever cor- respondents and this stimulated her own cleverness and she could answer a personal enquiry in a way not only satisfying to the cor- respondents but delightful as well to all her other readers. She Wanted to Buy WILL PAY CASH FOR coupe or roadster in good condi tiou, Must be cheap. Box 00 Times, (104a WANTED twenty nine, master Must be bargain, Would consid er Cadillac, Give full particular Box 807 Times. (104a Solina News (Mrs. W. T. Baker, Correspondent) Solina, April Z7--The young peo- ples play "Safety First", journeyed to Newcastle on Wednesday ized audience. Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Miller and Clif- ford were guests of Mr.. W. Brown Lyrone, on Sunday. Mr. A, L, Pascoe recently visited at Mr. R. J. Luke's, Kedron. Miss Helen Pascoe of Nink and Miss Bessie Pascoe of Enfield, vis- ited Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs R. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs were Sunday visitors at Seagrave. Regular meeting was held on Thursday in the baseemnt of the church It was decided to have an attendance contest with Misses Evelyn Tink and Helen Baker as captains. Points are being given tor attendance and new members, Misses Helen "and Muriel Baker favoured with a vocal duct. Mr. A. P. McKessock gave a temper- ance talk, Miss Evelyn Tink gave a piano sole, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Bert. Montzomery on the arrival of a baby girl. Mrs. Thos. Baker, Mrs. Capt. Shaw visited with Mrs, F, Thomp- son of Kedron Some of the farmers finished seeding on Saturday, April 30th, at Solina. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ferguson, of Enfield, visited at Mrs. Wm. Mont- gomery's on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, Ralph, Lois and Jack Blackstock were Sun- day zuests of Mr. W. T. Taylor. Miss Aura Rundle, RN. Bow- manville, visited her uncle, Mr. |. S. Rundle on Sunday. : Rev. Mr. Whyte preached a very stirring sermon basing his remarks on Roman 10 chap. verses 12-14, and Mrs. Isaac Hardy took the mission- ary programme in the Sunday School, Attendanee 101. ---------- Well over three million dollars of unclaimed balances are at present in Canadian banks. Evidently every- USED McLAUGHLIN six sedan. night where they were met by a goodly made a kind of family of her de- partment and there is no question whatever that her department was the most distinctive on the paper, perhaps the most widely read in Canadian journalism. "Underlying Kit's success was her warm heartedness, She could write on occasion with Irish fire, but generally it was the Irish - | kindliness and understanding that 5 | shone through her words. She had ) | known a good deal of life for a woman so young, and at the per- lod when we knew her had been twice married, unhappily. In the end as Mrs Coleman, the wife of a stalwart young doctor, she i found the peace of that home life which had been denjed her in her years of activity, It will perhaps surprise any of Kit's old friends who read these lines to know that she was a Roman Catholic, Her maternal uncle was the Rev. Tom Jurke of Dublin, a member of the Dominican Order, He was a noted wit, mimic and orator." : HENRY M. STANLEY ~ WAS CRITICAL OF BRITISH BACKERS London. --Life was not all ad- venture and plaudits for Henry Morton Stanley, explorer and res- cuer of Livingstone, if his last let- ter from Zanzibar before setting out in 1874 on the second attempt to locate Livingstone is a criter- fon, The letter has just been mad» public coincident to sale for 26 pounds (normally $130) at a London dealer's, Written to a friend in England, it contains some trenchant criti- eism of backers of the African ex- peditions: "Face to face with inhospitable Africa. Though I call to my ald all my friendship and esteem for Livingstone to reason otherwise, [ find it diMcult sometimes not to think that he preferred dying in Africa to encountering the hospi- tality and bitterness of his asso- clates." Of various of his assoclaleg th England Stanley wrote: "His hon. oy sweetness palls on me"; -his "Intriguing makes me shudder"; his dogmatic and teaacious hold of wrong opinions wearies me'; and his "indifference is too evi. 1 ) Bg FER SR GR ENERO, ap $600 bays 3 roomed house on good sized lot, Rosehill Blvd. Close to Kingston Highway. Good well water. Apply J. BH. R. LUKE CLUB TRIENNIAL Toronto Writer Recalls 1.15 p.m, 2=RESTS £3 oe 7.15pm, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCH Going W Rates and Carel T. A, GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or Oshawa Waiting Room, § Prince Phone 2263 GRAY COACH -LINEs (Effective, Nov, 22, 1831) (Eastern Standard Time) 04s 7.30 830 9.30 10.5 11.30 Pu. 1230 130 9.30 +--Daily except Sunday. day and Holidays only. Train Service Effective May 1, 1932 (Eastern Standard Time) EASTBOUND 8.56 a.m, Except Sunday, 9.42 a.m. Daily. Ly, Oshawa, 4.42 p.m, Daily, 10.22 p.m, D: 12.04 a.m. Daily. 12.09 a m. Daily 'TBOUND Ly. Oshawa, 4.45 a.m. Daily, 5.10 a.m, Daily. F5.57 a.m, Daily. 4.06 p.m. Daily, on: p.m. Except Sunday, 1 1 p.m. Except Sunday. 917 pm. 1 F--Flag stop to let off Bt Effective May 1, 1932, (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.26 a.m, Da 2.45 Trenton x4.18 p.m. Daily. 11,06 p.m. Daily, 12.08 a.m. Daily. x For Ottawa, Montreal and East on Flag. Westbound 5.52 a.m. Daily. 6.30 a.m. Daily, 3.12 p.m. Daily, 7.82 p.m, Daily, except Sunday, m8.5¢ p.m. Daily, m Toronto and West only--flag. $9 ooe me 338 eas #58 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS 1.5¢ p.m, Except Sunday, «Daily. Montreal passengers. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS ly. Loon Daily, and Sunday. KARN THE DR FOR SERVICE J Pome 78. ExT Te POST OPORY gl ri ----- | NEW LOW PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA V2 Ib. Pkg. 24¢ 1 Ib. Pkg. 47c at all Superior Stores \ For All Gccasions fur Drivers ad St, P! 2425 LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. PM, AM. PM b--Saturday, Sun- a--Sundsy enly Jy JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS Eyesight Speclalist . J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop ONTA10 MOTOR SALES : ED ; 80 King & gg, Phone 900. To t Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not % satisfaction we can r aud make it tel] the correct time, X D. J. BRO THE JEWELER °°. Official Watch Inspectop Canadlap National and awa Railroads \ 20 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 180 HOM, DRUO STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS We Deliver angie? > i i body is not badly in need of money Phone 871 or 68TW Phone 8215 RE RT Si a clothes line po young and old cattle, State, price, SRadlo Service. 3186M. (104c) | Box 917 Times, . 2 (17 may ¢) CENTS Bit Jy a careful inspection of yo Bakes 'ground and test the of your radio. John Mea- gher, 97 Simcoe Nery, 23 May ©) Battery Service WILSON BATTERIES -- ANY- i eo Batteries, More thing Io storage Bat batteries SRE sANCABREN [1] A with: rental $1.00, Called tor and 3 aativorch, Batteries $2.75 and "up. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St. » Phofté 960. tT" Shoe Repairing * TF YOU WANT GOOD SHOE RE- ® pafring phone 672W. Evenings = 2534W. Shoes called for and de- livered. Jack Read, corner Mary -and Colborne, (11 may ¢) (ial | TOST-- BETWEEN McMILLAN Drive and Grooms Ave. a purse cobtaining a sum of money and papers, Finder please return to 246 Grooms. Reward. (108b) GLASSES WITH TOR- toise shell rims, Finder please phone 1109W. © (104b) Wanted to Rent posts. 202 Vimy 104d) ~Peterborough Examiner. FOR. SALE--PO sideboard and Cheap. Apply East, " Barker Morris chalr, Barber "1 Colborne St. GUS BANKE BAR} (104¢) 180 Celina St., corne; tajreutting 16e. R SHOP, | of Ash. All ING R D | (23 may c) tions from Mh J. Pick . by public auction on May 4th, 1932, at 113 ple Oshawa, the following TNETRUC. furniture, 3 plece c¢ p, to sell suite, 6 tube King batteéigqasday, dining room suite, one Yonge St. plate electric stove and sage St. kitchen table and chalrthostertiold machine, number of y radio, single beds complete, on ug, four TILLIE THE TOILER eed WHO'S 1} Your | PRAENO MARITAL VENTED A MACHINE CLEAN AN oS PRESD CLOTHES ANY THING TLE ER UH, BUSINESS | JUS wl PRESIDENT OF C w~E A By Russ. Westover LEAN - A NE Wino WANTS To U MoRER ABOUT Ny PATENT bed complete, 2 dress x, boy's desk, boy's bieycl bit chitfioneer, one secretary nts, 2 card table, one kitchen of rte vacuum cleaner, garden Lo. ,., lawn mower, girl's bicycle, head, dishes and cooking | 4 sils, one 1929 Oldsmobile Sy, of other things - too numerous...' mention. Sale at 1.30 p.m. 71 tags cash, W, J. Sulley, Auction fone ¢ an, to ms ~ Baby Chicks {A 1 4 108) ty {19 evERYTHING ALL RIGHT MUM? Fi THE DU YES SADIE: BUT EXPECT FOR TEA HELL BE HERE ANY MOMENT HAVE THINGS READY. Ok THIS NEW KE OF PIMLICO nN, - of A JEWEL 90 RFFICIINT, AND INTELLIGENT= MAD 19 QR ADIT $14 TO Go THAR TE YTAATS Toronto v Ohad WTR Pin wht the official. residence, | Aherefore $175,000 for the ty and $10,000 for the furni= 3 per cent, and the lease he gave [= i RVID Fipto the C.N.R. was for 814 per cent, nstructions, ac-) He explained that the extra twa | Ftestimony of G. H. lper cent was to take care of amorts Segui vo vesterdav, that Mr. {ization of the principal. i Sezuin completed the transaction | "In other words." said Dr. Peter with the Montreal Trust Company | MeGibbon (Conservative, Muskoka which ended with the leasing of the | "you «got a graft of two per cent, 0 RENT- REFINED smart ap 3 - yA rp] Coe syelia Je a ok: ; ane! i }{ 0X ! rhery, ; ia 4 Pig ond prefered Dione) |pwrk Ba. (30 mag Toronto, ay 4.5% Derry, well known: in and New York financial ¢ died -here today. He had repre- sented several firms on the To- dronto and New York exchanges. paying { v he camp, At present they are engaged in putting up fences, They are their own bosses, their own cooks and chore boys, me ion of had been j@ed. The an attended an BABY CHICKS, CO Hatehing, White Leghorp ¢ Blood tested. ou ib) ay LL condit ] A 3 mt | ET | SERS ARSRRAESIRARERERAAVIARRRES HEH

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