Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Apr 1932, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1932 PAGE SEVEN NY 5 (1) LP THROUGH 14,43 ¢ =, J NFP 7 oy Ne Od " CLASSIFIED Legal ANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- , Solicitor, Notary. Money to n. 11 King St. East, Phone 2. Resideuce 798. (17 teb tf) Dental OM, 8. J, PHILLIPS, OVF sett's. Special attention work, Gas extraction. attendance, 1312, Phone 959. ER BAS- to X-ray Nurge in House IONANT & ANNIS BAPRIS- rs, Solicitors, Notaries Public. ,- Conveyancing and general ractice fn Law. Office 7% Sim- street South,, Oshawa, Phone G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. , Annis, B.A, LL.B, : J.B. N. SINCLAT A, K.C., BANK tf Commerce Building, OBEPH P. MANGAN, B.A., BAR: | ister, Solicitor, Notary Public. onveyancer. Money tn loan, Of- ce 14% King St. East, Osawa. bone 445. Residence phone 837. F'ERS0N, CREIGHTON & raser. Barristers, Ete. Bank of ommerce Bldg, [OUTS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, olicitor, Notary. Money to loan, 6 Simcoe Street North, Phone 7. Residence 2544W PREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- {sters, Solicitors, Etc. 241; Sim- oe St. N. Phcne 8760. Residence 514. Money 10 loan. ENNICK, B.A., BARRIS: 12% hi St. South, Tele- ne 3038-- 56 > "5 sept tf) Medical PR. B, J, HAZLEWOOD, PHY- fcian and Surgeon, special atten- fon given to X-ray work and lectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phones 2050, Office open am, 9 pm. Residence 421 ing Street East. Phone 2416, DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- ein, Accoucher. Office and resi lence King St, East, corper Vic- oria St., Oshuwa, Phone 94, Undertaking sti Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent Wave $4 up. Marcel 60c. quinole and Spiral". Shampoo, Finger Wave $1. coe St. North (note dress). Phone 2968, "Cro- and trim Expert operators only. 79 Sim- new ad- an, 8 aug tf) GENO SHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward a Marshall, experts in all Beauty Culture, Our p wave a specialty. and $10.00, Finger shampoo $1.00, Marcel 'as, scalp treatments a cures, Coffee Shoppe $5.00, wave and nd Grace kinds of ermanent $7.50 50c. Fac- nd manj- entrance Phone aprointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) CORENB JOHNSO} dresser, 92 Church St. ling 36e¢ and finger wa Phene 2188). HAIR: Marcel ving b60c (14 may ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCII dressing and Beauty 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone awa, Ontario. CILLIAN 35¢c at your home or St. Phone 2105, TnL MCLEAN, waving, finger waving, ing and beauty :uiture borough Ave. Phone ments 1230F, ofa RESSING | YELLOW BIRD HAIRD Shoppe. Marcel 35 abe H0e, shampoo B0e, hair Mrs, Dafoe, 137 Ritson Rd. Phone 1255F. ( [URE BURTAL CO., 67 KING t. East. Ambulance, Residence 42 Simcoe Street North. Phone 10J and 210W, DSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F rmstrong & Son, Proprietors. uneral and Ambulance Service flay and night, Phone 1082W. 7 Celina, (4tf) Architects C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL rchitectural work, Second floor Royal Bank Building, ' Phone 1496. Residence phone 909). Auctioneer IPHONE 716J, W, J SULLEY, uctioneer, 346 Simcoe St 8. Dshgwa, Special attention given 0 household furniture sales and rm stock and {mplements. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing ¥. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Bwiss watchmaker, repair shop at 6 King Street West. Your patronage 1s solicited, OPENING SPECIAL iT HAI Zuture, No 38, Osb- 3 nov tf) MARCEL 735 Albert (28 apr ¢) MISS McKENNA, PEKMANENT | marcell- 156 Rox- appoint. 9 apr c) 15¢c. cut 23 apr ) PERMAN- | ne ent waves rezular $5 for $2.75, $15 for $6, Phone T09W, Modernistic Celina, {7 Huyck, Wave Shoppe, formerly 105 PRINCELLA BEAU' hairdressing, Prince. Phone 688% ( Arthur may ¢) ' "SALO marcelling, finger wave 50c. Massages, cures, tinting, hafr trimming, 35¢e; mani- 10 7 may e¢) Articles | For Sale GOOD SOUND DRY g0I Wond. Guaranteed full 1% cord $3. Mixed $2 wood $2.25. A. Wall, cellette Ave, FOR, SALE--THOR Washers and ITroners, Motor Sales, 9 Bond St. (83e FRANK McQUATD, COA dry body wood, slabs, Soft wood. 115 Annis St, ( Hemstitching MEMSTITCHING, 7 CENTS ON mbroidery work, alterations, firessmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 865; Simcoe S. Phone 1656, 5 {ly 81) Transportation DRY ST ABS $2.26 4 « 1 Body Maz 'Coke St, oe $3, Phore Toa Y~ BODY 2 and Maple. Stov cord. Robert Phove 1979W, (15 ICARTAGE AND STORAGE. olemdn's, 85 Bond West, Spec. lalists in furniture moving. Stor- ge warehouse and moving van quipment, Phone 82 Music [.essons EGINALD G. GEEN, ORGAN ist. choirmaster, Simcoe United hurch. Plano, organ, singing. [Phone 3128, Residence 765M. (25 apr c) H Radios "Repaired PHONE 3350) OSHAWA RALIO [Service for radio repairs. Fully quipped to give rellable service. Chas, Wales, (10 may c) OUR RADIO SCIENTIFICALLY repaired, ten years' specializing in repairing on all models, Cal 2806W. Certified radiotrician, (22 apr ¢) ANY RADIO TROUBLE? FOR prompt service, moderate charges, work fully guaranteed, National Radio Service. 3186M. (17 may ¢) DRY BODY WOOD, $3 Claude McQuaid, 54 Phone 1079J, hard, Phone Albert )Y HARD For Kent : APARTMENTS, BURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals. Disney, phone 1550. (140) | roomed finger wave | South, | ls | SATURDAY, measure. | 75. Sof! Phone 2628F (8 may ELECTRIC c) Thickson Ww. 88c 94e) L. CORE. mixed 2423W 2 may ¢) cord, No. 79 John may e¢) DWOOD, e length Christy 292 Cour. | our: [at 1 | Park a N. 0 may cj | 1, cord, St (19 may ¢) FOR SALE -- BODY woord, $3,00. Mixed sla Call W, H., 742). FOR SALE--1 Washers and Ironers, Motor Sales, 9 Bond st. (83%¢ HARD bs $2.75 Thompson, phone a (2s apr ¢) -THOR ~ ELECTRIC Thickson Ww. 88¢ 04c) FOR SALE-- SECOND clothes bought and s HAND old here. Good suits slightly worn, Come and see us, near Loblaw's, 148 Simcoe South, (31 apr ¢) SAND, GRAVEL, C 'TNDERS, black loam. Quality and service. Phones (2 Essery Bros. 332 R 1-1, Arply 28 238 Golf | St, FOR "BALE Chesterfield Suite, nea Reasonable for cash, Times. ~ THREE" 1045J. a 20 may ¢) FOR SALE -- CHILD'S CRIB, (94¢) PIECE rly. new, Box 630 (94b) Palmist GONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on al! watters of im- portance. Parties attended to, 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Busi- ness private, (23 apr ¢) ] oie - Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR. aulins, everything in canvas. hone 2104. George Reld, 66 Bond West. J. J, Turner & Sons, Representative, (25 apr c) Mattresses & Feather Bedt INNER-SPRING MATTRESSES made from Felt, Kapok and Hair Mattresses, Box-Springs recover- el, Feather Beds made into Mat- tresses and Comforters. Box 401, (1 may c) Battery Service WILSON BATTERIES -- "ANY: thing in storage Batteries, More battery per dollar.. All batterios guaranteed. Sales and Service. 14 Church St. (_8 may ¢) BATTERIES HARGED Ws | 7 with rental $1.00, Called for and delivered. Batteries $2.75 and up, Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 960. FOR SALE---JOHNSTON board Motors and Boats. Thickson Motor Bond St. W. 83¢c FOR SALE Gram@phone, with records, Manor, ouUT- Johnston Sales, 9 §8c 4c) PORTABLE in leather case, Apply 8 Simcoe (94c) MANURE FOR SALE--$1.76 A lona, delivered. ] SALE----JOHNSTON FOR board Motors and Boats. Thickson Motor Bond St, W, (83c Phone 2675W. (94c) ouT- Johnston's Sales, 9 88ec Y4c) 'GOOD USED PIANO FOR SALE, cheap for cash, West, 80 Bond Street 95a) FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-- { and repaired. | Auctioneer FOR RENT---6 ROOMED HOUBE and bath, all conveniences, dec- orated, with garage, orchard. Possession April 24, Lease. 282 Nassau St, (921) TO RENT BRIGHT, FRONT apartment, down town, refrigera- tor, Murphy bed. Built in bath. Beach stove, 5 rooms, newly dec- orated, Box 626 Times. (92t1) - SEVEN ROOM 24 Connaught St. Phone 690, (93c) FOIt RENT--6 ROOMED BRICK louse, conveniences, garage, $20. 62 Harold St, Apply 150 Centre st. 4 (93¢c) FO RENT--MAY 187, BIX room modern house, Y{ardwood floors down, paved street, cen- tral, Apply 43 Nassau or phone 1699J, (921) TO RENT--MAY 1ST, 3 UNFUR- nished or partly furnished rooms on bath flat, with heat, electric und water. Apply 86 Wood St, (94c) ROOMED FOR RENT- modern house, FOR RENT -- SIX house, conveniences, central, Ap- ply 76 Colborne St. West, (95¢c) TO RENT FURNISHED eround floor for summer months. Hardwood floors, 2 piece bath, telephone, radio, garage, $25. Apply Box 802 Times, (95h) FOR RENT VERY REASON- ably priced, unfurnished four apartment, all entirely private phone ineluded ences, Heat, wa- Phone (96¢) TWO NICE CLEAN ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, furnished. I'hone 1586) (30 Apr. ¢) FOR RENT f ROOMED BUN- gaiow, hardwbod floors, open fireplace, $20 a month, 158 Roxborough Apply 91 Patricia Ave, "(95a) FOR RENT -- 3 UNFURNISHED or partly furnished rooms, on tath fiat, garage, Phone 2187 (95h) FOR RENT SIX ROOMED house, clean, newly decorated, with half acre garden and fruit . paved street, $15, Phone (95¢e) Auction Sale APRIL 23--1 WITA sell the farm stock and Imple- ments of the late H, A, Farrow, on lot 17, Con. 1, Darlington (one mile west of Bowmanville) o'clock sharp, Terms: On hay, grain, pigs, poultry, furni- ture and all sums of $15 and under cash; over that amount 6 months' eredit without interest. 3% straight off for cash, All not paid. when due, 79 positively he added from of sale until paid. J, W, Clerk Elmer Wilbur, (93¢) Baby Chicks CHICKS ~~ CUSTOM White Leghorns, Bar- Blood tested, bred to Cockerells ten cents, Phone Oshawa Hate hery, 144 (20 may e) ter, 794J, notes will date Balson, BABY Hatching, red Rocks, lay, 1337 Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Scissors, axes etc., called for and delivered. Slater Pros. phone 3 31193W, (21 May e) LAWN MOWERS i SHARPENED &nd repaired. Twenty years' ex- perience, All kinds, E. Bramley, 171 Alma Street. Phone 1258J, vic) So XN Wanted to > Rent WANTED TO RENT---5 ROOM- ed house in Eastern part of city, Box 631 Times, (4c) WANTED BY BUSINESS girl, bed sitting room, suitable for light housekeeping, centrally located, Box 804 Times, Insurance DAVIE AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency In Oshawa, 30 reputable Fire Companies. COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phone 1834. Ales £. Fs, 8. F. Everson. (15 oct tf) Work Wanted GEORGE BEDDI.(G, BROCK North, Whitby, Shoeing, general blacksmithing, springs and bum- pers welded. Setting spring for car. Phone 449, (6 may ¢) GARDENING, ANYTHING IN shrubs, perennials and rockeries built, stock supplied, 'sodding, grading an grassing, Estimates given, Phone 2178M. FIX UP YOUR | and lawns, Cinders, manure for gardens, Phone 2906). (93¢) YOUNG WOMAN, ' RELIABLE desires work, experienced house work, children, practical nurs- ing and store. Phone 1085) (93c) REFINED WOMAN WITH GIR, 10 years desires position housekeeper, Real home appre ciated. Best references cal), Mrs. Bennett, Prince Albert, (28 apr ¢) DRIVEWAYS gravel, loam, Prices low, 26 Box conveni- | LAWNS CUT, ROLLED fixed, edges trimmed, driveways filled, Prices reazonahle, Slater Bros. phone 2192W. (22 May ¢) TOR SALE 7 TUBE ELEC tric radio, 135 Elgin Street Kast (95h) | CG TARDENS PLOUGHED | manure for sale. Phong Automobile Loans REASONABLE CHARGES Loans, or the Financing of Private 2to9 pm. FOR Sales A. A, EMMETT 135 King W. Phone Mornings and Holidays, Bowmanville 739 (83-1mo) Notice THE HUB SHOE SHINE PAR lor, Hats cleaned and blocked 50c. 15 King West. Phone 2549 (5 may 1160 445 CUP and Wednesday evening at the Chip Cafe, 159 EXPERT TEA every Monday afternoon and Modern Fish Simcoe South & Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND DECORATING Reynolds and MacDonald, Paint Ing and paperhanging. Graining and sign writing, Phone 5571. (19 may ¢) Notice to Trappers FURS WANTED--25,000 MUSK: rats wanted to turer's order. Able tn pay ost cash prices. I. Stain 81,reverse charge, Whitby On. t16 mav e1 "Pets "and Livestock CANARY SINGERS, GUARAN- Leed, also some hens. A. KE. Hen- ning, Oshawa Aviaries, 129 Col- horne St. E. hone 19161" (95h) high " Mortgage Wanted WANTED = SMALL FIRST mortgage on good 6 house. __Phone 2152W, (94c) Personal Notice YOUNG LADY WOULD SHARE her furnished apartment with another congenial young lady Phone THAW. (93¢c) ~ Room 'and Board : ROOM AND BOARD WITH ALL (96¢c) | ply 62 Division 'St. conveniences. $5 per week. Ap- (93¢c) Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--1% cents per word, Minimum charge for one In- sertion 30c, Each subsequent tive * Insertion word. Three cousecutive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c Box number "0c Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word consecu- 1c per additional as | (94h) | AND | Refinancing of Contracts | READING | (911) | fill a manufac. | Phone | roomed | PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department (musi- | For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT acres with good houge alg house, all conveni- ence in Oshawa, Apply W H, 241 Ritson Road South Phone (93¢e) 12 good All Seott, 21H8W, Motor Cars 24 FORD COI PE, GOOD TIRES, | Motor Al, $350 cash, Phone T00W, For Exchange THIRTEEN ACRES, SPLENDID | garden land, near Courtice, 6 roomed brick house, electric nvailable, easy terms Client with first mortgage of $850 cash difference up to Two Thous- nd Dollars to put out in one ! mortgage on good Oshawa home Oue hundred acres, ten acres hush, good huildings, good land. Will exchange on good Oshawa property not too high in price, Apply to Disney Real Estate jhone 1550 Male Help Wanted A LARGE CANADIAN LIFE IN nrunce Company has an opening lin Oshawa for an aggressive sulesman Car owner preferred 'pply P. O. Box 1042; Peter- horo, (950) A STEADY POSITION BY YEAR | for good man at fair wages that | | can furnish $300. Money back any time not satisfied in 10 days Aprly Box 805, Times, Female » Help 'Wanted WANTED YOUNG LADY work in refreshment stand assist with housework and wages TO and State 807 (95b) reference Jox Times Poultry WE WILL PAY YOU pound for live hens weighing 6 | pounds, 6% to 6 pounds 21e¢, 5 to 615 pounds 20c, 4% to b | pounds 19¢, 4 to 4'% pounds 18« Kggs wanted ungraded extras firsts 18e, seconds 16¢, cases | loaned. Lewis and Reilly, Regls- tered, 1986 Notre Dame West, | Montreal. (931) FOR SALE -- 1 HEN HOUSE, ' 40 hens, Rocks, Leghorns, Phone 20425J, Apply 196 Celina Street. (95h) "22¢ 20e | | The best sign: of returning nos maley in Europe is the fict that Greece and Austria have applied for new loans,~-Chatham News. Is It Your Liver? Port Lorne, N.S "A few years ago | had jaundice--my liver was in a ter- rible condition, In my right side a little towards the back I had a very sore place. I hurt in doing housework began to writes Mrs 3K "1 wrote BG I feel to Dr and barn, | (9%e) and | (940) | (96a) | A | Pierce's Golden relieved heres STINSON GREETED ~~ 15: AT GENEVA LEAGUE U.S. Secretary of State (sm Meets Statesmen of my 4 uneasy Archie L. Pierce told me | had chronic congestion of the liver and advised me to try Dr, Medical Discovery and the 'Pleasant Pellets', | completely | new person and never had | all winter, w | would have many," I felt other w All druggists. | Europe Secretar Gencya, State tie the States of nporta son has be {ing United | pate in an | parle held {the League | 8¢ it ) Wi I ji meetin onference ¥ got under mm of ex be 14 | Jos eph Paul-Bone | who advocated arn | cording to the h State, ng to take | discussions | ead part in | Approves Principle b= The « roved | prope al that { complished | sive revi has taken gener ble level The Sino-Jay Colone ne I retariat | and Sir John Si Secretary | Minister | moi | ) Sin n Mi ter at lunch, lor Henrich | With then Both Signor Bruening have ety tor the | meeting, son « had | a useful conference where reparations ussed The nineteen the Sino Assembly's stiffened the tor "as soon reg | 5 | stituting | future" | its declaration evacuation, A re | the committee | | har to determine cin reasonably be of the the Departure | the size | that there {in the 1 nace,- Port A a Byng and it J. Thev have in Montreal the recent numbers went over Paul Hy: 1, British Foreign | Bruenn indica success of tl as essential prep; United Henry | fir he nt out speci and then left t ns conterend Ar ur com ts Choral society | 15 Brantford Expositor, iF reduction to th MVErs; Entertaing Grandi ntertaimed For Ding Gra tea with Chancel | K of Germany he talked disarmament, Grandhi ted their ¢ Japanese problens, -phrase "in yar divs solutic mn A An) by pave to the mixed Commission at Shang when wit effected, ash piles indicates has been no. depression business of stoking the rthur News-Chronicle. | Jl annual concert with TIME TABLES WHITBY $s LINES Leavy: Boni maille Oshaws 20 a, 6.55 ani. by m x12, 10pm 1.45 pn. 23 50 p.m about it,' Neaves, Box and he 12 1 50 p.m, Lenve Hosoital a 5 7. and | was like a cold inters | 1.36 p.m, 3.40 pan 445pm 45 pin 7.2% pan. 0.111 Going Weat Leave Leave | Bowrianville Oshaws | Bam, BI am, 10,45 a.m | 215 p.m ts S54pm | «9.15pm 11.40 p.m Leave | Hospital 215 State 12.45 Sti L Ingh-rar ial to mternationa 11.10 p, partici- Reasonable, R outst 'BOWMANVILLE gs East Leuve Arrive Bow. Cshawa 6.50 a.m, 50 a.m. J 31a, 845am 35 am, 12 2 05 nm, 6 05 p.m, 7.45 pam. 2.3 p.m. 11.00 pn, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE | Arrive Whitby 8,45 a.m 11.00a.m, 2.30 p.m, Oshawa Bowmanville 9.40 a.m p.m 3,30 p.m 7.45 p.m and Car J T. "A. GARTON, PROPRIETO Arrive Hospital 6.45pm. iNQURE about our Free Washing and Greasing. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King St, EK, Phone 900 manville 7.20 a.m, 8.15 a.m. Of 1929 ) Plymouth Sedan Ross, Ames & Gartshore UDSON--ESSEX 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 10,00 p.m, 11.30 p.m. Arrive, Hospital 245 p.m 6.45 p.m 10.20 p.m Arrive 10,45 a.m. 12.45 p.m. 4.00 p.m 8.15 p.m m 11.40 p.m For All aR ccations efus Pile ™ BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 OR 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, § Prince St. Phone 2283 GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov, 22, 1931) (Eastern Standard Time) l Phone | LEAVE OSHAWA AM. P.M, 2.9 3.30 30 5.30 6.30 b7.30 8.30 b9.30 10.30 din. 2825 | LEAVE TORONTO AM, 'M 3% | AN 10 Simcoe St. 8. | 1=Daily except Sunday. Dury, Sun. | day and Holidays only. rain ent ue FASTBOU 9.42 a.m. Dail e | Lv. Oshawa, sive step by lowest pos 1.42 p.m, Dail ) question was 2.52 am. Ih dnt {- at the Foreign | of Belgium SHINSO! Lv, Oshawa, 4.45 a.m. Dail x6.30 a.m. Da 4.06 p.m, Da A | West di of Ita and East oe iffective Nov. anxi present | ation tor i ausanne, to be 9.27 am. Daily 12.05 a.m: Daily 1.05 a m. Daily at dis- lag. Westbound 5.56 u.™. Daily 713a.m. Daily 3.12 p.m Daily 2pm Daily, of on 1b- the near possible In Japanese I x19 p.m Daily Httee attitude by | mES4 p.m. Dailv rvice effective February ath ND am, Fxcept £1.01 a.m. Daily. Flag for passenzers Montreal and Fast | WESTBOUND 5.55 a.m. Daily, 648 pm. Fxe m Sunday 7.20 p.m Except Sunday 9.17 p.m. Daily {~Flag for vassengers Port Huron and | ly { x=Stops only to detrain from { CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS 22. 1931 (Stands. d Time) Eastbound o--Sunday enly. | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Sunday 1.44 p.m k xeept Sunday, Montreal Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch /s not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correet time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Rallroads 20 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 180 ~--~HIOMPSn DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY We Deliver REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South 2.40 Trenton Local: Daily, ex. Sun, x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only~ excent Sunday |" m toronto and West only--flag. ull authority After drawal been told revealing Agnes Macphail, described the condition of the Can- adian farmer, there is some eonsol- ation in knowing that the worst has Peterborough: Examiner, M.P, has a NEW LOW PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA V2 Ib. Pkg. 24c¢ 1 Ib. Pkg. 47c at all Superior Stores ROYAL YORK BREAD FLOUR 98 Ib. bag, $2.40 Satisfaction Guaranteed Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. Phone 203 fur- HI" \We buy Old Golc | in said that at | all the a bang.-- Jewelers On ana Silver || | We repair anything bought a Jewelry Store - BASSETT'S Oshawa's Main a Corner || Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always TILLIE THE TOILER-- RS ---------- TWELL MAS INE SEEING YOU HERE, TILLIE on, a uP IN THE SIKKIES, BLL - MEET MR, WHIPPLE TM GOING TO A HER FoR A DANCE , "By Russ. Westover YOUVE BETTING MORE Eontinves] | © g Gurney Electric Stove, like new, and with oven and broiler, Mrs. A. J. Ross, Brock Street North, opposite Rice's Hardware, Whit- by, oso (95¢) FOR SALE -- ELECTRIC RA- dio, complete for $25. John Mengher, 92 Simcoe Street north. J, (95a) NEW HOT POINT 192 Celina (96¢) "OR SALE range, reasonable. Street. : Barber Shop GUS BANKS BARBER SHOP, 180 Celina St., corner of Ash. All baircutting le. #0 (23 apr ¢) IF YOU WANT GOOD SHOE RE- pairing phone 672W.. Evenings 2524W. Shoes called for and de- livered. Jack Read, corner Mary and Colborne, (11 may ¢c) LISTEN: | WANT You TO GO AND FIRE THAT COOK: DHE CAME IN AT THREE THIS MORNING AND SHE JUST NOW GOT UP. I'LL NOT TOLERATE HER ANOTHER DAY. GO FIRE MER: I'VE YES AN ITS LIABLE TO BE THE LAST TIME | EVER SPEAK SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BOILER" EY AFTER ALL MAGGIE 18 RIGHT: SHES GOT YO go- BE GOOD MORNIN®IM SO TIRED FROM DANCIN LAST NIGHT AT THE At: WAGON DRIVERS BALL) KIN HARDLY KEEP ME EYED OPEN- I SEEN YOUL COME IN WITH LARRY DUGAN. THE |\CE-MAN- . A> DID You Have a Good TIME? HELLO - 1D THIS THE HOSPITAL? HAVE A ROOM AN' A COUPLE OF DOCTORS READY: | THINK I'M GONNA BE A PATIENT OF YOURS I

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