Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Apr 1932, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 THROUGH THE 4 Za ¢ 9 Ad = #4 z= >. hy OV a, CLASSIFIED] {ANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- er, Solicitor, Notary Money to oan. 11 King St. East, Phone 8%. Resideuce 798. (17 feb tf) JO ANT & N'S APRIS- ers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, te. Conveyancing and general bractise fn Law. Office 7% Sim- oe Street South,, Oshawa, Phone . G. D. Conant, B.A,, LL.B.; A, J Annis, B.A, LI TB. N. SINCLAT, R.C., BANK Ne Commerce Building, ie - MANGAN, B.A, BAR- r{ster, Solicitor, Notary Public onveyancer, Money to loan. of- fice 14% King St, East, Oshawa Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GUBRSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser. Barristers, Ete. Bank of Commerce Bldg, FOULS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solieftor, Notary, Money to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone 67. Residence 2544W. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- risteps, Solicitors, Ete, 241; Sim- coe St. N. Phcne 3160. Residence 2514 Money to loan, ST HENNICK, BAS, BARRIS ter, 32% Simcoe St, South, Tele- phone 3038-503. "5 sept tf) oN i et oom Medical PRB, J, HAZLEWOOD, PHY- siclan and Surgeon, special atten- ition glven to X-ray work and Flectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phones 2050. Office open 9 am, 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 24186. PR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. gein, Accoucher. Office and resi. dence King St East, corner Vie- toria St., Oshawa, Phone 94. oe Uncertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING St. East. Ambulance, Residence 542 Simcoe Street North. hone 210J and 210W, ! OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral! and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W 87 Celina, (4te Architects €C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work, Second floor Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496, Residence phone 909). Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J SULLEY Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, 8. Oshawa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm #tock and {mpl'ements Your ipatronace solicited "Watch | Repairing iF. A: VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop a 46 King Street . West, Your patronage Js solicited: Hemstitching HENMSTITCAING, 7 CENTS ON mbroMery work, alterations. "dressmaking, ete. The Dell Shop. $2615 Simrcoo S. Phone 1656, 5 {ly 81) Transportation ICARTAGE AND STORAGE. oleman's, 85 Bond West, Spec- alists in furniture moving, Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82 Music lessons EGINALD G. GEEN, ORGAN 8'. choirmasier, Simcoe Unite! §Chureh. Plano, organ, singing i' hong 3128, Residence 765M. (25 apr ¢) " R -- a i lios Repaired [FHON E 3360) OSHAWA RALIO Bervige for radio repairs. Fully pquipped to give reliable service Chas, Wales, (10 may c) YOUR RADIO 8 [FICALLY epaired, ten years' specializing in repairing op all models, Can 2806W. Certified radlotriclan, (23 apr c) NY RADIO ROUBLE? FOR prompt service, moderate charges, work (fully guaranteed, National Radio Service. 3186). (17 may ¢) ME B on oh natters of im. portance. Parties attended to. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Busi- (23 apr ¢) ; 4% canvas. Phone 2104. George Reld, 66 iBond West, J. J. Turoer & Sons, Representative, (25 apr ¢) es & Feather R-SPRING MATTRESSES om Felt, Kapok and Hair ges, Box-Springs recover. jather Beds made into Mat- j and Comforters. Box 401. (1 may ¢! g i Service 7! hing in storage Batteries. More attery per dollar. All batteries Sales and Service. ( 8 may ¢) CHARGED 175¢ ith rental $1.00. Called for and elivergd, Batteries $2.76 and , Stan, Bligdon, 20 Mill St. "hone 960, gre § BANKS BARBER SHOP, 80 Celina St., corner of Ash, All i 16c. : 3 (23 apr ¢) Dental DR. 8. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance, Phone 959, House Beauty Parlors PETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent Wave $4 up. 'Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 60c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and trim $1. Expert operators only, 79 Sim. coe St. North (note new ad- dress), Phone 2968, (8 aug tf) GENO 8 HA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshajl, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00, Finger wave and shampoo $1.00. Marcel 60c. Fac- 'as, scalp treatments and mani. cures. Coffee Shoppe entrance Phone aprointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) ORENE JOHNSON, HAIR dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel ling 36ec and finger waving b60c. Phone 2188J. (14 may ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCH HATH. dressing and Beasty "u.turo No 9 Bradiey Bldg., Phone 3%, Osh awa, Ontarlo. (23 nov CILTTAN McLEAN, MARCEL 35¢c at your home or 735 Albert St. Phone 2105, (28 apr ec) MISS McKENNA, PEKMANENT waving, linger waving, marcel) lng and beauty u ture 156 Rox. borough Ave. Phone appoint. ments 1230F, (29 apr e) YELLOW BIRD HAIRDRESSING Shoppe, Marcel 35c, finger wave 50¢, shampoo 50e¢, Lair cut 15¢ Mrs. Dafoe, 137 Ritson Rd. South Phone 1255F. & (23 apr OPENING SPECIAL PERMAN- ont waves regular $5 for $2.75. £15 for $6. Phone 709W, Arthur Tuyek, formerly Modernistic Wave Shoppe, 105 Celina. [§1 PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON hairdressing, wmarcelling, 35c: finger wave 50c. Massages, cures, tinting, hair trimming. Prince. Phone 688. 10 (7 may ¢ CALL 31 1, bewteen 8 a (92¢) "REE MARCELLING King East, Apt. m. and 8 p.m, Articles For Sale #000 SOUND DRY 80DY HARD Wond. Ginaranteed full measure % cord $3, Mixed $275. Sof wood $2.25. A Wall, 292 Cour cellette Ave. Phone 2628F (8 may c) FRANK MeQUAT D COAL OKF dry body wood, hard, mixed slabs. Soft wood. Phone 2423W, 115 Annis St, (2 may ¢) DRY SLABS $4.25 % cord No 1 Body Mr3le $3, Coke 79 John St. Phore 31086J. (21 may ¢) DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Beach and Maple. Stove length $3 3% cord. Robert Christy Phore 1979W. aL may c¢) DRY BODY WOOD, 1% cord Claude MeQnuald, A Sibert st Phone 1079J. (19 may ¢) FOR SALE -- BODY HARD wood, $3.00. Mixed slabs $2 75 Call W, H. Thompsan, phone 142). (29 apr c) FOR SALE-- SECOND HAND clothes bought and sold here. Good suits slizhtly worn, Come and dee us. 148 Simcoe South, near Loblaw's. (31 apr ¢) FOR SALE-- VICTOR RADIO, Electrola combination, walnut fireside bench, nicker rocker,.up- holstered chair and rocker, ma-. hogany. table, tloor lamps, Reed baby carriage, high chair, new erib, ice box, Hotpomt electric range, sewing machine, dressers; ehiffrobe, Simmons walnut . bed, laundry tubs, bench, lawn mow- er 60 ft, hose, garden fork, rake, ete. Phone 14817, (92¢) FOR SALE--8 PIECE DINING room suite, solld oak In good con- dition. $15. Apply 17 Prince or phone 1751. (02¢) FOR SALE--LAWN MOWERS, Ground and repaired. Bought, 860ld and exchanged, J. O'Regan, 58 Prince st. (92¢) OR SALE -- ONE WALNUT buffet and one dresser, Apply 77 Division St. (92¢) FOR SALE--HOT POINT AUTO- matic 4 burner electric range. Good as new. Electric washing machine, vacuum cleaner, Owner leaving city. 468 Simcoe North. (92c) SALE-- SPRINT coat, tweed, size 36, Fur collar. Perfect condition. Cheap. Phone 2665F, (92h) SAND, GRAVEL, GINDERS, black loam. Quality and service. Fasery Bros. Phones 1045). 332 R 1.1, _-»_ (204may ¢) FOR SALE -- CHILD'S CRIB. Apply 238 Golf | Bt. (94c) FOR SALE -- THREE PIECE Chesterfield Suite, nearly new. Reasonable for cash. Box 630 Times. (94d) FOR SALE -- A QUANTITY OF asparagus, Telephone 443, Whitby, (94a) FOR SALE PORTABLE Gramaphone, in leather case, with records. . Apply 8 Sines Manor. Pde) MANURE FOR SALE--§1. a A loud, delivered, Phone 2676W. (84¢) 4c) ~~ Mortgage Wanted DL 1a $ SNAIL" FIRST mortgage on roomed house, Phone Rav (94c) | notag may ¢) | man- | For Rent APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals, Disney, phone 1550, (140) 0 ROO D unfurnished for light housekeep- ing. 211 Clark St. Phone 1686J. (31 apr ¢) FOR RENT--¢ ROOMED HOUBE and bath, all conveniences, dec- orated, with garage, orchard. Possession April 24. Lease. 282 Nassau St, (921) FOR RENT -- BUNGALOW, French St. 4 rooms, newly deo- orated, oak floors, 3 pleced bath, electric light, garage, good gar. den, Low rent. Goo tenant, Pos- session arranged. Phone owger 825. (92¢) TO RENT-- BRIGHT, FRONT apartment, down town, refrigera- tor. Murphy bed. Built in bath. Beach stove, § rooms, newly dec. orated. Box 626 Times. (92t1) FOR RENT-- SEVEN ROOM modern house, 24 Connaught St. Phone 690, (93e¢) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED BRICK house, conveniences, garage, $20. 63 Harold St, Apply 150 Centre St. = (93¢) FOR RENT--MAY 18T, SIX room modern house, '{ardwond floors down, paved street, cen tral. Apply 43 Naesau or phone 1699), (azn TO Rt RENT--MAY 1¢ 18T, 3 UNFUR- nished or partly furnished rooms on bath flat, with heat, electric and water, (94c) "Auction Sale SATURDAY, APRIL 23--1 WILL sell the farm stock and {mple- ments of the late H, A, Farrow. on 16t 17, Con. 1, Darlington (one mile west of Bowmanville) nt 1 o'clock sharp, Terms: On | hay, grain, plge, poultry. furni- tures and all sums of $15 and under cash; over that amount 6 mouths' credit without {ntereet 1% stralcht off for cash. Al not paid when due, 7¢% will positively he ate of sale until paid, J. Ralson, Clerk. Dlmer Auetionanr, B-by Chicks RABY CHICKS ~~ CUSTOM Hatehing, White Lechorns, Par. red Rocke, Blood tested, bred to 'ay, Coékerclls ten cents Phone 1337). Oshawa Hatchery, 144 Park Rd. N, (20 may ¢) _--_naes w WE WiLL "PAY YOU 2% A nound for live hens welrhing 8 nounds, 614 to & pounds 21c, b to 514 pounds 200, 4% to § nounds 19¢, 4 to 4 pounds 18e¢ "ges wanted un<raded extras "0c, firsts 18¢, seconds 16e, cases loaned, Lewis and Reilly, Reefs. 'ored, 1986 Notre Dame West, Montreal, (93) Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired. Scissors, axes ete., called for and delivered. Slater Rros., phone 2193W, (21 May ¢) DAWN MOWERS SHARPENED 'and repaired, Twenty years' ex- periénce. All kinds, E. Bramley, 171 Alma Street. Phone 1258). a 1u4c) Shoe Repairing iF You WANT GO GOOD SHOE RE- pairing phone 672W. Evenings 2524W, Shoes called for and de- livered. Jack Read, corner Mary and Colborne, (11 may ¢) aii -- a Female Help Wanted WANTED-- SALESTADY BX: perienced in ladles' wear. Apply I. Collls & Sons, 050-54 King West. (82¢) Personal Notice YOUNG LADY WOULD SHARE her furnished apartment with another congenial young lady. Phone 764W. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies. ! A N- pany o? Tanada, Dominion Bask Chambers. Phone 1834. Ales 8. Coss, 8. F. Everson. (15 oct tt) Work Wanted GBORGYE J BEDDI.G, | North, Whitby, Shoeing, genera) blacksmithing, springs and bum- pers welded. Setting spring for car. Plione 449, shrubs, perennials and rockeries built, stock supplied, sodding, grading an grassing, Estimates given. Phone 2178M. (28 apr ¢) WORK WANTED FOR 3 TON panel delivery truck, Local truck- Ing reasonable, G. Slater. Phone 3193W, (92¢) GENTLEMAN DESIRES WORK, cutting lawns or any kind of gar- den work, Phone 980M between fh and 7, (92¢) FIX UP YOUR DRIVEWAYS and lawns. Cinders, gravel, loam. manure for gardens. Prices low. Phone 2908J. (93¢c) YOUNG WOMAN, RELIABLE desires work, experienced house- work, children, practical nurs- Apply 86 Wood St. | added from | Wilbur, | (91 'ng and store. Phone 1985), (93) | REFINED WOMAN WITH GIRL 10 years desires position as | housekeeper, Real home appre- ciated, Best references (must- eal). Mrs. Bennett, Box 26, Prince Albert. (94h) Room and Board | Wanted WANTED BY TWO YOUNG 'adler, two rooms with board entral, Box 625 Times. (92 ec) ~ "Automobile Loans EASONABLE | Loans, Refinancing of Contract r the Financing of Private Sales 2to9 p.m, i . A. EMMETT 135 King W Phone 1160 Mornings and Holidays, Nowmanville 7359, (83. imo) Notice THE HUB SHOF SHINE PAR 'or, Hats cleaned and blocked 50c. 15 King West. Phong 2249 Ta (5 mav c TAYDON CAFE, FISH AND 'hips, tea and bread and butter, Tea eup reading. Mrs, T. Water "ouse. Phone 1964. Wc deliver (891) GXPERT TEA CIP READING avery Monday and Wednesday "fternoon and evening at the "fodern Fish & Chip Cate. 159 Stmeoe South, (91f) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--BY JUNE Ist, six or seven roomed houre, wired for electric stove, Must be central. Box 624 Times, A. (82¢) WANTED TO RBNT--IN BOW: manville, apartment or residence Modern, Poskestion May 15. Ap- ply P.O. Box 329, Bowmanville. a (93h) WANTED TO RENT--8 ROOM- od honee in Eastern part of city. Box 631 Times, (94e) Painting ng and Decorating PAINTING AND DFCORATING, Reynolds and MacDonald, Paint. ing and paperhanging. Graining and sign writing, Phone B557J. (19 may ¢) Notice to Trappers FURS WANTED--26,000 MUSK: rats wanted to fill a manufac turer's order. Able tn pay high. est cash prices. 1. Stein. Phone S1.reverse charge, Whitby. On. (16 may ¢) Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--114 per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c, Each subsequent tive (Insertion word. Three consecutive (nser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number '0c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month tor 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department cents consecu- ic per Lost LOST--SMALL CHANGE PURSE Time (92¢) receipts. Finder leave at Office, Re ward, For, Sale or Rent "OR SALE OR RENT--2 STORY frame house, Bloor §St, . East teasonable rent, or to Grierson & Creighton. (92c) FOR SALE OR KENT --- 12 acres with good houses and barn = | also good CHARGES FOR | | 78 FORD COUPE | 709W house, all conven! mees., All in Oshawa, Apply W 1. Scott, 241 Ritson Road South Phone 2158W, (93 Motor Cars GOOD TIRES casl "hone (93¢) Wanted to 'Buy WANTED 5 TO 10 ACRES with small house, Would rent or 'ease, or exchange house In Osh awa for same, State whether Hydro and telephone available, Dey 629 Times (93h) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD WITH ALL ronYenlances, $5 per week. Ap oly 62 Division Bt. "For Sale or "Exchange FOR SALE OR BEXCHANGE= 85 acres, rolling, about 40 acres workable, some bush, frame houre and barn. Immed| ate porsession. Small mortgage, Will take small property in ex- 'hange, See Disney, oppo: te Post Office, 02e) WILL IXCITANGE --EY cow, milking, for work horse. D, A. O'Donnell, Thornton's Cor- ners, (94a) SLE Motor Al. $50 For Exchange THIRTEEN ACRES, SPLENDID garden land, near Courtice, 6 roomed brick house, electric available, easy terms, with first mortgage of $850 and and Dollars to put out in one niortgage on good Oshawa home. One hundred acres, ten hush, good hulldings, good land. Will exchanre on good Oshawa property not too high in price. Apply to Disney Real Estate, phone 1560. (94c) nae Educational OUBENS STUDENT WILL TU- tor French and German, Phone 7 (94a) T WHITBY RATION OF TOWNSHIP OF NOTICE OF REG BY-LAW TIME TABLES = NOTICE Is hereby given that a by-law was passcd by the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Township of East Whithy on the 4th day of April, 1932, providing tor the issue of debentures to the amount of $85,000.00 for the purpose of paying the floating debt of the Corporation and that such by-law was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Ontario on the 13th day of April, 1932. Any motion to quash or set aside the game or any prirt there- of must he made 'within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter Dated the 14th day 1932 of April, G. PURVES, Clerk (88, "Notice to Creditors S.0, 1027, Chapt. 150, Sec, Bi. BSTATE of CLARA GERT- RUDE CRANE, Married Woman, | 2, 94, 100) containing quantity of money and [{SERTRUDE | City of Oshawa, Deceased. ALL PERSONS against the Estate of CLARA CRANE, late of the in the County of Married Woman, de- who died on or about the Twenty-First day of February, A.D. 1922, at the Town ofg Mim- eo, in the County of York, are ereby notified to file with the | indersigned, on or before the Twenty-Seventh day of April, A.D. 1932, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after 'aid date, the assets of the' de- ceased will be distributed having claims Ontario, ceased, Phone 416.1 6 | ! hn | tiled {93e) 1m small | amongst those entitled thereto, regard only laim to cla BL) at Oshawa, the Sixth il, A.D. 1922, INCLAIR, KC. | & Ontario | (33 DATED Fister, Oshawa | LI KILMARNOCK" BURNS SOLD a "Kilmar- | id recently 1 ir exchange Had ric t the price probably would have touched the record ol 800), Burns honed to raise $125 by the "poems, cl liefly in the Scot- tish dialect," which were prigted at Kilmarnock in 1786, to take him to the West Indies. His work was so successful that he was induced to| tay in Scotland. Nearly 30 years go the "Veiteh" copy of the "Kil- | irnock" edition was bought for | the Burns Museum for $5,000, and | t was an extravagant | t years the mar- steadily mount- t ber considered purchase. In recen cet price has been ng up to $10,000, | ROAD-RAIL CLASH IN | ENGLAND | So bitter has become the contro- | versy between railway and highway transport systems in England that | Client | report by cash difference up to Two Thous- | acres | fare the Government has just appointed [4 committee to investigate facts re- | | lating to the total costs af the high- | ways svstem, the contributions of [1 the different classes of users, and the regulations which should be ap- | | lied to freight transport by road {and by rail. The committee is to the end of July, This will be a preliminary to a review of the whole problem by the | Government, it being considered that an altogether unregulated war- in the sphere of heavy goods cannot be permitted to continue in- definitely, neuir PLANES MUST RESPECT GAME | 2 Following the recent attack on "roadhogs of the air" bv the Earl of Onslow in Nairobi, Fast Africa may pass a law protecting game | LEAVE OSHAWA | AM. P.M, , «1.30 | P.M. £3 "head. WHITB OSHAWA, NSOVWMANYVILLE bug by Ses (Effective on and & ter January 24, 1932) t Leave iid Arrive Arrive Bow il Ushaws Whitby lospital ,20 6.55 a.m. Ham £05a.m, an, 9.05 a.m. aan, 10,30 a.m. 212.10 p.m SE MT gn: P33 in MOS eo rnnRO om Es is & ESNmmey BESTE Ppa sussree ArmiE whasE tiv ---h ta 1 oesePap 3 pshEsisd Qe Fata seaysks Sas NS wes ES COND WAL ~~ ES osounay 11,00 p.m. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Ceing Weat Leave Leav Arrive Arrive Bowr.anville Oshawa EsOam. £30 am, 10.45 a.m. 25pm, 20pan. 2 61S pm 5.30 6. 9.45 p,m. 10,08 p.m, 1210 pan. 12.30 p.m. Going East Leave Leave Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 9.25 a.m 940 a.m, 10.45 a.m 120pm. 1215p.m 12.45 p.m 310 p.m, 3% p.m. 4.00 p.m 15pm. 7Wpm, 7.45pm. Rl5pm "03pm 105%pm 1.10pm 11.40 p.m Special Busses For All Gecasions Reasontld, fates and Carefus Drivers T. A, TON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 346 Oshaws Waiting Roomy; 6 Prince St, hone GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov. 22, 1931) (Eastern Standard Time) Phone 2825 LEAVE TORONTO AM, PM 1C.15 a.m t 'Wpm, «S40p mm, L915 pm. 11.40 p.m, Leave Hospital 250 p.m 8.45 2.50 3 4.3 5.30 6.20 b7.30 7.30 8.50 9.30 10.3 11.30 P.M, 17.9 8.30 1.30 10.30 11.30 LE 4.30 5.3 "3 b7.30 [A 1 ho, 30 mie 2.30 b9.30 10.%¢ 1.30 din 2.30 11.30 +=Dally except Sunday. b---Saturday, Sun. day and Holidays only. d--Sunday enly CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS rain Service r.ffective February 4th EASTEOUND Ly. Oshawa, £55 am Except Sunday 7.42 a.m Daily | p.m Except Sunday, 11.42 p.m Dale, 10,22 p.m. Daily 12.5 am [nily, 1.01 am. Daily {Flag tor passenzers Montreal and East ESTBOUND Lv. Oshawa, 4.45 a.m. Daily, 5.55 a.m. Daily, x4.30 a.m Daily, 406 pm Daily 648 pm Except Sunday 7.20 p.m Except Sunday 9.17 o.m. Daily {Flag for vassengers Port Huron and West x~Stops only to detrain from "Montreal | {ame East, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22, 1931 (Standa.d Time) sthound 27 a.m. Dail .40 Trenton Coeal Daily, ex. Sua I¥ p.m Daly, 05 am. Daily, 05 a m. Daily. x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only- ag. Westbouna 5.56 a.m. Daily, 713a.m Maily, 312 pm Daily '78R2p.m Date, m8.54 p.m. Dailv m-loronto and West only--flag. except Sunday. from pilots inconsiderate of wila at, Lord Onslow applied the term quoted to airmen who swoop- ed down from the clouds and stam- peded herds of game. Wing-Com- mander Harris conducted experi- ments from various heights. He concluded that a stampede produced by high-flying aircraft will last much longer than that produced by low flying. He failed to see any- thing abnormal in the behavior of game when an aeroplane was over- Wing-Commander Harris added that he favored a law pro- hibiting deliberate chasing. Hospital | |= buys 3 tooncd house on | good sized lot. Rosehill Blvd. Close to Kingston Highway, Good well water. Apply J. H. R. LUKE Phone 871 or 687TW JURY & LOVELL'S ht OPTICAL PARLORS ] J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. i Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 {| INQUIRE about our Free Washing and Greasing. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King st, E. Phone 900 1929 Plymouth Sedan Ross, Ames & Gartshore || HUDSON--ESSEX 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh-. awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 180 HOMP, DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver 4 REPAIRING { Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty | FELT BROS. i Established 1886 | N12 Simcoe St. South KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE J78. NEXT TE POST PPD ™ HANA 5 LUNCH 2uNT on To THE OFFICK, TILLIE + By Russ. Westover IT MAKES ME SORE BEVERY TIME | THINK OF THAT LITTLE SHRIMP Tye TO GET YOU TO WELL, BUT HE ESNT v HERE, SUNDOWN YOU EAT (T. - M NOT HUNGRY JI SUH BY 4OLLY= THAT COOK MUST BE FIRED - BUT } KNOW SHELL PUT UP A BATTLE: SO LL TAKE NO CHANCED A% SHED AS STRONG AD AN OX= VE A SUSPICION SHE KNOWS SHES GONNA GY THE GATE HELLO' 1S THIO THE HARDWARE STORE ? WELL SEND AN AXE OVER RIGHT AwAY= | GLESS THE ONLY THING FER MAGGIE

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