THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 ~ ADDITIONAL SPORT Oshawa Bowlers Visit Peterborough, Getting Even Break in Games 'A party of ten bowlers from the city, made up of five ladies and five. gentlemen, paid a return visit to Peterborough last night breaking even on the night's play. The ladies of the party saved the good mame of the Motor City, wnining two out of three of their games while the men dropped two out of three. The party were the guests of Mr. Duffus, of the Duffus Bowling Alley and enter- tained the teams at Junch fol- Iswing the games, The Oshawa Ladies team was made up of Mrs. Harding, Mrs, V. Moore, Jean McDonald, Clara Hopper and Eileen Pipher. The men's team was composed of the following, Lloyd Magill, Jack Purdie, Tom Kaiser, Harry .Price and Cliff Rendal, Wild Pitching and Poor 'Fielding Spelt Defeat | for Toronto Ball Club Jersey City, April 21, -- Two runs were all the Leafs were able to get in the fourth game of their get with the Skeeters yesterday and they didn't get these until one man was out in the ninth. Then, with Frank Doljack on first, Ray Fritz propelled a home run drive into the right field seats and deprived Ed. Pipgras, brother of George, of the Yankees, of a shutout, The Pests had 11 tallies when this happened, having made five off John Milligan and six off Earl Cook, the pair handing out 11 gifts during the scrap, The only explanation for the reversal in form by the home athletes was that they heard the news that Brooklyn was to take over the club. Rumor has al- most crystalized into fact. It: the Dodgers do take charge the Pests may have a new man- exer before long and many new 'players, too. In with Brooklyn on the pro- 'posed purchase of the Jersey City Club are Dave Driscoll, general manager of the Dodgers, who is a native son; Frank Donnelly, former business manager of the Skeeters, and James Callaghan, Wewark contractor, ° Getting back to the ball game, the' Leafs were in it only for a ¢hort time, Commander Tom Daly practically conceded defeat when he let Earl Cook, the Tor- onto sandlotter, finish up for Mil- ligan, who never has had a re- markable record for going the route. Five Runs Off Milligan Jobn passed two men in the first, one in the second and two in the third, which round he didn't finish, A double play nulli- fied the gift received by Mor- row in the second inning and one of: the runners in the first perish- ed because the succeeding bat- ter forced him, But three of Milligan's compli- mentaries were cashed at the plate by their recipients. The other two runs off John were Gredited to the pastimers who 6b- talned all the hits which num- bered two off him--Messrs. Claney and Barnhart, "= StUhile Milligan was pitching "the residents stole two bases and after Cook swung into action they filched four more. Captain Bill Hunnefleld was the master thier with three larcenies and he obtained four of the gifts Milli gan and Cook bestowed. It wasn't his birthday either. Pipgras had the command the 'two Toronto pitchers lacked. Ed. began the game by dead-heading fax and then hung out the sign "ree list positively suspended.' The Leafs collected seven hits, all wasted but the last two, ' Up to the seventh Pipgras, right-handed like his American League brother, had permitted two safeties, a bunt by McHenry and Stack's double. @ince its foundation 72 years d4go, the Providence House for gees, Spitalfields, England, hag- given 5,300,000 free meals for the homeless. Everyone Past 40 Should Make This Test and Lasting Relief Age Allmeilts That Annoyance and ital Force For from Uause Sap No longer need folks near or 'the prime of life put up with h'ose painful and often embar- rassing conditions brought on by overworked, sluggish Kidneys, or Bladder Weakness with their dis- treasing symptoms of Lameness, Pains in back and down through groins, scanty but frequent and burping urination, "Getting-up- Nights," and Nervous Irritability -- use a ten days' test of Dr. Southworth"s URATABS will con- vince. the most skeptical of the value of this special treatment for their particular case. . Amazing testimony of Physi- clans and users gives convincing )f of the power of URATABS 0. réstore Health and Strength to a weakened, inflamed or irritated Bladder and Urinary Tract. A multitude of alarming symptoms seem to quickly disappear--and you gée and feel a truly genuine improvement often within two or three days, "'No more Backaches, no. more pain, no more embarrass. ment or Getting-up-nights. I now oo ound: and get a in the m ng full of 'pep,' thanks to URATABS!"" While new to the, general pub- le, the: wondrous value cf URA- TABS has been thoroughly proven ye of successful use in the 4 go. | Practice of pr. HVC, outhy . And now any good druggist will supply them on a guarantee of sat Maction or mon- ey back. Try URATABS to-day. Xe Haverson's Grocery Member Federal Group We have not lost sight of the fact that the public still want and demand quality, as well as price. It is om intention from mow on as in the past to give you both quality and price, The lat- ter will be more apparent to everyone as the weeks go by and our new buying power comes into effect, 'Hunt's Orange - Marmalade, 40 oz. 25¢ Rolled Oats, ..6 Ibs. 22¢ db, Ze 29¢ 27c Arrowroots Anthony Signs Toronto, April 21. -- Another cog was removed from Bramp- ton's championship lacrosse collec tion yesterday with Bill Anthony signing to play for the Leafs in the professional box cir- cuit, The acquisition of Anthony gives the Leafs the complete "pony Express', that carried the Excelsiors to the Dominfon title fn the big field game last year and captured the Mann trophy, for 'Bucko McDonald, Mooney Gibson and Oddie Core joined thi Leafs earlier in the week, The Maple Leafs now have sev- en home men, for besides the "Pony Express" from Brampton Toots White, Bill Davis and Norm Zimmer of last year's white with the big Leaf crest. With seven stars for the front line the Leafs now have a big problem to back them up with a reliable defence. Offers have been made to sev- eral outstanding amateurs to take positions on the Leafs' rear- guard, but none have been ac- cepted vet, Gord Thom of Marl boros, nee St. Simon's, is the man the Leafs are anxious to get, and it would not he surprising to see the popular athlete join the pro- fessional ranks before the end of the week, The Leafs are also after Ollie Burton, another Brampton regular, who is at present work ing out with the Tecumsehs, Dou- ghty Spring, the veteran from the Pacific Coast, is expected to join the Leafs to-day. Besides the defence men the Maple Leafs need a goaltender, and Walker Wilson, former Wes- ton netminder, may be secured to fill the position. Paddy Shannon, former Oshawa goaler, who play- ed with Cornwall last year, has been talking to Maple Leaf offi- cials about the job. Baseball Record INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. 6 2 760 1650 bT71 500 B00 376 283 250 - Rochester ... . Baltimore «cee... Reading .. Toronto Jergey CIty +o 0. Montreal ... vaess 6 Yesterday's Results Jersey City. .11 Toronto Newark. .....11 Rochester ... Reading..... 4 Buffalo 9 Montreal ,... AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Detroit 2 Washington New York .. Cleveland Chicago .... . Philadelphia ..... St. Louis .... Boston teen vee aomaMmane "es Yesterday's Results Washington... 4 Boston New York... 8 Philadelphia Detroit. ..... 2 Cleveland : St. Louis.... 5 Chicago ...... NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lbst Boston 2 Cincinnati Chicago ... Philadelphia Brooklyn Pittsburg St. Louis ... ... New York ....... +s Bb 2 Yesterday's Results New York...14 Philadelphia , § Pittsburg.... 7 St. Louis ..... 0 Cincinnati... 7 Chicago ...... 2 National REDS SPOIL OPENER Chicago, April 21 -- The Chicago Cubs fajled to even get into gear yesterday as the Cincinnati Reds turned on some of their newly ac- quired power for a 7 to 2 victory in the opening home game of the National League campaign. TWO HOMERS FOR TERRY Philadelphia, April 21--With Bill Terry again in the lead New York Giants went on a battling rampage yesterday, smothering the Phillies under 17 hits to win, 14 to 5. An opening<day crowd of about 12,000 saw the slaighter, FIFTH LOSS FOR CARDS Pittsburg, April 21 -- Another home-town boy made good yester- day and the Pittsburg Pirates blanked the world champion St. Louis Cardinals, 7 to 0, in the sea- son'sbopener at Forbes Field, with Toronto Maple | Butter Cups tb, 3lc Swiss Chocolate ..1b, 31c Heinz Catsup ....2 for 37: XXX Pastry, the stand- ard of quality for fifty Breakfast Bacon, choice quality 2 1b, 25¢ Phone 757-758 Toronto | team will also wear the blue and | fourth, the Newark Bears yesterday decisively defeated the 1931 Iater- national League champions, 11 tv 7, BIRDS OUTHIT ROYALS Baltimore, April 21 -- Smacking Claset, Pomorski and Beam for 11 hits, the Orioles defeated the Mont- real Royals, 9 to 4, in the fourth game of the series yesterday. Jack Hopkins held the visitors to five hits, while Ralph Boyle led the Oriole attack with a triple, double and a pair of singles, merican A's HURLERS SUFFER New York, April 21--Back at the old home stand for the first time this spring, "Babe" Ruth leaped lightly from his sick bed yesterday afterncewy, clouted the great Grove for his fourth home run of . the campaisn, and otherwise contributi- ed to an artistic triumph for the benefit of 60,000 spectators -- the greatest crowd that has witnessed a baseball' game this season, The score was 8 to 3, SENATORS WIN IN NINTH Washington, April 21 -- After Danny MacFayden and Bobby Jurke had pitched gilt-cdged ball through eight innings Boston scored a run in the ninth to break a dead- lock, but Washington scored two in its turn to defeat the Red Sox to- day, 4 to 3 International 3 RALLY IN NINTH Raul 8 ig terday ar n the ninth to v heck Buffalo's SIX " BEARS OUTHIT WINGS Newark, N, J, April ( back with two big : 2 gs after R hester had scored five times in the ! TIGERS WIN CLOSE ONE | Cleveland, April 21--~George Uhle let down his former Cleveland mates | with but five hits and wave the De- troit Tigers a 2 to 1 victory vester- day , | Make New Buildings | Suit Lake District Manchester, England A move- ) YOUR CLOTHING PROBLEM SOLVED AT ALLEN'S You can be well dressed at all times without missing the money with the aid of our Budget Plan. IT'S EASY--CONVENIENT ~--CONFIDENTIAL. (0 ATS A dash of the "Military" is noted in this season's coats. *Crepey wool--with scarf, high belted waist and many buttons. Or luxurious fur trimming on either collar or cuffs. SUIT Suits--Military, Wide Bell Sleeves with vicyna trim- * ming or indivdiually tailored models of serge, all with the high waisted skirts. L DRESSE Smartly fashioned to the latest Paris and New York v commands. A very large assortment. Suitable + for any occasion. Moderately priced. SAVE YOUR BUS FARE We will be more than pleased to allow you $2.00 on any purchase of $135.00 or more, on presentation of this ad. In this way you sav: money and wo in turn will have the opportunity of co-operating with yow, liemember--this ad is worth $2.00 to you, PAY WHILE YOU! EARN BE WELL DRESSED Use Your. Credit | 4 We OPEN EVENINGS LIMITED EVENINGS ment is under way to ensure that the heautiful Lake District shall not he | being erect that part of Fng | sored dritish | 1, the movement being spor the Royal Institute of | Architects and the Society for the | he servation of Rural England, with | | { | | 1 { ipproval of the Mistry of Health Evers authority in the Lake Dis « [trict recently received a copy of a pamphlet which announced the for | mation of architectural panels which offer voluntary help in the scrutiny { plans and designs submitted to | local authorities for their approval These panels were originated hy the | Roval Tn of British Arch + the S ects and for the Pro ' Rural England ng its appeal the Lake yeiety of | In intr spoiled by unsuitable buildings y | lg 330 YONGE ST., TORONTO. ONLY ONE BLOCK AWAY FROM THE BUS TERMINAL a" | { --_y -- and planned by Director Roxas the bureau of plant in dagtry Hie has ordered the pur chase of an airplane for immedi in scouting the infeste declares that the pre too old, | author, playwright, attorney and | (a authority on garden village plan ring, died suddenly in his arm chalr at Lefston, England The last entry in his diary made the | Pp night Lafore, read: 'Seized with | 4 tightness from rib to rib A new horror, What does this mean?" ich dis felt that shouid be given to their appearance than is the case at present. | will that l materials are the that the introduction haracteristic features of ws should be ourag District paig Pmarks the distr IDalEn n the per and local could not be of roads mi , {« more of considerat use ares , He gent plane | veryone agree appro- ol our most | James Miles, of Shirley, Eng | 1and, celebrated hig 101st birth | day by making ladders, having been a ladder-maker for years, seen ir I sildin it 1s enc 4 ANTI-LOCT Locust infestation in Davao, l.auao and Cothato provinces of the Philippines, is to be checked, | it not wiped out, according to a to put up buildin "New bu DEATH ANSWERS THE BELL" Layin dow W Valentine Wil iams' book, "Death Answers the Be!l," Glencairn Stuart Ogilvie, Glasgow, Scotland, .may in crease fares on municipal busses, thereby add Only 2 More Days The Time MOVING SALE and Save FOUR-PIECE Bedroom Suite SOLID WALNUT FRONTS AND TOPS, VENETIAN MIRRORS. REGULAR $119.00. MOVING SALE FOR $82.50 COMPLETE STOCK OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS WILL BE SOLD--DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY -- MANY SPECIAL VALUES--STOCK MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST. Reliable House Furnishing Co. 140.142 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH GIGANTIC Only 2 More Days CASH In order to save MONEY in moving our entire Furniture Stock to cur new and larger premises 63 KING STREET EAST, formerly occupied by the Luke Furniture ; ; x iY Dn ) Ccmpanygwe are put- A 3 ) RG g< ting out our up-to-date HC alii v resell ha. Cal a AAT A A - = Sra Addi RA fo \ NZ ~ Pay Cash and Save furniture of every des. cription at ridiculous 3 : RA prices. Everything in ) } pi the store, Chesterfields, 'Bedroom, Dining Rocm and Kitchen Suites, Baby Carriages, Linoleums and Lamps, etc., must go, regard- less of cost. Nothing is held in reserve. 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite COVERED IN DOGCLOTH, GUARANTEED CONSTRUCTION, REVER- SIBLE CUSHIONS -- DURING THIS SALE AT ONLY wm $65.00 MANY OTHER SUITES ON SALE Act quickly! If you wish to take advantage .of the Reliable House Furnishing Co's. Gig- antic Moving Sale. OPPOSITE SALVATION ARMY BELT BLOCK