Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Apr 1932, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1932 [EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | Officeys Elected Carleton Vlace, -- The annual mecting of the Carleton Place branch of the Canadian Legion was geld in the council chamber when the following officers were elected jor the current year: Honorary pre- sident, Douglas D. Findlay; presi- lent, Robert A. Patchell (second term) ; first vice-president, Dr, Ivan W. James; second vice-president, Major. W. H. Hooper, executive committee, Ed. 'Stoddard, Frank Welsh and Horace Sedman, Secre- tary-treasurer, Sam Dunfield will be re-appointed by the executive com- nuttee, ilonour Grand Soverign «Kingston. --Arrangements are be- ing made by the County of Fron- tenac Loyal Orange Lodge to ten- der a banquet to Hon. TF. A. Kidd, Grand Sovereign of the Grand Lodge of British North America, in this city the latter part of this month, but it was stated today that the date had not yet been definite- ly fixed. It is expected that a num- ber of distinguished members of the srder from various parts of Canada wilt attend the event, Golf Club Met Perth, -- The following ofiicers were elected for the current year at the annaul meeting of the Links O' Tay Golf and Country Club, Perth; Board of directors, H. A. O'Donnell, Dr. M. R. Wilson, EE. B. Code, S. J. Kirkland, Dr. L. Thompson; greens committee, C. A, Canipbeli, G. C. Townsend, A, L, Code; match committee, Dr. L. Thompson, cap- tain; J. V. Watson, vice-captain, and L. Stephenson; auditor, T. J. Maher, The newly elected directors were empowered to engage a pro- essional for the coming season Farewell Dance Kemptville.--The annual farewell dance in honor of the graduating students was held in the gymnasium of the Kemptville Agricultural School, The place was tastefully decorated in the colors of the school and excellent music was furnished by an orchestra from Winchester. About 250 guests were present, in- cluding the students of the school, their friends, former graduates of the institution, and prominent re- sidents of the town. Picton.--During the past week the Prince Edward County Fruit (; ers' Limited have made final pay- ment to members i thi apple crop. In all, over paid out, these being ne 1 tirns from the crop, Messrs, HH. 8 Colliver and Howard Leavens, who were managers of the plant, state that the entire pack has heen sold. The Central Packing Plant and Cold Storage plant was first oper- ated here durinz the past season, and judging by the returns to grow- crs was a very worthwhile project. $72,000 was « Seaching for Boys Kingston--~The Kingston police have been asked to assist in the search which is being made for Vin- cent Simones, aged 13 years, of Brockville, who has been missing from his home since Thursday morning, when he started out to go to school. The missing lad is de- scribed as being four feet tall, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes and was well dressed in long blue trous- ers, black sweater and tweed cap. Was Badly Injured Kingston,--When the automobile in which he had been given a "lint" was ditched nine miles cast of King- ston, on No. 2 highway, James Ly- ness, believed to be from Ottawa, was badly injured. He is in the General . Hospital here suffering from fractured right' leg and leit arm and head injuries. Lyness, who said he was hiking, was picked up between Ottawa and -Kemptyille by Michael Stopeck, of Toronto, who was on his way home from Ottawa Mechanic Injured Kemptville.--William A, Todd, 28, mechanic, was the victim of a pain- ful accident. Todd was assisting Joe Wilson, of the Central garage, in towing a -car to a point cast of Van Allen's Corners, the car became stuck in the mud and Todd attemnpt- ed to crank it, when the motor sud- denly started and the crank was thrown out of the socket with great force and struck him on the right side of the face, inflicting a severe gash on the cheek. Bishop Honoured Kingston. -- Bishop John Lyons will receive an honorary degree of doctor of divinity from Trinity Col- lege at the spring convocation of that institution on April 21, Bishop Lyons was educated for the ministry at Trinity College and on his elec- tion to the Bishopric of the Diocese of Ontario his Alma Mater request- ed him to accept this degree as a tribute to the work he had in his chosen field of endeavour done Reduce Estimates Ottawa.--The County requircs $488,630.18 for all purposes for the present year according to the levy prepared for 1932 and pass ed at a meeting of the county coun- cil. This shows a reduction of $30,- 8065.03 as compared with the levy of 495.21 for 1931. The reduction n the levy is attributed to the sur- pl of $8389.31 shown on last d the fact that t oily have to pay tead of 20 percent Age nen ne of Carleton t of ol To Attend Zall Ottawa.--The following - guests have signified their intention of be- ing present at the garrison ser- geants annual ball at the Chateau Laurier on Friday, April 15: Major: | stiltons, 15%c. PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers .are buying produce at the following prices: ¥ggs -- Ungraded, cases re- turned, fresh extras, 14c; fresh firsts, 12¢; seconds, 10c. Butter -- No. 1 Ontario cream- ery solids, 27% to 27%¢c; No. 2, 26% to 26%; cents, Churning cream --- Special, 24c; No. 1 23¢; No. 2, 20c f.0.b. shipping points, Cheese -- No. 1 large, colored, paraffined and government grad- ed, 111% to 11%e. Dressed Poultry Alive A D Spring broilers, over 115 1bs, Chickens, over b 1bs. each .. Under 6 1bs, each 10 Fatter hens, over 5 Ibs. each .... 12 Over 4 to 6 Ibs, each .. Over 3 to 4 each .. Young Turkeys, 8 12 1bs. .. Ducklings, over Ibs. each vis Over 4 to 6 lbs. each ......... Old roosters, over 6 Ibs. each Cuinea fowl, over Ibs. each .. (Selling) Toronto dealers are ivan 1 Ibs. to 5 " ° offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs -- Fresh extras, in car- | 21c; fresh extras, loose, firsts, 17c; reconds, 15c, No. 1 creamery, No. 2 creamery 2 tons, 19¢c; Butter -- prints, 29c; prints, 27ec. Cheese -- New, large, 13c: twins, 13%c; triplets, 13%¢c; new Old, large, 18¢; twins, 184c; triplets, 1814c; stil tcne, 20%e. Poultry -- Chickens, 3 to 6 lbs. 2%¢ 1b.; 4 to 5 1bs,, 22¢; 3 to 4 ths ,, 20c; under 3% lbs, 28c. Hens over 3 Ibs, 20 to 23c; 4 to | 5 1bs., 22¢. Ducklings, 22 to 26c. H. McBrien, C.B, CM. (5, D.S.O., Conmissioner R.C.M.P; Colonel J. A. Gillies, V.D., Com manding 8th Infantry Brigade; Col- onel F, B. Inkster, V.D., Command- ng 2nd Mounted Brigade; Colonc! L.-R. LaFleche, D.S.0., ADC; and also the fficer (reneral J )., the iri Gar Spoke at Brockville Kingston, -- Herbert C. Trencer, Kingston, recently of Oshawa, of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind was the speaker at the meeting of the Brockville Rotary Club on Monday. Geese, 15 to 18c. Turkeys, 23 to b ec. 'TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are the quota- tions, retail, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto: Produce Kegs, extras, doz. .. Do., firsts, doz, . Do., pullet extras Putter, dairy, 1b. .. 0.20 Do., creamery, 1b. 0.32 Fruits and Vegetables-- Apples, bus, ......, 1.00 Bavpanas, doz. Pa Cranberries, qt. ... Grapes, 1 lbs, .... Oranges, doz. L.omons, doz. Pineapples, each .. Tangerines, doz. .. Beans, green, qt. .. Brocoli, bunch ... Brussels sprouts, "qt. Cauliflower, doz. . Celery, head Chicory, head Cucumbers, each .. Cress, 3 bunches ... Cabbage, doz. .... Catrots, basket Do., new, . three bunches "es Green peppers, 3 for Lggplant, each .... Herbs, bunch Lettuce, head .. Mushrooms, 1b. I'otatoes, basket Do., new, 3 lbs. . see oe "oe 0.26 seve "os noecooososos= SWINE WIN Too SCOOT MTTMIOOOUTTaY 0.10 > - w < 0.26 3 | | | { | | Cnions, basket .... | Parsnips, bag ... ! Radisbes, 3 bunche | Rhubarb, 3 bunches Seocoeeee > pe "nom mo,m Strawberries, pt. | Squash, each Tomatoes, 1b. OSHAWA SCOUTS WENT TO TORONTO Attended Event Staged By Scouts of Erskine Church, Toronto Last Friday evening several car loads of Oshawa Scouts left the city for Toronto in order to attend th annual Cyclorama staged by the 65th Toronto Troop at Erskine Un ted Church, An invitation had heen received from this troop s | re number of the Scc they fully enjoyed and many new made between the two cities The gymnasium of the was fitted up with stalls of various sorts. Ice cream, pop, hot-dogs, ted their st ver, friendships were Scouts of the church i AT THE Jexa? DRUG STORE URSDAY-FRIDAY-SATTURDAY |} 50c JONTEEL "Cold Cream"' Face Powder It stays on 2 for 51 2/-$1.01 21$2.01 te 210r 76 210:$2.51 210,36 21.00 box Duska Face Powder $2.00 box Cara Nome Face Powder. . 75¢ box Cherisette Face Powder 32.50 box Shari Face Powder. 35¢ tin Daintee Deodorant Stationery STUDIO Linen Finish | WRITING PADS alte So. 21016 Size, 2 gor 26 bons mp So¢ Salisbury 70 Sheets | { 35 1 Shee: I $1.2 B Sundry Specials 35¢c Chester TEASPOONS Neat Design 2 or 36 35¢ Whisk Brooms 2 for .36 15¢ Jonteel Powder Puffs 2/7416 500 box Orderlies... 2for 51 HL Emer ies2 10 $1.01 50¢ bot, 100 Cascara 2 for 51 . Tablets. . :...... 20.51 JURY & LOVELL KING E. PHONE 28 50c bot. Rexall Throat Gargle.. .. SIMCOE 8S. PHONE 68 the rest tl to mak \ me-made candy and all i! gs that go : the up a cy ance m many th ranged arour The centre various sor tators wer The 5 [ s | b le I: rn, | Hand another roon i of painstaking wo view Pr n, and it certain} 1 1 hard 1 amples were on 768 W in this sect o judge a t of have heen i the exhibits since 'there was so lit-" ) wade their app | be ¢ to choose hetween Ve noticed a fine n at powered witl yr which hele to | v of them. y course, which has been i up good § ditic popular be ti with ts 1t ne h ir future, INVISIBLE RAY ght of the entation b oper, of two silver y Tom Mix t nr winners « ntest, "After the | te k {a RIDING MOUNTAIN PARK GOLF CORSE -- Wem} { Mout 1 Park, | s Riding ! has a nine-he i [anitoba, now le gol will stop the smash a GRABS BURGLAR I. engineer, nvented an i W. Ades claims to 1d grab raider cven the common burglar, It is or ribbon rectional ray administers mild mporarv paralysis or death ic rding to the strength of current rectly a human limb intercepts it If the ray be run in strips across window nothing can pass through ithout breaking the circu wunding an alarm Another ad- le ray which | shock, | hottie | at exactly the right temperature --even if the mother falls asleep current, The bottle consists of a tube of] pure flint which is introduced in it and sof to the bottle, The electrical cur rent which heats the milk may be vantage claimed is that the ray can | left on for any length of time. operate a weighted blind which mediately the circuit is brok ' | drop thus barring acces nted, also, an fret | | carry an electric current in be imp on glass included in its manufac he says, perform a nction to the ribbon ray ed or I'his would, lar fu MOTHERS IN FRANCE | SCORN BOTTLES -- Parls.- vepayre, has which will 'keep the after switching on the et price. THE Imagine Wear at practically your own I. BERG. High Class LADIES READY-TO-WEAR This business which was established twelve years ago, is go- ing out of Oshawa and every dollar's worth of merchandise must be sold. The entire stock cleared to the bare walls. The merchandise is well-known and is regarded as one of Oshawa's best stores for quality and price, but now the stock is ordered sold and cost price will be no object. this high-class stock of Ladies' Out Of Bus The Entire Stock of FAl NESS SALE STARTS Thursday 9 a.m. / Sale 4 e composition which -French mothers usual ly scorn to feed thelr babies with bottles, But a freshman, M. Cha invented a feedin milk

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