PSs a ER A I ppt ce THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1932 SPORT PAGE WINDSOR MIC-MACS EARN GOAL LEAD FOR RETURN GAM Nationals Earned Tie, Take Series from M.A. A. A. Sea Fleas Played Strictly | Defensive Game and | jas minute Jewel Bp the series Held M.A. A.A. to Two Quebec el ympions ste ering in Goals and Ross Paul and | "n't 1 : Lough Evened Count on i hand carly the Game -- Winners' of nin Will Play Fort William in Allan Cup Final vn blue line PACE SIX TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES National Sea Fleas Tied M.A.A.A., Winning Round Entries for King's Plte Are Announced for May 21 Only One N.H.L. Game May Be Played in New York TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Windsor Mic-Macs Won First Game from Doherty A.C. Rink Is Sold Out for Junior Final in Winnipeg Tonight Toronto Leafs Play in Montreal Against Maroons Tonight Oshawa Assured | of Good Games President Wilf. executive of the West Toronto Senfor Lasehall League have been successful in ccuring two new elubs to replace Monarchs and Wayomacs both of whom have decided to cease oper ating, The four teams to com- prize this popular St. Chur loop will he the champion New Toron- to "Club, West Toronto Native Toronto Typos and Oshawa, addition of the latter two | will undbubtedly create an evenly balanced circuit with Osh- awa and New Toronto an intercity touch to the league, An innovation to be introduced at Earlscourt Park this year will be the dispensing of the usual louble-header with a single nine- nning game instead which will in Collegiate Sport S| Shorts With the playing avg of the games in Toronto.a week ago Saturday, the hockey season for the Collegiate team has come and gone for anoth- er vear, It has been a long and profitable season for the Tricolour squad, Practices began away back in December and it was during the Christmas holidays that the first aqame was played, an exhibition af- tair with North Toronto Collegiate. » Excitement Ran High as Doherty Try to Tie Score Teno, Windsor Goalie, Was Hero of Heavy Checking Encounter -- Mic - Macs Showed Marked Ability Around the Net--Return Game Will Be Played on Saturday in Windsor | Sport Snapsliots Has Two Entries Oouiawg, wiikch 1s becoming Toronto 31. Radke and his jea leas two short, A goal in the rewed up the series Junior Final Played Tonight Winnipeg, March 31. ~~ They hung the 'sold right out" sign in front of the old Amphitheatre rink to indicate that more hg 6.000 will watch the Sudbury Wolves and Winnipeg Monarchs match speed and other hockey commodities to-night in the first | following--North gome of the Canadian Junior { Jr, Orono, Harmony, championship series, High School (two games), The Wolf pack from Ontario's | Belleville Northern mining country arrived | Cornwall, i on the battle scenc vesterday | € ollegiate in the final game of the | morning, fresh. from their con- | year. In the twelve games played, quest of the East, they worked | they won nine, lost two and tied | out later in the day before a e, They scored a total of fifty | small crowd of fans, who wonder- | five goals and were scored upon | po eban circles ed, when the session had ended, | ty enty-one times how the champions of the East would take to heavy body-check- ing as practiced by Monarchs. recognized foremost arms: in the again be represented in the running of May. 'the two horses wl K. 5 Mc classic are Skyguazer, a four-year-old out and Cudgeldoe, a three-year-old finished the money even better, all 45 be Stables, as onc Parkwood ol nor more the of thoroughbred horses will the historic King's 'lue in Laughlin has entered for the of Skyrocket-Madam Muijory; Last year Skygazer and this year should do but this number and ot Canidae for breeding tarted pressing Nationals defensive to their Germain eh and knit clinging Ralph St. out ol the ons, The clubs mn m In may Cudgel-Rockdoe ] ; down Toronto lead With una goal in the first weriod eatin Frac ' lv with a hard drive from the left ent Jive ent : centric isted reduced plate event wer which the | filed from 2} different owners, participated were the | May 21, the date of the race Toronto, Whitby, Ps Bowmanville Uxbridge Right Abou Face Collegiate (two game Stratford and Runnymede Among the games in "Students" adding tdincked the ne period when Ross Toronto, Mar. 31.--Toronto's hopes for all three O.H.A, champ- fonships are submerged under a one-goal deficit with Windsor beating Doherty A.C. 3 to 2 last night at the Maple Leaf Gardens. fhe win gave the Border Cities team a goal lead for the second game of the home and home in- termediate O.H.A, final series to be played at Windsor on Satur- day night. Doherty's have hopes of grabbing the mid-series of the Ontario loop and bringing all l J i Tne ri - Fast skaters, the Wolves flash- | team hrou,rht back to Oshawa a cup | (yey, 43 carly 3 bs ol wit] Gira SE ' : three titles to Toronto with Marl cad bits of smooth system-play in richily belo hore bit | ; ; : : : ving + liom 0 game. with mo horos holding the junior and Na- | ¢d |} § Eystem dag, Bi SR BRO DI Hoot tional Sea Fleas the senior. their work-out Impartial oh- : v Herenta, adi ! servers opined the challengers for is last w | ! ' ) j hailing: : i wea uardl I, defence we the Memorial Cup have every-| oy SC ta tte The Fup to which | included ni tl i ' 1 ty i yall ny ANAL | well, eka pL Jor occa onl 2 ift | there with es Jods 2 1" Joyites ing , " , 3 | W efc he one which was pre 1 pred { ITA 0 ene rrito heir yo hasty and spoil- 110s but eight. Can they rake evel Fa ane ive Rotary to schedule this year with close-checking forward line, hus- | ed their chances Monarchs: Have Weight | Central Intercollegiate Hocke and & cond teams clas h- ky defence and clever goaler en- | Wheelers were Monaret 8 have rzed to the | Ie npetition" way the championship best | abled them to preserve their two- | perately a aye A Ee ND [ back in the winter 1921. That RS RE in three with the win- | goal lead. The Montrealers put up | the Dominion final, seeking to defend | bi : : or . ia i . the first round of the | a game struggle, | diate clubs engage in 3 rit by ti { . terme but their over-| go the title won a year ago by Elm- | year | x : 0 B A A Meet | ame in the playdown playdown saturday | anxiety cost them . . . . | 5 hy A i Millional the | but cver I 11 be the oft the Serdict.} WOO ) onaires, 0 1e v as V e the offici ening | 1 ir & ' y 00¢ n 4 | Ther will be DAs bu. coiitests vill 1e official opening | Their shogting was on Saturday . " : and 9 wor#e than | wrong end of the ice. Lough was a Teed Tout Baby IR iL IR Sig ig for offices, Pr lent C. K, Jutten | indifferent and many of their | right in close for the high shot to habit for every man to crowd the | ting defense and the driving force | tcims. A 8. President! C.J, Juttey | meeting of | plays were off-side, | the top of the cage pack' for scramble hockey. of two big forward lines that at- 0 ; of nition has ee} handed tio held at the Fleas' Penalties Bring Goal i Nationals were the smoother One of the smallest crowds of | tend as strictly to the business of I'he 19//0Y I WT { i pre 4 ent o ) ' 0g uma and | ( Clair and A little injudicious bumping | team and shooting the season was present yet there | checking back as to puck-carry- | H.S. took ne d |* Yoronto, March ident | | rat mith of Lia : un Hp wed | Robins, city, April 5, | and slashing in the third period | them another point of su periort! was enough fun, enough good | ing, Br Becbritge i 45, Lobo | Kerr and officers ABA" ll Vice presidont.H do VAI | comment Dele- | was costly to the h their passing was Wri hind, hockey injected into the rough Able to skate with almost any | 27, Descronto: and in are making extensive ration i ehat of ~ al ar Jug and A Rate request- | the Wheelers gcored and tumble play to make an in- | opposition, Monarchs have forged | *0 by Belleville. Now to entertain the dele to the | yu Dron 0 i Lhe eon {ed to ome and lets hope it 14th annu ting eeon del ALA | | | | before | | | | Toronto Nationals d¢ | National Sea I'leas won the east {in the socond ¢ Hot 08h | ern gemi-final round of the Allan Paul netted a high hot on 2 bass Cup series by holding Montreal TOM Kane, who split the Mont- Amateur Athletic Association gen- | real defence neatly and tossed all probability be carded to gel | iors champions of Quebee and the | the puck to the wing, It was still under way about p.m, It is | Maritimes to a 2-2 tie here last | 112d up as they went into the at 10 a twilight | nis ht. Nationals took the round | third period, and the Wheelers ut the Goody ar Field each ; ving beaten the Monireal- | to he on the verze of wday during the enti , 8 1 in Toronto last Saturday | SCOTing veral times as Nationals ag well' as the eusto "y ight, Natfonals now meet Fort | 10%! to the tin ceper. with son I'nesday and Thuy Ww iliam for the Dominion ama ( t Park, Oshawa will | teur hockey title playing a se of | t-t wo-out-ol-thres the | here next week » play at Hoa I'leag wi plaving Wrap guarding their defenee {t] y \\ le var Montreal March 31 Bell ns DCM « In part he " f planned Oshawa Club into dule Another were inted themselve nad re bosib Believe had informed us that the Loronto Senior to him is L * swamping Belleville Collegiate on the round, the Tricolour | interesting ries of enzie and under | Moi 1 1ghting ehance men buzzed gave to tie | fact that may pre | la 12 in for thei nre 0 hes games | | ihly down The game last night was a typ- 3 Sha Coulter, ica] intermediate display with anything and almost everything | it?" going. Both teams were support- ed by senior talent, players cap- able of making places on any | major club in the amateur ranks | but in the intermediate competi- r h t they werd traight | the first [ thi the suinmer Motor Cit still trying des- Nationals knotted core again with a minute to Colling and Lough broke away with the Montreal defence at the | ing Ltwo g ner entering 0.B.A.A lay 7 when gue for annual cor ---------------------------------------------------------- me local a third travelle I litfere The the St next regular will he M.C.A, St on Tuesda) ing at 8.15 p.m from all teams are attend, WESTERN FARMERS "eutive 1 lon, fr) -- Clair Y thei 31 ol Pre the T prey h of for mes Nationals and | thoug teresting night. On the play, par- | ahead by sheer speed destruction he O.B | . A or Hamil. with the ard. ticularly in the last period, the | wrought by their man-to-man Toronto team should. at least be tied or a goal to the godd for the gecond game of the total score sories. In the final session the Doherty Club missed enough chances to get a firm grip on the intermediate crown to complete + the grand slam in O.H.A. hockey for Toronto, Intermediate Hockey What the game lacked in high class hockey was made up in the excitement of the heavy play. Windsor had a slight edge in speed, what little combination was shown and ability to pick up stray pucks near the goal-mouth; 'which all combined to give them the goal lead. Windsor made the most of its chance: around the rets and on home ice, back to te form which they gave all in- dications of playing, it appears as though the Border Cities 'will boast of its first amateur hockey title by Saturday, although any team coached by Ed. Wildey can not be counted out until the last Lell. Windsor showed flashes smart hockey at the start and the locals, responded, but soon both clubs realized that they were in the intermediate class and re- gorted to that type of hockey, The Border team clicked first when George Hastle, a fleet mid-ice player, picked up the puck from Click Fauria's pass and scored. In the last few minutes of play Mephan and McLelland staged a rueh for Doherty and when their shots, fafled Heintzman hustled *n* to pick up a rebound and even the score, The tie did not last long with Fauria and Hastie again combining to put Windsor in front just before the first in- termission, In the second period Hastie completed a clever solo dash for a score, putting Windsor two in front. Again in the last minute of play the difference was cut to one when Heintzman wandered around the Windsor goal zone with the puck and picked an open corner. of the cage. The last period was scoreless with Do- herty players all on the attack to cven the count and the hest they could do was come close and miss sure chances for tallies. SUITS. Made | to measure . ede 699 50 Scotland Woolen Tailors | B KING STREET EAST | SAM ROTYSH, Manager | Constance Bennett "LADY WITH A PAST" Starts Tomorrow Suicide Fleet of mode of play. Powerful finishers, they whirl through third periods at' top pace, while the leg-and- hody-weary foe is likely to fade. Monarchs start the best-two- out-of-three-game title series with a 10-pound-per-man weight advantage over the Wolves, The Eastern champions average 159 pounds to 169 for the. Mani- tohans, The burly Monarch defense of Cam Shewan and "Pinkie" Davie, averaging 179 pounds each, hold Just 23 pounds weight advantage per man over "Red" Porter Bob McInnis, the Sudbury guard, rear- Other Events Hurt Play-oft New York, N.Y. March 31.-- The final series in the play-offs for the Stanley Cup, emblematic of the world championship in professional hockey, may be fore- ed out of New York for all but one game by the annual pilgrim- age of the circus. The circus comes into Madison Square Garden, home ice of the New York Rangers, at midnight, April 5. Yet that date is believed the earliest on which the Rangers who won a place in the final§ by taking the deciding game from Canadiens last night, can start the closing five-game series with thé winner of the Montreal Ma- roons-Torqnto Maple Leafs two- game semi-final, The Leafs and Maroons their home-and-home series in Toronto Saturday night. It is considered unlikely that the win- ner would agree to open the series here Monday night with but two days of rest, and that devoted almost entirely to travel. Under the play-off rules, the first two gameg of the final series are to be played on Ranger ice and the remainder in Canada. Col. John 8S. Hammond, Presi- dent of the Rangers, and Lester Patrick, manager, expect to leave for Montreal today in an effort to reorganize the playing schedule. An attempt meanwhile will be made to delay the entry of the circus into the Garden one day. Another suggestion has been made that the Rangers name the Boston Garden, home of the Bos- ton Bruins, as their home ice for the second game, PLAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Regina, Sask.--A group accident insurance plan for public school children is being planned by the Regina School board. Two plans are under considera- tion. The first covers the period between 8.30 am. and each school day, for which the cost per pupil is 50 cents yearly, The second provides = 24-hour coverage on regular school days and protects the child in case of injury at home, on the sfrect at play or on school property. This costs $1.00 yearly. The parents would be responsible for the premiums. Both forms cov- cr expenses of medical and surgical treatment, including X-Ray, nurses' services and hospital confinement up to £100.00, finish When you've tried everything elee and it has failed, try using a little kindness and courtesy, seasoned with a smile, --@Galt Re- porter, ms ~ | work o and | Work of | tion, ice in taking sly pokes at his oppon- | fact 530 pm of | noth teams were ( cd in suitable medals by G. L. Murray of the Ontario Athletic Commission. . LJ . It seems that he have run afoul of the sport scribe of the B "Intelligencer", when a week ago we commented on the state ffairs during the hockey game Belleville between the local team and B.C... He has taken us fo task because we were so "hold" remark on the apparent tires several Belleville players. | one of the players iri ques his time while on the to Graves, spent ents whenever the opportunity per- nitted (i.c., when the referee's back was turned). This continued throughout the whole game with Graves "getting away" with it. So it was quite natural when during a battle for the puck near the hoards about a minute before full time that the patience of an Oshawa player would come to an end and take itters into his own hands, LJ LJ . We do like to see the plaver who nust fizht, be a man enoigh to do o in the open and take his penalty. . w . i Moreover the Quinte scribe trys to reconcile the rough playing of a couple of the B.C.I. players by the that the local boys did not tand back and "take it." The uld. have been fools if they There is a limit to human patience. TO CURB WEDDING PARTIES Toronto.-- This business of wedding parties tearing through town in a grand honking chase doesn't altogether meet with Magistrate Jones' approval. He sa!G so in police. court, thought it was absurd--and promised to show thought of "these affairs' ever got the chance. man was fined $25 travelling 33 miles an hour in the rain; he had had the and groom in his car. A young lady who had been struck hy the car was complainant, it he A cerain and costa for GOLF TEAMS PIC KED London, + Twelve of the best women golfers in England, Scot- land, Ireland and Wales have been nominated for the women's international match between Great Britain and the uvmted States at Wentworth on May 21. The teams will be six a side, with two reserves, foursomes played in the morning and singles in the afternoon, clleville | or so | at | had. | Me | he | what he | Hotel on 10 am, The when Mavo a» delegs norn gos he } officer and delegates will he tende | luncheon, at which the speaker will be Judge Mott mayor, city council Pr | George Oakley of hall club and mem} | Provincial Governmen | tend the luncheon With the exeentive me taking place on Fridav night, with many of the delegate | distant points on hand, the | Rite will be a hive from that time will endeavor work for the ident ting and froi Carls- of etivity The. exe clean on to current vear, The agenda for the annual meeting is one of the smallest on record, with most of the cha y clarifying existing rules, with few changes snggeasted in the m! nor plavdowns, some members o the association feeling that |} and-home games in the lower ger- fes under present condition ing a great expense, where the distance is miles, There {s another amend ment to give the association a larger share when senior and in ntive np YIM esner over Really Better! That is the verdict of thousands who now "roll their own" with Chantecler Cigarette Papers. If you want to speed up rolling cigarettes and want a better smoke besides, try these better papers. bride | 120 leaves for 5¢ hanteclen QC VIARIAZ NT: 4 being |, NEW MARTIN PLAYING TODAY AND FRIDAY with "CHIC" SALE ADDED--FOX NEWS and DICKIE MOORE THE EYES HAVE IT HANDEL red a | The ially |} 150 | to be held at the CarlsiRite | ET have heen Have ronto; J. J. Walsh, terboro; N. A, H. H er cht, Carmichael, r W. Scott, Kitehener Toronto; Win, Kay, Taylor, Rodney; Caledonia; H. Catharine NOEL COWARD NOW AT HOLLYWOOD | Noted English Actor and | their | Author Makes Home in Movie Colony I Cal i't, of course, cc I without being brilliant 'voung Is we h anthor of 18 succes ' holidaying--no We Flve two work for six or sey goes travelling, trip took him to South Am and brought him to Hollywi for "inst a fortnight." He has 1 friends here including Ronald Col- v bov chum, Ruth Chatterton, I'allulah Bankhead, Douglas Fair Jr. and Joan and her husband, * 10 Hol stil act plays is bu he 1A nis year mn, mond vier, Coward was in town hut a few | hours when the inevitable | tarted. Would he like to agt? to write? or to act and write? "No," said Noel. "And again no cither one! Just here on a holiday, sirs," Coward told 1 () over or flattering producers Coward paused between a score of octal engagements to give his im pressions of Hollywood, in which will be found his reasons for refus ing to remain, "People work too deucedly They get up at 6.30 a.m., have theig makeup on by cight and then stand around all day under red hot lights They eat hurriedly at noon; and because they are too tired to sit {up at night, their dinner is served | to them on a trav. That's no way [to live and certainly way. to work. "The wav the producers kill stars is most amazing. They pit them in so many pictures the public gets tired seeing them. If they build person gradually, star him in only a few films, he would be bringing in money for vears and vears. "And the poor writers! How in the name of Heaven they accom- plish anything in the rabbit hutches they are assigned to is bevond me. And they even punch clocks. Fancy checking in at 8 a.m. and be forced to write an act before going to luncheon, Fd starve to death. "Working under such conditions wouldn't appeal to me, even though la year or two of it would net me a small fortune, 1 don't want to be rich--1 vant to he happy. And am way, now, I have enough money to be comfortable for the balance of my hard. no actor-playwright supposes, however, he will have to be in a film some day just to see what it's like, HEAVY © T. XE Calgary, Alta--Fourteen | Alberta can earn more than £30,- 000 a vear-and based on the mini mum will pay $215020 to Alberta and federal governments this vear in income taxes. The new Alberta income tax will take $8,655 from each and the Dominion will require payments of $6704 from cach, men in Crawtord, Jill | Lawrence | the | HORSES RETURNING ¢ 000 hor d in northern farmers li arc Saskat- in the s are on their in southern ing work, the n for spr intering animals 1.00 to $250 a month, will bear this railways and the taking care ex- ROV- trans- OSHAWA ARENA 3 More Skating Nights THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS 2 TILL 4 EVENINGS 8 TILL 10 en months | Let This Army of Cleansers Help You SPRING CLEAN EXTRA SPECIAL~The Largest Selling Soap P.=a G. Soap 10 > SPECIAL~For All Fine Laundering LU SOAP Small FLAKES # Pigs. 15¢ == SPECIAL-~Good Quality, Well Made BROOMS 4-string Each LEMON OIL Atlas Brand SPECIAL.-Better Quality, Bulk SOAP fakes 49 SPECIAL--TOILET SOAP Lux « Calay 319 SPECIAL-~-BIG 8" Cleanser Br 23 SPECIAL~ 10 ¢ Gold Soap VY 36 EXTRA SPECIAL-~THE WONDER WORKERS hE = 10 Watch Our Windows for Early Week Specials in Meats Snowflake Ammonia ana re Ba SS Shh se. SPECIAL~Cleans and Polishes Woodwork and Furniture Bottle SPECIALS for FRI. and SAT. Boneless and Rolled Tender Sirloin Roast Fo BEEF + 20¢| Short Rib Hoast BEEF 1b. 14¢ No. 1. Quality ~-: Boneless, Mealed Back BACON = Choice Cooked Set HAM Choice PORK -- nl 19¢ . 28¢ 25 - 2c