Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Mar 1932, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1932 PACE NINE If it's to be Bought or Sold -- Times Classified Adswill do it Legal MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East, Phone 283. Resideuce 798. (17 feb tf) A & ANNIS BAP ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public. Ete, Conveyancing and general practice fo Law. Office 7% Sim- coe Street South, Oshawa, Phone 4, G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A, F. Apnis, B.A, LL.B, W. EN. SINCLAIR, K.C., of Commerce Building, Jo . MANGAN, B.A, - rister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Conveyancer. Money to loan, Of- fice 14% King St, East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GPYERSON, IGHTON _ & Fraser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg, COUTS 8 HYMAN, DARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone 67. Residence 2544W, GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Ete. 241; 8im- coe St. N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514, Money to loan, FRANK 8, BBDS, BARRISTER, Solleitor, Notary Publie, Convey- ancer. Money to loan, Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2996, §. J. HENNICK, B.A, BARRIS ter, 12% Simcoe St, South, Tele- phone 2038-0503. ("3 sept tf) Medical DR. B, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- siclan and Surgeon, special atten tion given to X-ray work and Flectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am, 9 pm, Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 2416. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- gein, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence King St, East, corver Vice toria St., Oshawa, Phone pM... m_--aas=rre -- Undertaking , 67 KING St. East. Ambulance, Residence 542 Simcoe Street North, Phone 210J and 210W, Dental DIT 8. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAB- setts. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction, Nurse in aitendance, Phone 959, House 1312, Insurance DAVIE AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St, West, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency In Oshawa, 30 reputable Fire Companies, = (FB ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers, Phone 1834. Alex 8. Lass, 8. ¥. Everson, (15 oct tf) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOK, specialists {n all lines of beauty culture, Permanent Waves $4.00 and up, "Naturelle Method". Marcel b0c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim $1.00, 86 Simcoe St, North, Phone 2068. (8 aug tf) GENO 8 HA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall. experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture, Our permanent wave a specialty, $5.00, $7.00 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $1.00, Marcel 50c. Fac- ials, scalp treatments and mani- cures. Coffee Shoppe entrance. Phone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) CORENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 952 Church St. Marcel. ling 35¢ and finger waving b0c. Phone 2188J. £ 14 apr ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCIT HATR- dressing and Deauty Zu.ture, No. 9 Dradley Bldg., Phone 38, Osh- awa, Ontario. eau (0 ney LY) LILLIAN™ McLEAN, MARCEL 3b6c at your home or 735 Albert St. Phone 2105, (28 apr ¢) MISS McKENNA, PERMANENT waving, finger waving, marcell ing and beauty suiture. 156 Rox borough Ave. Phone appoint. ments 12307, (29 mar c) CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENT wave special $5. Finger wave 50c: Marcel 35c. Call 3360, : (2 apr ¢) OSHAWA BURIAL CO.,, M, F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W. 87 Celina, (4tr) Architects GC, STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Dullding. Phone 1496. Residence phone 909). Auctioneer PHONE 716J., W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S. Oshgwa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and {mplements, Your patronage solicited, Watch Repairing ye N GUNTEN, EX Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your patronage is solicited, Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 7b¢ with rental $1,00. Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 960. Hematitching embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe 8. Phone 1658, (5 fly 81) Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. Coleman's, §5 Bond West, Spec- falists in furniture moving, Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment, Phone 82. Music lessons REGINALD G. GLEN, ORGAN: ist, choirmaster, Simcoe United Church. Plano, organ, singling. Phéne 3128. Residence 765M. THONE 33504 OSHAWA RALIO Service for radio repairs. Fully equipped to give reliable service. Chas. Wales. (lv apr ¢) YOUR RADIO SCIENTIFICALLY repaired, ten years' speclalizing in repairing on all models, Cal 2806W,. Certified radiotriclan, (22 apr ¢) FARLS RADIO--TUBES, BAT- teries, short and long wave equip- ment. Batteries charged, Radlo repairs. Phone 1200W, (1 apr ¢) ANY RADIO TROUBLE? FOR prompt service, moderate charges, work fully guaranteed, National Radio Service. 3186). (17 apr ¢) ee a Home Made Candy fiOME MADE CANDY MADE by Mrs. Twilley, Ritson Rd., Osh- awa. You'll enjoy these asliclous candles, other do. Jean Ruth Cake Shoppe. (11 apr ¢) Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on all matters of im- portance. Parties attended to. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F, Busi- ness private, (23 apr ¢) Barber Shop GUS BANKS BARBER SHOP, 180 Celina St., corner of Ash, All haireutting 1bc. ( 23 apr ¢ ) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR- aulins, everything in canvas. hope 2104. George Reid, 86 Bond West. J. J. Turner & Sons, Representative, PRINCELLA™ BEAUTY SALON, Hairdressing, marcelling 3be, finger wave [0c, finger wave and shampoo 7be. Faclals, manicures, hair trimming. a specialty, 10 Prince St, Phone 688. (7 apr ¢) YELLOW BIRD HAIRDRESSING Shoppe, Marcel! 35¢, finger wave 50c, shampoo 50e, hair cut 15¢ Mrs. Dafoe, 137 Ritson Rd. South, Phone 1255F. (23 apr ) Articles For Sale GOOD SOUND DRY gODY HARD Wood. Guaranteed full measure, % cord $3. Mixed $2.75. Soft wood $2.25. A. Wall, 292 Cour. cellette Ave. Phone 26281, (8 apr ¢) FRANK McQUATD, COAL, CORE, dry body. wood, hard, mixed slabs, Phone 2423W, 115 Annis st. (2 may ¢) DRY SLABS $2.25 1, cord, No. 1 Body Mazle $3, Coke. 79 John St. Phore 3108). (21 apr ¢) DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Beach and Maple. Stove length. $3 34 cord. Robest Christy. Phove 1976W, ey (15 apr ¢) FOIL SALE--=HATCHING EGGS Whi.e Leghorns, Hollywood Strain, $1 per setting. Phone 1897TW., (4 apr c) DRY BODY WOOD, $3 % cord, | Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert St. Phone 1079J. i (19 apr.0) VIOLIN COMPLETE OUTFIT, worth $225.00. Wijll sell cheap for cash, or trade for a small car of same value, Box 605 Times. (76¢c) FOR SALE -- BODY _ HARD wood, $3.00. Mixed slabs $2.75. Call W. H. Thompson, phone 742J. (29 apr ¢) FOR SALE-=SECOND HAND clothes bought and sold here. Good suits slightly worn. Come and see us. 148 Simcoe South, near Loblaw's, (31 apr ¢) FOR SALE -- NEW PREMIER Duplex Vacuum. Large size with attachments. Must be gold today. Cheap. Phone 1775W 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. (76a) FOR SALE ---- DIVANETTE. Good condition, 254 Ritson Road South, Phone 2355J, Work Wanted CARPENTER WORK, ALL kinds furniture repaired, remod- elled, Hstimates free F, W, Rol. son, 74 Hogarth St, Phone 220. (8 apr c) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, sanded, refinished with electric sander by Haynes floor expert. hone ¢81 or 3073W, a (17 arr ¢) WORK WANTED -- SHRUBS end fruit trees pruning, careful attention to large cavities, Esti- mates given. Phone 2178M. any (28 apr ¢) SETENTIFIC CLEANING --CHES: terfield suites, carpets, cushions, thoroughly cleaned and disinfect. ed In your own home. Prices Yeasonable. Phone 2585F. ! (9 Apr.-c) ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL kinds of carpenter work. Alter. ations, repairing, shingling, hard- wood floors, etc. Phone 968M. : BL) EXPERIENCED GIRL OR housemald, wants steady employ- ment, housework, 39 Elgin East. i'hone 1068M. (75¢) (76a) For Sale or Rent THE GREENHOUSE PROPERTY 54 Gladstone, for sale or to rent, £35 apr ©). | Bradley Bros, immediate possession. Apply (368), For Rent For Rent FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS Simcoe Manor and Victoria Apts, completely modern, and very cleanly. It will be a pleasure to have you {pspect them, Open throughout the day and evening. Bradley Bros., local wmgrs, (4 apr c) APARTMENTS, FULNIBHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals, Disney, phone 1560, (14t0) TWO ROOMS FURNISHED OR unfurnished for light housckeep- ing. Phone 1580J, (31 mar ¢) FOR RENT -- SEVEN ROOMED house fn Westmount, 11 acres of land, suitable for gardening, or chicken ranch, Available 1st of April. Phone 366J. (76¢) TO RENT -- MODBRN 3 ROOM- ed apartment and bath, Very central, Phone 20897, (T4c) I'OR RENT--FOUR ROOMED bungalow, all modern conveni- ences. Phone 558J. 244 Tre- Bane Street, (74¢) FOR RENT -- MODBRN BRICK bungalow on Colborne Ft. E,, hardwood floors, ete., $35 per month. Phone 19107, (Tde) TO RENT -- 3 PARTLY FUR- nished rooms, lower flat, all con venlences, Phone 711M, or ap- ply 1 18 Tyler Cres. (T4c) TO RENT -- LARGE FRONT bed sitting room, down stairs, well furnished, all conveniences, would suit 'business gentleman, very central, Apply Box 610 dimes office, (74c) TO RENT--BACHELOR APART- ment, central, furnished, water and electric, Sunny apartment, central, 4 rooms and bath, Mur- phy bed extra, electric stove, ete, ! Box 611. (75d) FOR RENT--UPSTAIR APART- ment, 3 rooms and bath, central, Available April 2. Phone 2173W., | pts a (Bc) 'FOR RENT---BEAUTIFUT, NEW modern seven room home in north end, with garage, ete Will decorate throughout, Pos. session April 15, Apply W. Vic- tor Peacock, 1400J, (76¢) FIVE ROOMED one quarter acre modern conven|. Patricla Ave, ena (76) TO RENT = FURNISHED house. Owner would like to keep 2 rooms. Very low rent, Hox | 613 Times. (76b) ! We ---------------- | FOR RENT--NORTH OSHAWA, tix rooms and kitchenette, ai | modern conveniences, side drive garage, $28 per month, Phone 11560. Possession at once. (75¢c) FOR RENT- ' frame house, land, garage, ences, Apply 29 | oe I ger I Rates For Classified Ads. | First Insertion--115 per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c, | Each subsequent tive Insertion word, Three consecutive - fnser. | tions for the price of two | first insertions (threé cents a word). | Minimum charge for three | insertions 60c, Box number "(Oc additional. cents consecu- le per Professional . or Business Cards, - $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worg per month for each additional word, FHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad | | | 1 | Department | P--_-- pr) | WANTED TO RENT -- HOURE ; and small amount of land with | FURS WANTED --25,000 MUBK- | ment approved { ada's finest | hatching i}! do genaral | table in tea rooms. $10 monthly. | breakfast TO RENT -- CHOICE 4 ROOM- ed apartment, down town, nicely accorated, electric fire place, rea- gonable rent, §6 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2349W, (T4c) FOR RENT MODERN 6 roomed heated apartment, chest- put trim, electrically equipped fruit cellar, continuous hot water, wash room and garage, reduced rental, Phone 269, (74-2) FURNISHED BEDROOM SUIT- able for 2 gentlemen friends. Twin beds, breakfast If desired. 138 Division Street, Phone 1566F. (76c) TO RENT -- 2 ATTRACTIVE five roomed apartments, hard- wood floors, electrive stove, Twenty and twenty-five monthly, Plone Holden 371W, (756b) WILL SUB-LET REABONABLY, | large 5 roomed suite, Casa Loma, | ground floor, partly furnished if desired. Apply Apt. 1, 161 King | Street East. (75a) | | | EE ---- Wanted to Rent small barn or garage, outside of | city within 5 miles Oshawa, Full | particulars with amount of rent | in first letter. Box 606 Times, | (75h) WANTED 710 RBNT --FUR- nished apartment suitable for two young ladies, Separate rooms and kitchenette in nice locality, Particulars and terms, Apply Box 612. (76h) Ed aa For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE -- SMALL cottage, with half acre of land, ood condition, paved street, liouge in north end preferable, mortgage not to exceed $2,000. Box 609 Times, (74e) Notice to Trapper to (ill a manufae- Able tn pay high. prices, I, Stein, Phone charge, Whitby, On. may ¢) ep ai Sita a Dry Cleaning NORMAN LAMBERT, 'FR H dry cleaning and repairing. Goods called for and delivered. Phone 623, 66 Bagot St. rats wanted turer's order. est cash 81.reverse tario, LL CT (12 apr ¢) Ee ~- Poultry TARY CHICKS CUSTOM Hatching, White Leghorns, Bar- red Rocks, Blood tested, bred to lay. Phone 1337) or write for catalogue. Oshawa Hatchery, 144 Park Rd. N. (12 apr ¢) Will pay highest market prices as thera is a biz demand for fat hens for the Jewish holi- Stein, phone §1, Whithy, : (16 Baby Chicks BLOOD TESTED GOVERN: | Rock and leg. horns. Call and ses one of Can- hatcheries, Custom solicited. Mara Lodge | Bowmanville, Sl (66e-7T1c-77c-83¢) Room and Board Wanted BACHETOR WANTS ROOM where he can do light cooking. North end of town, Apply Box €04, Times (73b) Female Help Wanted STRONG GIRL OR WOMAN TO work and waft on Hatchery, Mrs. Law, Newtonville, Ont. (76-78-80) Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE MODERN SIX roomed brick house, north end, hardwood floors throughout; nook. Will sacrifice, Apply 628 Somerville Avenue, limi (76c) FOR" SALE "FOUR ROOM frame house on large lot, 40 ft, x 200 rt. Good basement, Best of- fer takes it, 377 Buona Vista. (78¢c) | INNER-BPRING | TIME TABLES | lo-glaze = | 'Leaves No Brush Marks | | ThePAINT | that "Leaves NO BrushMarks' A Canadian Product Better Made' Scle Agent W. W. PARK Telephone 3082 82 Simcoe Street South 'EDUCATIONAL BODY MEETS IN TORONTO Auction Sale "UNDER AND alned Ir of alt AUCTION SALE by virtue of Power a certain mortgage, wii be produced at the time there ered for sale, Public Auction, 23rd day of April A.D, 1.80 o'clock in the the Genosha Hotel ir and | Oshawa hy William ; + 1d ! in twen- Auctioneer, the followin rop ! 8 sep 6 meetings I'he ty namel Lot number El total 1 ration 1 I to four on the du 1 | ich the fc thousand mark by Boulevard as marked y addresses will be | 160 for the City of O scneral session being Street number . Henry, as On this property | ation, ang Bir a brick bur professor | rooms, bath: don, Eng venlencer Terms of sale of the purchase down at the time of balanca to be paid withi davs thereafter Yor further conditions of Moore, Heitor Ontario, to Creighton and Oshawa DATED at the Cily chase had in the County of 1 ] oubled i ( ( ling 51, 30th day of March I hishels, | | (By Canadian Press) ' The an- Ontario Ed- ( opened | vy with tea- will be off onto, March 29 on Satuy expectea 170 Lon nd Ten per cent money tot RANCE DOUBLES BUYING | OF CANADIAN WHEAT 50. ---Attention "{mportance of | et for Canadian when Premier | d yesterday | gale ) to R. 1] Ww March So h \ k Me Fra or R ie Sieitineny Pile 3 f | Mattresses & Feather Beds | P Lie urrer ers MATTRESSES Can You Answer These Questions mado Mat Box 401 £1 A r nade from Fel Mattresses, Box ed, Feather B tress do not give quick into ve | | rem 1 | es and Comlorter of congestion f vel JEWELS IS FOUND A Vikir rnaments an bleed und under a lar piles' discover stone: near here by two f ! ind known as There int uarantoed? pendants and twenty-five necl t HEM-ROID' banishe of bronze with silver t the oat There is no buri d spot, indicating was hidden by the own keeping Gothland, the island in Baltic Sea Visby is the capita yields simila to } during the later in the League. ls a ! for protruding Dy, Leon- HEM-ROID Vi of pearls, gold laid jewelry was | J shy, Sweden hardt were | | piles hy | It stimulates | I { the lower | rives out the thick ime licals and restores removing cause pure the aff Dr conhardt"s HEM-ROID lias an unbelievable rec. ean yrtit radinz nt, | 0rd of, suc J im this city, | ) Why W } moe. on external | remedies or worry about an op- | eratlon when Jury & Lovell ne | | vites eve: HEM-ROID money-back Piles case the almost of with ANC ¢ nd | guarautes it it not no matter how : The old-fashioned type of girl | is going out, says a writer, And! $0 Is the new-fashioned one | thelr cvery night.--Mont eal Star, Lorn the does (Effective on Leave ave Bowmanville Oshawa Bowrinville Oshawa vam, Phone 2825 LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONT AM, PM, AM, if | 06.45 a7.30 10.30 11.30 | P.M | 12.30 v=Daily except Sundsy, b--Saturdsy, Sun. {| tw @ other points, Shiloh and Ken- Plo sufferer to (ry fa tribute to a devoted pastor. stub- | ¢ OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES Week Day Schedule and pr A January 2, 1932) Gol t Le Arrive rr Hospital v Whitby 7.10 a.m. £20 8.1m, 6.55 a.m, 6.20 a.m. 8.05 a.m. 7.20 a.m, 8.15 8.m, 10, a.m. pi, * al , "1240 pm, 115 po, 220 pan. 4.40 p.m. IF JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist ft Phone 3215 i} 6.15 p.m. 540 p.m, 7.45 p.m, 7.15 pom. 10.3) p.m, ).00 p.m 120 a.m, 3 pat, Going Leave Leave fospital Chevrolet Heavy Duty Truck with dual wheels, 1980 model. Stake or dump body price $650, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES / LIMITED 86 King St. East 5 pn, 16.00 p.m, 11.3 p.m. OLIDAY SCHEDULE Weat { Arrive Whitby 2458 SUNDAY AND MH wing { Leave Leave Arrive Hospital £3) a.m. fm, 0, . 20pm. 12.30 pa, Going Fast ( 64 YOUNG Prince S1, leave Leave Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 9.2 yr 1.4 r i ' am, 10.45 A) p.m, 3 igleg 5 1% 7. Mm, 3.18 p.m. Li0pm, 11.40p.m, Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Carefui Drivers T. A. GARTON, PRQPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 346 Osbuwa Waiting Room, 6 Prince St, Phone 2283 vi a.m, f v 10,55 ¢ 1929 Plymouth Sedan Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 135 King St. W. Phone 1100 GRAY COACH LINED (Effective, Nov, 22, 1931) (Eastern Standard Time) N 2 3.30 430 5.30 6.30 b7.30 4.30 bo.30 10.30 din 1.30 8.30 9.20 10.3¢ 11.30 PM, 12.30 1.30 8.30 9.30 o Nava ESE 2 8 4 Sf. 1.20 2.30 11. day and Holidays only, d-Sundey enly, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS | Train rvice Effective February 4th EASTBOUND 8.55 am. Except Sunday, 9.42 a.m. Daily. Except Sunday. Lv. Oshawa, 1.4 p.m. 11.42 p.m. Daily 10.22 p.m, Daily, 12,32 a.m. Daily, 1.01 a.m. Daily. | assengers Montreal and Cast. | WESTBOUND , 4.45 a.m, Daily. 55 am. D 6.30 a.m, 1 4.06 p.m 648 p.m. 7.20 p.m. 9.17 p.m, Daily. {Flag for passengers Port Huron and West, x=-Stops only to detrain from Montreal and East, | CANADIAN PACITIC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22. 1031 (Standa.d Time) Eastbound 9.27 am, Dail 2.40 Treuton local Daily, 'ex. Sun, Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALITY, It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Rallroads 20 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 180 AUTO LOANS an CARS REFINANCED Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering @ period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your Car, CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE COs, LTD. Disney Block, King St. E. HH, A. MacDONALD, Representative. Branches Throughout Ontario. x1,18 p.m. Daily, 12.05 a.m. Daily, 1.05 a nm. Daily. x Fur Ottawa, Montreal and Last cnlyw | Flag. Westbound 5.56 u.™ Daily, 713 am, Daily, 3.12 p.m. Daily, 7.42 p.m. Daily, except Sund Sunday, mB.54 p.m. Daily, For Automobile, [House and Contents Insurance Sce J. 0H, Rn. LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg. 871 or G87W, Phone w loronto and West ouly--flag, HONOR PAID PASTOR Newtonville, March 'homas Wallace, past 1 Church, Newtonville Rey or of the Un- circuit, . has received a una ous. invi- ition to remain as pastor for the coming year, Coming to this charge i minister of the Methodist Church, Mr. Willace has served here for the past ten ycars, and this request of the people came as Mr, Wallace is the Chairman of Osh- awa Preshytery, the next meeting f which is to be held at Newton ville, ig i RUC STORE PHONE 22 E DELIVERY We Deliver Tras PN WwW 10 Simcoe St, S. REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1880 12 Simcoe St. South TILLIE THE TOILER--Method in Her Madness By Russ.. Westover . @ In \ MAYBE TILL) ) HOME he Be TILLE er King Features Syndicate, Inc. Groot Britain rights reser [ll] WELL.'M GETTING SICK OF PAYING OUT GOOD MOAE Y. LOOKS LIKE MOET GOSH *rILL\E, DO VOU KNOW ITE TEN © CLOLK, THE BOSS HAS BEEN RAGING OF THE LNEMPLOVED IA) THE C\TY ARE WORKING FOR ME / = THE DICKEAS " T U7 VES, | £AM TO FIND OUT IF THE BOSS WOULD MISE ME EB LATE JUST BRINGING UP FATHER 1% THIS DOCTOR ROUGH? WELL: WiLL 'YOU PLEASE COME RIGHT OVER-ITS VERY URGENT AND IMPERATIVE - FOR GOODNESS SAKE! WHAT BY GOLLY. THATS NICE OF oscron| TO PHONE AN' GIT A NEW DOCTOR: FER ME: THAT OTHER DOCTOR srt o~™ GOOD ~ OH! | MUST HAVE ALL THE RHEUMATIOM IN THE WORLD IN MY FOOT- ANT BEEN DOIN ME A ---- TIT Sesvemmpuiese=ee=h aimg at the wR BR, 7.7 15 GHE TALKIN ABOUT TO THE DOCTOR? WHY DOESNT SHE BRING HIM IN HERE? cable, Mr. i, was signed L ler of Extern- ® Valera, head to threa than ta oath of allegi- \ \ WELL: SHELL BE ALL RIGHT- BUT DON'T FEED HER MORE BISCUIT A DAY FOR A FEW DAYS: THAN ONE PUPPY DO YOU THINK A TTRIP TO FLORIDA WOULD OO HER GOOD: DOCTOR ? to md 3d Lo A

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