_THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1932 PAGE SEVEN TF it's to be Bought or Sold -- Tinies Classified Adswill do it Legal Dental MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East, Phone 282. Resideuce 798. (17 feb tf) 0. 8 A ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Conveyancing and general practice In Law, Office 7% Sim- coe Street South, Oshawa, Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. F. Annis, B.A, LL.B. 5 WE BANK ARR. of Commerce Building, " 'Public, Jo P. MANGAN, B, rister, Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer. Money tn loan, Of- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phope 445. Residence phone 837, N & Fraser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg, LOUIS 8. f ' Solfeitor, Notary, Money to loan, 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone 67. Residence 2544W. & MPHREYS, risters, Solicitors, Ete, 2414 Sim. coe St, N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan, FRANK 8, EBDS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Convey- ancer, Money to loan, Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. 8. J. HENNICK, B.A., BARRIS , 1215 Simcoe St. South, Tele- , phone 3038-003. ("3 sept tf) Medical PR. B, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- siefan and Surgeon, special atteny , tion given to X-ray work and . Electrotheopy. Office, Disney | Block. Phone 2050. Office open , 9 a.m, 9 pm. Residence 421 | King Street East. Phone 2416, DR. McKAY, TAN, 8UR- gein, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence King St, East, corner Vie toria St., Oshawa, Phone 94. ia Undertaking LURE BURIAL CO, 67 KRING St. East. Ambulance, Residence 642 Siméoe Street North, Phone 210J and 210W, D7. 8, J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in Phone 959, House Insurance DAVIE AND BON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 reputable Fire Companies. SUN LIFE AESURANCE COM- pany of Canadas, Dominjon Bank Chambers. Phone 1834. Ales 8. Ross, 8. ¥. Everson. (15 oct tf) Beauty Parlors Y LOU BEAU PA specialists {n all lines of beauty culture. Permanent Waves $4.00 and up. "Naturelle Method". Marcel 60c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim $1.00, 86 Simcoe St. North, Phone 2068. (8 aug tf) GENO 8 HA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture, Our permanent wave a specialty, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00, Finger wave and shampoo $1.00, Marcel 60c. Fac- fals, scalp treatments and mani- cures, Coffee Shoppe entrance. Phone sppointments 1973. {15 way | mo) CORENE _ JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling 35c and finger waving bo0e. Phone 2188J, ( 14 apr ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCII HAIR: dressing and Beauty Zu.ture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osh- awa, Ontario. attendance, 1812. (23 nav tf) CILCTAN ~ McLEAN, MARCEL 36c at your home or 735 Albert St. (28 mar ¢) MISS McKENNA, PERMANENT waving, finger waving, marcell- ing and beaufy »uiture. 156 Rox- borough Ave. Phone appoint. ments 1230F, (29 mar ¢) CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENT wave special $5, Finger wave 50c. Marcel 25c. Cal) 3369, (2 apr ¢) OBHAWA BURIAL CO., M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W. 87 Celina, (4t1) Architects A .T GENERAL Architectural work, Second floor Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496. Residence phone 9097, Auctioneer 716J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, 8., Oshgwa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and {mplements, Your patronage solicited, Watch Repairing ¥. A. VON GUNTEN, Swiss watchmaker, repair sho 44% King Street West. Your t: [ a Datronag is solicited Battery Service # 8 CHARGED Tbe with rental $1.00. Repaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan, Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 960, Hemstitching HEMSTITCHAING, 7 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoo S. Phone 16586, (5 ily 81) TERRI Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. [ Coleman's, 85 Bond West, Spec: | lalists in furniture moving. Stor- | age warehouse and moving van | equipment. Phone 82. | dat, choirmaster, Simcoe United Church. Plano, organ, singing. Phcne 3128. Residence 765M, (28 mar ¢) LESSONS given with the purchase of any | Hawaiian Guitar and Tenor Ban- Jo. Phone 1490. Harris Music Store, 11 Simcoe gt. 8. ; (22 mar ¢) Barber Shop BANK'S BARBER SHOP, GOR- ner Ash and Celina St. Al} hair. cutting 15c. Children on Wednes- day 10c. Mell Graham, formerly of Mary St, is now assisting. We im to please. (23 mar ¢) Radios Repaired HONE 8350 HAWA RA Bervice for radle repairs. Fully quipped to give rellable service. Chas. Wales, (lv apr ©) YOUR RADIO SOIENTIFIOALLY repaired, ten years' speclallzing in repairing on all models, Cal 806W. Certified radlotriclan, (22 mar ¢) : DIO--TUBES, BAT- "ly short and long wave equip- ment. Batteries charged. Radio epaira. Phone 1200W, ha ADIO TRO prompt service, moderate charges, work fully guaranteed, National Radio Service. 3186M. (17 apr ¢) PRINCELLA™ BEAUTY SALON, Hairdressing, marcelling 35e¢, finger wave 50c, finger wave and shampoo 75¢. Faclals, manicures, balr trimming a specialty, 10 Prince £t Phone 688. (7 apr ¢) For Rent FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS | Simcoe Manor dnd Victoria Apts., completely modern, and very cleanly. It will be a pleasure to have you inspect them. Open throughout the day snd evening. Bradley Bros., local mgrs. (4 apr ¢) APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals, Disney, phone 1550. (14t0) MODERN 6 ROOMED APART- ment, electrically equipped, chest- out trim, fruit cellar and garage, Phone 269. 828) ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED to suit gentleman or two rooms for light housekeeping. Phone '1686, (31 mar ¢) D T every conveniences, pantry; pri- vate toilet. Possession Immed]- ately. Apply 29 Drock East. (66e) MODERN 81x ROOMED HOUSE, hardwood floors and trim, North. LL 1697W. (8bc) TMENT O KARN'S ik Store to a desirable vio ! at moderate rental, Possession April 12, Apply Dr, F. L. Henry, 231 King St, Fast. Phone 16. Hours from 6 to 10 p.m. any ovening. (641) FOR RENT with bhi 'floors. Phone 1587W, (Bbc) 3 HOUSES TO RENT, APPLY O. R. Hall, 207 College Ave. (66¢c) TO RENT--6 ROOMBED HOUSE, North Orhawa. Sarr conveni- ences, wired for range and gar- age. Few acres of land suitable for chicken place, across from yellow garage, " | das Mar 19-28) | MODERN 4 ROOMED APART- ment. All conveniences, including hot water heating, location very central, Private entrance, Posses. sion April 1, Apply 26 Chureh St. Phone 2323, (67¢) APRIL, 18T HORE TO RENT on Burke St. Apply 145 Burke St. Phone 854. (87¢c) Agents Wanted RELIABLE MAN FOR ONE hundred store route; this county; experience unnecessary: no sefl. Ing; distribute and colleet, Should net seventy dollars weak ly. Shamas Mfg. Company, New i up to noon, March 81, | 10th next, Toronto, Ont (56, 61, 87, 72) Articles For Sale GOOD SOUND URY BODY HARD Wood. Guaranteed full measure. % cord $3. Mixed $2.75, Sof! wood $2.25. A. Wall, 202 Cour. cellette Ave, Phone 2628F, (8 apr c) FRANK McQUAID, COAL, CORE, dry body wood, hard, mixed Slabs, Phone 2423W. 115 Annis (2 (2 may c) oo RY ELA BS $2.25 i cord, No. 1 Body Merzle $3, Coke. 79 Joho St. Phore 31097. (21 marc) i ¥ A , Beach and Maple, Stove length. $3 3% cord. Robert Christy Phore 1970W. (15 apr ¢) FOR SALE--HATCHING BGGS. While Leghorns, Hollywood Strain. §1 per setting. Phone 1897W, (4 apr ¢) BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE, Good as new, Cheap, Apply 330 Simcoe St. 8. (65c SINGER PORTABLE ELE OTHE, Cheap, treadle machines, $5 up. All reconditioned. Work ike new. Singer Shop, 18 Ontarfo. (66c) FOR BALD--ONE RE-CONDI- tioned Quebec cook stove with water front and one three burner gas range at Harry D. Wilson Hardware, 23 King West, Phone 46, (66¢c) DRY BODY WOOD, $3 1; cord. Claude McQuald, 54 Albert St. Phone 1079J. (19 apr ¢) FOR BALE--UBED FURNITU consisting of chestertlelds, table, sideboard, etc. Reasonable offer copied. Apply 114 McLaughlin Blvd (67d) "Awnings FH A TENTS, FLAGS, TAT paulins, everything fn cpnvas. Phone 2104. George Reld, 68 Bond West. J. J. Turner & Sons, Representative, (25 mar e) Work Wanted CARPENTER WORK, ALL kinds furniture repaired, remod- elled, Estimates free F, W. Rol. son, 75 Hogarth St, Phone 220. (8 apr ¢) 0 FL 8 1D, sanded, refinished with electric sander by Haynes floor expert. hone 481 or 3078W. (17 apr ¢) Lost LOST LADY'S BULOVA watch, with red stones. Finder please return to Chief of Police Oshawa. Reward, (85¢) Personal FEATHER BEDS MADE IN mattresses, Hiderdowns, Pillows and mattresses cleaned and re- covered like new. Representative here now. Bog 401 Times. (1 apr ¢) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD young lady reasonably in return or companionship, Phone 1164J, (66%) 'Home Made e Candy HOME MADE CANDY "MADE Mrs. Twilley, Ritson Rd., Osh. wa. You'll enjoy these delicious ndles, other do. Jean uth Cake Shoppe. (11 apr gl : "Pets and Livestock D HE w for sale, Apply at Dizon coal yard. (66e) FOR SALE--15 GOOD WORK horses, Apply 514 Athol St, BE. (67¢) Male Help Wanted get them. Be ready for spring ap. Jotntments. Free Booklet. The S .C.C., Toronty 19. 65-61+67+73), "Help Wanted UPWARDS ¢ or FARN 1 7 Real Estate For Sale BA. house and garage, north end, in good condition. Cheap for cash or will exchange for bungalow. Phone 1193W, (86¢c) 6 ONE storey bungalow. Brick veneer on cement foundation. All copn- venlences, Well situated in school district. Just off paved street. Must be sold. Terms to suit pur- chaser. Box 510 Times, (67¢) TORONTO HOUSE, VALUE $5000, for six room North Osh- awa home, Owners only. Box 512 Times, or used for Sunday Schoo] use. Apply C. A. Glecoff, 165 Verdun Road, (65c) WANTED TO BUY--BECOND hand car. Apply 62 Division St. or phone 2727W, (67¢) WANTED TO BUY--ONE OF- fice desk and table. Must be In good condition. Phone 169, (67¢) SS ~ Notice | to o Trappers FURS WANTED--25, 000 MUBK- rats wanted to (lll a manufac- turer's order. Able tn pay high- est cash prices. I. Stein. Phones 81,reverse charge, Whitby, On. tario. (16 may ¢) Tenders Wanted TENDERS IN be received by the undersigned for the position of assessors for the Township of East Whithy in two areas, one area comprising School Sections 1 10-11 and the other area the bhalapce of the municipality, Duties to com mence April 10 and finish Sept, 30. The lowest or arg tender not necessarily accépted, P. GG. PURVIS, Clerk of Past Whithy, Columbus, Ont, (67-70-72) TENDERS IN WRITING WILL, be received by the undersigned up to noon, March 31, for the position of a tax collector for the Township of East Whithy for 1922. 'Duties to commenca April Applicants will have to. furnish satiefactory Bonds to the amount of $30,000. The low. est or any tender not necessarily accepted P A PURVIS, Clerk of East Whithy, Columbus, Ont weekly growing mushrooms for |= = us this spring in cellars and sheds, Begin now, Illustrated booklet free. Canadian Mushroom Co., Toronto. (85, 67, 69) ---- A | I Rates For Classified Ads. First Ipsertion----114 per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30ec. Each subsequent tive Insertion word. . | Three cousecutive inser. tions for the price of two | firs. insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for threo | insertions 60c. | Box number '0c additional, | Professional or Business | Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word. HONE 35 cents consecu- le per i] BABY CHICKS CUSTOM Hatching, White .Leghoros, Par- red Rocks, Blood tested, bred to lay. Thone. 1327) or write for catalozue, Oshawa Hatchery, 144 Park Rd. N. ale (12 mar ¢) WANTED-- POULTRY OF ALL kinds. Will pay highest market prices as there is a biz demand for fat hens for the Jewish holl- day, I. Stelp, phone 81, Whitby, Ont, (16 apr ¢) BARRED ROCK AND WHITE L.aghorn hens for sale, Apply 8. Ileney, Wilson Road North, (87¢) "For Sale or E FOR BALE OR EXCHANGES acres, Brick dwelling. Plenty of of outhuilding Close to Osh. awa. Degries and young orchard Owner Box 65 Oshawa. (67a) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--=10 acros bush, Good buildings, Osh. awn twelve miler, feven hundred cach required, Will take equity in Oshawa dwelling for my dquity In farm. Write 461 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. (67a) WRITING WILL or Exchange i Baby Chicks BLOOD TESTED GOVERN: ment approved Rock and l.eg- horns. Call and see one of Can- ada's finest hatcheries. Custom hatching sollcited. Mara Lodge Hatchery, Bowmanville, (66c-71c-77c-838¢) 1932 Tourist Season is Expected to be Normal Owing to Exchange Rate Montreal, Que, Mar, 9. -- On account of the premium on Unit- ed Btates funds and because many Americans, though . they wil' not be able to afford a trip to Europe this summer, will still- insist on a bit of foreign travel, Canada's tourist traffic should benefit greatly in the coming sea- son sald Charles MN. Black, pre- s'dent of the Royal Automobile Cb of Canada in a recent jn- terview, "It rests with Cana- dans and the type of hospitality which they exhibit to determine whether the influz of visitors, aided by artificial means this year, will continue and expand,' be added, Speaking of the regrettable type of mentality frequently shown towards the foreign visi- tor, Mr. Blac' remarked that many people vieweC the tourlt as a piscatorial species of which there was an unlimited supply. "I'nis outlook," be said, "must definitely be abandoned. Gen- wipe courtesy and hospitality must be the rule and the kind of hospitality should be shown, which does not evaporate when the prospect for a sale disappears. It should not all be a matter of doilars and cents." Must Link Social Aims With Religious Sources Toronto, March 11--Contacts with capital and labor are being made by the Commission on Evangelism in the United Church of Canada, At- tempts are also being made to se- cure consideration by the churches of the problems of their communi- ties, For example, young peoples' societies of country churches are being encouraged to study the so- eial and economic problems of rural life. Church leaders are also hop- ing to bring leading farmers, work- ingmen and industrialists together, "A social passion strongly charac- terizes the United Church, but there is peril in separating this passion from its religious sources," said Rev. Gen, C. Pidgeon, DD. chair- man of the commission Addressing the leaders of the United Church in attendance at the Executive of Gen- eral Council, he outlined the Com- mission's aims Supporting his contention, the secretary, Rev. D, N. McLachlan, D.D, said: "Evangelism is always the immediate duty of the Christian Church." In his view the teachings of Jesus had to be applied to all relationships by regenerated men There is 2 story of a man who applied to a famous film producer for a super's job. Like so many other supers in Hollywood, he had had no work for weeks. "Well," replied the magnate, "I might be able to use you, but it will be quife a while. yet, Seg me in Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always a month's time" "If you want me at all," replied the actor, "you'd better put me on the pay roll right now. There are a lot of other companies after me," "Yes?" answered the director, who had often heard the remark before: "And what companies are they?" "Well." said the actor, the light company, the gas company, the telephone company, and--- The director laughed, and th 1c nian was put on the salary list "et there's | "What is the di ficrence between an old-fashioned girl and a modern girl?" "An old-fashioned girl blushes and a modest when she is ashamed, girl is ashamed when she blushes," A farmer became the father of twins and on hearing the news he was so delighted that he hurried to the nearest telegraph office and sent this telegram to his sister-in- law: "Twins todav, More tomorrow." Wife: "Why is it that a divorce costs more than a marriage?" Husband: "Isn't it worth more?" ~ Royal York 0 smeTea Hobks. 28e Superior Stores REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South and women, Both speakers anticipated that the ideas and ideals of the Commission would be brought forward at the | annual meetings of eleven Confer- | ences of the United Church of Can- ada in the various provinces in May and June, Professor R. B. Y. Scott of Unit- ed Theological College, Montreal, heading up a committee to prepare the message on evangelism for all the Conferences. Before next Autumn it was hoped to achieve closer co-operation with other communions in an evangelistic programme, Up to now the princi pal activity had been the forming of leagues of prayer in some pres- byteries Visitation of pastoral charges by Presbytery deputations was also going on.s Self-pupporting churches as wel] as missions came within the scope of the Commission's work, Magistrate Has to Decide When Pork is Really Pig Montreal. -- Pigs is pigs, but butcher's pork is not always far- mer's pork---at least, not accord- ing to a decision made in the Rec- order's Court here recently when Joseph Rheaume, farmer of &t Rem! de Naplerville, was brought before Recorder Morrison on a charge of gelling pork at Bonte- cours Market which be had not bred, fed and raised to maturity, It was alleged he had hought the meat at an abattolr and was com. peting with butcher shops in sell- Ing ft, Years ago, it would seem, City Fathers gathered around the council room and parsed a by-law defining what constitutes pork, this with a view towards control. ling its sale of city markets, The by-law rules that no meat can be sold at city markets hy farmers unless the original bull, cow, calf, lamb, pig or deer is "raived, fat- tened and butchered on their owners' farms." Particular men- tion is made of pork, it being held that country-rdised pigs only con- stitute pork, sale of which is per- missible in the eyes of the law, from farm wagons at the markets, If the pig Is a city-bred pig which has met {ts death within an abat. toir it may be sold over butchers' stalls only. At first Farmer Rheaume as- serted his innocence but later pleaded gulity and was fined $10 and costs with the alternative of fifteen days in jail. "Let this be a warning to farmers," sald Record er Morriron in giving judgment. EDMONTON GIRL WINS HONORS IN DRIVING CONTEST Edmonton, Alta..-Opce again Miss Beth Trowbridge has scored in the field of high diving. This young Edmonton swimmer, was successful in winning the Hoad championship cup at the Banff Winter carnival, making her for the fourth consecutive year Dry Cleaning MBERT, FRENCH dry clesning and repairing. Goods called for and delivered. Phone 623, 66 Bagot St, (12 apr ¢) Western Canada ladles' champion Tor meveral years Miss Trow- bridge has distinguished herself at swimming and diving meets, In 1928, In addition to being the holder of the Western Canada ladles' championship, she won the city and provinelal echam- plonship. In 1929 she ranked sec. ond In the swimming competi- tion put on by the Calgary Men's Amateur Swimming Club in the Crystal pool. Miss Trow- bridge thoroughly enjoys diving and some of the more difficult dives of which she is master, are the Swan, the Jackknife, the Back and the Flying Dutchman, and also the One and a-Half Somersault, diving | 1%) PD KARN THE DRUGGIST POR SERVICE Pwont 176. wEXT TE POST OMFG FOR RENT | | ---- | SUMMER COTTAGES -- at Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa. Screened porches, City wat. | | er, electric ranges, fire. | places and all conveniences. | Occupation about May 1st, D. CONANT, Oshawa. G, RE LAGI tr rg gr ------ For Automobile, House and Contents Insurance See J. H. R. LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone Chevrolet Heavy Duty Truck with dual wheels. 1930 model, stake or dump body price $630. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 80 King St. East 1929 Plymouth Sedan Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 1385 King st. W. Phone 1160 SPECIAL! MEN'S SUITS MADE TO MEASURE $19 DOMINION CLOTHING 08 King St. West 871 or 687TW. AUTO LOAN: an CARS REFINANCED Can be arrpnged at lowest prevailing rates, ki. a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your Car, CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD., Disney Block, King St. E. A, A. MacDONALD, Representative. tranches Throughout Ontario. | JURY & LOVELL'S | OPTICAL PARLORS | J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. | Eyesight Specialist | Phone 8315 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 Simcoo St, 8. Phone 180 HOMPSQ Vago arom WE DELIVERY9 10 Simcoe St, 8, We Deliver We buy Old Gold and Silver We repair anything bought in a Jewelry Store BASSETT'S Jewelers On Oshawa's Main Corner TILLIE THE TOILER--The Call She | Missed. By Russ. Westover REX CARLTON 16 GONG To WAVE ONE HARD TIME TRYING TO EXPLAIA 4 Wh - Jing Features Sy adicdin, Lue. Gres Retain (gan eee SEY WIM OUT TO LY Ee RE INCOMVERE YO UGE THE PHONE POR HWM HELLO, LONG DigTANCE WANTS ME MR CARLTON, TORE. PUT WIM ¥ THATS CARLTON, LIE, LET ME ALW TO WIM WeLLO, CARLTON. THIS 3 ME. SMPRING, CHECK UP ON THE MATERIAL AT MILL AD. 4 AT ONCE, WES «- AND WURRWV! ~ ove wi WHERE'LL | PUT THESE BOOKS: MR: JIGGS ? PAD oT --_-- DON'T PUT THEM ANYWHERE BURN'EM' 'M TIRED OF LOOKIN' AT'EM* TO THINK | DOLLARS Fur 'Em' a PRETTY BooK ONE HUNDRED SHE SURE WUZ WELL: AT LAYT MY ORO 1D CLEARED OF BOOKS AN I'M GONNA WEEP IT CLEARED "By C rr McManus MR JIGES YOU BOUGHT SOME BOOKS FROM MSD PRINT | \WAD HERE TWO WEEKS AGO BUT WOU WERE OUT YOU REALLY SHOULD HAVE BOLGHT THEM FROM ME AD | WAS WERE 1 Goes FIRST OF COURSE, A Lune MAN LIKE YOu ~ lt ~ e «3 > ---e SHOULD AVE SOME BOOKS OM WELL"