Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Mar 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1932 PAGE FIVE ~ Women's Interests in the Home and the Conimunity brother, Mr. Harry Cawker, and Mrs. Cawker, Ritson Road South, CROWN ATTORNEY ADDRESSFS H. ANDSS. CLUB Ritson Road Home and School Club Has Suc- cessful Meeting Social and Personal Readers are invited to sub- mit social and personal items for publication in this column Kindly send or phone them to Ihe Times office. Phone 85 or after office hours to Miss Lois Mundy. Phone 812. Mrs. H. W. Nichol, of Toronto, formerly of this city and prom- fnently known in music circles here is the guest of Mrs, Frank Hallett, Colborne Street, Mrs. . Nichol will sing with the Simcoe Street United Church Choir at Crown Attorney J. A. MeGib- their concert this evening, bon was the speaker last évening > 2 > at the regular monthly meeting Mr. and Mrs. M. M, Hood, Les- | or Ritson Road Home and School lie Street, were dinger guests cian and brought before the last evening of the Toronto RoO-| 1.06 assembled body of parents tary Club at the Motor Show. |and teachers some interesting ' 9 facts about his work as Crown Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davidson, | Aitorney in this district. Ninety of John Street, left yesterday for per cent. of his work in the Sudbury where they will attend | itv of Oshawa, he gaid. He gave the funeral of Mrs Davidson's | from sixteen to thirty as the mother who died . suddenly on | criminal for men and women. Tuesda Juvenile ald Mr. MeGib- hon in is the result of the wrong of home in- fluence, He advised the fathers and mothers to keep In close touch with the lives of their children and to ens virdze them to do right. The kar wa | introduced H. Knight the principal of the school The meeting last ni v of the he the Clun hr ' r known. Mire. J. Booth, the presi- dent was in the chair and con- dueted the husinesg mer Mrs. MePhee Mrs. Johnson who were appointed last month, to raise a sum of money for the club treasury handed in $20.85 For their efforts they re ved congratulations of © other "nh members, Mrg. Nicoll and Mrs. Reno offered to act as of the soclal committee il wh Mrs. McPhee and Mrs. Crasford allowed their names to stand as convenors of the pro- gramme committees for the next Mrs. Victor, Eulalie was announced, was vinner of the p: f pillow raffled hy Mr , an fous worfor Home ves { School Club uch the wo ie of ticket raffle, hi : Godfrey the club ont, treasury bv : Miss Robertson and Mann's classe won the pri for the repr ation parents at meeting, After the addre Lovely Women Say | {oF tie A ) ng Miss Gladys It's Wonderful a piane solo, Mr. Curti ry Prevents Large Pores-- Danny Rov" Miss a Van- . ervort recitec wo pleasinz num- Stays on Longer - bers and six boys fron Miss Because new wonderful MELLO- Smith's class entertained the GLO Face Powder st rs on long. meeting with musical numbers, er snd prevents lates pores, NO | bringing to a elose a meeting more sh ny Roses. Not affected 80 | p44 shall stand out as one of the much by perspiration. Its ome | ost successful since the hegin- shade blends with. every com- | ,. of the Ritson Read Home plexion, giving more life to the and School Assoclation skin, New French process MEL- pl LO-GLO makes you look younger. Hides tiny lines, wrinkles and pores. Try MELLO-GLO. Sold through all druggists and. at toilet goods counters. 18 ime ss 4 a many Mrs, T. W. Kaiser, president of the Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club entertained the members and some friends at six tables of bridge at the Genosha Hotel on Tuesday afternaon. Mrs, N. Wil- son was successful in winnin the ladies' first prize. Mrs. E. Saunders held the second highes bridge score. A consolation prize was given to Mrs. E, Goodman. After bridge, dain fternoon tea was served by ting, " - and Members of the North Group of the Sunbeam Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Poil, 107 Warren Avenue, last evening. Mrs. Kent donated a handsome pair of pillow slips that she raf- fled off with tickets nt a small price, to aid in increasing the funds of the Chapter. Mrs. Mason held the winning ticket. After the business meeting, a lunch was served by the hostess as- sisted by the convenor of the group, Mrs. Coleman, > 's » Mrs. Allan Pipher, Street, is the guest of Hutchison, of on, * 8 ® Mrs. Jack Smith, of Hamilton, was the week-end guest of her CONVenorss for Anril $16 Mies dollar larzest the ing of Jeffrey played ladys "Only two things prevent you from being a really great foot- baller." "And what are they?" "Your feet!" HOT MEALS DURING LENT How seldom it is those in need Who are possessed of grasping greed! ~---0ld Mother Nature, "I'l just help myself to all I want whenever I want it," thought Chatterer Chatterer the Red Squirrel poked his head out of his door- way to look and listen before venturing out. Long ago he learn- ed never to expose himself until he had first made sure that no watchful, hungry enemy was lurk- ing near, It was a beautiful morn- ing, clear, still, cold, for jolly, bright Mr. Sun had only just be- sun his daily climb up in the blue, blue sky. Suddenly Chat- terer pricked up his ears and listened intently. . Faintly but clearly he heard certain distant sounds that brought him wholly out of his house in a hurry that might listen better, And they brought a grin to his sharp little face There was the sound of distant noundinz, a fainter clattering ind a merry whistle, He knew that whistle. He had heard it often enourh, Tt was the whistle of Farmer Brown's Boy. He know, too, what that pounding and clattering meant, for he knew fust where those sounds were coming from. They were coming from Farmer Brown's sugar camp is among the sugar maples and they meant just. one thing 'hat Farmer Brown and Farmer Brown's Boy were preparing to make sugar and syrup from the running sap of the maple trees. They did it every year when the fap was running, Chatterer listened for only a minute or two. Then with a hasty look around to make sure that the way was clear, he whisked up that tree, out a long a branch to the tip, leaped, caught the tip of a branch of a neighboring tree, ran along that branch and out on another to leap to a third He was off on a familiar little highway of his own through 'he tree-tops and he was head- 'nz straight for those sugar ma- he treo, | ples and the place whence those 'ounds were coming. He hadn't stopped for even a mouthful of breakfast, He passed rirht through the top of the tree where he had the day before stolen san from Tapper the Sap- sucker, He didn't give Tapper so much as one single little thousht, He had forgotten all about Tap- per. It was just as well, for Tap- ner was even then drinking san from the little holes he had tapned in that tree and was pre- nared to make it most uncom- fortahle for Chatterer should he again trv to gteal any of that sap. Chatterer was excited. He was very much excited." He always is SHREDDED HEAT WITH HOT MILK APPETIZING INVIGORATING SATISFYING Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. 'Thé last word in Christie quality . . . extra rich \ « « « extra light . . . extra delicious . . . and always fresh as fresh can be. Christies De Luxe SHORT WOMEN'S MEETINGS KING ST. HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Tuesday night was Father's Night at the monthly meeting of the King St. Home and School Association. Murray Miller very ably acted as. President and Mr. Forster, as Treasurer, Mrs. Marks and Mrs. Forster were appointed delegates to the Home and School Clubs' Conven- tion meeting in Toronto Easter week. Miss Bayne's room won the prize for the largest attendance of parents. After the husiness was dealt with and the acting President ex- tended best wishes for the suc- cess of "Donnybrook Fair" which is to be held on Saturday, March 12, in the school, a good program follow. Dr. Grant Berry was the speak- er, his subject being, 'The School Nurse and Her Duties" Miss Anabel Baird played a niano solo which demonstrated 'the result of Grpup Teaching In the Schools, Mrs. Alex Fisher and Mrs. Grant Berry each sang delightful solos which were greatly appreciated. Mrs, O, Mof- fatt was their accompanist. Mrs. Hare, of Newcastle, gave two humorous readings. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Patterson's group who were glven valuable assistance by the men, KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the W:M.S, of Knox Preshy- terian. Church was held yester- day afternoon. With a record at- tendance the President was in the chair and presided-over the busi- ness session and a delightful programme, Miss Margaret Scott, Vice President of District No. 6 was the guest speaker and gave a wonderful message on "What Our Allocations in Missionary Work Really Meant", Miss Isobel Munro rendered a delightful solo, From our missionary study "The Tide of Opportunity". Mra. Spark's message on "Our Task at Home", brought | to a cloge a most successful. and impressive meeting. Tea was served and a social halt hour was enjoyed. By Thornton W. Burgess | him that in takine them he woffld excited when humans come Into the Green Forest. Now he was even more excited than usual, for he knew that there would be much to watch and very likely opportunities to steal many a tidbit from the little sugar house among the big maples, Anyway he would be able to get all the sap he wanted without danger from the stout, sharp bill of Tapper the Sapsucker. He was soon in sight of the lit- tle house and hid where he could see all that went on without him- gelf being seen. Farmer Brown and Farmer Brown's Boy were roing from tree to tree, horing little holes in each, driving into these littla spouts and hanging nails to cate¢h the sap that wonld run from those little spouts. Chatterer's eves shone with areed. There would be no trouble now in getting all the sap he wanted without the trouble of working for it, and without the dancer of having his coat forn bv a sharp hill, to say nothing of the pain that would follow, "I'l just help myself to all 1 want whenever I want it' thourht Chatterer. "Oh my! Oh | What a feast T will have for T am sure that there will he nlenty of good things in thal house and while Farmer Brown and Farmer Brown's Boy are away from it I can enter when I nlease, Sap to drink and good things to eat and the fun of get- ting both!" So .Chatterer - watched and h'ded his time and thought greed- ily of the good things he would have, and it didn't once occur to my! doing anything wrong--that he would be stealing. You see, in the Green Forest each one has a right to take what he can get. | It Is his only when he has pos- | seaeion of it. At all other times it is for whoever is smart enough to eget it. (Copyright, Burgess.) he 1932, by T. W. The next story: "Chatterer Is | Too Greedy." | | C.G.IT » L . » The Joy Group Sandwiched between all sorts of games, the Joy Groun took to nicture study. In the absence of thelr leader they were exposed to the aesthetic in the pictures of Jean Francois MQlett, interpreted and explained to them by Miss VanlLuven. Following the picture of The Angelus, the devotional nerfod was conducted on the idea of Prayer. Upside Down. With or Without | Care! And who is this we see hefore us, All standing on their heads? Tumbling this way, some that way, were seen by the privileged few, the North End Acrobats. Who is to say it 1s not a worth- while thing to do a hand stand, a head stand, a cartwheel, a hackward somersault? = No one, unless it be the person who has not aspired to it, or the person who has aspired---and thig is the day after! What a stiff neck! What a stiff wrist! And how they still need practice! But cheer up, they are improving. The next exhibition will he put on only after a sale of tickets. Await further announcements! ! Aketa Searchers The Aketa Searchers met at the home of their leader Bernice Dunford for their regular meet- ing. Marion Corhett wag appoint- MOURNING WARDROBE "A death occurred in our family and I bad to go in mourning, I could hardly afford to buy all black clothes, so deelded to dye what I had. 1 consulted our drug- gist and he advised using Dia- mond Dyes. Everything came out beautifully; coats, wool dresses, stockings and all. I have since learned to appreciate the excels lence of the black Diamond Dyes. I tried another black dye and the results were impossible. I had to get Diamond Dyes and do the work over. Recently I have tinted my curtains a beau- tiful raspberry shade ang dyed a rug a lovely garnet with Dia- mond Dyes. They are real money savers--the finest dyes money can buy--1I truly believe." Mrs. G.K.L:, Montreal ys Colds Best treated without dosing -- Just Tub on FIGHT THE FLU BUILD RESISTANCE NH (ATT Thursday, Friday, Saturday BIG DAYS March 1 oth, 11th, 12th. BODIGLOVE Corselettes AND GLOVETTE Wraparounds Both productions of the mak- of the Form corsets. Fitting features that are exclusive this manafacturer Quality throughout The corselette to 30, 21 to ers famous Lovers to superb. 30 The Wraparound in size 32, Priced sale at is in sizes specially for this New and with plenty of streteh .....iviviinres sens iiin Y4 inch WHITE ART-SILK ELASTIC 7 Ti VRE 5 a From The Makers of Martha Washing. ton House Dresses, Or WELL LINEN ANOTHER MADE Porch Frocks Specially bought for this sale and SHIPMENT PRINT AND priced at To really appreciate the value we are offering you in dresses at 88c¢ you must first see what other stores are showing near price. You must note the quality of the fabrics, the finishing touches and the way they are cut. "ome dresses are cut pretty scrimpy-- are not cut to a price but are as large size for size as our better All 34 to 52. this these just ling sizes Highly Finished MONSTER = 5 | Enamelled Bobby Pins 3 sizes on the card 36 Pins 7c The new price front, | HYLOOM GLUVSILK LINGERIE (Guaranteed Locknit). The very first time on record that this superb qual- ity have been offered at this popular price. Bloomers with yoke Panties with yoke front and banded knee Vests with shaped shoulder. 4 colors only, pink, peach, nile, white, Formerly $1.50. 25 DOZEN WOMEN'S IMPORTED GIRLS' SILKNIT A very fine well made prettily trimmed with lace lion. white, Sizes 6 to On Sale at RAYON BLOOMERS garment, Colors are pink, peach and RAYON edal- medal Strap shoulder style. Reg. black, sand, pink. $1.69. 3 Big Days Reg. 19c. Special, yd. ENGLISH PRINTS A good selection cf pretty floral and neat pot and sprig patterns. 15¢ PRINCESS SLIPS Colors, $1.19 Chamoisette Gloves Part of a special purchase which we were able to half the regular cost. Colors are 29¢ white, secure at about Greys, Sand and Beaver, All sizes, six to cight, Reg. 49¢ and 59c¢. Three Days Sale OUR FAMOUS GORDON PRINTS 22¢ "Yard wide, every piece guar- anteed fast color. Special, yd ed to prepare the program of next week. What is it to be? Watch next week's column, The Devotional period was conducted by Norma Dunford. After the business meeting was adjourned, they played a number of games. Bon Accord And with one accord, we took to sewing, We threaded and threaded, and lost needles and lost needles; but in time we could say that we had done some sewing for the Welfare Socicty. Too, we practised some more on our ghort play, "Our Aunt From California", which we hope to put on directly after Easter. This will be our last meeting until April fifth, Au revoir! Modern Martha The "Modern Martha's" of Simcoe St. had a rather '"differ- ent" evening at their last meo!- ing. Among other interesting things there was a discussion on "Social Relationship." Foursquare The *"Foursquare" Group of St. Andrew's began a rather un- usual project last Tuesday, The Regent Theatre was. honoured with their presence and next week, "Lover's Courageous' will suffer, this way and that, for the "Foursquares" intend to discuss it pro and con. More anon, To Be A Pilgrim Kitckekewanas have not for- gotten, nor do they want to for- get, the theme of the January conference. As a long-lived re- minder they have taken the pil- grims from their banquet menus, cut them out, pasted them on pastel backgrounds 'to match their bedrooms, and pass-part- outed them. You have no idea how striking they are, and how attractive and what a beautiful 'ominder that the road, even though steep, does lead to the mountains, Aketa Last week, due to the absence of our leader, Miss Johnson, from town, Miss Hagel Hess, a former Sunday School teacher, took charge of the meeting, It took the form of a social except for a small business meeting. Didn't we have fun? I should say we did. Keeping clear in, "streets and alleys', trying to keep a straight face when a "poor pussy', made some tei- However most eracked a ood rible noises, were but it caught was.all in or This week we had only a attendance due to the illne several members, Our repre tive to council read her and we decided to contribu tra this month that wi keep on skating, We will als have extra skating mone month as we have som 80 new | | whispered, now we on not seem as dying, Wouldn't LIT, member p ha in- | C.Gd though a cat was | v2 Our j howed us yott like to see oun Purpose poster? We had | an Oshawa man and | work of art, It a good size poster and can be i read anywhere in the room. wo | We squeaked and [hope to get a lot of enjoyment § can make a [out of it. We feel it was a real § resemble the right tune and ! investment, ba \J Conference made by ime, Don't | at is a wonderful |. You would if you had us trying to sing with only el from 7 at th t resent 1 certainly a mombers "We ar- Clean and Safe : for every cuoking purpose e Ever" aq od " - *Wear-Ever" Utensils are used daily in the leading Canadian hospitals for preparing foods for babies. What stronger 5 endorsement could any mother ask? For these same © { reasons of cleanliness and safety you should always mse x "Wear-Ever" in your home. © The genuine have the name on the bottom, At leading departs = ment and hardware stores. s ALUMINUM GOODS LIMITED ¥ | TORONTO, MONTREAL, VANCOUVER

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