THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1932 PAGE THREE Bowmanville Daily Times J. C. LARMER, REPRESENTATIVE Office Telephone No. 744 r---------- PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOC'N | WALNING TO MERCHANTS Meeting on Friday evening, 11th instant at 8 o'clock, Genosha | The Times this morning that he CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS Chief of Police Friend stated to | Maple Grove News (Miss Marion Snowden, Soeotposim ) He lass Clifford Swallow. Miss May Free man took charge of the recreation and also led in community singing [| 10s after which the president closed the | council meeting with a hymn and the benc- | w diction, in ca The the Une member of the hoard of education, speaking to The Times morning, stated that if the would express itself as to take all seeponsibility of action being taken on round that the procedure illegal, the gituation might girls of the Busy Workers Were very sorr that th vay ymmend itself more readily to board, but that as the matter ids now the responsibility lies board of education, which taking respon- not rightfully { were unable to e their pla ' Muple Grove, March 8-Our ser-| Farmerctte" ir Street Church, | the vices were not as er attended | (ahawa hur ) i on Sunday owing to so much sick- {ino t, three of the wir! | ness and bad roads, ---------- | Miss Greta Munday, Peterbor- | | ough, spent the week-end with her ! parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mark Mus day. Miss B. E, Souch spent the week end with her sister, Mrs, W. Weth- erett, Toronto, The Various Faculties The speaker then went on to explain that the university was divided into faculties, the first be- ing Arts from which a general education was obtained, A few ol the others were: medicine, engi- neering, mining metallurgy, me- chanical aviation and architec- ture, "Positions are calling to those who prepare themselves for ome of these careers, especially in the scientific research field," he said, Among the different pro- fessions that were popular with girl students were: householq scl- ence, music and nursing, He ad- vised taking up music only as jointly with another study, and for those who had the nursing profession in mind, he advised the four-year university course, out of which two years would be spent training in the hospital, While it was possible, on occa- | sfons, to enter a hospital for training with a limited education, the time was coming when a girl will have required to have spent four years in high school before she will be admitted and there will be a marked distinction be- tween them. Mr. Dunlop had booklets deal- | ing with different courses of stu- { dy, with him which he invited the students to take home and read Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle introduc- the speaker. Hotel, Mayor Macdonald will ad- dress the members upon munici- pal matters, ull attendance fis requested. (59-b) wished (0 point out to the mer- chants and other business men in ihe city that they should take warning against any overtures made to them to take advertising pace by canvassers who were soll- citing for a police magazine. He tated that there was only one po- lfce magazine in Canada, that be- ing the Chief Constable's Bulle- tin which was issued quarterly. Te further sald that no soliciting Mr. and Mrs. of advertising was done for this |, recently visited Mr, and periodical, N. I. Metcalf Mr and Mrs. L. C. Snowden en tertained a number of their friend to a Lost Heir party on Friday eve- ning, The sympathy of our community «tended to Mrs, Evans and fam- ily in the loss of their husband an: on W. J. DUNLOP WAS SPEAKER TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Gave Address on Univer-| sity Training After High School Years enmng ow 1 on tne cues not feel J sibility LEGALITY OF ACTION st upon it, IS QUESTIONED | - \ New York policems is saved (Cc ontinued trom page 1) | 1 death when a bandit's bullet at the end of the year, yet, on the | wus stopped hy a pi 2 of summonses figures placed in the civic bud- [in hig pocket. * This should teach get by the city council, there | policemen who have summonses in miglit be a deficit, their pockets to keep them there, ke A------ which does GOING TO TORONTO A party of members of the Osh- awa Kinsmen's Club is going to Toronto this evening to take part in a district meeting, at which the clubs from Toronto, Oshawa, Hamilton and Peterboro will be represented by delegations. Rus- sell Storks, president of the Osh awa Club, will head the local del- | egation, CAPTAIN M, W. PLUNKETT, Whose 13th annual revue, "As You Were," with all your old favorites in the cast, will' be presented at the Regent thea- tre for one night only, Tues- day, March 15th, Cyril Luke, Osh Mrs, A CORRECTION It was pointed out to The Times this morning that in the account of the proceedings of the police court on Tuesday against Frank derson by the Toronto Police Page, it was stated that = Magis- | father, was stated that the charge was | trate Creighton found sufficient 'I'he Young People's meeting last one of failing to retnen to the | widence to convict, This should | Wednesday evening was opened by | scene of an accident, Thi hi have heen sufficient evidence to | the President, Mr. Ernest Twist, | | have been failure to report commit for trial. The Times very [The Bible reading was given by aceldent, | much regrets this error. Jetty Snowden and the devotional topic taken by Ruby Aldworth, THe ! t vice-president, had £Aarge | of Aue Captain Plunkett's latest prod saci Set nT) SEARCH LINERS [AGED RESIDENT Fieri it oie FOR KIDNAPPED 4 a Christian," Kenne th Or a- snappy military term the good vocal duet, Misses Eileen news that thisiis an. all-men | F OSHAWA Ip Hockin i JJ | NI) ERM BABY (c ontinued trom page, 1) "As You Were' brings back | variety t! he took great those favorite impersonators, de oll ht : caring ar herself, (quiet dies of color. This trio gives The | hd . . " | Ther three . grandchildren | the 1ctors have inf ed hin i Dumbells the distinction of pre- hy phe ox Te 4 ind reat grandchildren, My lished by the leading stare critics ad a information that whe which will take place and theatrical reviewers through do fission : ap family residence, 265 | Ling Fang, the famous Chinese impersonator, who has made one Ross Hamilton and *"Red' New- |! on ! Toronto man---once again at the head of | the ki pper ( real vith | ton bel atre for Tuesday, March 1 when they will undou and May Freeman; réading, troupe again-----as they were in| I'rance, and as they were when | they first captured Canada with out fiiring a shot, Ross Hamilton and Glenn Allan, Surviving are her one daugh of fond memories, and also intro- (Continued from page 1) ter, Miss Cora Harvey, living at duces Don Romaine, of interna- |. on it was learned | \ pn | home; George Harvey of Toron tional fame as a delineator of 1a-| 1 "00 cantly reliable cr | to, and Leslie Harvey of Calgary, senting the three greatest imper- | 40.) with him further | Harvey's husband, the late John sonators in the world to-day, This The two notes lie received Sin. | Harvey, predeceased her twe: opinion is got only our own, but av ATS TO io} 1 Yo hay rte ly years ago. it has beer®acclaimed and estab- |" repories 4o have : 3 Rev, 1, Harston will officiate a1 | out the English-speaking world, |!'Mm® "propery and safe," they | Street South, on Friday | Some more travelled critics make | WOuld let the famous flier Know {groom at three o'clock, Inter- | it a quartet, by including Met how he communicate with y made in the Unjon tour of America. "As You Were" also those three original "Biff, Bing, Bang"---Al, the finest cast that ever frolicked | them. It 18 unde | ieorse under the Dumbelfs trademark. Cannot Interfere The Dumbells will present their ell, N.J Tar latest offering at the Regent the plicate the ovations which accorded them in other citi their triumphant march Canada, The Dumbellg are now on the last quarter of what promises to be their most successful tour in the thirteen years that they have been before the Canadian public as a regular theatrical troupe. The season, now in its seventh month, has proved a succession of packed houses and delighted audiences, The prices were lower, but the crowds were bigger, and there might be something in that for the economists to ponde: over ! FAILED TO REPORT In several articles appearing in The Times with regard to the charge laid against Charles The students of Bowmanville High School had the privilege on Wednesday afternoon of" hearir W. J. Dunlop, head of The' Uni- versity of Toronto Exten , who delivered a short addre with courses of study that were of vital interest to those who in- tended takin up university work after leaving hizh school, "Phere are two mistakes that students are apt to make," said | Mr, Dunlop. "One of these is, they do not decide on enough as to | what they are going to be in later | life. They haven't anything defi nite in mind and they keep put- ting it off, The other mistake is they give up studies before they reach the stage where it makes a tremendous differs That staze | is junior matriculation, or pref erably, honor matriculation," The spewker urged the students tH continue their studies until this goal, at least, was reached, but more important ill take advan- tage of a university course if you have the cha Many men find they have insufficient schooling to fit the \ for a position that is just above them and which they know at some future time will be vacant, Because of this, some of these men, mostly - between the ages of 28 and 132, have come to me advice on how they might secure mor education, Those who had passed from one form to another with honors have a fair ch of taking up their studies from where t left but the less fo ones have an up-hiH ruggle at age, These men, in of cases, were the on the chance but thre No Waste NS . Dunlop stat often lagged over 5 e Concert Tonight Simcoe Street United Church CHAS. A. R. WILKINSON, Composer, Organist, and Beauna Somerville, child violinist, assisting the choir. an Programme at 8.15 sharp. Admission 25¢ ed CALVARY CHURCH SPECIAL SERVICE night's service In Baptist Church was well attended. A solo was sung by Mr, Beek entitled, "The Stranger of Galilee," Rev. A, F. Williams gpoke on "Naaman the Leper." The story of Naaman was an {lI- lustration of salvation, sald the speaker. Leprosy, the disease that he had, was a type of sin, Naaman was an honorable man, he had wealth and power but in spite of it all he was a leper and that threw a pall over hig life's inter- off. | est. will | "There are a lot of great men this | to-day," said Mr, Williams, "who art - Wednesday Calvary two § nce, five ont GROCETERIAS So: seeking could ther note nor demand left pinned v 11 of y NUTEOrY theses two SPECIAL--WESTON'S MILK CHOCOLATE PEANUT JO: DAINTIES =: SPECIAL--Featuting This Week--"BEST for all BAKING" Purity | FLOUR 3 7 3 BAG " Your Assurance of QUALITY and FRESHNESS - un, her sn ! we eannot fn- | wish to hy Soseyh Gaboun --t is the Name LOBLAW -Always Buy es eT ag Te fhe fe a 0 Shes matter ro lt iriant or expressions. of 8 LOBLAW "QUALITY-FIRST" : Products. Hushan: ( "Than! f nm mean Lv an 2 | t death of thelr heaven it isn't plural" Joseph Loblaw's Shield Brand : OBITUARY PIMENTO MAYONNAISE ........8 oz. jar 23c he | 1 Too Late to Classify x HIGH PARK COFFEE (Vacuum Packed) DEATH OF WILLIAM MINERS | rm 98: Evel, 0 war 1 1b. tin 49¢ William. Miners whoa aii]: Phere was no {rtimatton of | METWEEN ROSERUSH 3 PRIDE OF ARABIA COFFEE......1 Ib. tin 41c occurred yesterday at the home of 4 Courtice, Tuosday "SPECIAL" Blend Coffee, 1 1b. parchment bag 34c his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Kav, Sth. ons Rone "TRUMPET" Brand Coffee 167 Albert Street. was a life-lons SEA on ; ward: tor Antormus | 1 1b. cellophane bag 26¢ resident of Oshawa, At the time | Jed. Jn tH cading to' recovery. Phone | LOBLAW'S F AM OoOUuUSs of his death lie was in his eighty-| 2° Oshawa. (59a) CHERRY CAKE.... 1 Nb 32¢ : first year. For fifty years, the late LOBLAW SRUIT AN me, the quickest way to Victoria?" | Mr. Miners was employed hy the Nh ¥ is: fter a critical ¢ alance at the car, | Malleable Iron Works. LOBLAW, BALENCYA f the bystander replied, "Yes, take a Since the death of hi CAKE ..... . 1b. ns, who before her marriage, wa LOBLAW"S Mary Wray, Mr. Miners had made his home with his daughter, Mra Kay. Besides Mrs, Kay, he is sur vived by another daughter, Mrs H. Weller of Toronto and six sons, George and Fred of Osh wa; Arthur of New York: Char les and Leslie of Detroit, and Ernest of Toronto, ran Deaths March 9th, Beatrice 1. wed ter Athol ance serve stars of Plunkett, | A crisp biscuit smothered with peanuts and en- robed In a de- lightfully smooth eoat- ing of milk cho- colate, rtun DALTO?} New lian Dal of Mrs, Street, (h9a) | in the majority | have wealth, education, fame and who had | all that a man can have, yet they are sinners, All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. tudents | There is that In our hearts that subjects whieh | bring forth death, The future may they deemed would not he | | look glorious to us but no matter cial to them in 1! ireer they | how niee it may appear God says hoped to fol! Tl t wages of gin is death, It js a is the u a ease that will eternally separ when T intend bein fn , ate ng from a loving God." neer?" But "Leprosy is contagions," ones who say this, fo | Mr. Williams, "So is sin, in later life following [not be in sin but its profession or fillir goes out to someone else. When where this knowledze | Naanian came to Elisha to be One is liable to start healed he 'brought valuable pres- some particular ents, but Elisha would ont take mind and end up any. Some people are trying to career altogether | gain salvation by works," sald ting good advice | Mr. Williams. "They will try anything to me- | rit eternal life. God is not asking You to do anything, Everything has heen done on Calvary. You | cannot come into the presence of | God unless you come by His Son. I am the door, by me if any man enter in he shall he saved.' Mr. Williams will speak | evening on "Future Events Lizht of Prophecy." Norris way thjvets d that Oshawa, Ont., on | March 9th, 1932 Hunt, widow of tha late Harvey from ) n HARVEY In Sth, | with Col les A, Lindbergh Wedresday., edly du-| private Bh) 1 r his } } nef ave | ! John § 's on jzht hy 1 { nt of uy ACTONH fan res Ie ", ' Sireet South, 1 Frida March 11th. Service at 1.00 p.m. Interment Unjon Ceme- ry (59a) Card of Thanks eral prot sald You can- infinence A: "Who ave the bride nwa B: "Her father thought . did, | ed but after the honeymoon the: I 1 young people came back home and | al 'ol man Schw now the old man's supporting | ni yndition of | both of them." | (1 \ Lind. | Ann nn¢ will. meet nedieai | nosition ential, | ont with | nr ie on in a different He urged get- in the selection in Mr. and Gahourie the Francis infant PIMENTO | / MATONNA SL) VERAL AND AMBULANCE spRVICE Oshawa Burial Co. {| M. F. Armstrong & Son | PHONE 1082W (59a) thie In the ¥ larch The driver of the di fapidated car | asked the bystander: "Can vou tell wie, Spanish Salted Peanuts Ih, 11¢ COMING EVENTS 3 Cents per word each ine s¢rtion. Minimum charge for cach, insertion, 385c¢, alive and ' a wie y will he oy THIRD N FIRE PREVENTION (Continned fron page 1) thanks and a ition a extended for the Spe lid cooper ation so generously given, Editor ials and timely articles have brought the message of Fire Pre to the homes of the people. "Among the citieS8 reporting in Class "C" (population under 25,000) there were 132 individual weeks You don't just RIDE counting the week before, the week of, and the week after Fire Preven you FLOAT tion Week--of which 69 per cent were fireless weeks A large per- TWO PANT SUITS. Made - $24. 50 to measure .. Scotland Woolen Tailors | i Rev, 8B. C. Moore will conduct 5 KING STREET EAST |{, the funeral service whic *h 1a to be SAM ROTISH, Mana |l}| held from the residence of Mr y ger |]| Kay, on Friday afternoon at tw: == o'clock, SPECIAL - The Most Effective--Extra Good Value DIAMOND ... 1 1 Toilet Flush Ti berries i 21 Tin SPECIAL--A YLMER Faris Quality Strawt De LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 cum | 5c The eycs of the child demand the best of care.~How much thought | have you given them? C. H. Tuck, Opt.D. * Eyesight Specialist Disney Block Opp. P.O, 1516--Phone--1516 MADAME Ro 3 NEVADA, Corner I'hone PALMIST, 2804, (H8h) JIUBILER PAVILION THIS Thursday night, Joe Spencer's Silo Fillers. Admission and dancing 25c¢, Cozy. Everybody come, Prizes, (58h) I. WEEK SCIENTIFIC PALM- ist, Genosha Hotel, Know yourself. Room 200, ten till ten, $1, (50a) OSHAWA CRICKET CLUB Dance Rotary Hall, Centre St. Saturday, March 12th, Tickets 25¢. Tierney's Orchestra, Danc- ing 8.30-12.00, (59h) PEARSON HAT SHOP Ts HAV- oO ing a showing of Spring mil- ' ranges linery, Friday and Satuypday, Rorae's Double Cream C d Fish March 11, 12. 7% Simcoe St. CUSTARD PER rossed N. (upstairs). (69h) SARDINES ANNUAL DONNY BROOK FAIR 3 4 oz. 25 DOZ 3 y | Pkgs. Cc 2 Tins 33 Er sr «cm incere vention in TTT Fo] LN Su TM JOU SE | Special-- Fancy Quality NAVEL Nature's Food-- RED RIVER CEREAL Pkg. / Jc centage of the balance had insigni- ficant fire losses during this period but even a $1000 fire spoiled the record. What a wonderful contri- bution this would be to our econo- mic perplexities, if it could only he extended to the other 49 weeks of the year." King St. Home and School Club, Saturday, March 12, 2 Large, Sweet and Julcy p.m. Admission free. Booths and concert. (69D) MISS PATRICIA MONESTA OF Montreal, soprano, and Miss Lillian Sparling .of Toronto, violinist, will give a concert at Ontario Ladies' College Old Girls' Re-unfon on Friday, March eleventh at 8 o'clock. Friends of the College wel- come, Admission fifty cents, SPECIAL--SANTA CLARA--Medium Size Prunes » 6%: SPECIAL -- No Waste! ARROW BRAND RINDLESS "What a terrible writer Potts is! He once sent a letter to Smithson, the greengrocer, ask- ing him to send round some toma toes, is "What happened?" "Well, after Smithson had used it for a passport to France and Spain, and as a driving license in Italy, he played it on the piano." If you have never ridden on anything more than the air of the tube of a conventional tire--- Learn now how it feels to FLOAT ON THE TIRE WITH THE AIR CUSHIONED TREAD! TWICE AS BUOYANT--the revolutionary new Seiberling Patented AIR COOLED DUO TREAD TIRE. IT IS THE EASIEST RIDING TIRE IN THE WORLD-- No Bother! BACON SPECIAL---For Quick Suds! fe 10c 22 19c¢ CHIPSO SPECIAL--BRUNSWICK Brand CHICKEN Haddie 12%: More Bacon. for Your Money! Large And we can prove it. Come in and see this i tire that breathes. You will be amazed. SOUTH END GARAGE H. P. CRANFIELD \ The newest, gayest novelties for making party desserts, Four packages and a mould in carton. Price 25 cents. YOU pay no more for the jolly. WE give you the mould. iC A) McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDE 650 Simcoe St. S. Phone 355 ZC