r=, FAOTY iy THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1932 PAGE EIGHT THE WHITBY DAILY TIMES Advertising, subscriptions and ocws Whitly Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle.~Telephone 23. After Business Hours Phone 850, WHITBY EDITOR--JAMES H. ORMISTON' will be vecelved at the Wh itby Public Schools Second Term Report The following are the Public Behool reports for second term, The wames are in order of merit in each gehool, KING STREET SCHOOL Sr. 1V. -- Honours, « gver-- Graham Macdougall, Savage, Charle King, Ward, Ross : ardson, Phyll! Bill Stevenson, B0%--Hilda S Fenemore, Is Church, 1 MM 0 tenhenson, Gertrude lle Colling, Bernice 11 Connor, Gordon Hodge, Mavion Smith, M argaret Hazell, 1 Davidson, Lloy 12- ustus, Ill Dennis, Florence I ase Helen Sheard, Irene Kir hab, Ma io} velvr, Thorndvke,. George a ; Me ilough, Jack Church, Kenneth Yacobosky, Bill Below Pa ' he Mel Moore, A, Sennett, Teacher Ponald Be Ruth Collin eos Ilinkson, Irene Jack Hilliard equal, ell, Pass--Ellen Mowat i Mellwain, Iz mpbell, Charl Wigston, 8 Y I¢ . Fail Jean Thomas ence Gammon, , Ferne Efma Gol {iszed some examin Douglas hison, 1 Bor 1liz Julia Douglas Ast an Goldring, . 111,--Honour "Olive Conley, | ar, is Cameron, Audrey Conle (Teacher) Laura 1, Cook, Honours, Ke th Phin, by, Jean Walwin, Mal , nice Gordon, Da- vid Ross, Janet Smith, Jacek Town, Rloyd Sheard, On al Atkinson, Mya Connor, Bill Ward, Mary Anderson, Billy Sn Howard Michael, Sadie Jr. 111.- Gordon Sax com Ad h, ine McKay, Garnet Swain, Edith Harris, Pa Dore Herbert, Marguerite Hill, Murray Conley, Maudie Janes. Fail--Ma 1 line Harris. Absent--John Thon Elsie Bailey, Bessie Trumble, Don ald Wilhelm. Edna | cille tonald | othy Hicks, Patricia Rieh-|vy Charters, stewart, Blsie Ross, | Joan Leo Vampléu, Pasg, | equal, Sr. Primer-- Honours--Charles Ryecroft, Geraldine Underwood. ' Violet Ryecroft. Below Pass -Ross Conley, Olive Harris, Jr. Primer -- Honours --. Mar- Pas | waret Wilhe!m, Phyllis Lear, Beth and i Robertson, Wilma Wilkinson, Lu- Brown, Everett Quantril, Dor- Tommy Delaney, Har- Marion Starbird and Saxby and George Mowat Robert Collins, Pass--Rose Mikicel, Helen Gammon, Jackelyn Lavery, Sydney Townsend, Annie Seezwsuk, . Joyce MacGillivray, Stanley Atkinson, Peggy MacCon- nell, Peggy Insole, Ralph Parrott y Gerow equal, David Col- ling, Billy, Allan, Helen Blight and Grace Anderson equal, Billy Fos- ter, John Chown, Below Pass-- Joshua Bruce, Ronald Lintner, Eve- f Bert Fraser, Joan y Church, M. Dobbyn, Teacher. I DUNDAS STREET SCHOOL Wellington | Sr. I1.--Honours, Margaret Wal- | win, Vada Harper, Harry Max Atkinson, Ruth James, Pa Dorothy Conley, Georgina Bailey, | Afidrew Mcllwain, Dudley Wilson Margaret Holliday, Billy Gero Fail--Roy Gerow. Absent--Arthur Ashton, Eliz. Ks Wylie, Jr. JL.--YA" Class, Honou: Peter Cook, Jean Wilkinson, Carol Delaney, Joan Ormiston, Margaret en Town, | @! Starbird, Ethel Foster, Bobby Be ae | ! ton, Jack Whitfield, Nancy Chown, | Peggy Elizabeth Earl Muriel ~-Mary Brian MacConnell, thorne, Douglas Blair, Gascoigne, Castle Smith, Moore, Teddy Thorndyke, Hill, Fvelyn Atkinson, Pa Yampleu, "B" Class-- Honours-- Marion Scott, Billy Joynton, Christine Saxby, and Douglas Sheard. equal Pags-- Dick Maudsley, Lillian Bailey, Alex Foster and Albert Gammon and Elsie Gillespie and Marion Underwood all equal, Edith Fearon, Conrad Hewis, Wilma James. Below Pa Helen Luke, Jean . Lowden, Agne Anderson, #Ronald Bell, Absent during te £ Robert Mesher, First Book. "A". Class-- Honour Robert Smith, Freda Saxby, Nora Campbell, Gwen Mih Bailey equal, Norman h, Billy: Bull, son, Everett Blight, Helen Kean, Dorothy Ar and Dorothy Richard qual, Douglas Harper, Louis Pal- y Mary Scezksuk, Pass--Clar- nee Thormdyke, "B" Class--Honours--NRuth Bor- iichuk, Violet Parrott, Dorothy Bal- mer, Ruth King and Margaret + Wood equal, Howard Toms, Doug- "las Peggs, Irene Moore, Frank + Thomas. Pass, Helen T » Hel- Donald ile Lintner, How- ard Allan, Margaret Stanlick and George Town equal, Marjorie Gam- Rosslyn Robertson, Ralph Harris, Eva Virgin and Evelyn Me- Cullough equal, Ivan Pindar, Helen Bailey, Milton Pindar. Below Pass ~June Allan, W. Jean Middleton, Teacher Kemp- | E | | Edward Lois Sleizhtholm, Audrey land and Jack Kean equal, las Allan, Gertrude Charters, Carte Nelson Palmer, Thompson, Jean Camp- k Rogers, Jack Trueman, lian Love, Edith Adams, Pepper, Bud Dilling, John .. Betty Heard, Bernard ike, Billie Lawler, Sam Thorn- te, Willie Collins, Audrey Alli- Joan Parsons and George Fos- qual, Lorne Atkinson, Jim At- mn, vans Michael, Below Pass i Anderson, Jean Dair, Mel- 'herson, Annie Yarmola, t Bedding, Ray Crocker, Bud A bsent Jabs Muir, Ver- 1 Moore, Melvin Tofan, Evelyn Underwood, Arthur Virgin, | . McIntosh, Teacher, ur Viola Rooke, ass--\1ladys Little, Honou Jel 1V, Ro Cour | Alb | Heard n | Da e St | Mowat, Ruby Allin, Below Pass- | Gladys Huntley, Arthur Bradley, Margaret Hopper. Bert Harlowe, . 111. Honounrs--Jim Sturgess Pa Malcolm MeClelland, Dori Trhneton, Irene Park, Douglas Hal- Doris Noble, Joyce Allison, I Jim Mayne, Allin Bradley. Absent Sp Allan 111, Honours--Grace Rich- . Bill Harlowe. Pas Rich- idley, Mack Stevenson, Hel- ale, Harold Huntley, Earl ng, Hilda Palmer, Kathleen Campbell, Ronald Huntley, Below Pa Annie Allison, Peter Hoggy {Ruth Roberts, Maudie Maddock, Wilhelmine Rich, Abent-- Leis Mar Kathleen Dalby, W. A. Jackson, Sr. 11.--Honours--Vivian Dalby, McClelland, Clara Lemburg, Lindley, Helen Park, Pass-- yn Carter, Jarhes Bremner and Jim Martin equal, Robertta Camp- hell, Donald Fitch, George Palmer, Below Pass--Josie Crocker, Ver- non Johnston, Jr. 1I,--Honours--Carl Yacabos- ky, Jack McLean. Pass--Abie Le- i 3ill Johnson, Willie Outwin, Sebert and Arthur Joynt Normandy Rooke, Dorice Below Pass--Florence tor Bremner | Hawes, Arthur Spanner, Ivan Flet- Marjorie (., Baker, |! cher, Georgina Campbell, Absent-- Everett Bryant, I.--Honours--Ruth Bowman, Yacabosky, Isadore Parker, Simpson, Pass--Stanley Noble, Eugene Mclean, Earl Hunt- y, Gordon MeClelland, Violet Sr. Millie | Noble, Evelyn Muin Douglas Dair, y and Bud | Marie | "red Maddock, Demitry Rudack, ma Croc Harvey Rooke, Ab- Qutwin, Ermest Out- F. M. Heard. Honours--Ralph MacCarl, n Vanstone, Fred Gammon, Fvelyn Fallow. Pass--Isadore Lem- berg, Krma Hurtley, Janet Baker, Clara Stein, Below Pass--David Wood. Primer A, Honours. -- Claire Riche. Pass-- Margaret Potter, Harold Bratley, Dorothy Sawdon, Iloyd: Simpson, Allan: Johnston, Ralph Anderson, Primer B--Honours, Stella Lind- ley, Eileen Risebrough, Lillian Parker, Sophia Yarmola, Teddy Broughton, Alfred Allison, Marion Sebert, Pass Berdie Harlow, Dorothy O'Dell Jack Green, Clif- ford Maddock, Ruby Martin, Ross Bryant, Lorne Campbell, Absent-- 3000 ROOMS IN FIVE CITIES SINGLE . 10.122 NGO HIGHER MONEY SAVING RATES * POSTED IN EVERY ROOM Boy af Dundes Sts 750 ROOMS SADIO IN EVERY ROOM BUFFALO Delaware Ave.near Chippewa St & 750 ROOMS ROCHESTER § Erm ond Chetingt Se." | 550 ROOMS ERIE, PENN. State St o¥Parry Square TOR AN ECONOMICAL TRIP PLAN TO STOP 'AT RD H ] Herbie Viciery, Toots Campbell, Primer C--Pass--Freda Toland, Dorothy Richardson, Aileen Mas- singberd, Mary Anderson, Helen Spanner, Donald Palmer, Gordon Rooke, Below Pass--Harry Flet- cher, illy Maw, . Ver Rooke, Peter Bremner, Francis Lane, Jack Anderson, Absent--Joan Campbell, Irene Crocker, Roy Morrison, ; E. Shephard, BROCK STREET SCHOOL Sr. 1V.--Honours--Clara Camer- on. Pass--Jack Powell, Jean Hoar, Below Pass--James Crawforth, Tommy Young, Jr. IV,-- Honours--Omery Mit- chell, Wilma Thorndyké, Pass-- Isabelle Watson, Sam Mudrey, Gwen Peebles, John Campbell, Al- bert Samansbi, Jack Hoar and An- nie Thachuk, tie, Below Pass--Nel- lie Thachuk, Nora Gouldburn, Dor- othy Peebles, Frank Alloway, Ab- sent--Donald Mitchell, Grace Mar- tin, Willie Crawforth, Jr. NL --Honours--Mary Rea, Melvin Burgess. Pags----Mary Tha- chuk, Gordon Hardy, Betty Irvine, Billie Rea, Wilda Crawforth, Mary Mudrey, Marion Watson, Below Pass-- Alfred Gaston, Jack Watson, Tommy Gibson, Sr. 11. --Honours--Dolly Colby, Margaret Gill and Dorothy Coombe tie, Eleanor Gouldburn, Pass--Mac Watson, Tom Bland, George Gas- ton. Below Pass--Donald Pindar, Absent--Helen Samanski, Teacher, Harry W, Jermyn, Jr. 1L--Honours--Violet Willis, Hannah Levine, Pass -- Joseph Bland, James Neal, Harold Marks, Florence Young, Leonard Dalby, Erskine Campbell, Billie Harden, Below Pass--Jackson Sleep, Jr. 1.--Honours--Robert Humph- reyg, Margaret Smith and Gladys Gill equal, Rene Wilson, Eileen Morton, Shirley Colby, Kenneth Pindar, Doreen Crawforth, Jean Ashby, Evelyn Gaston. Pass, Frank Allard, Charles Mesher, Robert Willis, Sr. I.-- Honours -- Robert Mit- chell, Pass -- Margaret Allard, Charles Mesher and Irwen Humph- reys equal, Below Pass--Gordon Young. Sr. pass. Jr, Pri Primer--Wray Thorndyke, mer--Honours--Mary Mit- Joyce Powell, Pass--Madeline In goldsby, Fred Dewsbury, Harden, James Watson, Jack Mesher, Below Pass--George Wil- lis, Edith Gaston. Absent for ex- aminations, William Dalby. n, Fred O'Dell, Elizabeth | Teacher, L. Murray, High School Report | | | | | | The results of the weekly exam- inations at Whitby High School are as follows: Form V. French Comp.--J. Ros- eftani 89, B. Lawler 88, B. Levine 84, E. Stevenson 83, D, Pringle 78, R. Bickle 76, H, Stein 74, Z, Gee 170, W. Gordon 70, M. Westney 09, L. Routley 68, KE. Bird 67, D, Love 62, 1, Brawley 57, A. Goldsmith 07, C. Worfolk 56, W. Baker 06, 8. Lawler 54, H. Quinn 54, W, McEw- en 53, B. Chapman 50, J, McClin- tock 46, 8, Donnelly 45, J. MacCon- nell 40, Form 1V. Geometry--R, Ayles- worth 98, T. Rea 96, M. Mantell 94, K. Jackson 86, V, Hall 85, A. | Scott 81, W. Ruddy 75, M. Niddery 59, M, Heard 58, M, Roberts 58, D, Butler 52, G. Levine 61, F, Every 50, K. Cooke 88, M, MacConnell 36, B. Dalby 88, D. Smith 20, D. Rice 11, Form III. Latin--8, Steffler 90, M. Mihalko 90, M. Corbett 89, F. Brooks 80, P. Neal 75, ¥, Mander- son 75, C. Maddaford 73, S. Yaco- bosky 67, E. Mesher 64, J. Webster 61, M. Cornish 56, M, Smith 52, M. Barton 51, K. Heard 60, J. McQuay 16, W, Harkness 46, K, McGregor 44, E. Clarke 38, M, Mowat 36, H. Augustus 35, M. Bassett 35, 0a 9g, B. Cendric 90, M. Smith 88, W. 'enemore 81, E, Gibson 79, D. Tha- chuk 79, H. Anderson 74, J. How- den 74, E. Hall 74, W. Richardson 73, E. Bassett 72, H. Goodfellow 71, R. Yacobosky 71, E. Harris 09, C. Hutchison 69, P, Giroux 68, E. McIntyre 66, J. Levine 60, N, Ben- nett 56, J. Heltby 56, E. Town 63, C. Burr 53, L. Steffler 53, W. Ward 50, E. Toland 49, D. Gilchrist 44, P. Levine 34, W, Lavery 33. Form IB. Literature-- A. Jack- son 93, R, Stuart 92, W, Maffey 91, C. Underwood 88, 8. Carlaw 84, F, McQuay 82, H, Shortt 82, D. Tuck- er 78, J. Allan 76, H, Gascoigne 72, D. Bell 70, H. Vernon 69, R. Irwin 66, P. Thachuk 66, H. Hazell 62, J. Lavin 58, A, Trueman 50, W. Wat- son 50, W. Huyck 48, A. Stein 46, H. Parsons 45, F, Thompson 45, J, Dalby 42, C. Alloway, abs, C, Pee- bles abs., G. Irwin abs, 8, Bascom abs, Form 1G. Literature-- J, Vasel esky 96, B. Mihalko 91, M. Bonnet- ta 84, G. Wiseman 77, L. Gibson 76, G. Best 74, B., Wilder 74, V. Rice 69, E, Correll 69, G, Corbett 66, F, Rowe 64, M. O'Connor 63, M. Turner 61, H. Chambers 65, M. Crawforth 58, M. Bell 52, N, Goode 50, M, Martyn 50, A. Giroux 48, A. Town 438, P., Hodson 41, M. Scott 40, G. Luke 32, Form C A, Penmanship -- H. Magner 72, E. Davidson 72, F. Mantel) 71, H. Rosettani 70, F. Mitchell 69, G. Park 69, E. Sheri- dan 69, R. Clarke 69, C. Green 66, T. "Gordon 66, B. Thachuk 65, P. Scott 65, E. Hogg 64, R. Flynn 62, B. Cameron 62, H, Crawforth 60, P, Podvinsky 60, D. Sheard 59, B. Marks 69, A. Jubb 58, W, Pepper 68, A. Hopper 57, B. Lemberg 55, H, Hunt 54, R. Anderson 48, Form C. A. Can. History-- B, Marks 88, P. Podvinsky 78, R. An- derson 71, B. Lemberg 68, W. Pep- per 67, H. Magner G1, H.-Craw- forth 60, T. Gordon 60, F. Mitchell 59, H. Rosettani 56, R. Clarke 51, H. Hunt 47, A, Jubb 44, B., Tha- chuk 88, E. Hogg 37, D. Sheard 36, R. Flynn 86, G. Park 84, P. Scott 29, KE. Sheridan 24, A, Williams 21, F. Mantell 18. Agriculture I, Can. Hist--S, Cor- nish 41, J. Annan 29, R. Vernon 28. Form CA Spelling-- H, Roset- tani 94, D, Sheard 90, R. Flynn 90, B. Cameron 85, F, Gordon 84, H. Magner 75, H. 'Hunt 75, R. Clarke 75, E. Davidson 70, P. Podvinsky chell, Donald Ellison, Jack Morton, | Fred | Canvassing every member in the Parish in the space of a week the men of All Saints' Church during the past week have prov- ed that people are anxious and willing to support a good cause with money as well as words, Eighteen ~ men worked two or more evenings to accomplish the task . Making about 276 calle the pledged revenue to .the church was increased by nearly $9000, Cash donations totalled $260 and donations spread over a period of weeks or months of $300 brought the amount of spe- cial donations to about $550, The result achieved exceeds the most sanguine expectations of the most optimistic of the officers of the church, : On Sunday morning an impres- give service of thanksgiving took placa when the pledges of the tnemhers were presented before God and dedicated to His service, The rector took for his text, Isaiah. 60 versa 1, 'Awake, awake, put on thy Strength O Zion." Pointing oyt to the con- gregation that pessimism was a sin and had no place in the Christian philosophy, the rector, stressed the fact that special ef- fort of the past week was a-elar- fon call for all God's people to awake to the realization of the strength of the Church, The seripturdl motto chosen as the watchword for the year 1932 had been amply proven, "Take cour- ago Go forward, The Lord thy Every Member Canvass Successful At All Saints Nearly $900 of New Revenue Pledged by Congregation ~--Result of Canvas Exceeded Pledges of Members Dedicated at Impressive Service All. Expectations-- God fis with thee," If God be for us, who can be against us, asked the speaker. God always justifies our faith if we will only tive Him the opportunity so to do, The rector further thanked the congregation for the abun- davt support they had given to the campaign and paid tribute to those who had so ardently worked to organize it and carry it through to its most successful conclusion, During the Taking up of the offertory Mr. C, A, Bryans, chafr- man of the Finance committeo, gave the congregation a full re- port of the canvass and persons ally thanked those who had so ably assisted him, Many new envelope subgeribers were gained end some old subscribers ineroas- ed their subscriptions, ¥ollow- img the presentation of the reg- n.ar offertory, those responsible | for the organizatior of the four districts into which the parish | was divided presented the pledges | ~ to | the rector who gave a-short ded- | led the con- | from their respective wards icatory prayer and gregation in the singing of Doxology. the It is planned that the men who | carried out the campaign will be wwganized into a permanent body to periodically visit the whole congregation in the interests of the work of the church in general and not alone to secure tions, Work With over seventy married men, with families, registered as unemployed, and many of them getting straight relief from the town, the Town Counell is facing today a very grave problem, The cost of furnishing food and fuel since the first of the year has ex- ceeded that of any similar time in years past, and the only hope- + ful thing in this connection is the fact that the town fis col- lecting a good portion of its re- lief money from the government But for this fact the town would be facing a more serious finan- 65, ¥. Sheridan 65, B, Lemberg 60, W. Pepper 59, R, Anderson 50, A, Hopper 49, B. Marks 40, E. Hogg 35, P. Scott 20, I', Mantell 18, F, Mitchell 4, A, Jubb 0, C. Green 0, H. Crawforth 0, G. Park 0, B. Tha- chuk 0, Wher you drive to DETROIT 5 Form II. Agriculture--S8, Adams | H. | Boynton 28, I. Davey 24, L. Mandel | ... stop at Hotel Fort Shelby, The Fort Shelby Garage is cone veniently locat- ed to the Hotel. Automobiles of guests arriving or leaving are called for and delivered without service charge. If servicing is required your car will receive the careful atten- tion of skilled mechanics for a most economical tariff. This service is just another proof of Hotel Fort Shelby's ability to make your Detroit visit a pleasant one. 4 You'll be de- lighted, too, with Hotel Fort Shelby's beautiful, commodi- ous rooms . . . its tempting delicious foods . . . inviting lobby . . . enviable location and attractive rates. § 900 units . . . all equipped with servidor and private bath, Rooms aslowas $3.00 perday +++ svites $10 and upwards. Motorists are relieved of their avte- mobiles at the door without service _ charge. Write for free road map, and copy of "Aglow with Friendliness," ourunl " : of feani q HOTEL ort Shelby DETROIT E. J. BRADWELL, Manager " AGLOW WITH PRAENDLINESS * Has Started On Sewer Extensions To Help The Unemployed | mean revolution at home, 1st, for cial eituation. After April government assistance straight relief will cease Start Sewer Work The Town Council, through the Public Utility Commission, is pro- viding work in the form of sewer | of | extensions in the north part the town which will help for a few weeks at léast seventy men The Council met on Baturday af- ternoon. in special session to de cide on the men who will be glven | employment, and lists of unem- ployed men to three shifts, and days' employment each working eight hours a which they will receive hour, Work on the sewers started on Tuesday morning, and with favor- able weather the Publle Utility Commission hopes to complete the job for $4,800. However, at this time of the year the weather is most uncertain and the Com mission will not be surprised if the work exceeds that figure con- siderably The New Extensions The extensions will be made on Perry Street from Chestnut to Beach Street, thence northerly along Beech Street to Centre Street, thence southerly to Maple, The town will receive financial assistance from the government on this work, as part of the ap- propriation of $2,500 made to the town in the fall for relief work, It was this fact that induced the Council to undertake the work at this time, also the fact that the cost annually for a period of years to the town would be aenly about $300, It was figured that to give a man work was better than handing out doles. GAVE ADDRESS ON WAR IN THE EAST Rev. Dr. Carscallen at Y.P.S. of the United Church At the United Church Young People's Society meeting on Mon- day evening, Rev, Dr, C, R. Cars- callen, principal and governor of the Ontario Ladies' College, gave a brilliant and most interesting resume of the far east crisis which has brought about open warfare between Japan and Chi. na, Dr, Carscallen spent a num- ber of years in China before com- ing to Whitby, and is familiar with conditions both in that country and Japan, Dr, Carscallen pointed out that Japan, with a territory less than that of the province of Manitoba, and with a population of over 60 millions, also with poor natural resources, looked towards China as a means of expansion, The principal of the O.L.C. ex- pressed the hope that neither na- tion would win in the present conflict, If Japan won, it might lead to the creating of a war spir- it in China; if she lost it might Dr. Carscallen hoped to see a speedy cessation of hostilities with no de- cisive victory either way, The lecture was much appreciated by all present, Balsam Mrs, Reeves, of Toronto, spent several days last week with her daughter, Mra, N, Goddard, Rev. Mr. Smart took charge of the young people's meeting on Wednesday evening last, and gave a very interesting talk; a mandolin selection given by Jas. Carter was much enjoyed by all present. two week, day, for dbc. an given subscrip- | were carefully gone | into. The men will be divided In- | 'Mr. J. A. Jones, who has been under Dr, Jas, Moore's care for the past week, is, we are glad to say, improving, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Jones and family, of Brooklin, visited Sun- dey with his uncle, Mr, Bert Jones, Mr, and Mre, Jas, Wilson visit- ed one day last week with her aunt, Mrs, W, Graham, of Myrtle, The active service class met last week at the home of Mrs. Lewis Jones, Migs 1, Reeves, of Toronto, vis- ited the week-end with her sis- ter, Mrs. N. Goddard. Mr, Wm, Green is having the hydro installed, Mr. D, Parrott, of Ashburn, and Paul Wilgon are doing the work, Mr, Blake Coultice had the misfortune to break his arm, last week, while cranking hig car, Word was received here on Tuesday morning of the death of Jas, Calvert, of Toronto, he was well known in the neighborhood, having spent his boyhood days here, Hig many friends here ex- tend their sympathy to the gor- rowing friends, Congratulations to Misses Murile Wearn and Vivian Sadler in receiving first class honours in their primary vocal examinations at the Hambourg Conservatory of Musie, Toronto, Both are pupils of Migs Ada Jones Sadler, AHCM, Mr, and Mrs, Brooklin - Outstanding Value--Always "SALADA TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" at i, Wilson's, Several from here attended the choral concert at Stouffville ¥Fri- day evening of last week, Mre, Chas, Empringham is vis- iting this week with Toronto friends, Mre, A, E. Jones and son visit- cd Tuesday with Brookliu friends, thing to add to the stutein she was a direct deseendant of 1 Wendell family in New ? last survivor of whom died recent] and leit a reputed fortune of 1 lions of dollars to be divided several branches of that Mrs, Brooks says she is one o third generation, and as lieves will benefit terms of the will will go to the Bellevill. till unknown, but definite inform tion wil be available when th es to it rr such Belleville,~In the modestly fur- she nished room of a small house on Ridley Avenue yesterday, Mrs Brooks, wife of Richard Brooks, who has for years carried on horse and wagon delivery bu in this city, lay ill and reiterated A. J. Rogers, of visited one day last weck amed_ Ib. LARGE MN-0Z. LOAF nl this quality tea, personally se- Before packing, the teas are This week A & P is offering these quality teas at special prices. Take advantage of this opportu- LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR! MADE FROM PURE CANADIAN WINTER WHEAT 42-1b. Bag 22¢ MADE OF OLIVE AND PALM OILS--ENDORSED BY 20,000 BEAUTY SPECIALISTS PLUM JAM «oon 23 CUTLETS wn.25¢ FILLETS ' , 1 3c FANCY SUGAR-CURED FINEST QUALITY CHOICE TENDER A & PF BEEF m. 20- BOX OF 15 LBS, $1.45, INDIA ahs COLON HAMS © Halt or Whole ROAST rrocrs BREAD ao rice 3 we 25¢ 8 wm 25¢ From the famous tea gardens detailed and rigid tests by blended into numerous varietics by masters of (he art of tea blending, bringing to you a variety nity~If you are not a tea lover, now is an opportune time to try--if you are, buy up a quantity of MONARCH "3 i JEWEL BRAND--FOR DEEP-FAT FRYING OR SHORTENING PURPOSES raLMoLIVE SOAP 3 cue FANCY MILK-FED VEAL ~MEAT, . 20 WELL TRIMMED--CUT FROM RIB OR TENDERLOIN HALF 1 5 SLICED AND CELLOPHANE-WRAPPED Boneless and Rolled 1b. 25¢ FRUITS and VEGETABLES me crear ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. again and again that she had noe York, the under the What amount family 1 final focus after Marc! of India and Ceylon comes A & P's own representatives, of flavors to satisfy your personal taste, your favorite blend, Nectar Teas are packed to keep. SPECIAL BLEND FLOUR Bag 31/3-1b. Bag 13¢ AYLMER GREEN LABEL 1b. 25¢ BACON BREAKFAST STYLE 13+1b. Pkg. SMOKED FINNAN HADDIE =. 10- FRESH CURLY TEXAS NO. 1 LEAMINGTON LIMITED OF CANADA . A TRE a