Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Feb 1932, p. 11

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"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1932 PAGE ELEVEN If it's to be Bought or Sold Times Classified Ads will do it Legal MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East, = Phone 282. Residence 798. i (17 feb tf) CONANT & ANNIE BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public. Etc Conveyancing and general practice Law.. Office 7% Simcoe Street. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. D Conant, BA. LLB.: A. F Anni BA. LLB WE N SINCLAIR K.C. BANK of Commerce Building 'JOSEPH P. MANGAN. B.A. BAR- Irister, Solicitor, Notary Putlic. Con- : ncer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 1445, Residence phone 837. SRIERSON. CREIGHTON & Fraser. Barrister. te. Bauk of {Commerce Bld. 'TOUTS S HYMAN, BARRISTER. 'Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 116° Simeoe Street North, Phone 187. Residence 2544W. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR. ters, Solicitors, Etc. 24% Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160. Residencs 3514 oney to loan ANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER t.citor, Notary Public, Convey- 'ancer Money to loan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Dffice. Phone 249. 8. J. HENNICK, B.A., BARRIS ter. 1215 Simcoe St. South. Tele phone 3028-565. (3 sept tf) Medical 'DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, I'HY- "sician and Surgeon, special atten- von given to X-ray work® and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block hone Office open 9 an. to ? p.m.. Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 2416 : DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR zeon, Accoucher. Office and resi ience King St. East, corner Vic- oria St. Oshawa. Phone 94. = Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 [Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug store cach Saturday from 1 il 4 pm, for consultation and reatment of diseases of ear, nose ne throat only. Appointments nay be made at drug store. Phone 7. Undertaking TOKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST Fast. mbulance Residence 542 | Simcoe Street North. Phene 210] ind 210W. JSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F Armstrong on, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service dav and night Phone 1082W. 8&7 Celina (4) Architects $C STENHOUSE, GENERAL | Architectural work. Second floor oval Bank. Building. . Phone 1496 sidence phone Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas .xtraction. Nurse in at. tendance. Phone 959. House 1312, Insurance DAVIS AN D SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St West, Oshawa, The old est Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 re put.hle Fire Companies. 3 WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N Johns, 8) Simcoe St. North, Your iasurance wants at- tended to and vcur interests pro- tected i SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phone 1834, Alex S. Ross, S. F. Everson. ' (15 oct tf) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, specialists in all lines of beauty culture. Permanent Waves $4.00 and up. "Naturelle Method". Marcel G0c. Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim $1.00. 86 Simcoe St. North, Phone 2968. od aug tf) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Maishall, experts in all kinds of Jeauty Culture. Our permanent waye a speciaity, $5.00, $7.50 and $1000 Finger wave and shampoo $1.00. Marcel 50c. Facials, scalp treatinents and mamcures "offee Shoppe entrance. Phone appoint meets 1973 (15 may 1 mo.) [ORENE JOHNSON, HAIR dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel ling 35c and finger waving 60c "hone 2188J. (14 mar ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR- dressing and Beauty Zu.ture, No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 38, Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov t) LILLIAN McLEAN, PHONE 2105 marcel 43c¢ at your home or 786 Albert St. (28 feb ¢) CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENT wave special $5. Finger wave 50¢. Marcel 35¢c. Call $369. (25 feb ¢) MISS McKENNA PERMANENT waving, finger waving, marcel- ling and beauty culture, 156 Rox: borough Ave. Phone appoint- ments 1230F. Articles For Sale FOR SALE--DRY BODY WOOD, 3 3 cord. Mixed wood, $2.76 1 cord. A. Wall. Phone 2628F (8marc) FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE, dry body wood, hard. soft, mixed slabs. Phone 2423W, 115 Annis St, (2 mar ¢) DRY SLABS $2.25 3 cord. No. 1 Body Maple $3, Coke, 79 John St. Phone 3109J. (21 mar ¢) DRY BODY WOOD $3 3% cord. Claude McQuaid, 054 Albert St. Auctioneer Phone 1079J. WHONE 716], W. J). SULLEY (9 mar ¢) huc.'oneer, % Simcoe St. S.. Osh. | DRY BODY HARDWOOD, (wa, Ont. Special attention wiven | Beach and Maple. Stove length, 8» household furniture sales and | $3 1; cord. Robert = Christy. stock and implements. Your | Phone 1979W. tronage solicited (15 mar ¢) © Watch Repairing A. VON GUNTEN. EXPERT ss tvatchmaker, repair shop at 14 King St.ret \Vest. Your pat- nage is solicited Battery Service TTERIES CHARGED 75c th rental $1.00. Repaired and re- ilt. Called: for and delivered. Bi pt service, Stan. Bligdon. dill St., Phone 960 Hemstitching MSTITCHING, 7 CENTS ON broidery work, alterations, ssmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 3% Simcoe S. Phone 1656, (5 11y 81) Transportation ATTAGLE AND STORAGE, n's, 85 Bond West. Special in furniture moving. Storage rehouse aud moving van equip- nt. Phone Music lessons GINALD G. GEEN, ORGAN- choirmaster, Simcoe United urch. Plano, organ, singing. one 3128. Residence 765M. (28 mar c) EE FIRST FIVE LESSONS en with the purchase of any walian Guitar and Tenor Ban- Phone 1490. Harris Music ore, 11 Simcoe St. S. (22 mar ¢) & Feather Beds ATHER BEDS MADE INTO ttresses and down comforters. ttregses rebuilt like new. Rep- entative here now. Box 224 es. (1 mar c) Nursing FOR SALE--FOLDING GO-CART Phone 2546J. (45a) HEAVY WAGON, GAS STOVE, young heifer for sale. Apply 393 Centre St. (45¢) FOR SALE--HAY, ABOUT 20 ton, Address Joe Arvary, Hamp- ton. (45b) SINGER PORTABLE ELECTRIC, guaranteed condition. Bargain. Also several reconditioned tread- les $6 up. All good condition. You can buy any of our machines with full confidence. Singer Shop, 18 Ontario St. (46h) FOR SALE--TWO BURNER GAS stove with oven. Reasonable. Phone 3296W, 2 (46¢c) Livestock FOR SALE---2 COWS, DUE TO freshen within 2 weeks, Apply Oshawa Missionary College, King- ston Rd. E FHONE 3350) OSHAWA RATIO Service for radio repairs. Fully equipped to give reliable service. Chas. Wales, (10 mar ¢) YOUR RADIO SCIENTIFICALLY repaired, ten years' specializing in repairing on all models, Call 2806W. Certified radiotrician, (22 mar ¢) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR. paulins, everything in canvas, Phone 2104, George Reid, 66 Bond West. J. J, Turner & Sons, Representative, (25 fep ¢) Motor Cars GENERAL GARAGE WORK, Prices right on trucks. Car for rent by hour. 9 Prince St. (13 mar c) CTICAL NURSE DOCTOR'S erence. Maternity or general raing, assists with house work, rges moderate. Phone 3033J. (6 mar c¢) For Sale or Exchange Fur Coats Repaired FUR COATS REPAIRED, RE- modelled and relined. Linings, buttons, ete., supplies. Crescent Furriers, 119 Huron Crescent, Phone 632M. (1 mar c) LL'SELL OR TRADE FOR all 'car 8 piece blue silk mo- ir chesterfield, ¢ months old, aranteed. Also other furniture good condition, 287. St. Ela! e. (45¢) Work Wanted KPERIENCED GIRL GENERAL ts ;positian in . good home. bod reference. Apply P.O. Box 4 Oshawa, (46D) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE in attendance, warm home, terms reasonable. 80 Brock St, W. Phone 3293. (29 feb ¢) Barber Shop BANK'S BARBER SHOP, COR- ner Ash and Celina St. All hair- cutting 15e. Children on Wednes- day 10c, Mell Graham, formerly of Mary St., is now assisting. We aim to please. (23 mar c) '- (26 feb c) | For Rent APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals. Disney, phone 1550, (14tf) FOR RENT -- FURNISHED apartment, 2 rooms and kitchen- ette. All conveniences, Central, Heat, light and water, 221 Ar- thur St. (421) FOR RENT--CONNAUGHT ST. modern 7 roomed house, fire place and sewing room. Phone 1493J. (45¢c) ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED TO suit gentlemen or two rooms to suit couple. Phone 1586J. (22 mar ¢) FOR RENT---2 BRIGHT ROOMS for light housekeeping. Unfur- nished, wired for electric stove. Available March 1. 97 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 1230J. (45¢) Help Wanted--Female WANTED --- EXPERIENCED saleslady to take charge of ladies' ready to wear store, Only those with best references and experi- ence need apply to Box 324 Times. (45b) WANTED -- EXPERIENCED housekeeper, Must have refer- ences. Apply 371 King St. East. (45tf) Real Estate For Sale | FOR SALE--ONE RED BRICK | house with acre of land attached, | suitable for gardening or chicken ! ranch, between Columbus and Oshawa. Close to Conlin's School, ! Good location for service station. Terms easy. Phone 1808 r 6 Osh- awa, (441) ---- a ro 1 | LOST--ABOUT 2 WEEKS AGO between 315 King W. and corner Willlam and Division, large black persian lamb collar, Reward Phone 3158W, (46¢c) LOST---GREY PURSE, BE: | tween library and 73 Eldon Ave.. | on Simcoe St., containing sum of | money. Finder leave at 73 Eldon or phone 2495. (46a) | Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, | Palmist, on matters of fmport- | ance, 93 Louisa St, Phone 2636F. | Business private, ! (6mare) | Wanted KITCHEN AND BEDROOM FUR- niture wanted. State particulars | and cash price. Box 329 Timer. (46¢c) Wanted to Bu WANTED TO BUY--APPLES. | culls for cider, Apply Cider Mill, Court St. Phone 2355J. (45b) | | Rates For - : Rl | Classified s Ads, | | First Insertion----114 , ber word. Minimum charge for one in- | sertion 30c. Zach subsequent: consecu- tive insertion 1c per word. a | Three consecutive {inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number "0c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month | for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month | for each additional word. | PHONE 35 | AK Department | Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- age, married perience to Box 325 Times, WANTED k clothing and haberdashery sales- man for high class men's furnish- ings store, State references and experience to Box 324, EXPERIENCED male stenographer, Apply stating or single and ex- XPERTENCED (46¢) (45D) INCREASE OF 417% IN SALES | demands extra help, position; no lay-offs, Good money of honest hard- working habits, with good educa- tion and appeerance, Car owners preferred, work surrounding Oshawa. Write Manager, Brush Co., Peterhoro. WANTED---MAN TO CALL ON Oshawa citizens, Sales experience preferred. Apply Box 328 Times. to 2 or 3 men 25, Employment HUGE CROWDS COOKING SCHOOL (Continued froin pectations, and other allernativ grets that it w allow all who wished admission a place in thge hall, but hopes that thore whighwere disappoint- od yesterday will be on time te- ! day, and will find a place, Mayor Opened School Macdonald, | brief speech, opened welcoming the hundreds of visit- auditorium, Mayor P. A. ors to the e, as page 1) there' was no The Times re- impossible to Permanent Age over For Fuller (45¢) (46e) in a the school, | and ex- ising the hope that they would | tind the s profitable. Miss Thompson and the lecture tions started. Miss Miss Thomps ing pergonali at once her hearers, out the whole s of two hour her methods, new to § me rsh arre occa tions, lona \ w of the tiin attention He then Thompson's on, and cleg n, 10wn, oO 1 pleasant and introdnced tL! idience, | ind « Le ture by her pleag- r diction the attention of and held it through- safon, which was | duration, Some of | apparently, were of her hear , and 3» was ed que e, which, reemed. to find the work of Miss Thompson, | coupled with clear ecting. h explanations, conelge highly inter- Prizes Drawn | the During intermission, | pons which had been distributed t the openinz were collected, in | nreparation for the prize drawing cou- later in the afternoon, After Mis 'hompson demonstration drawing of th had by there completed the bringing the the Miss came prizes, | tion and | © ence C. M. Mundy, president of The Times Publishing Company; A. R, Alloway, managing direc- tor, and 'M, McIntyre Hood, edi- tor of The Times who had been resp ible for the sp ing of the school. A little boy was in- vited to the platform from the audience to draw the winning coupons from a large box, and soon great interest was being aroused by the announcement of the names of the winners, In all, twenty prizes, ten of them well-filled baskets of groc- erfes, were given away, the last prize being the beautiful roast, fully cooked, with vegetables, which had been cooked by Miss Thompson during the afternoon. The prizes were well distributed throughout the city' as will be seen from the complete list which 'appears elsewhere in this issue of The Times. Displays Beautiful At the close of the lecture and prize-giving, the -large majority of those present lingered behind to inspect the displays of dining | room furniture, with linen, china and glassware, silverware, flow- ers, cakes and pastries, and elec- trical equipment which were ar- raved in front of the stage. It had been a thorouzhly enjoyable | afternoon, In spite of the hall being packed, and many of the women who were present nressed thelr determination of being there again today--but somowhat earlier, in order to re- cure better seats. Mor» Prizes another long list of prizes is available for distribu- to the holders of the win- nine coupons, there being some additions to the list since yester- Today, | day. Tomorrow, there will be still | more prizes, and chief {interest will centre on the draw for the rand prize, the clinice of an elec- tric range, an electric radio or wn electric sun-ray lamp, By mis- take, yesterday's coupons men- tioned a washing machine a ird chowe, instead of the sun- | ray lamn, and it was explained to ha audience that this was an ror, but if the winner had: ex- ed a preference for a wash- machine, she would be al- lowed to make another choice. On another page of this issue f The Times, will be found fur- ther comments on the lecture, long with some of the sugges- tions whieh were put forward by | Thompson in the course of » afternoon, and which wiil be found interesting, not only to those who ,were there, but also many. who were unable to admission, to the re 1,000 YEAR-OLD TOAD Montreal, Que. ~The alleged 1,000 ar-old toad which crops up per- vdically has once more made its ppearance. This time it was found and and earth formation by- kmen digging a sewer 65 feet below the surface in N [he belief that it had been secret- votre de Dame | cooked meat and other articles | de Grace, a suburb of this city out of the ovens, ex- | | ed there ages ago was strengthened . +4 ! 1 Thompson introduced to the audi- | by the fact that no excavation of | any through which the toad might | Birtle, Manito- . ba--"'I feel it my duty to relate t help Dr. Pilere Anurie he: e's Tablets have been t> mo," writes Morrison Andrews. "My kidneys were in bad condition a 1 suffered w nd ith cents ||| Rheumatism -- have crept had been made in the | district however, when the Department of Geology at McGill University as- | serted that the yarn was a perennial Anuric Gave, Relief | sy, always have it cropping up 31 3 ¢| i | », | rheumatism and lumbago, I have | had rheumatism for several years and it always comes on in cold since Pierce's Anuriec I an {}| I recommend these tablets to all iil] sufferers, as they weather, but relief." All druggists sell using Dr, | getting well, have given me DR. PIERCE"S ANURIC Send 10¢ tc r. oratory in Bridghurg, Ont. want a trial pkg. Pierce's Lab. | if you | | _. | in connection with toads and liz- ard, but there is little truth in the whole business about antiquity," and official stated. "In most cases the toad or lizard, as the case may be, has avorked its way to the deposit where it is found. Owing to the low rate of metabolism, the toad can survive for a while with little oxygen, obtaining its nourishment from its own body fats and the ground in which it is placed." Nevertheless, much alive and jumping merrily around, the latest toad finds rests in a large bottle on the desk of H. O. Hiltz, time- keeper on the sewer job. i great pet with the men," Mr. Hiltz said, boasting "Tones is family tree." "But does it amount to anything?" "Oh, yes. It's all right as trees go. I believe it's shady." about his This theory was exploded, | "It ix ni | | | Columbus News TIME TABLES | | (Mrs. H. Willson, Correspond ent) Harmony, Feb, 23, -- Miss Zeila Lander spent the week-end with friends at Grafton, Mr. W. Kelusky has bgen con- fined to his home suffering from quinzg. He is improving now. Mrs. Norman Lyons and fam- fly, of North Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Terwll- legar on Tuesday, On Sunday the Primary De- { partment joined the rest of the | Sunday School in the auditorium tor part of the service, The prizes for attendance last year were presented. Every scholar attending Sunday School forty- eight Sundays out of fifty-two, received a lovely pin. There were several who were only one and two Sundays out. Fifteen schol- ars from the Primary Depart- ment. were well pleased when they received their ping, From Miss Zella Lander's Class: Don- ald Fletcher, Donald Hart, Mar- dyn Luke, ages up to four years. Miss Beatrice Willson's Class: Mary Hazell, Douglas Hart, Jean Cordy, June Rogers, age five yeurs, Mrg. P. Timmins Class-- Orma Terwlllegar, age six years. Mra, K. Fletcher's Class:-- Paul Michael, Keith Fletcher, age six vears, Misg Gladys Oke's class-- Viola Goyne, Eileen Rogers, Marie Shelter, age seven and eight years. Miss Madeline Too- ey's Class--Donald Cordy, Stan- icy Hart, age reven and eight Tears. From Junior Classes--- ileen Luke, Audrey Terwillegar, Sanders, Harris Michael. Intérmediate Wd'th Edwards, Katharine Lan- der, Loss Winter, Ross Edwards, (tarnet Goyne, Senior Boys' Class Denald lidwarde, Raymond ackie From Govne, The pins 'were purchased und nted to the school by the "Willi Workers." The at- tendance one hundred and twelve, The Home and School Club will hold its regular meeting on Thursday evening at eight o!- clock. Mr. A. E. O'Neill will ad- 8 the meeting and a good at~ ndance is hoped for. The par- «nity are requested to put forth an extra effort for attendance as there hag to he at least ten par- present for each school room for the prize ents { "Why, the differenc ur asking me for money my trousers leep." at Kk through pockets while I'm a "I suppose you visited the great art while you abroad 7 "No, we didn't need to. You sce, our daughter paints." galleries were Judge: "Have you anything -to offer the court before sentence is passed upon you?" Prisoner: * | ' 1 awye JOOK 1 Teacher: "What is the difference between a flea agd an elephant?" Tommy: "We it cley have fleas, flea can't clephants." but a have A very small boy with a very large bundle of papers under his arm was trudging along the street. "Don't all those papers tire you, my boy?" asked a kindly gentle- man "Naw, I don't the read them," replied AUTO LOANS and CARS REFINANCED Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car, CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD, Disney Block, King St. E. H, A. MacDONALD, Representative. Branches Throughout Ontario. | clagses-- | WHITBY OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES Week Pay Schedule (Effective on and ter January xu, H en ing Wi Leave . A Arrive Bowmanville Oshaw. Whitby Hospital 6.20am 6.55 am, 10 v 0. m, 10 ; 40 po: 4 % .m. 5 % 5 15 p.m. 6.45 p.m, 7. ,m, 6 mm, 10,00 pm 10.30 p.m. H.C pom, 12,00 a.m, 21 Going t Leave Leave Leave Arrive Bow- Hospital Whitby Oshawa manville 63am. 650am, 72am, 7.30am. 750am. 8l5am. 83am. B845am OF 9.20am. 935am. 10.00am . 11.45a.m. 1205p.m. 12.35p.m Li5pm, 1L30pm, 1.45 pm. 2.15 p.m 30pm. 3.30pm Off 4.10 p.m, 4.40 p.m, 4.45 p.m, 5.05 p.m, 5.40 p.m, 5.45 p.m, 6.05 p.m. 6.40 p.m, 25pm, 7.39pm. 745pm., 815pm 9.15 poo. 930 p.m. 10.00 p.m, 10.45 p.m, 11.00p.m, 11.30 p.m, Pp ------ | SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going est Leave Leave Arrive Arrive | Bowrsanville Oshewa Whitby Hospital | 8.00 a.m, 8.45 a.m. 10.15 a.m | | 11.40 p.m. Leave Hospital p.m "Special 10.45 12.45 Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Carefus Drivers GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 346 GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov. 22, 1931) Oshawa Waiting Roem, 6 Prince St, Phone 2283 (Eastern Standard Time) | 12.40 p.m, | Arrive awa Bowmanville | | 1922) COD LIVER OIL FOR POULTRY 1 Gal... Hogg & Lytle Ltd. Phone 203 Royal York Pekoe Tea Half 1b. 28 ec Pkg. Superior Stores am { Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always | Phone 2825 LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO | { AM. PM. AM, PM. | | | ] | | | vhant can | | | | 26.45 A730 3.38 30 8.30 4.30 8.30 9.30 5.30 9.30 10.30 6.30 10.30 11.30 b7.30 11.30 P.M. 53 PM, 12.30 19.30 12.30 1.30 10.30 1.30 dine 2.30 b---Saturday, +=Daily except Sunday. y and Holidays only. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train_Service Effective February éth Lv. Oshawa, 8.55 am. Except EASTBOUN 9.42 a.m. Daily, 1.44 p.m, Except Sunday, 14.42 p.m. Daily, 1 ).22 p.m. Daily, 12.32 a.m, Daily, fl 0! a.m. Daily. d--Sunday enly. Sunday ax 4.36 | 5.3¢ | v3 7.30 REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1880 12 Simcoe St. South 8.30 be.30 | 10.3¢ 11.30 Sun- Chevrolet Heavy Duty Truck with dual wheels. 1980 model. Stake or dump body price $650. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 86 King St. East f--TFiag for passengers Montreal and East, | WESTBOUND | Lv. Oshawa, 4 45 a.m. Daily, 5.55 a.m. Daily, 26.30 a.m. Daily, 4.06 p.m. Daily, 6.48 p.m 7.20 p.m. Except Sunday 2.17 p.m. Daily, {~Flag for passengers Port Huron and | West, | x--~Stops only to detrain from Montreal | and East, CANADIAN PACITIC RAILWAYS Effect! ve Nov. 22. 1031 (Standa.d Tire) thound 9.25 a.m. Dai 2.40 Treuton x4.18 p.m. Da Eas 1} Lou Daily, ex. Sun, ily, 12.05 a.m. Daily, 1.05 a m. Daily, x For Ottaw Flag. 5.56 a.m. Da Z13a.m. Da 312 p.m 7.32 p.m, Da m8.54 p.m, a, Montreal and East only-- Westbound ily. ily. Daily, ily, except Sunday. Daily, m loronto and West only--flag. . Except Sunday, 1929 Plymouth. Sedan Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 | | I | | | | SPECIAL! MEN'S SUITS MADE TO MEASURE $19 DOMINION CLOTHING 08 King St. West We repair anything bought | We buy Old Gold ana Silver Jewelry Store BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner Jewelers HOM BRUO STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY "CE | (0 simcoo st. s. We Deliver Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, S. Phone 189 By Russ. Westover 'LLIE'S ANOMSENSE TRROWING A ROE THROUGH "THE CERTAINLY. WHO ELIE El WOULD THINK OF SUCH V'LL PUT A STOP TO THAT wig oF CONFOUND IT! THIS VLL HAVE TO BAIL HER OUT PROPER For 21h A ROSE FOR ME' OH, Mp, SIMPKINS : YOURE THE DEAREST BOSS \IORLD SWEETEST] NN THE \AHOLE GRACIOUS! THE CREW 15 HAVING CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE TO-DAY: | IMAGINE 1 CAN

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