Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Feb 1932, p. 8

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# THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1932 SECRET by Joan Sutherland ] or 'SWALFS, aTti®he of the shun in Paris, has been tenced m ; sen inged "for the er of the thy Com DAroiaye but to ilfe im. ett was $0, Ton! . Wareham, sister, Ronald's news- lo hours and was much in D'Arblaye's com- gma. dat, Teck, set tside ari a hen Greta > follow end | Parapet stood a little way away, his rer. and at Ravel's studio, at which , confessed, ed and Teioined INSTALMENT XXIX | Feodor went to Lady Alice's apart- 'ment for luncheon the next day, and 4lafter diseussiig plans for all of A to get away from the kindness {of their friends in Paris, it was de- i \gided to take a villa in Como. Feo- drove out into the pale; | seemed broken, her feelings num- , of y--won'y it be painfw for he said briefly; "but I feel Greta is Tonis sis- daughter!" his conipan~ low voice; ation wok g.| & fog, 80 to be , | tioh in it, hard to hear unmoved, "I | ald" he raised his voice a little to .| through. and with a| he? Seaire PLACES lips. For nearly a minute he Toma | not speak, then he held out both his' hands and took cold onés in his.' "Greta, you like & ghost!" . "You must be starving yourself." i "I'm quite well. I was always thin." Greta dns back to them, looking out over the: tranquil valley; but Greta did not' move, and Staire spoke again. "Greta," his voice was quiet, but thére was an un of emo- want you to put all these last wret- ched months behind you, To wipe them out of your mind as I shall out of mine. This is the one favor I.ask of you--the one condition. will you try?" She looked at him dumbly, ui thére was expression now in eyes, a dull suffering. i "You ask me that? You?" she said, almost in a whisper. "Why? Why have you come here at all?" "Just to ask it, For Ronald's sake, for my own, for your mother's and! Toni's Greta--will you give me your word?" She answered his question by an- other, scarcely audible. "Don't you hate me?" | "Hate you?" he sald slowly. "No, I don't hate you. I want you to Ontario and Durham County News . News from Zion Vi -- _ ar 4 4 Zion, Feb. 16. -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Mr,'and Mrs. Ross Lee, of Kedron, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMaster. Mr. Alex Fisher is cutting wood around here with his saw- ing outfit, Mr. James McMaster, Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and George, of Oshawa, and Miss Eileen Mor- phy, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of J. M, Balson's. Miss Bernice Stainton spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Rose Lee at Kedron, Mrs. McMaster and Mr. Alex McMaster, Mrs. Arthur Stainton and Miss Bernice, went to Bow- TIATIL xpenses! The easiest way to cut expenses and save money this winter is / to prevent sickness expense, Slouzands of women are opting the health habit of giving a mild laxative toevery member of the family once a week. Thus reventing orcheck~ g colds, headaches, dizziness, biliousnéss, snd constipation. NATURE'S Y. {R~being safe, mild and all-vegetable, is | use, Try it and save | eal for this famil sickness expense. Only 25c. NR Tonight -- Tomorrow Alright) Haluk Jame 7/4 - TABLETS = 'What can I do?" wa$ expressionless. "There's noth- ing." "There's a very great deal. Ron- reach that silent figure by the wall; "may I have a few minutes alone with Greta?" : Certainly. I've a leiter to write, so IT do it now." Staire wondered for a moment just how he could reach this apath- etic, remote woman. Her pride) bed, her strongest quality, vanity. utterly gone from her, if her appear-; ance mean; anything. She seemed like a creaiure under the influence! of some drug, numb and listless. "Listen, Greta," he said; "I can guess a little what you've been! I can understand that life is finished for you, that you will' never { t all this. But you've, got Ronald to think of. Ronald Joves you as few women are loved. For God's sake, rouse yoursel! and think about him what he's endur- ed, Pull yourself together and try! to make up for all this. You can." Greta's face did not change. "Ronald is very good, but he does-! n't love me as you think. How can' "Doesn't he? I know Diuar. | Ronald is going throug! i only you can pull him out. Are you| going to do it or not?" : 'I ean't do anything," Greta sald tonelessly; "I'm no good to any one,' w. i He feit as ugh he were fighting e, 80 SM | was her lethargy, so remote did she seém from anything he could sey, as though she dwelt in some ephem- eral realm where words lad no pow-, er to touch her, "Ronald loves you," he repeated, a little edge creéping into his voice.) Act quickly DRASTIC manville to hear Mrs. Nellie Me- Clung, the Canadian writer, and were very much impressed with her program on Thursday last, The. day school pupils had a Valentine exchange at school on Monday and had a program and a debate, "Resolved That the City School Child Has niore Ad- vantages Than the Country School Child." The former was upheld by Marion Balson and Vera Fisher. The latter was up= held by Freddie Martin and Lloyd Stainton and they won the most points. The teacher treated all to home-made candy, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson en- tertained at "Lost Heir" at thelr Lome last Saturday night when six tables were played. Mr, and Mrs, Jesse Arnost won the favors of the evening. Friends were there from Oshawa, Ebenezer, Courtice and Zion. All had a gplendid time over the tea cups and refreshments and also a good laugh over the fortunes that were stuck to their tally cards, it be- ing a St. Valentine's party, The Women's Agsociation met at the Sunday School rooms on Wednesday night last with a gplendid attendance, eyen if the night was wet. They opened the | tieeting with the president, Mrs. | | Elmer Wilbur, presiding, sang a { hymn and had a prayer and min- | utes of previous meeting. Roi | call was answered, by a few, with | famous women and why. Letters | | of thanks were read for flowers, | The League then took charge of | | the program and about eighteen | young folk dressed ingypsy style, with ear-rings, beads and colored | silks sat up at the front. They sang gypsy choruses accompanied | splendid by piano and violin by Miss An- nie and Mr, Alex. McMaster. Misses Pear! Leach and Beryl (laspell gave a recitation each. Mr Gerald Balson sang a solo "Fiddle and I" accompanied by plato and fiddle. Miss Annie McMaster played a splendid plano solo after which several girls drcesed as young gentlemen put on a dummy dialogue with ac- tions but not a word. The wrap- ped parcels sold well and also the cafeteria lunch, Proceeds of evening, $16.40 The League was given a hearty vote of thanks for putting on the program, Mr. Charles Stainton, Black- water, Mr, Lew Stainton and son Donald, of Brooklin, visited at A, T. Stainton's last week, Messrs, Garfield Trevail Harold Gifford and James Cameron, went to Charles Stainton's at Blackwa- ter on Monday when they took Charlie home. Mrs. Kuzenko attended the fu- neral sof her father in Toronto recently, Congratulations are in order to Mr. Lew Vernon, "our Brook- lin Baker," on his recent mar~| riage, | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton entertained at nine tables of lost Heir on Monday night. A eveaing was enjoyed (a = English 7 MERE EE POMPEY COTTAGE ACTON NORBURY SOLWAY CHINA DEPARTMENT UPSTAIRS We have some discontinued lines we are selling at HALF PRICE--Covered Dishes, Gravy Boats, Soup Plates, Fruit Nappies, Salad Bowls, Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Bread and Butter Plates, Tea Plates, Dinner Plates, Cups and Saucers, etc. will fill in your broken dishes. FELT BROS. Semi-porcelain Dinner Sets | New Decorations in Open Stock 32-43-52-69-97 Piece Dinner Sets mem Ce ONLY - ONLY - ONLY - ONLY - ONLY . $5.95 $6.65 $7.35 $7.65 $7.85 32-PIECE SET. 32-PIECE SET. 32-PIECE SET. 32-PIECE SET. 32-PIECE SET. These 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA : and Mrs. Oshawa lanson Richards of | and Mrs. Jesse Arnott | won the favors, Delicious re- | freshments were served afound twelve o'clock, | Mr. J. W. Balson motored to | Warkworth on- Tuesday, The Young People's League is growing in numbers and interest put yet there fs room for more. Messrs, Dert and Tracy Glas-! pell attended a meeting of apple growers at Cobourg recently. ( Mrs, T. Cook, Correspondent) Columbus, Edgar Hewson from the We and Mrs, Harold Hayes. Miss has been nursing Mrs. Wm. Rich- erdson, Mr. bal Mr Mr. choked on a plece of meat one evening last week which necessi-| part, hymn, prayer by Mrg. Coo-| sang tated a call for the doctor, | per and devotional leaflet réad' by tertained their Columbus ladies' Lou Guy 16.--Mr. | North | st, spent a few days with Mr. February Jean Scott, of Brooklin, | The meeting at vis last There "was cuce. Mrs, had charge and Mrs. John Dyer and | ye, Oshawa, spent Sunday at| Wm. Dyer's. | Ray Leach accidentally Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hays en-| by about twenty-five f friends "Lost Heir" day evening of last week, prize was and prize by Mr. John Stone. Several from here attended the Oddfellows' lin, on Friday night of last week, Women' ¢iety held their regular monthly | « with a Wednesday was opened with the devotional The minutes were Miss D. Nesbitt, of | of {he previous meeting | read and the roll was called and answered by a verse of. seripe ture, Our delegates to the Pres- byterial Convention, Miss B. Smith and Mrs. T. Pereman, gave a splendid report of the three the day hut regratted re from Colum- ttended tho then fa- olo by Miss Mary Old Rugged uch enjoyed. progressive on Wednes- The won by Mrs gentlemen's to a party the fons o fact that m have We 6 At Home in Brook- on couldn't Missionary So- "The ' which was n topic 5 taken by Miss E. Lawren#e, being the 3rd chapter of the study book, "Korea, Land of the Dawn," fter which we our elosing hymn, followed the Mizpah Benediction, the ome of Mrs. Pur- afternoon. a very good attend-| Cooper, the president, | of the meeting which The } save. PRICE CUTS on our entire stock of i. ery extraordinary ble $0 Jook at it that way." We all do things that are ocon- i temptible and wretched; but we do 5% mot always have to expose them to iS ithe world. Think of that, not of anything » afi else. The very next day, after talking No. ai 1). #he meiter over with Toni, Staire "He's only thinking how to help you, how to bring happiness back fate your life while--all you are about is yourself. Have you heard) him pitying himself, out for sympathy? Why not? Simply be- cause he is not thinking at all ofi his own misery but of yours! You've played with his love all these! years, you've done yout best to break; the heart of one of the finest men' God ever made, and now you sit, here and say he doesn't love you! Are you ever going to wake up to, realities, or are you going on lke this until you have lost him? "Lost him?" For the ng Rig mation came } ! gleam of anima 8 De and her voice. " "What I say. ON, not to another: USED CARS 1929 Chevrolet Coach Mechanically as good as new. Tires Al. Finish is first class, Has spare tire, bumpers and other extras, Balance one year, down payment. Only $125 CHEVROLET SEDAN, Today's biggest bargain. It looks good, it runs good and is fully equipped. The best transporta- tion you can buy for $115 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Here's value. Has been driven only small mileag™ Upholstering like mew, finish like mew, mote like new. Complete accessory equipment, See it $350 OAKLAND SEDAN 1928. Excellent condition throughout, Good tires, low mileage, fully equipped, 4 wheel brakes, com= | plete motoring satisfaction. A bargain at " $375 WHIPPET SEDAN 1929 model. Don't miss this wonderful opportun- ity. Low mileage, black finish bumpers and other extras. Very fine motor, See before you buy. Price $350 PONTIAC COACH 1928. Thoroughly reconditioned. Fully equipped and many extras. Small monthly payments. We invite your inspection. Only $295 CHEVROLET DUMP TRUCK 1930 model. Only used four months, Driven small mileage. New cab, hydraulic dump body, dual wheels. Perfect every way. Price $650 1929 FORD FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Good tires, low mileage, fully equip- What do you mean?" od. whatever the doctors may call) them. ened in her low chair She Jun! in het face, his A : 3 :8E Riis : \\ PONTIAC SEDAN Original finish like new. Upholste spotless. Engine quiet and responsivip. A dependable car for your family 1927 BUICK COACH Two new tires. Extra fine motor, finish Al. If you are looking for a powerful car at a low price, see this CHEVROLET CABRIOLET (1928) Four tires nearly new, very good mo- drive,-at a genuine bargain. Price, tor, rumble seat. A real snappy little s . ; team car. ~ See this one, Price; ped. Splendid moter. Price, one. Price, $475.00 $245.00 $285.00 $295.00 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES vinareo CORNER G AND MARY STREETS -- OSHAWA --~ PHONE 900 LE hollow and strained, about his sensitive sweet-temp- month. Whatever © Greta hed through Ronal shared-- n knew, and gil

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