The Osh ara Dail Succeeding The Oshawa Reformer yy Times VOL. 10--NO. 40 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1932 SECOND SECTION--PAGES 13-18 Many Oshawa Merchants Plan For Dollar Days 'UNITED PRAIRIE (OVERNMENT Proposal For Provinces To Amalgamate Is Noth- ing New Regina, Sask.--Amalgamation uf the three prairie provinces for governmental purposes, recently suggested by Premier John Brac- ken of Manitoba, is not a new thouglt. Old correspondence files retrieved from musty government archives, reveal that Sir Freder- feck Haultain, when premier of the North West Territories, made a similar suggestion just thirty years ago. When the formation of the province of Saskatchewan first was mooted and negotiations to that end were in progress, Sir Frederick, in a letter to Sir Clif- ford Sifton, dated April 2, 1902, wrote: "With regard to diverg- ence of opinion as to one or more prairie provinces, I might say that this is a difficulty which will always arise and which any post- ponement of action will not re- chewan and a portion of Manito- ba. In this connection Sir Freder- ick wrote: "In considering the question of the area to be includ- ed in the province, it may be claimed that the area proposed is too large for one province," After pointing to the areas of cther provinces, Sir Frederick continues: "Our present cost of government only amounts to 10 per cent, of the annual territorial expenditures, which is much less than the percentage of charge for this service in the older provinces and indicates that the present machinery of government is well suited to the requirements of the country and can be extended much more cheaply and satisfac- torily than any new government department can be organized." Under date of January 31, 1903, Sir Frederick wrote Sir Clifford in part, as follows: "The government has prazented the federal authorities the claim of the people of the Territories in a document which has been published widely, In that docu- ment the Territorial government has expressed its opinion in favor of the organization of one prov- ince only. Action upon the whole question has been postponed by the Dominion government princi- pally upon the ground that there is a divergence of opinion respect- follows: ourselves. 'Dollar Day Mess Mayor Peter A. Macdonald, in a message dic- tated this morning for this special Dollar Day edition of The Daily Times, expressed himself as age om "The idea of Dollar Day, when the merchants of this city combine in a co-operative effort to hasten the period of prosperity for which we all hope so fervently, cannot help but meet with the endorsement of all thinking men and women. "The press all over this vast continent hag been impressing upon us recently that this so-called de- pression is 'merely an attitude of mind', and that, apparently, the remedy for hard times lies within "In other words we are told that optimists and go-Zetters never feel depressed. be something in this. In any event "There may em -------- SE .. 1 the Mayor the idea should be considered, and the policy of a community effort for increased business appears to be a very sound one. "In this community effort sponsored and made possible by the Oshawa Retail Merchants, speaking as Mayor of this city, I sincerely trust that an added impetus will be the result so far as the business conditions of Oshawa are concerned. "To the buying public, the majority of whom must make every dollar bring in one hundred per cent. of value, I would say that the opportunities which will offer themselves for obtaining outstand- ing values during the three Dollar Days of this week, must not lightly be overlooked." (Signed) PETER A. MACDONALD, Mayor, or 'multiplicity of governments,' and there appears to be no sub- the limits of Assiniboine fn that province a considerable part of merger of Canada's three prov- inces would bring under one gov- Wife: "Oh, Ronald, I dropped MAYOR OF OSHAWA PETER A. MacDONALD Whose Dollar Day message expres- ses hope that the result will mean a further step towards prosperity. Vancouver, B.C.--For more than | Tests Prove That Reproof | BEST RESULTS BY PRAISING Is Not Best For Children Calgary, Alta, -- Praise, not reproof, is the best method of ob- taining results from school 'chil- dren, Tests recently made hy the 'National Committee for Mental Hyglene (Alberta Division) with 48 boys and 60 girls, taken from grades four and six, revealed that a pat on the back brought better returns than a vigorous slap ad- pinistered elsewhere, The children were divided into three groups of equal ability--- the Praised Group, the Reproved group, Ignored group and Control group. For four days the first three division practiced in the same room while» the Control . group was placed in a separate room, "4 The Praised group was lauded for its efforts before the class my diamond ring off my finger and I can't find it anywhere." Husband: "Don't worry longer, dear. I found fit in trouser pocket this morning." ing the question whether there should be one province or only or more than one province--a question that in the last report is one for the Dominion government to decide. x x x "There is a widespread and well-founded opinion existing throughout Canada against what has been called 'over-government,' move." Sir Frederick always wanted the province to be greatly larger than was finally created as Sas- katchewan. In support of this a resolution was passed in the North West assembly asking for one province that would include all territory now occupied by the provinces of Alberta and Saskat- snd encouraged to do better work but the Reproved group re- ceived scowls and criticism for poor work and general inferiority to other pupils, The Ignored group received no recognition whatever and the same treatment was accorded the Control group. This lasted for four days. ernment a territory having an area of 768,817 square miles, or, roughly, one and three--quarters the size of Ontarlo and one and one-quarter times that of Quebec province. Its combined. popula- tion would approximate 2,348, 621 persons. 20 years thy little Anglican Church in the parish of St. Catherine's at Port Coquitlam, 18 miles east of here, has been periodically inun- RRR dated by the flood-current of the Whether conscious or wuncon-|ry;hing Coquitlam River and has scious: yet humanity's vast | earned the title of "Modern Noah's frame, Ark." the district of Assiniboine for the whole sentiment of the people concerned is against it." In respect to the latter, Mani- toba was given the territory indi- cated, Saskatchewan thus losing valuable mineral limits, including part of the I'lin Flon mine. The stantial reason for the formation of more than one province in the Territories. Much less is there reason for considering that other proposition which has been made on the part of Manitoba, namely, the division of the people of the Territories by ineluding within any my [TR 25 dozen Women's Non- run Rayon BLOOMERS 3 pairs tor $1.00 Bought to sell as a leader at 56c a palr. Plain tailored style in a fine quality and the wanted shades are here, 25 pr. Men's Fancy Silk and Cotton SOCKS 4 pairs tor §1.00 Buy these in readiness for Spring. The patterns are copies from 75¢ and $1.00 makes. The quality is excellent, Sizes 10, 1034 and 11. 25 dozen Women's Non- run Rayon PANTIES 3 pairs tor $1.00 Some prettily trimmed with lace edging, others finished with lace medallions. No such value before to our knowledge. A splendid 50c regu~ lar value in all colors. We are telling you about some of the high-lights of this Sale. There's a hun- dred and more of them awaiting you here on Thursday, Friday and Saturday i nie ples a Nae I SHE -- = SE SE ATR Et oe RE i ne i EE | Prime Japara PACKED IN ONE POUND PACKETS SUMMER VOILES Attractive patterns and colorings. Full 86 inches wide. Buy these and make them up ready for warmer days at No Saleis a Success Unless Both Buyer and Seller are Satisfied We are Satisfied -- That in the many exceptional deals we have been able to make with manufacturers specially for this city-wide Sale Event, that we have the greatest line-up of real Bar- gains ever offered on eny similar occasion. We are Satisfied -- To pass all this real quality merchandise along to you at a fraction above landed cost; 3 Hl Wine E SAXONY and in some instances much below present day regular cost to insure the success of Splendid finel TE ith the sale from our standpoint. . . piench ¥ woven quailty wi oftered at 89c pair. Silk to the You will be Satisfied -- ; * beautifully soft, wap. plot om tine 'Grenadsae Chiffon When you see this store-wide list of savings that your dollars will buy more than they é yds. % 1 00 2 pairs % 1 00 have bought for many years. WE HAVE GONE INTO THIS SALE IN A WHOLE-HEARTED, EN- | ro i 1/1 RIBBED WOOL AND COTTON 4rr. $1.00 LET'S GET THIS BUSINESS STRAIGHT! || | THUSIASTIC MANNER, because we know the people of this city appreciate savings of a worth-while character, CASHMERE HOSE FOR GIRLS. Reg. up to 39¢ French Nude shade. One of our best selling numbers that we have selected as a sale leader. | You know Kapok, the choice of all fillings for cushions. It pever works up into lumps. Water won't hurt it, and it's as soft as down. Tre ARE BE bo Sane KINDEIRA DOUBLE SCAL- LOPED EMB'D PILLOW CASES $1.00 Direct from Belfast. Reg. $1.59. On sale for, pair Fine Irish linen finished cotton pillow cases, handsomely embroidered and fin- ished with double scallops. Size 42 x 38 inches. " Direct from England--These Generously Sized COLORED BATH TOWELS at 4 sor $1.00 Are well worth buying in double quan tities, Cream ground with attractive striped centres in bright colors. Size about 22 x 44 inches. FULL-FASHIONED SILK CHIFFON HOSE Clearance of a special purchase, pre- viously ton 22 IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS and because we realize that never before during the twelve years we have been serv. 70 x 90. EACH BLANKET ea. 4% 1 00 ing you, has there been such a time when most of us have to practice rigid economy. An exuilont wearing fins appbasing Mose. in the Last time we had these on sale several customers thought the price of WHIPPED SINGLY. BUY ALL YOU CAN--THE GOODS ARE GOOD, THE SAVINGS REAL $1.00 was for a pair, We want to make it as plain as printer's ink can make it, that THE PRICE IS FOR ONE BLANKET and at this price we can tell you that it's below wholesale cost. ALL FEATHER PILLOWS for H 1.00 »-. WOMEN'S SILK AND ART- SILK HOSE. Reg. 79¢ Pair. 3 pairs $1.00 Not more than 100 pairs in this little lot. All first quality, Popular Spring shades, Sizes 81% to 10, 8 Only for Thursday Morning Sale Ne and -- 8 Only for Friday Morning Sale FULL DOUBLE BED SIZE KRINKLE BEDSPREAD Cream ground with striped pattern in rose, green, gold, ; blue or helio. Size 72 x 90 inches. Only one to a customer. Please note quantity for each day is only » BY THE MAKERS OF "MARTHA HOUSE DRESSES 350 Fast Color Print LIOUSE FROCKS $1.00 New style touches that make them different, new longer lengths. New | patterns to the fine, fast color prints. A selection that offers a choice gio the miss and the matron. Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 52, rm ed to 50 pairs. NET [2s we Have rie rer | CURTAINS (with tailored edge). oe, 3 yds, long. In either ecru much more, and this little lot of 36 hey go on Dollar Days at $1.00 hy eight spreads. Be early!