Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Feb 1932, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1932 PAGE NINE Oshawa Dollar Days Thursday, Friday, Saturday MONCTON GHOST IS RUN TO EARTH White Robed Creature | Floated Around Speed- ing Motor Cars N.B.--For 'ghost _flitted about the roads' of Kent County, New pBrunswick. Hunted with sticks and stones and guns, the white- robed creature moved about, un- eoncerned. In recerft years it was forgotten, until last when a party of motorists were terrorized as an earthly ereature with flowing hair floated around their speeding car and threw two girls into a faint. During the following weeks it reappeared poveral times and the Moncton Times was besieged with letters, the last of which was from a motorist who claimed to have run the uncanny creature to earth, The first letter was from ""Mystified Subscriber," who de- scribed 'his experience with the ghost like this: "Editor, Moncton Dally "I come as an inquirer the hope that som8 of your ers, interested in puzzzles, psy- chological and psyehical, may be able to throw some light on the following mysterious happening. "I hgve always maintained that atghies of ghosts and appari- tions off the dead originate in the magi ion of those of a super- stition fs 'turn of mind. Since the arly Horning of All Saints Dav, lhowevé?, I have been in a sort of dile®fma,not knowing what to believe "Ong Jallowe'en night, in com- pany h two young ladies and mal ompanion, all of this ity, I 'was driving from Chatham, he night was pitch dark and the rain coming down in torrents. bout two o'clock in the morn- ing we were driving along a Jonely stretch of woods between Richibucto and Rexton, when all t once, without the warning of thought, the figure of a woman, lad sin white, appeared in front pf the car. Girls Terrified "I brought the car/.to an abrupt years a Moncton, wooded Times: with read- top, opened the door and called | ut. .In the very utterance, my roice stuck in my 'throat with a gulp' of horror for the woman ad vanished. I again started the ar. In a second the figure reap- eared and sprang on 'the run- ing board. By this time the young ladies were screaming vith terror and I myself was ab- olutely buffeted out of derision, Whether to stop and throw the hing off, or yield #o* the en- reaty of the girls to keep on vas just resolving. "All the time 1 was conscious f an effort on the apparition's art to speak, hut on account of he 'windows being closed, and Re wind and rain, T could hear othing. My first thousht was hat the figure was a disguised Hallowe'en | | E. A. LOVELL Munagin Director, Jury and Lovell Ltd, King Street Kast, Hallowe'en Joker late getting home, because it carried a large | dark object The the five resembling a gun, apparition kept with us on running -board for, perhaps minutes. When we neared a small bridge, it left the car without the motion of a limb, and seemingly floated inte a grove near the creek---yes, float- ed as if borne on some mystical wind, with its long white hair streaming behind, Both girls fainted, and one of them required the attention of a physician when we reached Shediac. '""The above is true in every detail. The reason no names are mentioned is only because my three companions on the trip are | opposed to the undesir- such cause. commercial ma that strongly able notoriety must necessarily "A well known traveller has informed this apparition has been seen on | | | { under | oath that this figure stepped off | occasions by residents of that vieinity and that the mys- tery was discugsad one evening in the Empress hotel, Richibucto, only last week. "It is easy to explain a ghost away, but T ean state many the car while fifty miles an hour. Can anyone | explain that? Human Agency Other letters were equally sen- sational and inspired residents of the district to lie in wait-Tor the ghost. But in a recent issue of the Times "'B, Ware" water on the whole affair by ex- | posing the terror of the woods as an ingenious contrivance of mis- chievous youths: 'Editor, Moncton Daily Times: "There is a human agency back of every ghost mystery and the means by which the Richi- bucto apparition is propelled flights is very simple. "In company with two others, 1 left midnight. It ing heavily was dark and rain- when we neared the place where the ghost is wont to | his nocturnal flights, ,and the boys remarked how make one of IDOLLAR DAY SPECIAL in Made-to-Measure SUITS with Iwo Pair Pants Over one hundred new spring patterns to choose from ' Blue Serges, Oxford Greys, Black and White New bird's eye fancy worsteds and daz other desirable patterns in all wool materials from the inclu ing Stripes, worid's best mills. Your choice at this amazing low price for 3 Dollar Days 5 SIMCOE" ens of OUTH we were travelling | disclosure | | , PERFECT FOOD The health-giving proper- ties of our Milk are such | as to build strong muscles and sturdy bones in youngsters, and to create energy and stamina in Trownups. Serve at "very meal. *eaton's Milk is always good! Ever try it? should! Well you SPEED RACING BEATON'S DAIRY LIMITED PHONE 700 threw cold | | Richibucto Monday about | W. A. DEWLAND Head of Dewland"s Ladies' Wear, 183% King Street West. ideal the night was for the ap- parition"s appearance. were the words uttered when white-robed figure emerged from the woods, made a three feet from the ground, then 'ped along the edge of the woods 'or a distance of perhaps three iwundred yards and disappeared. "We stopped the car to investi- sate and found the ghost to be nothing more than a dummy with its lower part heavily weighted. The purpose of the weight was to keep the figure perpendicular and life-1lke as it sped along be- neath the wire from which it was suspended, The thing ran on rab- bit wire with pulleys, and made on the eclothes-line principle It was alm vt impossible to discern the fine wire against the darken- ed woods, and the white figure speedinz along the edge of the woods, and about three feet from the ground, would puzzle and frighten anyone, Run to Earth "We followed the wire back to a narrow road leading to the river. The other pulley was fas- tened to a tree pear the entrance to the road. We followed the up- per wire down the road and found about thirty yards of cod-line fastened to the end of it. Near the end of the road, and in sight of the river, we came upon a parked car which contained three young men, The car faced the river and the men were entirely unaware of our presence until we hailed them. Their car lights went on suddenly and one fellow put his head out the door and 'said laconically: '* 'Seen anything?' 'Sure,' IT re- plied. 'We've seen it all, even to the twenty feet or more of hrokert cod-line hanging from the back of your car. As you fellows sped down this lane hauling the top wire, the ghost sped up towards Rexton on the lower wire; clever idea!' " 'Yes, wasn't it!' replied 2 dapper little fellow who acted as spokesman. 'We thought it up only last night while we were waiting here--walting for the ghost to show up.' The chemist had left his coun. ter in charge of a youthful assist- ant. This young man being of a Lighly ingenious turn of mind, it was not without some inward trepidation that the chemist learned upon hit return that the assistant had been confronted in the interval with the case of na man who had failed to get the better of an argument with a steam rolfer, "What on earth did you do?" gasned the chemist. "Gave him nerve tonic," the reply. "Nerve tonic? Why that, in the name of goodness?' .. "Run down and depressed," was the reply, Was | colm Campbell, Hardly | : oll | leap about' | drivers east MORLEY I. CANNING Senior Partner in Canning's Ltd, King Street West, dealers in Men's and Boys' Furnishings, 15 EXPENSIVE Sir Melcolm Campbell Spends Fortune on His Hobby Fla Clip- » gplit soconds off the world's mobile speed record has ved not only a difficult tas) plete with thrills and hazard t one upon which sizeable for tunes have been spent, Especial- ly has this heen true in the past vears, when land speed has heen advanced at a faster pace than in any other sponding period in racing history. During that half decade, rec- ords show that approximately $1,000,000 has been expended that a mere 6.013 seconds could shaved off the record time for the measured mile Although a seemingly small reduction in time those precious six seconds repre- 'nt the hoosting of straightaway reed exactly 71.5611 miles an wir with the fastest cars the weet engineering science in the world conld build, Ireident to enormous costs in- volved in record trials, consider for instance, the case of Sir Mal- of England, who i hiere this month seeking to hreak his own world's record of 245 miles an hour, This 47-year- old driver has been blazing auto- nobile speed history down the roaring road for the past quarter | of a century and gays he probahly will stay in the game "until I am white-haired," During the past five years, in | sir Malcolm: has been ex- y active in establishing new | away records; his trials | have cost an estimated half 5 mil- | lion dollars. Six other drivers, including Sir Malcolm's greatest rival, the late Sir Henry Seagrave, a!so of Britain, spent approxi- mately another half million on their record attempts but only two beside the British spore men and the late Ray Keech of Philadelphia were successful. Of these six other drivers four rode to spectacular deaths while engaged in advancement of speed. They were Sir Henry, Keech, Frank Lockhart and Lee Bible, the last three in auto accidents and Sir Henry in a speed boat wreck, Most of Sir Malcolm's record runs, like Iritish contenders, pendine sands in tecords were advanced higher || and higher, necessitating longer rolling starts, that famous racing | strip proved to be too short and | about for a more suitable site, | After Sir Malcolm get a récord | of 174.224 miles an hour at Pen- dine on February 4, 1927, Sir Henry, in seeking to recover pre- viously lost laurels; came to Day- tona Beach for new trials. And, on March 29 of that year, he startled the world by boosting the record to 203.79 miles an hour. Sir Malcolm came over the fol- lowing year and on February 19 pushed the record up to 206.956 miles only to lose !t two months later to Keech who clipped off 207.5562 miles an hour in a 36- | cylinder Triplex. Hager to regain the record, Sir Henry again returned in 1929 and on March 11 sent his Irving-Nap- fer car hurtling over the sands at tha unprecedented spoed of 231.- 362 miles an hour. Sir Malcolm \ . me Daytona Teach, ve corre come early those of other | were made on | England, As IRA A. 8. WHATTAM \ Munager for Hogg and Lytle Ltd, | 54 Church Street, Hea H. A. FELT d of the firm of Felt Bros. | jewellers and dealers in pre. « clous Stones, then immediately | tion and cd off his lec 10W Lot nue rear he claimed spee new an wt the mark made prepara- # for recapturing e record on February 5, 1931, knock- 245.733 miles an hour in Napler-Campbell racer here. nsatisfied with his rd, however, Sir Malcolm is coming back in still higher On practice run last he attained a d of 265 and hopes to set a record of at least 260 miles hour during his forthcomin untimed trials. BIVORGE SUIT STIRS BOSTON c-.-co ee cio cor vou. a Acti ion by Chinese Women Oversh:dows Eastern B rn las a brin has Crisis oston, Mass East is West Boston's Chinatown, The ese wife of a restaurant man cast to the winds, custom ition and the Chinese law, to g suit for divorce, The suit | been filed in Suffolk probate | present an effort to | "DOLLAR DAYS" ADVANCE SPRING STYLES Shed your winter raiment and select your first fresh spring frock here, from a brilliant group that is the last word in chic, and emphasizes value, as well. Bewitching colors and designs . com flattering silhouette . . . enchanting details. Excellent quality pure silk carefully made . . . expertly styled. THE FAIR Simcoe St. S. Phone 1173 ormer 'Miss Soo Heo Shee. of Hoping, China, against Chin Loy You. You, modernized, 21, and thoroughly alleged cruel and husive treatment. The couple have no children. The action is the first of its kind on record nere, for divorces, according to C'hinatown authorities, are -ta- Nevs of the, suit brought re excitement to the quarter in the latest bulletin from the Manchurian front, Mrs, | Greybeards advised You to do something quick or face ostra- cism in far off Hoiping, where the couple were married, Others sought to influence Mrs, You but found the plaintiff was 'not at home." You said Mrs. You began to act modern about six months ago. She wanted a better home, more spending money and more free- dom. When his only answer was a look of amazement, he said, she emulated her western sisters, packed up and told him to see her lawyer, During the hearing of a caso a man began clattering about in the back of the courtroom, pushing over chairs and generally upset- ting things. "Young man," said the judge, wh'o had a reputation for ironic wit, "you are making a great deal of noise." "I have lost my overcoat, your worship," said the agitated young man, "Well, well," retorted the judge, "people often lose whole suits here without half as much disturbance." Our Greatest Sale . . . . Your Greatest Savings A GIGANTIC CLEARANCE Four Days Only, February 18-19-20 and 22 PROMPT, FREE DELIVERY AS USUAL DURING THIS SALE FREE! -- Grab Bags with $1 Purchases of Sale Items -- FREE! MODESS With 3 Extra Pads 39c AYERST COD LIVER OIL Reg. $1.00 89c CHECKERS For Coughs, Colds, Throat, Reg. 25¢ For 17c¢ CHOCOLATTA Sweetened Malt Chocolate Beverage 6 oz. Tin, 19¢c 16 oz. Tin, 49¢ VINOLIA Castile Soap 8 Cakes, 25¢ JERGEN'S FLOROSA SOAP 9 Cakes, 25¢ KRUSCHEN SALTS Giant Size Reg. 75¢ For 69¢ ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS 16 oz. Tin, 50c HAWAIIAN TOILETINE For chapped: hands, after shaving, etc. Small size, 24c Large size, 31c Sore WAMPOLE'S $1.00 Wampole's PHOSPHO-LECITHIN A wonderful Nerve Food and Tonio $1.00 GALLAGHER TONIC and Blood Purifier $1.00 GIN PILLS Ly 3 for $1.00 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 3 for $1.00 WAMPOLE'S MAGNOLAX 20 or. size $1.00 WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT Large Size $1.00 PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC Large Nive $1.00 CASTORIA, 29¢ VICK'S, 45¢ PHILLIP'S MILK OF MAGNESIA 48¢ AYERST COD LIVER OIL 10D, Reg. 85¢ Now 75¢ Don't forget our price on Palm Olive Soap PHILLIP"S MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 25¢ Ask for FREE GRAB BAG with $1.00 PALMOLIVE SOAP Cake . 5 Cakes to a Customer Just arrived New Creation BOURJOIS Paris Fiancee Face Powder $1.00 Fiancee Perfume Flacon 50c Both for $1.00 'SPECIAL! ONE CENT SALE OF QUALITY STATIONERY 15¢ Windermere Linen Pad Be Windermere Linen Du- cal Pad .....,.2 for 26¢ 85c Windermere Letter Pad 35¢ Windermere Linen Papeterie .... 2 for 86¢ 15¢ Vellum Finish * Note Pad 2 for 16¢ 28¢ "Vellum Finish Ducal Pad 35¢ Vellum Finish Letter Pad . 2 for 36c¢c 18¢ Vellum 'Finish Env's Come in and examine our BARGAIN TABLE Face Powders, Creams, Brile lantines, Bath Salts, Any item on the table 29¢ PAGE'S Old English SILVER MINTS Reg. 30c¢ Ib, Now 29¢ Ib. While they last BATH SALTS Assorted makes and odors $1.00 and $1.25 value For 29¢ WAXED PAPER Pkgs. Reg. 15¢ While they last, 9¢ Tek Tooth Brusi 50c Bathroom Glass 33c Both for 50c DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSH 35¢ 5c Vellum Finish Papet. trssisesssa 8 for 86¢ B50¢ Innovation Linen Fine ish Papeterie ,.2 for Sic HOT WATER BOTTLES Real Values Priced to Clear Viceroy. ......... . J Worthmore . Velvet tesesansnss BBC 14c SALE OF SUNDRIES Face Cloths Ravel Proof 14c¢ (Assorted Colors) Baby Pants, per pair ..14 (Assorted Colors) Pocket Combs with case 14¢ Nail Files siete Powder Puffs (Assorted Colors) Men's Combs .. Tooth Brushes c GILLETTE'S Newest GOODWILL RAZOR with ten blades 75¢ ST. DENIS BATH SALTS or BATH POWDER 19¢ LAMBERT'S SHAVING CREAM 50c value 29¢ COCIL-COD For coughs, colds, etc. Reg, 50c W. THOMPSON DISPENSING CHEMIST 10 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH WE DELIVER PHONE 22

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