Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jan 1932, p. 7

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i CHA | DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY. yANUARY" 23, 1932 PAGE SEVEN : Fit E to Te Bought or Sold -- Times Classified Ads will do it - NIE SARE BARRI Solicitors. aera C yancing and ia Law, Office 7 ister, $ Solicitor. Nouaty 'Public Gon to loaw. Uh Ki Kio & East. Gaba Phun North Residence phone 1 Praser. Barrister. Jed Bank of Commerce B fous S H FIVATAN, BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary. ture. Money Pha loan. ae Sim Sitnéoe treet North. 5 R A RU LE Solicitors, Ete. imeve St. N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514 Money to loan. Al Soicitor, Notary Public, vev- ancer . Money to loan. Third fluor new Alger Building. opposite Post Office. Phone 2996, - s B.A. ter. 12% Simeone St. South. Tele 3038565. Yhouy 30 (*3 sept tf) Medical R B J £ EW sician and Surgeon. special witem tion given to X-ray worl Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block Phone -2050. Office open 9 am to 9 p.m. Residence 42) Kinz Street East. Phone 2416 " cKAY, PH A Office and resi eon, Accoucher. ee: King St. East, corner - toria St.. wa. - Phone 94. Bor Nose, Throat Specialist PR. F. T. BR OF 1 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug store each Saturday from til 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose an. throat only. Appointments fay be made at drug store. Phone Undertaking K IAL CO. biglance Revidence 342 Shocoe North, Phone 2101 and 210W. ee OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F. t & Son, Proprietors Pen ahd Amtulance Soyice a and night. Phone aM. 4 Celina. t Architects S SE, 1 Second floor Roval Bank. Buik Building. Phone 149%. esidence phone ¥ x: Lis % 7% Siw Simcoe st oe she Au. yonesr Secor age Sk ven niture. \ ogseho end implements. Your atronage: solicited Watch Repairing ff. A. VON GUNT EXP watchmaker, repair shop 4 pd oe Stopet, West. Your pat- Bnaze Ib soo is solicited. = Battery Service TTERIES CHARGED 75¢ tal $1. Repaired and re ith rental S100 or nd delivered. ompt service, Stan. Bligdon, 20 ill St. Phone 960. broidery work, altera J making, ete. The Dell Shop, 14 Simcoe S. Phone ays. hi lema sts in furniture moving. Storage 5 rehouse and moving van equip' BOR putructor. Local ad "vag dis. od loads it 609 KATES & lightly aed. 5 x ates taken in pvenings, 13 Ree 2. condition. (19a) * | treatments and manicures Dental PHILLIPS, sett's. Special attentiol . nat xt urse - Br Phone 059. House 1312 Insurance DAVIS a pso INSURANCE. 19 King St West Outaws The est Fire ney in Oshawa bY A tbl ai3 PLACING INSU bide R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe St. Your insurance wants at Jended to and veur interests Dro- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phone 1834. Zlex. 8. , Everson. om, 5..¥ (16 oct sl Beauly Parlors Permanent wave Aig $7. 60 wave for $4.00. 10 days only Naturelle Method. Marcel 60c. Finger wave 75¢, Expert opera- tors only. 86 Simcoe St. North Phone 2968. Open evenings. . (2 sug tt) NO DRESSING Ba Betty Ward DT Grace Maishall, experts ia all kinds of Beauty Culture. Du permanent wave a specialty. $2.50 and $1000. Finger wave put shampoo $100. Marcel! SOc. Facials, scalp Coffee Shoppe entrance. Phone appoint' ments 1973 (15 may 1 mo.) HNSON, dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel ling 35¢ vid ginger waving 50c Phone 2188 om P H A dressing and Beauty Zuiture No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Pbone 38, Osh- aws, Ontario. na nov t?) cL 2108 marcel 35¢c at your Ro or 736 Alpert st. (28 jan ¢) waving, marcelling and hair cut: ting in your home or at 152 Tylor Crescent. Phone 3767J. ata a For Reat Simcoe Manor ond Victoria Apts.. completely. modern, and very cleanly. It will be a pleasure to have you inspect them. Open throughout the day ang evening. Bradley Bros, local mgrs. (8 feb ¢) asin rooms afd bath. All modern. Suit- able for bachelor or ladles' apart ments. Beatties, 161 King Xaat. c) APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Low rentals, Disney, phone 1550. (14t10) -- 8 house, 225 Bruce St. Finished attic, hardwood floors through- out, newly decorated, wired for electric stove. Phone 2334J. (18¢) FOR RENT--CORNNAUGHT ST., Modern 7 roomed house, fire place and sewing room. Phone 4937. (18¢c) --- B ME house, $15 menthly. Hardwood floors throughout, light and wat. er. Possession Feb. 1st. Apply 198 a» Juline St., or phone 1410M (18¢) "RE! ICE RE bested, with or without apart- ment. 8G Simcoé N. Phone 2345W. (19D) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR geulina, repairs, etc. Phone 2104 rge Reid, 66 Bond W. J. J Turner & Sons, Representative. (25 jan c) Poultry POULTRY WANTED -- ALL kinds of poultry alive, highest prices paid. Phone 81, Whitby. Special price for goog fat hens. (12 feb e¢) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE in attendance, warm home, terms r ble, . 80 Brock St. W Articles For Sele FOR SALE--DRY BODY WO $3 3% cord. Mixed wood, Fig (13 % cord. A. Wall. Phone 2638F. (8 feb ¢) A c , COAL, CO dry body wood, hard. soft, mized slabs. Phone $433W. 115 Anpis St. (2 feb eo! ARD, best for the money. Dry bard ut! 3 eord $3. Dry softwood, 3% cord $2.50. Satisfaction guar anteed, Ben ' Corson, phone 1941M. 147 Nasssu St. Pa fed ¢) b4 ? divert st. (8 feb ©) WOooD, | Resch. and Maple. Stove length. $3 3% cord. Robert Christy. Phone 1970W. Cf McQuaid, Prose 1079). (12 feb c) sale. Call W. H. Thompson, 507 King West. 742J. (15 fob ¢) CLA Cr tric range apd Quebec heater. Both in good condition and very vessonable. 611 Summerville Ave, en Ya 79 John St. (21 feb c) maple $3. Coke, Phone 3109J. : ~~ fad J dining 'suite, $40, wicker settee, chair, table, siugle metal hed and spring, 2 large rugs $2.50 each. -- 2455J (17¢) NING room Table, [] pn bod to match, quarter cut oak, two wicker arm chairs matcled, one with rocker and one without, one steel frame couch, one coal heater, brick lined. Moderately Fiieee for quick sale. Apply 198 St Tullen St. Phone 1410M. 8¢) FOR SALE -- DINING ROO suite, § piece, price $18. he M Apply 624 Somerville Ave, (19¢) ly Soir als Jean Ruth Fi No. § Simede.. Phone 8298. (30 jan ¢c) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--3 YOUNG MARRIED women for pleasant work at home, Must have telephone. Box 313 Times. (19a) For Exchange WANTED-- 10 TO 75 ACRES for clear house in Oshawa, or could pay $1000 down on B60 acrés equipped. Box 65, General Delivery, Oshawa. (18b) EX qd A good 7 room house. drive, Wants small Box 211 Times. 18 WANTED--SMALL HOUSE IN good locality, Cottage in Town- ship with large lot, low taxes, no encumbrance, offered as part payment, Write -Box 207 Times. (18¢) TO EXCHANGE--LOTS, NORTH Oshawa, for house or summer cottage. Full particulars Box 212 Times. ___ (19a) 25 ACRES WINDSOR HIGH- way close to Toronto with build- ings. Ideal spot for a tourist camp and poultry farm. Would take a partner or exchange for Oshawa property. Box 9, Brighton, (ihe a) Ss 10 minutes Work Wanted MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS housekeeper"s position or general work at once, In or near Oshawa Box 210 Times, (18¢) hn "WANTS LAUNDRY TO do at home. Phone 1832 or apply 24 William St. East, (1b) Classified Ads . 4 First insertion-- 13} cents per word. Minimum charge for ove in- sertion 80c. Each subsequent comsecn- tive imsertion 1c per word. consecutive (mser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number 10¢ additional. Professional or Husiness Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ald Department Lost and Found house n No LOST--PURSE WITH DRIVER'S license and other valuables, Re- ward. Phone 1260J or 606. (18b) Male Help Wanted WANTED -- COLLECTOR TO collect sccounts on commission basis, one who is at present col lecting installments preferred. Must have references, Box 215 Times. ae pS Barber Shop GUs Daling, 1u0 CELINA BT. corner of Ash. Halrcutting 15e. Open all day Wednesdays, twn barbers, the best workmanship given. (32 feb ¢! NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Margaret Ellen Davis, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Spinster, Deceased, NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sec. 51 of Chap 150, R. S.0., 1927, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the said Mar- aret Ellen Davis, deceased, who ied on or about the fourteenth day of September, A.D, 193l, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned adminis- trator, Capital Trust Corporation, Limited, on or before the twenty- ninth day of re uary, 1932, their Christian and names and ad- dresses with full gc lth in writ- ing of their claims, and statement of their accounts and the nature of the securitics (if any) held by them, duly verified by statutory declara- tion. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty«ninth day of Feb- ruary, 1932, the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the par. ties entitled thereto, having regard onlv to the claims of which it shall then have notice, and the said ad- ministrator will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any . person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by it or its said solicitor at the time, of such distribution. Dated twenty-third of January, 1932, CAPITAL TRUST CORPORA- TION, Limited, 100 Adelaide Street, West, Toronto 2, Ontario. MURRAY GORDON, 392 Bayi Street, Toronto 2, Ont, Solicitér for the said Administrator, (19,2531) NOTICE TO CREDITORS® | 'R.5.0. 1927, Chapt. 150, Sec. 51. Estate of Jessie Witterick, dow, Deceased, - ALL pérsons having claims against the Estate of JESSIE WITTBRICK, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the Twelfth gay of Decem- ber, A.D. 1931, are hereby noti- fied to file with the undersigned, on or before the Fifteenth day of February, A.D, 1932, full par- ticilars of their claims. Immedi- ately after said date, the assets of the deceased will be distribut- to, having regard omly to claims so filed. DATED at Oshawa, the Twen- ty-First day of January, A.D. 1982. : W. BE. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., Bank of Montreal Bldg., Oshawa, Ontario. (19, 25, 31) Greenwood News pr Greenwood, Jan. 22.--Séme of the young people of Greenwood gave a surprise party to Miss Torah Gee last Saturday ¢vening, it being Torah's birthday. Last Friday evening Green- wood Community Club entertain- ed, the Young People's, League from Kinsale. The program was given by the Kinsale people and roved excellent. Mry. Wagg gave a splendid address on edu- cation. Solos were rendered by Miss Florence Mowbray, little Jean Mowbray and Master Neble Stevenson. Mrs. Victor Parkin gave a reading. After the pro- gram the whole company was divided up into groups whe made up poems ahout gome one pres- ent. When these were read it proved quite entertaining guess- ing who were the subjects of the verses. Refreshments brought a pleasant evening to a close, The Community Club will with. draw their meeting next Friday evening, The Ladies' Ald Will present their new play 'Her Gloves". Come and enjoy a good laugh. A Girls' Conference will be held in St. Andrew's United Church in Oshawa, commencing on the evening of Jan. 29 and continuing all day on Saturday and, Sunday morning and closing with a meeting on Sunday after- noon. A banquet will be held on Saturday evening. There will be good speakers and expert leaders from Toronto during the confer. ence so a good time is antici- pated. The Oshawa Presbyterial will meet at Bowmanville on Thurs- day, Jan. 28. Ladles wishing to attend may take a bus at Pick- ering at 8.16 a.m. Thursday. Mr, Bmith, of Oshawa, is visit. ing his sisters, Mrs. Bayles and Mrs. Boyer. Rev. Mr. Smart and Mrs. Smart took tea with Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jones, Mt. Zion, on Wed- nesday evening. The Sunday Schoo] Township Executive met at Brougham United Church on Wednesday af- ternoon with a good attendance. Rev. and Mrs. Smart entertain. ed the Sunday School Class of Mrs, Cecil Joves, Mt, Zion, 'on Thursday -evening, There are fif- teen young ladies in the class, who are much interested iff their class study and work. They made a fine lot of children's clothing which they sent to the needy West. Mrs. Birq is a typical, self-res llant farm roman, She can milk cows apd feed pigs, but in recent yea has left these chores to er members of the family, This city is proud of Mrs. Bird and every year 'the Armstrong Board of Trade stages a special entertainment in her honor, CHILD WELFARE Provides for Protection of Italian Mothers and Infants Rome, January. -- Protection of Italian mothers and infants at an annual e¢xpense of approximately | ed amongst those entitled there- | $3,000, 000,000 has not been diminished by recent government economies, Mussolini, with an eye to im- provement of the race, has spared this work from the slashing that has trimmed down expenses in numerous other fields by govern- ment activity. He takes a personal interest in the activity and requires a periodical report trom the insti- tute in charge of it, The institutueu in 1930 gave fin- ancial support to 994 infants' homes and operated several hundred mo- bile hospitals for the benefit of mothers in the country region. It spends $200,000 a year on hygiene propaganda, INTERESTS DUCE TIMETABLE | WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE : BU. NES 4 Schedule West Wi f (Effective on Arrive Arrive Hospital ; jie a1 own a ©. Dhawp : STR 'S TPPYTTY Peps 238s ® ESuman= Sma = ® HHH Ske=Sshais 3z=zi3 BENS IN=RO om SS xo neo veN POPEIPTE INNS Bz33zpEpasiad BREAN! 2398388 a Bos Se®uo eee FPPETTY Zeegiice H ONE gam VNB BLARSBERR TYTTPPPTO Nee 323232323358 33s : SUNDAY AND D HOLIDAY SCHEDULE KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PRONE 70. NEXT THE POST OFFID AUTO LOANS an CARS REFINANCED Can be Arvasged at Jowent prevailing a ing a period up to twelve ile you drive your CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD, 12% Simcoe Street, Oshawa H, A. MacDONALD, Representative. Lo ite = a s .30 a.m, SOD» Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers TON, PROPRIETOR T, BOWMANYI LE PHON Es 4 412 or M6 Ochawa Waiting Room, Prince GRAY COACH LINES ative Nov. 22, 1931) Rastern, Standard ard Time) LEAVE osnaw'k LEAVE YE TORONTO ry 130 Branches Throughout Ontario. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Womill, Oph. D Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 to messue +, 988: 20 7 KING ST. EAST Scotland Woolen Tailors . BAM ROTISH. Manager prog Holidays . d--Sunday only, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective, January 10, 1932. EASTROND! a 3 DaTaeuler, Sab EATON GROCETERIA | "It Pags To Shop Here Always Chevrolet Heavy Duty Truck with dual wheels. 1930 model. Stake or dump body price $630, - ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 80 King St, East Lv Oshawa, Daily. L) 5s py m. Daily, | 34.30 a.m. Daily. | 4.06 p.m. Daily. | 6.48 p.m Except Sunday. | xStops ot fy a Fytiny ops to off passengers from treal and beyond only, 5 Mon: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22. 1931 (Standa.d Time) Lhe Beaty Montres! and East only-- Westbound 5.56 a.m, Daily, 713a.m, Da 3.12 p.m. Dai 7.32 p.m. Pale, except Sunday asl pai Dal FOR QUICK SALE $2000 buys a good § room. ed, 1 story stucco bungalow, Gas and electric light. Col- borne St. E. Apply J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 or 687W w Toronto and West ¢ only~flag. Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rock- efeller Institute throws cold wa- ter an alleged rejuvenation schemes. "So far," he states, "the process of aging remains ir- reversible."---Toronto Telegram. . STOP THAT COUGH with BEATTIE'S €OUGH BALSAM the Safe and Sure Remedy. Handled by all Live Dealers Special! Men's One Buckle Overshoes. pair 91.39 DOMINION CLOTHING G8 King St. West For Sale 1928 ESSEX COUPE. Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 185 King St. W. Phone 1160 REPAIRING WATC1ES OUR SPECIALTY D. J. BROWN It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector fop Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 15. "hone 180 Felt Bros, The Leading Jewelle; Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOU TH ROYAL YORK BREAD FLOUR 98 Ib. bag, $2.40 Satisfaction Guaranteed Hogg & Lytle, Lid. Phone 2303 OMPS DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 1~ Simcoe St. 8. We Deliser DON. M8: 0 Lig MR. CARLION MATING QursIDE AR TO NES, 8 wows BY WM tN ~~ -- TLTon \S A [373 PRACH OF A FELLOW. ME WAM MEET ME TO 5 MOTHER = You's POR ( é Fiesr Has | SUSY WHAT I INTEND T® DO WHEN WE JET To TinE IR ERT WELL, Your He MAKE A HIT WITH TILLIE'S MA - You CAN Be SwWeeT LFS ON THAT - BX Va won| Ct mr th er Se fe LSTEN' (CLANCY: I'M MAKIN OUT ME INCOME TAX AN" | WANT TO GIT IT SUT RIGHT AWAY: BUT: KIN YOU HELP CME HOW MUCH 195 Si% PER CENT OF S1% THOUSAND "GEE! | COULDNT TELL vou: THEYVE CHANGED THINGS SO MUCH Si TS Sonal Su LTE "COW-FACED" MULLIGAN | 15 HERE. uE MIGHT KNOW: iil if KK) i" WHAT ? LITTLE 'COW pugs WO USED HE GIT SUTPHOW LONG WiLL HE BE AT Your PLACE? i ATT fil IRN Face] he NSEY S WHEN A SLSR 7 | AIPA |} NUL Ribpitsss on i

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