! If it's to be Bought o SEIT aati a hh hd Le LTT at LL I TT ET YT LL TEL 3 _ ancer "al between 25 THE OSHAWA DAILY T:MES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1931 PAGE r Sold - Times Classified Ads will du it Legal CONANT & ANNI: BARRISTERS Solicitors Notaries Pubhe Etc Convevancing and ueneral practice in Law Office 7% Simcoe Street South Ushuwa Phone 4 G D Conant, BA. LLB: A F Annis BA. LLB W E N SINC LAIR KC. BANK of Commerce Buildin, i JOSEPH P WANGAN BA BAR rister. Solicitor Notarv Pu*lic. Ci Ti ante Money to kaw Office 14% King St East ()shawa Phone 5 Residence phone R37 % RIFRSON CREIGHTON & Fraser Barrister. Etc. Bank of Bld, 2 LOUIS S HYMAN, BARRISTER Solicitor Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Monev to loan 16 Simcoe Street North Phone 67. Kesi dence 3173W eo GREER & HUMPHREYS BAR risters Solicitors, Ete 24% Sim ue St. N Phone 3160 Residence 3514 Money to loan o FRANK S EBBES, PARRISTER Sol'citor Notarv Public, Convev Monev to loan Third fluor new Alger Building oppnsite Post Office Phon 87 RK. ter 12% Simcoe St Sonth Tele phone 3038--565 (*3 sept tf» Medical DR B J] HAZLEWOOD [I'NY sician and Su'zeon special wrten tion given to X ray work and Electrotheopv Office Disnev Block Phor. Office oren 9 am to '9 pm Residence 421 King Street East Phone 2416 DR McKAY PHYSICIAN. SUR geon, Accoucher Office and resi: dence King St Fast corner Vie - toria St, Oshawa Phone 94 Ear, Nose, Throat Speciali DR. F T BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West. Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug store each Saturdav from | til 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear. nose an, throat only Appointments mav bs made at drug store Phone 97. ; Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East Ambulance Residence 542 Simeve Street North Phene 2100 and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL CO M F Armstrotg x ci Li A F 1 and Amhulan + Service An phe *Riont Phone 10R2ZW 87 Celina (4tf) CC. STENHOUSE. GENERAI Architectural work Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 Residence nhone Auctioneer PHONE 716) W 1 SULLEY Au..'oncer 346 Simcoe St S Osh awa, Ont. Special attention wiver to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your tronage solicited ELMER WILBUR. LICENSED Auctioneer, furniture, farm stock implements a speciality Terme moderate. Phone 1648 r 24 (29 dec c) Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN. EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 4% King St. et West Your pat fonare is solicited Dental NR S J PHII LIPS OVER BAS ett's Special attention to X ras work. Gas _xtraction Nurs: in 2 t tendance Phone 959 House 1312 fo an ge DAVIS AA J SON, INSURANCE 19 Kmg St West, Oshawa The old Fo: Rent APARTMENTS, MODEYN, 3 AND 4 rooms, low rentals. Phone Dis rey 1560 or Supt, 2347TW. (133t¢ S B adjoining. Good location for pro- fessional or commercial line, Box 1 Times. . (Bat tf) est Fire Agency in Osh 30 re m*_ble Fire Companies WHEN PLACING INSURANC corsult R N Johns 80 Simcoe St North. Your insurance wants at tected SU | E ) pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers Phona 1834. flex. 8 Ross, S. F. Everson. (15 oct th» Beauty Parlors JETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR i'ermanent wave special $7.50 wave for $4.00. 10 desys only Naturelle Method. Marcel 60¢ Finger wave 76c, Expert opera tors only. 88 Simcoe St. North Phone 2968. Open evenings. (2 aug tf SENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Mai<hall experts in all kinds »f Beauty Culture Our permanent wave 'a specialty. $500. $750 and 21000 Fincer wave and shampor $100 Marcel 50c Facials scaly rreatments and manicures Coffer Shoppe entrance. Phone appoint ments 197, as may 1 mo' OR ENE JORNSON, HAN R dresser, 92 Church St. Marce: ling 36¢ and finger wa.ing 50¢ 'hone 2188J. (14 jan c! PEMTER'S BRANCH HAIR iressing and Beauty "u:ture No 9 Bradley Bldg., Cshawsa, On tarfo. (23 nov tf LILLTAN McLEAN, PHONE 2105 marcel 35¢ at your home or 735 Albert St. (28 dec c 'YELLOW BIRD" HAIRDRESS ng Shoppe. Marcel 85¢. Hair cut 15¢. Mrs. H. Dafoe, 137 Ritso» Rd. 8S, Phone 1355F. (8 jan ¢ INGER WAVE 50c, MARCEL }5e. Trim 25c. Miss Robbins, 8! ntario St, Phone 1115W. (15 jan ¢ A J Articl=s For Sale 'OR SALE-- DRY BODY W0OD $3 % cord. Mixed wood. $2.7» 1% cord. A. Wall. Phone 2628F (8 jan ¢ «RANK MeQUAID, COAL, COKE, 'ry body wood, hard soft, mixed slabs. Phone 24.3W. 115 Annis St. (2 jan ¢) FOR SALE--BODY HARDWOOD Beech and Maple. $3 s'ngle eord R Christy, 281 Elm Grove Ave 'hone 1979W, (25 dee ¢ WEST BND WOOD YARD, THF best for the money. Dry bard wood, ¥% cord $3, Dry softwood % cord $2.50. Satisfaction guar anteed. - Ben Corson, phone 1941M. 147 Nassau St. (11 jan ¢ HLINULING WOOD, 3 COHD, §2, mixed $2.50, dry body maple $3 Coke and Coal, 79 John St, Cal 3109). (18 jan e¢) Radios Repaired Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75 with rental $100 Repaired and re- built. Called for 'and delivered Prompt service, Stan Bligdon 20 Mill St. Phone 960 Hemstitching HEMSTITORING. 7 CENTS OM embroidery work, alterations. dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop. $61% Simcoe 8. Phone 1656 A % (5 fly 81! Transportation A ACF AND STORAGE leman's, 85 Bond West Special ists in furniture moving. Storage wareh and moving van eduir ment "Ph e 82 contructor Local and wag Als tunce canling. .oads ins red 60% Carne le Ave Phone 161% Private Hospital -- * Home - Rest "XPERT RADIO SERVICE ON all makes of radios. Work fuily guaranteed. Tubes led free vational Radio Service 3186M. (8 jan ¢) "HONE 3350) OSHAWA RALIO service for radio repairs. Fully "uuipped to give reliable service. ches, Wales, (10 jam ¢! SARLS RADIO--REPAIRS ON all sets, batteries charged, short wave parts. Cheapest prices Phone 1200W. 115 Alice street. (11 jan c¢) repaired. Our methdos are skil «ul and our prices moderate, Ten sears specializing in repair work. Free Inspection, Call 2806W. Certified radiotrician, (2 Motor Cars J1URAGE FOUR Few MORE cars or trucks, We also special ize in automobile metal bump ng, body repalr work, painting, washing~-nd furniture refnish jan ¢) §ULNYNOOK, WHITBY. REUTE is have View vuiting West, tered Nurse ip 'harge Conf ments, and all patients requA- care and rest Two dellare up. Inspection igvited a, : o- oe Palmist iy a. lin r. {awa Palmist, on matters of impo] this meetin ance. 93 Louisa St. Phane 263 Business private. (20 jan Music Lessons TWCINALD G GEREN {g*. choirmaster. 'imcoe Unite Church. Piano, n, siaging Phone orga 3138. Residence 765M. * (28 dee c! voles production ana sinking Phone Ne 6 Studio Johns Pian Co. (3 jan co , Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR. paulins, repairs, etc. Phone 2104 George Reld, 66 Bond W. J. J Turner & Sons, Représentative/ (25 dee c! ga Help Wented--Female EXPO TED MAID WANT ed. Phona 199. EXP RIBNCED COOK GENB- and 85. Three adults. Evenings free. Apply 84 | Warren Ave, oo (14%a) tion to the project. + In order to bring the head, and complete p! 20d Wagon necessary organizatic of interested citi DAN called for Wedner yt es have been giv: (16 jan c» (1470) part paymént. 'ick sale, 656 Chris- the directors' Chamber (149¢) th and it inceal Estate For Sale SEVEN RUOMED BRICK VEN <er house with garage. Paved Jtreet, Modern ¢onvehiences. Gas wired for electri¢ stove. If look: ng for good home at reasonable Jrice see ownér 50 Buckingham «e, Oshawa. (145-148-149) ire Ei Skates and Boots JKATES AND BOOTS, NEW AND slightly used. $1.50 up. Your old skates taken in Sxchange Open t, Bast evenings, 12 Richmond (23 jan ¢) =m Pets and Livestock Tv - K 8d White Lézhorn ¢hicken and hens. Apply 8. Henry, Wilson Rd North. Phone 1088 R 4. (14%¢ UN HOLSTE ' A old, comin; in in March. Alsc onc 4 H.P. rasoline engine. Ap- ply 287 Viola St, south of Ritson Road C.P.R. crossing, x (1472) tended to and vour interests oro +UUR HAUIO BULENLIF ICALLY | Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE on attendance. warm 1 ms, terms reasonable. 80 Brock St W hence 2298, (30 dec ¢) * Furs Repaired FURS REPAIRED, REMODET led and lined 49 sears experi ence, fur trimmings by the yard collars and cuffs. Fuy coats $25 up, Litiner, $6 Simcoe North (28 oct 1-mo) FUR AND FUR COATS RE paired, remodelled and relined Also scientifically cleaned by ex pert furrier. Also fu supplies 118 Huron Crescent. Phone 632M Fars repaired, remodelled moderate prices. Mrs. G. Hicks. 143 Prince St. Phone 2373J or J. H. Wilson, Melrose 5229 Toronto. (7 jan ©) Male Help Wanted YULLER BRUSH CO. OWING TO transfer and promotion in out side districts can place three in telligent, 1 smart men, Good money, permanent position, Age over 25. Apply Emplo~ment Man- 13er, Oshawa. (148d) ICE SUPPLY AND STORAGE OF ICE FOR SALK FOR JOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL USE The Public Health Act of On- .arlo imposes re:ponsitility for rotection of ice supplies in Jdunicipality upon the Loca. Joard of Health of that Munici Jality: -- "No ice shall be cut from an) ~ake, River, Stream, Pond, or other water for the purpose o veing gold, or used for domest purpvzes, unless a permit there «or has ise-n first o tained frou he Local Loard, and no perso. all sell or celiier or dispos. .{ in any way any ice for domes «ic purposes without first obtain. ing a permit therefor from the Local Board, and the Local Boaru may refuse a permit, or revoke any granted by it, when in their judgment the use of any ice, cut or sold, or to be cut or sold for domestic purposes, under the same, is, or would be detrimen «al to the Public Health." (Sec Jon 101 (2), Public Health Act. ~ntario), 1927. Take warning and secure your Jermits now to he fully prepared ior this Winter's cutting of you ice supply. T. W, G. McKAY, M.D, Medical Officer of Iloalth. 'Executive Officer of the Loca: Board of Health). (144a-14%a ZION NEWS (Centinued from pace 4) filled to the doors, when the annual Christmas concert, by the day school, was put on. ir. Arthur Stainton acted as chairman. Writ- ten programs were passed through the ¢rowd, making ft quite up-to- date. The program was as fol- lows : Chorus, "Merrv Bells," bv the senior pupils; recitation, Steve Sobi; chairman's speech; rooster drill by eight little folk, which caused a great deal of fun and the Juniors are to be congratulated on it. "Upside Down" song, by 8 schol- ars when they sang behind a sheet Rates For Classified I------ First insertion-- 134 cents word. per " Winimum charge for one In. sertion 80c. Each subseqornt comsecw- tive 'imsertion 1c per word. Three consecutive fimser tions for the price of twn first insertions (three cents a word). Minimom charge for three insertinns 60c. fios nun.ber 10¢ additional Professions) or Husiness Cards. $2.50 per month for 20 words or less. 10 cents a word per month for each additional word Plone 35 Ask for Classified Ald Department and then put up their hands with shoes on them, supposing they were standing on their heads; Reci- lation, Gordon Fisher, "I Hate the ants that Mother Makes;" Song by Juniors; dialogue, * Luying Eggs' by Hilda Pierce, Freddie Martin, + op Corn Song," where each child was dressed in white and trimmed with yellow; dialogue, "Wanted, a Radio," by several pupils; tri 'lisses Marguerite Martin, Hil sicrce and Master Lloyd Stamton; choruses by seniors, "Golden Slum- bers," and "John Peel;" Recitation, Russell Martin, "The Moo-Cow- [00;" "Four little Maids at a Tea + arty," Greta Thornton, Jean Bal- m, /nnie Lyon and Jessie Nem ish, when they gossiped and told for riunes in t.cir song; recitation Jredie Martin, "My Uncle Charlie; Jarmers and farmerettes drill by ight girls, some with aprons, sun- nnets and pails, others with over- Is, straw hats and milking stools; stern Band, kazoos, drums, egg ¢ and {i'a, and saw. g "Springtime in Hilda Pierce Martin sang "Moonligi ata" with Freddie acting as lead¢r with a baton; Lloyd Stain- ton sang, "Show Me the Way to Go Home ;" dialogue, Uncle Hiram's old," which was very amusing, and ie wonderful medicines that were ofiered him; piano solo, Miss Eileen | Stainton; good night song, by jun rs wearing long white nighties and wolding ligiited candles while the; sang Pantomime, "Oh, Zion Haste sang by Mrs. Thos. Martin, and | acted by seven girls in long white robes, which was very beautifully | lone; Miss Annie McMaster acted | Mr. H. G. Pascoe announced that | the annual s I meeting would be held on W csday, Dec. 30th, at 1.30 o'clock when all the ratepayers and their wives are especially invit- ed to be present. He also moved a vote of thanks to Miss Lewis for training the children so well and putting on such a nice program. Mr Bert Glaspell seconded the motion, and all Tesponded by a hearty clap of hands, Santa Claus arrived with bells on and distributed presents to all and eighty-one od bags to the children provided by Miss Lewis, fadies' Aid and Sunday school; rome made candy provided by La- dies' Aid was Jassed htrough the wdult erowd. roceeds over $106. Miss Grace Morgan, of Toronto, was a week-end guest at her par- ents', Is there any mere grand and glorious feeling than the reaction irom finding out that it was the other fellows tire? 18 pianist for the evening. I CHRISTMAS EVENT HELD AT SEAGRAVE Pupils of School Display Much Talent in An- nual Entertainment Mrs. L. Scott, Correspondent) ve, Dec. 23. -- Another Christmas tree concert has' come and gone, with this year's concert, hich was held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 22, being termed the best ever, assisted by the pupils ' of Bethel School, the children of our Sun- day school displayed marked talent in readings, dialogues, choruses and pantomimes. The outstanding feature as far as the children and most grownsups was the timely arrival of old Santa Claus, who officiated in the dis- tributing of the presents, 2150 pass- ing on the real spirit of Chrsitmas to those less fortunate than our- selves. Great credit is given those who trained the children: Mrs, El. mer Clements, Miss V. Wilson, Mrs. B. Dobson and Miss Ila Moon. Pianist, Mrs. Roy Scott. The. fol- lowing program was given: Chair- man, Rev. Mr. Green; chorus, by the Sunday school; reading, Verna Moose; doll-drill, .by boys of the Sunday school; reading, Lawrence Ewen ; dialogue, Bethel school ; read- ing, Ruth Fn reading, Beverley Scott; Christmas bouquet, by pup- ils of the Sunday school; reading Jean Watson; "The Christmas Can- digs," by pupils of thc Sunday school; . reading, Mildred Stone, rcading, Marjorie McCoy; solo, Dorothy Reynolds; dialogue, Bethel school; reading, Jean Harding and he Fairies; reading, Jimmie Short 'Gloomy Gloops," by pupils of the Sunday school ; reading, George Ga- lop; duct, Fernic Moon and Jean Harding; reading, Durelle Martin; mot... organ solo, Al reading, Lruce McCoy the Sunday school; Par me, by ady grown-ups of Sunday chool, A vote of thanks was ex- tended to all who had helped to 1ake the evening such a success Speech from Santa Claus at the nse. The services on Sunday were as sual well attended, 98 being on the unday school roll' on the morning J. Wooldridge sang a pleas- ag Chictimas solo at both services «ith tue pastor preaching a Christ- nas sermon. The choir also rend- red good music. The Christmas holiday is bringing many relatives and fricnds from a iistance to help celebrate, and will and motoring in these parts bad, owing to the recent rains Miss V. Wilson will spend the wlhidays with her parents at Fene- on Falls, Miss Vera Tanner, of Toronto, is pending a holiday with her moth- r. Mrs. A. Tanner, Miss Norma Moon, who has spent | ie past two weeks in Toronto with c.atives, has returncd home, Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Sleep are mong those entertaining a number of at , their oN vhursday of this week. Mr. S. Perkins, Mr. W. Stubbs and Mr. R. Abraham, of Pontypool, are enjoying the holiday with sriends. relatives home TAXES BOOST THE COST. OF LIQUOR Lond n,--Due to a diminishing lemand for hard liquor by those who find whiskey drinking a posi- ive luxury England has 748,435,000 oottles, or practically $3,000,000 worth of whiskey in her ware Jouses. Before the Great War Britons paid a bit more than a dollar a bot- tie for choice brands. Now the gov ernment excise duty amounts to $2 a bottle and wholesale dealers are clamoring for a reduction in the tax. KISSING BOOM AIDS BUSINESS | Los Angeles, Cal. -- A holiday boom in kisses stolen by sanction of Christmas mistletoe and poinset- tias has been sanctioned by means of straightening out a warp | A belief that the gsculating fes | tivities induced by sprige of semi. ! concealed mistletoe and the in-| creased emplo;. 2nt furnished by | the harvesting of the holiday sym- | bols would buoy the spirits of | southern California led to ihe en- | dorsement by the county employ- ment committee and the Chamber of Commerce. | Between 400 and 500 persons will be given employment in harvesting | thousands of dollars worth of mistle- toe fn nearby mountains and poin- | settias from a 500 acre farm, { FROM NOW ON (Louisville Times) From now until Christmas those who can afford it will forget the oast and think of nothing but the present. | | The Leading Jeweller two | civic organizations here as a minor | ed economic condition. | Fe ° Bros. Establishea 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH SFECIAL! Clean Carbon, recondition § Valves and gotor tune up 2 Chev, 4 cylinder ... 75 Chev. 6 cylinder ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 86 King st, I. Phone 900 OM, DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVER. 1" Simcoe Bt. S. We Deliver | (Guaranteed) 35¢ for sale by F. W. THOMPSON A. R. BELF1Y JOHNSTON DRUG CO. BEATTIE'S COUGH SYRUP Grand New Year's Eve FROLIC 'rofessional Fat rtalcment Genosha Hotel Tickets Now n Sale nec 82250 7 RING 8T FEAST Scotland Woolen Tailors SAM ROIVISH Manager | BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 6.Roomed Brick-Veneer Dwell. ing, finished Attic and Sun. room, garage. Dearbourne Ave. Apply J. H. R. Luke, Phones 871--687W, won BE. & Girls' All Wool Fancy PULLOVERS at v POTATOES €0 Ib. bag, 50c First Class Stock HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED PHONE 203 " "Tis the day 2fter Christmas-" | when guests are gone and | the weary housewife sur- | veys the aftermath of big celebration, that this up-to- date laundry looms up large | as a ready help. What a re- | lief to be able to bundle up | all the bedding, table linen. towels, cte., and send them | | alonz to us knowing that they will be returned snowy | white and reeking of clean: liness after their soft water | washing. A phone m®ssage now will bring our driver next Saturday and at will allow you to enjoy Christ.' mas without dreading the | "clean-up." We have eight | different kinds of family wash service--all done in| rain-soft water without an) | unsightly marking. Phone | today--stop any one of our | courteous driver-salesmen --or use our '"cash-and-' carry" department. Phono 788 Loon] | (En Salven i) | 120755. 24% | 434 Simcoe Street South 10d of depression is that people are living within their in- | I comes | JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D Eyesight specialist Phone 3213 A FINE TOILET WATER is always welcome And doubly so if it is one of Richard Huduu's far ous fragrances: Gardenia, Rose of Omar, White Lilac and many others. In charming bottle and gift carton. . . . $1.00 KARN'S DRUG STORE Next P.O. Phone 78 | | ! | (Judge) 5 Another way 'to explain this per- | WITHIN THE!R INCOMES perhaps | SR, PHA .LC.YOUNG 4% Prince S Oshawa. ¢ E 11931 Chey, Sport Sedan 1--1928 Chev. Sedan, free wheeling Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 133 King St. W. Phone 1160 REPAIRING WA ITCHES OUR SPECIALTY . J. BROWN It your watch Is not giviag satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8%. "hone 189 BOYS CORDUROY BREACHES, double seat and double knee, . Special $1.3 Dominion Clothing Co., 48 King 8t W "hone 214) WATSON'S | BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves Phone 2653. ~ Celina St. » ROYAL YOR | EATON GROCETERIA ff It Pugs To Shop {1} Here Always . Diamonds Barrett's On Oshawa's Main Corner TILLIE THE TOILER ik WELL, HE PRETTY SOE WHEN HE LEFT ve LOOKED LADIES AND SHINEE SS 2 OXING CON BETWEBN BATTLING AND ANOTHER LOOSING A TERRIFIC RIGHT -HAN SMASH TO SHORTYS Face] MAC DOVGALL'S f SCHNOZZLE - OH, BoY., CAN =THIS Good P| TARE TT (we say] | SPUMON By Russ. Westc TO iD \S Sorry, HE CAN'T GET OP = HE'S oOuUT- BUT HE SURE DS A GAME KID WELL- WHAT ARE You STANDING THERE LOOKING LIKE A MULE FOR? HAVE NOW- You LISTEN! I'M TALRIN' TO I OH! 19 THAT 807 WELL WHAT Yow WELL-l GOT OUT: BUT-NOW' HOW AM | GONNA QIT BACK? , Int'l F Service, Inc. Great Britain rights reserved. & 193, Int) eature Serv ; righ