Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1931, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1931 PAGE ELEVEN 'it's to be Bought or Sold - Times Classified Ads will do it po I Hi citors te, 24% Sim "Residence mat to loan. Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey: ancer Money to 10h, enird floor new Alger Bui Ming, opposite Post Office. one tor. 13% Simeo¢ St South, Tele viene 3033584. "5 sept tf) PR FAV sician snd Surgeon, special atten: tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheapy. Office, Disnev Block Ph Office open 9 am. to 92 pm. pResidence 421 King Street Fast. eon, Accoucher, Office and resi , dy King St. East corner Vier toria St, Oshawa. _Phane 9. Er, F, 1 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be | at his office over Jury & Lavell's Drug store each Saturday from | tin 4 pm, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose an. throat enly. Appointments | may be made at drug store, Phone 07. a uU bulance Residence 542 Siren North, Phene 210] East. . Sime e and rmst Pro oli Pe Aral St ce "ww night, ' ge wl Tous 'S oe 14 Architectural Te 1496 Royal Bank 8 Nant. Ji sidence ------ 346 Sigicoe St, Ay Bes, Speci) pees 1.4 v0) h hold furpiture sales and bee and pol ements. Your tron uetioneer, turni ve, farm stock implements (] 1alty, Terme moderate. Phone 1648 Jo Saw ot tehmaker, vepair shop at Sn Kina. Street West, Your rat: nage Hires A FATTERTER THA ROGBD 7% | 100. 'Repaired and rer ith h renin), 4) to ¢ and, delivered ice, Stan, Blinden, t service oat 2 Yi gs, Phone AENETITORING] GENTE ON ik work alterations, dressmaking, ete pe Dell Shop. $6% Simeoe §. Fhone dil n 'y, 85 EN West. gra moving Shear ni se and moving van pri | r Local and ag di Foran 1s onde inevred 60% Carnerle Ave. Phone 1018. "Private Val Ra tered Nurse Shares on wir ments; and x care and rt hi. o dolla up. ape (30 doe 0 XUTOWOSILE COANE "GON: tracts Sefthnced rig . duced, counts. 14% King East. ae 200, Open » bunt toe, tap, te, babies, = adults, Pro Jossionat 12 a oss, Phone 795. 20% King | boy { Jdaves, Dental OK 87 PHILLIPS, OVER BAS ars sor. Cal i ) sitention to X-ras Nourse in a8 a, rer " a5 Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King 51 West, wa, The old est Fire Agency mn Ushawa. % re A fru RN re B0 Simeoe St North, Your insurance wants at- tended to and vour interests pfo- t "| vany iy Canada, Dominion Bank bers, Phoos 1834, / les. & ance policies. Are they sufficient to replace in cal : of tots) loss, If pot phone for Murdoch, Motor ear lability, Inland marine and sll risks floaters, Phone 2380. (2 dee ¢) "Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR. Permanent wave special $4.00, $7 50, $10.00, "Naturelle Method." Miss Elsie Dyer, Montreal, operator, No 3 marcel specialist. arcel 50c Finger Wave 75¢c. Uxpert operptors in all lines of hairdressing, , 86 Simeoe $t, North. Phone 2968 (B au tf) GEN OSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in dll kinds of Beauty Culture, Our permanent wave a specialty, $500, $7.50 and $10.00, Finger wave and shampoo $100. Marcel! S50c. Facials... sealp treatments and manicures, Coffee Shoppe entrance, Phone appoint: ments 1 (15 may 1 me.) ETIRS TEs NN, PHONE 2105, marcel 8bc at your bome or 785 Albert St. (28 mov ¢) [J or 187 Ritson Road South For ¢ point ment phone Margaret tehinson 1052W, (3 dec » drossing, 02 Chureh 8t" Marcel ling 36c and finger waving B0c Phone 2188). (14 decie) dressing and Beauty Julture, No, 9 Bradley Bldg, Oshawa, On. tarlo, (23 nov tf) NB Y thoppe, formerly "La Parisienne', Marcel 60c, Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00, 5% Simcoe Street fouth, (over Anderson' . Phone 7. (24 dec ¢) Articles For Sale SALE~DR, BODY WOOD $300 4 cord Mixed wood $27% 4 cord. A. Wall, Phone 2628F, (6 dec ©) 380 4 CORD Hard, sort, mixed Jans, Frank Me: Quaid, Phone 2423 (2 dee ¢) [4 Corson, 1941M, (8 dec c) Hardwood, 3% cord §3, 147 Nassau 8t, Phone ' » apples, price §1 bajre! and up Spies, Melntosh, Talp.an Sweets Naldwins, Starks, Bnowe, Joun Pallock, one mile north of Whit vy Post Office, Lindsay High way, (19 deg ¢) IY CORD wood, 00% maple, $12.00 per rord, delivered, 050 extra for stove length, J, H, Lawson, phone 788.3, (10 dec ¢) wood $3.60 single cord delivered, Cheaper grades, also cartage any: where anytime, Call 3100J. 70 Johan Bt, : . (17 dée e) oD, FIVE ABN ht dollars per cord at bush, 1 (Del Courtice Corners, very extra), North east of Fence posts, radio poles and timbers, Apply F. Foley, phone 717, Bowmanville |. or Mike's Place, phone 622, Oah- awa, (18 deo ¢) olnders, stone, black loam. $1. 50 per truek load delivered, Phone Easery Bros, 3142 "(1 2X 0) 0«cycle motors, vy navy duty motors, 81,00, Re Bechler 1 uppity 181 Ho and 1 bed, Apply » Clark ORS ALE=NOBY HARDWOOD h and Maple, §3 single cord, . Christy, 281 Elm Grove Ave Phone 1979W, (29 dese) TABLE, i Shain ake Lg Good con- tion, or cash, Phone 4, ? (134 Phone 2907) or 354 Meaty HEAR, il Dearie) SMALL HEATER," COMBINA- tion Quebec, Victor phonograph and records, antique couch, Ap ply 78 Willlam St, W. tet NT TAC 2 ps, otc. Phone 2104, § Bond W, J, J. R tive, (28 deo 0) | For Rent FOR RENT - GLADSTONE apartments, modern, 5 roomed with three pieced oath, coatinw ws hot water, sa. stove, private cellar, bot water hesting, laup dry, convenirpees, immediate possession. Rent $26 or $27.60 furnished. Phone 2604W, No. bildren siiowed, (20 nov ¢) NISHED O Llewellyn, George, Amviene and Edward Apartments New low rentals, Phone 1550 or 2347W. Oshawa Buildings Limited (25 sent, th FOR RENT--APARTMENTS, IF you sre looking for an Apart ment We invite you to Inspect the Vietorts 8nd Simeoe Manor, They Are thoroughly modern, slso very cheaply ond the. rents are low Managed by Dradley Bros, (18 dec ¢) NT--589 OXFORD, §10, 20 Elena, $20, 112 Frederick, $30, See these, Phone 1500, (110t) D RUN furnished for light housekeeping or bedsitting room, $1.50 per pricy Meals if desired, Box 686 Times, (123¢) WE HAVE ONE PIVE ROOMED apartment, All modern conveni- ences, Seo caretaker No, 12 Buckingham Manor, (123e) HOUSE To RENT---ALL™ CON- vepiences, O, R, Hall, 207 Col lege Ave, (123¢) AIX ROONED -- AOURE, ALL conveniences, $12 per month, Ap ply 446 Simcoe South, Phone 1668W, (123¢) FOR RENT--MODERN "BUNGA- low, north, December fifteenth $26. Other houses $15 up, Mur doeh, Phone 2380, (124c¢) TWO ROOMED SUITE, FUR. nished for housekeeping, private entrance and convenience, very central, rates low, 06 Centre Bt. (124¢) NT--UPPER DUPLEX/ 4 rooms and bath, Heated, Newly decorated, electric stove, hlinds and fixtures, Apply 109 Ritson Rd, N, (126b) FOR RENT--FURNISHED COM- plete brick bungalow and gar. age, b rooms and bath, 282 Dive islop Bt, Phone 3047W HOUR TO RENT-=BIX ROO: ed, all conveniences, moderate rent, central, Phone 180 ring 21, (1860) FIVE TIOUMED COTTAGE, ALL convenience with garage for rent, Apply 25 Burke Bt, Phone 2744J. (126c) THREE ROOM ON BATHROOM flat, hardwood floors, All con- venlences, Board if desired, 316 Leslie St, (126b) Music Lessons TEGINAT.D G. GEREN ORGAN int, cholirmaster, Jimgos Unite 'hureh Examiner, Toronto Con iervatory of Musie Plane, organ singing, Phone 3138 Residence 766M, (28 nov ¢ NB. TOSS, CN, volte produetion and singing hone No, 6 Studio Johns Mano 0, A 4 unfurnished in (126m) Hawallan Guitar, Spanish Guitar Tenor Banjo, Vielln, Ukulel» at Harris Music Store. I" ene 1400 11 Simcoe St. § (3 dec For Sale or Rant FOR SALE OR RENT-=BUENA Vista, 5 roomed brick veneer house, Phone 455M, (126¢) Motor Cars FOR BALE=DE ROTO SPECIAL roadster, Phone 1747J after 6 pm, (136a) Rates For Classified Ads per siintmum charge for ope in. sertiop 80s, Each subseqgeent consecn. tive Insertiop 1c per word. Three consecutive inser tions for the price of two first . Insertions (three cents » word). Minimum charge for three insertions 00c. : tios 'oun.ber 10¢ additions'. Professions) or Business Cards, #2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additions) word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department Furs Repaired PUT COATS REMODELLED WE ined and cleaned by expert fur rier, 119 Huron Crescent or phone 632M, (27 nov ¢) Furs repaired, remodelled a1 moderate prices, Mrs, G, Hicks, 143 Prinee St, Phone 2878) or J H. Wilson, Melrose 5229, Toron Lo, (2 dec © FURS REPAIRED," TTEMODEL led and lined. 40 Sears' exper) ence, fur trimmings by the yard, collars and cuffs. Puy coats $25 up, Litiner, 86 Simcoe North, (28 oct 1 mo, Radios Repaired RADIO BERVICE REPAMNS done on all models, Work guar: anteed, Prices reasonable, Tubes tested (ree in your home, Bat teries recharged, Phone 2806W Certified radiotrielan (2) deg ¢) Cleaning and Pressing "RENCH bDny CLEANING pressing and repsiring, Good; "al'ed for, Phone 623, Norman ambert, 66 Bagot St, (7 dee ¢) TT I TS TS TR Coal Blowers AT LART A COAT. BTLOWER watem that positively burns cou serécnings that 'can be purchased from $3 to #5 per tou, The savine will pay for the outfit in A shor time, Phone 1214 and arrange to see thls new device in opera tion, We also sell motors, hlow ers, controls ete, Acme Coal Blowers, 101 King St. W,, Osh awa, (10 novel tho) ~ Barber Shop | CUR BANKS WANDER "EOP 180 Celina St, corner of Ash All haircuts 18e, on Saturdave 20c, Wednesday close at 1 pm (10 dee ¢ lS ET A SRS. Work Wanted WANTED BY = YOUNG = GIRL. .eneral housework in town or country, Good reference, Gertrude [sane,. c+ Mrs, P, Gray, Brook in, ONt. =~ (Ae) FXVERIENCED WOMAN WANTS work hy day cleaning, polishing, ete, hushand unemployed Box 087 Times, 120¢) Auction Sale Yoo BALE w= THURSDAY, 3a, Mr. Albert Woodward, Lot's 9, Con. 4, West Whitby, wil} sell by public suction 5 serés of standing tim in % acre lots, Bekp oF ipa. ariies given 3 win, ters remove timber, Sale st 1.30, Berns cash, Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer, (1254 Farm Wanted or more, must front on Lake Seu. 808 or Lake Ontario, Give fu) particulars 6s Lo seresgs, asther road fs paved, it electricity Is available and condition of build. ings, Reply ating lowest price to Box 720 Times (121-124¢) Wanted to Buy ATCHERT PRICE all kinds of yaw furs, Phone 81 Whitby or drop me a lpe, | Stein, (21 dee ¢) French Lessons FPUPILE TO COMPLETE CLARY with M, Broder, Friday evenings, Genoshs Hotel, Phone Miss May nerd, 2300, local 14%. Residence 166M, (1211) ae ear 0 To =F Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURFE n attendance, warm r mes, terms reasonable, 80 Brock St, W Phone 3298, (30 pov ¢) BE A ---- Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO or three young men, separate beds, home privileges, Doard reasonable, Very cevtral, 24) Dearborn Ave, (126c) Rheumatism Goes Swollen Joints Vanish Hew To Eid Rheumatism in Less Than a Week If you suiter (rem torturing rheumatic pains, sore muscles or stiff Inflammed joints, it's be- cause your system is full of the dangerous poisons that cause rheumatism and make thousands helpless, What you need js RU- MA, and need it right now, Al druzgists sell it with guarantes. RU-MA aets on the hleod, stomach, kidneys ana 'iver, and drives the dangerous rheumatle poisons from the system through the natural channels of elimina tlon-=it eases pain the first day. ' You must use an internal med): olne to free the fgiuts and mus cles of crippling stiffness, sore ness and torturing pain, That's why RU-MA succeeds while ex terns! remedies and pain deaden. 4 drugs give only temporary re ef, Jury & Lovell, Ltd.,, says no natter what kind of rheumatism 'ou have, or how long you bave suffered, try RUMA«=it mus! sompletely end all rheumatic A40ny or: you get your money ack, The halt-length vell is finding its way back to favor once more It is not easy to arrange over somo of the.new hats, but is very offective when really well placed, it should never he worn with a muchstrimmed hat or a curled oa with clothes of a very "'dressy" type, 4 id Doopls of Vermont are Jor men supporied J Je saihet Chu & people sup- ® Governor Stanley C, Wilson, Government, ~~ [TIMETABLE Heated Car Storage f'n Wirveproot Hullding to April my. ii $25.00 Si EEE AL Vegas me 8 ~ : Semen 3 End Piles Quick No falves--No Cutting Your eehing, rir protrud- ing plies will go when ally remove the cause eireuistion in paris=-and not one minute be- Salves or cutting can't do this--=an interns) fore, be used, ou of Dr, J howls and sy back Leonhardt, succeeds 18.8 it 8 sae) the eireuln- tinp, drives out congested blood, restores the almost asad parts, HEM-ROID has such a wonderful record right in this City, that Jury and Loven says ons bottle of HEM-ROID Tablets must " your pile agony or mon. BESS 8 BRRRIRRSNE $8: SS so? 33 RH ou Retur blood the weak, flabby 2d § 5% Se SER BREE wR remedy must ROID, preseription | #19 9m. 7.45 p.m, Puma Pe SRS ° 10.0 pm, 1046 p.m | A BARGAIN Por Quick A 1931 Ford Coupe in splendid condition. Telephone 2398) | prempresen Sale $885.00 COUGH STOP CO Take this and twenty-five cents to your Drug Store for a large bottle of Beatties' Cough Balsam Sold at q Thompson's ; Belfry's or Johnston's Drug Store. ol Baths Reasonable Ro GRAY COACH as pS lostivs UPON "Phone grt Oshawa AM, r , 2 50 F 4 5 bé6 7 bi swDaily except Bund OMP. Jo we is HA ! Ir Simeoe 8. 8, Bh ay only. | STORE 2 35 45 3 i : 8 TR TEE ee 8) X 30 50 30 | » M. 2 Bi ab m mm am am ssagesd Pe tea e ? 233 £ Ne ee Pore rr Ed 3 S LY ver HEH HTH SREB: mM, , m, HLpm SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 43 or 14 3 Prince Siren tes and Caretel 0 For Al ASH LINES dare ie) ug Toron ahd 7.% ~EE "Sem: BEBE; T o br sturday, Sundays and Holideys only CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service oe nd Lv. Oshawa, 8, f am E 9.42 a.m, Di 44 pan, gueapt Sunday, all We Deliver Lv. Oshawa, 45 Diamonds ; B1ssett's On Oshawa's Main Corner 80 a. 6,26 06 p. 4 p. 0 9.2 2d 4 MA y., af Try Our ROYAL YORK Bread ' Flour 98 Ib. bag, $2.40 49 Ib, bag, $1.25 Made from selected Western Hard Wheat and every bag guaranteed, Hogg & Ltyle, Ltd. Phone 208 , Riv, : Except Sund a ay, 4 nm; Eneept Sunday, CANADIAN PACIVIC RAILWAYS ¥ffgetive ov. 22, 1081 me) a rhs Trenon ta Dally, ex. Sup, as Blk ay Montreal and East only= except Sunday,' oy RO only~flag, <§ NI man Bitielemigice: Eo» Extent Sundey, Ontario Mra Se'es Lid. 86 King $i. Kast -7 oy OUNG 4% Prince Established 1880 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller ; 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 1926 Pon'iac Coach 1929 Ford Coach in beautiful condition { BOSS, AMES AND GARE. SHORE King "1. West Lone 1100 REPAIRING Ww. TCE) ' orn hls '» J. BROWN 4 time, : THE JEWELER Canadian Nationa) and awa Railroads it your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct Official Watch Inspector for of yf A ------ 20 Simcoe St, 8. hone. 180 HBOYS' CORDUROX BREACHES, double seat and double knee, $1, 39 "ipecial ,.. Domirion Clothing Co., ; WW Kine 81 WW Phone #4 rae ROYAL YOR Pakos 'Tea At Supe Stores It Pugs To Shop Here Always EATON. GROCFTERIA Tm ------ Marcel, P . WATHRON'S BEAUTY PARLOR and ermanent Finger Waves Phone 2058, & Celina St, ET ee -- i Smart Styles Perrin FRENCH KID GLOVES | $2.35 to $3.00 LAMBLE'S et Fa haem da a wi me TILLIE THE TOILER hl 1 WELL, \ GUESS NOTHING CAN |STOP Mac Rom GOING PLas IC rhe wo Ry" By Russ, W BRINGING up FATHER | DON'T KNOW WHAT" MAGA AT HER BROTHER OUT OF WER MIND. = TO BE DONG JUST CAN'T he I > eli Ow! I'VE TRIED B | CAN'T JUS | HAVEN'T EVE nil phi yl il 7m fh 1 I Is ll il NOW DONT LET THAT WORRY i YOU, I'L G\T A PICTURE OF Mim FOR YOU THEYVE GOT SOME NICE FRONT AN GI0R VIEWS OF MM OOWN AT POLICE HWRAD QUARTERS , ow 1 pin! MITT Vi i" NOW, MAGGIE" Will YOU LISTEN TO REASON

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