Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1931, p. 2

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eo 5 rt OD Sl SIR THER . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1931 _ suts, Mr, and Mrs. C, W. Bouch. + end, being the guest of Mr, and + pod > both id Lis igRange HER aiing i &4 HUET EL nes HEIN in b4 H : B 2 E gE : : bo! § 2 3 Bow solid LEATHER - KERS. Reg. $5.95, HAMPTON NEWS (Miss L. Horm, Correspondent) Hampton, Nov. 11.--Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and babe, foronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. BEd ter Horn, on Sunday, also visit- 'nz her father, Mr, Irvin Trull, . Mr. Kenneth Caverley, l.ondon, 7isited his wife and family, for a 'ew days, at the home of her par- Mrs. Ashley, Oshawa; is guest »f Miss L. Reeve, for a few days. Quite a number from here ac- sompanied the choir to Cadmus >n Sunday, where they assisted in the service of song at the Har- yest Home services on Sunday ev- cning. Mizs L. Horn visited North Oshawa friends over the week- Vrs, B. McGregor and Mr. and Mes Arthur Barton, Miss Horn was among the lo- cal correspondents who were right royally entertained at din- ner at the Genosha Hotel on Fri- day evening, also a theatre party in the evening at the. 'Regent, when "The Sidewalks of New Yerk," was the play shown, An insight into the work of printing thy Oshawa Dally Times was gzalved by the company, when shown through the plant, It was pointed out by the speaker of the evening, during the program that fo'lowed the appetizing meal rerved, that the work of the lo- cal correspondents is a very im- portant one, and those In at. tendance received many helpful hints from the brief papers and rpeeches made, the Hampton cor- vespondent being one, who as- sisted in the literary part of the program, and joins with the oth- her appreciation of the generos- ity and nospitality of the Osh- awa Daily Times and The Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, Through these columns of local news, a record of the life of the com- mupity is extended to othér com- munities and is 8 great incentive in .the cirenlation of any local paper. Ideal weather has been in our favor the last few days, the air in the morning and evening cariying a hint of the colder wea- ther, which surely is not far away. Mrs. H. E, Rundle is visiting Orono relatives for a few days. The sympathy of their many friends is extended the family of Mrs. Alfred Hogarth, whose de- mise occurred at her home on luesday, following a prolonged iHness. Mr. and Mrs, Fawcett, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. George Harron, on Armis.dce Day, The Women's Institute met at tl:e home of Mrs, Will Chapman, on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Elmina Johns is improv. ing her residence by having the roof reshingled. Mr. C. W, Souch is also assist. ing our village mason, Mr. Avery, in repairing his chimney. ENNISKILLEN NEWS (Mrs. W. Stainton, Correspon- dent) Fnniskillen, Nov. 10, -- Mr, ville, Mr. and Mrs. OC. Oshawa, visited Mr, Theo Slemon, and Mrs, daughter, Mrs, P. £0% er correspondents in expressing A SES MY 53 ws ed Tid | To the citizens She brings to ypu the late tion about the new devel culture, personally. | beautiful make-up for your || ity. Starting next Monday ' of Oshawa: | | MARJA | The distinguished beauty scientist, will be in Oshawa as a guest of KARN'S DRUG STORE, STARTING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 st, most fascinating informa- | opments in scientific beauty During the limited period of her visit she will | be happy to give you every opportunity to consult her | She will analyze your skin, supervise the treatment. to. lift the years away, correct lines, black- heads and relaxation, prescribe a home treatment and select at your request the most simple economical type, coloring and personal- morning Marja will give free facials from 9 a.m. t0 5 p.m. Book in advance for your free Marja Facial and consultation with the compliments of Karn's Drug Store BE a and Mrs. Wm, Trewin, Bowman- Trewin, Mrs. Willlam Oke visited her Spry at Secu. Miss Leona Bradley is ill in Bowmanville Hospital, having an operation which was successful. A speedy recovery Is hoped for. Mrs. C. J. Pascoe is spending a few days at the home of Mr, und Mrs, Gordon Werry snd visiting around with friends, Mr. and Mrs, W. G, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Oshawa, gpent Sunday at Mr, Sidney Tre- win's and brother, Mr. Silas Tre- win, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb and Donald and Ralph and Mr, Mil. ton Stainton, Miss V. Orchara visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Stain- ton Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robins are returning home with their eon, Mr. Leslie Robins of Roch- ester, to stay for the winter and hope to return next spring to their home here, The new sidewalk around the corner has been cemented and reveral feet has been taken off Mr. E. E. Ashton's lot, making it a little wider, The first ac- cident was Thursday evening when a car came down the grade from the north too fast to make the turn and crashed into the fence at the turp. The boys came off with a good shaking up. The car was badly smashed. Rev. A. Anderson, formerly of Hampton, preached here on Sun- day, taking for his text Psalms 60: 16th' verse, "Call Upon Me in the Day of Trouble: I Will De- liver Thee," it being Robinson Crusoq's favorite text when stranded on a lonely island, He felt he had someone near him to keep him from being lonely, It was like medicine to him, Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Thomas Wal- lace, of Newtonville, will preach as our pastor, Rev. J. M, Whyte fs preaching apniversary ser- vices at Newtonville, Mr, F. McGill and Miss Myrtle Brunt, of Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. and Mrs, Levi Brunt's, Mr. and Mrs. A, McKinnon and Miss Loule McKinnon, Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Werry's, Mrs. Harry Ferguson is on the slick lst, but a speedy recovery is looked for. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Smith and family, Oshawa, visited at thelr parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred WwW. Efmith, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, J . Shackleton Fiwood and Douglas, visited Mr. and Mrs. D, Little, Bowmanville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, W. J, uttended the dinner and theatre party, of bver forty in number, | tendered - the rural correspond- onis of The Oshawa Dally Times; alse viewing the different pro- cesses of printing the paper from tive and interesting. did time was enjoyed by all, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Velma visited friends in To- ronto on Sunday, Mr. John Stainton, and Mr, Wm, Stainton, visited Mr. James Stainton Mr. H, Stevens', Buffalo at YOUR LAST OPPORIUNITY { BOYS' CORDUROY BREECHES Double Knees and Seat. Reg. $1.95. Your last chance for only $1.39 BOYS' LEATHER HELMETS Goggles attached. Reg. $1.25 for only, | 69c | Friday Morning Special From 9 to 10 am. we will scll MEN'S ALL WOOL SOX Reg. 85c pair for I Sepr. | ( pairs to a customer | Only 2 | re - The Balance of Our $15,000STOCK Must Be Turned Into Cash At Once All Prices Have Been Torn To Shreds Men's All Wool SWEATER COATS Sizes to 44. Reg. $2.25, for only, $1.29 MEN'S OVERCOATS Navy Blue Meltons and Chinchillas. Reg. $16.50, $10.95 4 Children's fleece lined heavy WIND- 'Reg. $1.50. BREAKERS. Your last chance for CEs ST ne 95¢ only ..... Reg. $1.00. All sizes. Boys' fleece lined COMBINATIONS. Men's 2 TROUSER SUITS regular $30.00. For $17.45 9c RE) for only .. Men's Grey flannel WORK SHIRTS. Regular 95c¢, for only srtreseises Men's solid leather BOOTS AND OXFORDS. Reg. $3.95, $2 39 I EN 49c Reg. $1.25 for only . Men's Cottonade WORK PANTS. asia Men's WIND. $3.98 Winter-weight COMBINA. | 'Buchanan's EVENING GOWNS That must be cleared st $9.95 Every wanted shade, We have a range of the newest | Hose, pure silk chiffon. Do not forget our Cardinal 15¢ ! lettes. A From I We carry Girdles and Corse- ern 3 2 wp 15 King St. E. Telephone 2853 Mr, Theo Slemon and John tlemon visited friends in Toronto on Bunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith and amily visited Mrs, P. Mountjoy on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. E, Boyd, Toronto, Mrs. E, Stevens, Hampton, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, Howard Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Fallis, To- 1onto, visited with Mr, and Mrs, James Bradley for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Thomes Robbins, Mise Edith and Mr, Harry, Pick- ering, Mr. Hugh Robbins, Brigh- ten, Misses Gertie and WinWie Oke, Bowmanville, were at Mr, Wesley Oke's. Mr. Thomas McGill and Miss Reva McGill, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, Roy Mc(iil Miss Luella Rorke, a returned Stainton | start to finish, which was instruc- | A splen-! | Oshawn, | miesionary of Japan, will give an address at our W.M.8, meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 3.30. Rev, Mr. Anderson was enter- tained at the home of Mr, and Mis, W, Moore, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, W. Stainton, Mrs. IH. Werry visited friends at Or- uno, on Wednesday, wm -------------------- Travelling at six miles an hour, a "rail-fissure detector car" locates in- visible flaws in railway rails, paint- marks the rails, makes an ink re- cord of defects +~ll5 whether they are large or small, An engineer in Scotland has ine vented a new lubricant, which gives Bearings by emitting a specific Ts offer Sxpires April 30° [992 In DETROIT Hore FORT SHELBY is located in the heart of Detroit's shopping, theatre, financial, wholesale and insurance districts; | no other large hotel is so close to the principal railway terminals, airports and steamship piers. 4 The variety of rooms | and suites offered by Hatel Fort Shelby insures your securing, accommodations to meet your needs. 4 Here you will fi service at its zenith , .. efficient, unpretentious, thougl Four restaurants serve your needs or whim or purse. 4 sald, 'think of Missouri. Poor dears, you must be dread /| Come and sit down--a nature's feast | fa /| to feed you, Berries and cold spring water. ished so I picked heaps." greedily fell to, "But will you please tell 'us,"" she mumbled, with a full mouth, for she was very hungry, "how you fell--how you got-~out of the rumble seat? cheerfully, "It's the only way you can get out of a rumble seat." © "But when" WE THE AUT INSTALMENT FOUR Rackruff Motors hire Rowena to accom. pany Peter on 8 nation-wide tous in their roadster 8s on advertising stunt. At the last minute Little Bobby is engaged to act as chaperon, A few wiles out becomes tearful at being parted from ber swestheart and Rowena insists on taking her in the rumble so that she can Wie U eter and bave him to talk to sbout Carter, Rowens gets Peter to consent to divide the expense money each week as soon as it arrives, and. astonishes Peter by eating too econ. omically, The three tourists reach Sg. Louis, after passing through Buffalo and Chiesgo, Peter and Rowena ove many tiffs, while b go en tom 2 YE mig NOW GO oN WITH J E STORY, There were bound to be ever so many pleasant, cool, shadowy short. Sita between St, Louts and Kansas y. On the way between St. Louis and Kansas City, Peter asked about shortcuts at no end of filling sta tions and garages as they went west, but no one seemed very well informed about by-roads, and for the most part every one advised against attempting any such thing, It was well on toward noon when Peter found a man in a garage who thought there really was a short-cut Just as Peter wanted, He wasn't al together sure it was a direct route to Kangas City, but at least it did not Jead back toward St. Louis, They bad driven about twenty miles along this rambling lane, which at times seemed to turn un certainly toward Kansas City and then made a dead run for the Neb raska line, when they saw a stalled car in the road before them. The driver lay stretched out on the bank with his hat over bis face. Peter slowed up, Rowena leaned fotward and rap ned sharply on the glass, "Never ik advice of a broken-down driver," he warned him darkly. "If he knew what he was doing, he would: n't be broken down." But Peter for once had struck the right party, The man knew every road in the state. Peter thanked him for his careful lirections and returned to the car, | fe was too much of a gentleman to leer triumphantly back at Rowena under the awning umbrella in the rumble seat. He just got in behind the wheel and started the motor, He had driven fully fwenty miles | ver the worst possple sort of country road when heffound that a {bridge was out, that fhere was no detour, and the only/possible way to go on in the direcfon of Kansas City was to go bac) to the main {road and start over{ Very meekly he turned around pay homage to her better judgpent, but stop ped short, staring/ open-mouthed, Bobby, who alway looked where thers did, turned too and her mozement surpa The rumble sea feng was not the pert had given jm bis directions. Twenty miles} Bobby closedher eyes. Peter hoped she wasbraying, He would have prayed hipself except that the hard driving ger the bad road re quired his conplete attention. But he did keep brathing over and over in his heart he one word, "God! God! God!" gd trusted the Infinite would underjand it for appeal, Instinctivéy his foot lifted from the acceleptor and at a noiseless crawl the of rolled up to the shad: owy bank /nder the willow tree where the /tranger with the stalled motor ha/ mapped out the futile short-cut, "Oh!" fhispered Bobby weakly. "Look-Jok! Rowena!" Rowen indeed, lying motion. less besie the road where the af ternoonsun slanted behind the trees t(throw protecting shadows over hy slender figure. Peter was out of/he car long before it had come ¢ 4 stop and was up the bank and kpeling beside her. He lifted one lip slim hand, It was stained red. "Reena!" he whispered. Ra'éna opéned her eyes, "Oh, helld she said cheerfully. "Gosh, you/ere a long time coming back." "fe --are you-hurt?' stam mepd Peter, 'furt? Why, no! What do you me, hurt?" She licked a bit of re/raspberry juice from her finger aghe spoke, (D-did you fall out, darling? ed Bobby in fatuously affection: tones, "Fall out?' repeated Rowena. [Pertainly not." She stood up, lift: her arms, stretching her slender gure comfortably to its utmost ight, "Had a grand nap," she "And wrote out just what 1 lly hot and tired. I knew you would be fam. "You darling," sald Bobby, and "I climbed out" sald Rowena "But hows" "| to the allimportant tour that they RUMSB "Thére was a bridge out on the short-cut," explained Peter quickly, "} know, 'The broken-down gent remembered it about ten minutes after you had gone. But of course it was too late then" "You're very game about it, Row ena, Very sporting. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't speak to me again from here to the coast." "Ob, nonsense!" said Rowena pleasantly, "This was just an acc: dent, Accidents never make me mad It's just," she added meaningly, "Just-~certain--people." In Kansas City, Bobby found phirty-one telegrams from Carter, each increasingly immoderate in its commands for her to give over this outrageous conduct and return home at once, Rowena had the usual fat one ad: dressed in the boyish scrawl, and surely she had read no further than the first paragraph when she began counting out her money, Peter had & comforting telegram from Mr, | ROWENA RIDES | (hd " ~ do wish you didn't quarrel so. I'm glad Carter and 1 get along better." "And that," gaid Rowena flatly, "is that," "It's all of that," gloomily, "Nothing," declared Rowena drearily, "could be more irretrieve- ably fatal than this." "It was great sport while it last ed," sald Peter, "You have been pretty game all the way through, Rowena." "It was corking good business, 100," said Rowena, "And taking it all in all, you are not half bad to breeze around with, Peter," "Well, it's all over now," said Peter, "You don't suppose we could pick one up here, do you?--By advertis- ing. The way we got Bobby in the first place" But they both knew it was pretty bopeless. They sald good night with some added Peter thing vaguely suggestive of affec- 748, Rack, with a friendly postseript by Mr. Ruff, advising that the red haired siege was lifted and that they had been honored with a sort of an apology, but warning them to be eareful of their future conduct. Mr. Rack also said they were ex- tremely pleased with the character of the work that had been turned out, and enclosed cheque for next week's expenses. Peter was ex tremely grateful for that cheque, for Bobby had spent the Jast cent of her week's allowance by Wed: nesday, after which time he and Rowena had been obliged to carry her between them, / "Chaperons come high, don't they?' grumbled Rowena, as she counted out nickels and dimes to make up her portion of Bobby's last manicure, It was a genuine hardship to them to be obliged in ¢.ntribute so extensively to the 1 enance of luxury-loving Bol' ,. Ou the other hand, her presence was so essential were in no position to quarrel very seriously even with her extrava gances, "For my part, I'a rather pay her bills than read Carter's telegrams," sald Peter moodily, "I wouldn't," disagreed Rowena promptly. "I've learned to read with one eye and listen with one ear, and that way I get through with only half the mental strain," "Yes, but you've got a rumble to retire to." "So 1 have, with her." One thing was certain. Her pres ence was essential, and Carter and his telegrams, she and her extra gances, were alike to be endured, At Topeka she was startled to find but one telegram awaiting her ~a ten-word, straight day message. "Are you taking first train home or are you not?" It was not even signed. Bobby's fright was so genuine, her disappointment so real, that Rovena and Peter tried to console er, Peter took them out to a movie, and Rowena-with her own money =~+bought her a cunning little Kan. 848 souvenir, a flask carved out of a corn-cob--and she seemed slight: ly more resigned. She was very quiet' as they crossed Kansas, and when they complained of the notoriously hot, winds, she smiled patiently and said she didn't mind, She ate very lit: tle, and had fifteen cents of her al- lowance left at the end of the week, When they reached Denver they hurried at once, as they sivas fc to get their mail, and there Was nothing at all for Bobby, not a let: ter, not a telegram, not so much as a souvenir postcard, She said noth. ing but turned pale and a little sad stile froze the dimples in the soft ce. But I have to sleep When Rowena went down to din. ner she made excuses not to go-- sald she was very tired, sald she wanted a hot bath and a good sleep, sald she would just read a maga- zine she had picked out at the news. stand. They went up to the room imme: diately after dinner with all good intentions, and Rowena knocked. When there was no answer she opened the door and they went in. The reom had a deserted appear ance. Bobby's handsome articles of tionate regard, for this killing, kin- dred disappointment gave them a cordial meeting-ground for almost the first time, Rowena sat alone at her window, little and high up, for she had fru- gally changed from a double to a single room immediately after the desertion of Bobby, She was not one to give up with- out a struggle--nor to give up at all, for that matter, It was nearly midnight when she shook off her final hesitation, with a mind made up. An idea had come to her, terrifying and tremendous, hours before, She had toyed with it, weighed it in the balance and, finding it wanting, pushed it reso- lutely away; but had permitted it to work its way back, insidious]y sure, At twelve o'clock she called Peter on the telephone and that was an end of her hesitation, "Listen, Peter, You meet me downstairs in the lobby, right away, will you? I have an idea." * "But I'm in bed!" SHRUBS BRIGHTEN THE RECESS HOUR Increased Interest in Beauti- fying School Grounds Halifax, N.S.--Increased interest in the planting of shrubs and trees on school playgrounds, as encourag= ed by the Department of Education, has resulted in a planting program being under-taken in more than 300 village and rural schools during the past year, Officials of the depart- ment say that during 1931 careful attention to shrubbery was evidence ed by fully four-fifths of the schools marking a great advance in the last two years, The Department views the beauti- fication of grounds as an advance step and Superintendent Dr, Henry F., Munro intends continued em- nhasis on the subject. Schools un- dertaking a fyirly extensive planting are visited bya staff member of the Rural Educatidn Division, who as sists in the work and gives advice on the subsequent care of plants. The department bears onc-half the cost of shrubs, Bladder Weakness Getting-up-Nights Quickly Relieved! Pleasant Home Treatment Works Fine; Used bf Deter for Many ofrs What a wonderful comtort it is | to sleep all night and not get up once from Bladder Weakness and : Irritation, ; i The daily annoyance, restless nights of misery, backaches and gy vous irritability that result frcm, functional Bladder Troub- les are wrecking the livés of thousands who might otherwise he in the best of nealth. TION R. Sizes 34-44. Fort Shelby's 900 units are paneled and servidor equ Jo be at your bash, yi us Boys' OVERCOATS, Navy Blue & Tweed. Reg. $8.50 $4.95 for only .. of Men's Sample leather, fine Regular $1. 75 ie... Ne and work Gloves, made by get satisfaction here or your INGCO. PHONE «+. all have private bath, Rooms as low as $3.00 per day suites A $10.00 ond vpwards, / HOTE service charge, f ""Aglow with Friendliness," our unique and fascinating magesing are relieved of their biles at the ge Write for free road mop, and your copy Fort Shel} "AGLOW WITH FRIENDLINES E. J). SRADWELL, Manages f DETROIT "We didn't see you!" "When Peter and the broken: down gent were dusting off Missouri in the middle of the yoad I noticed the wild berries up on the bank among the rocks. I must have got myself out of sight of the car with. out knowing it, for the first thing I knew, I heard the usual racing of the engine with which dear Peter gets under way, so I ran down and there you were--tearing off among the ruts in a cloud of metaphorical glory. So I picked some more berries, and the broken: down gent and I shot craps until the man from the garage came and towed him in, He Invited me to go with them, but 1 knew you would be back for me when vou got toilet were gone from the dressing table, Her beautiful dressing-gown was gone from the foot of the. bed, her satin mules from beneath it. or imported traveling bag no lon r stood beside Rowena's shabby suitcase on the baggage rack. Peter and Rowena looked at.each other In wide-eyed consternation. ere was a note, written on ho tel paper in Bobby's round childish hand. It was pinned to Rowena's pillow, . "Darlings, I'm going home, I've t to. If 1 don't, I'll mever get im back. I'll send Peter the money 1 borrowed as soon as 1 get my allowance, I'm going on the seven o'clock: train and 1 have already wired him to meet me. You're doth around to iW" just sweet and 1 love you. But I have peacefvl, health-giving sleep and freedom from dally {rrita- tica--that's why Dr, Southworth's UURATABS give such wonderful satisfaction, $ Made from a special formula and used by the Doctor for many vears--~URATABS, now obtain. able from your druggist for inex- pensive home use, have brought quick help and comfort to many thovsands, \ No matter what your age may he or how many medicines you have used without success, if you want to forget you have a Blad. der and enjoy the rest of ce ful, unbroken sleep, try A TABS today. Your druggist will refund the small cost if you. are not well pleasedf

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