Ne 3 a | 5594.00 3 year, "Ratepayers Association the other evening "the definite charge was made that it was TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 23, 1931 The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) "independent newspaper puhlislicd every after- Soon except Sundzys and lsgal holidays ar Osh- wa by The Times Publishing Company. Chas. M. Mundy, President Alloway, Managing Director. - Y Dstiawa Daily Times is a member of The Cana- in Press, the Canadian Daily Newspaper: Asso- ¥ ciation, the Ontario Provincial Dailies aud the 4 Bureau of Circulations. oe SUBSCRIPTION RATES , by carrier in Oshawa and suburbs, 12¢c. a 'week. By mail in Canada (outside Oshawa car- 'tier delivery limits) $3.00 a year. United States TORONTO OFFICE Building, 66 Temperance Street. Telephone ide 0107. H. D. Tresidder, representative. 2 % FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1931 Patronage and Employment At a meeting of the North East Ward impossible to secure work on the improve- ments at the Oshawa harbor unless the ap- : "plicant were a Conservative and on the . local patronage list. One can hardly credit that, at a time like the present, a charge ; * "of this character could be true. A commit- by i» 4 gions. "tee has been appointed, however, to make ! investigations, and it will be interesting to see if the investigation brings out evidence to substantiate the charge. 1t is quite the usual custom, of course, to have political patronage play a large part in . filling positions which are open for govern- "'ment work. While that might apply to permanent positions, or work of a character requiring special qualifications, surely we have not degenerated to the stage of having "it applied to the ordinary laborers toiling for forty cents an hour. Any man who would apply the test of party politics to the filling of laborer's jobs in these days of un- employment is deserving of the most sting- ing condemnation; and is not worthy of the respect of his fellow-citizens. - Nothing has been proven, so far, in con- nection with the charge made locally, and The Times is always inclined to be sceptical of charges which are thrown out at public meetings, because on many occasions they have proven unfounded. Not so long ago, a charge of discrimination was levelled at the local employment bureau, but investigation £ proved the accusation to be false. The in- into the charge that politics are being ed in connection with work at the har- may have the same result. We hope it "does, for it would be dnfortunate if some of the unemployed men of Oshawa were being : __debarred from employment because they did not have the necessary political influ- ence to secure work on this important pro- ject. In a time of depression and scarcity of employment like the present, politics should be forgotten, especially when so . many men of all shades of political opinion ~ are clamoring to be given work. Holding Our Position *. Canada's record in the world of trade still remains one of the wonders of the world. In spite of the falling-off in indus- trial production, and in exports of agricul- tural products, this country still stands fifth in the list of the world's trading na- This is a remarkable record for a country of ten millions of people, a country which has but scratched the surface of its natural resources. i" Not only is Canada the fifth trading na- 'tion in the world, but it also holds a place of leadership in producties#®and export of many important commodities, It is the world's largest producer of printing paper, nickel and asbestos. . It stands second in production of gold, and third in production of wheat and zinc. In the field of exports, it stands first in wheat, newsprint, nickel snd asbestos, second in automobile and flour, and has a high position in ex- of wood pulp, lumber, fish, copper and furs. | ; For a young country, we have done rath- er well in the field of export trade and in production of goods for export. We have re: to feel encouraged by the fact that Danada has maintained her position as the _ otld's fifth trading nation, and as'a leader production of so many primary pro- i . There is little fear for a country which, in a time of general depression, can old that position. The foundation that has laid remains strong, and on that foun- in the days of prosperity that are to come, will be built a superstruc- of even greater Canadian progress in ie realm of trade and commerce. Britain Reviving Rt. Hon. J. H. Thomas, secretary for the on and Colonies in the National Gov- | ent of Great Britain points out some uraging factors which are developing 'the British industrial situation. Not the ast important of these was the fact that the last two or three weeks unemploy- nt had been decreased by 55,000. On of that, he said, 150 for¢ign firms had \ y applied for factory sites in Great Textile industries had experienced leration of business, and one firm had ived orders for 16,000,000 yards of cot ~The coal guota in the midland and 'areas had been increased, and Fitaln ) Clon THE OSHAWA DAILY shipments from South Wales alone rose 15 percent during the last week. These are hopeful signs for the old coun- try. It is apparent that the action of the government in abandoning the gold stand- ard and allowing the sterling exchange rate to drop, is having a beneficial effect on Bri- tish industry. This action virtually impos- ed a tariff on British imports, and gave Bri- tish exports a preference in the markets of the world. And the logical result is that British industry is: picking up. The tur- moil of the general election may, as an elec- tion usually does, hold things back for a few weeks, but the return of the National Government to power next week should be the signal for a further improvement in * industrial conditions in Britain, and that, above all, is what the country needs in order to retain her financial stability. Editorial Notes * Few people seem to be aware that an Oshawa softball team is playing in the final game for a provincial championship on Saturday. Nevertheless, we wish Mike's Place boys success in this crucial encounter- er. Fire prevention week seemed to be so successful that it ought to be continued throughout the whole year. A puffball weighing over 18 pounds was found near Moraviantown. Evidently de- flation has not reached the south-western section of the province.--Kitchener Record. It seems to be agreed that Marion Talley sold her wheat and went back to singing but no one has yet reported what song she sold her wheat for. -- Buffalo Courier-Ex- press. Pottsville, Pa., golfer, whose ball soar a hundred yards through the air and land- ed in a caddy's hip pocket, is named Dr. Salada. A tea shot, evidently. -- Border Cities Star. A contemporary alludes to the Chinese fleet as about equal in fighting strength to "the celebrated Swiss navy". In other words, the floating debt is very small. -- Woodstock Sentinel-Review. Miss Agnes McPhail has several ideas concerning what is necessary to put this country back on its. feet. Why not make Agnes dictator and be one step ahead of Italy 7--Sarnia Canadian Observer. If the National Government should win in Britain, and tariffs result, and a prefer- ence is extended to Canada, how would our dumping regulations against British goods appear then ?--Ottawa Journal. | Other Editor's Comments THE BEST PROVINCE (Quebec Soleil) Of all parts of Canada, and perhaps of all nations. in the world, excepting France, the Province of Quebec is probably the one which is suffering the least in the. present economic crisis, Put to the test like all others, she is resisting better and is finding the necessary resources herself. 'It is not true in her case to say that misery and poverty reign in the Province, There are particular cases of hardship; but on the whole the standard 6f life has been maintained at a respectable level, ENGLAND (Boston Transcript) England suffered a terrible loss in the Great War, Her greatest misfortune in modern times is not reflected so much in the unemployment, or' in the condition simulating pauperism which is revealed in the dependence of millons on the dole, but in the sacrifice of the finest of her youth, the material of future greatness, in the Great War's slaughter. But at leagt her census, revealing resiliency in the population, carries an assurance of recovery. Her ship of State, "still under steadfast men," sails bravely on. The Englishman is still there. | Bits OF HUMOR A man's automobile stalled week. While making a vai small boy appeared wi all smiles, Boy--Want me to haul you out, Mister? Motorist--How much do you want? Boy--Three dollars. After the work had been done and the money paid, the tourist asked, "Do you pull many care in a,mudhole" last ttempt to get out, a eam of horses. He was Boy--About 12a day on the average. pM Motorist--~Da you work nights 'too? Boy--Yes, I haul water for the mudhole. The train halted for a moment at the station and the traveler 6 reached out, called a small boy and said: "Sdn, here's 50 cents. (Get me a 25-cent sand- wich and get one for yourself. Hurry up. Just as the train pulled out, the boy ran up to the window. "Here's. your quarter, Mister," 'he shouted. "They only had one sandwich." BITS OF VERSE 1 SHALL WALK TODAY I shall walk today upon a high green hill, I shall forget the walls and the roofs of the town; This burden, strapped to my back, shall be unloosed, And I shall leave it there when I come down. Warm is the hill upon which I shall walk today; Gold §s the sun upon the Soa hall ea And something of the peace of h Shall permeate my being as I Sradifg Sheer Something of the look within their eyes Of upland pastures, and of clean wind blown-- The tranquil, trusting look of those who knew A shepherd watches, I shall make my vows. And I shall gather the little wind flowers there, press their sweetness upon my heart to stay, Then I shall go back to the walls and the roofs the town, Stronggr than I have been for many a day. --Grace Noll Crowell, in Scribner's, » | cording to the ground, as well as mill parts, with the balance or the mill being trans- ported rapidly. Concurrently with mill erection, development has been proceeding, and recent work has been gratifying to the sponsors. The development continues to indicate a deposit of uraninite ore from which radium can be recovered in quantity suf- ficient to make the enterprise im- Strain 'sy €. H. Tuck, Opt. B, (Copyright, 1928) THE CHILD AND ITS DE- VELOPMENT, NUTRITION AND MAL-NUTRITION Part 7 . "Tobacco among other things con tains a powerful poison--npicotin, This poison is very deadly. It may be thought that the cigarette is less dangerous type because its use is more easily acquired. Any smoker, however, can puff smoke through a piece of white cotton and show a perfect discoloration from the ef- fect of the poison. ; No smoker cver speaks of his first tobacco appearing harmless to him, in fact perhaps the first violent sickness experienced may have been induced by the first attempt at smoking. Among the scrioas troubles caus- ed by the use of tobacco--one of the worst is Amblyopia or loss of vision caused by its use. This may express itself more seriously in some cases and may even lead to blindness. Girls and voungz women will, to some extent lose in complexion by the use of tobacco, They will age quickly through its effect on the nerves and general physical condi- tion, and being below par physically cannot readily ward off any disease to which they may be subjected. No girl can be a true mother to her children and set the proper ex- ample from a mental, moral and physical standpoint when, addicted to the use of tobacco. (To be Continued) B --y THAT the stores that adver. tise are prepared to be of real helpfultiess to you; visit them often, They keep their stocks replen- igied with' seasonable merchand- ise so you can make easy, selec- tions. To know the true value of quality goods and to derive sat- isfaction, you must buy from stores that advertise, It is a good thing to know where to buy good merchandise. Read She ads; you wiil find the wames of progressive merchants there. To keep a community prosper- ous, money must circulate ac- desires of the people, Money spent or invested in the home city circulates in the home city. If it is spent away from home {it circulates in some other city and leaves the home city with no business, which means that the wheels of progress are stopped, WHEN BUYING, DON'T FOR- GET YOUR OWN INTERESTS; BUY ADVERTISED GOODS FROM HOME MERCHANTS, MERCHANTS WHO ADVER- TISE PROTECT THEIR CUS. TOMERS BY BACKING EVERY- THING THEY SELL, RADIUM MINE PUSHING WORK Development | Results Good ~--To Install Concen- trator Wilberforce--Development results 4 continue good on the local radium property of International Radium and Resources, Limited, according to information here. Work towards production is being rushed. It has been decided ta install a concentra- tor at the property, jnstead of utili- zing the mill w od the company purchased, and which was located on a property some three miles dis= tant, to which it wie proposed form- erly te truck ore Instead the mill will be close at the mouth of the tunnel, where de- velopment is taking - place, rand should. make for more economical recovery. At this writing the mill site has' been' prepared, a machine shop has been erected and equip- ment for same put in place. Forms for the mill foundations are being set, with a large part of the mater- ial for the mill building on the ST JAMES 109-13 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK , Inthe heart of Times Square Threg to Five Minutes to All Theatres and Best Shops Soule $5.00 + $3.50 « $4.00 ooms with private $2.50 $3.00. ath Double $4.00 - $4.50 . 35.00 SEND FOR BOOKLET portant to Canada, | Work is from a tunnel which has | been driven 450 feet into a hill from I its mouth, from which slashes were taken to the east and west of veins Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, cut in the tunnel, Drifts were run eat and west on No. 3 vein for a total distance of 100 feet, and a raise from the sur- face made from the east drift. In this raise the two branches of the vein as shown on surface were ex- posed. Another raise is now being put in from a drift west on the No, 5 vein, and this will be completed in a few days. This work would indicate backs to the ore of about 70 feet, On surface No. 3 vein has been opened up for a length of about 600 feet, and two additional veins have been located south of the No. 6 vein which are considered promis- ing, Uraninite is in evidence n the tun- nel, and occurs disseminate in the various constituents of the vein mat- ter. Though mill tests have not recently been made, the appearance of the vein matter being developed is such that a larger percentage of uraninite is indicated than was shown in the Mines' Branch tests which attracted attention to the property. PEOPLE BEHIND US, DECLARES HITLER Montreal, Que.--"Men don't know anything about work at election time in comparison with what the women do," declared Mrs, John Scoft, who in a recent speech before the Laurier-Outre- mont branch of the Women's Conservative Aszociation of Montreal and District, replied to certain remarks reported to have been made by Grattan O'Leary, a journalist in Ottawa, at a "ladies' day" gathering of a club in the capital. One of these re- marks was said to be to the ef- feet that women in election work were only one per cent, ef- ficient as men. "Women work very hard at elections, and without remunera- tion," Mrs, Scott asserted. "I know that from experience." In proof of their efficiency, Mrs, Scott mentioned that Mr. Tas- chereau at Sherbrooke had said it was the work ¢f the women that had elected Mr. Howard, On behalf of a candidate in one con- stituency, over a thousand letters had been written by a woman worker to electors who were at summer resorts Mrs. Scott said, urging them to come back to the city to vote, Mrs. Scott denied the conten- tion of Mr. O'Leary that women have not justified their being in politics. They had not received any encouragement. While it was true there is only one woman in the Federal Parliament, Mrs, Scott maintained, this was no in- dication of their indifference or inefficiency. Women were either not chosen as candidates--and ag Parade Taking Seven Hours Passes Review- ing Stand irimswick, Germany.--More than 100,000 brown-shirted followers of Adolph Hitler, fiery young prophet | of German Fascism went home fronmthere recently after a field day, their ears ringing with Hitler's pre- diction that the German Republic is soon to fall. | A series of bloody clashes, in| which one man was killed and more than a score injured, marked | the week-end demonstration, | The "Nazi" chief attacked the | Government of Chancellor Heinrich | Bruening in 'an address that clim- | axed a parade in which the uni-| formed thousands marched, _ex-| changing the Fascist salute, and re- quiring nearly seven hours to pass the reviewing stand. August Wil helm, son of the former Kaiser, was | on the platform, | Although Chancellor Bruening | was given a vote of confidence by the Reichstag over National Social- | ist and National opposition, and left with virtually dictatorial powers by the Legislature's adjournment un- til next February, Hitler declared. "We have the people behind us, We need no emergency decrees. We do not need the police or the Reich stag." Twenty-four new Nazi "Swastika" flags were dedicated during the ex- ercises, and Hitler predicted that these would last until our final victory." Joseph Goebbels, Berlin Nazi Yeader, predicted that Chancellor Bruening's Governmetit would fall "within six weeks" If elections were held now," he said, "we would capture 200 seats in the Reichstag." NEEDY TO BE GIVEN PRIORITY IN RELIEF Ottawa Finds Many Not in| Want Get Jobs Before Destitute Men Ottawa~~While matters connect- ed with the financial administration of the Government, including the exchange situation and the question | of the time and extent of a domestic loan, aré engaging their proportion- ate part of the Cabinet's time these days, a great deal of attention is still being paid to the problem of unemployment, that some modification may be made in the*plan, or at least a clearer outline given of the policy intendea to be pursued. From the discussion in Parliameut last summer over the bill which gave the Government a wide au- thority in dealing with the sugges- tion, impression went abroad that work would bé provided for every one who was willing to work. What however, is explained as the funda- mental purpose of the relief meas- ure is to provide work for the needy. Many Do Not Need Jobs The experience is said to have shown that many pcople who are only seasonally unemployed and who have sufficient means to carry them through the winter till their seasonal activities are resumed, have registered on the list of the unem- ployed, and in many cases, have been put to work. Others, more needy and without any resources, have not been found work, To provide work for every one who claims to be out of work, with- out regard to whether they, have the means of sustenance, would, it is found, entail an expense so large that no accurate estimate is possible As fhe winter approaches the de-' mands are increasing. In view of the financial conditions, it, therefore may be necessary to look after all the needy: cases, but not give so much consideration to those who are able to carry on, ARE An optimist is aman who, when' he is told the wolf is at the door, refuses to believe a word of it and therefore opening his door thus un- prepared is promptly gobbled up by the wolf. A pessimist upon learning that the wolf is at the door, believes it is no use to struggle further so he op- It ig just possible | Design shown is No, 9011, in tbrpe different available colour schemes, Dominion Liquid Wax in quart and gallon tins is ecasy to apply and imparts a beautiful polish with little effort. Keeps all linoleum floors at their best over long periods, Sold by Floor Covering Dealers. Efficiency of Women in Politics Is Upheld thus lacked the backing of party funds--or were nominated in constituencies known to be hope- less, Y.ady Astor, for instance, was a wealthy woman, she point- ed out, and could afford to spend large sums in her campaigns. But women, generally speaking, had ne money. The request had been made during the last elec- tions that the party put up at least one woman candidate in each province, but no notice was taken, Mrs. Scott said. As for representation Senate, Mrg., Scott was owing to the taken by that their sex was declared by the Privy Counci? to be eligible for appointment, Painful Piles Go Quick--No Cutting--No Salves It takes only one bottle of Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt's prescription-- HEM-ROID-- to end itching, bleeding, protruding piles, This internal remedy acts quickly even in old, stibborn cases. HEM-ROID succeeds because it heals and restores tha affected parts and removes blood conges- tion in the lower bowel--the cause of piles. Only an internal medicine can do thie, that's why salve and cutting fail Lovell sa} HEM-ROID must end your money back. in the concluded, it action women Jury & | ablets | migery or | CANADIAN PACIFIC #4 FIVE DAY'S 4 EUROPE EMPRESS or BRITAIN ~ FROM MONTREAL To GLASGOW-BELFAST-LIVERPOOL hess of Atholl FROM QUEBEC To Cherbourg & Southampton Och 28 ....... renisns Empress of Britain Apply Local Agents or J. BLACK MACKAY, General Agent Canadian Pacific Bldgs { Toronto : A FEW DAYS AWAY FROM HOME wilt OO YOU GOOD AND RE- TURN YOU BETTER FITTED FOR THE DAILY ROUTINE. MAKE UP A PARTY FOR NEXT WEEKEND. Cheerful, comfortable rooms, Tasty food, Restful surroundings PLENTY OF CURB PARKING SPACE' GARAGE ONE MINUTE WALK Single $1.50 to $3.00 Rates oor. 53.30 w S600 HOTEL WAVERLEY Spedine Avenue ond College Street oo Woite lon folder + + +" DOMINION EMBOSSED LINOLEUM Nothing could be more cMirming, more appropriate, more original , , , or more practical. For the new Dominion Embossed dInlaids are stain-proof, non-absorbent, easy #o clean, permanent. And, best of all, being made in Canada, their cost is far below what you have been accustomed to pay for imported goods. In warmth of rich colourings, in distinction of design, in old-world charm, you have never seen a floor to equal them, For sun porches, passages, entrance halls and all . rooms, Wherever installed, Dominion Embossed Inlaids . . . their beauty en- hanced by the famous soft-lustre Domolac Finish , . . add a touch of utter smartness, save housework and give quiet comfort underfoot, Your floor covering dealer will gladly show you the full range of colourful patterns, DOMINION OILCLOTH & LINOLEUM COMPANY LIMITED -- MONTREAL eh the owe and gives himself up to DOMINION LINOLEUM STOCKED AND SOLD BY