¥ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1931 Pacer morning and wh 8 sonducted every morning and even- g this week, is being attended by i The Mission Rev. Father van of the Franciscan er, York City, who is not only a ed speaker but an eloquent her; The Mission will conclude n Sunday next. Tennis Tourn®ment Teds = Kingston.--~McGill University is "tegarded as favorite for the Cana- flian Intercollegiate tennis cham- iSionshins which opened here on ursday morning. Play took: place on the courts of the Royal Military College and continued until Satur- day. Special Services ; Smiths Falls, -- Commemorating the discovery of America by Chris- topher Columbus, the local order of the Knights of Columbus held spe- cial services this week in Saint Francis de Sales Church. Visiting speakers addressed the lodge, and a program of recitations was present- gd. Rev, Father Dean Hanley ad- Safe Speedy Relief' Id SCIATICA Poisons slong sciatic nerve Er a , # 80s and 51 at ol) drusgists i This seems to be a burn- { ing question on the mind of all interested citizens. Premier Bennett declares we are, while the Political if Economists say we haven't | § been for over thi e weeks | if now. Well, folks, if these men i! of such high standing and understanding ¢.a't get to- | gether and make up their | i minds, we of lowly thoughts | had better turn our minds | ! to something more practical | | such as I See What 39c "Will Buy fil Boe Mi 31 Mouth foc Riker's Milk § Magnesia ...... | 50c Writing Port. £01108 sore ccne 39¢ 4 39% Zepeodent Toots. 39¢ | 50¢c Pond's Creams 39¢ 39 50c Klenzo Shaving 39 c 39¢ 60c Opeko Coffee 19 c 50c Extra Heavy 39 ¢ Baby Pants .. 50c English Health 39 c 39¢ 39¢ 50¢ French Balm Salts B0e Squibb"s Tooth 50e Ipana Tooth * Paste . . Make the Pennies Count--Patronize Jury & Lovell Simcoe 8. . Phone 28 Phone 68 ONTARIO NEWS ------ dressed the Knights and advocated more interest in personal financial matters, as regards school taxation. Defence Withdrawn Pembroke. --Following the second sitting in the hearing of the appeal of the town of Pembroke, against this year's equalization of the county assessment, C. A. Mulvihill, of Arnprior, who is acting as coun- sel for the county, advised the County Council to withdraw its de- fence. Accordingly ,at this after- noon's session of the council, a re- solution proposed by Reeve Findlay, of Braeside, and Reeve Church, o Armnprior, advising the solicitor to withdraw the defence and asking his honor, Judge Mulcahy to fix the assessment for 1931 at the same figures as fixed by his judgment fol- lowing the appeal of 1930, subject to any adjustments which may be found necessary by reason of in- creases or decreases in local assess- ments, was unanimoysly adopted. Handled Million Bushels Kingston.--It is reported that one million bushels of wheat were hand- led at the Kingston elevator during the past week. It is further report- ed that every bushel of this grain came direct from Fort William. The elevator has been very busy during the past few weeks and there has been a continual flow of grain pass- ing through the structure. To Exhibit Apples Picton. -- Prince Edward County will have an apple exhibit at the Royal Winter Fair as in past years and apples are now being selected for this display. For some years past the Prince Edward display has been awarded the Ontario Horticul- tural Society's ward for the best dis- play of fruit and it is hoped to cap- tyre it again this year. Dredge in Harbour Kingston, -- The dredge Leland, owned by the Canadian Dredging Company, is engaged in dredging out a section of Kingston harbor. At the presesnt time the dredge is working off Richardson's elevator at the foot of Princess street and the work will be extended west as far as the Locomotive Works' wharf. It is expected that the work will be completed in about two weeks time, Missionary Meeting Vernon. -- Attended by delegates from all parts of Quebec and east- ern Ontario. ,the 42nd annual con- vention of the Women's Baptist Home Mission Society of Eastern Ontario and Quebec, was held in the Osgoode Baptist Church at Vernon. Clerical Union Napanee~The Bay of Quinte Clerical Union which comprises the parishes from Belleville on the west to Kingston on the east, convened in St., Mary Magdalene church on Wednesday afternoon. There were twenty clergymen present, and a very interesting paper was given by Rev. Prof. Carrington, Dean of Div- inity, Bishop's College, Lennoxville. A public service was held in the evening, and there was a large con- gregation. An eloquent discourse on the subject, "The Supremacy of God," was delivered by Rev. Prof. Carrington. \ A Benefit Shoot Smiths Falls--Twenty-five teams of five men each started shooting the first night of the Smiths Falls Rotary Club's seventh annual thiee- day shoot. The proceeds of the ai- fair which is taking place in the curling rink are for the benefit of crippled children, although there is a possibility of a portion «f this year's surplus going to local ynem- ployment relief. Chickens, ducks, and turkeys are the main prizes which include a number of articles donated by local merchants, The shoot concluded on Friday night when the highest score gvill be an- nounced and prizes presented to be followed by a dance, Series of Robberies Smiths Falls.--A series of petiv robberies which have besa annoying local householders for some weeks past was crowned waen thieves broke into the affice of the Capitol Theatre and made awas with the safe 'which was thought to have Sontained approximately $300 in cash, Horticulturists Active Troquois--Under the auspices of the local Horticultural So:iety, an illustrated talk on the making of gardens and. the successful growing of flowers was given Tuesday even- PICKERING NEWS ee -- (Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent) Pickering, Oct. 15.~Miss Ethel Bray, of Lavant, spent the holiday at her parents' home here. . * Miss Lillian Wiman, of Mill- brook, 'and Miss Dorothy Doug- las, of Toronto, were the guests of their grandmother, Mrs, A. Burrell, over the week-end. Mrs. A. Franklin and small son, of Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs, Grainger, of Islington, and the Misses Howland, of Whitby, visited with Mr. and Mrs, A. Boyes, on Sunday, Miss Marie Balsdon and Mr. Roy Powell, spent the holiday f | with the latter's brother, Harry Powell and family, of Hamilton. Miss Marjorie Robertson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Monney. ¥, F. and Mrs. Baldson and family, of Burford, visited with relatives in the- village over the week-end. Miss Myra Cronk, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cronk. Mr. and Mrs. ¥, Hall, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. James Andrew, motored to Keswick on Monday and spent the day with John and Mrs, Draper. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crossey, of Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Frank and Mrs. Prouse, Mr. and Mrs. H. Matchett and daughter, Miss Helen, of Toron- to, were visitors to the village over the holiday. H. J. Clark, of Toronto, spent Monday at the home of his par- ents here, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Richardson and family, of Georgetown, spent the week-end with relatives in the vi]lage. Mr. and Mrs. F. Adair, and daughter, of Agincourt, were holiday visitors to the village. The Y.W.A. of the Uuited Church held its monthly meeting at the home of Miss Eva Bunting with the president, Mrs, Morley in the chair. After a worship period a very interesting paper on the country and customs of Korea was given by Miss Lillian Murray. After the program, the members sewed on small gifts for the Christmas bale. At the conclusion of the meeting, the hostess served tea. A number from the village were in Toronto during the past week, attending the performance of the Passion Play, which was being presented at Massey Hall. Youth took possession of St. George's Church, on Sunday evening upon the occasion of the Boy Scout church parade, in which the loca] patrol of Lone Scouts, the Fifth Oshawa Troop, and the Eighth Oshawa Sea Scouts, under the command of Scout Masters Terret and Rigg respectively participated. About fifty boys were present, and made a fine showing in their scout uni- forms, The rector, Rev," E. G. Robinson conducted the service, and was assisted by Skipper Rigs, who read the lesson, The sermon was preached by Scout Master Reg. Terrett, who gave a most appropriate address, based upon the Old Testament story of Dan- jel, and the three Jewish boys. who braved the fiery furnace rather than be false to their prin- ciples. The speaker applied the story to the problems of the modern boy's life, and encour- aged his hearers to subscribe faithfully to the Scout code. Among out of town visitors, who were present at the service, were Patrol Leader Johnston, of Beamsville; Scout Master Don Hutchinson, Second Ontarlo Lone Scouts and Captain John Furminger, Lone Scout Commis- sioner for Ontario. After the service, the visiting Scouts were the guests of the local Scouts at the home of Patrol Leader Fred Robinscn. ing in the theatorium bv John F. Clark, of the Provincial Horticultur- al Department. To Retain Fair Grounds Kingston.--The Board of Works by an unanimous vote of the mem- bers present at a me:tiaz held «n Wednesday afternoon endorsed the resolution passed at a meeting of citizens held in the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday night, in favor of the City Council retaining the present Fair Grounds and utiliz- ing the money available for unem- ployment relief in unproving the grounds. Premium By-Product Coke D& H Cone-cleaned Anthracite Welsh Blower Coal Fill Your Bin Now 'Body Wood, Hard and Soft Slabs Cut Stove Length and Dry, \ COAL Co. TELEPHONE BO Tive Direct Lines PREPARING TO ENTERTAIN DELEGATES TO ROME CONGRESS Delegates to the Fifth World's Poultry Congress being held in Iiome, Italy, in 1933 are assured an exceptional opportunity for visiting Not only will they 'see Rome' during Congress week but they will be guests of the Government of Italy for an eight -day tour of the country, during which visits will be made to such interesting and historic spots as Leghorn, Florence, Pisa, Perouse, Ancona, Bologna, Roviga, Milan, Como and Venice. Canadian dele gates will return by way of Swit- zerland, Germany, Belgium and France en route to Great Britain. Going routes being considered | include via Paris and the South of France, via Gibraltar and Old Spain, via the Rivieria, and by steamer direct to Naples with a day at Palermo. VF. C. Elford, Dominion Poultry Husbandman, is again giving an active lead to Capadian participation and will be glad to hear from anyone in terested in attending tthe Rome Congress. Alvin and Edwin Prange, twins, who graduated from Cap- ital University, Columbus, O., this year, have been ordained as min- isters of the Lutheran Church, High Schools in Chicago, TI., | are offering a course in sales- manship in which pupils get ac: ual-experience in stores, St. Andrew's United Church REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister Cor. of Bruce St. and Simcoe St., 8. Sunday Services in the City Churches| News Notes of City Churches SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18TH 117AM. How to meet and conquer a crisis. 3 p.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 PM. A Four-fold Cluster of Christian Fruit The Minister will preach at both services on Sunday. You will find these messages timely and helpful, i King Street United Church REV. CHAS. E. CRAGG, M.A., B.D., MINISTER MR. LEONARD RICHER, L.R.AM., Musical Director 6.45--Song Service. Special Thankoffering Service 11 AM. "The Church Victorious' THE MINISTER WILL PREACH 2.30--Sunday School and Bible Classes. | 7 p.m.~--Special Preacher Rev. D. E. Willson D. D. | | OF TORONTO | Dr. Willson has spent some time in the West, and more time in social service work. He will have a vrey interesting story to tell, i SPECIAL MUSIC MORNING AND EVENING Centre Street United Church "Come Let Us Worship." Rev. Geo. C. R. McQua™z, Minister REV. JOHN O. TOTTON Will conduct worship and preach at both services. 2.30--Sunday School First Baptist Church King Street East PASTOR ! Rev. Roy McGregor, B.A. ' B.TL Madame Jones | will sing AT BOTH SERVICES Pastor's Subjects 11 am. "DAYBREAK" 7 pm. "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"' 2«=War and the Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street REV. DUNCAN MUNRO, 84 Brock St. W,, Phone 2554 The Minister will conduct the services at 11 a'm. and . 7 pm, 8 PM. | Sunday School and Bible CHURCH 47 Gibbon St. Rev. Mr. Moore, of Toronto « Will preach Sunday, 18th, at 2.80 and 7 pm, ' CHRISTADELPHIAN "WHEN THEY SHALL SAY, PEACE Then AND SAFETY: sudden destruction cometh upon them, and they email net id - THE comiNG oF _E LORD DRAV- H. His saints will be deli from the im. Jending r ig id 1 Heo, 4, 15-18; y 1-8; ess. 1, 7-10; . -18; LER, ev, 11, 15.18; (ee || Northminster | United Church Rev. Maunsell Irwin, B.A. | B.D., Pastor | 11 am, «= Baptismal and Sacramental Service 2 and 8 p.m.--8.8, Sessions | 7 pm.--Evéning Worship | Mon. 8 p.m.~Y. P. League | | it TERETE ---------- | Albert Street ' United Church Rev. 8. C. Moore, B.A, B.D. 11 a.m.~"The Shepherd's i Psalm". | 2.30 p.m.~--~Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p. m. = "Building Troublous Times'. Excellent Music Everyone Welcome CEDAR DALE UNJTED CHURCH Minister A. E. Thornley, A. 8 Jackson St, Phone 1172}. 11 am.~"Paul's for a Progressive Church" 2.30 p.m.--8, §. Attendance Sjogan 150 Plus, 7 p.m.~"The Host and the Guests'. Wed, 8 pm, Y.P. League Christian Science First Church of Christ, Sclentist 64 Colborne Street East Morning Service at 11 a.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18TH : SUBJECT Doctrine of Atonement 12.10 p.m., Sunday School. Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies ot Heal ing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and authorized Christian Sclence literature may be fead, borrowed or purchased j|Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays > |and Saturdays from 2 to § p.m. Experiments on himself with 'a new form of rubber mask for ad- believed to have caused the death of Dr, Gilbert Blurton,. who re- cently was found dead in his room in West Bridgeford, England, evening the sermon "Christ and Capitolism." Reginald G, Geen, organist and choirmaster will be in charge of the music. ministering 'oxygen and gas are | Street United Church Everyone will be made welcome at the church on Sunday. In the morning Rev. S, C. Moore, will de- liver his sermon on "The Shepherd's Psalm" and in the evening his sub- ject is "Building in Troublous Times." Morning worship at Grace Luth- eran Church commences at ten- thirty o'clock after the Sunday School session which commences at nine-thirty. Rev. A. C, Hahn al- ways has an inspiring message for his congregation. Evening worship is at seven o'clock. Centre Street United Church Rev. John O. Tatton will conduct the services and preach on Sunday, in the absence of Rev. George C. R, McQuade, the regular minister. The Sunday school service is at two-thirty o'clock. . Holy Trinity Church Holy Communion will be cele- brated at eight o'clock Sunday morning and Rev. S, C. Jarrett will have charge of the services through- out the day, preaching the service at eleven o'clock on "The Challenge of Democracy" and at the evening service on "Lessons in History." Calvary Baptist Church _ "The Word of Life" is the sub- ject of the sermon that Rev. Paul Gelatt, the regular pastor, will preach on Sunday morning. In the evening Rev, Mr. Gelatt will de- liver an address, to which he gives the subject, "Judgment Reserved." Pentecostal Holiness Church The service will be of the usual order on Sunday with the regular pastor, Rev, G. Legge, in charge. Sunday School is at 10 o'clock in the morniing. St. George's Anglican Church Special Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vices are being conducted in St. George's Church all day Sunday, commencing at cight o'clock in the morning with the celebration of Holy Communion. The special preacher at the regular morning worship at eleven o'clock and in the evening at seven o'clock will be Rev. CR. Spencer of Bowmanville. In the morping the choir will render "O Lord How Manifold," Jackson's "Te Deum Laudamus" and the "Hallelujah Chorus." Children's service will be held in the church at three in the afternoon. The choir will render at evensong, "Ye Shall Dwell in the Land" with Mrs, C. P. Davis and Mr. Reg. Terrett taking the solos, "Magnificat" by Barnby in which the quartette composed of Miss M. Eltson, Miss D. Williams, nnd Messrs N. Merrick and G. Wal- lis will take part. The choir will also sing, Beethoven's "Hallelujah Chorus." Christ Church Rev. Rural Dean Langford of St. John's Church, Port Whitby, will preach at Church on Sunday, when a special Children's Day Service is to be held at two-thirty in the af- ternoon. He will also address the congregation at the regular morn- ing and evening services of the day. Cedardale United Church Rev. A. E. Thornley will conduct the usual services at Cedardale United Church on Sunday, speak- ing in the morning on the subject of "Paul's Program for a Progres- sive Church' and in the evening on "The Host and the Guests." The Sunday School which meets at two- thirty o'clock in the afternoon is aiming at an attendance of one hundred and fitty. All children will be made welcome at this service. Northminster United Church At the eleven o'clock divine ser- vice at Northminster Church Rev. Mansell Irwin will hold a baptismal ceremony and administer the Sacra- ment, Christian Science Church "Doctrine of Atonement" is the subject of the morning sermon. Sunday school will be held as usual at twelve-ten in the afternoon. St. Andrew's United Church For the first tine in several months, Rev, F. J. Maxwell will conduct the services and preach at St. Andrew's Church on Sunday. His subject in the morning will be "How to Meet and Conquer a Crisis," in the evening, 'A Four- Fold Cluster of Christian Fruit." imcoe Street United Church "Christian Development" is the subject of Rev. E. Harston's morn- ing sermon on Sunday. In the will be on KING ST. WOMEN PACK BALES The King Street Church Wel- fare Workers have completed packing of three large bales, val- ued at $260.00 to be gent to help in the West. These bales contain- ed quilts, men's, women's and chil- dren's clothing. An appeal from the pulpit of the church brought a wonderful response. The ladies intend meeting every Wednesday throughout the winter for the purpose of sewing and they would be glad of the help any ladies of the congregation could offer. Owners of 117 dairy farms which were damaged in Austral- jan floods recently are charging that irrigation ofieials failed in preventing the floods ; - -- " Michael Coughian, who recént= ly died, aged 110, in the Tulla- more district, Ireland, could re- member the days of O'Connell and when men worked for eight cents 'CHRIST AND V SimcoeSt. United Church "The House of Friendship" Assistant REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B, REV. J. 8. I. WILSON, B.A, B.D. Reginald G. Geen, Organist and Choir Master 11 AM. 'CHRISTIAN DEVELOPMENT' 3 p.m.~Sunday School 7 PM. The Minister will preach at both services. You should make an effort to hear these timely messages. CAPITALISM' A Good Singing--Fine Fellowship--Helpful Services y ST. GEORGES ANGLICAN " Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON U, R. dePENCIER, M.A. Organist and Choirmaster--~Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M. 7 p.m.--Evensong. Special Harvest Thanksgiving Services 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--~Morning Prayer. The choir will sing (1) O Lord How Manifold----Barnby (2) TeDeum Landamus----Jackson (8) Hallelujah Chorus--Handel 3 p.m.--Children's Service in the Church. The choir will sing (1) Ye Shall Dwell in the Land--Stainer (Solojsts--Mr. Reg. Terrett, Mrs. C. P. Davis) (2) "Magnificat"'--Barnby (Quartette--Miss M. Elston, Miss D. Williams, Mr, N. Merrick, Mr. G. Wallis) (3) Hallelujah Chorus--Beethoven Rev. C. R. Spencer, M.A., of Bowmanville, will preach at both services. | Baptist Church | Corner of John and 'Centre Sts, 11 a.m. "The Word of Life" 8 p.m. Sunday School 7pm. "Judgment Reserved" Monday, 8 pm. = Young People's. Wednesday 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. | Cor. Hillcroft & Mary Sts. Friday 8 p.m.--Choir Prac- tice, Christ Church (ANGLICAN) REV. R. B. PATTERSON, M.A. Incumbent Twentieth Sunday after Trinity 8 am.~Holy Communion 11 a.m. -- Morning Prayer ' 2.30 p.m.~--Children's Day 7 pm.--Evening Prayer | Rev. Rural Dean Langford, | Preacher Special Mission Services Nov. 8 to 185. In The Churches -: Of Whitby :- §t. John's, Port Whitby, rec- tor, Rev. D. B. Langford, Sunday, October 18th, Children's Day: Parents are especially invited to 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. services. 1 p.m., Holy Communion, special preacher, Rev. R. B. Patterson, M.A., of Christ Church, Oshawa. 3 pm, united service for the Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 4.15 p.m., baptism service. The United Church, minister, Rev. A. L. Richards, B.D. Sun- day, October 18th: 11 a.m., mor- ning worship, sermon theme, "Don't Be Tired Tomorrow"; 7 p. m,, evening worship, theme, "The Christian Way of Meeting Temptation." The min- ister at both services. 'Monday, 8 p.m, Dr. G. H. Stevenson, on "Seeing Europe in 1931," at the Y.P.8. Wednesday, 8 p.m., "The Nature of the Life After Death," third of the popular studies on "Atter Death," conducted by the minister. Friday, 7.45, regular Tuxis Boys programme. There {s always a cordial welcome to the visitor, Almonds United Church, minis- ter, Rev. A. L. Richards, Sunday, October 18: 1.45 Sabbath School; 3 p.m, afternoon worship, at which the minister will preach. This is the Community Church and everybody is invited. Whitby Baptist Church, JN 1] Best, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m., classes for all ages. Divine worship at 11 a.m., Gospel ser- mon at 7 p.m., the pastor at both services. B.Y.P.U. junifrs at 7 o'clock, Monday evening, and the senior B.Y.P.U. at 8 o'clock. Rev. Dr. F\. A. Robinson, of the Missions of Evangelism, Toronto, will conduct two weeks' special services in Whitby Baptist church, Nov, 1st to 13th. He will be ac- companied by Mr. C. B. Grunett, of Chicago, the famous pianist, also his (daughter, Grace, the sweet solo singer, These meetings are open to all Whitby people and will be mada just as interdenom- {national as it is possible to make them, the desire being for the blessings of the town and com- munity. All Saints' Church, Rev. E. Ralph Adye, rector. Sunday, Oct. 18, p.m, Holy Communion, 11 a.m. Holy * Communion and : sermon, reacher, the rector, subject "What is Religious Education. pm. children's service, Sunday School. Special speaker, Rev. G. S. Scovell. # Schaol* 7 p.m. evening prayer and sermon. Subject "The House and' the sermon |} I ANGLICAN || Corner of Court and Barrie REV. 8, CO. JARRETT || Incumbent, 30 Faibanks St. | 8 a.m. -- Celebration of Holy Communion 11 a.m. -- Matins and | Sermon. Subject: 'The. Chal {i lenge of Democracy." 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon. Subject: "Les. {i sons of History." Oshawa | Pentecostal | Holiness Church § | 811 Oelina Street I Pastor G. Legge In Charge | 10"a.m.--Sunday School. Services at 11 am. and 7 pm. | Tue. 8 pm.-- Fri. 8 pm-- Bible Study Everyone Welcome GRACE Ch 150 ALBERT ST. Rev. A. C. Hahn | SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18TH 9.80 a.m. Sunday School 10.80 am. Morning Worship: 7 pm. Evening Worship L