PACE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1931 Ontario and Durham County News PRESBYTERIAL WET AT NEWCASTLE Instructive Conference Was Held by Women of United Church (Miss Cora Bptler, Correspondent The Fourth annual meeting of thie eastern section of the Oshawa Presbyterial was held in the Uni- ted Church, on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. At the morning session, the programme was opened by an ad- dress of welcome by Mrs. W. P. d:ogers, President Newcastle W. M.& , followed by appointment of u Fecretary and the reports of the varicus auxiliaries, circles, and bands. There were several musical pumbers and a quiet half hour, led by Mrs. W. Werry. Znaiskillen, and Mrs. Wagar, of Bowmanville. Also a round ta- ble conference in charge or Mrs. Crozier, of Oshawa. During the uoor interval, dinner was served by the Neweastle W.M.8. The morning programme was contin- ued in the afternoon, and the suecst speaker for the occasion was Mrs. Duncan McLeod, of T'ormosa. Mrs. McLeod wore a native costume and gave a very interesting talk to a very appreci- gtive audience. Further music was provided by the W.M.S., of Courtice and Tyrone, and after the offering was taken, the meet- in "Jose Report of Newcastle Memorial A. ory for September. Number of new members and total number of members 238. Circulation of books, non-fiction 68: Fiction 705; Juvenile 115; Total »s% books. Magazines loaned 85. Fines on overdue books. $2.90. Mrz. J. E, Fleming, of Toronto, with the Misses Fenning, of Lon- don, England, were recent guests at Dr. Waltrn Voll's summer home, "Harris Lodge." Dr. and Mrs. J. ... Butler and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Batty, motor- ed to Kitchener for the week end, Migs Salome Howard, Mrs. Stella Anderson and Mrs A. D. Wheeler and children, were holi- fay visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ragen and two jaughters, were also here from Toronto for the week end. Mrs. R. W. Gibson, spent sev- eral days in Toronto last week. Her mother Mrs, S. Atkinson, vis- ted Mrs. Wm. Pearce in her ab- jence. The library was closed on Sat- wday night, owing to the illness if the librarian, Miss Gladys Watchel was home tur the week end. Mrs. Stinson and Miss Frances Stinson, were holiday visitors ith Mr. and Mrs. J. Eilbeck. Mr. frurray Eilbeck was also home rom Port Colborne. The "Oh Boy" group of concert entertainers held a concert in the community hall, last Tuesday evening. The concert was re- ported quite good, but the atten- dance quite poor. Mrs. Annie Coldwell, of Mon- treal, who has been spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. D, J. Gibson, has gone to spend he win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. Allo- way at Sturgis, Kentucky. Miss Nora Gibson, accompanied Mrs. Colawell as far as Chicago, and Intends visiting her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Rayner, at Lake Forest. Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. D J. Gibsons' were Mr. and Mrs. Bam Stewart of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Burham and two children, and the Misses Burham, of Cobonre. and the Misses Gal- braith, of Bowmanville. The harvest thankegiving ser- vies were celebrated at St, "yr Mer h an Sunday, The church was very beautifully dec- oraceu for the occason, and the eaolr give special musie. The service in the morning was taken by Canon Slemon, of Toronto, and in the evening by the rector, Mr. F. Mason assisted by Rev. J. Scott Howard, Arash~askinsore Eczema? DDD has no rival in the treatment o skin disorders. A doctor's form ala BERTIE ¥. W, Thompson Drug Store No matter whether it is a little ache or a big pain, no COLUMBLS FOLK ENTERTAINED BY KEDRON WOMEN Pleasant "Evening Was Spent in Kedron Church With Large Party Present Columbus, Oct. 13. -- Mrs, Wm. Robinson, Mr. Robt. and Miss Del- ma Gilroy and Mr. Cunningham, Toronto spent the holiday at Mr. Levi Ellen's. Mr. Robt. Parkinson, Acton, spent the week end with Mr, Geo. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. John Guy and boys, Almonds, visited at Mr. S. Roberts on Sunday. Miss Mary Dyer, Oshawa, spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Ashton and duvghter, and Mrs, E. L. Vickery, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Wickert and family, Little Britain, were Sunday guests of Mr. Robt. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McLaughlin ahd Mrs, Mitchell, Toronto, spent the holiday at Mr. Geo. Hepburn's, Several from here attended the Passion Play in Toronto, last week, Miss Frances Hayes, Toronto, spent the week end at home. About thirty-five children, grand- children and near relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cook, gathered at their home on Monday evening to celebrate with them on their 40th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs, Cook were presented with a purse of money. A sumptuous tea was served and a social time enjoyed. GREENWOOD NEWS Miss Margaret Gee of Toronto, Norma] School, spent the week- end, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Gee. On Friday evening, Greenwood people held their first Communi- ty Club meeting in the basement of the church... The next meeting will be on Friday, Oct. 16, at § p.m. Each member is expected tn come with a question of public iaterest, The Canadian Girls in Training held their annual meeting on Sunday aftergoon. The following officers were elected: President- Mildred Pegg; Graup leaders: Ta- rah Gee and Ruth Annis, Seere- tary: Evelyn Clarke, Treasurer: Mlidred Mantle. On Saturday, two of the men on the new highway, were vic- tims of a level crossing accident, at Greenwood. Each was severe- ly eut about the face and head, ond their car was demolished. Mr. W. Sadler was driving the injured men to thelr boarding houses, when ong of the heavy trucks working on the road al- roet ran joto them, and in try- ing to avoid ft, ran into the ditch and was badly wrecked. One of the men is in the hospital with a *olp wound, rs. Plaskett has a fine new pump, which we hope will en- courage a more ready supply of walter, Next Sunday, Rev, Mr. Smart, preaches at the anniversary ser- vices at Hilton, and Rev. Mr. Leigh will take the services on the Greenwood circuit for the Ay. On Sunday, Oct. 25, Kinsale church will hold its anniversary services, at 2.80 p.m, and 7 p.m. Rey J. O, Johnson, of Berkely §t. United Church, Toronto, will te the speaker of the day. They 4re fortupate in securing Mr. Johnson, as he is an 'excellent speaker. Mrs, Smart is to give a talk on "Korea" at Mount Zion Ep- worth League, on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon and Marian were called away to Can. nington, where Mr. Brandon's mother is very low, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stevenson, of Kinsale, spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs. F. Li. Green, Miss Reta Flynn srent Sunday with Misses Mildred .and Ger- 'trnde Corbett, Over four hundred gallons of gas are sold each day here, to the truck drivers working on the new Lighway. SCUGOG ISLAND (Mrs. D. Hope, Correspondent) Mrs. J. Gerrow, her daughter Mrs, VanNess visited with her daughter, Mrs, C. Fralick for a few days last week, Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Mark, visited relatives in Oshawa, one day last week, Mr. B. Milner of Toronto, visi- ted his brothers Will and John Milner a few days last week. Mr. M. Curray and Mr. Smale, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. W, Mark. . Miss A, Jackson is spending a few days in Port Perry. Miss Margaret Crosier was the guest of Miss Della and Nellie Lee, on Sunday. Miss Reta Milner, Toronto, Miss Hilda Milner, Mr. G' Russel, of Oshawa, were guests of their prrents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Milner over the holiday. Miss Ivah Milner, visited Miss estin RADI match perjfe Jour house OTRONS radio ctl Grace Mark, on Sunday. Mr. Sydney Chandler, spent Sunday with Mr. Ray Milper. Miss Alleen Sweetman spent Sunday, with Miss Zella Hope. Mr, and Mrs. Morrish, and son Bill, Mr. J. Aldred of Toronto, were the guests of their brother, Mr. J. Aldred over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldred of To- ronto, called on Mr, and Mrs. H. Willams and Mr. O. Williams and Mr.and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, and his brother, Mr. J. Aldred, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A Sweetman and-| grandaughter Marion, were the guests of his brother, Mr, G. Sweetman, on Sunday, Miss Luella Jeffrey visited with Miss Marjorie Milner, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Heron, and children Bobby and Keith, of Sonya, spent Sunday with her Aunt, Mrs. W. Wanamaker. Thanksgiving services were held at the Centre Church, on Sunday, Oct 11th. Rev. A. M. Irwin of Oshawa, who was a Scu- 2zog boy and who has many friends here, gave us two beautiful ser- mons, good to remember. The morning text was, "In Every- thing give Thanks." The evening text was, the first epistle of Paul to the Romans, the 16th verse, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." There was a large attendance out to both services and we all enjoyed hear- ing our old friend again. Our chair sang some beautiful selec- tions, Mrs. R. Tetlow sang a solo in the morning which was much enjoyed. . Rev. Mr. Elford and a number of ladies, met at the township hall on Thursday afternoon, to pack a nice lot of clothing and bedding, they had gathered in for the families in the west. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearce, their son Wesley, Miss Clara Crawford, and Mrs. Crawford, spent a very pleusant time, at Millbrook fair, where they met a number of old friends, it being Mrs. Pearce's girlhood home. The children are all enjoying their extra holiday, as it was toacher's convention, and thanks- giving day. The farmers are gathering in their apples which are more rlentiful this year than last, I'ympkins are an extra good crop this year. Mr. 8. Sweetman and Mr. Glen Hood, are busy eounting cars and all kinds of vehicles at Mr. T. Redman's corper. Mr. and Mrs, R. Fralick and children, of Toronto, were guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Fralick, over the week end and lo'iday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy and daughter Clara, were the guests of his Aunt Mrs. W. Jackson, in Port Perry, on Sunday. Mrs. JH. Samells of Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs. C. Samells, last week, Mr. 'W. Pearce, and Miss C. Crawford, of Blackstock, visited his sister Mrs. R. Tetlow, on Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Irwin was the guest of bis friend, Mr. T. Graham, on Sunday. We were glad to see so many of our old Island friends who nave moved away, come back to our service on Sunday, and visit their friends. Mrs. Murray and children, Miss Marguerite Sweetman of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A Sweet- man, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. W. Crozier, and sons, of Manchester, visited their daughter, Mrs. G. Bamells, on Sui day. Mr. J. Jackson, Miss Jackson, of Nanicoak, Mr. and Mrs. F. Baxter, and daughter Bernice and Mr. L. Chamberlain, of To- ronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson over the week end and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Elson, of To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Sweetman over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Mawson of To ronto, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson. Mrs. G. Gerrow and ber daugh- ter, Mrs. VanNess visited her daughter, Mrs. W. Nott, in Port Perry over the week end, Mr. Glen Elford and his sister Ilva, of Toronto, visited their parents at the Parsonage, uver the week end and holiday, Rev. J. Elford, our pastor, had charge of Rev. A. M, Irwin's work in Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. T. Clark, and daughter, of Norwood, visited their sons, Mr. Elmer and Fred Clark, over the week-end and holiday. Mrs. W. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Bonrose, and Mr. Harl Bemrose, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick, over the bel- Iday Mr. and Mrs. R. Prentice, Ev- erett and Edna, visited her mo- ther, Mrs, Munro, at Epsom, on sunday. Her mother returned liome with her for a visit. Mrs. J. Milner will entertain the Women's Association at her home, next Tuesday afternoon, Oct, 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and children, of Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fra- lick over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs, idutchison and children, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W, Mark, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W, Samells and henneth, of Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs FP. Crossman, of Kedron, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. samells, one day last week, Quite a number came from Whitby, Oshawa, and Toronto on Thanksgiving, to enjoy them. selves by shooting pigeons wu Mr. E. Lee's field, Mr. and Mrs. H. Samells, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. Samells for Thanksgiv- ing. Mr. C. Fralick motored to To- rato, on Saturday. Mrs. Edgar Savage, and family of Toronto, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn. Mrs. Petitt is visiting her sister Mrs R. Wells, in Lindsay this week. irs. G. Schell and daughters, Blanche and Olive, of Port Perry, vpent Monday with Mr. Frank Petitt. ' SOLINA NEWS (Mrs. W. L. Baker, ) Solina, Oct. 10--~Mr. and Mrs. McK. Penfound and Mrs. W. James visited Mrs. M. E. Penfound r. and Mrs, Melbert Howsam, Belleville, visited at Mr. "Chas. Howsam also Mf. Murray Williams Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden spent part of Sunday with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake and Tom visited with Mr. John Avery, Enfield, Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with their sister Mrs. John Baker. Missionary Sunday was observed at Eldad with Mrs. Werry presid- ing using hymns 83 and 85, and Mrs. Isaac Hardy giving a splendid talk on "Stewardship" and Misses Gladys and Jessie Yellowlees sing- ing a duet "Throw out the life line" In the quarterly service which fol- lowed nearly all remained for the after service, there were several over from Zion to the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. E. Moukes and Mrs. Carl Phillips visited Mr, W T. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Hastings and Mr. Wm. Wills, Cobourg, are visiting at Mr. H. E, Tinks Mr .and Mrs. Howard Couch and family, Bethesda, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bak- er. Potato and mange harvest is about compicted yi this locality Picking apples and ploughing are the order of the day Thanksgiving day was ideal for a holiday everybody around these diggins observed it by working, Mr, John Baker finds the Short- horn "cattle business fairly attrac- tive, having sold Mr. Wm. Rey- nolds, Pontypool, a choice young bull, A. W. Wright, Blackstock, a two year old heifer, and to Mr, Cecil Philip, Gelverton, two young cows and two vear old show heifer. Epwoorth league opened with Mrs. A, P. McKessock in charge Hymn 4 was used followed by the "Lord's Prayer" in unison. Hymn 285 was then sung followed by prayer by Mrs. McKessock. Bible lesson 8th chapter of Luke, verses 4-11, Devotional prepared by Mrs John Baker and read by Miss Helen Baker, closed by prayer by Miss Jessie Yellowlees. Hymn 92 was used after which Mr. Will Westlake took up the topic "Korea the land of the dawn". Mr. Den- nis Pickard took a topic "The first Canadian Missionary in Korea." Miwses Norma and Jessie Yellow- lees sang a duet. Miss Isaac Hardy took as her topic "Evangel- istic work in Korea" Ruth Mec- Kessock took up "Our share in Korea," Mrs. McKessock then put on a laughing contest which created lots of fun and closed meeting with Mizpah benediction. Misses Annie and Florence and Mr. Jolm Wilkins, Courtice, spent FPhanksgiving day with Misses Ey- elyn and Jean Millson, COURTICE NEWS Mrs. A. R. Courtice, Correspondent Courtice, Oct. 13.--~Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webster, Misses Elinor and Gladys, Toronto, spent the weekend and holiday at Mrs. A. F. Rundle's, Mr. 'and Mrs, Minto and Miss Catharine Clarkson, and Mr. and Mrs. Empringham, Toronto, were holiday visitors Mr. Archie Muir's. Miss Lyla Osborne and Mr. Gor- don Oshorne, Toronto, spent 'the week end at home, Mr. Jas. Hancock, Guelph, was home over the holiday, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Gay returned home after a two weeks' trip to Atlantic City and other American cities Mr. spent home, Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Penfound and three sons, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penfound over the holiday. Mrs. Albert Rundle, who is con- valescing after her recent illness is spending a few weeks with her son Elmer and family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice, Lea- mington, Miss Iva Courtice, Tor- onto, Mrs. Powers and Miss Helen Powers, Toronto, and Mr, Stanley Coverly, Port Hope, were week-end visitors of Reeve G. I, Annis, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Courtice, Miss Louise and Master Donald visited at Mr. Chas Wight's Suriday and attended the Thanksgiving offering service in Bowmanville United Church. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Will Bickle on the arrival of a son. Recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs, i I: Short's were: Mrs J. II. Hicks, Mrs. Clarence Hicks and daughter, June, Toronto, Mrs Al- bert Cooper, Fordage, Mrs, Bean, Palmerston and Mrs. Bride, North Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Soules and family, Mr, Rae Brooks and Miss Aura Brooks, Toronto, were holiday visitors at Mr. S. S. Brook's We congratulate Mr, Harold Muir on winning first prize at the floughin match at Boys' Training chool, Bowmanville, recently, On Wednesday last the Presby- tery Retreat was held in Ebenezer church, when fifty-two ministers and laymen were in attendance The speakers at the morning ses- sion were Prof. Shaw of Queen's University, Kingston, and Prof. Carscadden, Whitby College. Prof. haw leading in the! devotional period. Ebenezer ladies served hot dinner to the guests and in the af- ternoon Dr. Pidgeon of Bloor St United Church, Toronts, and Dr. McTaggart, president of Toronto Conference, were the speakers, The addresses were all excellent and much discussion followed each address which should prove helpful to all present, Miss Lyla Osborne, Miss Mabelle Walt Mrs. Melville Staples, holiday. at Ronald Courtice, Toronto, the weekend and holiday at oronto, and called on Jrono on the NEWS FROM BUSY HAMPTON VILLAGE Temperance 1 Day Was Ob- served In Sunday School Last Sunday (Miss LL. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, Oct. 13.--Mr, Wal- lace Horn, Queen's University, Kingston, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, Mr. Tom Sykes, Toronto Uni- versity, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sykes. The Sunday Services were well attended it being Temper- ance Sunday in the Sunday School, the program being ip charge of Miss M. J. Katerson, Temperance Superintendent. Rev. J. It, Bick occupied his pulpit ip the evening preaching from the 8th verse of the 1st Chapter of Zechariah, "I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bot- tom, and behind him were their red 'horses, speckled and white." Mrs. Kenneth Caverley, Wind- sor, assisted the choir, she and W. R. Horn, taking the solo work in the anthems, The Quarterly Sacrament ser- vice was obrerved at the con- clusion of the evening service. Owing to Harvest Home Ser- vices at Eldad next Sunday, Octo- ber 18th, the church service will be in the morning. Sunday School session in the-afternoon as usual, Rev. Harold Bell, Hastings, hag been engaged to take charge of the Harvest Home Services here on November 1st, both morning and evening, Bert Smart, Toronto, called on friends in the village on Satur- day. Frank Guelph, home, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert R. Bail ey, Donald and Corrine, Kitchen. er, Mrs. Clara Bailey, Waterloo, and daughter, Mrs, Ed. Moyer, Fdmonton, vieited their aunt, Mrs. C. Horn, and other rela- tives in the village, over the week-end and Thanksgiving Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson and ons, Toronto, visited Mr, and Mis. Fred Kerslake, and other relatives on Sunday and Monday. C. H, Burrows spent the week- end and Thanksgiving Day in the village. Mr. Richard Perrett, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Miss Mary Jebson, Bowman- ville, visited her on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs, Will Ranton and 'aughter, Margaret, and Mrs. ,orne Robbins and daughter, Pauline, . visited Mrs. Gertrude Virtue on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Short, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerslake, Bow- manyille, visited relatives in the village Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Geo, Barron, visited ronto relatives on Monday, Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto teaching staff, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. El- mina Johns. The Young People's League on I'riday nigat was in charge of the second vice-president, Ruth Johns, who conducted the meet- ing. After the opening exercises and business period conducted hy the president, N. Horn, Mrs. Harold Salter, took charge of the devotional during which "Saviour Thy Dying Love", was sung and prayer offered, Miss Elinor Sykes assisted in the musi. cal part of the program with a A.C. at Hastings," O. spent Thanksgiving, mother To- voeal solo, 'Come Unto Me." The tople, which was on Korea, was presented by Mrs. Bick, who gave an interesting map talk, Mre. Kenneth Caverley, a form- er member of the society was present, and pleased her hearers with a vocal solo, "I've tried in vain." The singing of a hymn and repeating the Mizpah bene- diction concluded the meeting. We were favre with showers during the night on Saturday, ulso on Sunday when the sky cleared about midday, a strong wind sweeping the clouds in a southerly direction, By night, the thermometer had dropped sev- eral degrees. Thanksgiving Day with its bright sunshine, and cloudless sky, dressed in Au- tumn's rich array of colors, af- forded motorists and those who sought other means of travel, a great deal of pleasure, in enjoy- ing a visit with relatives and friends, at this, one of the fes- tive seasons of the year, Those who enjoy the sport of hunting, found the weather very favorable for such an outing. In the evening the concert and BLUE LABEL LABEL 38: 30 Half Pound Half Pound J. Lyons & Co. (Canads), Limited, Toronto social held in the Sunday School was fairly well attended. The follow- ing program by Oshawa talent, was one of worthy comment, the audience showing their apprecia- tion of good music, by splendid attention, which is always appar- ent when a program of such high order is given. The opening num- ber by the orchestra of five pieces including two violins, cel- la and trumpet, the former in- struments being played by Messrs. Ayling and Kinder, and the latter two instruments by Mr. Von Gunten 2nd H. C. Car- nell, with Mrs. Carnell at the piano, The second number was a vocal solo by Mrs, Halewood, whose pleasing song and voice cdlled for an encore. Mr. Hale- wood's vocal number was the next on the program and was also encored, The fourth number was sirumental trio with Mrs. Kinder and Mrs. (violins) accompanied Carnell a the plano. Mrs. A. C, Cameron's first vocal selection was "Smiles", with Mrs. Kinder playing the ob- ligato on the violin, with plano accompaniment. The appreciation of this number called for an en- core also. Mr. Reg. Terrett's humorous numbers were loudly applauded and added variety to the even- ing's program, The second part of the pro- gram consisted of orchestra music, solos, and duets, by Mr. and Mrs. Halewood, trumpet solo, by H. C. Carnell, solo by Mrs, Cameron and humorous songs by Mr, Terrett. God Save the King was used in closing, A social half hour was spent during the serving of refresh- ments. It is said that varfety is the spice of life, and with the variety of Na- tionalities, Churches talents, per- sonalities, etc, that was display- ed during the program on Mon- day night, that was also full of variety, the spice was there in a generous quantity, The W.C.T.U. meeting was held at the home of Mrs, CYas. Kerslake on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Jobn Bennett, Bowman- ville, visited relatives in the vil- an in- by Mrs. {lage on Monday. The subject for discussion at the Young People's League on Friday pight {is "The Farn and His Place in Community Life." KEDRON NEWS Kedron, Oct. 12--A pleasant ev- ening was spent in Kedron church on Thursday evening when the Kedron Women's Association and their husbands entertained about fifty of the Columbus congregation. Mrs. S. Jewell, the efficient presi- dent, called the gathering to order and expressed the plea#re of the Kedron association for such a fine Ayling ' attendance and having them all with us for a social evening, The meeting opened by singing "We Have Heard the Joyful Sound", fol- lowed by prayer by Dr. Cooper. Mrs. Everett Mountjoy read the Scripture lesson. Dr. Cooper then capably fulfilled the duties of chair- man when the following program was given by the visitors. Piano solos by Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe and Miss Maude Cooper; Readings by Miss Doris Nesbitt and Miss Emily Lawrence; Vocal Duets, by Miss Gertie Webber and Mr. Koy Rat- cliffe and Mr, Stanley Webber and Mr. Roy Ratcliffe; Vocal solo by Miss Margaret Dearborn and violin selections by Mrs, 1H. L. Pascoe and Mr, Walton Pascoe accompan- ied by Mrs, Wallace Scott. All these numbers were well received and much enjoyed. An interesting contest was put on and a bount;- ful lunch served to over one hun- dred and a social hour followed. Mrs, John Nesbitt and Mr. Hiram Dearborn tendered a vote of thanks and appreciation for the invitation and entertainment. Mr. Fay Conlin spent the week end and holiday with friends in Windsor and Detroit, Mr, John Mountjoy spent a few days with relatives at Blackstock and Nestleton, Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Lee, Donald and John, Arnprior, and Mr 'Frank C, Lee Ottawa, were week- end and holiday guests of Mr. and I Mrs, F. W, Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman and Irene were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Naylor, Solina, to a Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Con- lin on Sunday, ~ Mr, Gordon Davis who is attend- ing Peterboro Normal School has been visiting at his home here for a few days A number from here attended the Thanksgiving services at Columbus on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Mountjoy and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ross, Columbus Mrs. E. Davis was a guest of Miss Margaret Scott, Columbus, Mrs. J. Nesbitt, Oshawa, has bee spending a few days with hel daughter, Mrs, EK. Davis. Misses Madeline and Doroth Conlin, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Conlin's on Sunday, : Miss Mildred Cole, Orono, Mis Marie Cole and Miss Crago, Tam worth were week-end and holida guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. 1, Cold Misses Mary and Lillie Lytld Toronto, were holiday guests © Mis Juan Mountjoy. Mr. aud Mrs. Ross Lee wer be 2.5 va uf. anid Mrs. ALL, Stain ton at a thanksgiving dinner o Mgnday. Miss Beatrice Mountjoy visited on Sunday with her cousin, Mis Maxine Pereman, Columbus, A missionary service will be hel in Kedron church on Sunday even ing, Oct, 18th, at 7 o'clock. Mr Carscallen of Whitby will be th peaker. Miss Leah Garfuw 0 Oshawa, will sing. 'Lhe collectio will be in aid of the W.M.S, wor Messrs, Gordon and Ralph Davi visited with sir. and Mrs. Ernes ~esbitt, Columbus, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lee were din ner guests ot Mr, and Mrs. Wal lace Scott, En#eld, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Adams an Pearl, ushawa, spent Monday a Mr. Leslie Hancock's. The scholars or the public school enjoyed a holiday 'Lhursday ang Friday while the 'teachers were at tending the Teachers' Convention. Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, spen the week-end and holiday at he home here. Miss Ruth Cole was a week-end and holiday. guest of Miss Knigh at Port McNickle, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. VanDykd Mr, and Mrs. Earle VanDyke and Miss llazel VanDyke were recen guests of Mr. and Mrs, Georg VanDyke, Darlington and Mr. an Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Lee, M Frank Lee, Mr. and Mrs. A. HR Scott and family visited Mr. Jame Scott, Columbus, Sorry to report Mrs. Wm. Har vey is still in Little Britain Hospit al and is not improving as rapid! (Continued on page 8) ROE TS. Children's Singing; Three prizes for clowns. during the afternoon. Cobourg Kiltie Band. | F.J. SLADE, Pres. rhe RRL ad Pep gs ct 7 A ENEATH FAIR Oct. 15 and 16 I -st Big Fair of the Season + wAUE TO MEET YOUR FRIENDS 100 special prizes including: Baby Show; Dog Show; Cat Show; Public Speaking; Oldtime Fiddlers' Pitching; Gravel Loading Contest; Slow Horse Race; Call to dinner by lady; New Royal Game (knock off the cowsbreake fast) the first time introduced in Canada. . Contest; Horseshoe ¥ Four big races (see Prize List). : Reid's sound car from Belleville will broadcast events Bert Johnston Fun Show at night. Admission to grounds, 35¢ and 25c¢, vehicles 25c. All children under 10 years of age free. C, W. VARCOE, Sec. EE TY EI Rr. rs Fare Autumn Excursions October 7th to October 25th Reduced $1.30 Toronto Return Reduced return fares to Toronto from all points on Gray Coach Lines Routes. Genosha Hotel Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA Phone 2828 Men who do a day's hard work week need the strength provided by the nourishing ingredients in Canada Bread} building For Strong Men six days a qualities