Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Sep 1931, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1931" PAGE THREE in the semi-finals acd losing oul . CONIC HELD BY in the consolation. LEGION PICNIC THE WHITBY DAILY TIMES 4 The Oshawa bowling club plan to hold a tourney at the local Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Thompson; 3, I+. Mathews. Boys, 3-legged race: 1, R. Cooper THE HENRY FAMILY greens on Wednesday, September i i 16. Three games will be plave Whitby Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle. ~Telephone y starting at 1.30 in the after- and AV. Gillies: 2. W. Mitchell and 2. After Business Hours--Phone 359. -- noon. Two games wu be Vaved G. Stiar; 3, WV. Perkins and R, Fud- EPRESEN : se. | in the afternoon and one in the GREAT SUCCESS ger, ®" SENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON Large Gathering From Dis-| [| [17 ° » i Be otball: Kicking, mer. 'woli by D. Walking race, 1 mile: 1, J. Aylett; 2, A. Bell; 3, J. Everett. 75 yard race for men over 5 years of age: 1, J. Graves; 2, W, 1 ceived back from the Federal government, the town had to foot (Continued from page 1) Thompson and W. McNab. Near Oshawa TOWN COUNCIL tl Paces hovabied Too 1 Late to Classify ool. Picking, alifes, won ty MEETS TONIGHT Mrs. H, Foote, Much Business To Come Before Town Legis- lators Whitby Town Council meets tonight in regular session, and there is much important business on the docket as the session is the first regular one to be held for some weeks. During July and August regular meetings were held only once a month, ; The chief item for discussion will probably be that of the local unemployment situation. If it is the intention of the town to un- dertake civic work for unemploy- ment relief on which it is desired to get government assistance, the Council will have to forward its work programme and application for financial assistance to Mr, El- lis at the Parliament buildings before long, as to date over 75 other municipalities have taken this step. Last fall and winter the Town of Whithy expended over $40,- 000 to provide work for its job less citizens, and while a small portion of this money was re- the greater portion of the bill and add to its debenture debt. Just what can be done this win- ter will have to be determined by the Council. It may be that the town's relief bill will be larger this winter than last, but for the next few weeks it is expected that quite a lot of work will be available, SAFETY LEAGUE GIVES LECTURE School Children Meet in Town Hall on Wed. Afternoon Under the auspices of the On- tario Safety League, the school children of Whitby, with the sanction of the Board of Educa- tion, will attend an illustrated lecture to be given in the Town Hall on Wednesday afternoon of this week, by Mr. P. B. Letrobe, an official of the League. The lecture is part of the annual Safety Programme-given in the public and separate schools of the town, and is in the interests of safety and accident prevention among school children. In past vears the Town Hall has been packed for the lecture, and with the co-operation of the Bcard of liducation and school teachers it expected that there will be no exception to the rule on Wed- nesday. In former years representatives of the League have visited the various schools speaking to the children. The better plan, how- | fever, is to have them all together | James, Willia and Jesse, in one hall where one speaker | > an lecture and throw on a Members of the late Rov. John Henry's family arvized from near and far yesterday jo tne home of Warren Dearborne, Bloor Street West, to take part in the sixth annual picnic and re-usion of tho Henry family. For the first time in six years the re.union was held in Oshawa. Over one hun- dred and twenty were presenti at thie happy gathering. There were members of the family from Deckerville, Michigan; Scoter, New York, Albany, New York; Buffalo, Belgrave, Ontario; Can- nington, Preston, Georgeiown, Port Perry, Bowmanville, Tor- onto .and Oshawa and other piaces. Two of the oldest mem- bers of the family living were at tne picnic yesterday. They were Mrs. J. L. McGill of Oshawa and Robert Henry of Belgrave, On- tario. To both great respect was paid during the day and they vere given the places of honor. A warm welcome was extended to the large assembly of guests by Mr. Dearborne as lost for the dey and as president of the pic- niet committee. While all were seated at the large family table on the lawn, the election of offi- cers for the next year took placa, and Donald Henry, of Deckervile, Michigan, was elected president. Dr. F. L. Henry was elected to the executive. Some of the older members of the Henry family formed themselves into a cows mittee to make up a history of ite Henry family in Canada anu of even the more distant ances- tors in England, The family assembled yester- day were all connected in some way with the late Rev. John Henry who came from England and for the greater part of hie life lived in the big stone house near the alke, It is the sam? clone house that stands now at Lake view Park. His three sons were | LOCAL BOWLERS ROOMS TO RENT IN WHITBY, furnished or unfurnished. All conveniences. Comfortable home. Use of piano. Phone Whitby 579. (hTc) FOR SALE -- SIX ROOMED brick house and garage. All con- veniences. Wash room in cellar. North end. Cheap for cash, or will exchange for bungalow. Phone 1193W, (57¢) Coming Events MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, Ross' Corners. Phone 2894. (57h) NEW WESTMOUNT PAVILION, dancing nightly. Admission 10¢, Dance be. (67a) NEW WESTMOUNT PAVILION, Thursday, Sept. 10, Special en- gagement, Noel Allen with his colored orchestra. (57¢) BORN ANDREWS--On Sept. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Andrews, a daughter. Both doing well. (h7a) DON AND WOOD DISQUALIFIED (Continued from page 1) below the river's surface. Unconscious, Don was pulled from the water. One mechanic, Dick Platford, climbed to the cap- éd hoat how as it rose from the water; R arne Platford { 1 water In Last atten. Men's 100 vards -dash: 4, F. Sturch; 2, H. Wilson; 3, E. Warne. Slow Walk Branch: 1, A. Bell; 2, H. Clark; 3, R. Collison. Slow Walk Executive: 1,'R. Gib- bie; 2, J. Aylett; 3, D. Thomas. Slow Walk Ladies: 1, Mrs. Buck- ley; 2, Mrs. T, Gladman; 3, Mrs. A Gladman. Singel Ladies' 75 yards: 1, L. Carey; 2, N, Saunders; 3, L. Wil- liams, Married Ladies' 50 yards: 1, Mrs, Langfield; 2, Mrs. Harmer; 3, "is. Parrish, Girls, under 7 years: 1, H. Bow- den; 2, A. Kirtley; 3, L. Wilson. Boys, under 7 years: 1, D, Bouck- ley; 2, E. Everett; 3, F. Sweeney. Girls, 7 to 10 years: 1, E. Watson; 2, L. Donegan: 3, E. Grimshaw, Boys, 7 to 10 years: 1, T. Mur- phy: 2, A, Hyde; 3, R. Alchin. Girls, 3-legzed race: 1, A. Harmer and E. Parrish; 2, Mrs, Kirtley an' Miss Williams; 3, Mrs. Grimshaw and Mrs, Alfred. Soda biscuit eating contest: 1 Mrs, Kirtley; 2, Mrs. Grimshaw; : Miss D. Lee. Ladies' shoe race: 1, 1.. Carey; 2, Mrs, Warne; 3, R. Fudger. Men's wheelbarrow race: 1, H. Wilson and F. Sturch; 2, J. Everett and E. Warne, 3, D. Brown and W. McNab. u Sack Race ladies: 1, Mrs. Harm- er; 2, Mrs. E, Langfield; 3, Mrs, | 'arrish, Sack Race, boys: 1, R. Cooper; 2, W. Perkins; 3, R. Fudger. Sack Race, men's:1, J. Everett; 2, A. Bell; 3, G, Thompson. KING AND PRINCE REDUCE INGONFS TO HELP COUNTRY His Majesty Asks For Re- duction of $250,000 in His Allowances ' Detroit, Mich., Sept. 8.--Gar Wood, American speed ace, to- day admitted he deliberately tricked Kaye Don, British chal- lenger, into a premature start in vesterday's second Harmsworth Trophy race, to disqualify his boat, Migs England II. Prior to the race, Wood re- quested a 45 minute postpone- ment to repair a newly discover- | ed gasoline tank leak. Don re- fused the request and the race started. "When they told me 1 could- {n't have it," Wood said "I made up my mind I would show Don a trick or two. We soldered up the spot hurriedly "I planned the start, T said 1 | would be over the line first if I were a minute ahead of the gun and if Don wanted to follow, that was his business, Everything went off just as we planned', RED ROSE TEA ZR CWOICE BLENDS = Red Label & Orange Pekoe REGISTRATION ~ NOW OVER 1000 Oshawa Collegiate And Vo- cational Institute Has Record Enrolment pupils have now A total of 1,008 cominercial depart 5 an enrolment of ys' technical departme will exceed 1,100 wit OBITUARY BETTY JOAN PHILLITS Betty Joan Phillips, age 10 menths, infant daugater of Mr, und Mrs, Oscar Phillips, 31 Jol:n St., passed away at the Oshawa General Hospital Fridav after neon, Her death comes as 4 great shock to her parents. Although sick a week, her conditipn was not considered serious until Thursday afternoon. The funeral was held Saturdav ¢fternoon and - was largely ate tended by friends and relatives. Rev. E. Harston conducted the services at the home and at the grave, The floral tributes were as follows: Vreath, Mother and Father; Mr. and Mrs. Codlin; Aunt Ted, Uncle Bill, and Anne, Dorothy and irace, Mrs. Walker, Ladies Aux- "| iliary Canadian Legion, Mr. and Mrs. Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. Gibner, Mr. and Mrs. W, French, Miss O. B. French, Mrs. McKercher and Mrs. McNally. ¢reen moving pictures showing | r i low many accidents occur and lew they may be avoided, WON PRIZES AT Ler en hem, PORT HOPE EVENT from t time expressing oifered no made no terrific 1 refused to remain in rs pital hed and tened it71 where his E. J. Goodman's rink of Osh ie x awa was successful yesterday in |' : : hg w.nning the consolation prize 1 ] : the fall tourney at Port Hope. |, "be rink was eliminated from | tHorhi i hag , : | the primary competition 'n the | M5108 Be 8 in cemi-finals but went on in the Yow( amazed as e consolation to take the honors, | of W. | VISION & COMFORT | . Eyesight Service ! OC. H. TUCK, Opt. D. ! | Disney Block Phone 1516 Deus racers were talen ashore 4 v 6 Vood had won again, or if Miss OUR SERVICE 1S MORE Tt 5 Ying Jas composed noo | America VIII did not finish, the | VALUABLE -- EOE ind r ORNS | {opny remained in the United | lo you, if, needed, than you eon 11 > in all foas DD: hiFiyoale | States by virtue of the removal { appreciate until you experience it. You 3 : as J7.. 0 | of the British challenger, By his | may not be conscious of any eye de rinks in the tourney, one of the |, analification, Don had removed | fect. But that doesn't necessarily mean iargest that has ever be-n held ,: " "etn all the races for this that all is as it should be with your in Port Hope. Five Oshawa i I Im a e races { | eves. The doubt should cause you to ritiks took. part.in the tourney ( and, in addition had lost his ti .o be & patient of ours. id * { #hip which had established = the C. C. Stenhouse an: his rink be- | ,. 1 coord for the world ing eliminated from the primary | *' p11 4) Wood. the Gray For, led Don across the line, deliber- ately dizqualifying his ship' in the » that Don would follow nd be barred {rom any fur- competition? Wood had lisqualified himself in any Harmsworth: race before, he had flashed across the line vide open nearly ten full seconds ahead of the gun. And by go do- ing he put his one boat out of the race but left George Wood in Miss America VIII to go on to the finish. Outclassed in First Race Wood, on the start throughout the race and by sheer speed had been hopelessly beaten the previ- ous day. Yesterday, performing an error which he had never made before, he had disqualified himself and led his British rival or into similar disqualification. And TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS ii go ER ment, Don had crashed and sent his boat to the bottom of the : river. : A & P Coffee Trio In the meantime, while the Special Low Prices All This Week huge crowds paid practically no ib. 35¢ Red Circle mw. 29e || iii be 8 O'CLOCK going on to the finish, At an aver- Rich, Full Flavor Ib. 25¢ AYLMER BRAND ASSORTED age speed 350 miles lower than A Pure Santos SOUP our 3um25 Don had travelled the previous - TOMATO 2 tins 15¢ : day when he had broken every Harmsworth record, George Wood RICE rancy Blue Rose 2 ms. 1 1 gr RAISINS sus suttana 200. 21 are proud of their catch, and by Value giving, as interpreted by A & P Food Stores, is to offer the utmost in good, wholesome quality at prices that assure you of substantial savings. Bokar The Coffee*Supreme LOGAL ANGLERS HAD GOOD FISHING (Continued from page 1) throwing itself into the air and shaking the bait like a terrier shakes a rat, these two fisher- men had a large audience from among the other campers at this popular resort. They had no gaff, or landing net, the big fish only being finally subdued by repeat- ed blows over the head with the tiller of the rowboat. Naturally these two fishermen BUYING DOLLAR Will Go Much Farther If You Read The MERCHANTS' ADS IN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES HAMBURG sTEAK houses have to be covered with 2 ibs. 25¢ |} Special This Week! A & P went around the coursa to com- plete the trip and win the heat. BEST LOIN RIB : PORK CHOPS tb. 23¢ FRESHLY GR OUND %o Heans all of it was brought db. §e | Jen et fi anu bin u hat the ports for the boat CHOI ] SIR TENDER CUTS ) shee} ron or She fish knaw IRLOIN STEAK wm. Ye firmer ni vam WEINERS So Whole Wheat Bread ge 1 Jc The ° : _offe Te ce Atlantic aciic co. LIMITED, OF CANADA a ; AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 1082w DAYOR NIGHT Oshawa Burial Co. M. F. Armstrong & Son Proprietors

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