Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Aug 1931, p. 2

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TWO A | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AU ng GUST 12, 1931 & . 3a o and Durham County News OF HAMPTON. Intereating Program of Mu: . Fer Sports Festure of ther, a splendid crowd, numerous sports, and filled baskets, were some of the importaht features, that helped to make the Women's Institute picnic, on Wednesday, Aug. bth, a huge success. The singing of the Institute ode was the opening number, on the program of their regular meeting, over which the president, Mrs, W, W. Horn, presided. During the business period, it was decided that the Institute agi In er or spoke very interestingly. of fhe work of the institute. ? Lg The m of sports, which? followed, was engaged in very en- thusiastically by the children and ddults. The first race was for girls, 5 years and under and first, second and third prizes were awarded to Frayne Johns, Jean Cowling and Keith Peters. ! Girls, 8 yrs. and under-- Bertha Armour, Marion Johns and Flor- ence Rundle, : Boys, 8 yrs. and under--Freddy Payne, Lewis Trull and Harry M; "Adcock, orders, Jackso K: K Twitchell, Mrs. W. H. Mrs. J. Clarke. artyn. By Girls, 8 to 13 yrs. Betty Knox, | d foven) BurdieMerin Virtue, © - Bi ohn son, Rah ev shen 470 Tommie Jae x, Pencil on lip (open) -- Betty Ruox, Ruth Stevenson and Donald dcock. Grandmothers' Race -- Mrs, Gay and Fat. Women's race----Mrs, Herb, Rundle Mrs, Lorenzo Trull and rs. Harol Salter Kicking shoe~Mrs. Run- le, Mrs, Trull and Mrs, Salter. £3 (Miss L. Horn, CorrésPondent) Hampton, Aug. 10.--Ideal wea- ---------- chasing new uniforms girls' soft ball team. The district Cowper, Orono, was present, and R. Colwill and Muriel Scott, president, Mrs, Boys, 8 to 13 yrs.--John Vir- tue, Jimmie Adamson, Donald 3 Bc Aoi oN hc Mn RRL DOLLAR DAYS Thursday - Friday - Saturday NEW LOW PRICES -- BUY NOW AND SAVE GIRLS' BEACH PYJAMAS, Sizes 1to§ $1.00 YEArs i .ecensasiens NON RUN SILK PANTIES AND BLOOMERS, $1.00 GIRLS' PULLOVER SWEATERS, Sie 8 to $1.00 4...... o rivins 40 Plain BROADCLOTH HOUSE DRESSES, sizes 36 to 40, $1 00 for ai... White ANGORA WOOL, Btls, oxo racist 35 $1.00 PRINTS AND BROADCLOTHS 36 in. wide. 5 yards tetas sees $1.00 PURE LINEN TOWELLING, wide colored border, 24 in. wide. $1 00 5 yards . . $1.00 RAYON SILK plain nes $1.00 36 in. wide, 5 yds. . . . . .. FUJA SILK, Red, Navy, Rosewood and Grey, 5 yds. 3 garments . . BOYS' GOLF HOSE, all sizes, 3 pairs ........ $1.00 LADIES' SILK GLOVES, reg 98¢ to $1.25. $1 00 2pairsfor ...i...... $1.00 Children's WHITE LISLE STOCKINGS, 3 pairs . . FRILLED CURTAINS, complete with valange and tie backs: $1 P . I § 2 er pair .... MA-.MA DOLLS, smartly @1 dressed, each .......... 1.00 Kiddies' JERSEY SUITS, sleeveless styles, sizes 1 to 3. $1.00 BROCADED SILK SCARFS OR RUNNERS, reg. $1.75. $1 00 DR EE FLAT CREPES good of shades, yd. .... HEMMED COTTON SHEETS, 2 x grand $500 FEATHER PROOF TICKINGS, 33 hii nu $100 renee $1.00 DRAPERY CRETONNES, pretty 3 yards Vg to 50c. $1.00 AWNING DUCK, Green and White, Brown and White stripe. $1 00 3yards .... .. $1.00 SCOTCH FINGERING YARN, all colors, Ib. . . .. W. A. Dewland Ltd. OSHAWA a Driving the pail.--~Mrs. Rundle (booby prize) and Vera Kerslake Bottle drinking--Mrs, Charlie Johns, Olga Cowling and Helen Knox, 3g = the relling-pin.-- Ray Cowling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowling, won first prize in the baby show, the judges, being Nurse R. Clatworthy and Mrs, Henry Clayton. y The youngest baby prize was awarded. to Donald White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will White. Under 1 year--~Ray Cowling, 1 year and over 2 years-- George Allin, t and box-hitting contest 'Helen Knox, #, : Mr, and Mrs: Albert Gay and babe, Toronto, visited the form- er's parents, on Sunday. Pe 'Sun school was fairly well attend a Sunday morning, also the chu service in the evening, when Rev. Geo. Mason, Bowman- aville, acEupled the pulpit in the absence of Rev. J. R. Bick, choos. ing the words of the 11th: verse of the 68rd chapter of Isaiah for his text, * shall see of the tra- vail of his sol), and shall be sat- isfled; by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many, for he shall bear their ini- quitfes.'"" Migs Lillian Jebson as_ sisted the choir with a vocal solo, 'Rest in the Lord." 'The weather on Sunday and Monday 'was very unsettled with showers. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ranton and Margaret, who have been spend- ing the week at the home of Mrs. W. J. Virtue, returned to Tren- ton, on. Saturday. Mrs. John Ranton returned with them after visiting her daughter for several weeks, Mrs, Black, Bowmanville, is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,: W. H.Gay. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Cowling and family called on friends -at Stouffville, Unjonville and Mark- ham, on Sunday. W, W. Horn was in Toronto, on business on Monday Mr, Clarence Sm Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs, Ida $male, on Sunday. Mrs. James Jebson fis visiting her son, Cyril,' at London, Mr. and Mrs. Alljn, Bowman- ville, are occupying Mrs. W. J. Master Billy Dojdge, Oshawa, accompanied by two other com- .Clemen's house for a few months, panfons, ealled on relatives in the village, on Sunday. They made the journey on foot with the ex- ception of 'a few miles, which they covered by motor, through the kindness of some friends. Judging by occasional visits Bill has : cle, on foot the deka, outings seem to have some attraction in this district. DARLINGTON Regular ing of Darli Council held 'this August 1 with members all present. Reeve G. F. Annis in the chair, Minutes of last meeting were read and 'on motion of C. A. Blanchard and C, M. Carruthers were adopt- ed as read. 'W. J Staititon addressed the council stating that his son had killed a dog that was found" worry- ing his sheep and asked that he be aid a Soa fee of $5.00 dor Mill fa oe and C, M. Carruth he was paid the 2 amoun te wi Susinon @ claum for sheep damages of which 'he was paid. The' bills were all read and on notion' of A, W. Annis and C. A. Blanchard were ordered to be paid. Communications were read and ordered filed. Lt, H Richards, road superintendent, 'presented his re- port for July and votichers No. 17, 48, and 19, which: were accepted and on motion ot A. 'WW. Annis and C A. Blanchard the vouchers ordered to be paid. A. L, Pascoe introduced a' By- Law to fix the rates of taxation for 1931. It was given its several read- ings and on motion of € Car- ruthers and A. W. Annis was ord- ered to be signed, sealed and num- bered, 7 The County rate being lower than last year, also the Township rate is 1 mill less than last year. The following orders were draw on the Treasurers » W. J. Stainton, sheep damages, 2 lambs, $10.00; Milton Stainton, kill. ing dog, $5.00; Miss N. E. Neads, Insurance on booth, $4.00; E. L MacNachton, 50 per cent mainten- ance H. S. Shuttleworth, at Toronto General Hospital, $21.00; J. Baker, sheep inspection, $2.80; J. C. Dud. ley drawing 1 load weod Mrs. Sav. age, $1.50; J. H. Mutton, welding inspector, $57.50; Mrs. Hatherley, Wpplies Mrs. Savage, $310; Dr. C. . Slemon, services assist. M, O. H., $41.67; F. R, Kerslake disinfect- ing candles, $6.05; N, R, Phair and Son, supplies Mrs, Savage, $12.57; W. Wi Hor, supplies Norwich fam- ily, $11.41; Bell Telephone Co. ser- vige charges, $245; F. G. Kerslake, work in park, $22.20; J. D. Hogarth, stationary and postage, $2.35; W, E. Stevens, killing of 2 dogs, $10,00; Chas. P, Davis, grant to South On- tario Agriculture Society, $25.00; E. A. Summers, Agri. Rep, grant plow- ing nmtch, $10.00; T. We Richards, salary and supplies, $14440; T. H. Richards Road Construction, $2,213. 73; T. H. Richards, road mainten- 'ance, $886.52, Council adjourned to meet Satur- day, September 5th, at 1 o'clock. J. H. HOGARTH, Clerk. COLUMBUS NEWS (Mrs, T, Cook, Correspendent) Columbus, Aug. 11,--Miss Nellie Longhurst spent a few days with Mrs, Jobn Guy, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Tink of New Jersey, visited at Mr. Arthur Grass' and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Richardson, Mr. and Mrs, Russel Richardson and family, Ashburn, called on rel- atives in this vicinity on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiison, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Henry Wilson's on Sunday. : Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, David McKenzie, who were married on Thursday last, Misses Bernice, Stella and Gladys Blair are spending their hollidays at their uncle, id Blair, Greenbank. Miss Doris Nesbitt, Mildred and Gertrude Webber haye returned from camping at Stephenson's Point Scugog. were "Civilization begins when one man can rely on the solemnly given pledge of another,"--Andre Maurois "The art of friendship is the greatest art of life."--Lord Bryce. RH AWANAER "The legal profession is either all roses and no bed or all bed and no roses."~Sir John Simon. "No one imagines the present so- cial structure ideal, but very few care to risk losing what they have on the vague promise of acquiring more."--Bruce Barton. |. + CHEVROLET + 14 models listing from $610 to $040 ot factory, taxes exiva. The most popular cor In Canada, « PONTIAC « 6 medals, listing from $875 to $1,015 ot factory, toxes extra. Over 40 points él, of rubber insulation in the chassis abe | sorb engine vibration, noise and road : OL DSMOBILE « & modbly, listing from $1,085 40 $1,230 faxes extrs. Includes such 2. MCLAUGHLIN - BUICK at 4 i 2 listing from $1,290 Yo $2,660 out f 10 MeLaughlin-Bulck ownels buy + 'MelLoughlin-Buicks again and again. + CADILLAC Over 0 models available, ranging from the Cadillag V-8 of $3,520, to the . Codilloc V-12 o$5.130 and up to. the Vilé with custom bodies for | - oJ $18000 and mere. All prices at fac NG faxes extra. More then 8 A /. 141) 3 i: 3 ; Lr ig silay fi FTE rE | / £ ie Be 8 H "She left this for you," he ended, the envelope from his t and it over, "I'm there's some clue In it." Doctor Carrick the envel- op. It contained & blank sheet of paper and a bank-note for twenty dollars. ! He dropped the envelope and pap- er on the floor and Hamilton bent and ed them up, ay I have these?" he asked. and Carrick got up and strolled-around the room, in the manner of mer. who think best on their feet, "You're sure ne ons else called on t. "Not to my knowledge. The tele- phone was in the sitting-Yoom vhere I was reading, so I'd have heard fit, and I suppose any eard or guest would have come to the sitting-room door," Hamilton sald, "Probably," Carrick took another turn, while Hamilton sat still and gloomily watched him, "Then what's back of it?" he mut. tered, "Just panic?" In her condi tion she might easily have been afraid of me, and of the nurse, too; efi fe byt i I (pi i it i LH | {MISS NOBODY FROM NOWHERE £3 emi y Elizabeth Jordan. 'will Jot you kn : ¥ f 1 oy g | f i 0 BE i Sf gg" 3 i 35 at If ERE 4 iE HH E : i : ] ga x E k ) Hs 2 5 i I i zs 5 & 5 3 2 25 ; over the threshold and out the hall, closing the door behind It was in Paris they had met, the explained, in the little Hotel Voltaire of the Qual Voltaire on the left bank, when Mademoiselle had spent the winter there three it was four years ago. surprising that Mademoiselle did not remember him. he humbly ad- mitted. He himself had then been of an unimaginable unimvortance-- not even her waiter, but merely a walter's boy. Stl. in that lowly capacity, he had dally seen Mad- emollselle. and once or twice had done small services for her such as carrying notes to her friends. Despite his Gallic courtesy, it was clear that he was disappointed bv her failure to recognize him, and Eve sourht ta soothe his hurt nride by 8 lareer fee than the cot-bring- ing justified. while with an increas. ing tremor she considered what the encounter might mean fo her. The young Frenchmen would earn much mere than a fifty.eent tib before their interview ended. but the in. stinét of caution develoned in her during the nast few hours made her quiet her singing nerves and move slowly. "And you have remembered my here the entente between them, so agreeable up till now, experienced a sudden chill, He flushed and stam- mered. It was incredible; it was unpardonable; he al himse! before her; but the fact was that Mademoiselle's name. Her face, of 557 ] pH 1] £x language, "Listen atten- tively. I have a plan and perhaps «YOu can help me, If you ean, I know you will for we were acquaint- ances in France," She | | decidents are the: ical faults."--Capt, ¥¥ I | with Mrs. for the moment he did remember, Jat "| Bowmanville. on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. J. Mountjoy. Ira 1. Mr. and a |v with "| Nesbitt, Columbus. to the best of his ability. Exe packed in seven Jinutss. was out of the 1 twenty. three minutes after she had left Hamilton. She walked across the next avenue and there picked up a taxicab. s (To be continued tomorrow) . EE -- COURTICE. NEWS Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Corresponden. Courtice, Aug. 10. = Rey, S. F. 4 Dixon and Mrs. Dixon, Millford, 'called on 'several old friends in Courtice last week. . Miss Beth Gay, accompanied by her . brothers Sam and Jack, and cousins. Harry. and Gordon Hrown motored to Woodstock Sunday, where Beth will spend two weeks' with her Aupt, : Mr. Ronald Courtice, Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Messrs Hugh and Jesse Short and Miss Marion of Torry Hill and Mr. Bert Short, Toronto, - were >unday visitors at A. J. Shorts and L. J. Shorts. Miss Aura "Toots" Brobks, of Lockwood Clinic, Toronto, is hok- daymg at honte, Mrs. Mary Jackson "and" Miss Gladys, 1loronto, Mrs, Florence Mason and Mrs, Annie Courtice, Bowmanvilie, visited at W. R. Cour- tice's recently, . We offer congratulations to Don- ald Courtice, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Courtice on passing his Lower School exams. Sunday the Rev. Mr. Shean of Toronto, delivered two. fine address- es on Prohibition Union. Next Sun- day the Sunday School session will be held at 1045 am. and the Church' service at 7 p.m. when Mr. Cedric Parsons will ogcupy the puj- it. p Do not forget the meeting of the W. M. 8. to be held in the Sunday School room on 'Thursday at -2.30 p.m, Standard time. Meeting in charge Mrs. Wil, Bickle's group. We are pleased to note that Mrs. A. I. Short has returned home from Bowmanville Hospital and is recov ering nicely. KEDRON NEWS (Miss Beatrice 'Mountjoy, Corres- pondent.) Kedron, Aug, 11. -- Miss Edith Peardon, Bowmanville, is. visiting W, L. Mountjoy, A number of the ladies ©f the Kedron Women"s' Associatibh met at the home of: Mz. and Mrs. Allan Lavis on Thursday evening to pre- sent to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Atkins and family, whose home was re- cently destroyed by fire, a miscel- lancous shower. Mrs. E. Mount- joy in a few words expressed to Mr, and Mrs, Atkins. the sympathy of the Association and presented to them many things including bedding, clothing, fruit and dishes which will help them start a new home. Mr. and Mrs. Atkins both express- ed their gratitude. to the ladies for their kindness, ' Mrs. Levis served a dainty lunch to all and a social hour followed. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Crossman and Irene: motored to Musselman's Lake recently, Miss Nora Werry, Mr, and. Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, Marion, Willa and visited with Mr, agd Mrs. Werry, Soiina. Mr. and, Mrs. Hiram 'Davis and family, London, visited on Thurs- day with the former's sister, Mrs. of JH, T. Cole. Mrs. Leslie Keith, Toronto, is vis- iting this week with Miss Berpice "Werry, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke and Mr. Bert Luke, visited at Mr. O. H. Luke's, Oshawa, on Sunday and at- tended Simcoe. St. United Church: Miss Sadie Fox, Oshawa, was a guest of Miss Marie Cole, ont Fri- y. Miss Nora Werty is visiting' her brother, Mr. Chas. Werry, Oshawa. Miss. Bernice Werry and Mrs. Leslie. Keith visited at Rev. "Roy Rickard's, Oakwood, on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. McCulloch, and Mrs. Heatlie, Orono, Dr. and Mrs. Heattie, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wallace - Scott, Enfield, !M#." and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, B anville, and Mr. and Mrs. rw ott, were recent guests of Mr.-and Mrs. Har- iy and M H ' rf. an rs. F. W. d family visited with ack os + Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. Mountj ; ; Columbus, 3 on Mondor th Mr. and' Mrs. , Mr. Fay ahd . Miss 'M e Conlin were in Toronto on Monday, Mr. Ortie Simth, Oshawa, visited, r. Gordon Davis on Tuesday, Mr: and" Mrs, Bruce McGregor baby, Oshawa, visited at A 4 ie' Tek ua rs. 0: . od 1s.. James" Cirtis, Bowsbavill, + | recently. : i} (Mn and Mrs. E. Davis and family Mz. and Mrs. Ernest Mr. and Mrs, F. Cross e on the litters rotor Mr. 7. : Mowntie, eh on lends, been quiterill, i : * "Even under socialism wages must be paid according to the work do and not according to. the, need the workers." Joseph Siete : 8 "Only two per cent of airplans of mech: rank Hawks, "The day's work is at the foun | tion of the world'; it is the basis our self-respect.""--Henry Ford. = ER or

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