EE GH) - Sa is STERR © ONTARIO NEWS cy Rigney, Crown has ordered an inquest to in connection with the d ath mn or ands of Ji iwhile the were. Wosdcueks at Crow Gan: re ese Sais a resi- ! i 'both Jess and Bis ba k injured abou this mo en he fel 'a scaffolding ground. McDonald; 2. was Worling hé same scaffolding, esca a few bruises, ts Injured When their motorcycle as) a car driven by Mrs. rou of # Kings Fred Tier- here wood Conway, of Nap- ; suffered' serious injuries and in the General Hospital. Both 'suffering from scalp wounds. frs. Cross escaped injury. Ves Drowned In Canal + Smiths Falls. --Thought to have fallen into the water while playing the park bordering the Rideau 'canal basin here, the body of Rus- sell Rosoborough, eight-year-old of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence borough was recovered at about 3 o'clock. on Tuesday afternoon Jiging to a close a search which tinued practically all night. Hold "Karnival" 'Belleville.--The Autumn season is just around the corner and with it comes the annual Kiwanis ival. On Tuesday the chairmanships for various committees were an- he Ko and with the list given out, Karnival should again be one of 'the events of the year's history in eville. The general chairman- , has been given to J. W. "Day- 'Davison and no member in the deserves the honor more than energetic worker. ISteamer In Trouble "_ Kingston. -- The tug Salvage "Prince of the Pyke Towing Com- goa was called at two o"clock on ednesday morning to go to the assistance of the steamer Maria ja, which cleared from this port 4 y. Just outside Trenton, as 'she was entering the harbor, ar, the Lydia, which is a Rab ter and owned by the ation Has Daion. Company (of Mon went on the mu t was ex- that she would be released Increased on, Partshouth Coungl a meeting on night fixed the tax rate for "lo31 at B mills, an increase of 6 mills over 30, when the rate e was 52 mills. gion will hold their. annual decora- tion service next Sunday afternoon, when, fol the Sustors of other years, they will place flowers on f [the graves of their deceased com- en " Be local cal cemeteries, Celebrate Mohawk awk Day e | DessontortCiic Holiday was a vy on en e- serve. Kan-yen-gah (Mohawk) Day was celebrated right royally at the Council House Erounds, under the auspices of the church wardens and advisory board of 'the parish. river Arrested Brockville--After it is alleged he had struck a car driven by Hubert Wiltsie, Brockvillie, on No. 2 high- way on Wedne! morning, and forced it into the ditch, injuring one of the occupants, Alex Tosh of Brockville, Alex McDonald, giving Kingston as his address, was placed under arrest on a charge of having failed to stop at the scene of an accident, and will be given a hearing in police court later in the day. Tosh is nqt seriously injured but the car turned on its side was badly damaged. ; Found Dead In Bed Kingstom.--Mrs. Charles Mitchell, daughter of the late Col. Phillips, one of the early: comman offic- crs of the 14th P. W. O. Riffes, was found dead in her room on Univer- sity avenue, Tuesday morning. She was 75 years old. Two sisters, Mrs. R. Mowat, Vancouver, and Mrs. Minnie Holden, Lowell, Mass., sur- vive. Major Eric Phillips, Oshawa, is a nephew. Other nephews and nieces reside in Islington and Tor- onto. She was associated with Syd. enham street United Church. Held R Fa Falls--The fifth annual regatta of Rosedale, Balsam Lake, was held on Monday, August 3rd, with a good attendance from out- side points, and proved as in form- er years an event of much interest and good success, Charged With "Crusty. Kingston.--As a result of an in- vestigation carried on Tuesday af- ternoon at Wilton by Inspector R. E. Ward, it was learned today that a farmer in the district mentioned will be summoned to court, charged with cruelty to a horse and it is stated that the charges if substan- tiated, constitute one of the most extreme cases of cruelty ever re- corded in this district. It is alleged that the accused pierced the horse's tongue with a fish hook or some other type of hook and that the at- tached a wire to the hook and with the use of the wire practically pull- ed the animal along the road. Liquor Store Robbed Deseronto. -- Between Monday night and Tuesday morning the local liquor store was broken into by thieves who made away with case goods of the store to the amount of $1,750.00. The thieves ening, | gained entrance through the back oor by cutting the heads off of ley | the bolts that held the clamps for track and field here on Monday, The ticket 3 drawn at the conclusion of the performance and word was ately sent to Mr. Degan. n EF messtngors arrived with the hey, found that Mr, De- was 'in a serious condi- at his So and that doctors that he will not recover. * Day : fohe-- Monier: f the Pem- rcke ems of the Pen. the amid. ona eo the cross bar. No trace of the thieves has yet been found by the local police, ii Lindsay.--information on the cost of threshing in Victoria County shows that the farmers are receiv- ing the services as cheaply as any in the province. While there are protests made in some places in the province that the cost has not been cut although grain is not worth nearly as much as formerly, Vic- toria County threshers have cut their prices as much as $5 in some cases, Work Held Up Campbellford. §-- The holding up of the work on the north end of the Campbeliford-Brighton highway be- tween Campbellford and Bradley's Corners was brought under severe discussion at the regular session of the Campbeliford town council last evening and action taken to see that this work is commenced in the near future with a view to helping out the Yastploypient situation in the town. Aviator In Trouble Peterborough. --Developing motor trouble while flying over this city an airplane thought to be owned by a flying tourist from the United States Jade a forced landing in a field n e corrier of Park street asd Wilson: avenue on Wednesday a4 Wh about 2 o'clock. The ma- chine was a light biplane of Ameri- can manufacture. Jig safe landing was made and: in less than ten minutes the aviator had completed repairs on his motor and was away again. A large group of curious spectators 'were attracted to n Ladies Won i tody were successful in winning fron s Se dy golfers from Naestowy, N at the Cataraque oy aw NY Sub sousse by a stare of 18 10 si Cae ch 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1931 i ADOPT REPORTS . IN CITY COUNCIL The reports of two standing cdm- mittees were adopted' by the City Council yesterday even'ng .at |its regular. meeting with practically~no discussion, These reports read as foluws: 5 Finance Committos "That a refund 'be made to R. S. Croft of ? the balance of Transient Traders' License standing to his credit amounting to 46, Mr. Croft being no longer in business, "That a refund of $18.08 be made to William Jones being the balance of Transient Traders' License stand- ing to his credit; Mr. Jones being no longer in business. "That no action be taken with respect to the application from Wil- liam Bodley now residing in Pres- cott, Ontario, for 'a refund of Ped- |® lar's License taken out March 17th, 1931, Board of Works "That the following sidewalks be constructed as local improvements: Clarke St., West Side, from Stace: Ave. to 8S. Limit Lot 302, Plan 145, Charles St. t side, from approx. 147 ft. South of King St., to 118 ft. South. Bruce St., North side, from approxim. 122 ft. East of Charles ot. to 150 ft. East. Prince St, West from approx. 87 ft. South of Richmoad St. to 4 ft 6 inches South. "That the following sidewalks be repaired : Bond St, South side, from Sim- coe St. to approx. feet west. Wilkinson Ave., South side, from Prospect St, to approx. 50 feet West. "Re letter from D, 7. Kean, Cotn- ty - Engineer re conditions of ap- proaches at Ross Road Bridge, we beg to state that the work is in rogress and these approaches are | eing fixed. "We have received a letter from the Canadian National Railways confirming prices as outlined by our City Engineer regarding costs in connection with Pavement and Side- walks at the sibway, which are as follows: 9 inch. Concrete Paving per sq. yard $3.00; Concrete Sidewalks per Ey squaye foot 20c.; Concrete Curb and Gut per lineal foot $1.40; Steel re-inforcing bars in place, per 1b. 57c.;{ Welded mesh re-inforcement in place, per sq. ft. 75c.; Expansion materjal at cost. "wd recommend that the account due the Canadian National Railways by the City of Oshawa as their share {re cost of subway to, May 1931 ificlusive amounting to. $21, 497.25 [> paid." $40,000,00 WORTH OF MEN'S AND BOYS' S COATS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, SOCKS, SWEATERS, NECKWEAR, HATS, CAPS, ETC. -- " A Smashing Price Crash on the Entire Stock -- Act Quickly! NSTON'S S, TOP- AND THROWN ON THE BARGAIN BLOCK IN A GIGANTIC STORE-WIDE STOCK DISPOSAL [SALE ! All Previous Selling Records Will Be Broken~--~Satu TO ADJUST OUR STOCK TO MEET PRESEN! MARKET CONDITIONS, WE'VE CUT, RIPPED AND Men's Shirts Snap into these shirt bar- Regular values to silk tles--good choose from at only ....o000 gains, Men Good assortment of separate and collar at- tached style--all sizes In the lot----while they last. 'Men's Topcoats Reg. to SILK TIES variety MEN FELT HATS 78¢ mens' to 39¢ ay! DAY * SLASHED PRICES TILL NOTHING REMAINS BUT MERE 'S $8.50 Never a sale like this! Mens' genuine fur felt "Dan Dobbs" sizes--newest shapes--out they go at 3.95 lino" hats, and all Values to $25.00 Come and see these toproats, you will be amazed---The best BM of imported fabrics, | in this season's the cast peice, styles out at 8 fpaction of tailored MEN'S CAPS '"'Borsa- MEN'S ARROW SHIRTS REG. TO 1.95 Out they go! Mens' "'Ar- row Brand" shirts, collar attached and 2 separate collars--Wfll go at this sensational $2.65 or each 1.39 A wonderful range of imported tweeds, all newest patterns and shades--Reg. $1.75 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S § SUITS 20 only--Cambridge Brand Sulls--The great- est achievement in value--giving this munity ever saw-----a wonderful assortment of fancy tweed and worsteds, All last word in style. Reg. up to from 14.75 sale price--clearing Saturday at 9.95 only MEN'S SILK TIES Beautiful assortment of men's silk ties--stripes, plain shades regular values $1.00, Clearing at ete., com- new stock. The 1 = price--2 for Men's Pajamas REG. TO 2.25 MEN'S FANCY HOSE Reg. 50c Men's fancy lisle and SHADOWS OF FORMER PRICES MARKED ! MEN'S ARROW; SHIRTS Another outstanding value --men's "Arrow Brand" shirts collar attached and two separate collars to match large assortment--all sizes now flannelette "Tooke" make, large as- sortment of stripes to choose from----all clearing at 69¢ Men's Sweater Coats Men's regular to $10.00 fancy club colours ni knit » 25.00, red sizes--hurry 50 SUITS--REG. TO $38.50 Your choice of the finest suits tailored by |. Cambridge and Society Brand. All hand tail ored, neatly finished-----suits that will bear the most critical inspection. Saturday Special 17.75 SUITS--REG. TO $45.00 "OAMBRIDGE AND SOCIETY BRAND" Knit" all offering of men's and Brand" Reg. to $4.50 wool, 8 plece jersey suits, sizes 2 to 6 years--your choice at :5.95 for ay Men's Soisette Combinations Another real value, "Arrow Brand" athletic combinations. Reg. values $1.50, now Men's Soisette 98c "Warren 2.15 Men's extra good quality pajamas, sizes, 1.39 1.79 BOY'S TWEED SUITS VALUES TO 8.50 Be here at 9 a.m. sharp for best choice--one lot of boys' fancy tweed suits, ages 4 to 8 years, clearing BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Here's real wvaluo-- Boy's "Tooke" shirt Whines sizes get bel shaleo ut 2 LEC for $1 or each out at this low price 3.95 CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS Sacrificed reason for quick selling boys' khaki and blue drill play suits, BOYS' 2-PANT SUIT Values to 12.50 selection of boys' high eres A a = . R bo 3