Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jul 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 27, 1931 * YT TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES il * Oshawa Cricket Club Defeated Toc H by Big Margin ! Falcon Ladies Lost Out to Lakesides in Heavy Scoring Bee Suce France 6 by their opponents, 1s ae in excellent form with th bat and ball, and gave & ri In am- re 64 runs, while Phillips was 3, far behind, scoring 57. George Dewberry also reached uble figures with a carefully played 15. Driver was the best of the Toc H. bowlers, securing wickets for 59 runs. "When the Toc H. team went to bat, the brilliant bowling of Mann quickly mowed down the wickets, his record being 8 wick- ets for 7 runs, an unusually fine bowling record. The whole side was retired for 26 runs, leaving Oshawa victors by a margin of 141 runs in one of the team's best displays of the season. Hodgkin- son, the other Oshawa bowler, had one wicket for 9 runs. x3! Was Again Successful in Winning Trophy France %< Auteuil, France, July 27.--In a great finish, France yesterday on the Davis Cup for the fifth consecutive year. She beat back a determined bid by Great Lint- ain, in the challenge round, three matches to two, to assy. once more her world tennis superior- ity: It was the uncanny tennis "brains of 'little Henri Cochet which kept the cup--more bowl than cup--from crossing the Eng lish channel. In the first of the final two singles matches, Henry W. ("Bunny") Austin, of Britain had whipped the fading Basque veteran, Jean Borotra, 7T--5, 6-- 8. 3--6, 7--5 and brought the series count to two-all That left the issue squarely up to Co- chet. Far off his usual form ir his two previous cup matches and beaten earlier in the s¢ason by two lesser players, Cochet respon- ded to the hopes of thousands of wildly excited French tennis fans and beat the big Briton, Freder- ick J. Perry, in the deciding match, 6--4, 1--6, 9--7, 6--3. France thus for the fourth suc- cessive year successfully defend- ed the cup it won from the Unit- ed States, at Germantown, Pa., in 1927. Many Turned Away The Cochet-Perry match was an excellent finishing touch for the world's hard fought team classic. An anxious sporting erowd of 10,000 filled Roland Carros Stadium to see Periy hat- tle the world's No. 1 player. Lines formed before the gate to the st "dium as early as 8 o'clock yester- ~ day morning, some fans standing there two hours and a half before Defended Davis Cup Against England Whitby Won Easy Victory From Cobourg By four games to one, Whitby Tennis Club beat Cobourg, Satur- day afternoon, in a league fixture played on the local grecus. The Whitby Club has met with great success this season, and stands well up in the league champion- ship race. The game played, and scores, are as follows: : J. Irvine, Cobourg, heat A. Fel- tenstine, Whitby, in Cobourg's only win of the afternoon, by 3--6, 6--4, and T7--9. R. McArthur and J. Bascom, Whitby, beat W, Gonld and L. O'- Connor, Cobourg, 6--0, 6--0. W. Pollock and I. Davey, Whit- by, beat J. Stone and G. McDo- land, Cobzourg, 5--7, 6--4 and 7--5. Miss Q. Astley and Miss A, Cor- rell, Whitby, beat Miss P. Norton and B. Hugh, 6--0, 6--0. Miss N. Ross and H., J. Geale, Whitby, beat Miss M. Roberts and W. Field, 6--2, 6--2. Oshawa City Defeated - By Bricklayers, 3-1 Oshawa City travelled to Toron- to, on Saturday, to play Brick- layers in a league game and were without some of their valuable players. Bricklayers had the best of the game in the first half of the game and at half-time had a score of 2-0. The'second half, the City, 1 who were the best team, finished | the short end of the score, being Bricklayers, 3--Oshawa City, 1. GAMSBY'S RAMBLERS WIN AGAIN Orono, July 27.--Orme Gams- by's Ramblers appear headed for the championship of the Lake- shore Intermediate League. Sat- urday they defeated the Port Hope team 6 to 1 to take first place in the second series. The fame was evenly contested, with the exception of the third inning, when Orono tallied four count- ers to take the lead, which they never relinquished. R.H.E. Port Hope 100 000 000--1 4 1 Orono ...104 010 00x--6 11 2 Brockeshire, Wakeley, Russell and Brockeshire; Wills and Good- all, "Why so sad?" "I am insolvent." "How much have over to your wife?" "Nothing." "How much money have you invested abroad?" "Not'a penny." '"Man alive! You are not {in- solvent--you are ruined." you made reaching the ticket window. Sev- | era thousand disappointed ten- pis players were turned away, I From noon until Austin and | Borotra went on the courts at 2,15 the stadium was a lunch box. Girls, men and boys came PORT PAGE] mE ---- ce A TOYS GPORT SNAPSHOT T FALCONS MAKE IT CLOSE Playing in Toronto on Saturday Falcon Ladies made a splendid show- ing against the strong Lakeside tcam of the National League and should Lave won out handily. At the end of the seventh the score was 15 to 6 in favor of Lakesides but Falcons got down to serious business.and vushed 14 runs across the plate to tic up the game and take a lead of five runs. It was then that Lakcsides came to life and scored 6 runs in a sensational rally that gave them the game. Even though they did not win, Falcons are getting some experience and a line on the ability of the Toronto teams, * . » ». OSHAWA CITY LOSE, 3 TO 1 Minus some of their star players the Oshawa City Soccer Club bowed to the Bricklayers organization of Toronto at Greenwood Park on Sag- urday afternoon by a score of three to one. The local team were al- ways behind, but made a fine showing despite the handicap under which they were playing. * * . . WHITBY TENNIS CLUB WON Playing at home on Saturday the Whitby Lawn Tennis Team de- cisively defeated the Cobourg team by four events to one. The only event which was carried off by Cobourg was the men's singles which was won by Irvine in a bitterly contested three set match, 6-3, 4-6, 9-7. Feltenstine, the Whitby player, was leading in the final set 4-0 but could not hold his advantage and succumbed to the steady play of his oppon- cnt. In the other events Whitby had a decided margin and did not lose a game in the Women's doubles or second men's doubles. * » * * "BIG FOUR" GAME TO-NIGHT The big game that is attracting the interest of Oshawa fans to-night is the Falcons vs. Robson Leather tilt at the Motor City Stadium. Tan- nery are fresh from their victory over the highly rated Mike's Place tcam on Thursday night, and would like to take the game to improve their position in the standing, but Falcons may have ideas of their own. The game shapes up as one of the best. * * * * FRANCE DEFENDS TITLE SUCCESSFULLY Playing in. the style that has made him the star of French Davis Cup the past, Henri Cochet won thé deciding match in the chal- Britain yesterday in a gruelling feams in lenge round from F. J. Perry of Great four set match, 6-4, 1-6, 9-7, 6-3. The place of repose of the historic cup was entirely up to the brilliant Cochet, and he came through in a match that had the enthusiastic onlookers sitting on the edge of their seats. There is no gainsaying the fact that it was the uncanny tennis brains of the clever Cochet that retained the cup for France. * * LJ LJ] O.M.I. PLAY IN BROOKLIN TONIGHT Malleable Ladies' Soitball Team will play an exhibition game Brooklin this evening, at seven o'clock. . Brooklin are reputed to have a good team and should make it an interesting game. The home team liave a good pitcher in the person of Miss Mackey, who was seen in ac- tion in Whitby several weeks ago. She has a nice speed ball that had the Whitby batters up in the air, Malleables will be without the ser- vices of their star pitcher, Miss Pipher, but should g count of themselves, in a good * * * ¥ LADIES' FIELD DAY AT GOLF CLUB On Tuesday, July 28 (to-morrow) the ladies of the Oshawa Golf Club will hold a field day at the club. At 10.30 in the morning, the usual put- ting, approaching and driving contests will be held. At one o'clock (sharp) the draw will be made for the afternoon events which will con- sist of a president vs. vice-president match. Those wishing to partici- pate in the afternoon event are asked to be on hand before one o'clock. Ready For Any New "'Challenge fig re ¥ The new Seiberling Special Service tire was built in the spiit of preparedness--to Be ready for the challenge of any new heightss of motor car, power and speed that the * * AF-FIN-ITE--A remarkable new Seiberling compound has brought strength that will y take care of a score of miles added to present "top speed". per cent. tougher. Also, the tread is 35 per cent. deeper in anticipation of new "long- There is more traction than is needed for safety at seventy. Speed and Power The Year May Bring ' "MADE IN CANADA" ANFIELD Strong's Hits Buffalo, July 27,--Ken Strong the former riproaring N.Y.U. football star, was a bit too strong for the Bisons here yesterday af- ternoon, and that's why the Maple Leafs got an even break with the Bisons in the second con- secutive double encounter be- tween the teams. Ken rifled three towering over-the-fence the first game in eleven heats by 8 to 5, but the Bisons came back and waltzed away with the night- cap by 5 to 1, causing an even break on the string of six games playéd here and in Toronto. Had the Leafs been able to make the most of their opporuni. ties they would have taken the first game by a larger margin, as they outhit the Bisons 16 to 10, with most of their safeties prov- ing scorchers, while about half of the Buffalo blows were more or less tainted. The contest fairly reeked with nerve-tingling situations and the victory drift away as they went Bisons saw an almost certain into the ninth inning nursing a three-run lead only to have Alex Feguson fail to protect it after twirling a remarkable eight stan- zas, : The Leafs tore into Ferguson for three runs as soon as the ninth opened, Davis starting a flurry with a wicked single to centre, Joe - Rabbitt quickly reppered a blistering triple to the sccre-board in centre, scoring Davis and "Chick" Shiver slam- med a long double off the left field fence, advancing - Rabbit over the plate. Ferguson got the stop sign in favor of Johhny Wilson who "fanned" Strong and forced Rogell to fly out to cen- tre, Shiver reaching third after the catch, Wilson then hit Burke with a pitched ball and Richard. son followed by slamming a sin- gle to centre, bringing Shiver in to lock the count, ou TE ---------- KBYS FINALLY BEAT BEARS 'Reading, Pa., July 27.--After losing 7 straight games, Read- ing scored a 2 to 1 victory in the second game of a double header here yesterday to shatter its long streak, Johnny Welch gave the Bears only seven hits and scored both of Reading's counters. y The Keys were edged out, 7 'Actually the tread is 50 Bruins staged three-run rallies Baseball Results LEAGUE P.C. 578 578 649 547 505 433 423 393 INTERNATIONAL Won Montreal ++ +. 59 Newark .. see b9 Rochester +¢ ++ 56 Baltimore «» «+ 58 Toronto .s- ees b4 Buffalo 45 Reading .. .. 44 Jersey City .. . 42 Yesterday's Results xToronto , 8-1 Buffalo ... 6-5 x--First game went 11 innings. Newark .. 7-1 - Reading .. 6-2 Baltimore . 2-3 Jersey City 4-0 Montreal .. 3-2 Rochester , 2-3 Saturday's Results Toronto .. 3-1 Buffalo ,.. 1-5 Rochester .. 12 Montreal .. 6 Baltimore ... 9 Jersey City .4 xNewark ... 8 Reading .., 6 x--Ten innings, Games today -- Toronto at Rochéster; Montreal at Buffalo; Reading at Jersey City; Balti- more at Newark. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost ve 26 36 37 49 49 7 58 oe 4 61 Yesterday's Results Cleveland , 13 Philadelphia 2 St. Louis ... 5 Washington .2 xBoston .. 7-3 Detroit .., 6-7 x--First game went 10 innings. Chicago .. 5-5 New York .4-22 Saturday's Results Philadelphia 6-3 Cleveland 3-2 Chicago .... 7 Boston b xNew York . 10 Detroit .... 7 x--- Eleven innings. Washington . 7 St, Louis .. 1 Ganfes today -- Chicago at New York (2); St. Louis at Phil- adelphia; Detroit at Boston; Cleveland at Washington, NATIONAL, LEAGUE Won Lost 61 35 51 41 49 40 52 45 45 46 41 48 P.C. 129 617 .593 479 462 .380 .370 366 Philadelphia Washington .. New York .. . Cleveland .., .. St. Louis .. .. Boston .. Chicago Detroit 58 P.C hab 554 551 536 .495 €t. Louis Chicago New York Brooklyn .. .. Poston "0 Fittsburg .. .. 461 | burg. WILD THROW WINS FOR OUBS QGhicago, July 27.--Jim Elliott, who had just replaced Clie Dud- ley on the mound for Philadel- phia, let loose a wild piteh in the ninth inning yesterday af- ternoon that permitted Teachout to score the winning run for the Cubs. The score was 2 to 1, with Malone getting the best of Dudley in a pitching battle, Charlie Grimm was the Cub hero. He opened the ninth in- ning with a triple to deep centre, the only extra base hit the Bruins got, Teachout ran for Grimm, Hartnett was purposely passed, but when Elliott came in to pitch to. Malone, he threw away the game, The Cub# scored first in the third inning, when Hartnett, Ma- lone and Blair put together singles, ORIOLES GOING STRONG Baltimore, Md., July 27.--The Orioles made a clean sweep of the five-game series with the Jersey City Skeeters by taking both ends of yesterday's double-header, winning the first 6 to 4, and the second 3 to 0. The nightcap was a mound duel between Holloway and Nek- ola, the former allowing six bits, while the latter stilled the Birds' bats to five, Eighrodt and Clancy hit hom- ers in the first game. The formes injured his shoulder when he crashed into the fence after a fly ball and joined catcher Kenna on the Bird hospital list, .398 .368 Philadelphia 37 56 Ciccinnati 35 60 Yesterday's Results Cincinnati ..4-0 Brooklyn 0-5 Chicago .... 2 Philadelphia 1 xBoston ... 3-4 St. Louis . 2-5 x--First game went 11 innings. Saturday's Results New York . 6-7 Cincinnati xFittsburg 5-3 Brooklyn x---Second game went 14 nirgs., Chicago .... 6 St. louis... 3 0-3 «2-2 in- Boston .... 1 at Chicago; New York at ricus- Only games scheduled. Feature Win! chots as the Leafs got away with to 6, in the initial fray when the | +18 the elebih and ninth 10aipgs 1] THREE INTERESTING GAMES Tomorrow night up at Alexandra Park, Robson Leather Times hook up in a very important South Ont. League game. at present tied for first place, each having won five and Thus, the winner of to-morrow night's game witl take the This will be a real game. two teams 'o lost one, leadership of the league. Co and the These Softball fans will be given another opportunity to see a fast Ladies" softball game at the Stadium on Tuesday evening, when Friends will play the league-leading Falcons the Chosen Falcons can stretch their winning streak in the second half of the schedule to four games, but Chosen Friends will make it a close decision, S. & A. Billiards are playing out of town to-morrow evening in Whit- by. Whitby have been having tough luck lately and even though they scemed able to take a lead in the early innings never seem to be able to hold it in the later innings. However the game in the county town will have a decided bearing on the position of the two teams in the lcague race so the Whitbyites should be at their best. Philadainhi. 1 | Games today -- Philadelphia | TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Oshawa Tennis Club Defeated Kingston and Peterborough Toronto Leafs Divided Doubleheaders on Sat. and Sunday Falcons vs. Robson Leather Co. at Stadium Tonight, 7.15 CARDS AND BRAVES SPLIT St. Louis, Mo., July 27.--The St. Louis Cardinals and the Bos- ton Braves split even in a double- header here yesterday, the visit- ors taking the opener, 3 to 2, in eleven innings, and the Red Birds the nightcap, 6 to 4. Fine pitching by Fred Frank- house and Sylvester Johnson featured the firest game, neither allowing a run to cross the plate until the eleventh, Both, how- ever, weakened then, and Bos- ton put across its three runs, after which the Cardinals launch- ed an attack that caused Frank- house's retirement, With no one out, "Lefty" Ed Brandt came in' to save the game for the Braves. ENDED AT THIRTEEN Cleveland, O., July 27.--The 13-game winning streak of the champion Philadelphia Athletics was ended yesterday as the Cleveland Indians blasted out a 13-to-2 victory. It also marked the first defeat of Waite Hoyt since he joined the A's, He had won four straight. Averill's twentieth home run of the season, one more than his total for last year, featured a 19- hit attack upon Hoyt and Rom- mel, p RED SOX AND TIGERS SPLIT Boston, Mass., July 27.--The Red Sox took the first game of a doubleneader from Detroit yes- terday 7 to 6, in ten innings, but lost the second, 7 to 3. Doubles by Oliver and Berry with none out accounted for the winning run in the opener after an uphill battle against an early lead acquired off MacFayden. Charlie Gehringer was the big cog in the Tigers' victory in the second game, hitting three doubles and two singles in five times at bat ,and driving in three runs, ROYALS AND WINGS SPLIT Rochester, N.Y., July 27.-- Iccchester split even with the Montreal Royals in a double header decided by like scores of 2 to 2. In the first, the Royals broke the seven game winning streak of the champions, but dropped the second contest, games in which the Red Wings won four. The league still finds Newark and Montreal tied for first, with Rochester third, three games be- hind. GOSLIN BEATS OLD TEAM. MATES Washington, D.C., July 27.-- "Goose" Goslin and the St. Louis Browns wade their blows count yesterday to take the fourth and final game of a series from Wash. ington by a 5-2 count on six hits. Goslin was responsible for all of St. Louis runs and was credit- ed with driving in three of them, two in the fourth on his home run which found one man on base. The | twin bill closed the series of five | Falcons Lost Out in Ninth Falcons, leaders of the Osh- awa Ladies' Softball League playing a game against Lakesides in Toronto on Saturday night threw a decided scare into the home team by coming ffom be- hind to take a good lead on the game. Lakesides however seem to have "~~ +" -'« hatting eye and pounded out a six run rally in the ninth "~ning to take the decision by one run, With Lakesides leading 15--6 at the end of the seventh, it look- ed all over, but the Oshawa Fal- con players thought otherwise, and before the third out could be made in the eighth, no less than 14 runs were sent across the plate on 13 hits, so Lakesides were again called upon for one of their hitting rallies, and they obliged, scoring six runs on seven hits to give them the intercity game, 21--20, each team getting 20 hits, . R.H E. Oshawa Falcons 010 005 014--20 20 6 Lakesides 022 640 106--21 20 7 Misses Vi and "Edith Elliott; Misses Gordon, A. Golden and Hooper, YANKEES BREAK EVEN New York, July 27.--The Yan- kees broke even with the Chicago White Sox in a double header yes- terday, winning the second game hy an overwhelming scor:z of 22 to 5, after Chicago had taken the first, 5 to 4, in a ninth-inning rally, The Sox made only fiva hits off Henry Johnson in the first gan.e but they made each one count to gain their first victory over the Yankees this season, One of tha blows was a homer by Lu Blue In the second game, Charley Ituffing held the Sox to eight hits and made four on his own be- half. Large picture hats and long frocks with frills are to become fashionable, Girls are gradually losing all their manhood, Today and Tuesday John Barrymore SI | "SVENGALI" with Marian Marsh t's blending that puts aroma, fragrance, mellow smoothness and satisfying goodness into a cigarette. And Winchesters, you know, are blended right! CIGARETTES Blended Right!

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