Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jul 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1931 Women's Interests in the Home and . PAGE FIVE . the Community Social and Personal . Any social notes which readers care to submit will the day they are to be pub- lished. Items of mews con- cerning dances, parties, guests to and from town [ will be gladly received. Miss Florence Hetherington, of Peterboro, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Frank Corey, Ritson Road. - Miss Audrey Grimison, of Peter- borough is in town visiting Miss Mazo Anderson of Ritson Road. Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Kranmacher and son, of Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and son, Bobby, of Oshawa, are vacationing at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Bobby were in Galt over the week- end. LJ - * Mrs. Jack Hambly has returned to the city after spending several weeks vacation with her sisters, Mrs. Murray and Mrs, Hewitt in Detroit. LJ Ld Mr. and Mrs. Mertod Ostrander and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spencer and son Cory, of Picton, were week- end visitors of Mrs. Percy Clarke, of this city. * Ld Ld Mrs. Emerson Burley, of Cressy, Ontario, who has been spending a few weeks with her mother in Osh- awa, has returned home, LJ LJ * Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Thompson and Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. J. Soules and family, of Point Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Oshawa, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thompson, in Picton, On- tario. WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Celina St. WASH SILK DRESSES Girls' 8 to 14 $1.98 LAMBLE'S NOTICE THEF. SHOPPE" which is one block south of" the Library has no connec. tion with any other shoppe in Oshawa. Managed by Mrs. S. A. Engel, Jr. Rheumatism? Quick relief from rheumatic pains without harm: To relieve the worst rheumatic is a very simple matter. Aspirin do it every time! It's something that can always take. Gepuine Aspirin abla Look Cross ob or tablet. a. ASPIRIN TRADE MARK REQ, "MADE IN CANADA" Expects Stork in July 7 such Face" _"N\ fOTHER advised me to take the Vegetable Compound because I suffered such pain each month, "It helped me so much that after 1 marsied 1 stilt sook 1. Taian pecting a one in depend upon Vegetable Com- My s s it too." Mrs. Aubrey S. Smith, P. Oi Box 104, North Sydney, Nova Scotia is only one of thousands of women depend on Vegetable Compound to carry them over difficult times. Won't you try it,to0? cress nn No. 3173. Size .. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jackson and two sons, Jack and Dick, of Chicago, are guests of Mrs. George Pedlar, Simcoe Street North. Mrs. J. L, Stuart presided over the tea table at the Tuesday after- noon tea for the ladies' section of the Oshawa Golf Club yesterday afternoon. During the' day sweep- stake matches were played and Mrs. George Hezzlewood was announced the winner. * . Miss Jennie Curtis, of Fenella Ontario, visited friends in Whitby, on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robin, for- merly of Stirling, Ontario, are about to take up residence in Whitby, where Mr. Roblin will conduct a jewellry store. . * . Miss Bernice Jibb, nurse-in-train- ing at the Oshawa General Hospital was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Falling, of Fenella, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Price, of Myrtle, are guests of friends in Stirling. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Myers, of Montreal are in town, guests of Mrs. Myers' parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazelwood, King Street East. Mrs. Hilts and son, of Oshawa, are spending a Tew days with friends in Dunbarton, * LJ Ld Mrs. F, Branton, 823 Rowena St. entertained the "2.30 Pedro Club" on Tuesday afternoon. Those win- ning the prizes were Mrs. May Os- ter, Mrs. Ray Hobbs and Mrs. Wm. Hubble At 5.30 o'clock, afternoon tea was served by the hostess. L. T. B. LODGE HOLDS MEETING Re-Echo Lodge 493 L. T..B, met in the L.O.L. hall on Monday even- ing for the regular monthly meet- ing. There was a good attendance of officers and members. Two new condidates were welcomed into the order, the Blue degree being exem- plified by the usual degree team. Lodge members will meet again on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. H. Harmer, 118 Alma Street at a lawn social. WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING i By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern Here are lovely slenderizing lines for the matronly figure. You'll love the new skirt cut with its. clever diagonal lines to reduce hip bulk. The crossover bodice has applied band trim that is very ef- fective and becoming besides pro- ducing a flat line much appreciated | by. the larger figure, Printed crepe silk is ah excellent ing shade crepe is used for bands and bow. Eyelet organdie makes the tiny vestee. Style No. 3173 is designed for sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 in- ches bust. Size 36 requires 4 yards 39-inch with 5% yard 35-inch con- trasting and 7 yard 3-inch lace. For resort, a grey and white printed linen is smart with plain trim, with white organdie inserted at neckline, Shaunturig, georgette crepe and rinted voile are splendid ideas for its development. Our Large Summer Fashion Book offers a wide choice for your summer wardrobe in darling styles for the children as well as the adults, . Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of book 15 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents, Address orders to: Pattern Edi- jor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, n Street Address DE EE City medium for this model. Plain blend- | Y.W.C.A. BUILDING ON HISTORIC SITE Halifax, N.8.--New buildings for old! An old landmark of Barrington Street, opposite the Ladies' College, has been removed to make room for the Young Wo- men's Christian Association build- ing, a fire-proof construction, to be erected on that site, The old building was erected about one hundred and nine years ago by Laurence Doyle, a Halifax mer- chant, the father of the nots Laurence O'Connor Doyle, and one of Joseph Howe's colleagues during the struggle for responsi- Schoolgirl Complexion For Statue of Liberty New York, July 22.--When the alte President Cleveland unvefl- ed the Statue of Liberty on New York Harbor in 1886, he made | the following remark: "We shall not forget that lib- erty has here made her home, nor shall her chosen altar be ne- glected." ? ' That future shadow has crept up almost all over Bartholdi's fa- mous goddess in the most unflat- tering paces. Major General Hanson E. Ely, commanding the second Corps Area, Miss Liberty's guardian, announced she is to take the lamp treatment for her beauty after dark, the cost of which, including all round ren- ovation, will be more than $30,- 000. 'The old lighting system is re- sponsible for uncomplimentary remarks about her appearance by pussengers on Staten Island fer- ries and night sailing ships. Miss Liberty appears to have a double chin, sunken cheeks 'and rings around the eyes from staying up until dawn, lighting the way for sailors. Now undesirable sha- dows all over the statue will be washed out by a new wrinkle re- ducing battery of floodlights. Furthermore, there are to he in- condescent jewels in her crown. In its 21 windows are to be in- stalled additional lights, made to sparkle by a blinker system. A new elevator will be instal- ed for the 350,000 tourists visit the statue each year. who TO CREATE FLOWER-BED Arrangements are being made for the Bowling Club to take over. the site until recently occupied by the base of the old water tower on the corner of Simcoe and Alex_ andra Streets, It is probable that in the near future the circular patch occupied by the base will 3 converted into an ornamental flow er-bed, but later on the plans of the club are to establish another bowling green for their own use, ble government, The removal of the historic residence conjures up memories of other prominent Halifax fam- flies. After the death of Laur- ence Doyle the house came into the possession of Edward Kenne- dy, afterwards Sir Edward, who lived there for many years and raised a family of boys and girls who became prominent in business and goclety for many years in Hal- ifax. After Sir Edward's death it became the prgperty of Wilson Smith, wholesale grocery mer. chants. The house was situated on Pleasant Street, now Barrington, 'the once well-known residential section of the city, which come menced at the head of Salter St. and ran south to Point Pleasant. In the old days it was named the "Mall" on account of the pleasant walk afforded pedestrians down to Inglis Street. In the fine sum- mer days in the last decade of the eighteenth century, this walk was much frequented by the Duke of Kent and the officers of the garri- son. Japanese Mermaid Divers Subject Health Research Kurashiki, Japan, July 22.-- Tricks of nifty little Japanese mermaids who go out to sea and dive for shellfish are to be ex- posed for the benefit of a lot of staid scientists at Geneva. Minjature figures showing the undersea work of the women div- ers, will be used by Dr. Gito Teu- oka, president of the Kurashiki Labor Science Research Institute, before the International Indus- trial Medical Science conference which begins its sittings at Gen- eva early in August. Such work has been carried on in Japan for centuries, Dr. Teu- oka will explain in detail the divers' task which is generally looked upon by laymen as an al- most super-human act. His pur- pose is to determine what effect deep-sea diving has on the health of the women, It i= a well known fact that some Japanese women divers can remain at a depth of 100 feet for two minutes and a half, with- out the aid of oxygen or diving suits. Those divers who are able to work longest under water are women below the age of thirty. Among other things, Dr. Tero- uka will explain about the labor conditions of Japanese profes- sional women and the psychologi- cal effect upon them of their work, He will speak on the sub- ject as seen from the biological standpd™t, dwelling upon such questions as the fatigue of wo- men workers, the so-called voca- tional illness and disease, and the social significance of feminine labor. He will stress the neces- sity for protecting feminine work- ers, legally and otherwise, BREADED SARDINES Drain the oil from large boneless sardines and dip in cracker and egg, then again in crack dust. Bake in a hot oven until a delicate brown. Serve on strips of toast. Squeeze a few drops of lem- on juice on each sardine, gar- nish with sprigs of parsley and serve. Smith, of the firm of A, & W.j GROUP we have Frocks of Rajah Voiles, etc. to $2.95. Thurs., Fri, nice variety of pattern for cooler days. Thurs., Fri., Sat, .... This store forcibly demonstrates that it doesn't cost much to dress smartly. Here Voiles, Martha Washington Prints and Sold regularly at from $1.95 $1.00 =WARD"S the Entire Year Week-end Selling 1 styles. , French Cotton son. Sat., Fri., Sat. GROUP 3 s, better silk dress- es, also many coat styles--more in vogue Sse sseccsnsnsense GROUP 2 Beautiful Celanese Dresses in brand ncw No left overs from an earlier sea- All purchased within month. A splendid range from in most every color, but not every size in this group. all season at $4.50 and $4.95. Thuws., ) the last to chocse Sold in most places A beautiful range to choose from, although broken num. bers. Every dress different. Among this lot you find Celanese Silk Voiles in a KLINGTITE AND PENMAN'S CANADA'S FOREMOST PURE WOOL BATHING SUITS Pure Wool Bathing Suits In plain, fancy and two-tone combin- ations, in one great July Clearance. Regular $3.95, $4.50, $4.95, price, Thurs., Fri, Sat. $98 One great July Clearance. 24 only, Reg. up to $4.95. While they last in one Ladies Late Summer Hats $95 WARD'S LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS A revelation in style, value and economy begins tomorrow morning. Positively the Dress Sensation of Hundreds of the smartest, most up-to-date garments that are properly made, correctly sized, and per- fectly styled you have ever had such a chance to choose from at such drastic prices. ; pe Divided Into Four Groups For This GROUP 4 And last but not least -- all our better dresses, including half sizes, in pure silk crepes, pure silk voiles, Angeline silk crepes. .Not two dresses alike. All sizes from 14 Misses to 44 Ladies'. Regular up to $14.95. Thurs, Fri., Sat., ig 7.95 D 1931, Ring Features Syndicat, I Great Dritain rights reserved, ---- "PROF. SKY BOOB, THE WORLD FAMOUS ASTROLOGER ~ SAYS * MAC CAN'T WIN PECAUSE HE WAS BORN UNDER THE SIGN OF CAPRICORN , WHICH MAKES HIM THE XT. BUENAS NOCHES 7'QENOWNED NUMEROLOGIST Soys MAC Wiki. SURELY WIN BECAUSE HIS NAME, CLARENCE MAC DOUEALL , HAS IE pb, SL TWICE THE NUMBE WHICH 1 "of A LETTERS IN oR THIS \8 A §ooD SIAN. a & 4 ON MACS PALM WA: AND THAT

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