Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jun 1931, p. 6

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Ere | TY 2S 7 s i "Scout News fortahle but every fellow did his | best under the circumstances, The | Fifth Troop were under a greater | freshments were served by the hostess, assisted by ladies of the | band, * Social &P eérsona si lh B tg CRYDERMAN--GURR Any social notes = which Mr. and Mr. 6G, T. Wright and A wedding took place at Dan- readers care to submit will Mrs. Margaret Reesor of Oshawa | forth redding Shoe on Wednes- be printed. Kindly phone attended the graduating exercises | gay, when Evangeline Estelle, on- | or send them to The Times of the class of 1931 at the Toronto | Jy daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. | Office before 10.30 a.m. General' Hospital. Miss Rhea |. Gurr, was married to Rev. ! handicap than was ours as they | the day they are to be pub- Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Frank M. H. Cryderman, of New went morse and it was essential to | lished. Items of mews con- Wright, and Miss Marjory Birnie, | York, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. have the flaz free all the time, WEDDINGS If you love him --feed him! +An advertisement to June Brides of Whitevale, cousin of Mrs, Ree-| Crvderman, Hampton, Ontario. however, better luck next time] gérniug "dances. parties, sor, received diplomas, which were i pion; ) presented by Miss Mary Agnes Sniviley, a member of the first graduating class of the Toronto General Hospital. - > guests to and from town will be gladly received. A delightful surprise party was given to Mr. and Mrs. Simpson on Monday evening, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Davenport, to cele brate their 20th wedding anniver- sary... About 20 friends attended and they were presented with a beautiful silver cake basket by the Ladies' Kazoo Band. The evening was spent in playing eu- chre and in games. Dainty re- -- Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Manning and Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Dearborn attended the graduation exercises at the University of Toronto yves- terday when Mr. Hartley Manning, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Man- ning, received his degree, * - - The Pathfinders group of C.G. .T. held a very successful hike, in spite of the rain, last Saturday af Rev. J. D. Richardson, of Tort Credit, cousin of the bride, assist- ed by the Rev. J, D. Coulter, pas- tor of the church, officiated. © The bride, who was given in marriage bv her father, wore a gown of ivory satin, fashioned on princess lines. Her French tulle veil edg- ed with grange blossoms was ar- | ranged in halo effect with orange blossoms and forget-me-nots. She carried a shower of Butterfly roses, lily-of-the-valley and forget- me-nots. She was attended by M Evelyn Owens and Miss Blanche Cryderman, sister of the groom. The former was in Nile WHAT NEW YORK | 17ifth. The Fourth came third and | the Second came fourth. The sc outs ¥ who went to Toronto | | had an excellent time, They were the best signallers there we under. stand, but they had little chance at tug-of-war. They arrived home { more or less tired from their visit. The Strawberry Soctal will be held at Christ Church, Saturday, July 4, when St. George's Senior tennis team will play Christ Church Tennis Club's Senior team. The hoys are asked to do some leather-work, just a little When you get back from your honeymoon and plan your household arrangements, don't forget to order Canada Bread from each hoy will mount up to quite a little to sell. One patrol ternoon. green chiffon with matching hat NOTICE a BE J and shoes and bouquet of Talis | Obstacle Race:--Frank Young, | from start to finish were much ime THE FASHION SHOPPE Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin enter- | man roses, mauve sweet peas andl | aL 4 i iw is looking afte r he & e eream ang : ; : : 'w block south of || tained at luncheon today eight of | bronze snap-dragons, Miss Cry-| Slenderness plays an important | yop booth, one after a igi Lewis Allen, Earl McMaster pressed with the sped and cer- Sthich is one her Normal School class mates | derman wore orchid chiffon with | part in smartn , which is easily | of some sort, and one to look after | 4 Sack Race: += Melvin Mont- tainty of aerial reconnaissance. fe Libary has So comme: who came for the occasion from | matching hat and shoes and car- |a quality in today's dress, the novelty hooth, Please co-ap- | gomery, Walter Sutton, Hugh | For example, the Military Corres. Ho With any athee shoppe all parts of the rovince it is | ried Joanna Hill roses, blue corn- | And incidentally, the crossover | erate and make this social a huge Jovce | pondent of The Times states that in Oshawa. Managed by 3 L Part: bid Da vears | flowers and bronze snap-dragons. | bodice is very modish with its | suscess, | Girls' Slipper Kick: -- Marg- | 30 photographs taken from one Mrs. S. A. Engel, Jr. that this class has been all o- | Miss Beth England, as flow , | rever in broad. one-sidedness of = % | atet Adams, Joan Ayling, Ischel | aeroplane were actually in the gether for a reunion. ; ssed in a pale pink French [the mode. And still more glim-| Court of Honor wag held at Lowrey, hands of the army intelligence 3 She carried a ring of flow ming perhaps is the diagonal hip | p.m. on June 9. Trosp mee! Biscuit Eating Contest: -- Au- liaison officer in less than one hour ers from which she strewed petals | ing | started with flag break : 1 drey Yourth, Doreen Schoeman, | after the machine landed. An en- Marjorie Brault. largement of a photograph taken Special: - Teachers' Olipper from a height of more than 20,- 000 feet clearly showed motor n the hridal path The oom Seam ng, 1 Patrol rners at 7.7 i pb i 4 . Pp Bro ts ori ' 1 | hom atrol corners 1.3 was attended by Mr, Everitt Ash-| Lovely Cw prim in. sie till 8 : 1 | Kicking Contest--Misg Pearson, Max y Games Were Indulg Miss Ford, Miss Kidnee. cars on a road, and revealed all With the PoE of Bishop Be- thune College on Wednesday, Miss Smart Styles in M. Ainley, Mrs. H, Roper, Miss Mayhew and Miss Violet Murphy KID GLOVES concluded their terms as teachers Perrin Make of the school * anh . ile p.m. Games from RX ton. Mr. Orval and Mr. Lloyd | "Fépe han Hig, den, you and [oes 8.30 till 8.45 p.m Gurr, brothers of the bride, and | thin wool ake stuny | wow 8.45 till 8.55 p.m. Dismissa Mr. Harry MeBrien, were ushers, | S¢hemes; with trim of plain selt- | , with flag lowering . ¥ . During the signing of the register | fabric in harmonizing tone. Ris si of badges are to be pass Special, $1.98 ! The monthly business meeting Rev. Raymond Ml leary sang ang : Plai articn Le are ¢ aemin) ' , information to be given out | lat . : | Rev. Harry J. Maloney presided at 00, particu in fl ashable ater See > tailev. Nicoll. and Cuthbertso ' e .adies Jit Class of |, Sa . - jail Nicoll, an ! 1 LAMBLE'S of the Ladies BH] le das | the organ. A reception was held | cre; 1 linen Next meeting Tuesday, June 16, antsy OO > or a Centre Street' United Church was | .; {1a home of the brid par- ¢ y. 3150 may be had in| ¢ 7.30 p.m. Court of honor iahlie Q 5 mcoe Public School was held at | army co-operation squadrons of : > se tails format ed in at Alexandra Many thanks are extendcl to | those details of information re- all those who assisted Special | Auired by the maf in command of Park mention is extended to Messrs, | @ 8round force operating near the enemy. : : Superseding C; ? The annual picnic of North | for their assistance in making the Ti uy Aor ling The avalry ¢ affair the success it was. he. aeroplanes uscd by the held at the home of Mrs. Cilfford, | outs 21 Donegal Drive. Leaside. |sizes 36. 35, 40, 42, 44, 46 and | 7 p.m. . Duty, Patrol-leader "1 Al I Park on Wed lay ; Centre Street, on Wednesday The mother of the bride received | 48 inches hus ypeland. Dismissal at 9 p.m \exandra Park on ednesc ay. the Roval Air Force are t wo-seater evening of this week. A picnic | the guests in a becoming gown of | yy | equally su to town ord ; J be The ate ndeiice was [ erafi, equipped w th wireless and was planned for rigay, June | ereen georgette and lace with | oqqpt, Things to Remember | 1 : an . y hen Fhe yas =n appari us for, pi Aig up nase WATSON'S 26th, to be held at "Cedarvale | beige hat and shoe Her shoul- Size 36 require ards 35- | The church parade, June 14, i 12 vant. Mothes ; d th a Biiily di pw. Soma Farm' the homey of Mrs. Luke, | der bouquet was of bhriar-cliffe | $ ; hy t runt itor ecial ement$ 8 ers an 1086 past the standard army co- BEAUT Y PARLOR : * : | inch with 8 yard 55-inch con- | full uniform, special arrangements i... .0cted in the welfare of the } ration craft has been the "At north of Hampton. Dainty re-| roses and pink sweet peas. Mrs. | 0. : have heen made for all Roman | : as" aT 2 = Marcel, Permanent and freshments were served at the | Crvderman was gowned in blue | as ing D : wah seelts 10 attend. Their kiddies events should be: con- 4 | las," a biplane of good perform=- ¥ \f ace ays are wre again! - by ' ile df 8 8 . 3 ance ATTY 2 <i x Finger Waves. : close of the meeting. | georgette: and lace with grey hat aca ton y are. i Fea id own church. Meet at the armorie grat Ate 1 for Le re uh d the aCe and 3016 to carry a consider Phone 2653. 5 Celina St. ar and shoes Her flower were So nearly here, a east, that { 70 J 15 at showing made around the picnic he. O 5 able load. Year after year lately : » : VI ler. Mrs. Goo. | briarclific roses and eorn-flowers, | it's time for you to be thinking | *" No Lite Ayiiie contest a | table and grounds. (By The Canadian Press) a squadrod of these machines has ba M gh Mel, yo! Mrs. John Norris, grandmother of | about your Summer wardrobe, ander P Satirda The program consisted of races London, June 10.-- Lessons of | taken part in army exercises, and Hezzlewood, ] rs. R. S. Mc gis 1- the bride, wha poufed coffee; wore We've preparedia book to. heli i ww r Par 1 Sats a] 1 une and various events of © interest | much value in the progress of | the officers of hoth forces have lin, Mrs. J. M. Tamblyn. 8 | black lace and shoulder bouquet | you plan f the most eolourful |, tty stall " by You on end laughter. The {ollowingz is | modern military science emerge | learned much about the interac- Grace Burns were among those | © MAUVE OI hid and sweet pea fashion period of the ye 2 bool { ve oy J v Yp trollead li { winner from the exercise in co-operation | tion of air and army operations, rts : i F fi ) Yorio ' ok he vather fro atrol-leader . ¥ y Gm Le, who attended the presentations of Mrs, B. 1. England, Who was 2owit. ttle ort i Fea ; I mw: : Sols a sre-school. Children. runni ns between "an entire wing of the | Undoubtedly the aeroplane has wip " . Arg : i : ' 15 20V | t1 yf 1 1 ' . 19 Mary Stre ' y " I <ihi 3 The Immortal Hour, at St H = ad in black Bias white chiffoh and | cox p . : rn 44 ye dip § THC Jack Langmaid, Pegs Roval Air Force and a =zround | opened up new possibilities in mil du's College, Toronto, yesterday. | wo, ino rod roses also assisted at 4 g ad ia a do © aNnseh. | Tinker, Muriel Stacey force of three divisions which took | itary strategy; there are even ex- | al i tout and chil and | n . Nusgoh ie x . : SI : i RARER A Jie dea Labia. | The. Drids travel o : a A an . Primary Cirls:--Helan Beam- | Place over a large area of the mid. | perts who hold that the coming ot KING STREET LADIES' AID | 1.4 i; 4 navy hue ana white en di Sg] > i | Noreen Lawson, Doris Stew-|1ands and southern England re- | the aeroplane may logically be fol- > , 1 "n 1 { ' 'on by # nding s awg Cul * 1 1 . " ; % cial King Street Ladies' Aid Society | gampie Following - the honey a + poapending 4 Af ath Detar Ake] in. the | art cently. For the first time a wing | lowed by the departure of the {met vesterday afternoon, Mrs. | moon the couple will resi i nts: for Hig book edi gid Nn Re ie Primary Boys: -- Billie King, | Comprising three squadrons, was | horse. the machine being swifter N ooh ¢ l ir 1 ot \ 12 Zest p form of Mr, Langton the ather} ; ®' | engaged in such Army exercises, | and more efficient in every way { Friend presiding. The business ses- | New York tm ; " L : 3 , 1ordo Yates FRIDAY AND pSton included discussion of plans for | New Yo - ( ents | tamp " Nis of jhe & nh Bis e ave pro . Reid, § y ge n Peters. Chap- and the results even after allow-| than the animal. ; {the picnic on July 16, at Lakeview : de today for your t Eimer nal who { new id Jean Havbi June Belils ances for the fairly good flying | ---- ¥ SATURDAY | Park. The splendid programme was ST. ANDREW'S WOMEN'S Er " : Sods A ep a hs weather, show definitely that the {in charge of Mrs. E. Luke., Mrs. E. | MISSIONARY COCIETY : Ha . ri ; Tre op ) - i part. Clinton J) Valter. Sut efficienty of the army of the fu The local Chamber of Com- | E arrow sang a salo. Miss } ic | The WMS. of 'st Kits ah Lae j ik ] ping a \ Bk. 5 as. 9 Se city ary, 1 ture is liked 'inevitably with the | merce invited the vicar and his Kello played a piano solo \ ONE ER es H ih Few i Loser 1g Je p successful use of aerial co-opera- | wardens to their annual dinner. Jack Brooks who gave parlour rg Th al hy ter dork : us Hon Vor : { In his speech proposing the health responded to an encore. r RIC Li he atte ndanee Ww as good Mrs # I'here are some good prizes for " Ohservets who followed the | of the chairman, the vicar said: wha is the champion orator o | 30° Misndance was od oq NE, ) He Ee ne ou ras IT : iii Wolto war between the two mythical | W e all owe a great deal to the public school gave his talk on "Ro ro v f t abant Lreine for a few? N ; on Loatt » | nations of Eastland and Westland | tradesmen of this town!" The Permanent Wave with the really curly ends. $4.50 to $15.00 The Combination Wave from ateful to him for help le' Three-lezged Race, Third Ruby Sterling, Henriet vage; Jean Mason, Florence chair. The confidently hopeful missionary hymn, "Jesus ¥ | borne sang a solo. | " lal i ! } : Tac ! ri ang i : ; reign." was sy A scripture 4 + cart Adams, Reta Al $6.00 to $15.00 | Tea was served at the conclusion | lesson from M ." hapt yo § --- May oi ise {of the meeting. ) ) " . | lun gore Second Book -- { Dr. Fosdick were read | Executive To Meet Joys: - Glen RBottrell, Erwin | "COUNT-ON-ME" CLASS PLAY | 3 po ick were read by Mrs. C. ) omiingo eh Joie. 4 $3.75 Up | ines of the Loi, Ving, and Mrs. H fered A t "Parkwood" Tomlinson. Hugh Joi At a business meeting praver in which the missionary " Bear Race, Primary and First 20 \ Modernistic Permanent SECOND ANNUAL "Count-on-Me" Class of King St. [work and. workers of the church 4 7 -- | Book B Kenneth Ander- roof St A on, W Sutton, Earl Morphy Wave Shoppe 17 Ontario Street Sunday School held recently, the in all lands and the past J GARDEN RALLY ] } Tomorrow the exccutive of the Running Race, Tthird 300k Phone 635 1 vi FE tricitv." Vernon Os phd . . | | mance of Electricity. Vernon June 12, 7 p.m. till § pn Running races, Second Book | THE OSHAWA GIRL GUIDES' Other Waves from with illuminating co | | Treasurer brought in a report of | Andrew's, at present unwell, were 3 ¥ re Girt vain Hromien, Florosh SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, 3 p.m. {the results of the play "Mrs. | remembered | { | Tubbs of Shantytown" which has Minutes, treasurer's report and the province of Ontario will meet | op 0 dion, Marjory Brault a : : A ats i | On Grounds of Col. " Book Bovs: Lorne) Froun f Co oe E and Mrs. Phillips ~Centre St.-- | been presented by the Class dur- | other routine matters received at 'the home of the president of [ "mpjpg Fenton, Lewis Allen, Bertram IN AID OF THE SUMMER CAMPS Home ana School Federation of | ing the past few months at var- required attention On motion of . Federation, Mr It. 8S. Me ious places The girls were Mrs, J. C. Young it was agreed to ] Aat=hlin. . The ladies will be en- Williams : bi oe " > ave 2 'ROSTAt Bt ' . ' v tortain 5 1 hao " il Si | trained by their able teacher, have the secretary, Mrs, 8, J. Sto 2 rtained at Junehe on ang i ' Darrow Yace: Roys | Mrs, 0. J. Clatworthy, to whom hi Send sy mpathetic letter to : : nd bug ne meetings wa iy r Fowler, Jack Muson: Wa! Mrs. Jae 1 reshyt { resi g el | the ing 7 aft ry i: nt the success of thé play is largely | 5. + ae oH, prt hyterial presi J en a Jorma he after. | 'Wilson, Jim Wright; Ralph i due. i . 108€ wusband recently hoon tose Who will he presen J nes, Gordon Crawford ~--BROWNIES Over $200.00 was cleared for Passed Ria. Mil £5 "y : at this Meeting will be y | Peanut and Spoon Race:--Tso- We : a h : ih Sh pod rs. Murray Miller presented a Mrs, W. R. Morris, Peterboro hel Carlyle, Irene Ward, Ruth | ~--GUIDES NEURALGIA the Class funds. Tt was decided to | fine report of the inspiring ad \, Yh | past president Ontario Iedera- | peeco of SEA RANGERS | place $100.00 of this in a Trust | dress given by the Branch presi 'a 9 : tion; Mrd, KE. Wand, P'eterhoro | : Ri ia ~ Race. 4th Book Bove: : A application of Min- Fund, looking to the time when a | dent at the anhual meeting held a 2 ¥ / "| Mrs. J. Lockhart, Woodstock rec. | ar, To RInE too Ev 0K Dove Fuse. "hits the Spor Toul {new Sunday School might be|few weeks ago at Peterboro / |] recretary; Mrs. J. S. Calvert, Lon- { 1, ye ALE Ry Sou} ! > J p 3 «Ls yO ' rank § rdio Pl i built, and also to send three C.G. I'he president then introduced | don; Mrs. Jas. McNivin, London; Running Race, 4th Book Girls: " ; Y 1 : j tun i k G get wonderful relief! | LT. girls to summer camp. $2 Mr. J. D. Mackay. who spoke o it, | Mis. H. R. Kingston, president, | Aileen Buke, Beatrice Perry | { London Council: Mrs, G, 8S. Light- | sinc | was also given to the General the remarkable Kingdom of God dl ! Amie Hasting. y ll | Fund of the Sunday School and | 2 avement in Japan and of its de foot, Stratford; Mrs. W. R, 1525.00 to \the M. & M. Fund, | oigd leader, Dr. Kagawa. | | Vhiteside, Windeor; Mrs, 8, W.[-------- | $25. 00 was voted to the Young! will Pk Juesting of the society +S Archibald, Seaforth: Mrs. 8 H KING OF PAIN Women's Auxiliary for a Life tele In September: A : | J. Reid, Brantford; Mrs. W. H. 'PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES BY Refreshments served. Admission--25 cents In case of rain the rally will be held in the Armouries hymn and prayer c¢ he . : Membership for Vivian McRitchie. | programme. prayer concluded th Cudmore, Bronte; Mrs. A, B. Sil- cox, Toronto, president Toronto |a past President of the Class, - ---- . i l 1} A banquet was held at which Daughter gra Cow hen did von first Hi NO a wdod, *1 allaring... . even to masculine eves the Class entertained friends who | get acquainted with Dad?" FT " law go willingly helped during the Mother: "About three weeks Payne, Editor Review ; season in various ways, after we were married." " oman Me od, Toronto: C'. Brunke, Toronto; Mrs, M. N Irwin, Toronto; Mrs. Richard Davidson, Toronto; Mrs. J. D Burgoyne, Toronto; Mrs. . E. E. Reece, Toronto; Mrs. H. Malthy, Toronto, Provincial Secretary. "When T started Pus iness," said the maghate, "I took as my motto, | 'Get thee hehind me, Satan.' "Splendid." said a bored list ener; "nothing like having «© ; PEP) strong backing." | | i { knitted to wear well in every fashionable color and weight CRICKET NOTES . The Oshawa Cricket Club enter- Price of hook 15 cents, teins the Toe H, Club of Toronto, " . oA 3 Price of pattern 20 cents, on Saturday, June 13th, at Lake vacation-itis, £0 the man of Address orders to Pattern Edi- | view Park, when they hope to run the household got out hig guide | tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Osh-! their victories up to four straight ; flat wall Mr. Carr Looks Ahead | A With warm days coming, the fi t family was obviously getting | books and his travel pamphlets, | awa. The following players are re- and proceeded to telephone plac quested to be present at 3 p.m 9| K \ to AED RE A ALPAMUR, the fa- i | they might want to go. Thus | No, 3150. Size FF. Larmonth, I. Phillips, F. mous flat finish, used Pr : armed with the necessary jnfor-| """"*'**'"'*' Bini Hodgkinson, G. Mann, J. Chappell, in ip decorating this room . 1 mation, making summer plans : i. Chappell, G. Dewberry, J. on an insu was delightfully easy. And, as Sd : Pickup, W. Sargant, B. Anthony, tating wall-board. Mr. Carr remarked the cost was : ! Tes BR, Drummond. r Sop n It can be applied on any fst turn en 2 type of wall or ceiling sur- face from attic to cellar. "It is washable, and there- fore theideal sanitary deco- ration for children'srooms. ot is easy oo io opis, permanent, fire-resisting, and Tg ves a lovely, soft, light- diffusing effect, and is in a wide range of modern colors. Consult your decorator or dealer. Ask him fora shade card, or write to us direct Walpamur @ product of 'The Crown Diamond Paint Co. Limited TORONTO =~. MONTREAL . HALIFAX Walpamur Products Are Sold Simgoe TI LLLLLLLLTTTTLLILLL LLL LILY. EEE SAE ES 80 little ciympared with the con- venience! TILUE THE TOLER ; ee = ais LISTEN, BiG_Gov- "Do 3 OH , HELLO, MAC. ORD "fo MA ' THE DRESS IISFALT ABOUT "THIS DARLING - THANICS A LOT i= YEAR, \T, - FITS ME LIKE TA

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