2 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 1,1931 ' PAGE THREE Bowmanville Daily Times Representative's Phone No. 53 QUIET WEEKEND INBOWMANVILE| Royal Arch Masons Parade to Church -- Training School Cadets Also at Church : od The week-end in Bowmanville, despite the fine weather, was quiet and although traffic was heavy throughout the day not a single accident was reported 12 the local town or provincial po- lice. Palestine Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, held their annual Church Parade in the morning to St. John's Anglican, Church. Special seats were reserved for the chap- ter and Wor. Bro. G. C. fonny- castle and V, Wor. Bro. Tred C. Hoar, D.D.G.M., read ike pass- ages of Scripture. The rector, Rev. C. R. Spencer, M.A., preach- ed a most appropriate sermon on the duties of the Masons and what their craft stood for and meant in the community. The Boys' Training School Cadets, who are today being in- spected by Capt. M. Isbester, Cadet Inspector for Military Dis- trict No. 3, paraded to St," Paul's United Church for the morning service. - The boys who are this year turning out the smartest corps in the history of the schoo!, looked extremely smart in their khaki uniforms and they march- ed with the precision of a real military corps. They were uu- der the command' of one of the boys, although their instructor, Lieut. J. Earle Cunningham, al- so accompanied them. The Cream of Barley Camp wis as usual a busy place during the day and this being the first real warm Sunday of the year, a great many took the opportunity of taking their supper with them and dining on the law nder the apple trees. Others spent the week-end tra- velling over the prescribed route of Durham County apple orch- ards, the map of which appear- ed in Friday's issue of the Tor- JOHNSON & JOHNSON "Modess | Sanitary Napkins | 12 Regular Size | 3 Compact Napkins |}! 49c¢ 24 Regular Size 6 Compact Napkins All for 85¢ Juy & Lovell | Phone 28 City News MOTORED TO OSHAWA The 'choir of Central United Church, Stratford, which was re- sponsible for the music at both services in King Street Church on Sunday, motored to Oshawa from Western Ontario in private cars 'leaving for their home city im- mediately after the evening ser- vice, ¥ MAGISTRATE W. F. WARD, B.A, Police Magistrate of the town of Bowmanville, who has return- ed to town after being absent for nearly a year owing to ill- health. Mr. Ward is reported to be in considerably better health than when he went away. : onto Star. Owing to the cool wea- ther of the previous week-end the blossoms were not in full bloom and proved a better sight yester- day. gl Cadet Inspection The High School cadets are be- ing inspected today at the High School grounds by Capt. M. Is- bester. The Training School ca- dets are being inspected this af- ternoon and full reports of the inspections will appear in tomor- row's Times. Softball Tonight The Public School students will meet the Goodyear in a schedule game of softball at the Public Sehool grounds this evening, wea- ther permitting. That last phrase is in<r od as the Friday's game had to be postponed owing to in- clement weather, COMING EVENTS -- 3 Cents per word each in- sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 35¢. DANCE RECITAL, MADAME . .Hendrie's - pupils .in . Rotary Hall, Centre street, Oshawa; Friday evening, June 5th at 7.45 p.m. Admission 25c. Adults 50¢. (127e) THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY invited to attend the gradua- tion exercises of the Oshawa Hospital Training School for Nurses, to be held in the Col- legiate Auditorium on Thurs- day, June 4th, at 8 o'clock. (127¢) WOMEN'S ~ CHRISTIAN TEM- perance Union, Tuesday, three o'clock, St. Andrew's Church. (127a) RUMMAGE SALE SIMCOE Street United Church, 2 o'clock Friday. ; (127 130) OLD TIME ROUND AND Square Dance in Gene's Hall, Courtice, Tuesday evening. Admission 25c. (127h) MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, Ross's Corners, Phone 2894. ' ; Too Late To Classify FOR SALE OR RENT--TWO room cottage, large garden, North Oshawa. Apply 1654 r 14. (127¢) Tenders Wanted Plans and Specifications for the Excavating and Con- crete Foundation Work for the Oshawa Public Utilities Build- ing may be obtained at the office of the Architect, Charles C. Stenhouse, Royal Bank Building, Oshawa, Oshawa labour only shall be employed and no Steam Shovel or other mechanical digging machines will be consid- ered. Tenders are to be in plain sealed envelopes, marked "Tender for Work" on the outside, and addressed Chairman, Oshawa Public Utilities 1" "The Commission' and 'deliver ed at the office of the Commission, 26 King St. West, Osh- awa, not later than 5 p.m. on Friday, June 5th.- : The lo , or any tender, not necessarily accepted. wa Public Utilities Commission, ©. 4: JOHN STACEY, Chairman. oF "city An extension of time to Monday, June 15th, has Been authorized for. payment of the first instalment 1931 taxes without penalty. After that added; and the Tax Collector will proceed to outstanding taxes. date, 5 per cent, will be. t all ~' CITY TREASURER'S DEPT. . . Oshawa, May 30, 1031 | BUSINESS soLD Take notice that the hair dressing and beauty parlop Nere- ofore conducted by Mrs, Flor- ence Maud Allen under the trade name and style of Betty Lou Per- manent Wave Shoppe at 86 Sim- coe Street North, Oshawa, has this day been sold to Walter Stacey of the City of Oshawa, with whom Mrs. Allen invites her customers to continue their pate "Dated H ted at Oshawa, this 1st of June, A.D., 1931, 9 18 any FLORENCE MAUD ALLEN, ------ STRAW HATS IN WEAR. Sunday evidently inaugurated the wearing of straw hats as the fashionable head-dress for men, many of them being seen on the 'streets both yesterday and to-day. INTERESTED IN BUDGET. Many local industrial concerns are vitally interested in the feder- al budget which was to have been tabled to-day and The Times was the recipient of many enquiries, principally regarding the sales tax, throughout the day. START WORK ON SEWER. Preliminary work was commen- ced this morning by the Water Works Department of the Public Utilities Commission in connection with the installation of sewer ser- vice to serve the mew Utilities Building to be erected .on the corner of Simcoe and Metcalfe Streets. STRATFORD CHOIR AT KING STREET UNITED CHURCH Singing of Noted Choral Organization Was Much Enjoyed 'Sunday ----} The Choir of Central United | Church, Stratford, Ont., under the leadership of their own organist and choir master T, J. M. Gotby, L.R. AM, and consisting of fifty chorists ers, was heard by capacity congre- gations both morning and evening jin King Street United Church on Sunday, every seat in the Church being occupied: at both services while at the evening service the doors between . the Sunday school and the Church proper were thrown up in order to accommodate the crowd in the additional space, At the close of the evening ser- vice the pastor, Rev. C. E. Cragg, expressed the appreciation of the congregation and members of the official board to Mr. Gotby and his choir, stating that the music during both services had been of a very high inspirational character, and ex- pressing sincere thanks to the visit- ing choristers. At the morning service the first Anthem rendered by the choir was "Come Unto Him," (Gounod), sun unaccompanied with precision an good tonal quality, Another An- them, in which Miss Gertrude Ma- lone took the solo part in very pléas- ing voice, was uy Worship the Lord," (Holland), "while . "Life's Lovely: Things," (Tamblyn) was rendered as a solo by Miss Rhea Newton. At the evening service the An- thems were, both being sung unac- companied, "Come O Thou Travel- ler"~and "Fierce the Royal Billow" both by Noble, which brought out to the fullest extent the capabilities of this' choral organization as re- gards shading of fortissimo and pia- nissimo passages and enunciation, together wifh the control exercised by the choir master. C. A. Moore, tenor, rendered Cadman's "Gallilee," and Mrs. Mary Wyatt, soprano, "Spirit Divine" (Hamblyn) with great expression, The final Anthem of the day, Booth's "Arm, Soldiers of the Lord", with its difficult leads for the vari- ous parts calling for infinite preci- sion¢in attack its effective transi- tions from forte to pianissimo, and its fortissimo theme recurring re- peatedly, 'proved a choral test un- der which the visiting choir lived up to its-.reputation as winners' at the last two annual contests held at the Musical Festival, The entire musical portions of both services were, in fact, a revela- tion to many people who heard the vigitors and who took the services as conclusive evidence of the effi- ciency which can be obtairied by a church' choir through hard work, co- operation, and loyalty to a capable 'leader. t THE WHITBY Advertising, subscriptions and news will be receivéd at the Whitby Branch Office at Gasette and Chronicle.~Telephone 23. After Business Hours--Phone 359. 'REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON DAILY TIMES GRADUATES AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Ladies From College Heard "Special Sermon by the Rector Members of the graduating class of the Ontario Ladies' Col- lege attended the Sunday morn- ing service in a body at St. John's Church, Port Whitby, and were given a warm welcome by the rec- tor. Rev. D. B. Langford, the war- dens. and congregation. The young ladies were ushered into seats specially reserved for them. For the occasion the church was very beautifully decorated with pink and crimson tulips, ap- ple blossoms and ferns, banked in front of the chancel. There was a large congregation. The rector took as his text the well-Known benediction, "The grace our Lord Jesus Christ; the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirits, be with you all." He stressed the need, particularly in the lives of young people going out into the world, of the three great Chris- tian essentials, God's grace, God's love, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Next Sunday evening the grad- uates will attend the United Church for the Baccalaureate ser. mon, to be preached by Rev. James Endicott, D.D. TRAFFIC OFFICER BACK ON THE JOB Sidney Hilliard, Whitby, Has Recovered From Accident Motorists, who use the King- ston Highway east from Toronto for a considerable distance, are pleased to see the popular traffic officer, Sidney Hilliard, back on the job again. Traffic Officer Hilliard, some weeks ago, was in an accident near Scarboro which sent him to the Toronto East General Hospital for some time, and also confined him to his home for several weeks after his return to Whitby from the hospital, Mr. Hilliard has completely recovered and has been back on the job since the holiday. He is regarded as one of the most alert and highly efficient officers in this part of the country today. He notes a. steady increasé in traffic volume since the fine wea« ther arrived, but up tn the present accidents have been fewer. OSHAWA HOSPITAL NURSES WORSHIP AT KNOX CHURCH (Continued from page 1) life's aspects were little changed by what they did. These saints have idled away their time in life and have hid their talents from the eyes of men, The other side of the picture, however, showed a long line of men and women who were - bending every talent and energy in their pos- session to serve their day and gen- eration to the best of their ability. As examples of those who had' de- voted their life and talents to help those who were under the stress of care, Rev. Munro cited the work done by Henry Drummond. and Flo- rence Nightingale. Thé latter name had become a household word throughout the world, all through her sacrifice of her life to 'serve mankind. he supreme example of sacrifice was given us in the pages of the Bible, Rev. Munro asserted, where we learn of the great sacrifices made by Jesus Christ, who mingled with the poor and needy and brought hope to the world. Others may be lessor lights but it was from Him that they have taken the torch and carried it, It was a mistake Rev. Munro in- sisted, to direct attention only to the past, as in Oshawa there were many serviceable saints. In his two years in the city, he asserted, in visiting the hospital he had noticed that the nurses always had a cheery smile, which , was an inspiration during their duties among the sick. There was no other profession which of- fered such opportunity for true ser- vice, with fidelity and devotion as that of nursing. The. nurses had the oportunity of saying the last word to those who are leaving this vale of tears and thereby were able to impart comfort when it was most needed. In conclusion Rev. Munro ex- pressed the hope that the nurses might be given the grace to emulate Florence Nightingale and follow on in the service of their Saviour and Piles Go Quick Without Salves or Cutting Itching, bleeding, protruding piles are caused by bad circula- tion of the blood in the affected parts. The parts become weak, flabby, almost dead, Only an in- ternal remedy tan remove thé cause--that's why salves, sup: positories and cutting fail. Dr. Leonhardt's prescription, ROID, succeeds because it re- moves congestion, restores: cir- culation, heals and strengthens the diseased parts. HEM-ROID has such a wonderful record of quickly ending even piles of long standing, that Jury & Lovell, says one hottle. of HEM-ROID Tablets must end your pile agony or money back. 4 * LADIES' SUITS COATS & PLAIN DRESSES CLEANED & PRESSED 8 Hour Service If Required' All Work Done by Members. of Gold Medal Cleaners & Dyers 21 Bond 8t. E. Phone 863 HEM: || Card of Thanks Mrs. F.-H. Davis and family wish to thank their friends and acquaintances, also Dr. G. D. Bird and Dr, O. G. Mills, also all others who were so kind te them in their recent sad bereavement. (127a) In Memoriam She was called from this world of sorrow, Leaving a memory of love, But her soul shall live on forever In that beautiful world above, And through the gates of Para- dise . Her arms will stretch some day, To welcome those who are griev- ng For their loved one taken away. Sadly missed by husband and family, W. J. Smith, (127a) Obituary. .. JOSEPH HERDSMAN Daniel Herdsman, of this city, has received word of the death of his father, Joseph W, Herdsman, In Niagara Falls, in his eighty- ninth year. The late Mr. Herdsman was a former lightweight boxing cham- pion of Canada, fignting under the name of "Joe Popp." He was born at Beverley, England and came to Canada 51 years ago and in his younger days in England and Canada, was an outstanding boxer. He had lived in Niagara Falls. for the past i31 years and for 10 years Was an inspector at who was was a member of Middlesex Lodge, Sons of England, Toron- to and is survived by his widow and three sons and three daugh- ters, James, Grand Rapids; Wil- liam, Chicago; Daniel, Oshawa; Mrs. Ollie, Brock, Grand Rapids; Mrs. May Kirkwood, Buffalo and Mrs. William Cooper, Toronto. * Is Toronto people will find it diffi- cult to keep their minds on the Woodbine and the budget in the one weck. With the summer holidays only a matter of weeks away, life would be perfect for the school population --were it not for the examinations that intervenc, The up and coming community of Bradford, in ein has a "town story teller". You know--one of those lodge brothers who has a trusting wife.~Border Cities Star. News despatch says an engineer is building a motor car thirty feet long and fifteen feet wide. He would be a nice fellow to meet on Sparks street in a traffic jam, the Ontario Power Company. He EARLY WEEK SPECIALS STORES CLOSE AT 1 PM. WEDNESDAY A & P LOWER PRICES MEAN GREATER VALUES BECAUSE ONLY QUALITY FOODS ARE SOLD AT A & P EAGLE 'BRAND MILK Condensed nn | *e FOR WARM WEATHER MEALS LOBSTER 'No. y Tin 2 for 29¢ SCOTIA NO. TIN © 2 A FOR THAT SCHOOL GIRL COMPLEXION Palmolive ser 4-25 VALENCIA ORANGES NICE AND JUICY 2 os 2" FRESH CAUGHT WHITEFISH ILLAKE NIPIGON Lb, Fo FINEST SIRLOIN STEAK + SLICED Beef Bologna BONELESS SHANK Stewing Beet Lb. © DUMART'S WEINERS Lb. 21 ar ATLANTIC & PAcIFIc TEA Co. LTD. OF CANADA ers, Head | | We are : ecially suui oped ps, Door i Nickel and Chromium Plating 'Have Your Car or Mot Refinished Before the F to refinish your Radiator Shell, Bump- We also recommend our Coppe preventative coating. ah | Simcoe Street South dles, Hubcaps etc., or. Cutwaters, shields or other boat fittings. Our prices are moderate and all work is guaranteed, oe We have the most up-to-date plating plant in io for t of work and prices will be gladly quoted on application... . . er and Cadmium . Coulter Manufacturing Company | orboat Ontario for this type Plating as a rust . Oshawa, Ontario | oo" idays Wind- 1