Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1931, p. 2

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a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 193( ' Ontar MOTHERS' DAY ". OBSERVED AT ALMONDS CHURCH Almonds, May 18.--Mothers' Day.was obsérved in'the Sunday School on Sunday. A good wrowd were present. The altar was beautifully decorated with slants and blossoms. The Moth- srs' Day sheets were carried out. Miss Marion Richardson gave the "story: "The Cap That Mother ' Made." It was very ably given »y memory. The pageant, "Noble Vothers of Famous Men," was ~ell taken. "The Spirit of Mo- herhood" was taken by Mrs. orme Kemp; her four attendants were June Webster, Wilma Rich- irdson, Audrey Shortt, Olive Pilkey. Mr. Browning, of Whitby, gave a very 'interesting talk at the young people's meeting on Tues- day. Don't forget the box social at the young people's on Tues- * day evening, May 26. The young men will be in charge of the evening. A good time is hoped for. Be sure and come. Rheumatic Cripples New Medicine Guaranteed To Free Your Muscles and Joints in Less Than a Week or Money-Back «No, matter how crippled and helpless 'you are with rheumat- ism, you can*how ease that pain in a day and break rheumatism's terrible grip on your system in less than a week. One bottle of Ru-Ma is guar- anteed to free your muscles and joints from all crippling stiffness, swelling and torturing pain or your money refunded. No long wait for that awful agony to stop, for Ru-Ma eases pain the first day. Magically your muscles and joints limber up. swelling vanishes, aches and twinges disappear, away go crutches and canes. Jury & Lovell has confidence in Ru-Ma that they want every rheumatic in town to try it and guarantee money- back if it does not-end rheu- matism, s0 much WHEN IN TORONTO | Make Your Home Hoter WAVERLEY SPADINA AVE. ond COLLEGE ST, E. R. Powell, Prep. CONVENIENT-ECONOMICAL Since =F "tion" Co. (iow Store) College and Bay Sts Club Breakfasts 40c up Luncheon 50c Dinner 51.00 RATES $1.50 UP Write foo Folder AKE DELUXE TAXI FROM ag DEPOT-~-FARE 450 Mr. and' Mrs. Harvey Hardy and children, of Solina; and Mr. James Reeson, of Columbus, visit- ed on Sunday at the home of W. H. Balsdon. Miss Mable Mackey, of Toron- to, was a week-end visitor with her mother here, Mr. Hugh Leask, of Toronto, was a visitor over the week-end with Mr. Lloyd Morcombe. Mr. and Mrs. Bickle Guy, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Guy. Arbor day was held school on Thursday, when the yard was cleaned up, flowers planted, and a trip to the woods made. Games were played and wild flowers gathered. A very pleasant time was enjoyed to gether. Mrs. Harlock Sr., is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Brown. Mrs, Bill Adams was a recent visitor with Mr. Arthur Wilson, at the home of Mr. Ted Bentley. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Slade and daughters, of Toronto, visit- ed on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood. Dr. and Mis. P. W. and children visited over the week-end with relatives in King- ston, A number of the young people cleaned up the church yard re- cently and are planting flowe:s shortly. After the job was done they went into the church and enjoyed a pot luck social, which the ladies provided. A happy time was spent together. The young people are being en- tertained by Kinsale young peo- ple on Tuesday evening. A good time is looked forward to. The new service station, at Lynde's c¢reek bridge, is near- ing completion and a fine new residence is being erected now. "This great improvement will no doubt attract many cf the pass- ing motorists and should do = thriving business, in spite of the large opposition. Misses Irene and Elma How- land, Mrs. Cephas Osburne and Mrs. T.C. Mrs. M. Lee, Oshawa, on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard and family, of Orono; Mrs. Chal lis and Mable, of Bowmanville, were visitors on Sunday at home of Mrs. T. C. Osburne. at the EBENEZER (Mrs. Blake Oke, Correspondent) | Ebenezer, May 18.--Mr, and Mrs. Will Bickle and Maurice; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Oke and Wes- | Peterporo | ley spent Sunday in and Lindsay. Our young people present their | play in Kendal on Friday even- | | Ing. The Darlington township Sun- | | day School Convention {is being | held at Ebenezer Church on Fri- | day, May 22nd at 2 o'clock. | | Little Miss Fay Found enter- | tained her numerous little girl and boy friends to a birthday par- ty on Monday afternoon, when all helped her gayly to celebrate her fourth birthday, Miss Elsie Oke is entertaining Miss Pear! Flintoff's group of C. G.IT. girls on Saturday after- noon, Elsie being one of the group. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pearce and Is nor this what you seck when buying an insurance policy on gowinion of XK GENERAL od Insurance Company. « TORONTO Local Representatives \."A,E.MURDOCH - _ J,C. YOUNG HEAD OFFICE Extracts from a few of many un- requested letters of appreciation from satisifed i Mr. Jim Pearce visited with New- McQuay | Osburne, visited with | Challis | the | Sorry to report Mr. Herb Nichols is indisposed but, hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Otis Worden and family, Torouto, vigited at the home of Mr. Frank Rundle, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundle and family, Toronto, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle, over the week-end. Mr, Walter Snider, who has been at Lancaster for some time past, returned home on Saturday evening and left Monday morn- ing accompanied by Mr. Sid Nich- ols for Brantford and Dresden for the summer, We are sorry to lose Sid from our midst. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Allen and family, Newcastle, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down on Sunday. castle friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Delbert Flintoff, Mr. Morley and Misses Leona and Reta Flintoff visited with the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. Wesley Cameron, at Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Helen, Doris and Greta visited with Mrs. Florence Wilkins, Salem, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden visited with Bowmanville friends on Sunday. > Mr. and Mrs. Will Marshall, Florabelle, June and Billy, spent the week-end with Toronto 1ela- tives. : Mrs. Ira Trull visited with her daughter, Mrs, Patte, Oshawa, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Bernice and Jack Maxwell at her mother's Mrs, Jane Osborne's. Strange Case for an Oculist.-- That of a young lady who, instead of a pulpit, has a college student in her eye. Some women grow old before their time trying to look young after their time. ENGLISHWOMAN TELLS OF WINTER IN METAGAMA Toronto, Ont., May 19.--Lady Kitty Vincent, sister of the 11th Earl of Airlie, has written a book about the wilds of Metagama. in winter, called "Two on a Trip", (Herbert Jenkins," Lon- don). She likes Canada so much that it seems rather a pity she has advertised only its winter charms, and so given further ma- terial "for the enemy to blas- pheme'---that is to say KEurop- cans who think of the country as enveloped in snows for the great- er part of the year. She wanted to live "in the bush' for part of a winter in a cabin with another woman, in a district which she had visited previously, staying close by the station itself. She did this ,and in an amusing bright fashion, a newspaper women (she herself a as calls Journalist') she sets down her experiences. Of the country itself surpris- 'ingly little is told. But you. learn that for such adventures as hers "Trousers are much more useful than breeches." The latter are very tiring after a time, par- ticularly if you should be obliged to break trail for any distance. You want lots and lots of grease for your complexion, "I can sce no reason for looking hideous at the end of a holiday; it doesn't make you any more ef- ficient and unless you do take a little trouble your skin will be as wrinkled as that of any old Indian squaw." Her opinion of Halifax, seen at a disadvantage, will not make Lady Kitty particularly popular in that city, but Montreal she found attractive and gay, "with a certain graciousness in the so- ciety that is found in few other cities; perhaps the nearest equiv- alent is Quebec. It has a cos- mopolitan air, A luncheon party in Montreal is as unlike that dreadful ceremony in London, ds beef is to vol au vent." She does not menticn Toronto. Apply at once to soothe, ote Dodd's ection OINTMENT | tn a jar like the finest face creams. Price $80 | BURNS "I was hampered by my snow- boots", she writes, "Those ghastly felt atrocities into which Canadians thrust their feet at the beginning of winter and in which they remain till Spring, They are sensible and necessary, but de- pressing, and they turn the smartest clothes into a carica- ture. Personally, T never under- stand how Canadian women stand a winter in town where life is one long struggle between weather and the fashions. The girls display their knees in silk stockings although they develop their feet in snowboots; their feet remain warm and hideous and their knees remain lovely and frost-hitten." But in Metagama she found everything fascinating. There was never time to cook and being two women, true to type, they on biscuits, butter, bread, tea and bacon. 'You couldn't, on a blue and gold morning, remain indoors, jam and Reed Everything You Grow with this complete, z balanced diet Hogg & Lytle Ltd. '54 Church St. Phone 203 subsisted (she and her friend) wr the standard grade of Goodyear Tires so superior that MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND--how vastly superior must be Goodyear's extra- service tire, the Heavy Duty? A stronger carcass--a heavier tread ~--Supertwist vitality--All-Weather tread safety --these are the fea- tures which protect you against tire delays and insure mileage much in excess of what you have previously enjoyed. In fact, Goodyear Heavy Duty Tires bought now will probably be still in service when you sell your present car, GOODYEAR MEANS GOOD WEAR 1. Tread design carried down sidewall ® giving greater protection against wear. 2. 3 New tread design, giving greater ® traction in the centre of the tire-- and giving this traction throughout the life of the tire. The All-Weather Tread Goodyears have traction in the centre of the tread where it belongs. 4 Thicker sidewalls for longer life. ® Ribs on sidewall add further pro- tection against curbs and ruts. 5 Tread design spreads road shocks ® over the carcass. 6 Specially built, stronger, heavier ® Supertwist carcass to stand up under high speeds or heavy loads. Heavier tread, giving longer life and greater freedom from puncture. Where you see a sign like this you will find a reliable merchant able to give you immediate service on the World's Greatest 1ires and Tubes. = mpm D000 [Selected | Dealer

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