THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1931 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and The Community Visitors To Oshawa Hospital Delighted With Up To-Date Equipment And System Social & Personal Mr. and Mrs. Bert Procter and son, of Hamilton, spent _Jast week-end with Mrs. Procter's sister, Mrs, Nel- son Smith, 173 Celina Street. Mr. Victor Proctor and Miss Peggy Proctor and Mr. Bridgland of Hamilton, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith. Mr. Norval Sweet of Harmony, is leaving on May 16th to visit his aunt ind uncle, Mr, and Mrs Shaw in To- ronto and later leaving with them on a month's trip to California. On May 29th, the Alumnae of the « Oshawa General Hospital Nurses' Training School will entertain the members of the graduating class at a dinner and dance at the Genosha Hotel. Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin is to be the speaker. WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Oslina St. Clearing of Ladies' Coats and Dresses $8.95" THE FASHION SHOPPE, 84 Simcoe St. S. Kayser and Gotham Gold Stripe il Full Fashioned Hose, Chiffon I and Service In observance of the birthday of Florence Nightingale yesterday, the doors of the Oshawa General Hospie tal were thrown open to the public and visitors were at liberty to inspect the whole building. To the many who called during the afternoon, aud were conducted through the corridors leading from one department to an- other, by nurses appointed for that duty, it was amazing for thcin to note the splendid modern equipment in every line or medical service and there is no doubt but that thosc who visited the hospital will be strong supporters of it in the future. While in the building one could not help notice on what an efficent system ev- erything is run, There was no com- motion in the corridors but when called upon the nurses went quickly and quietly from room to room, mak- ing no more noise than could pos- sibly be helped when a patient re- quired quiet or stopping to chat with and cheer some patient who might feel the need of some friendly com- panionship. The Hospital is very proud of the fact that it has just been approved by the Provincial Hospital Board, as a training school for nurses and will henceforth be registered as one. This very fact vouches for the high stan- dard of efficiency and thoroughness which is prevalent, in the Oshawa Hospital. Seeing inside the building and learning more about the institution than is known by the general public, no one should feel it necessary to go out of town for the administration of medical service: After inspecting the interior of the Hospital, guests were conducted .to the Nurses' residence where tea was served in the drawing room. Mrs. C. A. Kinnearm, secretary of the Ladies' Auxiliary, of the Hospital, was pour- ing and other n.embers of the Auxil- iary preset who assisted with serv- ing tea and receiving the guests, were Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, president of the Auxiliary, Mrs. T, W. Joyce, Miss M. Whitney, and Miss Mac- Williams, superintendent of the Hos- pital. Tea will be served at the Oshawa Tennis Club after the games which are to be the features of the official opening of the Club on Saturday, May 16. LJ LJ Mrs. W. P. Chard, of Lindsay, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Geo. E. Bull, Simcoe Street North. LJ LJ The Lend-a-Hand Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Disney, Simcoe Street South, Mrs. F. Branton, prepident, presid- ing. There was a good attendance. A very pretty hand-worked handker- chief was donated by Mrs. Marie Schwartz. Mrs. Follest holding the luckey ticket. The meeting closed with the mizpah benediction, after which supper was served by the hos- tess, assisted by her daughters Miss. es Eileen and Amy. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. jonn R. Boaprey an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Florence, to Mr. Norman Ashley, only son of the late Mr, Her- bert Ashley, and Mrs. Ashley, Osh- awa; marriage will take place early in June, (112a) " Reveals Finger Print on Plaster Cast Murderer Prints Fatal to Strangler in Vienna Not long ago the body of a young man was found in a woods in the environs of Vienna, Austria. He had been choked to death, The police made use of '"'negacoll" an extremel plastic modelling material by whic! masingly te masks are d A " bust of the victim was by his relatives after the body was buried. iden ! Examining the cast closely, the police ti d a reproducti pi gd ve - Prints on Things Are Dangerous to You a meal) because Lifebuoy contains a germicide. It is not saly lo Simin nila shat prints are us. y are of peril to honest people. For, if you wre lifting a chocolate or a biscuit to munch as you read, Jour prints may be preparing the way for your visit to a sick bed, the victim of a germ This is not mere sensation. It is the oold truth. Your fi may be covered with germs which you have icked up from articles which other od have touched during the day. Those other fingers may have been germ laden. Germs Breed Rapidly When those germs on the chocolate or biscuit reach your mouth they may breed with amazing rapidity and Bo tor a: at some weak point. ou know that the Life Extension Institute lists Ho fete than 57 disease ferns Which may be spread by human hands? We cannot see these germs, yet they here. re is and avail- are everywhere. safety? Here it is--saim) able to all--wash with Lifebuoy Soap many times a day (snd always before the washbasin supply from your Lifebuo Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicide 5 you Eat Safety in Lifebuoy people always on bath. a today. Lever Brothers Limited, L and for the v WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING Cut on Smart Sophisticated Lines For Daughter By ANNETTE It's so becoming to growing girls and the slim miss. It has the bolero too, that must not be rorgotten is very important in the adult mode Its bib-like collar is interesting fea- ture. The circular skirt is given a smart moulded appearance through a fitted hip yoke. So many delightful be used for this model. with the particular young wearer, materials san It only rests needs of the The older girl will like it espe- cially in a crepe printed silk in com- bination with plain crepe. While for younger sister, tub fab- rics in linen, cotton broadcloth prints, cotton shantung prints and men's cotton shirting. will prove popular fabrics. Style No. 287 is designed for girls of 11, 13, 15 and 17 on il Size 15 requires 3 yards 39-inch with 13 yards 39-inch" contrasting, Our large Fashion Magazine shows the latest Paris styles for Spring and Summer for adults and children, Also instructive lessons in sewing. Price of BOOK 15 cents, Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin .preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Edi- tor, Oshawa Dally Times, Oshawa, Ontario. The independent class is the one that doesn't have any breakfast if the dependent class doesn't show up to cook it. A PLUCKY MIDGET Go where you will you'll find it true That pluck with size has naught to do. ---0ld Mother Nature. Big folks are sometimes cowards and little folks the sometimes very brave. You never can judge the pluck of anyone by size alone. Farmer Brown's Boy had known this for a long time, but never had he been more certain of it than when he stood near the top of an unsteady ladder, trying to get one hand out of a hole in a giant cactus and unable to steady himself with the other hand with- out getting pricked by sharp spines with which that cactus was cover- ed. It would have been all right had it not been that someone with claws as sharp as needles, and with an equally painful bill was hanging on to that hand in the hole. Yes, sir, that was just what was happening. "Ouch! Let go, whoever you are!" cried Farmer Brown's Boy. But whoever it was didn't let go, but with every mbvement of Farmer Brown's Boy's hand dug thore claws and that bill deeper in GE, "Ouch! Let go! Whoever you are,' cried Farmer Brown's Boy. to his fingers. Those fingers didn't have hold of anything, but some- thing had hold of them. There was no mistake about that. Far- mer Brown's Boy wasn't frighten- cd. He knew that it was a bird who was making him so uncom- fortable, for he had fel: _eathers just before his firgers were seized. What kind of a *'rd i. was he didn't know. That hole had teen made by either a Flicker or a wood-pecker, and so he had sup- posed that the occupant must be either one or the other. Now, VERY NERVOUS, TIRED o « o LITTLE SLEEP Mrs. ALICE SAUNDERS London, Ont--"I was in a general | rundown state of health, and so very neryous that I got very little sleep or rest at night, would be just as tired and worn _out when morning came as when I retired at night. I was 80 weak that I could scarcely stand on my feet, but Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription soon made a great change in my condition; quicted my nerves so I could sleep, I regained my strength and was in fine physical condition after taking the 'Prescrip- tion"."--=Mrs. Alice Saunders, 136 Grey St. Druggists. Fluid or tablets, Send 10e to Dr. Pleres's Laboratory fin Bridgeburg, Ont, for a trial package of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription By Thornton W. Burgess thowever, he was doubtful. He never had felt Woodpecker or Flicker claws as sharp as these. "Pull him out and let's look at him, or her, whichever it is," call- ed Cousin Tom from the foot of the ladder. Farmer Brown's Boy made a wry face. "That's what I am doing," said he. "I can't do anything else unless the rascal lets go at the en- trance. You wouldn't laugh 1f you were in my place. Ouch!" Just then his hand came free of the hole and with it came a feath- ered midget clinging to his fingers as if she meant never to let go. The eyes of Farmar Brown's Boy were rornd with amazemen:. Ile for- got the pain of those claws and that tiny hooked hill. You see, this midget wac not much higger than Bally the English Sparrow, vet was a member of the Owl fam- ily, and a fully grown Owl at that. It was an EIf Owl, the smallest member of the Owl family. In fact it was Mrs. Elf, and she had heen sitting on the eggs when Farmer Browns Boy so rudely disturbed ler, | Still eclinring to his fingers, he | brought her down the ladder, then | | rently took ber in his other hand and gently released her held on his he exclaimed { fingers. "Phew!" <N ® | 25 he shook that hand. "You are a plucky little lady. I guess it is a good thing for me that you are no bigger than you are, You've got more pluck than any of your big cousins I have ever met with. You wouldn't make a mouthfal for your biggest cousin, Hooty the Great Horned Owl, vet 1 have climbed to Hooty's nest many a time and neither he nor Mrs. Hoo- ty ever have seen me, to say noth- ing of attacking me If they had halt the pluck you have, you lit- tla bunch of nothing, I guess no one would meddle with them or their nest." Now, of course Mis. EIf understand a word of this was a spunky little midget. She may have heen, afraid. She prob- ably was afraid. She didn't show t however. She snapped her bill bravely and tried to look very fierce. She didn't like rhe glaring light, for EIf Owls are birds of the night and, unlike some of their cousins, are rarely seen in tne day- time. But even so she fluffed out her feathers and did her best to pretend that she was unafraid, Cousin Tom and Farmer Brown's Doy looked her over carefully and then Farmer Brown's Boy opened his hand and let her go. She snapped her bill once or twice and then flew up to the hoie in the cactus and popped in. didn't She (Copyright, 1931, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Flip Sees Long- ot." GUILD BIRTHDAY PARTY The ladies of the Guild of St. 'eorge's Church were hostesses at a very successful birthday party, held in the Parish Hall, Centre St., on Monday evening, May 11, the oc- casion being the 7th annivepsary of the opening of New St. George's Church. The rooms were artistically de corated for the occasion with streamers and spring flowers, During the evening cards and dancing were enjoyed by about 175 members of the congregation and their friends, music being supplied by Snell's Orchestra. The prize for 'the high score at bridge, was won by Mrs. W. G. Hol- land; for whist by Mrs. Adair and the lucky spot dance by Miss Dor- othy Williams, About 10.30 a dain- ty buffet supper was served and dancing continued until 12 p.m. when the singing o fthe Nationa! Anthem brought to a close a most enjoyable evening. Thousands of women. am' otting quick relief from / those distressing periodic aches and pains by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Harm- fess but effective, they bring immediate relief. Women - , who thus suffer, are suffer- ing needless pain, for one or two of these harmless oleRy-" litte tablets will certainly =~ WHERE stop the pain. PER BOX -LOCK'S LADIES WEAR GREAT MOVING SALE Commencing Thursday May 14 24 Simcoe North Phone 2428 ELECTIONS AT HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Mrs. G. B. Norris Returned to Presidency Mrs. G. B. Norris was again re- turned to the presidency of King St. Home and School Club at the an- nual election of officers held last evening at a meeting of the club, Honorary president, Mrs, E. C. My- ers; vice-president, Mrs. J. Marks; 2nd vice-president, Miss Holmes; rd vice president, Mrs. M. Jacobi; recording secretary. Mrs. M. Miller; corresponding secretary, Miss Mit- chell; press reporter, Mrs. C, Eadie; treasurer, Mrs. D. C. Forrester, membership - secretary, Mrs. W Gamble; flower and visiting com- mittee, Mrs. G. Salter, Mrs. M. Sobanes; executive committee, Mrs. Medland, Mrs. Edmunds, Mrs. Miec- hael, Mrs. Alehin, Mrs. Meclllvoy Mrs. Virtue, Mrs. Archer, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs, Valleau, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Paterson, Mre. Andrews, Mrs Ledger and teachers of King Street School, Representatives to the Cen. tral Council, Mrs, W. Armour, and Mrs. D. Rutledge. This meeting last evening, was the final one of the school year. The treasurer's report showed a large balance, ample to carry on the Club's many activities for another year. A business meeting preceeded the selection of officers, and Mrs. Har- p and Mrs. Rutledge were ap- pOmted to accompany 'the entrance class pupils on a trip to Toronto when they will visit the museum, A committee was apopinted to arrange for the annual school picnic, com- mittees will also make plans for the Home and School Club picnic that is to be at the Cream of Barley Camp on June 9. A number of the mem- bers will work with the president as cvonvenors in the interests of Tag Day for the Blind Institute which is to be on Saturday, June 6. The dollar prize for this month went to Miss Cruse' class. Mrs, Rombough, The ladies of the Guild wish to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who contributed in any way towards such a successful even- ing. accompanied at the piano by Mrs, Robson, rendered a delightful vocal solo. Mrs. Earl Trew gave a read- ing, Miss Jean Miller gave a piano solo and little Miss Audrey Gates did a charming dance. The loging side. of the membership campaign of which Mrs. Milller was captain, served the refreshments at the close of the meeting. JUNIOR W. A. TO GIVE CONCERT The Junior W. A. of Christ Church, intends holding a mission- ary concert on Friday, May 15, in the parish hall at 8 oclock. Native costumes of the countries represent- ed will be worn. The girls are look- ing forward to the event and hope for a successful evening. The pro- ceeds will go towards a mission bale that is being packed in the fall, MRS. FRANK ROBSON At a meeting of the Cedardale Home and School Club, held last evening, Mrs. Frank Robson was re- elected president of the Club, her executive is composed of: Miss Smith, vice-president, Mrs. Pugh, treasurer, and Mrs. A. Singer, sec- retary. During the business session it was decided to hold a euchre party on May 19th for which Mrs. Robson iy is kindly lending her home. In the near future the Club intends hold- ing a dance. SIMCOE LADIES' ATID HOLDS MEETING Mrs. A. B. Creighton, presided for the devotional part of the meeting of Simcoe Street Ladies' Aid So- ciety yesterday, and at its eonclu- sion, Mrs. I. Bradley, the president, took the chair to conduct the busi- ness. Most important on the pro- gram for the day was the arranging of the Society's annual pienic that is to be held at Lakeview Park on June 9. ' Mrs. Thompson of Toronto, was guest artist of the afternoon and cave a most charming reading. Mrs. Leo Gray sang a solo. Tea was serve ed by the group of which Mrs, Scammells is the eonvenor. SLEEP ASTHMA = gotively relieved. Just swallow RAZ. AH Capsules. $latall druggists. For comfort use lal RAZ-MAH THIEF OF and all beauty aids Consult your DRUGGIST Have Faith in CERTIFIED by his college Your Druggist QUALIFIED by expcricncc 17) oe OSS WOULDN'T HADN'T FouaH NCAW, THERE AIN' ie WLITH MR. WHIPPL TOSTICE OH, MAC, WIiklk You HELP ME THIS WORK. FOR MR. SiMPlax BEFORE « YOU LEAVE 7 | en E| oF Ferri EE oi WE @ave ME $ 300 A week) 78 I'S VL GET MR. WHIPPLE TO HELP ME - HE'S ; - STILL WITH SRE hs A THE FIRM All RIGHT, MEANIE - {] R 1 HOW! - ? GOOD - eye