THE OSHAWA-DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1931 4 \ AYS the backbone of And particularly when selling becomes difficult---when prosper- ity lags --- when the wheels of industry slow down. During periods such as these, - Canadian business executives depend more than ever on the daily newspapers to sell mer- chandise. Why? Mainly because daily newspapers produce instant response, instant results. Daily newspapers reach and move fo action vast groups of people Canadian advertising| No other carrier of the sales message covers a market so intimately, so completely. Practically every Canadian family reads a daily newspaper. Itisan essential part of their daily life. Without it they would feel a dis- tinct loss. Nothing can take its place. Because it occupies this unique position in Canadian life and thought, no form of selling can supplant the dailynewspaper. It is economical. It 1s flexible. Itisthe advertiser's unfailing point of contact with his market. For prompt action on sales plans--for quick "customer influence at minimum cost--for real co-operation from the retail trade, the daily newspaper is to-day, as always, the out- : sanding advertising medium in Canada.