Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 May 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1931 PACE 8 If It Is To Be Bought Or Sold - Times Classified Ads Will Do Legal Dental For Rent CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries rublic. Bte Conveyancing and general -prac- t'ce in Law. Office 7% <imcoa St. South, Oshawa. Fhone 4. G. DN. Conant, B.A, LLLB.; A. I, An. nis, B.A, LL. W. BE. N. SINCLAIR K£.C., BANK of Cr.nmerce Building. JOSEPH P. MANGAN B.A., BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence pkone 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barristers, etc.,, Bank of Chmmerce Bldg. LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor Notary. Over Dewland's Store. -Money to loan, 16 Simece street north. Phone 67, Resi- dence 3473W. GREER AND HUMIFHREYS BAR- risters, Solicitors, etc., 2414 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160, Residance 3514. Money to loan. ALEX C. HaLL, B.A. BARRIS- ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 2233 King ot. East. Phone 3237. (tr). FRANK s. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Putlic, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Aiger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B. lo J. Hezlewood, special attention to | Surgery and X-Ray. Dr. B. H Harper. special attention to child- ren's Diseases and tbstetrics. fun- day and night calls 2416 or 12 DR. MeKaY PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accowther. Office and resi- dence King St. East,' corner Vic- toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of iafaats and children. Office apni resideney 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, D,C MM. L.R.C.P. and 8S, Edinburgh Phy- gician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Office 142 Simeoe St. No. Phone 3020W residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North. Phone 3020J. Veterinary Surgeon PR. SHIRLEY VETERINARIAN Specialist, Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5 aug. tl) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F..T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at hie office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m,, for consultation and treat- ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. Architects C. STENHOUSE Architectural work. Royal Bank Building Res. phone 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. ). SULLEY. Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. S, Osh- awa, Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements, Your pairon- ge solicited. ELMER WILBUR, TAUNTON, Ont., [arm and house sale specialty. Terms, low. Phone Oshawa 1643 r 2-4. : (28 apr c) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, RE- pairs and alterations, dressma k- ing, buttons and buttonholes. The Del Shon, 2614 Simcoe S. Phone 1656. (Jan. 5-1 mc) Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking. Private cr in class- es. For terms phons Lois Mundy. No. 45 or 312 (Dec. 17-1 mo.) . Money to Loan AUTOMOBILE LOAN--A CON- fidential service at the lowest price. Whether your cur is fully paid or mot. We can reduce your present payments, Motor Loans & Discounts, R. ¥. White, Mgr., 141% King St. Bast, Oshawa. Phone 2790. Open evenings till 9 p.m. (16 may ¢) Battery Service B SRI ARGED Toc with rental $1.00. Repaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. GENERAL Second floor Phone 1496 o Ce DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work, Gas :xtraction. Nurse in at tendance. Phone 959. House LiL DR. ). F. BRO DENTIST, Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. ns 1957. Res. 202W. Evenings by ap- pointment. DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X-ray work. Nutse in attendance. Phone 1243 and 864. .| dryer. VICTORIA APARTMENTS = AT new lcw rentals, electric refrigeration electric stove, washing mackine and Apply superintendent. Phone 2533F. (§5tf) SIMCOE MANOR --- FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conveniences. Apply superintendent, phone 7, ; (55th) THREE AND 4 ROOM APART- ments. Modern .v the minute. Phone 1550 or 2347W. (132ti) Veterinary DR." W. D. FORSYTHE, V.8, treats diseases of all domesticated animals, Thornton's Corners. I'hone Oshawa 202 ring 2. (9 may ¢) FOR RENT GLADSTONE Apartments, 12 Gladstone, modern three rooms with three picce bath, water, gas stove, electric light, hot water heating, laundry conven- iences, Private cellar, §30 month- ly. Phone 2604W. (9 may c) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST., East, Ambulance. Residence 542 Sim- coe street, north. Phone 210] and 210W. : CSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. §&7 Celina. (4ti) Spirella WITH THE NEW LINES OF fashions Spireila solves your prob- lem. Call Mrs, Blatter, Manager. Phone 2189M, (13 may ¢) FOR RENT-- 4 ROOMS AND bath, electric stove and other conveniences in business section. Apply Box 296 Times. (1 may ¢) BACHELOR JOR APARTMENT, , FUK- nished, newly decorated, light, water, in business Apply Dox 296 Times. (1 may ¢) I -- FURNISHED with bath. section. URE 3 apartment, All FOR roomed Rent, Phone OFFICES, BRIGHT. good aprpoach, $15 up. APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 2 TO 4 $35 BO4W, CLEAN. rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabi- net, wall bed. Bradley Bros. Over Ward's Store. (87t1) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consul R, N. johns, 82 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attend. ed to and your interests protected. HOLDEN SAVES YOU MONEY on your car or fire insurance. 92 Simcoe N. Phone 371W. (8 may c) Optometrist C. H. TUCK. OPTOMETRIST, specialist in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, The Child and Its Development. Dis- ney Block. Opposite Post Office Phone 1516. (21 may c) . Transportation CARTAGE A AND STORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists in furniture moving. Storage ware- house. and moving van equipment Phone 82 GIBSON CARTAGE, SAND, GRAV- el, cinders. Local and long distance moving, Phone 1326F. Day or night service. (29 may ¢) ~ Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Specialists in perman- ent, finger and marcel waving. Per- manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul. ture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Simcoe strect | north. MRS. BEATRICE STACEY AULD, formerly of Robertson's, To- ronto, and late manageress of Montreal Hairdressing Academy. Specialist in beauty culture, per- manent waving, marcel and fing- er waving, hair dyeing, hot oil and sun ray scalp treatments, ete, Per- sonal attention with all the latest modern machines, Private operat- ing room at residence, Athol St., Oshawa. Phone 765J for appoint- rents. (1 june e) TA PARISIENNE BEAUTY PAW- lours. 3 Simcoe St. South, Phone 71. Marcel 50c. Finger wave 75c. (20 may c) NORMA'S BEAUTY PARLOUR, formerly of 220 Clark St. Mar- celling a specially, Monday and Tuesday 35¢, rest of week 60c. Over Mitchell's Drug. Store. Phone 2525. (28 may ©) DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE, EX- perts in permanent, fingef and marcel waving. Permanent waves, $5, $7.60, $10, $15. 20c trims and 35c marcels. Ask for Miss Duquette, Phone 38, over Ward's store. (30apr.c) NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE your piano tuned or repaired. Call G. Thomson. Phone 2069J. (4 may c) Radio Service USHAWA RADIO SERVICE=RE- pairs on radios, power packs and el- iminators. Tubes tested and supplied radio pol s for sale. Batteries charg- ed and repaired. = Phone 3330). Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East. dec 1 mo) 1 : Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERN- ity work, Doctor's references. Mrs. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. i (30 apr ¢) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, desires maternity work. Mrs. Slack, 242 Eulalie Ave. Phone 3422, (1 may ¢) ~~ Watch Repairing rr A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT ina repair shop at u 3 King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited Palmist CONSULT NADAME BROWN, Palmist on matters of importance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Busi- ness private. (1 may ¢) ALL MODELS REPAIRED, ELIM- inators, power packs, "rices rea- sonable, tubes tested free; battery recharges 60c. Phone 8006. George Burroughs, certified radic- trician. (20may-c) FF Ta A Building Supplies CALL W. BORROWDALE FOR cement blocks, sand and gravel. 609 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618. Shoe Repairing SHOE REPAIRING, VULCANIZ- ing soles, tips patches. the mod- ern 'way, will not rip, leak or scratch the floor. Best material and service, Satisfaction guaran- teed. Champion Shoe Shop, 17 Bond East, (18 may c) Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, called for and delivered. '$1.50. Phone G. Slater, 3193W., (17 may c) Mortgage Sale SIORTGAGE SALE--$3,800 BUYS complete lovely six roomed home. nearly new on very reasonable terms. Apply Bradley Bros. i (101c) Awnings AWNING AND TENTS, ETC., WE are agents for J. J, Turner & Sons, Peterboro. Let us quote you on "everything in canvas", Phone 25, Fox Hardware, Oshawa. (1 jly ¢) INDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, cano- ples, installed. T. Taylor, Toronto. Oshawa phone 1053, TOR RENT--ELECTRIC CLEAN- er, electric waxer, tents, extansion ladders, folding chairs, camp cots, lawn rollers, dishes, etc. Fox Hardware. (24 july c) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE: All conveniences, hardwooq floors throughout. Immediate possession. Newly decorated. 'Apply 91 Ritson Road north. (2Smay-¢) 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED, EK RY convenience, for light house keep- ing. I'hone 3338W. (1011) FOR RENT--SUMMER tages in Oshawa, west of harbor. Beautiful location, all conveni- ences, electric range. fire - place, screened porches. Immediate pos- session, Apply to G. D., Conant, Oshawa, Phone No. 4 t. 4%) Sa (15 apr ¢) FOR RENT - 7 rooms, newly decorated, caretaker St. Andrew's HOUSE F bon St. $15. Apply Church. FOR RENT--COSY J house, 116 Prince St Holden 371W. FOR RENT---8 ROOMED HOUSE, 2 bath rooms, newly decorated, centrally located, suitable for either 1 or 2 families, Phone 806M. (104¢) NT--6 "ROOM BUNGALOW $20. 296 Division (104¢) ROOMED $135, Phone FOR REN all conveniences St. Phone 3192J. FOR RENT -- FOUR ROOMED cottage, large fruit garden, paved street, south end. Apply evenings. 38 Frank Street, (104¢) FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished five roomed house. All conveniences. Apply 139 Agnes Street. Phone 408W, vacant June 1st. (104¢) TO RENT--COMFORTABLY FUR- nished modern gix roomed house. Can be separated. Owner leaving town, Apply 302 Division St. (105a) TO RENT--2 OR 3 FURNISHED rooms on bathroom flat. Also bed sitting room. Phone 774F after 7 p.m, (103¢) TO FURNISHED rooms, ground "tioor, separate en- trance, with piano and gas stove. Also garage. 20 Maple St. Phone T99W, (105¢) TO RENT NEW MODERN brick house, 6 rooms-and bath. All conveniences. 219 Huron St, Ap- ply 215 5 E ul Ave, (105¢) "For or Exchange ERG FOR EXCHANGE HIC tersection corner lot. Suitable for service station; also 7 roomed modern house ond lot. Eexhange for Oshawa house. Plone owner, 15797. 195¢) FOR EXCHANGE-- ROOMED house on McLaughlin Blvd., for smaller one in Oshawa, Phone 2913W. (1051) Cleaning and Dyeing NORMAN LAMBERT -- LADIES and Gent's French dry cleaning and repairing. Goods called for. Phone 525. 66 Bagot St. (19 may c) rE REN AY IN- 8 electric | conveniences, | (9maye) | --COT-§ ~ 225 GIB- | (103¢) | (104Db) | E who rings doors bells looks ing for a job, a room or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but alse assure Aan with an Interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 route iudecd. Onr immediate interview | UPHOLSTERING Rates for Classified Als | First insertion--1 34 cents per word. | | Minimum charge for one | insertion 80c. Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c per word. | Three consecutive inser: tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), | | Minimum charge for three insertions ©Oc. Box number 10¢ additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department Auto Repairs AUTOS TRIMMED out. Brougham Landau Cabriolet, Sport tops recovered, tops dressed, | waterproofed. Remnant and upholstering Co., 155 S. Simcoe | | (15 may ¢) | ~ Hospital--Rest Home i SU NNY NOOK RES T HOME, Whitby, registered nurse in charge. Minimum rate $2 daily, Confine- requiring | ment and all persons (i7 apr ¢) "5 inting 'and | Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- erhanger, painting and graining, Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Avenue. Phone 3065W. (72tf) HOUSE PAINTING AND CAULK- ing. Work guaranteed. Moderate | prices. For estimates Piope 2431- Ww. 2m iy ¢ cy | . BABY CHICKS, HATCHING eggs. Barred Rocks, White Leg- | horns. Write. or phone for cata- | logue 13374. Oshawa Hatchery |& Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North, Oshawa. (21 may c¢) ; spl = Music | 1 NERBE RT C, TRENEER, A.T.C.M. | Organist and Choirmaster of King | | Street Church will accept pupils in| piano, pipe organ and vocal music. | 50 William Street. East. Phone 2896. (Sept. 2 tf) Room Wanted WANTED-- APARTMEN NT, ONB or two rooms furnished if possible. Private bath, Must be central and reasonable. Box 334. (104b) = "Room and Board FRONT ROOM, SUIT BUSINESS gentleman. Good locality, private home. No children. Board if de- gired. Phone 3179W. (103¢) LADIES AND GENTS' FRENCH dry cleaning repairing and remod- elling. Goods called for and de- livered. M. Crozier 138 Simcoe south, Phone 2338, (1may c) Mortgage Wanted $1200 AS FIRST MORTGAGE, ON paved street, Phone 1412M, (406¢) LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH board, suit two business men or girls, single beds, good locality, reasonable. 1442J, (104c) Livestock FOR SALE--TWO I'OMERANIAN male pup and 1 baby carriage in good condition. Can be seen at 185 College Ave. (105b) | | ues in rebuilt Underwoods. | 1shes: | city. | FOR SALE | East. | W. | FOR | TON | FOR™ THROUGH- | § | Re- | | Essery Dros. FOR | Foit | dition. | stroller et dS LL LSS Articles For Sale { MIXED HARD AN VOOD [ Stabs $3.50 per load. body wood. Phone 1288 WE [AVE (apr They are | as serviceable as when new--at less | than half the cost. Sent ror your ap- proval. Address "Underwood," . 135 Victoria St., Toronto. (oct 19, 31) FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN- We have the largest assort- ment of paints. v 'nishes, etc, in the The Paint Store, 80 King St. (Apr. 25 tf) ~- DRY "HARDWOOD $15 per cord. : Dry tamar cord. Norman Sanders, Phone 1774M, West. $12 a St. (9 tn jan FOR SALE--GOOD MIXED WOOD 1. cord All hardwood $3.50. H. mpson, King St, one Ph SALE -- HARDWOOD 1% cord $3.26. Cartage & Moving. day or evening. SALE----HARD AND SOFT also hard body wood. Phone Taxi 200. elabs, Johnson's | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--50 | FURNITURE | onable. Oh | St. | der, -- | UPHOLSTERING, D. W. SOb T WOOD | stering Co., 15656 Simcoe St. Also bone dry | The Vaterous Meek Limited { vated 2611) | mohairs, plushes hy piece or yard, "WONDERFUL VAL-| wide | $2 00 down apy oh Ww | Os hawa. 7427. Y (9 may ¢) | | pr (2 may 2) | STONE Waterous- CRUSHED driveways Phone 1288. (6 may c¢) ~NEW A OR B ELI-| Battery chargers | Chas, LE. SALE chips for Meek Ltd. FOR SALE minator 3350. (7 AND, Wales, Phong apr 1 mo) TTGRAVEL, loam, $1.50 red, Phore RL SAL cinder 3, per truc Kk "E- - sto black Ic od delive 657d. (18 --WICKER uew, apr ¢) BAB) P hone | "SALE carriage as good FOR 8. books Grain leather. 312 Time 8. ah (92 FOR: SALE-- BARGAINS pianos taken In exchange radios sold easy terms Meagher, Simcoe North. (24 may c) | FOR SALI -- CREAM SEPARA- | tor, A-1 condition. Will sell cheap for quick sale. Apply 509 Roger street, (103¢) STRAWLERRY a thousand, 'hone Russel Perkins, Hamp- 103¢) | BURNS complete Good on | plants, $6 16t 52 r 4, ---- RANGE or coal, bed, spring, mat- dresser, tools in good con- | 18 Aberdeen St Phone (104c) "BABY | FOR "SALE - wood tress, 1659F, FOR SALE -- WICKER ,Gendron make, Condition style. Phone 1424). (104b) PIANO. as new, new FOR SALE -- PLAYER Will sacrifice for quick sale. Apply 73 Eldon Ave, (104¢) FOR SALE--ROGE R'S ELECTRIC | Radio, also electric washing mach- ine. Apply after 6 o'clock, 91 Ce- | lina St. Phone 2469W. (105¢) FOR SALT MALL, HEN HOUSE § by 10. Make good brooder house. Very cheap. Easily moved. 220 Rit- | sn Rd. S. (105h) NOTICE H. VANZANT, V.8., OFFICE Colborne St, East, accommodation for farmers' horses and cars, Phone 913. (104t0) 63 Educational PUPILS DESIRING ASSISTANCE in lower school work, middle school science .and mathematics phone 2415. Experienced teacher. (105¢) ; | lawns, | concrete | Hillside | order | WORK | gardens i odd 4 able price, "| WANTE fies specialty. | OSHTAWA MAN, accept job of any kind. | FOR & SALE--1926 FORD 1a | truck, { Fhone {| Phone 2792F, | CATE 1 | er . { quick sale, 61 Thomas Street, | FOR For Sale or Exchange - - Help Wanted--Male FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -- '2 roomed cottage with nice garden lot, also seven lots clear of in- cumberance. Value $2,500, to ex- change on central property. What haye you? Phone 2604W, owner. (9maye) WANTED--2" OR RELIABLE men, willing to leave city. Must have car. You can make $30 week- ly to start, Store clerk preferred. Apply Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, 24 Alger Bldg. 2 o (104b) acres, on account of sickness. Good buildings, plowing done, likes 5 or 6 room Bungalow in Oshawa or would take house in small village with nice garden. Apply Box 65, Oshawa Post Office. (102tf) Furniture Repairing REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, etc. Charges reas- A. Morris, 170 Albert Phone 731W. Formeriy with Luke Furniture Co, (12 may ¢) AND ' FURN!L- ture repaired, Drapes made to or- Rebuilding chesterfields a Geo. A. Coustable, 27 Phone 3322). specialty. Bond E. DALTON, See our samples Mo- 259 Simcoe | 8 may ¢) | ~ REUPHOL- South, | furniture reno- to order, phone 1045. hair and Tapestry, South. THE REMNANT & Upholsterers, portiere curtains qualities. prices, mothproofed. (15 may c¢) Real Estate For Sale SUMMER RESORT AT LAKESIDE Beach, finest bathing and fishing on Lake Scugog. Some splendid building lots for sale. A, E. Roger- son, Port Perry, | (22 may c) -- HOUSE, LARGE 1'2 miles North Oshawa. $200.00 down, 2 acre 6 barn and garage, 5 of Or haya $1800. 'onlin, North 74 R 14. range of suites cleaned, FOR SALE garden, £900.00, roome q house, th miles Nor Phone (104¢) Work Wanted HAVE YOU R CAR REPAIRED ! uow, before the spring rush. Body | and fender repair 'work. Special ices now in effect, Fry and Frise, phone 1111, 163 King St. W. Night phones 2545J and 3395 (6 apr c) ~ DRIVEWAYS, cinders, earth, walks, curbs re-| Phone 3267. (6 may ¢) WANTED -- WASHING AND ironing 2.50 private home cur- tains washed stretched 0c. Ave. YOUR sand, REPAIR gravel, floors, Chris Graham. pairs. South. 228 (18 may ¢) | AND ROCKERYS built, shrubs and perennial beds | layed out, estimates = given, also | taken for nursery stock. 2178M. (25 apr c¢) WANTED -- DIGGING and cutting Tawns; also around house. Reason- Phone 433. GARDENING J Phone job (1021) A YOUNG GIRL WANTS LIGHT housework on farm or in town. Phone 347, Whithy (103¢c) )---ANY KIND OF CAR- hardwood floors a 968M. ter work, Phone (104c) XPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER | th knowledge of stenography de- sires position, Phone 1280J. (1035¢) 30, WILL wil ac- Phone (105b) } "BY AN ELDERLY | y a position as housekeeper, Mrs, Mary J. Cook, Newcastle, | (105e) AGE cept low rate per week, "Motor Cars | 2 TON ry heap. | (9910) Good running order. 32 FOR SAL Coach, $45. Warren Ave, (104¢) FOR SALE--CHEV. SIX SPEC- inl Coach In perfect condition, Must be seen to be appreciated. (104b) | FORD SEDAN. OWN- new A snap [lor [027 | driven sizer (105¢) For Sale or Rent SALE OR RENT --NO. 485 | Cubert St., Oshawa, frame house, | water and electricity, Apply to] Conant & Annis, = Barristers, &c., | Oshawa, Ont,, Phone No. 4. | (Sat, tf) | FOR SALE OR RENT--13 ACRES | of first class land, situated be- | 'tween Oshawa and Harmony, alse | one iron garage oun Ritson Rd. | close to Highway, Apply 410 King St. E. Phone 2642. (105¢) | booklet free, | years' | Machinist, | twentieth {of SSEX 6 CYLINDER |! WANTED EXPERIENCED heating man to take exclusive rep- resentation of well known Cana- dian made line of Warm Air Fur- naces and other heating equip- ment. Unusual assistance ¢n finan ¢ing and selling. Very &mall capi- tal required. An exceptional op- portunity for practical man to be- come independent. Give references and past experience. Box No. 335. (104c) A FIRST CLASS BARBER WANT- ed for Friday evenings and Satur- days. Will pay straight commission of 65 per cent. with guarantee of $6.00. Apply Box 336 Times Office, (105b) Help \ Wanted--Female I ARN v I" TO "$25 oR MORE | weekly growing mushrooms for us { in your cellar cr shed. Illustrated Canadian Mushroom Ontatie: (103 -105-107) Co., Toronto 10, REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not givin satisfaction we can repal and make it tell the corre time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER ] . Official Watch Inspector {oH Canadian National and Os awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, 8. Phone Felt Bros The Leading Jed Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SO Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corn: ~ Auctioneer MAW, AUCTIONEER, 2% experience, To secure a date see Mr, at the Times | | Office, Whitby, Ont. (May 5-1 mo) "Notice to Creditors "In the estate of William I'. Tem- perton, late of the City of Osh- in the County of Ontario, Deceased. | All persons having claims | against the Estate of William F. Temperton, lawe of the City of Osh- | awa, in the County of Ontario, Machinist, Deceascd, wuo died on | cr about the Ei day of November, A.D., 1925, are notified | fo send to the undersigned Execu- trix Ellen Willoughby (formerly ! Femperton,) or to the undersigned | Messrs, Greir Creighton and Fraser, her on .or before the twentieth May, "19831, their names and addresses and} full particulars of their claims, and the nature the securities (if any) held by them duly veri- WM. MN Goodiellow Wm. Maw, awa, on,. itors day of Soli of ROYAL YORK Te Half Pound 28 Pkg. At all Superic Stores range Pekoe EATON GROCETER ; It Pays To Shopi#i Here Always ; > fied by Statutory declaration, Immediately after the day of May, 1931, the assets of the sald Deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto by the Executrix having regard only to the claims which she shall then have no- tice. Dated April 28th, 1931, ELLEN TEMPERTON, Park Road Post Office, Toronto, Canada. Grierson, Creighton & Fraser, Oshawa, Or Solicitors the said Messrs, io, said Executrix. (990-105-111) for Touzalin--So you decided to quit being an atheist? Foozello--Yes, to it. there's no future Yee CAREW LumBER (@ 4 ATHOL ST w 0) 2 WA J. H. R. LUKE FOR SALE--$3300, 6 room |! brick vencer house. All cone | veniences. South east sec tion. near King St. East. 52 King Street Last Phone 871, Residence GS7W " Special! 2 Pair of Knickers Boys' Suits. y Dominion Clothing Ce 68 Ring St. Vv, Phone 214 Phone 193 W.J. SARG Yard---89 Bloor Street Fl Orders Promptly Deli ore PHONE 1 For Your Drug Need THOMPSON' 10 Simcoe St. 8. We EYESIGHT SPECIALIST zing exclusively in muscle eyesight | and glasses. Disney Block "hone--1516 Speciali Opposite Post. Driven very small mileage. Six wire wheels and tires, Special Price of $850 with terms ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe St. South Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEO. McM4 DON'T TALK BACK TO ME. } SAY THAT YOUVE GOT TO LAY THIS CARPET AND THAT SETTLES IT: CANT You LETT GO TILL VL HURRY UP AN QiT To 47 TO THE AXEHANDLE= IT DOWN = I'VE GOT MAKERS BALL TO NIGHT-OR. ® 1931, fatl Feature Service, Ine, Great Britain rights reserved. NAILED DOWN FER: THANK GOODNESS- TS KEEPS AN' NOW Vil BE WN TIME TO art Ti lil EL YOU'VE LAID THIS CARPET IN THE WRONG ROOM-

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