Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 May 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1931 0 LEAFS PLAY FIRST HOME GAME TODAY AT STADIUM Plays First Y ankees Lose * ¢f York, May 5.--The Wash- nators once a gain cast pell over the New York Yan- [ winning yesterday's game 7 victory was the Senators' mph in 26 games with the inning, the sixth, in which Ins crossed the plate, put the fely away for the Senators, » Yankees got to Sam Jones for bite, but they were well spaced. Ruth, playing first base, to much strain as possible "otf aired ankle, connected with mingles in four times at bat. rig was shifted to right sp **Babe's" usual position. Stadium Set Opener Today ato, May 5.--Looking spick pn in their new white uni- ji the O'Neillmen trotted out faple Leaf Stadium yesterday ernoon and indulged in a little eiging while a thousand or so gd fans looked on. the exception of Art Ruble "Ken Strong, all the players "through a two-hour session g practice, and fielding. stopped off at Buffalo to Mrs. Ruble and complete the hey to Toronto by motor. He ped 'at the Stadium just as the practice session was ending and did not put on a uniform. Xen Strong went from Reading to New York on business, but he will be on hand today and will play against the Jersey City Skeeters in the curtain-raiser that starts that home season of the Leafs on its way. Weather Favorable The weatherman was evidently casting a favorable eye on the pro- ceedings at the Stadium today. Yes- terday was ideal for baseball and the forecast for today is that con- ditions will be equally as pleas- ing. Indications are that the game will attract a large crowd. Last season some 14,000 watched the Leafs defeat Reading in the open- | er. The fair weather of yesterday put the fans in a baseball frame of mind and all day the telephones and box offices were kept busy | with calls for tickets. It is ex- pected that some 20,000 fans will be on hand when the umpires fin- | ally call "Play Ball." Manager O'Neill has selected Frank Barnes, the big southpaw, to occupy the mound against the Jer- seys this afternoon. He will be: opposed by John Allen, the right- hander, who made an ausvicious debut here last year and blanked the Leafs. Allan turned-in a win- ning performance against the Mon- treal Royals last week in Jersey City on his first time out, so he appears to be right in form. UCKETTS ARGUERI; CIGAR (Pase in Those qualities which you consider essential find in Marguerite. Protected cigars--in. dividuall --foil or cellophane. a cigar--you will y wrapped Re-=surface old walls and ceilings with Gyproe ERE is a wallboard that does not burn, made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and 34 of an inch thick. It is used for interior walls, ceilings and partitions. As well as being fire-resistant, it has structural 8 , insulation value and is dra ht and n-proof. Use Gyproc Joint Filler for seal- the joints between the tall, broad sheets of 1board. When you are "doing over" any room in the house or adding new ones in the attic or base- - ment, use Gyproc for walls and ceilings because you can nail it direct] over the old surface. ~ Gyproc is also an excellent base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. . Gyproc is Canada's pioneer non-burning gypsum wallboard. Ask your nearest dealer i full oa 'us for the FR roc direction sheet. Or write booklet, "Building and Re- modelling with Gyproc". GYPSUM, LIME end ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris 374 Ontario BASEBALL INTERNATIONAL Pr.C. 688 Baltimore .. .. Montreal New ark .. Toronto «« ++ » Buffalo .. Rochester .. .. Jersey City .. . Reading . .... Yesterday's Results No games scheduled. are NATIONAL Lost Won St. Louis .. .. 11 New York .. ., 11 Chicago .. alin Boston «10 Pittsburg .. i... 9 Philadelphia .. 6 9 Brooklyn .. .. 5 11 Cincinnati .. .. 2 13 Yesterday' s Results NeW York ... 6° Brooklyn ... Boston 4 Philadelphia .! Chicago 13 Cincinnati .. |) A ville's infleld out. Only three scheduled. AMET ICAN P.C. 647 Won Cleveland .. . 11 Washington . 10 New York .. . 9 Philadelphia .. 7 Chicago .. ... 8 Detroit ',. ... 9 Boston .. .. . 0 9 St. Louis .. ... b 10 Yesterday's Resulfs Washington .. 7 New York .. 1 Boston ..... 7 Philadelphia . © Detroit 9 Chicago ... St. Louis .... 3 Cleveland . GIRS CONDUCT CHURCH SFRVICE C.G.LT. Group of Claremont in Charge at Brougham Church (Mrs. T. C. Brown, Correspondent) Brougham, May 4.--The C.G.IL T. of Claremont United Church were in charge of the church ser- vice here on Sunday afternoon, Miss Spencely leading the opening devotions, A large choir of girls with Mrs. Caskey at the organ, led in a service of song. Miss Cook gave an inspiring and helpful address to girls on the aims and ideals of the C.G.I.T. The ser- vice was reverent and an inspira- tion to all, to see the youth of to- day taking responsibility for the future of the church. The large number in attendance evidenced the interest taken in this unique service, The young people cof Brougham are to have charge of the service at Claremont United Church next Sunday evening. Mrs. L. Johnston was in Peter- boro several days this week at- tending a W.M.S. conference. A number of our local Masons visit- ed Markham lodge on Friday even- ing. Miss Muriel Sheplierd, onto, is visiting at the home, Mr. Albert Harvey and friend, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Bert and Mrs. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Middleton and friends of Port Perry were visitors of A. and Myre. Lemon, on Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs, W. Bate, of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with thelr aunt, Miss Ida Bate. Mrs. Hanley returned to Strat- ford on Friday. Mrs. C. 'Barcley and daughter Helen, spent the week-end" in Dunnville, with tht Haywood fam- ily. Mrs. John Stewart and family, of Markham, spent Sunday with Mrs, Stewart's people, the Duncan family. The Church and 8. S. services are to be combined on Sunday neat, service commencing at 2 p.m, Mr. Albert Gray visited his con Russell, in hospital in Toroato, on Friday. ------------------ | PHILLIES DEFEAT BRAVES Boston, May 4.--Ray Benge's six-hit 'pitching enabled the P'hLil- lies to win their series opener from the Braves yesterday 4 to 1. Whitney hit a home run off Seibold in the second with Arlett on hase. Boston scored its lone marker in the eighth on Berger's single, af- ter Dressen's walk, and Maran- Lost of Tor- Gerow TAILORED Tome 499 50 | Scotland Woolen Mills SAM "ROTISH, Manager 11 Simcoe Street South | RESULTS, GPORT SNAPSHOTQ Oshawa Yacht Club Meeting A meeting of the Oshawa Yacht Club is called for 7.30 this evening, in parlor B of the Genosha Hotel. All those interested as well as all those interested in yachting in the city are asked to be present at the meeting as séveral matters of importance are to be dealt with, Fishermen Now Busy With the opening of the trout fishing season Iriday last, many of the followers of Isaac Walton departed the comforts of their own homes to try their luck in hooking the finny: beauties, As yet no untoward stories have come to our cars, but it may be a little early in scascn for the imagination of the anglers to get down to business, In a trip to Qucbec last week, it was learned that the legislature of that province had passed an amendment to the fishing laws so. that trout fishing there might be indulged in two weeks earlier than usual «J his measure was enacted due to the open nature of the season which of fishing from May first to April 13th. * * of the opening * * St. George's Men's Association all male members of the congregation oi St. Georeg's w evening, at eight: o'clock in the The chair- advanced the date A meeting of Anglican Church is called for to-morr« hall, for the of forming man of the a men's association. parish ii will be, Ww hithy May Drop Out It seems as though the Oshawa Ladies' Softball League would have from the Every together but as the in the past have cvenin 1" Re vi ar nm de Pencier. to carry on this year without an entry county town. effort has been ®made star players that have been the main decided that they will not be with the team this year, the idea of putting in a team had to be abandoned. It is a pity that Whitby Rovers have always gave strentious opposition to all teams against to get a team several of 5 of the team to drop out as they whom they were pitted and attracted good crowds at home and away. for the rest of the game . Wiley Moore, going to Gaston's relief in the eighth inning, stopped a Mack rally. St. Louis Browns Best Cleveland St. Louis, May 5.--The St. Louis Browns ran their newly started winning streak up to two consecu- tive victories by defeating the Cléveland Indians yesterday 3 to 1. It was the first game {or the Browns after a trip that left them occupy- ing the position in the American League percentage column, Goslin knocked his first home run of the season as his share in the Browns' victory. St. Louis got to Willis. Hudlin Indian right-hander, for only five hits, but accounted for runs in three innings, while the visitors obtained almost double that number of hits from 'Stewart, winning pitcher, Boston Red Sox Get . ifteen Hits Philadelphia, Pa., May 5.--The Boston Red Sox, in their first meet. ing of the season here with the Philadelphia Athletics clubbed four Mack pitchers for 15 hits yesterday and won the opening game of the three-game series by 7 runs to 5. Home runs by Rothrock and Plec- kering, the latter coming with two on base in the fourth inning, game the Red Sox four runs and, break- ing a 2 to 2 tie, sent them ahead French Star Wins Beat Ed. Lewis Montreal, May 5. -- Before a shrieking crowd acclaiming the French star who makes his home it Montreal, Henrl Deglane, 220- pound wrestler, was declared champion of the world by the Mon- treal Athletic Commission here last night after taking a fall from Ed ("Stranger") Lewis of Los An- geles, the former title-holder, in 33 minutes of wrestling. Deglane was declared the winner on a ioul 9 minutes later amid scenes of con- fusion . unprecedented in local wrestling. Lewis was disqualified for biting Deglane's wrist, This may be a fish story, butt is a truc one. From an oyster bed of 600 acres in a little bay tn Prince Edward Island, which is only one-fifth of the whole area, and taking only one- quarter of the maximum yield, there is an annual yield of 1,200,000 barrels of" oysters, representing a return of $10,000,000, and these oysters have won the reputation of being the fin- est # the world ¥ WHEN GEESE <= WORE BOOTS, | EUROPEAN countries, when large flocks of geese were driven to market, they wore boots. These boots were made by driving the geese first through tar and then sand, thus protecting their feet from the rough highway. Modern travellers on our highways (far from bearing any resemblance to geese) are fully alive to the need for protection. Motorists insure their cars, but frequently fail to protect themselves. Have you valued your car above your personal safety? Will you receive compensation if injured in an accident? Are you | d against sic ? Any Agent of the Dominion of Canada General an "all Canadian" Company, can show you his: best und form of insurance suitable for your case. Their policies are designed to protect from every hazard and cover every form of risk, including Life. gominian of Gay GENERAL Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE - «= TORONTO Montreal Winminek Calgary Vancouver Ottawa London Halifax London, England Local Representatives iid A. E. MURDOCH J.C. YOUNG Sranches: Hamilton | Crabtree =THL BIG SIX= vy Lew Fonseca, who displaced Ed- die Morgan as Cleveland's first baseman, is the new threat to Dale Alexander's leadership of the Big Six. Cracking out twa hits. in. as many official times at bat, Fongeca boosted his batting average from .424 to .441 yesterday Alexander failed to get a hit off Chicago pit- ching, with the result that his aver- age dropped to .448. The leaders: AB. R. H. 47 10 20 PC. 448 441 Alex. Tigers Fonseca Ind. Bery, Red Sox A441 Davis, Phillies 4 415 Roettger, Reds 2 I 3 412 Vergez, Giants .391 Cubs Combed Reds for Fifteen Hits | Chicago, May 5.--Hack Wilson and Les Bell 'knocked out home runs and Cuyler and Hornsby got three hits each yesterday afternoon | ag the Chicago Cubs slugged out a | 13 to 1 victory over the Cincinnati | Reds in the first game of the series. Wilson's second circuit clout of the year came in the seventh inning with English on base. Pat Malone held the Reds to sjx hits, not being scored upon uni trippled in the ninth in- ning. Owen Carroll started for Cincin- nati, but was knocked out of the box in the fifth inning, and the Cubs finished their scoring against Johngon and Wysong. Eckert pitch- ! ed the final inning for the tail-end | Reds. | Braves' Pitcher | Wins 4th Straight Boston, Mass, May ¢ May 5--Ed Brandt, Boston Braves' southpaw, held the | Phillies to three hits yesterday to | annex his fourth straight victory, | 4 to I, and even the current series | at one-all "Pinky" Whitney, Phil- lies' third sacker, repeated his feat | of Sunday by hitting a home run in | his first time at bat. | The Phillies used three pitchers, | J. Elliott, Watt and Stoner, to hold | the Braves to eight hits, three of which were made by "Red" Worth- | ington, Wes Schulmerich played his first National League game in right | field for the Braves, and knocked | in the Tribes' first yon, run. ALIENISTS MUST INSANE RELEASED CONSENT BEFORE Important Point of Law De- cided in Court at Montreal { -------- | Montreal, May 4.--Only alienists | can decide whether or not a person | should be confined to an asylum for | the insane, and unless is shown that the proper procedure was not followed in committing that person, his release cannot be secured without | the consent of the alienists, Mr. Jus- | tice E. Fabre Surveyer decided rec- | cently in refusing .to order the re-| Is ase of Alphonse Bellerose from the | Jean de Dieu Hospital. ! i Lordship dismissed the writ of habeas -J'shown that some abuse had taken a? Arthur Robillard, sister of the patient, petitioned the Superior Court for a writ of habeas corpus, "asking for the release of her brother on the ground that he had been committed | to the asylum, not because he was insane but through spite on the part of some other person, Dr. F, E, Dev- lin, superintendent of the hospital, testified, however, that Bellerose might become a danger to himself or someone else if he were released, and on the basis of this evidence His corpus, In the province of Quebec, His Lordship pointed out, patients are placed in asylums when alienists have declared them to be of unsound mind. No reference is made to the courts. Moreover, the law provided that a patient should not be released if, in tle opinion of alienists, he was likely to become a danger to himself or society. The courts, the law 'de- clared, should only intervene to order .the release of a patient when it is shown that the proper procedure was not followed in committing the pa- tient to the asylum, or if it were place, "Buster" Chatham, Braves' in- fielder, suffered a broken bone in the face during infield practice be- fore the game, when a grounaer took a bad hop. New Martin Now Playing Ben Lyon "ALOHA" - Other Attractions Raquel Torres Showing 2.80, 7 and 9 Regular Prices Four Sox Errors Aid Tigers to Win Detroit, Mich., May 5.--The De- troit Tigers made the best of eight hits and four White Sox errors yes- terday to win, 9 to-3, in the open- mg game of a series with the Chi- cago team, The White Sox took the lead in the first inning with two rung, but in the second inning two singles, a triple and an error put the Tigers in the lead to stay, Three of the Tiger hits were triples. While Hal McKain was allowing eight hits the White Sox collected nine off Waite Hoyt. New York Giants Beat Robins 6-3 Brooklyn, N. Y., May 5.--Clar- ence Mitchell, veteran southpaw spit ball piteher, won his fourth straight start as the New York Giants defeated the Brooklyn Rob- ins 6 to 3 to even the series yester- day Adolfo Luque mage his first start | for the Robins, but was clearly out. pitched by Mitchell. The Robins got | only six hits off Mitchell, while the Giants pounder Luque for ten in the eigth innings he worked. Terry and | Ott led the, Giants' attack each ge t- | ting a triple and a double, | Seven vessels came into Oshawa harbor from the opening of naviga- tion until the end of the month of April, according to the report i the wharfinger. These vesse brought in and cleare 1 8,018 tons of freight and twelve Antone PORT PERRY LADY BOWLERS ORGANIZE FOR THE SEASON Mrs. John "Murray Elected President--Good Season Anticipated Port Perry, 'May 5.--Port Perry Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club held their annual spring meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Mathers re- cently, The meeting was full of enthusiasm and the members anti- cipate having a very enjoyable sea- son. Following are elected officers for 1931: President, Mrs. John Mur- ray; Treasurer Mrs, J, A, Mathers; Gordon McKee; . W. Pyaft, Mrs. Malcolm Beare, Mrs. Cecil Beare and Mrs. John Nasmith. The first open tournament has been set for Iriday, June 19. HOME-RUN HITTERS Home runs yesterday-- Whitney, Phillies, 1; Pickering, Red Sox, 1: Rothrock, Red Sox 1; Bell, Cubs, 1; Wilson, Cubs, 1; Goslin, Browns, 1. The leaders--Hornsby, Stone, Tigers, 5: Herman, 4; Klein, Phillies, 4; Athletics, 4. League American, Cubs, 5; Robins, Simmons, totals-- Nalional, 53; total, 110, hy, UL: i} y Tonight Charles Farrell Elissa Landi a pa "Body and Soul" Wednesday and Thursday SMART, SWANKY PEOPLE IN A SIDE-SPLITTING LOVE COMEDY When a goy bachelor becomes good-- a good wife wants to be bad! It's the sauciest, friskiest, naughtiest love farce to reach the screen. You bet it's fun--but DON'T BET ON WOMEN EDMUND LOWE JEANETTE MacDONALD with STAN Coming EXTRA! LAUREL - HARDY In Their New Comedy Scream "BE BIG" Also--Mickey Mouse Cartoon OLLIVER RICHARD ARLEN in "CONQUERING HORDE" Travel The King' s_Highway DAILY COACH SERVICE OSHAWA. Single----85¢ LEAVE USHAWA 2.30 3.30 4.30 as5.45 a6.30 7.30 8.30 Eastern AM, PM, Standard Time TORONTO Return--$1.55 LEAVE TORONTO AM. a 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 P.M. 12.30 1.30 a--Daily except Sunday, b--Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only, d==Sunda; ly. y only. COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP PASSENGERS. SIGNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE DRIVER. Coach connections at Toronto for Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Brantford," London, St. Thomas, De- troit, Schomberg, Brampton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Jackson's Point and intermediate points. Coach connections at U.S.A. points Buffalo and Detroit for all Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hote! OSHAWA Phone 2825

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