Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1931, p. 8

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GE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1931 Eastern Ontario News | Tennis Club Meeting. Cobourg.--The annual meeting of the Cobourg Tennis Club held in the Town Council chamber here, with F. Gray, 1930 President, in the chair, was well attended and considerable enthusiasm was shown. A Secretary and Treasurer were ap. pointed as follows: Secretary, Miss Olivia Howard; Treasurer, Lionel Vivian. say.--At a_ special meeting he local Hydro Commission day, good news, in the form 'credit note of $1,678.94 from the tario Commission, was received. t year, the local commission was 298.82, while this year's credit te of $1,678.94 brings it to almost 4000 in favor of the commission. ill Hold Street Fair aie von -- Announcement was Warns of Russia. Belleville.--Edward Otter of the National Council of the Y.M.C.A., Toronto, was guestspeaker<at the Y.'s Men's Club here. Mr. Otter re- cently returned from a conference in Geneva, and he reviewed) the economic and industrial conditions of Europe. The speaker warned his listeners that Russia is the cause of great concern. Cobourg Chamber. Game Warden Attacked. Lindsay.--Two brothers, Kimball by name, of Bobcaygeon, appeared in Police Court, both being charged with trapping muskrats on a pri- vate reserve and of obstructing an officer. When Game Warden Wind- sor, of Lindsay, went to search the stones and threatened with a club. A fine of $10 and costs on the first charge and $100 and costs on the second was imposed. e Monday of the intention of the ary Club to repeat during the Summer season the Street Fair that so successfully held on August 30, last year, and the proceeds of vhich were devoted to the commun- 'service work of the organization, cluding the chest clinic, work in half of crippled children and the Kingston--E. Dovle who has been k master at Kingston Mills for ht years, states that the water in canal is the lowest in that time. p locks at Kingston Mills, under nary circumstances, will ac- modate a vessel 110 feet in gth and with a draught of five , It is expected this year will be down to four feet, owing to the water. Reconstruct Plant. Kingston.--Work has been start. 'clearing away the debris left af- fire of last Wednesday, when plant of the Tweed Milling Com- wag destroyed, with a loss of ward of $75,000. A large number 'men have been put at work and mstruction will be rushed. F. L. dy & Sons, owners of the busi- plan to resume activities as _ goon as possible. Damnse Suit Settled. Brockville.--At the Spring As- , without jury, Mr. Justice ght presiding, the case of Mrs. ica E. Byrne, of Prescott, inst the Town of Prescott, for images resulting from a fall on pfective sidewalk, was settled for 3600, including costs. To Have Three Day Fair Cornwall. -- Cornwall is to have a three day fair this year, accord- ing to a decision made at a meet- ing of Cornwall Agricultural So- ciety on Monday evening, The announcement follows up a sugges- tion made by W. A. Blanchard at the annual meeting a few weeks ago. A definite announcement of the date will be forthcoming with- in the next week. Cars Ditched at Brighton Belleville. -- Mrs. T. Lelland and Mrs. M. Gay of Detroit were admitted to the Belleville General Hospital Tuesday evening suffer- ing from severe head - lacerations and bruises, the result of an auto- mobile accident two miles east of MANUFACTURERS SALE OF NEW SPRING DRESSES Silk-lined Black Lapin Jackets tare | Smart Millinery dress until re- quired. Come "Individual Models" in and set one aside. You will Special Value. be pleased with the large range to choose from and the saving will surprise you. "ONLY ONE DAY MORE and MLLE. BERNICE The personal representative of HELENA RUBINSTEIN will be on her way back to New York Do not miss this rare opportunity to consult her on your individual prob- lems of skin and contour. The beauty-wise woman will not fail to appreciate the promise of renewed J0viiness that Mlle. Bernice's visit offers o her. Personal Consultation--by appointment PHONE 28 SPECIAL SALE GENUINE GOLD SEAL FIRSTS .. $11.75 9x7% ... 87135 9 x 10% ... $10.25 9x6....9$575 9x9... . $9.00 2 yd. cloth 63c sq. yd Brighton village. A car driven by Mrs. Lelland and that of James S. Cook, cheese exporter, of Belle- ville, interlocked in passing and on the slippery pavement, both went into the ditch and turaed over. Former Resident Passes Port Hope. -- Many of the older residents of Port Hope will regret to learn of the sudden passing of J.. C. Defoe, a son of the late Rob- inson Defoe, who many years ago farmed in the vicinity of Dale Cor- ners, north. of Port Hope. He was an engineer on the crack Ldke- shore Limited running between New York and Cleveland end col- lapsed at the throttle of his en- gine a week ago last Saturday. He was removed from the train, but expired before reaching the hospi- tal in Cleveland, near where he was stricken, Trapping Season Poor Cornwall, -- With the close of the Spring trapping season on Sat- urday last, trappers in this district report a poor catch. Royal Baker, Fish and Game Warden for this district, stated this week that the catch was less than half that of ordinary years and trappers were badly disap- pointed. The Muskrats were. of poorer quality than usual, the pelts being light and marketable at a lower price. Dry weather is believed to have heen responsible as many of the creeks were almost dry during the past summer and fall, . Awarded $20,0000 Damages Pert Hope. -- A jury in Buffalo Tuesday awarded $12,000 to Mrs. Belle Reeves, of Port Hope, widow of Chas. R. Reeves, former Balmy Beach rugby star, who was killed last June 16, when his auto plung- ed from the Falls View Bridge at Niagara Falls and dropped 190 feet in the Niagara Gorge. In her suit against the International Railway Co., owners of the hridge. two chil- dren were awarded $8,000 by the verdict. Stricken At Wheel Port Hope. -- Death came to George C. Franks of Emily Town- ship at the wheel of his car Tues- day afternoon. Motoring home with his wife from a visit to bis son's farm, Mr, Franks was strick- en with a heart attack and collap- sed in his seat. His wife felt the car swerve, saw her husband's con- dition and shut off the switch in time to prevent the automobile leaving the road. Mr. Fraaks was dead when medical aid arrived. He was 60 years of age and had lived all his life in Emily. A widow, three daughters and two sons sur- vive. Toronto's Mayor Invited Lindsay. -- Mayor Stewart and the Board of Control have all ac- cepted an invitation to accompany the Toronto Regiment to Lindsay for the we=k-end of May 23rd, to 25th. Invitation was extended by Lt. Col. H. R. Alley, O.B.E,, 0.C., Toronto Regiment, at the dinner in the Officers' mess on Saturday to mark the election of Mayor Stewart as an Honorary member of the mess during his term of ollce. Lindsay will be en fe'e for the occasion. The 109th Battalion As- soclaticn reunion is the first held since the regiment mobolized there in 1016 Opnose Women Elders Barrie. = In refe"rine a remit from General Counc!l tn the var- fous churches in the [Preshytery for a report, Simcoe County Pres- bytery meeting in Collier street United Church here recently, al- most unanimously was opposed to permitting women to be eligible 2 2s elders. Get Electricity Fenelon Falls. Workmen, among whom is Commissioner 8. E. Minthorne, of Fenelon Falls, are active wiring for the installa- tion of Hydro at Rosedale, Bad- dow, Coboconk and Norland. The work is going on rapidly and it is estimated that June 1st will see these districts enjoying the luxuries of electricity. Low Water in Canal Kingston. -- E. Doyle, who has been lock master at Kingston Mills for eight years, states that the wa- ter in the canal is the lowest in that time. The locks at Kingston Mills, under ordinary circumstan- ces, will accommodate a vessel 110 feet in length and with a draught of five feet. It is expected that the draught of a vessel this year will be cut down to four feet, ow- ing to the water. Maxville Pastor Resigns Avonmore. -- Although express- ing extreme regret at Mr. Harris' decision, the Presbytery of Glen- garry of the United Church in Can- ada, accepted the resignation of Rev. F. W. K. Harris of Maxville, at a meeting held here recently. Mr. Harris has been compelled to resign owing to 111 health. Rev. D, N. McLeod, of Alexandria, was appointed interim moderator of the congregation, while the congre- gation makes arrangements with a view to a call, (Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, C ndent) Kedron, April Mr, W, H. Leg- ge, Jefferson, was a Teqent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. C, Hoskin and Mr. and Mrs, Havald Ne Shee oy. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Sol- ina, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. E. Dayis spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. J. Nesbitt, Oshawa. iss Myra Cunningham, North Oshawa, was a week-end guest of Miss Ruth Cole. Mr. Lloyd Willis, Toronto, called on his cousin, Mrs. Harold Mountjoy on Monday. Mrs. James Crossman, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Douglas and Alan, and Miss Laura Wickett, Oshawa, at Mr, R. Js Luke's The Women's Association met at thé home 'of Mts. W. N. Wednesday afternoon with twenty members and a few visitors present. After the usual business meeting a short program wag put on, Readings Mr. erik Mss. 'Leslie Hancock and | Mrs, R. Beath visited with Mr. and skin on |- committee in charge of the June meetings Mrs, L. Hancock, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Hepburn. Mrs. R. Beath, Brooklin, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Hancock. A few from here attended the play "Pollyanna" in Eldad church Tuesday evening. HAMPTON W.M.S. MONTHLY MEETING Interesting Report Presented on Recent Presbyterial Meeting in Oshawa = SORES Lindsay.--A serious accident befell Mrs. Herman rt, a resident on she fell and broke her leg in several places. Mrs. Hart is in her "92nd year. were given by Mrs. A. Van Dyke, Mrs. W. Hepburn and Mrs. Ka Davis and a piano solo by Mrs. S. Jewell. Group 1 served a dainty lunch. The (Miss L. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, April 30.--The nm.on- thly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Souch on Tuesday afternoon, April 21st in charge of Mrs. Bick in the absence of president Mrs. Colwill 'through illness. A letter was read from Mrs. Bascom of Whithy, fi- nancial and stewardship secretary of the Presbyterial, stating that she could come to our May or June meeting. She will be invited to the May meeting at the home of Mrs. Clatworthy. Miss Ieeve re- ported on "Supply Work"; Mrs. Salter on "Finances," for Mrs. Stephens; and Mrs. Williams on "Tidings," subscriptions. Mrs. W. W. Horn then took charge of the meeting which took the form of an Easter Service. Mrs, Clat- worthy had charge of the devo- tionl period, Miss Reynolds gave an interesting reading, appropri- ate hymns were sung. Mrs. A. Al- lin reported on Oriental work; and Miss Reeve on Central India; Mrs. Bick favored with piano music. Ap- Hoey eadings were. given by Mrs. Peta, irs. Souch, Mrs. A. Peters, Mrs. S6uch and Mrs. Wil- liams. Easter offering was tak- en. Mrs. Niddery gave an inter- esting talk on the recent Presby- terial held at Oshawa, Meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. It is hoped there will be a good at- Announcing! NEW LOW PRICE ON Aa olo 7 COKE $9.95 Per Ton This low price made possible by water transportation. MALLETT BROS. PHONES 3060-3061 Salada Orange Pekoe makes an exquisite cup of tea ORANGE JA" Fresh from the A tendance at the home of Mrs. Clat- worthy on May 19th. All ladies welcome. Mrs. W. W. Horn and Wallace returned on Thursday from a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery, Buffalo, N.Y. Miss Edna Ruse left on Monday for Toronto, where she is receiv- ing medical attention on her eyes. We wish her success. Mrs. Lyons, her sister, accompanied her. L. Horn has been assisting in her brother's store, in the absence of the clerk, R. Johns, who was absent through sickness and be- reavement in the home , The funeral of Mrs, Johns will take place at 2.30, standard time, on Saturday sfielnoon, ierment being made at the No Cemetery. Miller Horn is unloading a car of grain, for feed, these days. . Weather for the most part has been very cool the last week, but warmer on Thursday. Frank Rogers, has been one of the victims of La Grippe this wezk. The sympathy of their many friends of this community is ex- tended to the family of Mrs. J. L. Johns, in the passing of a very kind wife, mother and neighbor. Mrs. C. W, Souch has been confined to her bed through {ll- ness. Mrs. A. Cole, Bowmanville, has been visiting her mother the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin and family, Belleville, were week-end visitors at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Allin. 52 Transients Housed Belleville--A record number of transients secured food and lodging at the police station Tuesday night. Fifty-three transients were booked by the desk sergeant and there were many w ho came later would not stay, when they found the cells so crowd- ed. Each was given a hot supper of soup. and bread while cells were warm enough to take off the chill of the cold biting and rainv day. 'Many of them left early in the day for points cast and west. CANADA'S GREATEST ANNUAL ON FURNITURE 7 DAYS OF SAVINGS SNYDER'S FINE LIVING ROOM SUITES EVENT gil] ii Hil) Be ' Ol Ww HH SanLsnT Week begins May 2nd --Tomorrow! The wonderful values offered 'in this great annual event have made it a national institution--looked forward to by thousands of home-makers in all parts of Canada. : Brides-to-be should not miss this oppor- tunity; brides of a few years who are anxious to re-furnish their living-rooms ; those who wish to take their old suite to the summer cottage--home-makers of all classes should see this year's special without fail. Snyder's Limited are the leading stylists in Canadian living-room furniture. In design, coverings, quality -- leadership 53 F is theirs. This year's offering is better than pre-war value! \ For $199 you are offered a big, beautiful, "comfy" Snyder Chesterfield with chair to match and a third piece--a handsome, hand- carved occasional chair to harmonize and complement- the other two pieces. Solid walnut show-wood frame. Visit your Snyder dealer without fail To- morrow or any day next week. See, buy and enjoy the stay-at-home comfort and pride ic will give you. Act quickly --this is a wonderful opportunity. ADAMS FURNITURE CO. LIMITED RELIABLE HOUSE FURNISHING Co. J.-L. WESTAWAY ONE WEEK ONLY TWO BIG FEATURES OSHAWA OSHAWA PORT HOPE

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