Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY I, 1931 FAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and The Commun Social & Personal Any social notes which read- ers caré to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the Times Office before 10 "0 a.m., the day they are to be pub- lished. : Items of mews concern ing dances, pacvties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin and Col. and Mrs. Eric Phillips will attend the Toronto Horse Show next week. ! ed : * = » Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Everson have returned to town after their wedding trip in the States and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ever- son, King Street East. - Mra. N. Stocks and Mrs. H. Han- cock of Oshawa were recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. Robert McLure of Whitby. * LJ Mrs. Mitchell, 24 Prince Street, entertained the members of the La- dies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Le- gion and their husbands at her home on Thursday evening, The guests enjoyed an exciting whist drive. Mrs. Clement and Mrs. Bow- WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2633. 8 Celina St. OUR NEW TELEPHONE NO. IS 400 THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Opposite Bruce St. Gotham Gold Stripe BEAUTIFUL SILs STC CKINGS $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 BAUME BENGUE (pronounced Ben-Gay) will give you quick relief from the agonizing pains of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, and every ache and pain. 'B Ask for G 4 en~-vay Accept No Substitutes DANDRUFF any i a week and the result will be a Clean Head and Glossy Halr MINARD'S 28 rer Oshawa Hospital to Observe Birthday of Florence Nightingale May 12 Is Visitors' Day at Oshawa General Hospital -- Celebration Commemorates Birthday of "The Lady With the Lamp" \ In tribute to the memory of Flor- ence Nightingale, whose name and work are known throughout the world, Tuesday, May 12th, the anni- versary of her birthday, is to be re- cognized in all hospitals as "National Hospital Day." he doors of the hospitals are to be open, and all are welcome there as visitors, to inspect and learn. Oshawa General Hospital is observ ing "National Hospital Day," and all citizens are cordially invited to visit there on May 12th. when all depat- ments will be open for inspection." These hospitals that you visit are, themselves, monuments to the mem- ory of Florence Nightingale, the wo- man whose name has become a syms- bol that is everlasting, for the lamp she carried through the wards of Scutari still shines brightly in the hands of each generation of trained nurses, The story of Florence Nightingale is too well known to need repeating. In 1915, at Waterloo Place in London, there was unveiled a new statuary group, a memorial to the Crimean War, and one of the figures in the heroic group was that of a nurse, the lady with the lamp, Florence Nightingale. This was the first pub lic statue to a woman in London with the exception of a few to members of the royal family. It was at Scu- tari, near © Constantinople, in 1854, that Florence Nightingale first brought comfort and healing to the British soldiers, and all down the years nurses haye bravely followed in her path. In 1856, when the war ended, Florence Nightingale returned to. England,.and training schools for 'nurses were established through the efforts of wives and mothers of men she had nursed back to life in Scutari Her own health had broken down during the strain, though, and until her death in 1910, she was an invalid. A pretty romance in connection with Florence Nightingale, and one not generally known, is one in which a small town in our own land and province figures. In St. John's Ang- lican Church in Elora there is a trea- sured Communion set which was sent by Florence Nightingale to it's one time rector, the Rev. John Smith- hurst. Mr. Smithhurst, who was a cousin of 'the lady with the lamp", had wanted to marry her but, know- ing that she was sorely needed in her work, she refused him and bade him go as a missionary. He settled in Elora, but always maintained a correspondence with Florence Night- ingale. Hence the gift of the Com- munion Set, There is a monument to his memory in the old church yard at Elora, and many nurses have gone there to partake of Communion from the treasured set. Show your appreciation of her work by visiting and taking an in- terest in your own hospital wherever it may be, thus keeping alive the memory of the wonderful work for mankind of the "lady with the lamp." en were winners of the two first prizes and Mrs. M. Burk and Mrs. Huxtable winners of the second prizes. Mrs. Huxtable has kindly of- fered to entertain the same party at her home 129 Barrie Street, on Wednesday, May 6th. The Auxiliary bazaar will be held on the afternoon of May 6th, at the club rooms. over the market building. MISSION WORKER ADDRESSES W.M.J. Plans Made for Mother's Day Services The Women's Missionary Society of Cedardale United Church met on Thursday, April 30, at the home of Mrs. G. W. Irvine. Mrs. Green, a worker among missionaries for a number of years was the speaker of the day and gave some very inter- esting information of the new mis sionary society in Trinidad. She also showed some of the beautiful handiwork done by the natives of Trinidad and among her collection was a stuffed crocodile which prove ed the centre of interest to all pre- sent. This talk took place after the usual opening exercises when the hymn sung was "We've a Story to tel the Nation." The lesson reading by Mrs. Irvine was "Let Your Light Shine." Reports by the secretary and treasurer were read. Further arrangements were made for a social to be held in the Sun- day School roam on Monday, March 4th, at 7.7 'ock. The admission is to be 1. It was ali ,écided that the Wo- hatever your, color scheme Walpamur, the famous flat finish for walls and ceilings, forms the most delightful background for your treasures. light-diffusing effect it produces, and its egg shi2ll bloom, give a new beauty to your It is so easy to apply, and has such covering power, that it is most economical in mate risland labour. Inaddition, itis permanent, washable, fire-resisting, and non-absorbent to moisture. It can be applied successfully on a wide variety of surfaces, such as smooth and rough plastiyr, wallboards, etc., and permits of textured effects. Consult your decorator er dealer as to fits Ask him for a shade card, er many uses. i write to us direct. Walpamur product of The Crown Diamond Paint Co.Limited Montreal - Toronto ~ Walpamur Products Are Sold By: Ww. W. Park, 2 Simcoe St. S,, ft} The soft Ly men's Missionary Society would take the evening service at the church on Sunday, May 10th, which is Mother's Day. The speaker on this occasion will be Mrs. G. W. Irvine. Mrs. Green closed the meet. ing with prayer. The hostess served a delicious af- ternoon tea and the ladies of the society remained for a gocial hour. WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern A stunning day dress with loads of charm. Its smart simplicity is so satisfying and becoming. A navy blue flat crepe made the original. A sparkling enamel sap- phire shade buckle fastened thé nar- row belt at the natural waistline. And as you no doubt know navy blue promises to be very smart all through the season. The pretty cowl drape of the slim bodice is very kind for it disguises breadth just beautifully. The curved seaming of the skirt too has a very narrowing effect on the hipline. Style No. 2984 may be had in sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36 requires 376 yards of 39-inch material. Printed flat crepe silk is also very His Friendé Remark - How Well He Looks Says Ontario Man After Using Dodd's Kidney Pills Mr. W. Brierley Suffered with Kid- ney Trouble and Inflammation of the Bladder Ont., Feb. 11.-- \ Port Elgin, (Special) J "I feel T must write just a few lines to say what a wonderful medi- cine your Dodd's Kidney Pills are," writes Mr. W. Brierley, a well known resident of this place. "For over a year I. was very sick and took all kinds of medicines. I suf- fered With Kidney trouble and In- flammation of the Bladder. I was just onthe point of going to the try Dodd's Kidney Pills as a last resource. They seemed to do me good, so I continued and have now taken 25 boxes. I feel like a new man and shall never again be with- out them. I have recommended them to several of my friends. They all notice how well I am looking after being so sick and losing weight." If you wish to enjoy new health and energy all over the body, give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial. McGLAHAN--DAVIES At seven o'clock last gevening Freida Davies, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Davies, St. Eloi St., was united in marriage to Allan McGlashan of Oshawa. The cere- mony was performed at St. George's rectory by Rev. Canon dePencier. The bride and groom were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roy Bond. After the ceremony a large num- ber of friends of both the bride and groom were entertained at the home of the bride's parents. On their return from a short honey- moon Mr. and Mrs. McGlashan will reside in Oshawa. Brought Top Price Brockville.--T. J. Davison, manager of Avondale Farm, returned last night from Toronto where he attend- ed a sale of Holstein cattle which took place in the Coliseum at the Ex- hibition grounds. An average price of $200 was paid for the 60 head of cattle which were sold. A bull calf born last fall at Avondale Farm brought $600, the top price paid at the sale. good for this model. Crepy woolens in plain or pattern will also make up charmingly, Qur large Fashion Book shows the latest raris Ras to offer in clothes for the matron, the stout, the miss and the children. Also a series of dressmaking ar- ticles. It is a book that will save -u nioney. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern, Send stamps or coin (coin referred.) y Price ot book 15 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. Address orders to: Pattern Editor usnawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ont. sp &Y8% DIZE susie hospital when 'I thought I would Oshawa Ladies Meet Paderewski To shake hands and talk for a few moments with the famous Paderewski after his concert In Massey Hall on Wednesday evening was an honor extended to only six people. Two of these were young ladies from Oshawa, Miss Rose Hawkes and Miss Ida Arnott. Two years ago, when travelling from New York to Australia, Miss Hawkes met Ignace Padere- wiski, the noted musician, who was on the same boat. On Wednesday evening one of hundreds who crowded to the stage at the close of the concert, Miss Hawkes was recognized by Mr. Padere- wgki, the noted musician, who said immediately, "You must see Paddy." He led the way to a little room off the stage that guarded heav- ily on the outside and where, inside, the great artist was meeting only a very few of his Toronto acquaintances. "You remember Miss Hawkes," said Mr. Joubert. "Oh, yes!" answered Pad- erewski and cordially shook hands with his Canadian friend. Miss Arnott, who ac- companied Miss Hawkes to the coucert was also intro- duced to him. For five. or ten minutes, the Oshawa la- dies chatted with the famous piapist. The artist appeared very tired after the strenuous work of the evening. He had played almost steadily for two hours and forty minutes. Steel Work Under Way Kingston--The steel work of the new addition to the Odd Fellows building at the corner of King and William streets is well under way, and rapid progress is being made in its construction. HEADACHES Ended by Kruschen "I was a martyr to headaches, with frequent attacks of dizziness affecting my vision. My occupation is a very sedentary one--a printer's reader. I gave Kruschen Salts a good trial, and from then onwards I seemed quite another person. The headaches dis- appeared and the dizziness, and the most wonderful thing to me 'is that I have gone back to weaker glasses, a lens which I had discarded some years ago as not being strong enough. I also suffered from bad circulation durng the early morning of winter. Now at 58 I can enjoy cold baths all the year round, enjoy and am eager for my food, and am what I consider very fit--the sort of fitness that makes living a joy."--(G.F.) Headaches can nearly always be traced to a disordered stomach or to partial constipation -- a complaint many indoor workers suffer from without ever suspecting it. Kruschen Salts go right down to the root of the trouble aid remove the cause by gently persuading the organs of elimination to function ex- exactly as Nature intended they should. save by serving Kellogg's Corn Flakes and milk for the children's supper. Dietitians say it's a fine dish . . . easy to digest, well bal- anced. And it saves any mother work and 3 - peg SPECIALS --A Great Shopping Feature For Saturday 75 MISSES' AND WOMEN'S GENUINE Celanese Dresses In a big variety of new models, some in coat effects, others with the separate coat-frock, etc. late spring shades. Sizes 14 Misses to Women's 40. Reg. $4.95 to $5.95. All are new Saturday Special $3.95 50 MISSES' AND WOMEN'S PURE SILK CANTONS AND PURE SILK FLAT CREPES OF THE BETTER GRADE In plain colors of the newest shades. all the new combination effects. Misses' to 42 Ladies'. $12.95. Saturday Special Sizes, 16 Regular $10.95 to Many are printed silk in $7.95 \) At the amazing new low price for Saturday $1.95. taken from our regular stock, and comprises The New Halo, Watteau, Poke and Brim styles; Closely sewn in the latest fashion to retain their shape. All are neatly trimmed. Reg. $2.95, $3.95, $4.95. Saturday Special CHIC HEADGEAR This special allotment has been $1.95 NOTICE ~-- DO NOT FORGET SATURDAY, MAY 2, IS TAG DAY FOR THE HUMANE SOCIETY BE GENEROUS -- IT'S A WORTHY CAUSE " THE YOUNG FLICKERS AT SCHOOL 'Who loves too well to play and fool Will ne'er get far in any school. --O0ld Mother Nature. Especially is this true in the school of life, which is a school that everybody attends from the least to the greatest. With the little people of the Green Meadows, the Green . Forest, the Smiling Pool and the Laughing Brook,, failure to learn needed lessons very early in life is sure to mean ® very short life. It was that way with the smart young Flicker who was caught and carried away by Sharpshin the Hawk. He had been so sure of his own smartness that he had not done as his mother had warned him to do, with the result that there were now but eight children in the family of Yellow Wing and Mrs. Yellow Wing. His brothers and sisters had seen the foolish young Flicker tak- en, and it had made a great im- pression. It was their first great lesson in life, a sad one hut one they never forgot. When Mrs. Yel- low Wing returned they all tried to tell her at once what had hap- pened. "It ic very sad," said she sorrow- fully. "It is very sad, but I was afraid it might happen. You see now, children, what a dreadful thing can happen through careless- ness, self-importance and disobedi- ence. Had he obeyed as the rest of you did he would be here now. It isn't safe ever to relax your atchfulness, and only the fool- ish refuse to seek safety at the WOMEN NEED FLAKES Extra delicious sweetened with honey. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 0] 90 od | 2: {od 2° Favorite Prescription GSS BEDTINE STOR eh * ° By Thornton W. Burgess first hint of possible danger. To wait to find out if there is real danger may be to wait too long, as was the case with your brother. I think you have learned this les- son, 80 we will say no more about it now, for there are many things you still have to learn before you will be fitted to go out into the great world alone." "If you please," spoke up a young Flicker, "when can we leave this pole?" "I was coming to that," said Mrs. Yellow Wing. "That Hawk is likely to return the next time he is hungry and I think it will be just as well if you are somewhere else. You have learned all you can on this bare pole. You have learned how to use your feet and tails in climbing and how to dodge. Now it is time for you to learn to use your wings in flight and your eyes, bills and tongues in getting food. Here comes your father and if he says 80, we'll all move over to the Old Orchard." Yellow Wing was told what had happened and he agreed that the time had come for the family to move. He led the way to the near- est tree and one by one the thil- dren followed. It took some of the more timid some time to make up their minds to trust themselves to those untried wings, hut finally the last one was in the tree. It being their first experience in a tree, they wanted to climb all over it. It was fun to venture out on branches. They liked the feel of the bark. They liked the shade of the branches. It was all so new and wonderful. But Yellow Wing and Mrs. Yel- low Wing were anxious to get them over to the Old Orchard, so pres- ently they flew to the next tree and then to the next and so oun until they reached the Old Orchard. By this time they were tired and were wisely given a long rest. In the afternoon they were taken down on the ground and shown an ants' est. The ants were busily going in of sorts? d s tract with Dr. Carters Little Lives Pills. AR vegetable. Gentle but They'll get rid of body poisons that cause Indigestion, Gas, a long tongue and with it picked up one of those ants. Eight pairs of bright eyes watched her. Then one of the youngsters tried run= ning his tongue out at an ant cross+ ing in front of him. He missed it the first time, but tried again and succeeded. The taste of that ant reminded him that he was hungry, very hun= gry, and eagerly he looked for an- other ant and caught it. One of his brothers tried and pretty soon all those young Flickers were looking for and picking up ants and having a wonderful time. You! see, it was the first meal they even had caught for themselves and they had suddenly discovered tha# it was great fun to be independent: Every few minutes Mrs. Yellow Wing would remind them to keep' watch for danger and be prepared to fly up in the nearest tree at the first alarm. So you see, they were at school, although they didn't know it. (Copyright, 1931. T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Lessons That Were Fun." Is Your Joint Painful 9%: inflamed or Swollen ® \ For swift sure action science gives you Joint-Ease. Just rup it in--good--you'll enjoy its come forting action as pain disappears-- swelling goes down and all' dfs- tress vanishes--it's a wonderful emollient--must help you or money back---generous. tube §0¢-- all druggists--made in Canada, and out. Mrs. Yellow Wing ran out J ointEase | TILLIE THE TOILER Wa \F YOU'RE SURE HE'S IN A TRANCE, BOSITINELY - ow TOL WANT TO Buy GOEAL" STOCK, BauT You HAVEN'T "THE MONEY "WITH YOU = TOMORROW Yous. GO MAC - / { [GooD GRIEF | WH ERE HAVE You BEEN > LJ # »

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