MEN'S SUITS || THREE DAYS FOR THIS THREE DAYS SALE | THURSD AY - FRID AY We offer 40 of our fine Tweeds and | i : { ETA rs SATURDAY TOPPERS & regularly at $30. to $35, but ing odds and ends of the scason's sell ing Out they go at | M 9 H : > FOR THREE DAYS ONLY $ 7 5 en S : a S | We offer our complete range of Men's and | 1 ty | | tn ine Pearl, Tan and Brown map ™ Py | Young Men's New Spring Top Coats that | or welted beim 3 | sell regularly at $22.00 to $35.00 at two | | prices-- MEN'S SUITS $ 1 '95 1 | | Coats, regular $28.50 to $35.00 FOR THREE DAYS ONLY ---- : | $ 1 87 5 | We offer a quantity of our Men's Blue Serge and | Men's Better Quality Fine Fur i assortment || Fancy Hairline Suits--that sold regularly at | i | $29.50 to $32.50. Not all sizes but a fine H A | eS) | I | Coats, regular $22.00 to $25.00 | Made in Pearl, Tan or Brown shades. Every one:guaranteed. Very special $3.95 | $ 1 4.75 td ENTE Goes 55 53.50 oe ae om El End Cahmens C oT Bie good tweeds in greys, fawns, 4 J Hose -- in plain or and mixed shades. mixed patterns Collar attached, or separate THREE DAYS ONLY 3 for $1.00 collars--14 to 16!;. Very 2 for $2. 75 Special checks, also plain white, Boys' es Boys' Bloomers | Boys' Longs | Men's Odd Pants Men's Balbriggan ; In plain Blue or fancy tweed. Reg- . : In good wearing tweeds, Grey, Tan | In fancy, grey, tan or brown tweeds In fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, grey, fawns or Shirts and Drawers ular $1.00.- Sizes 3 to 10 years or mixed colorings made in the full | --with belt loops and cuffs. Sizes mixed shades. In fine quality Egptian two thread Balbriggan Shirts shape. Sizes 27 to 32 1 65 10 to 18 years. Regular 2.35 Sizes 28 to 44 . with either long or short sleeves and drawers 65 c 75¢ Regular $2.00 Values ... $ $2.75 $3.00 5 ankle length--Regular 75¢, 90c and $1.00 . . a a i BOYS' DEPARTMENT | Men's Odd Pants Men's Balbriggan This is a very popular work pant in tweed $2 3 5 " Combination Underwear Cf ) Boys' Shirt Waists Boys' Shirts 4 V1 or worsted and coll roanbr Sr In fine wuality Egyptian 2 thread Balbuizean Shirts yi A --either long or short sleeves. #1 Made from pretty plain or fancy . . ie . 1- : Y $1.25 and $1.50 6 A At Stet gered enm ss good roomy In fine quality shirtings with Co | Head Light 3 i : lar attached. Sizes 12 to 75 c Men's Golf Bloomers Vinee Hic Slofz yes, 65¢ 14 neckband. Reg. $1.00 pS | OVER A LLS Plain Blue, Striped or Black nfo foc or pn tress vr twit | | {SUC | Boys" Oliver Twist or Middy Suits | 522 |] was vero | full size--with no-slip waist bands--28 $3.95 , BOYS' KHAKI to 40. Regular $4.50 and $5.00 Made som. Fox 5 . rg 5 ON | 3 srwasts ||| Men's Work Shirts Good quality, all sizes 6 Men's Trench Coats || =ovs sasricaan Sizes 3 to 8 years Got atin, a SHIRTS Redes Liv. 15¢ | | In Plain Blue, Khaki or Navy. Real values Can be worn as spring Top-coat or as a raincoat-- | || t $1.25. : 9c in the plain pretty shades. Sus tis 1 ys 3B 9 - : at$ Very Special Regular $12.50 sree senses veer ns I i . BOYS' COVER-ALLS I Head Li ht R | BOYS' BALBRIGGAN AIA "TK OR PLAY suits i" N E CK WwW E A | COMBINATIONS SUI | S : In o variety of Cyn WORK SHIRTS A ah I Sizes 4 to 14 yrs, Either 7.378: Beg, 51.25 : In plain Blue, Chambray, or Khaki. 14 to $1 35 17. Regular $1.75. Special . Any 75¢ or $1.00 Tie I Buttoned or Buttonless. = These are shade in many : I Regular up to " f % -- i ! ' 55¢ ; . 2 for $1,00 750 In boys Coat and Knick- eC) ne Sop Ss dpe BOYS' COVER-ALLS | ers made from good i 4 Golf. In pretty Grey, Fawn | In the aviation style with | # : o | BOYS B.V.D's tweeds and in wonderful i7 #4 7 or Brown tweeds. Regular | 107% or short legs. Reg- | MM n WwW k J] Men's Pa amas | Wino Naincheck, button | 1 goo a 10 4 #4 $10.00 to $13.50. Sizes 8 | YO #10 10 §] 35 | @ $ or 0X : or buttonless, Sizo style. Sizes ys NM | 1 to 14 years Hn l Regular 35¢ | 8 to 14 i, 65¢ deloth made i ; 'WR | 1 en Bromo sade 1 he Supe 9 48 $ 8.95 wean ||| 4 Pairs $1.00 Regular $2.00 Value . ! BOYS' GOLF SOX In fancy Tweed-Cloths, | | In Wool or Liste, 35¢ Regular 75¢ to MEN'S : Jone andi... 28 a ogi ; = J MEN'S SOX Flannelette Pajamas BOYS WOOL JEYSEYS KIDDIES "WOOL SUITS Black Caslimere. si Our best qual -neck : : . $200 10.82.75 Values $ 1. 6 5 Our 3 oot slits worked ney in the Polo s I 35 In our best quality worsted in a variety of $2. 35 3 Pairs ES 1.00 Regular $1.50 to $1.75 shades and styles. Regular $3.00 to $3.50 . MEN'S SILK ; MEN'S GOLF HOSE ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR ' : 100 feet .b To wear with your golf bloomers we This is a rare opportunity to buy your ct and Lillie offer a real bargain in Men's fancy the wrecked or plain Hose Summer underwear. Sizes 32 85¢ legs at viel $1.45 Jrvived by two me or y; WA