only 3 ag oe Ay TT cs - eliminations, < o- _- PAGE EIGHT "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1937 BLUE DEVILS DI Team Assemble to Receive Cham; bionship Crests Coach Walker Presented With Travelling Bag -- Mayor Marks Pledges Co- operation of City Council --Team to be in Field for Dominion Championship Next Season JA spirit of good fellowship and op- timism for the success of the team in the next rugby scason was the keynote of the Blue Devils Rugby Club get-together and dinner in the Genosha Hotel on Saturday evening. Although somewhat delayed since the end of the rugby scason the din- ner was none the less successful and brought together once again the team that won the Intermediate O.R.F.U. Championship last fall and advanced to ghe semi-finals of the Dominion The executive of the club took the opportunity to present to each member of the team the crests which they had won as champions Just year; the presentations being made by Ross McKinnon, a past president of the club, Following the dinner which was all that the most exacting connoiseur could ask, Russell Wilber took charge of the gathering, He stated that as many of the players were aware the General Motors were not sponsoring sporting activities this year, but he felt sure that the Blue Devils would be back in the fight for the honors when fall came round. He then called upon Mayor Marks. As the representative of the city, Mayor Marks stated that he felt he owed the club an apology. The city council, he said, should be. giving the team a banquet as a mark of appre ciation for the honors that the team has brought to Oshawa, instead of the team being his hosts, In the sporting world, His Worship contin. ued, a town is known by what hon« ors are brought to it by its teams, In speaking of Montreal, one at once thinks of it as the home of the world's rofessional hockey champions. In a ike manner Oshawa is known as the home of a great rugby team, We must realize that these achievements must be recognised, His Worship promised amid a burst of cheering that if the team were successful this year, that he would use his influence to stage one of the biggest banquets ever held in the city in. their honor. That there were enough good sports in the city to sce the club through the next season, was the opinion ex- Yh ( A | W Lump r (© JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Womill, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 CARTAGE OCAL was ouly just coming into its oni i pressed by Ross McKinnon. Rugby Mr, McKinnon felt, and the fal pastime is due to have a most suce cessful reception, in the city, this fall, 'The city was very fortunate, Mr. McKinnon added, to have a man of Mr. Marks' calibre as its mayor. Nowhere in this country is there a better sportsman and it is going to help the club in a big way, asserted the speaker, Mr, McKinnon then drew the attention of the team to the O.R.F.U, Intermediate Trophy, which adorned the head table. Oshawa were the first winners of the trophy, he said, which had been presented to the Union by "Bert" Harper, of Ham- ilton, in memory of "Toot" Lecky, of Queen's, Mr. McKinnon made the presentation of the crests to each player of the team with a well turned biography addressed to each man which gave a most interesting side light on the parts played by each. H. W, Nicoll advised the team not to take their defeat at the hands of R.M.C. last year too much to heart. Weather conditions were against the team on that occasion, he stated. With regard to the question of General Motors withdrawing their support from athletic activities, Mr, Nicoll stated that the year had been a quiet one; and that another year may be entirely different, Three reasons were advanced by "Wally" Clark for the success of the team last year, The team won, Mr. Clark said, first, for the honor of the city, second, for the General Motors, and third, because the team were Blue Devils, Much of the credit for the showing of the team however was due to the coaching given by "Liz" Walker, who he felt had given a great deal of time that he could ill afford. His one regret, Mr. Clark asserted, was that the team had not given their coach a dominion championship. As a mark of the appreciation felt by the members of the team for the interest taken in them, Mr, Clark presented Coach Walker with a handsome travelling bag. : Coach Walker, in expressing his thanks to the club for the gift which had been presented to him, asserted that the team was made up of men who were a pleasure to associate with and rivalled any which he had been with during his career. . "My one aim is to win a dominion championship. To win it for you ra- ther than for myself," stated Coach Walker, "With what you earned last year, you can do it," he asserted. He also expressed the hope that the team would be intact for another season together, Fine Bill At Arena Tues. 1t all depends upon the Oshawa sportsmen and sportswomen whether this city is to become a wrestling centre and grapplers of the calibre of Jim Londos, Jim McMillen, Dick Shikat, are to Le brought here. Next Tuesday might will show, The matches to he de- cided at the aranp will he ir nature of a test prove a successitl vi Liu a crowd turn out, then it is the plan of the promoters to bring the world's greatest wrestlers here. And this is not such a difficult thing as it sounds. Oshawa being such a short distance from Toron- to, famous wrestlers could be brought here after showing at the Queen City and thus eliminate the huge expense of transportation, etc, as most of the outstanding wrestlers are from different points across the line. And while it would be entirely out of the question to bring them just for the Oshawa and should fit BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won, Lost. PC Toronto 4 1 800 Buffalo Rochester Montreal Baltimore Jersey. City Newark cading .. Yi eessenee sesanene serves arene ee Toronto ....s..4 Newark Baltimore «.....9 Buffalo .. Montreal ..iev..8 Readng ... v xJersey City ....7 Rochester ......6 xTen innings. Saturday's Results Jersey City .....0 Toronto ....... Rochester ......8 Newark xBuffalo <i ... 015 Reading oo0v00es xFourteen innings, Montreal 7 Baltimore ...... AMERICAN LEAGUE - Won, . Lost. PC. Washington +... 1 800 New York seve St. Louis Cleveland Philadelphia Chicago Detroit Boston 600 eeennn L600 Bliuwionte Yesterday's Results Washington ,. Philadelphia Detroit .. Chicago . . Saturday's Results Cleveland ....,11 Chicago +.......2 Washington ,...2 Philadelphia | St. Louis ........7 Detroit 3 xBoston ........5 New York . xFifteen innings. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won, Lost Boston = siiiiiin 1 St. Louis A New York ..ui 1 Chicago 1 Pittsburg . 3 Philadelphia ..... J Brooklyn 5 Cincinnati 0 5 Yesterday's Result Pittsburg 5 Cincinnati +... xPhiladelphia ...0 Brooklyn xTen innings. New York ......9 Boston Chicago ........4 St. Louis Saturday's Results 8 Brooklyn ....... 9 Cincinnati ..ivaes Pittsburgh 7 Chicago .. xSt. Louis xTen innings. New York . 7 Philadelphia .... Richardson and Strong Hit Homers As Leafs Win Newark, April 20 -- Two mighty clouts of the Herculegn variety, one inside the park 'and another which the ball found its way far in the meadow land adjoining the stadium, enabled the Toronto Maple Leafs to take the first of a five-game series from the Newark Bears here yester day by a score of 4 to 2, The swats which brought groans from more than 12,000 fans, were made by Nolen Richardson in the fifth inning with Raymond Morehart on first base, and the other was manufactured by Kenneth Strong, former collegian from New York Un- iversity, This four-ply killing which came in the eighth with Bill Rogell on the paths, proved to be the greatest blow in the history of the Canadian cause. Arthur Smith was the Toronto hurler who opposed Myles Thomas of the Bears on the firing line. Save for one inning, Smith was a bear tamer of no mean variety. The one inning in which he experienced trou- ble was the cighth in which the Bruins scored their second and what proved to be the last of the game, Fourth Straight QPORT SuarshorS : Oshawa Yacht Club The Oshawa Yacht Club is holding a meeting Tuesday evening, at 7.30 sharp, in Parlor B, Genosha Hotel, : . Anyone at all interested in boating any type is urged to attend this 'meeting. The range of the organization includes everyone and there is no reason for anyone to feel under obligation should he attend, Be at the hotel at 7.30 on Tuesday and get in on something really interesting to the people of Oshawa. LJ * : Nationals to Practise A practice session of the National Soccer Club is called for 6.30 p.m, tomorrow evening at the Motor City Stadium, when it is hoped that every member of the team will be on hand to put the finishing touches to the team's preparations for the season. The official opening of the season is to be held on Saturday next, April 25th, when the Nationals will meet the Consumers Gas Co. team of Toronto, in the Queen City, * - : Aarabs Held Practise On, Saturday afternoon the Aarabs Baseball team held their first practise of the season at the Motor City Stadium with a splendid turn- out of enthusiastic followers of the sport. Although the future of the team as far as a grouping is not as yet kncwn, it is almost a certainty that the club will again operate. may be linked up with a Toronto group. There is the possibility that the team This important matter will be decided this evening at a meeting of the T.A.B.A,, when the Toronto officials of the league will decide whether Oshawa will be admitted. Establish Record New York, April 20. - The New York Yankees lost their Sunday C, | same to Philadelphia, 8 to 2 yester- day, but had the consolation of es. tablishing a new al-time atlendance record for baseball. The official at- tendance for the game was 80,403, Walberg Pitches Macks to Victory New York, April «0.~=Rube Walberg had the better of Char- ley Rufting in a pitching duel and the champion A's defeated the | Yankees in their first meeting by | a score of three to two, before 80,403 tans, Walberg allowed the Yanks but six hits. while the Ath- | leticy found Ruffing for seven, The A's were the first to score, | garnering a run in round on singles by Bishqp and Haas and a long fly by Cochrane. The Yankees tied it up In the sixth on Ruth's walk, Gehrig's sacrifice and Chapman's single, Jimmy Dykes' homer put the A's ahead again in the seventh, while the champions added a much needed run in the eighth to their total on Bishop's double and Haas' single, as Lou Gehrig pound- ed out his second homer of tho season in the Yanks' half of the same round, Vosmik's Homer Saves, Shutout Cleveland, O.,, April 20.,~De- troit Tigers drew first blood in the opening clash of the campaign with the Indians yesterday, win- ning the game 5 to 2, Earl Whitehill, veteran south- paw, was master of the situation from the start, and would have registered a shut-out but for a home run from the bat of Joe Vosmik, Cleveland's sensational kid slugger, with a man on. The Tigers got to Wesley Fer- rell in the opening {iuning for three runs on a pass to Walker, single by Johnson, double hy Gehringer and one-base hit by McManus, the openine | a --- ALEX KASABOSKI The challenger for the lght heavy weight Crown held by Jack Koe gut, which will be decided in a bout at the Argna tomorrow evening. Skeeters Defeat Wings In Tenth Jersey City, April 20.--A sharp ingle by Joe Brown, in the tenth inning with a man on second result od in a 7 to 6 triumph for the Jer sey City Skeecters over the league champinship Rchester Red Wings here yesterday, before a crowd of 10,000. Rollings threw wild to first no Walsh's grounder, pesmitting the batsman'to reach recond and Wal- ter Brown came through with the winning single, Maple Leafs Lost Last Game 6 to 4 Jersey City, April 20--Hitting Al Jutzberger, the Toronto Leafs' youthful lelf-hander, freely in the six Innings ho worked, Jersey City won the final game of the series 6 to 4 here on Saturday. The Leafs won the first three games. The Skeeters were leading 3 to 0 going into the sixth, but Joe Rab- CANADIANS PLAY DAVIS CUP ROUND ON MAY 21, 22, 23 Toronto, April 20--=The Mount Ro- yal Tennis Club was selected to con- duct the Davis Cup tie in Montreal on May 21, 22, 23, On the recom- mendation of John M, Miller, who has again accepted the duties of team captain, Dr, J. A. Wright and Maree! Rain: ville, of Montreal, are playing this week in the tournament at Whit Sul- phur Springs, West Virginia, and it was expected that Gilbert Nunns and Walter Martin, would have joined them, but the Toronto men were un- able to go. These four players, with Dr. A. W, Ham, of Toronto, and Charles W. Leslie, of Montreal, will be in Toronto for the trials on th» grounds of the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club on May 7, 8 9, which will de- termine Canada's team, Oshawa Bowlers do Well in Tourney Two teams of Oshawa bowlers took part in the Canadian Five Pin Bowling Tournament held in To- ronto during the last week, which was brought to a successful ters mination on Saturday evening. The teams from Oshawa were the Central Bowling and the Coca Cola teams. The teams were mode up as follows: Central Bowling, (', Mason, A. Clark, E. Higgins, L. Magill and J. Purdie; while the Coca Cola team were W, Myles, W. Phillips, E. Mackie, A. Dobson and G. Creamer. In the team bowling on Saturday. the Y team 'made a score of y thio Coca Colas made 3,185. Members of the teams took part in the singles and doubles play and al- though the final results of the play have not yet been made public, it i Epected that they will stand gn, Cubs Hand Cards Initial Defeat Chicago, April 20.--The St, Louis Cardinals dropped thelr first of the season when they dropped the second of their four-game ger los. to the Chicago Cubs yesterday 1-1, An overflow erowd of 43,000 turned out to watch Charley Root hold the National League chams- plons to six hits, four of which came in the first three innings. Douthit"s walk and singles by risch and: Watking in the first, gave the Cards their only tally. Two walks and singles by English and Hartnett gave the Cubs a pair in their half. Wilton scored in the third after a double, on a short passed ball, The final run eame in the sixth on Ste phenson"s single, Hartnett's saecri- fice and Grimm's double to right, gute bitt tied the score when he blasted a home run with Rogell and Ric- hardson on base, and it appeared as if the Leafs might go on to their Badminton Club Make fineShowin In District Matc Members of the Oshawa Badmin- ton Club journeyed to Lindsay on Saturday to take part in a tourney which took in six of the towns in the district, The Oshawa team of Miss Marian Hanning and Miss Hel- ena Richardson were successful in winning the ladies doubles event, while the other local teams, al- though they did not win any of the events made a very creditable show- ing. On the day's play Oshawa stood second in points with Lindsay taking first place. The final games were refereed by Jack Purcell, of f'oronto, one of the best badminton referees in the province. The teams that took part in the play were Bar- rie, Orillia, Peterboro, Lindeay, Port Hope and Oshawa. Besides the ladies doubles title that was taken by Miss Hanning and Miss Richardson; Miss Richardson and Mr. Hanning were runners up In the mixed doubles event, The members of the Oshawa team were as follows: Ladies Doubles, Miss Hanning and Miss Richardson; Mrs, R. 8. Morphy and Mra. C. E, Wil- son; Miss Gladys Morris and Mrs. Norman Danfel.. Men's Doubles, Mr, Hanning and Max Evans; Allan Phillips and D, B. Carlyle; Norman Daniel and "Pat" Harvey, The mixed doubles avent wag won by Lindsay aud the men's doubles by Port Hope. . WEST END Y. WIN JR. Toronto, April 20-- Toronto Wes End Y.M.C.AA, won the junior bas ketball championship of Easter: Canada--the highest honors a junio team in Canada can win, there being no all-Canada play-off. While thd Montreal Central Y.M.C.A. team del feated West End at West End of Saturday night 22 to 19, West End' six-point win on Friday night gave them the championship by 51 to 48 and the narrow margin fully repre sents the small difference betwee the teams CANTON HAS SPECIAL CAR Indianapolis, Ind, 'April. 20--Wil liam (Shorty) Cantlon, of Detroit will drive what is claimed to be th fastest automobile ever entered in thd annnal 500-mile race here May X according to announcement to day b the Indianapolis Motor Speedway 3 The car, built by Harry Miller o Los Angeles, has a 6-cylinder motor developing 300 horsepower at 6,008 revolutions and sponsor say, of doing better than 200 miles af hour, | capable, its WE IFRY THE CHOICLST OF HALIBUT Fresh Fish daily. Fish and chips specialty, PHONY 19064 MRS, WATERHOUSE HEREVER WELL DRESSED MEN CONGREGATE tourth straight victory. Hats that radiate distinction and quality throughout z 3 3 masterpieces of fine fur felt ' ::. ifyou're particular about' your hat, you'll be proud to wear a Brock. "Priced at 7, 8, 10 and 20 dollars Also the St, Lawrence at $5. *Priced slightly higher in the west, P Specials for Monday and Tuesday AT ALL A & P STORES NNER ON SATURDAY IS MOST HAPPY OCCASION CAGE CHAMPIONSHIP} AMD) For Washington April 20.--~While Lloyd Brown was applying the white-wash to the Boston Red LONG DI showing, negotiations at present ufder way should result in many coming here to display their wares after having shown in Toronto, or before going there, for that mat- Washington, MAMMOTH Special Value ter, Hence the importance of Tues- day night's show and the interest So his mates pounded four Sox hurlers to win the first game of the series, 8 to 0. This is the Sen ators' four straight win and put in the Canadian light heavyweight championship bout between the title holder," Jack Kogut and his leading challenger, Alex Kasal,os- ki, For that matter,' it is qnite an undertaking to stage a Cana- dian championship match here at the first show and but gives some ides of the ambitious plans be- hind the show, OAKLAND COACH, MODEL Driven very small mileage. 8ix wire wheels and tires, Special Price of $850 with terms. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe St. South 1980 WRESTLING SHOW OSHAWA ARENA Tuesday Night April 21 First Bout at 8.30 p.m. Canadian Light Heavyweight Championship Match JACK KOGUT Canadian Champion : a Roll Jour Own' Versus ; ALEX KASABOSKI Challenger Best two out of three falls, with two hours limit Also FRANKIE HART versus BOB NELSON ALI HASSAN versus ALEX. KOSKI PRICES--B0c, 75¢ and $1 (plus tax) them on top of the league. Brown allowed ten hits but kept them well scattered, only one Sox reaching third, The Senators pounded MacFayden fortwo runs fn the second and drove him to the showers in the third scoring six. Morris and Murphy held the Nats safe the rest of the way. . Joe Cronin and Spencer divided stick honors, Spencer driving in four runs and scoring one, FIFTH STRAIGHT 1088 Brooklyn, April 20. ~The Brook- lyn Robins yesterday lost their fifth straight game. The score was 6 to 4. The Phillies were blanked up to the eighth inning when they got four runs on five hits, The Robbins abt a run in the ninth to tie it, but lost out in the tenth, KATHI FEN NORRIS 'Brilliant Fascinating Daring 5*Book of 120 Leaves Xho argon a time, os 'aste. Demand 216 -ZAG and 1 | hil air ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. &55..