Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Apr 1931, p. 9

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« {afants and children, ¥ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1931 PAGE NINE ' 18 It Is To Be Bought Or Sold - Times Classified Ads Will Do It GONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries rublic, Rte Conveyancing and general prac tice in Law, Office 7% <Simeoe Bt. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. N Conant, B.A, LLB. A. F. An. nis, B.A, LL.B, . EB. No SINCLAIR XK. of Commoarce Building. Ss \ G . . vister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Money to loan. 'Of- fico 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. IER v IGHT! Fraser, Barristers, ete, Bank of Oymmerce Bldg. LOUIS 8. , BA Solicitor Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcce street north. Phone 67. Resi dence 3473W. Al S BA risters, Solicitors, ote, 2434 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Money to ge S Contessheine and general practice, 23% King St, East. Phone 3237, (tr) FRANK 3. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey: ancer, money to loan. Third floor now Alger Building, opposite Post Office Phone 2406. Medical DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 2060. Office hours ® a.m. to 8.30 pm. Dr. B. J. Heslewood, special attention to Burgery and X-Ray. Dr. Harper special attention to child. rons Diseases and Ubstetrigs. Sun. day and night calls 2416 or 122. DR." McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR: goon, Accoucher. Office and resi. dence King St. Bast, corner Vie toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. OR. GRANT BBRRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of Office and Plone A ter, ote. residency 07 Bond East. 11655. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C. M. L.R.C.P. and 8., Edinburgh Phy- slelan, Burgeon and Obstetrician. Office 142 Simcoe Bt. N. Phone 8020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. Nerth. Phone 8166. " DK. HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET- riclan, Physiclan and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work and diseases pecullar to women. Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North. Phone 803. RW. GRA Se, LM. C.C., physician surgeon, obstetrician 3 years post graduate; Special at- tention to maternity work, Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and resi. dence Phone 3020. (Dee. 24-1 mo \ Veterinary Surgeon DI. SHIRLEY VETERINARIAN Epecialist, Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 620. (i aug. tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Secialit DIL F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will bo at bis, offico over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday fiom 1 till 4 p.m. for eonsultation and treat. ment of diseases of car, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 07. Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR: niture bought and sold 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M, (25 dea tf Dental: CLIPS, OVETTAS set's. Special tion to X-ray work, Gas itraction, ing in at tendance. Phone 959, House 1312 ) a ENTIST, 16] 2 Simcoe Su over Dewland's. Phone 57. Res. 22W. Evenings by ap- intment, DR. LANGHAID, DR. DAVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. E, Special at- tention to gas extraction and X-ray work, Nurse in attendance. Phone nd Veterinary PR. W. SY treats diseases of all domesticated animals, Thornton's Corners, Phone Oshawa 202 rng 2. (9 may a) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence 542 Sim- oo street, north, Phone 210] and OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service an and night. Phone 1082W. in (C31) Spirella WITH THE NEW LINES OF fashions Spiretla solves your prob. lem, Call Mrs. Blatter, Manager, Phone 2189M, «(18 apr ©) A Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. *30 Reputable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consul R. N. johns, 8 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attend: ed to and your interests protected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving, Storage ware- house and moving van equipment, Phone 82, BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE = General cartage and household furni- ture moving. Special attention to Commercial work. Local and long distance. 6m Carnegie Ave, Oshawa, Phone 1618 (dee 10 tf) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Specialists in perman. ent, finger and marcel waving. Per. manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul. tute. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Simcoe street 'north EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET. Ww Ward at Detty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo $1. Pine 2968. MARCELLING 35%, FINGER Waving 50¢, hair cutting 25¢ at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors, Ask for Miss Robbins, Phone 71, ka vibe a c(30 APF. C) PERMANENT WAVE sPECIALS $16 for $7.60, Permanent wave with real curly ends a special for $4.76. Other waves from $3.60 to $12, Finger wave and shampoo 76e. Phone 1818W. Ask for Ar thur Huyck at 220 Clark St. (18 Apr.-e) DELUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE EX- perts in permanent, finger and marcel waving. Permanent waves $6, $7.50, $10, $15. Phone 38. Over Ward's Store, (30 mar ¢) 6c TRIMS AND 8b6c MARCBLS; Ask for Miss Duquette. Phone 38.9 (30. mar ¢) ---- Music Architects C., C. STENHOUSE Architectural work. Secgnd floor Royal Bank Building. Phéne 1400 es. phone 9090J. GENERAL HERBERT «. TRENEER, AT.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church will accept' pupils in piano, pire organ and vocal music. 5) William Stieet, East. Phone 2896. (Sept. 2 tf) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS sociate architects. Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. mmo LEONARD RICHER, LR. A.M. Supervisur of Music. "652 Carnegie Avenue, 2578F (Aug 25 tf) Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. J. SULLEY. Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, Osh- awa, Ont, Soecial attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements, Your patron. tye solicited. i R TAUNTON, Ont., arm and house sale specialty. Terms, low, Phone Oshawe 1648 r 2-4. (2% apr c) vr _ST---- Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, RE- pairs and alterations, dressmak- fug, buttons and buttonholes. The Dell Shop, 2924 Simcoe 8, Phone 1456. (Jan, 5-1 ma) -- NOW 18 THE TIME 170 HAVE your plano tuned or repaired. Call GG, Thomson. Phone 2060J. (4 may ¢) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERN- ity work, Doctor's references, Mrs. Borrowdale,' Phone 1618. (30 apr ¢) A AL LSE, nity, general nursing, doetors' ref- erence, assists with housework. Reasonable rates. ' Mrs, Noble. Phone 8032), (31 mar ¢) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, desires maternity work. Mrs. Slack, 242 Eulalle Avo. Phone 2607J, (1 may ¢) CR. " Elocution [EsSoNs I NS 1% ELOCUTION AND blic speaking. Private cr in class a For tenis phones Lois Mundy. odor (Dee. 17-1 Money to Loan LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPER: iy and farms, Apply A. |. Parkhill 37 King St. East Phone 161 available, first mortgage money on good residential property. Apply Bradley Bros. ' '17 mar e¢) Palmist on matters of importance. 93 Louisa i, Phone 2646¥. Busi- va (1 may ¢) ves) Ww WILL {hoeant pupils in is production and singing, Phone No. ¢. (12 spr _c) ¢) ------------r "Cleaning and Dyeing NONMAN LAMBERT -- LADIES and Cent's French dry cleaning and repairing, Goods called for. Vhone 525. 66 Bagot St, 'Iin a quiet home. All conveniences, Building Supplies CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVEL for sale~To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery die, W. Borrewdale. Phone 1618, Battery Service SALES AND BERVIOB PLATE Lock Batteries, car or radio bat- terios charged, 7ic. Called for and delivered. W. 1H. Platt, 817 Celina. Phone 1556). (10 apr ¢) PATTERIES™ CHARGED 176¢ D ¢ with rental $1.00, Repaired snd rebuilt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1886W. Room and Board flOOM AND BOARD Tol TWO, 241 Dearborn Ave, Price $7. (78¢) Hospital--Rest Home "SUNNYNOOR" WHITBY, MA- ternity, invalids, elderly people, convalescents, nervous, all patients requiring nursing care. Rates very reasonable. Call, write, phone Superintendent, (4 apr oo "Loan Wanted hoi i400 ON FIRST é/ ou VYhithy town prop- erty. Good security, Phoug 247, Ae) NOTICE WILL THE GENTLEMAN WHO ives 18 miles from Oshawa please call again 2635W as his address Times. For Rent VICTORIA APARTMENTS = AT new lew rentals, electric refrigeration electric stove, washing machine and diyeh Apply superintendent. Phone (S5¢f SIMCOE five room suites, "electric stoves refrigerati laundry, conveniences, Apply superintendent, phone = 1. A 4 ments. Modern Phone 1550 or FO. -- bath, electric stove and other cone veniences in business section, New. Apply Box 106 Times, 26 fan tf apartment, furnished, newly dec orated, heated, electric light, water, in business section, Apply 194 Times. (7 mar tt) OR R 0 hardwood floors throughout, fire. place on paved street. 91 Ritson road north, Phone 2850. (11 apr Sl ' the minute, 132tf = 0. ate entrance at $12 per month, Phone 1493J, (77¢) OR RED} house at 71 ae, West, Phone TJ. (17¢) Ee S 6 uD . Convenlonces. Klectricity, Gar age. Phone 2435W, (77d) FOR RENT-- MAY 1ST SIX roomed brick house, 63 Harold Klectreitly, gas, furnace, garage. Apply 1560 Centre St. (78¢) FOR RENT---HOUSE, SUITABLY for one or two families, Rent reas- onable, Apply 194 Division St. - (78¢) FOR RENT--7 ROOMED HOUSE, Whiting Ave. Apply at 38 Whiting Ave, (78¢c) FOR RBENT==3 FURNISHED rooms, electric stove, private en- trance, $6 weekly, 107 Westmore« land Ave, Possession April 10, (78¢) FOR RENT-=FIVE ROOMED house on Gibb St, tollet, light, sink. garage if desired, Apply 71 (bb St. Phone 200W, (78¢) FOR RENT---SIX ROOM BRICK liouse, furnace, conveniences, gar- age, Close to Motors, Rent eight. een, 301 French St, (78¢) NOONE 10 ¥ TO LLT -- 661 BIMCOE N. Large front room suitable i two, Board optional, Phone S6TW. (78¢c) I'OR RENT--APARTMENT, FOUR rooms and bath, vacant April 4th. 80 Rowe St. Phone 2640W, (78b) BED SITTING ROOM, CENTRAL: Use of phone. Box 277 Times. (70a) FOR RENT--7 ROOMED BRICK house. Modern conveniences, wired for electric stove, will rent three rooms or four rooms. low rent, Close to Motors, Btucco garage. Garden, Apply 263 llalg St, (70¢) FOR RENT---306 87, BELOL © rooms, All conveniences. Vacant. $18 Murdoch, Phone 2380, FOR RENTe-4 DA mont in Jones Block, Good econ- veniences, Phone 538 Rose's Real Estate, (70¢) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--NO. 24% Court St., Oshawa, brick house, conveniences, No. 485 Cubert St. Oshawa, frame house, water and electricity, Immediate possession. Apply to Conant & Annls, Barris- ps, &e., Oshawa, Out.,, Phone No. (Sat. tf) FoR BALE OR RENT--3 ROOM- ed cottage and garage on paved street, Good sized lot, For infor- mation phone 3369J. Very reas- onable. (79¢) Furniture Repairing REMNANT AND REUPHOLSTER- ing Co., The Upholsterers. Mohairs, plushes by plece or yard. Autos, furniture upholstered, portiere curtains, 1656 £imecoe St, 8. Phone 4318. (10 apr ©) FURN RE A re-upholstered, ete. Charges reas- onable. F. A. Morris, 170 Albert St. Phone 731W. Formerly with Luke Furniture Co, (12 apr ¢! UPHOLATERING AND FORNI: ture repaired. Drapes made to or- der. Rebuilding chesterflelds on specialty, Geo. A, Constable, 27 Bond E. Phone 3322), r-- LM Liha Wanted to Rent, WANTED TO RENT BY MAY 1st, 1031, small house or bun- galow, Reasonable rent, Phone 446M after seven. (78¢) Fars: Wan in wind of Oshawa, "pod bulld- Ings essential. State lowest price tn first letter, Possession this fall to plow, No agents, Dox 272 (77¢) prospect the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 H: who rings doors balis louis dug tor & ob, & room or any ve follows a slow, Our A route indeed. Want-Ad columns not only locate theso prospects for you but also assure an {immediate interview with an interested at Rates for Classified Ads First Insertion--=13§ conts per word, Minimum charge for one insertion 80c. Each. subsequent consecu- tive Insertion 1c per word. Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions 00c. Nox number 10¢ additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.30 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents u word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department Work Wanted HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED now, before the epring rush, Body and fender repair work. Special prices now In effect, Fry and Frise, phone 1111, 168 King St. W. Night phones 2545) and 8396. (6 apr ¢) REPAIR "YOUR "DRIV EWAY 8, lawns, gravel, sand, cinders, earth, concrete floors, walks, curbs re- paired. Chris Graham, Phone 3267, (30 mar ¢) WINDOWS, AND ALL KINDS OF house cleaning done, Gardens and lawns taken care of, 2657J, 1261F, (1 may ¢) WANTED--ALL KINDS OF CAR- pentering jobs, also shingling, Ex- perts on hardwood floors, Phono 068M. (78¢) Radio Service Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dr body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288 (apr 26tf) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new-at less than half the cost. Sent for your ap- roval. Address "Underwood," 135 ictoria St, Toronto. (oct 19, 31) FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN- ishes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, v 'nishes, ete, in the city. The Paint Store, 80 Kin West. (Apr. 25 tf) FOR SALE -- DRY H, HARDWOOD $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 cords Norman Sanders, King St. (D jan tf) East, Phone 1774M, FOR SALE---GOOD MIXED WOOD 14 cord $3.00, W, H., Thompson, King St. W. Phone 742J. (9 apr ¢) FOR BALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders $1.60 per truck load de- livered. Phone Essery Bros., 557J. (18 apr ¢) FOR SALE--MIXED HARD AND soft wood slabs, also bodywood. All ary and under cover, Phone 1: (19 apr ¢) FOR SALE == HARDWOOD 1} cord $3.26. McQuald Cartage & Moving. Phono 2423W day or evening. (27 apr c) FOR SALE----- RECONDITIONED electric stoves, reconditioned elec- tric . washers, reconditioned coal ranges, reconditioned coal annex, reconditioned gas stoves, Fox Hardware, (1 apr ¢) FOR BALE----HARD AND SOFT elabs, also hard body wood. Phone Johnson's Taxi 200, (2 may ¢) FOR BALE--SPLENDID SAMPLE of red clover seed, No primary weed seeds, Oliver McCulloch, Oshawa, RR. 2, (79a) FOR SALE--USED COOK STOVES and electric ranges. Harry D. Wii- soft Hardware, 23 King St, W, hone 46, (79¢c) Auctioneer WILLIAM MAW, LICENSED auctioneer, city and country sales, 25 years' experience, To se- cure a date see Mr, Goodfellow. at the Times Office (1 apr ¢) USHAWA RADIO SERVICE=RE. pairs on radios, power packs and el uminators. Tubes tested and supplied radio pol s for sale, Batteries charg- ed and repaired. Phone 3350). Charles Wales, 146 Elin East, 6 dec 1 mo) THE TROUBLE wih YOUR radio may be tubes. Get your tubes tested free. John Meagher, 92 Sim- coe North, Phone 371W, (16 apr ¢) ALL MODELS REPAIRED, BLIM- inators, power packs, prices' rea- sonable, tubes tested free; battery recharges 60c, Phone 2806W. Georga Burroughs, certified radin triclan. (2IMar'e) -------- Livestock FOR SALE--IRISH tipaniel, male, 7 months, Btacey, Maple Grove, ville. (78¢) FOR SALWE--YOUNG PIGS, ADP- ply Bowmanville, Phone 142 ring 22. (78b) AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 11---AUC- tion sale of horses, wagons. har- ness and tools, etc., at the proper- ty of Arthur Cockerham, 173 Al- bert St. Oshawa, at 2 o'clock sharp. See bills. Wm. Maw, Auc- tioneer. (79-81-83) "WATER $10. H. Bowman- Lost and Found LORT=BETWEEN BROCK AND Masson 8t., silver bracelet, set with blue stones, Please return 44% Brock St. W. Reward, (78¢) LOST--=A PEARL SONBURET. Valued as keepsake, Finder re- turn to Times office. Reward, (79h) ------ . Watch Repairing F. AVON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- Lonage is solicited Rooms to Rent FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT ONE or two gentlemen, breakfast op- tional, Phone 1442J, (77¢) Wanted to Buy WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH price for raw furs, Write or phone for quotation. Stein, Whitby, Phone (11 apr ¢) TE SMALL CAR FOR cash, Must be late model and a bargain, Box 276 Times, WANTED TO BUY--- 100 PUL- lets, Phone 26357. (78a) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- erhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Avenue. Phone 3065W. (72th) P.7J. BRADY, PAINTER AND decorator, estimates given on work. 61 Broek £t. E, Phone 13677. (77¢) Help Wanted--Male GOVERNMENT POSITIONS-- AS Letter Carriers, Mail Clerks, Cus- toms Clerks, Stenographers, Typ- ists, etc., are constantly vacant all over Canada, We are the oldest and largest Institution in Canada specializing in preparing candi- dates by mail for these positions. Booklet free on request. The M.C. C. Ltd., Toronto 10. 7770 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 "WANTED-- ASSISTANT CARE: taker Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Give complete experi- ence in letter addressed to Busi- ness Administrator. Board of Edu- cation, Oshawa. (79b) Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE----SEVEN ACRES OF good garden land, near Oshawa. Will sell cheap. Apply S. W. Pre- vost, Orchard View Blvd, North Oshawa. (7c) Awnings AWNING AND TENTS, BTC., WE are agents for J. J. Turner & Sons, Peterboro. Let us quote you on "everything in canvas", Phone 25, Fox Hardware, Oshawa. (1 apr ¢) Situation. Vacant--Male EARN $20 AND UPWARDS, growing mushrooms for us, in cel- lars and sheds, Illustrated booklet free. Canadian Mushroom, To- ronto, (79h) TIME TABLE Ye CAREW LumbiR (© ATH STW. OSH PHONE 22 i THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. We: Delives = WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES FOR SALE--ON KING'S HIGH- way, east of Oshawa, 914 acres land with house, barn, hen house and garage, apple and frult trees. Phone 28G56W, (7710) FOR SALE--7 ROOMED BRICK on Elgin St, oak floors, 3 pleced bath, furnace, electric fixtures, linoleums and garage, cinder driveway, All in A 1 condition. Apply W. G. Miller, 17 Ontario 8t. Phone 2780. (77¢) LOT FOR SALE--TOWNSHIP Kast Whitby, Lot Number 148, Plan 178 Alexander Boulevard, frontage thirty feet, Will be gold at sacrifice, Any person interested in this property communicate with Wray, Russell & Beck, Barristers. 737 Dovercourt Road, Toronto (78-79-8 "ACRES house. FOR SALE--THRBE roomed cottage, chicken Close to city limits, north, Phone 3393. (78¢c) FOR SALE--LBADING COMMER- cial and tourist hotel, located In good commercial center, catering to the best class trade, doing a steady business; 'thirty rooms, solid brick, completely furnished and equipped, all in pink of condi- tion. A real home for the right man. If interested apply to the owner and proprietor, R. F. Byers, Créemore, Ont, (74-80) - » LJ THE MOTOR INSTITUTE OF Amorlca |8 now ready to assign sales rights in this territory, and wants a capable, experienced, hard working Sales Representative, Splendid opportunity for right man to earn 3000 to $6000 a year, Straight commission, Want man between 30 and 456 who Is living in territory, condition is sound and who ow: his own car, Selling experience es- ential but experience in our field not required, as successful appli- ant will be fully instructed by competent Sales Executive. Phone Mr. Borland between 9 and 12 Monday morning, Genosha Hotel for appointment. (79a) Poultry ' Y CHICKS, HATCHING Barred Rocks, White Leg- horns. Write or phone for cata- logue 1337J. Oshawa Hatchery & Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North, Oshawa. (21Apre) POULTRY WANTED -- PAYING highest prices for poultry of all kinds. Special price for fat hens. T. Stien, Whitby, Phone 81, Re- verse charges, (26Aprece) BABY CHICKS HATCHED IN ONL of Canada's most up-to-date, gov- ernment approved hatcheries. Write for catalogue, Call and see uss Located for your benefit at Bowmanville. KE, V., Lumbers, Mara Lodge Hatchery, Bowman- ville, Ont, (68-74-80) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR Beautiful nine roomed brick cot- tage, modern, 3 acre land with heautiful lawn, Good hen house. In Bowmanville. Will 'exchange for small modern house in city. Must be on paved street, First class residential district, Phone 420, Oshawa, (77¢) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Modern six roomed house, Hard- wood floors. In fine residential street, North end. For smaller cheaper house, central or south end of city. Box 278 Times, (7b) OR EXCHANGE-- block of stores and for Osh- Mur- (79¢) BABY CERES. FOR BALE 0] Danforth Ave, vacant lot for gas site awa, . Residential property. doch, Phone 2380. Italy is pushing its development of hydroelectric power for industri- al purposes. Miss Thirty-odd," Oh, Mr, this is so sudden, Mr. Blunt: Well, thought - you could stand surprise better than sus- pense. Blunt, District Sales Representative H | | SoNntauwSSaun 3322388 3 P 3 my , 400 pm, | m. 45pm, | E233; 28523223888 CYPTUICTYEEES CONAnELN Snes BERTEN TYPPOYY > & t= Leave Hoepital Seman i Somauna abe - ot - & - -8 o58ks 8 232522503238 3%s SPPPPYPT pr eeEes 38238383 as Fomine 8355883 Ba3s3 - SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West . EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively tn muscle emomsl eyesight and glasses, 1516--~Phone--1518 Disney Block . Opposite Post Office REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving gatisfaction we can repalr and make it tell the correct time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 Leav Bowmanville 9.00 a.m, - S»oaan--o p.m. p.m, p.m. p.m, p.m CR Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 11. 30 p. Times mis "connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses. Special Busses fo rall Occasions Reasnalie Rates and Careful Drivers GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 417 or 348 whose financial | TT EXCHANGE= | Oshawa Waiting , Room, 10 Prince Street hone COAL COAL Phone 193 W.J. SARGANT Yard----80 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered 4% Prince S on on Save Money on your INSURANCE See our low rates R. A. Holden 92 Simcoe N. Phone 371W XXX PASTRY FLOUR 24 1b. Bag, 60¢ Hogg & Lytle, Limited Church St. Phone 203 Boys' Suits with | Knickers .......... $3.95 Dominion Clothing Co. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTIOAL PARLORS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8218 EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always ROYAL YORK re Te 7alf Pound 28¢c Pa 8. Stores 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 a --_--, Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Betablished 1866 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Special Value OAKLAND COACH, MORFL Driven vey small wire wheels and tires, Sp Price of $850 with ¢ ONTARIO MOTOR $ LIMITED 99 Simcoe Ht. South 1 ' W Ts J. H. R. LUKE For automobile, house and contents insurance, in good sound companies. Apply 82 King Street East Phone 871, Residence 687W BRINGING UP FATHER FOUR, Oi was misunderstood, (79¢) NOW FF ~ JOU SIT RIGHT THERE ON THE PIANO LIKE A NICE DOGOIE WHILE | GO TO THE STORE AND GET You Some boii ror, 75 BO NICE AN' QUIET TO FOR, SOME REASON -1 FEEL AS IF 1 WUZ IN THE WRONG u = fil WELL! KIN You BEAT THAT 7EVEN MAGGIES PIANO PLAYIN SOUNDS BETTER: | BELIEVE SHE 19 LEARNIN' Mon TO PLAY ON IT? U ll WJ S=A La i! © 1931, 1st") Feature Service, ine, Grast Brilals Ate reserved. AN

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