. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1931 S IN FIRST PLAYOFF GAME TONIGHT | Bo ttle For Right to Enter Championship Series Should Produce Colorful Hockey Contest Is Ex- pected Here Tonight When Kitchener Silver 'woods Meet Oshawa Pat- "vicias to Decide Which Will Enter Playoffs "Despite the doubts and adverse thoughts of Oshawa's pessimistic Hockey fans, the Oshawa Pats. suce ceeded in not only getting out of the © gellar but in getting into fourth place in the league standing. It was their . misfortune that Galt and Kitchener "also succeeded in getting . as many soints as the Pats, or Oshawa would ve been in the playoffs without further ado. As it is, the three teams have had and are having a great fight for the right to enter the final lap for the league championship. Speaking in racing terms, tliere are only four lanes down the home stretch and as the contestants round the bend, there are five entries still in the running. Kitchener Silverwoods, with their cus. tomary fighting spirit, defeated the New Martin THEATRE PLAYING TODAY Added Units "Seein' Injuns' Swiss Cheese Chapter 8 Iidians Are Coming Starting Tomorrow for 4 Hell's Angels ! Galt Terriers by 8 to 6 on the round, | losing at home by 3 to 2 on Satur- day night. In keeping with the league standing, the playoffs are providing plenty of upsets, The nt Pro. League has produced some very fun- ny results this winter and the habit is still persisting, Galt Terriers won the championship last year and led the league all the way this season un- til two weeks ago. Slowly they slip- ped and Saturday night they had the honour of being the first team to be climinated from the running. There will be no more "for Pusie" this sca- son. Kitchener Here Tonight In the first of the home-and-home games to decide which team will en. ter the last lap of the playoffs, Kit. chener Silverwoods: will be here to- night. No doubt there will be a good crowd up from Bowmanville to sec "Dutch" Osborne perform against Oshawa. Everything points to a rip- roaring struggle tonight and what a crowd should be on hand. For various reasons, local hockey fans have not been attending the Pro. game$ but now all possible ex- cuses have been eliminated, The Amateur teams have been through for more than a week and local hoe- key fans all want just a little more hockey before the scason ends, In addition, even the most doubting critic can not but admit that both teams will be trying. One big dis. advantage of Pro. Hockey is that there is always a number of people who firmly believe that things are "fixed." Tf ever a'team deserved sup- port the Oshawa Pats, do. They had a chance to take their team to two other cities but they refused. They stuck by Oshawa and they certainly deserve support. Financially, the Oshawa Pats, have not set the world afire but every member of the team has been a real sport. Tt is doubtful if there is any amateur hockey team in Ontario today, playing in organ- ized hockey, the members of whom buy their own meals when on trips and also pay for the transportation expenses. That's what the Pats, have done for the last month, playing be- fore thie poor crowds and climbing out of the cellar into fourth place. Big Crowd Expected It means a great deal to get a place in the playoffs and the Pats will be out to establish a comfortable lead to take to Kitchener. Judging from the enthusiasm being shown, there should be a good crowd on hand tonight. local hockey fans rea- lize that this might be the last local game 'of the scason and they are coming out in full force. The boys deserve all the support they can get and they can be depended upon to do their utmost to carn a victory, Prices High prices are not a safe si 'are low prices a sure sign of mark, A & P, is always a sign of the highest quality and the lowest prices, Plus ign of high quality. Neither good values. But the trade- | | | MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS A& P ENCORE Brea Full 24 oz. Wrapped Loaf ot @° Sardines Crossed Fish 2 tis 29° THE LACROSSE SITUATION The definite announcement made to day that the General Motors would not be' sponsoring a senior lacrosse team this. year Fl the lacrosse situation very much in the air, There are plenty of players in the city to make a strong team, but it will be up to some other organization to get them together, and line them up 1a the scnior series, Just what the hrst move will be is not apparent at the present time, but those interested in lacrosse should get busy right away and see what can be done in the mat- ter, - » " PATS' OPPORTUNITY TONIGHT The Oshawa Patricias have then great opportunity to get into the playoffs in the Ontario League to- mght, when the Kitchener Silver. woods come here for the first of a home and home series, with goals counting on the round, to decide which team will be in the champion- ship series, The Pats, have done well to get up where they are now, and the rans will be pulling for them to trim 'Kitchener by a sufficient margin to qualify for further games in uest of the league Jitle, THEY SHOULD BE SUPPORTED The Pats. are worthy of a big crowd at tonight's game. In spite of the doubts of the fans, they stuck to Oshawa, and by sheer gameness, won their way into the playoffs. The players have had a hard row to hoe financially, but they stuck with the game, and are looking to the fans to show their appreciation tonight by turning out in large numbers for the first of the playoffs. ¢ LJ L] CURLERS IN THE LIMELIGHT The curlers will be in the limelight for sthe next day or two with the Oshawa Club's open invitation bon- spiel for the McLaughlin, Sykes and Eaton trophies, With fifty rinks ex- pected to take part, there should be some good sport at the curling rink, and no one can tell where the chief honors are liable to rest. Cobourg won the trophy last year, and are back strong to defend it, but there are plenty of other good rinks in the competition, so that a change of ownership of the trophies is quite likely. » . * AARABS TO ORGANIZE A meeting of the Oshawa Aarab baseball team is to be held in the of- fice of Maurice Kohen, 14 Richmond Street east, at seven o'clock, next Wednesday night for the purpose or te-organizing for the coming season. Those interested in baseball, and who wish to attend the meeting, should get in touch with Clarence Elliott or Neil McDougall. The Aarabs expect General Motors Will Not Sponsor Senior Lacrosse, But City May be Represented Stirrings and Rumblings in Ontario Lacrosse' Circles Over Selection of All-Star Team to Represent Can- ada in International Series There are many stirring and rum. blings in lacrosse circles over the se- lection of the all-star Canadian team which will meet the pick of the Un- ited States in the International series for the Joe Lally Cup at Baltimore in June. The Toronto mormung papers today both published comments which made it appear that so far no- body is satisfied, but until an olf cial announcement is made regarding the team, nothing dette can oe sail, The Mail and Empire, however, mak. es a statement that Oshawa awd St. Simon's will not ie im the senior UO) A.L.A, series this year, 'That state- ment was branded by IH. W. Nicuil, who has been the kingpin in the ven eral Motors lacrosse team for the last two years of somewiid premas ture. While it is true that the Gen cral Motors will net be spon senior lacrosse ia the city th that does not reessarily tea thin there will be no more lucros oe. Fier: are many caph'e dacrosse dae still in the cit: and it as wore da hkely that her: players, I them with forawer senor ex « ccupled with toe best of the in diate, will enter tire senior seis a city team, and thus keep uo tae honor of Oshawa in lacrosse 2icles, The Mail and Lmpire's, connents on the situati» are us follows: "It is to be hoped that an all-star lacrosse team as announced by an of- ficial of the CALA, on Saturday is not the one to represent Canada in the international lacrosse series with the United States next Jun: in Baltimore. Although it was agiced that the names selected would not be published until all Jie men ina ed had been heard trom, sonie pet son 'apparently broke faith and pave lacrosse followers somethr g to smile at over the week-end. "The all-star selectecs must have figured that to defend tine f1ophy won last year a defensive team would be needed, for with the :xceptior of a few players all the suposed stars are rearguard men, Just to be ver satile or original, like some of the Americans picking all-star hockey teams, defence men and fielders have been shifted up on the home while some of the stand-out men cof the game are not even considered, "According to the announced list, Bill Davis, St. Simon's, and Bob Stevenson, Oshawa, tv) of the best STI plan to get in some good practices to field a strong team this year and | before the season opens, Fifty Rinks Are Expected Here Tomorrow to Play in Oshawa's Curling Bonspie] Open Invitation Event Draws Rinks From Many Clubs in Central and East- ern Ontario to Battle for Three. Trophies During the: next three days, Oshawa will be a Mecca for de- votees of the broom and stone. The grand annual invitation bon- splel of the Oshawa Curling Club opens tomorrow morning at ten o'clock and 36 rinks, from all parts of the provincce, have signified their intention of competing, while it is expected that about 60 rinks will be taking part when the hon- spiel gets properly under way. Towns and cities which are to be represented include Barrie, Oril- la, Belleville, Cobourg and Tor- feLaughlin Trophy, the Albert ykes and the W. F, Eaton tro- afes. In addition handsome prizes re presented to the members of each winning rink. Entries for the event are still being received but the bonsplel will start in the local curling rink, sharp at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The draw is to be made at the rink. "Roll Your Own" It's Cheaper CIGARETTE PAPERS goal-getters in the O.A.L.A. are not selected, while Pete Zimmer of the Brampton champions, Clyde Gordon and Conhie Golden, other capable players who have ransed with the stars for several seasons ure also missing. Toots White, ace sniper of the Oshawa seniors is the oddly in- side home player from the O.A.LA. picked, although three Easterners ure recommended for the positions, Apparently the selecters were con- centrating on a represontative force instead of a partical one, "The controversy over the all-star selection is sure to arouse a lot of in- terest in lacrosse, and that same in. centive is needed, The O.A.L.A. nom- inations close on Wednesday and but one nomination has been received, "Added to the lack of interest in the O.A.L.A,, Russell Kelly, father of Hamilton lacrosse, stated oa Sutur- day that the Tigers would n't have a senior team, while Oshaw. and St, Simon's are also out of the major series." On top of this, the Toronto Globe lets us have the following remarks: Hamilton Players on Canadian All-Star Team "While here on Saturday Russell Kelly, the man behind lacrosse in Hamilton, expressed the opinion that the "Tigers will not operate in the coming. campaign, and then from other sources it was learned that Mr, velly had arrived at this decision be- cause of the belief that no Hamil- ton players would be included on the all-star team which will oppose the United States representatives in the Joe Lally Cun competition, an in- ternational test inaugurated last vear. "Mr, Kelly scems to have been mis- informed, as The Globe has learned that it is the intention of those in charge to use two I'iger players, Jack Worthy and Herb Lounsberry beina in line for the positions One man close to lacrosse believes that the following will receive con- sideration. Fron Brampton--Large, Beatty, Burry, Reeve, Stapleton, Gib son, Ella, Go e and Kendall; Osh awa=Coulter, Vyhite, Detiray, David: son, and Barron. "Toronto Bain and Thom. Hamilton Lounsberry and Worthy. Ottawa Connell, Mant real--Haynes, O'Connell, McKinnon and Bleecher, Wallaceburg Shepley. "Eddie Powers will likely be the coach, while Charlie Querie will 'be requested to act as reieree, Powers is the smartest tutor in lacrosse, his successes being many. He guided Weston and Brampton teams to the top, and no one ever questioned his keen judgment. "The Canadian team should be a formidable one, and well able to re- present the Dominion in the two- game series, while will be played next June. The United States agyrega- tion gave Oshawa two great battles last season before losing the round, and they played well enough to com- mand the respect of all" The scores of hockey games play- ed during the week-end were as follows: National League Montreal .... 3 Philadelphia oCanadiens .. 3 Ottawa .... osAmericans .. 0 Rangers .... sMaple Leafs .. 2 Chicago .... soDetroit ,... 0 Boston Allan Cup Elminations Hamilton .... 6 Sudbury .... 0 IN. Battleford 2 Regina Vics is worth no more, service. It is a better wear. Greater value words. OgProvidence .. spring styles--NOW. doesn't always mean value... A low price of course has its merits but--it doesn't always buy value in clothing. Indeed, it is question- able if low prices really net a sav. ing in the long run. Fine fabrics, smart styling, skilled tailoring each has a definite market value. A twenty-five dollar suit includes just that much of these essentials, It A Society Brand Suit costing slightly more gives a correspond- ingly greater amount of clothing suit, built for longer and more pleasurable : in other be See the new attractively priced fzTrall v' 11 Lundy sosees } zTrall wins rounds 17 to 1. sWinnipegs .. ¢ Brandon .... zOvertime; Winnipeg wins round, two games to one. | 0.H.R, Memorial Cup Kliminations Niagara Fally 6 8, Ste, Marie 3 Ottawa Prim, 8 Montreal ALA. 0 Regina Pats .. 4 Calgary Canad, 0 Ottawa and District Final Montcalms .. 1 Rideaus International Lefgue Buffalo 4 Detroft ,.o000 Cleveland .... 4 London . Pittsburg .... 6 Syracuse ,o.,. * osSyracuse .. 6 Detroit . Ontario League Playoffs zGalt 3 Kitchener zKitechener wins round 8 to 6. Canadian-Ameriean Teague Springfield .. 6 New Haven .. 4 Boston 4 Providence .. osPhiladelphia 2 New Haven .. 2 5 Springfield 0 Hockey Records NATIONAL LEAGUE International Section Ch'W. LT. ¥. Canadiens 43 20 10 7 12» Toronto 42 20 13 9 10] Maroons 42 10 16 6 103 Americans 43 17 '16 10 74 Ottawa 42 10 28 4 84 American Section Boston 42 26 10 613% Chicago 4 22 16 J 10 Rangers 43 18 16 9 103 Detroit 42 10 19 79 Phil'del'ia 42 4 38 3 72 Total goals ...oevess:s: International League . Pt 87 o) 8G 09 176 7 997 GC WELTPF 5.108 Buffalo 45 2% I Windsor 45 Cleveland 46 Pittsburg + 46 Londot 45 Detroit 46 Syracuse 40 5 Total goals sesevesvnee i BUFFALO CLINCHES INTERNA. TIONAL TOP Fort Erie Arena, March 16, The Buffalo Bisons einched first place in the International Hockey League here tonight by turning hack the Detroit Olympics by a score of 4 to 2, Victory for the Birons makes it impossible for any team to displace them from the leadership. ADDITIONAL SPORT | ON PAGE SEVEN onto, The annual invitation bonsplel is the big curling event of the sea- son as far as Oshawa is concerned, while it is also regarded as im- portant by curlers throughout On- tarfo. There is always the keen- est competition for the three tro- phies which are offered, the R. 8. Cheese KRAFT LOAF 1b. 31° MACARONI 2». 11° SPAGHETTI OR VERMICELL] SWEET PICKLES . 5Bookof120Leave:] specially selected, reconditioned Thaceigiaal automatic book giv one at a time, No ing Demand ZIG-ZAG and Kitchener Silverwoods have de- PORK HOCXS ' FRESHLY GROUND Hamburg 2 1s. 25° Dripping 3 mou. 28° 3 A & P QUALITY LAMB Front Quarters Chops, Loin or Rib, ' EXTRA LARGE TULLABEE LAKE HERRING 'wm X0° The | ca Atlantic & Pacific { LIMITED OF CANADA feated Oshawa Pats, every time they have played in Oshawa but Oshawa has won two out of three in Kit- chener, All in all, the Kitchener out-~ fit has been the hardest team for Oshawa Pats, to defeat this season. However, tonight is the playoffs and the Pats, want to take a substantial lead to Kitchener tomorrow night for the second game. Goals count on the round and the Pats, are going to try and break the jinx which las followed them all year. Kitchener beat the Terriers in Galt by 6 to 3 and they are a formidable team. The Silverwoods mever know when to quit and they. are wot beat until the nal bell goes and often, not even then, The Pats. want to win tonight and win by a good margin, What a battle #t will be. The prices are the same as usual and it is expected that there will be over two thousand on hand to see the game. Tt just might be the last of the season and as it is going to he one of the hottest, fastest and best games of the sea- son, no red-blooded hockey fan can afford to miss it. Pro. hockey playoff games are worth going a long way to see. The game at the Arena here tonight should attract a big crowd. It is called for 830 pm. sharp. Come carly and avoid the crush, Oshawa still has a hockey team, and a good one, in the running for this season's honours, All roads lead 10 the Arena tonight, get 120 Leaves " . A -- pe CART W Lump Rr (© Piles All Gone Without Salves or Cutting Itching, bleeding, ' protruding piles go quickly and don't come back, if you remove the cause. Bad blood circulation in the hemorr- holdal veins causes piles by mak- ing the affected parts weak, flab. by. almost dead. Salves and cut ting fall because only an internal medicine can actually correct these conditions. Dr. J. 8. Leonhardy discovered a real {internal Pile remedy. After prescribing it for 1,000 patients with success In 960 cases, he naméd fit HEM-ROID. Jury & Lovell says one bottle of HEM-ROLID Tablets must end your Pile misery or mousy back. USED 1928 Pontiac ' Sedan This reconditioned Pont exceptional value and sa been tuned to perfection, looks almost like new, dependable serviceable car now for only . ling Duco finished Fisher inc offers tisfaction. Its rugged six-cylinder engine has Its spark- body Buy this $400 1 Other Remarkable BARGAINS 1926 FORD ROADSTER--You can't afford to pass this bargain by. This servicsable little car offers cheap, reliable tr 1a. tion for many months, Special ing Clearance Sale price, only $45.00 1927 McLAUGHLIN.BUICK SEDAN-~This beautiful, powerful MeLaughlin-Bulck-- providing big car comfort and luxury-is attractively finished in duco with mohair {phe Algo Ie vein. a ongine s been therough re. conditioned, Reduced 5100.00 for two days only. $525.00 Buick Coach This attractive McLaughlin-Buick sedan is ideal for family use. Its roomy Fisher body seats five pers sons comfortably, Its powerful, valvesin-head engine has been thoroughly reconditioned to pro« vide 50,000 miles of dependable transportation, Reduced $895 for immediate sale .., EASY TERMS ARRANGED ii JE me. 1929 McLaughlin Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd. 88 Simcoe Street N. Phones 915-6 mre