THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY. MARCH 2, 1931 ORS FACE CRUCIAL TEST TONIGHT -- INT. PLAYOFF GAME HERE | Oshawa Youngsters Take ~ One-Goal Lead to Toronto en For . Second Playoff Game Locals Meet West Toronto at 'Avena Gardens, and Hun. , dreds of Oshawa Fans "Will Be There to Support With a one-goal lead to their credit, the Oshawa juniors go to Toronto tonight to meet the West Toronto juniors at the Arena Gar- dens in the second of the home- and-home games in the O.H.A. Junior semi-finals, Only four teams now remain in the junior title ser fos. Owen Sound Juniors are wait. ing for the winner of tonight's game, baving eliminated Newmar. kot, while Niagara Falls, having the final round. It was a close shave for the Falls team, At Strat- ford they won by 3 to 1, but the Midgets went right into Niagara Falls and won by 2 to 1, giving the Cataracts a slim margin to eu- fer the finals, Oshawa juniors stand a reason able chance of going on to meet Owen Sound. In last Thursday's game here they were a little bet- ter than the West Toronto boys, and it they can maintain even that small margin of superiority, then they should hold their single-goal loud. They are going down to To- ronto with the determination to win right in the Arena Gardens, and it should be some game, The Oshawa boys will not lack for supporters, It is expected that some seven or eight hundred fans will be on hand at the Arena to- night from Oshawa to five them vocal encouragement, and that number of people can make a lot of noise it they are given an op portunity, Over at Mike's Place there has been a great rush for tickets, and the busses which are being chartered to take the fans to the game should be filled to capacity, The whole city is pulling for the juniors, and a victory to- night would be the occasion of a great celebration. And, in case you are not going to Toronto for the game, just call up No. 35 and The Times will be pleased to give you the scores ag soon as they are avallable, Cadets and Airmen Will Battle it Out to Finish at Local Arena Tonight A sudden death playoff, to be fought out to a finish, with the thirty-minute limit on overtime removed! This is what the Oshawa hockey fans are having served up to them at the Oshawa Arena to- night, when the R.M.C. Cadets and the Camp Borden Airmen meet in their fourth game to decide which team will go into the in. termediate O.H.A, finals. ' Three times these teams have met, but the total score is still tied at six goals each, On Saturday night, here, they battled ninety minutes to a three-all tle, and new the 0. H.A. orders have gone out that to- night a winner must be declared, ready to meet either Hamilton Pats. or Chatham Maroons in the tinal. The winner of this series was to have met the Hamilton Pats in the semi-final round tomorrow night, but that has all been changed by the deadlock between the Cadets and the Airmen, Ham: fiton Pats have been ordered to meet Chatham tomorrow night and on Thursday, and the winner of that series will meet R.M.C. or Camp Borden in the final round. This should be a great game tonight, and the Oshawa fans should not miss it. There were few of them on hand on Saturday night, and today they are kicking themselves, So it can be taken for granted that those who do not travel to Toronto for the junior game will be down there tonight seeing the Airmen and the Cadets battling it out for the fourth time, INDIANS WIN Syracuse, March 2.--<The Cleve- land Indians took a 2 to 1 Inter national Hockey League decision from the Stars at the Coliseum in an overtime game last night that brought the roughest hockey of the season. DECISIVE WIN Montreal, March 2.--Montreal Maroons secured a decisive 4-to-1 victory rver Philadelphia Quakers, cellar team of the National Hoc- key League, without much trouble Saturday night, The Maroons were masters of the play in al®tliree periods. THECUMSEHS GO DOWN Pittsburg, March 2.-Visions of & play-off berth took « more defi- nite form Saturday night as the Pittsburg Yellow Jackets defeated 'the London Téenmsehs, 2 to 0, in an International Hockey League game, WINDSOR WINS TITLE Windsor, March 2.---Belleville "Cheerios passed from the 1930-3 play-off scramble and the Border Cities welcomed their first O.H.A. {als of championship of any description as Windsor seniors smothered the visitors here Saturday night 7 to 1 in the second game of the sen- for "B" group title series. Last Monday the clubs had played a 2 to 2 tle at Belleville, Consequently Saturday's convincing Windsor victory, gave the Border Cities entry the round by 9 goals to J. SENATORS DOWN AGAIN Chicago, March 2.---The Chicago Black Hawks regained their form last night and trounced the Ottawa Senators, 6 to 0, In a National League hockey match at the Chic ago Stadium, The Senators made ft a battle all the way, but thelr wide open style of play gave the Hawks chances they couldn't miss, VARSITY GIRLS CHAMPIONS Kingston, March 2.-Varsity girls won the Intercollegiate bas- ketball championship in Queen's gymnasium on Saturday when they trounced Western in the fin- the tournament by 30 to 16, This may have been a mild winter, but to judge from the business news, it managed to freeze a lot of assets «Cleveland Plain Dealer. | ndudte, Ire, Grout Writain Sais Fav 05 7s Aly oy } / FAA FINAL SOUR SPOT (N THE VENETIAN HONeY-Moon 2 bal ov pene rvod 2 SRG "UE BRIDE ( 3 hace CAMP BORDEN vs. KINGSTON R.M.C. Oshawa Arena--8.30 p.m. Admission Rush 85¢, Plan at Mike's Reserved Boe, 75¢, $1.00 i | Distance and Style Capture Title for Len Lehan Quebec February 14 and 15. ever to enter an event in Canada. eonard Lehan of the Montreal Ski Club and b L remarkable comeback in the Province of Quebse Ski Sh fhe Lehan's two perfect style enabled him to capture the Pro reat jumps of 182 1928 Canadian Olympis team gchieved a PT - joan d with an vet coupled wit t clal jumping crown from one of the Pest fields of} Son eld at (,ucerne-in- HOCKEY RECORDS NATIONAL Canadian Section PW, LT. FA Canadiens 37 a3 Maple Leafs oi Americans 39 15 38 16 80 3T 9 2568 4 American Section 37 24 8 5 118 36 20 13 1% 93 Rangers 38 16 14 8 06 Detroit 88 15 16 7 87 Philadelphia 37 3831.8 517 INTERNATIONAL P.W. LTP Buffalo 41 25 bh 9b Windsor 42 21 6 121 Cleveland 41 20 106 01 London 41 10 8) 91 Pittsburg 41 17 87 02 Detroit ..40 15 77 103 Syracuse 42 0 06 140 Chatham Puts Stratford Out (LL) 17 78 70 1 02 118 39 48 41 Montreal Ottawa 78 61 41 74 40 | 86 47 Boston ba Chicago 161 9 A. Pts 63 09 5b 48 Lt] 43 4 3 a9 Stratford, March 2,- Holding the Stratford intermediates to a three-all tle and thus retaining their two-goal advantage, gained in the first encounter at home on Thursday. evening, the Chatham Maroons Suturday night earned the right to advance into the semi- tinals of the intermediate O.H.A. series by a 6 to 8 dcore. The In- dians, who have made a splendid showing throughout the season, winning the group honors and de- feating Walkerton, Goderi¢h and Acton in the playdowns, hang up thelr sticks for another season. Forward Pass In Canadian Rugby Toronto, Mar. 2.--The onside or forward puss Is at last zu part of Canadlun rugby foothall, After years of talk the play was adopted by the Canadian Rugby Union rules committee ut its annual ses- sion held In conjunction with the C.R.U. convention Saturday at the King Edward Hotel, Just what regulations govern the play have not been definitely announced but the general opinion fs that it will be similar to the forward pase used in the minor series here last Year and in all ranks of the west- orn game, with a few changes. France's Tennis Team Weakened Paris, March An epidemic of appendicitis has struck French Davig Cup tennis stars, Jacquse Brugnon, doubles veteran, under- went an operation yesterday, two weeks after Tene Lacoste went through the same experinece, Both are lost to the French Cup de- fenders this year. With both Lacoste and Brugnon out of the picture, France will "ave Lo pin her hopes fog a suc- cessful defence on the two veter- ans, Henrl Cochet and, Jean Borotra, and two' youngsters, Christian Boussus and Rene De Buzelet. AMERICANS BEAT FALCONS Detroit, March 2.-~The New York Americans defeated the De- troit ¥Faalcons 2 to 1 in a hard- played overtithe hockey match here Saturday night and moved toward clearing up the season's race for third place positions in the National League hockey. FALLS IN VINAL Niagara Falls, Ont, March 2.-~ The Niagara Falls juniors have again qualitied for the O.H.A. finals, Though beaten by 2 to 1 by Stratford Midgets here Saturday night, Gene Fraser's Big Roar boys captured the semi-final round by 4 to 3, having taken the Clas- sie City entry by 4 to 1 on Strat ford ice in the first game, ) 9 "i GPORT SNAPSHOTS Will They Do It? Every hockey fan in Oshawa will be pepped up tonight over that game between Oshawa and West Toronto juniors, Those who can go will be at the Toronto Arena cheering the Oshawa youngsters on in their effort to qualify for she O.H.A, junior finals, and those who are not will be bombarding The Times office with telephone calls for the scores, It is a big night for Oshawa hockey, and if the local young- sters can hold that one-goal lead or increase it, joy in the Motor City will be unbounded. LJ LJ Ld " They Ought To Looking the thing over, the Oshawa boys ought to be able to hold their lead. The ice-surface means nothing to them, because it is al- most exactly the same as in Oshawa, and they should have enough of u following of fans to give them cvery encouragement, The advantage to them comes in the fact that they now know they can beat West Toronto, while in the first game, they went into it with no idea of where they stood, This means much to their morale, and we would not be surprised to find the Oshawa boys on top again tonight, Hundreds Going In busses and private cars, hundreds of Oshawa fans will be hitting the highway for Toronto tomght. Mike has had a big demand for tickets and for places in the chartered busses, and when they leave Oshawa at 645 this evening, they should be filled to capacity. who intend to go should be there delay in the starting hour. . | Those on time, because there can be no Pats. at Stratford With a nice victory over Niagara Falls behind them, the Oshawa Pats. go to Stratford tonight to League game. play the Nationals in an Ontario The Pats, must win this one, and a few more besides, to get into a playoff place, so the players will be out there tonight to give everything they have in an effort to come out on top. The third schedule closes next Monday night, so this week's games will decide whether or not the Pats. are to be . " inn the playoffs . * What a Game Oshawa's hockey fans on Saturday night passed up the greatest hoe. key game of the season in the Oshawa Arena, For ninety minutes the airmen from Camp Borden and the Cadets from R.M.C. battled, but could not break a tie of thre three games, and are still tied, six goals cach, at top speed, showing the minutes the teams went goals each, These teams have played For the whole ninety wonderful con dition of these soldier boys, and they played a clasy of hockey that was of championship calibre, It was tov bad that so few of the local fans took the trouble to see the game » » EL » Playing Again Tonight The same teams will have their fourth meeting at the Oshawa Arena tonight, and orders have gone out game must be played to a finish--even if it takes all night. from O.H.A. headquarters that the There will be no limit to the amount of overtime, so the fans can pile into the rink knowing that they are going to see: a great hockey game be- tween two splendidly-matched teams, " » Wailing in Toronto There is wailing in Toronto over the elimination of the Queen City representatives from the senior O.H.A. competitions. Marlboros went down before Port Colborne in an overtime game on Saturday afternoon, and the Sailors now fight it out with Hamilton Tigers for the cham- pionship. This means more than the OHA, championship, for the team which wins the Allan Cup this year will have the honor of representing Canada at the Olympic games winter sports next winter, That is why there is wailing in Toronto. Ihe Sea Fleas and Dukes were all set. for the Olympics, but here they are out in the cold, with Hamilton or Port Colborne left alone to represent Ontario in the Allan Cup series, Public Schools to Stage Winter Sports Carnival at Arena A public schools winter sports care val, the first event of its kind ever to be held in the city, has been organ ized by E. G, Nichol, director of phy- sical culture and athletics in the pub- lic schools, and will be held in the Oshawa Arena on Saturday afternoon next. Keen interest in this event has been aroused in the public schools, and with the elimination contests in the individual schools being held in the cotitse of this week, by the time Sat- urday comes along there will be keen enthusiasm in the competitions which 36 being included in the program, only has an ambitious an of closed events been arranged, but thére are also two open races, at 220 yards and 880 yards, for all com- ers, In these tices one of the com- petitoss will be Jackie Mass, former "of Oshawa, Next Saturday junior speed skating champion of Canada, who is now employed at the farm of R. 8. McLaughlin, just north Other skaters from To. ronto are expected to take part in these events, for which special prizes are offered. In the speed skating events for the public schools, a trophy, to go to the most successful school, has been do- nated by Ross Mackinnon, member of the board of education, There will be individual prizes in the costume and novelty events, local merchants having contributed very generously towards these. . The list of events which fias been arranged is as follows: Girls, 14 years and over, 12 or 13 years, 10 and 11 years, 9 years and under. ; HOCKEY RESULTS * The scores vi hockey games played during the week-end were as follows: National League oMaplé Leafy ...5 Canadiens ......5 Montreal ......4 Philadelphia sChicago ...... 5 Ottawa ....\ soAmericans ...2 Detroit .... O.H.A. Senior A zPort Colborne 3 Marlboros ... zPort Colborne wins round, 4 to O.H.A. Senior B. gWindsor ......7 Belleville 2Windsor wins championship 9 to J, O.H.A, Intermediate RMC oi 3 Camp Borden ..J x30 minutes overtime, zRound tied, 6 to 6, Chatham ...... 3 Stratford .......3 zChatham wins round, 5 to 3. O.H.A. Junior zStrattord ......2 Niagara Falls ...1 zNiagara Falls wing round, 4 to 3. International League Cleveland . ..... 3 Buffalo Pittsbrugh ......2 London «ives 0 i 0 Cleveland ,..... 2 Syracuse «..u... on 2.0 Maple Leafs Tie Canadians In Overtime Torouto, March 2.-=Twico un- leashing a savage and, as far as the Canadiens were concerned, an uncheckable fighting finish, the Maple Leafs on Saturday night pulled their final game of the regu lar season against the Habitants out of the defeat column and in an overtime game managed to share the point with the speedy group leaders, the two teams sharing equally in ten goals, Twice when trailing hy two goals, in the third period and the overtime, and apparently beaten, the Leafs came back with rallles that wiped out the Canucks' lead and gave them a tle. In the third period the leaders led by 8 to*1 with only one hun- dred seconds to play but before the final bell the second-placers had 'rattled two goals behind Halnsworth to knot the count at 3-all. In the overtime, counters by Morenz and Gagnon had given the invaders a 5 to 3 advantage with only two and a half minutes left hut once again the homesters twice broke through for goals and this time they managed to hold the fort until the final bell. Port Colborne Beat Marlboros In Overtime Game Torouto, Mar. 2.-- Well, it's all over as far as Toronto Is concern- ed in OHA, senlor hockey this season, Port Colborne's 3 to 1 vie tory over Marlboros on Saturday afternoon in the third game to de termine a team to meet Hamilton for the senlor "A title settled the fssue. The Sailors were forced to play, ten minutes of overtime be- fore they could earn their finalist berth but since overtime games seem to be their dish it wan hardship for the Navigafors, Con sidering the fact that the series Boys, 14 years and over, 12 or 13 years, 10 and 11 years, 9 ycars and under. Relays, Boys: 12 and over; girls, 12 and over; boys, under 12; girls un der 12. There are several fancy costume competitions, there being three clads- es, graded by age fos fancy costumes for girls and three classes for boys In the same age classes, there arc competitions for girls' comic costumes and boys' comic costumes. The other events include figure skating, a backward skating race for girls, contest for the best couple skat- ers, and a tandem skating race. And there is also a special class of two races, one for collegiate boys and one for collegiate girls, All the arrangements for the carni« val havebeen carefully arranged, the committee in charge being composed of J. C. Fetterly, H. W. Knight, I. S. Wells, W., F, Eendt, (;. Campbell, A M. Robinson, E. Gi, Nichol, O. Ham- bly and C, F. Cannon, no R.M.C. and Camp Borden Tied After Overtime in Great Game at Local Arena Cadets and Airmen Staged Ninety Minute Battle on Saturday Night, With Neither Team Able to Break Deadlock in Inter- | mediate O.H.A. Quarter | Final--Play Again To- night The Oshawa Arcna was the scence of a real hockey classic Saturday night, when after 30 minutes overs time, the fast travelling Camp Bor- den team failed to break a 3-3 tic with the efficient R.M.C. outfit, in the O.H.A. Intermediate quarter played before a large erowd. It was supposed to be a sudden death game but in spise of the valiant battling of both teams, neither side could score in the overtime. The airmen and the cadets gave all' they had and it was a tired bunch of players who left the ice after a gruelling grind of 90 min- utes, The teams have both scored six goals on the round and another game will have to be played here again Monday night to determine which will chter the semi-finals, Needless to say it i$ to be a great battle, There was little to choose between the aviators and the cadets with re- gard to conditiof®as every player was right up on the bit. Play was fast throughout, Every man on the ice gave a good account of himself but McAskin, Kennedy and Lalonde were the. pick of Camp Borden while Ire vin and Carr on the RM.C. defence were strong offensively as well as de- fensively. Most of the fans present were ¢ith- er from Darrie or Kingston and they certainly went wild during the over- time, 1st Period The first period opened with both teams skating fast and back checking with a vengeance, After two min utes of play, McKerrol scored for 'ag only to declare a contender for the title there was ore interest stirred up by these two teams than has been the case in amateur hockey In years. The game on Sat- urday was played before another packed house, Ports' display left never a shade of doubt abbut which was the bet- ter team, The only wonder was why they did not gettle the issue in less than three games, Ports took the round by 4 to 2, the only other goals being scored in the goc ond tussle when the teams hattled 30 minutes overtime to a 1 to 1 tle. In all, the teams played 220 minutes to declare a winner, New Catcher Is Coming to Leafs Sacramento, Calif.,, March 2. (lene Derautels, the youthful catch er who jumped direct from Holy Cross College to the Detroit Tig- org Is going to leave the Tigers, but not for long. . Desautels hag all the qualifica« tions to become a great catcher, size, weight and mental faculties, but he lacks experience, The youngster is going to To- ronto, to Steve O'Neill, a great catcher in his day, for the coach ing he needs, Desautels should stand out as a catcher in the In- ternational League where he Is quite Hkely to work in excess of 00 games. IRELAND BEATS SCOTLAND Dublin, Irish Free State, March of the RM.C, nets, finals | 2.~+1reland won a well-deserved victory over Scotland in thelr in- ternational rugby match here Sat urday by 8 points to 5. A heavy wind alternated with a blizzard, gleet and some sunshine during the progress of the game, All the scoring took place in the first half, | LUMBER Camp Borden in a scramble in front Five mimutes lus ter, Irvin, star cadet defenceman went through the whole Camp Borden team, drew Garbig out of the Cam Borden net to even the seéring, \\ Carr was penalized and Bigelow mad a brilliant save when Kennedy brol through the Kingston defence, Whi! Armstrong was ing time, Town fo a shot at Bigelow from the blue Ii and the puck slipped through skate for an easy goal, 2nd Period Five minutes after eomniencemy of the second period W, Carr mi the score 2-2 when he tallied on pass from J, Carr, Camp Borda made an effort to regain their lead, Bigelow in the RALC, nets hein peppered with shots, but he did eo cellent work and saved nicely, Lory was penalized and Irvin brol through Camp Borden defenee, but Garbig charged from his net and pre vented what looked likeYa su { Storm of R.M.C. was penalized a the period ended 2-2 3rd Period in the third frame, was in the penalty Al Askin scored on the rebound on K nedv's shot, and a time it louke as if Camp Borden might win t game, However two minutes lat Irvin and J. Carr combined nicely, 1 vin scoring on a pass from Curr even up the score. Play speeded 1 for a time but W, Carr, Lalonde, Arn strong and Town went to the pens alty box in quick succession fo I'se period closed in ad Early Stein box, mi or offence all tig. Overtime In the overtime, Garbig made a b liant save when Tevin and J. Curr slipped through the Camp Borde defence, Storm passed to Carr whe missed the open Camp Borden nef and MeAskin, who fecovered the puck, rushed to the RM.C, defence where he almost scored in a scran ble at the nets, MeAskin scored again on a pass from Mckir« ron and a few minutes later, in a scramble in front of the RM.Co nets, in which the goal keeper and two players were all in a heap, the red light went on but Referee Tom Mun ro overruled the goal dmpire's decis won, - W, Carr missed another chance to score on a pass from Storm. lie londe was penalized for tripping It pin. After 30 minutes of overtine neither side had scored and the res feree decided to call it a night. The line-up is as follows: R.M.C~Goal, Bigelow; defence, Tr- vin and J. Care; centre, W, Carr; wings, Lane and Storm; sibs, Ker nedy, Blanchard and Armstrong. Camp Borden--Geal, Garbig; dc- fence, Partridge and Town centre, Kennedy: wings, McAskin and Me Kerrol ; subs, Powers, Lorrie and La Londe, Referee-~Tom Munro, nearly "Roll Your Own" It's Cheaper with ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS 5'Book of 120 Leaves The original sutomatic book giving one leaf at a time, No Waste. Demand Z1G-ZAG and get 120 Leaves " (0 3 Insurance Foot For Every Kind of Work The Williams Safety Boot with long-wearing, non-slip soles, will stand 300 lbs. pressure on the toes. They cost no more than any or- dinary work boot. See Window Display 18 Simcoe St. South