A EN PU SI UNSIGHT- UNSEEN OU would consider it an affront to -your intelligence if some one were to try to sell you a horse, "unsight-unseen." Youwould laugh such a proposition to scorn. Yet every day you are asked to buy merchandise on identically the same terms-- canned goods with unknown labels -- cosmetics of uncertain quality -- a radio by an unknown manufacturer--shoes, clothing and housefurnishings about whose merit you know nothing. : rien aad ; ee a » > the And you are asked to buy this "unsight-unseen" type of merchandise in place of the ae ag is nationally advertised brands that you Rnow are dependable | ing the Canadian public ine formed of the merits of adver Advertised brands have been approved by the most critical of investigators--the Sed banio is vie dn une s buying public. You know exactly what you will get when you buy advertised every Canadian fomily reads goods, not some unproved substitute but the specified article--as represented. You a daily newspaper cvery days know that the maker of advertised brands has confidence in them, else he would not invest money calling your attention to them day after day, month after month. In buying advertised brands, you get your money's worth. Buying "unsight-unseen" is liable to prove dear at any price. By J 0. 7, \ i 1 A il I er Aédsociation