Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Feb 1931, p. 9

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| \ T:'® OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1931 PAGE NINE ght Or Sold - Times Classified Ads Will Do It - y ' NNIS BARRISTERE Solicitors, Notaries Publie, kte Conveyancing ana @éieral prac tice in Law, Office 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G D. Conant, B.A, LLB; A. F, An nis, B.A,, LL.B. IN. 8B Ou of Comniorce Building. 8 \ Ady . eister, Solleftor, Notary Publie. Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of fico 14% King St. East, Oshawa Phone 446. Residence phone 837 N (t] Fraser, Barristers, ete, Bank of Commerce Bldg. 18 8 HY Solicitor, Notary. Store. Money to loan. street north. Phone 67. dence 84%3W. Over Dewland's 16 Simooe Resi: A ) . risters, Solicitors, o'e., 2414 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8160. Money to Loan. . HALL, B.A. 5 ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King Bt, East Phone 8287. (tf) ' , BARRISTER ete. Money to loan. Alger Bldg opposite Post Office. Phone 1014. 8 8, BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary Publle, Convey ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office Phone 2006. Medical R . OD & HARPER. Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office hours 9 a.m, to 8.80 pm, Dr B J. Heslewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Dr. DB. H Harper, special attention to child ren's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun day and night calls 2416 or 122. . McKA SICTAN, SUR geon, Accoucher.' Office and resi dence King St. Bast, corner Vie toria 8t., Oshawa. Phone 04. . GRA ' BICIAN, Burgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of {nfants and children. Office and Jaldence 97 Dond East. Phone 166. DR. DA A iR, M.D., C. N LRCP. and 8, Edinburgh Phy. slolan, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. Nerth. Phone 8156. Di OL iCK, 0 i. rielan, Physician and Surgeon Special reference to maternity work and diseases peculiar to women Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North, Phone 803. « W. A , M.D., B.Se,, 0.0., physietan surgeon, obstetrician 8 years post graduate. Special at tention to maternity work, Office 148 Simdoe St. N. Office and res! nee Phone 3020. 4 (Deo, 24-1 mo} It Is To Be Bou For Rent DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS. set's. Special attention to X-ray work, :xtraction. Nurse in at tendance: Phune 959, House 1312," DR HM. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE 81 north, over Mitchell's Drug Store sas for extraction. Phone 54, DR. ). F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 202W, Evenings by ap- ointment DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES Dentists, 37 King St. E, Special at tention to gas extraction and X-ray work, Nurse in attendance. Phone 1243 and 864 : Veterinary D. FORSYINE, Vs. Graduate - of Ontario Veterinary College. Specializes lameness. Trornton's Corners. Phone 202-2, (9 mar ¢) Optometrist CT TUCK, OP OMETRIST SPE. clalist in muscle anomalies, eyesight nd glasses. Author of Eye Care und Eye Strain, The Child and Its De velopment Disney Block, opposite Post Office Phone 1510 (18 jan ¢) = Humane Society OFFICE: BYNG ST. TEL, 161TW Mrs, R. B. Smith, President, Tel. 2014, EE Es = TY a -- Building Supplies INDERS, SAND AND GRAVEL fot sale=To insure prompt delivery. place orders in advance of delivery | 'e. W. Borrc wdale Phone 1618 Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East, Ambulance, Residence 542 Sim. cue street, north. Phone 20W, SHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night Phone 1082W. 87 Celina _(4tf) SW Honorary (10 mar ¢) ~~ Spirella WITH THE NEW LINES OF tashions Spirella solves your prob- lem, Cull Mrs. Dlatter, Manager. Phone 2180M. (13 mar ¢) oe irre tn rE Rr Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Reputable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING [INSURANCE consul R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe northe Your insurance wants attend ed to and vour interests protected mm Transportation Contracting G. =~ CO lastering, electric or alterations. hone 1390 for estimates (14t1) Veterinary Surgeon SRINATIAS Diseases Domestic Anim- . 8B Specialist, 201 als, Cat and Dog Hospital. West, Telephone 620. ni (6 aug. tf Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist « VT. 8S OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at hie office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 pan, for consultation and treat: ment of diseases of car, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND FUR: piture bought and sold 186 Bloor east. Phone 1617M. mw! (25 dee tf! Architects Cc. C. STENHOUSE GENERAL Architegtural work. Second floor Royal k Building. Phone 1496 Fes. phone 009). SON AN pociate architects. Over Feit Bros. Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. | Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe OHNBON, Simcoe St. 8 . SULLEY. §t. 5, Osh 'awa, Ont Special attention given to honsehold furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patron age solicited. A R BUR, Ny Ont., ;arm and house eale specialty. Termy, low, Phone Oshawa 1648 ¢ 244. (28 mar €) Hemstitching : WEMSTTTCHING, PLEATING, HE CARTAGE AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists in furniture moving. Storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 82, BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE = (seneral eartage and household furni: ture moving, Special attention : to Commercial work. Local and long distance. 609 Carnegie Ave, Oshawa Phone 1618, (dec 10 tf) MOVING LOCAL, LONG Dis: tanee cartage, day or night. rates freely given, F. MeQuaid. Phone 2423W. 115 Annis St, (28 feb ¢) B2auty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Specialists in perinan ent, finger and marcel waving, Per: manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul ture. Phone 2908. Apply 86 Sinicoe street north, EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET: ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo $1 Phone 2908. . MARCELLING 35%, VINGER Waving 50¢, hair cutting 25¢ at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors, = Ask for Miss Robbins, Phone 71, (10 mar ¢) Dif LUXE BBAUTY SHOPPE. Experts in permanent, finger and marcel waves, Permanent waves $6, $10, $15. O40c marcels, 25¢ trims given by Miss Duquette Phone 38, over Ward's store, 210) and | VICTORIA APARTMENTS - AT electric stove, washing machine and 111] Apoly superintendent. Phone 2533F, (55tf) SIMCOE MANOR « FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conveniences. Apply superintendent, phone 2071, ; (55tf) I'HREE AND 4 ROOM APART. nents. Modern to the minute, Phone 1550 or 2347W. (132tf) FOR RENT-<MODERN 4 ROOMS, bath, electric stove and other con- venlences in business section, New Offered for $36.00 per month \pply Box 106 Times, (26 jan tf) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, comfortable, for light housekeeping. Phone 3338W, (12 feb tt) FOR RENT---14 ACRE FARM, house and barn, 4 miles from Osh. awa, Apply 675 Oshawa 'St, (19 mar ¢) FOR RENT--3 ROOMS, CON- venifonces on ground floor, Sepur- ate entrance, Apply at 81 John St. phone 6(00J. (48¢) FOR RENT--TWO OR THREE rooms, unfurnished or partly fur nished. Gas, Every convenience, Apply Box 161 Times, (47¢) FOR RENT-= CHOICE APART: ment, 2 large bright rooms, heat ed, oak floors, kitchen, conveni« ences, wired for stove, 612 Simcoe North, (48¢) FOR RENT-- FIVE ROOMED cottage, conveniences, rensonable, | Apply 76 Colborne St. West, (48¢c) SMALL, HOUSE T0 RENT ON Mary St. Apply 263 Mary St. (4%¢) FOR RENT--A™ FOUR ROOMED modern apartment, close to Osh- awa Dairy, all convenience, electric stove, heat and water, reasonable price. Has to be rented. 428 Sim- coe St, 8, Phone 117J, (48¢) FOR RENT--% ROOMED FRAME house, water, light and tollet by April 1st. Phone 1697TW, (48¢) FOR IRENT-- SIX house, oak floors, French doors, chestnut trim, open fire place, -arnge. $20 per month, Immediate possession. Phone 2780. (49a) rentral location, Apply Aros. King St. W. 1deal location. Apply 16 Rosehill Blvd, Phone 2033J. (17 mar ¢) = For Sale or Exchange er planos taken in exchange on radios, See John Meagher, 92 Sim coe St. North. Phone 371W. (17 mar ¢) oR ~~ EXCHANGE --6 ROOM house, all convenlences, garage | For house or lots in Oshawa Blvd. | districteapply Box 100 Times. (47¢) EXCHANGE--f ROOM, ALL modern bungalow and "3 room frame cottage, hoth well rented for 6 room house in north end. Box 166 Times, (48L1) Sri Upholstering 4 ing Co., 156 Simcoe Bt. Bouth Yee our stock of fabric remnants for portlers, cushions and re-up holstering purposes by * piece or yard; Get our prices on automobile and furniture. Expert workman ship guaranteed, 25 years' exper| ence (6 mar &) Furnifure Repaired FURNITURE REPAIRED re-upholstered, draperies made to order. Geo. A. Constable. 27 Bond St. East. Phone 3322). (Feb. 4-1 mo) Watch Repairing # A. VON GUNTEN, Swiss watchmaker, repair 44% King Street West. ronage is solicited shop at Your pat (27 teh ¢) Music AERBERT C TRENEER, A.T.CM Organist and Choitmaster of King Street Church will accept pupils in piano, Jive organ and vocal music % William Street, East. Phone 2%, (Sept. 2 1f) LEONARD RICHER, L.R. A.M. Supervisor of Music. 652 Carneyic Avenue, 2578F. (Aug 25 tf) pairs and alterations, dr ] ing, buttons and buttonholes The Dell Shop, 2614 Simcoe 8. Phone 1 (Jan, 6-1 mc! 656 ABMSTITCHING, PLEATING, AL erations, hose repaired, (Dress making a specialty), Our work 18 the best in town Damntimaid shoppe, 4 Prince $t. Phone 1945W (11 mar é) P-------------------- Fr LESSONS IN FLOCUTION A ARD lie speakin vivate of in class pub For yn phons Lois Mundy vo 35 or 312 No 25 or 5. (Dee 17-4 mo.) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATER ity work, Excellent fiictences. Mrs srrowdale, Phone 1618. (30 feb ¢) wa ] i reference, maternity, eral nursing. Will notsework. Charges moderate. Phone 30327. (13 mar ¢) Money to Loan, LOANS ON GOOD (TTY PROPER ty and farms. Apply A. 1. Parkhill King St Fast Phone 1614. invalid, gen- assist with smm---- Palmist i ML rivale niisa Street ig) LLL - (22 feb e) foremost Peychologiet, reliable ad vice on business, loss, health, in- vestments, marriage, Melva's Puy- ehntogieal advice guides Lo success and attainment, 20 years' experi ence. in public school teaching ghort time only. 102 Albert St Phone 335TW. (40e) Vocal WARION 6, ROSs AFTON, WILL accept pupils In voice production and singing. Phone No 6. (12 mar ¢) Battery Service SALES AND SERVICE PLATE Lock Batteries, car or radio bat- terics charged, 70c. Called for and delivered, W. H. Platt, 417 Celina, Phone 1556J. (10 mar ¢) A CHANGED 76e with rental $1 00, Hepaired and rebuilt Called for and delivered. Prompt service #tan Bligdon, 20 Mill $6. Vhone 1885W. (Dec. 80-1 mo "co ] "Painting snd Decorating R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP ethanger, painting and graining "riee Hat, work «uaranteed 340 Pine Avenue. Phone 3065VY, (7211) Public Notice will communicate with Box 169 Times, she will hear of something to her advantage, (48h) a Shoes Repaired LADIES SAO SHIN RE-OVEN- ed, Shoes dyed any color, Shoes and goloshes repaired. Champion Shoe Shop, 17 Bond 8t, East, (27 mar ¢) ERNIE BOUCKLEY, Now DOING high class boot and shoe repair work, at the "01d Rellable Shop", 16 Prince Street, W. G, Jarvis, proprietor, Repairs while you wait. (27 mar ¢) new lew rentals, electric refrigeration ROOMED | APARTMENT TO LET, HEATED, | Bradley | (49¢) | $16 RENTS BUNGALO JUST OFF | FOOD USED PIANOS AND PLAY- | | tested free. REMNANT AND REUPHOLSTER- | | wave apparatus, | French | Phone AND | ting room, furnished or unfurnish- | ply Box 163 Times, EXPERT | I¥ MRS, R. AITCHESON, FORM- | erly of 104 Mill Street, Oshawa, | ) HORTEST ROA B who rings doors bels louie ing for a job, a rocin or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route indeed. Our Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but also assure an (mmediate Interview with an (interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 pS PRS SRR 2 EEA Rates for Classified Ads First insertion--=115 cents per word, Minimum charge for one insertion 80c¢. Each subsequent tive insertion word. Three consecutive inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three ihsertions 00c. Box number 10¢ additional Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents uw word per month | for each additional word. | { | Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department | consecus ic per Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288 (apr 26tf) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new=at less than half the cost. Sent for your ap- yroval, Address "Underwood," 135 ictoria St, Toronto. (oct 19, 31) FOR SALE « PAINTS, VARN- ishes. We have thie largest assort- ment of paints, v nishes, etc, in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King St. West. (Apr. 25 tf) FOR SALE <= DRY HARDWOOD $15 per cord, Dr) tamarack $12 a cord. Norman Sanders, King St. East. Phone 1774M, aa (9 jan th SECOND HAND SKAVER, ~~ COM plete outfit $1.60 up. Skates sharp: ened and repaired. 12 Richmond St. East. (8 jan 1- mo) FOR SALE--HARD AND SOFT 'wood Slabs also dry body wood Fred Balley, Phone 5698W (22 mar ¢) GET MY TRICES FOR GOOD wood. W. H. Thompson, 607 King St. W. Phone 742J. (28 feb ¢) HONEY AT next to Simeoe IPECIAL SALE OF Anderson's Honey Store, Davidson's Shoe Store, north, Phone 12060. (30 feb ¢) Radio Service CERTIFIED RADIOTRICIAN RE- pairs, all models of radio, power pacts, eliminators, at reasonable prices, work guaranteed. Phone 2806W. George Burroughs. 1 repair what others fail to fix, (40 mar c¢) | OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE--RE- pairs on ralios, power packs and el uninators, Tubes tested and supplied radio pol & for sale, Datteries charg: ed and reparred, Phone 3330) Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East (19 mar ¢) I'HE TROUBLE WITH YOUR radio may be tubes. Get your tubes John Meagher, 92 Sim- Phone 371W. (17 mar ¢) EARLS RADIO REPAIRS ON all sets, We sell tubes, batteries, transformers, colls, ate, Algo short carl Fowler, 201 | Phone 18G56W,. (9 mar ¢) | WESTMOUNT RADIO STUDIOS, | efficient service, all makes of | radio's power | tors, tubes tested and ds T1061. coe North. St supplied. (7 mar ¢) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--BED SIT- ed. Suitable for business girls. Ap (47¢) Wante¢ to Buy WANTED TO BUY--§ ROOM house; frame or brick, on or near Church St. State price and terms, Apply Box 159 Times, (47¢) For Exchange WANTED WILL, ACCEPT LOT or car for my equity in p room modern bungalow In north part of eity, Box 167 Times. (48L1) FOR SALE--IN NOWTH DIS- trict, new six roomed house, fully modern, newly decorated, electric fixtures, garage, Hents at $60, Al investment, Must sell, Box 162 Times, (47¢) FOR SALK-=BRICK™ HOUSE, 7 rooms, all conveniences, cost $6500 to bulld, Will drop $1500 to parly who has money to buy my equity, Give name and telephone number, This house must be seen to be appreciated, Box 168 Times. (48¢c) pacts and elimina- |: "For Sale or Rent FOR SALE--CHILD'S CHATAQUA desk, beds with mattresses, dress- ers and linoleum, ete. Apply 26% Simcoe St. South. (47¢) FOR SALE-=YOUR OPPORTUN- ity to obtain needed pleces of new turniture at practically your own price. No reasonable offer refused on any of the following: § pieced custom-built Chesterfield suite, upholstered chairs, cushions and table runners, fireside benches and stools, couch, antique sofa, down comforters, Geo, A. Con- gtable, 27 Dond St. E. Phone $822). (48¢c) FOR SALE=BEAUTIFUL FUMED oak dining room suite, 6 foot buf- fet, 815 foot serving table, dining table, 6 chairs, Cost $200, Saeri- fice $75. Apply Mrs. Rose, Pick ering, Ont, no dealers please, (49b) FOR SALE SWEET CLOVER seed, peed oats, balled hay, balled straw, W. Leask, phone 163 1-3. FOR BALE-- HARDWOOD SLABS $13.16 a cord, McQuaid Cartage and Moving, 115 Annlg St. Phone 2423W. (27 feb ¢) Lost and Found LOST-<=BETWEEN BOND AND Simcoe and Regent Theatre, small key case with three keys, Return to 9 Bond St. W, (48D) LOST---1 PAIR % EASY BOLT clippers. Finder please call at 16 Church St. Reward, (49D) Sree emp Tremseneresssipesssioon For Sale or Exchange FOit SALE OR EXCHANGE--1 large bright rooms, frame cottage on good concrete foundation, nice- ly finished and decorated with Hghts and water, large Jot with plum trees, cherry trees and small fruits, also stable and pig pen. Price only $1600, Terms to suit purchaser, Phone 2780 or see W. G. Miller at 17 Ontario St. . (40h) ET Room and Board Wanted GENTLEMAN WANTE ROOM and breakfast for few weeks. Must have garage on premises. Apply Box 170 Times. (48a) a FO SALE OR RENT; ROOM- ed house, just outside city limits, large garden, fruit trees, Phone 1038 1-2. (491) = AUCTION SALE | A ION SALE OF THE stock and implements of Cecil C. Fulling, Taunton, Lot 35, Con, b, Township of Darlington, Saturday, February 28th, Sale at one o'clock sharp. J. W. Balson, clerk. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (45-47-49) Work Wanted TRUSTY GIRL DESIRES HOUSE- work, reference. Apply to Box 1068 Times. (47¢c) PRUNING SHRUBS, TREES, NOW is the time, Phone 2232. 122 Sim- coe St. N. (48e) YOUNG MAN STUDYING INDUS: trial chemistry, seeks apprentice position, Good wages not essential. Box 175 Times. (40¢) artner Wanted MANAGING PARTNER WANTED to invest $6000 in four paying out- door Miniature Golf Courses, 1 also have contracts for 2 others to be built, where a profit of $3000 can be made after they are com- pleted. Box 174 Timse. (49¢) Female Help Want WANTED "= EXPERIENCED housekeepér, able tu take charge. Apply 4261, (47¢c) ried women to solicit orders over telephone at home for household appliances, Iverything supplied. Good renumeration, Give phone number. Apply Box 171 Times, (48¢) WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework, three in family, refer- ences required. "Apply Box 172 Times. (4h¢) COOK, GENERAL, WANTED, AT- ply Box 173 Times, (49¢) Help Wanted--Male JANITOR AND ENGINEER FOR br "ling, permanent position to m.". experienced In maintenance work. Apply stating salary to Box 164 Times, (47d) SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED grocery, hardware, garages, Osh- awa and district, State experience and reference. Box 224 Times, (49h) BABY CHICKS, HATCHING eggs, custom hatching Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Write or phone for catalogue 1337J. Oshawa Hatchery & Poultry Farm, 1414 Park Road North, Oshawa, (21 mar ¢) FOR SALE ----- HEAVY CLYDE team, mare and gelding, rising six and seven years, also .one heavy draught percheron Gelding rieging two. Apply J. H, McEwen, north of Solina Station or phone Bow- manville 123 r 2. (48¢) Cleaning and Dyeing THE PREMISES AT 21 BOND ST. Kast, formerly known as the New Method Cleaners will be opened on March 2nd by Wm, Evans as the Gold Medal Cleaners and Dyers We specialize in repairing, relin- ing avd remodelling, Give us a trial. We call and dellver. Phone 863. (451) | Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR GIRLS | at $5 a week. Very central, Apply | 44 Charles St, (49¢) Building Materials Low Sale Prices Write for free sale catalog. Amaz- ing new low prices. Lverything for new buildings, repairs or alterations, Slate roofing $2.75; insulating board less than 4¢ foot; inside doors $2.75; barn sash ready glazed $1.05; house paint $198 gal; outside doors with glass $4.50; hardwood flooring 7Ve sq. ft.; wallboard less than 3c, $10 orders freight paid. Write at once to Halliday Company, Limited, Box 21, Hamilton, Ont. 40-42-43-46-48-49 An Indian named "Man-Afraid- of-Nothing" married, and a week after his wedding he applied to his tribe to have his name changed. PORT ARTHUR AHEAD Port Arthur, Feb, 27 ---Rival lakehead senior hockey squads last night finished a gruelling schedule in the Thunder Bay League and were 'ready for the play-offs--of whatever variety the executive de- cides, Port Arhtur, second-place winners, easily defeated Fort Wil- lam, 4 to 0, In a game that didn't mean a thing to either team. ve Bowmanville Time Table | ITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE wn BUS LINES (Effective on and after Uctober 6th, 1930) (St andard ime) a=Sundays only. cave Oshawa Going 2.05 am, 8.05 sum. 8.50 a.m, . 10.30 am, 2.10 pm. |. 2.20 pm 3.30 pun: , S15 pm. 6.15 p.m. 740 pan, 9.30 pon, 1415 pom -- Going East Leave © Arrive Whitby 6.30 am, Arrive Hospital Arrive Whitby ont 7.20 am, 8.20 a.m, 9.05 a.m, 10.45 a.m, 2.25 pom. 12.40 p.m, 2.40 p.m, 4.00 p.m, I, . 6.45 pom, 10.45 pom, Leave Hospital Boo oag 05 p.m, 00 p.m, 15 p.m 1 pam, <.U3 pan, 08 ay 43 pan, 30 pam, 0.10 pom. AS pam, 1.25 pm. 1. 4.25 pam, 5° NP nae 705 pm. 7 Es. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Oshawa Arrive Whitby 9.45 a.m, 11,45 am, 2.45 pom, 4.45 p.m, 645 pom, 8.15 p.m, 1045 pan, Leave Bowmanville 9.00 a.m, 9 11.00 am, 11 Jam, 2.00 p.m, 2.30 pon, 4.00 p.m, 4.30 pam, *6.00 p.m, 6.30 pan. 7.30 p.m. R00 p.m, WW pare 10.30 pam, Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.05 a.m, 10.45 a.m, 12,15 pom. 1245 pom, 3.00 ponie 3.30 pom, 5.00 pom 5.30 pm, 7.00 pom, 2.30 p.m, 8.15 p.m, 8.30 p.m, 9.00 p.m, 10.45 pm. 1100 pom, 11.30 pun, Times marked * connect at Whitby with Lindsay Dusses, Special Busses fo rall Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 348 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Phone 2283 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective January 11, 1931 (Standard Time) sthound Daily, except Sunday, Leave Whitby 10.00 a.m, 21.00 p.m, 2.45 po 4.45 pon, 6.45 pon, 8.23 am, 9.55 a.m, Daily, 12.56 p.m, Daily, except Sunday, 2.13 p.m, Daily, 6.41 p.m. Daily, except Sunday . Daily, except Saturday + Daily, . Daily, . Westbound . Daily, except Sunday + Daily, » Daily . Daily, except Sunday, . Daily, except Sunday. . Daily, . Daily, 8.02 p.m, Daily, except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective January 11, 1931 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily, Daily, Daily, except. Sunday 9.50 a.m 3.00 p.m 9.08 p.m 12.05 a.m, D . 1.05 a.m, Daily, 1.065 a.m. Daily Westbound Daily + Daily, Daily, except Sunday daily. . Daily, GRAY COACH LINES Effective, Septembes 28th, 1930 Lasve, Ostiawa ea i.) ges, #30 a%.30 10.3 bi1.00 0 FS3m Noma tenet Ena isninh: - ~Saturday, Sun S.~Sundays onli ROYAL YORK Tea Pad) Pore 28 At all Superior Stores Orange Pekoe Je CART W LumBR (© 4 ATM Chevrolet Sedan, 290 model price (viiiieiie. 80508 Chevrolet Coach, 28 model price ....... $328 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Street South PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Shincoe St. 8. We Delivee EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Speclalliing exclusively In muscle anemalie eyesight and glasses. 1516-~Phone--1518 Disasy Block . Opposite Post Office REPAIRI«G WaATCaES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repalr and make it tell the correct time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Rallroads * 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 COAL COAL Phone 193 wW.J. SARGANT Yard--80 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered THE Dr. JGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 376. NEXT THE POST OM ID POTATOES 00 Ib. bag New Brunswick $1.10 Hogg & Lytle Ltd. Phone 203 EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Commer Special Men's Grey Worsted Suits to Clear 08 King St. W. Phone 2141 | i Dominion Clothing Co. | J $10.00 | Visit Our Store AND SEE OUR LINE The Fashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE ST. 8. Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BRINGING UP FATHER HELL TAKE MY $100.00 AND MAGGIE WILL TAKE HIS $100.00 IS A THAT LITTLE TEA-HOUND 15 THE ONLY THING INTHE WORLD YOUR WIFE LOVES- IF I TOOK YOUR BRIBE. ,L COULD NEVER REST EASY AGAIN 4 D 1931, 191) Fouture Service, ne., Gront Beitarn

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