Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Feb 1931, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, Iy3Y i * INSTALMENT XLT "IT Want You to Kiss Me" September was pleasant and they on at Bayside until the lat Qctober, On that day several happened, Mrs. Shannon, now to walk without her cane, t te lve with her friend, Mra, Ee me 1 ----- for the time being and had moved thers with her personal belong- She realized that in some ys she disturbed her mother, and ~ Mrs. Shannon had not urged her to ttempt to share the quiet, elderly, Beth would go out for nd holidi of course; there was a telep nd they uld talk together often, but she d more than an idea she would continue to live her life appart from her mother, . Ned and Frances had left the oity in September, golag to a Middle 'Wedtern town where Ned haa ob- 'tained a better position and Frances . planned to settle down to "making ~ & home and raising children." i__ But the really great event was 'Phil's return to the office. He had gone away for September and Beth had taken her vacation then, too. Now he was coming back and the hours together in his home would be dropped, of coyrse, Beth felt] that she would miss them. She had grown to love the biz house the silent, competent servants. = Phil's . 'pleasant-spoken mother and fath- or. She had even come to feel her- self a famillar part of that life, {that she belonged there, at ease In its peaceful dignified atmosphere, She wag at her desk when Phil came in, tanned, stronm, limping Jonly a little from his old injury. "Good gracious, Beth," he cried, |taking both' her hunds, "but it's good to he hack. Good to see you you're Joking top of the world." "Feeling .it, too," she smiled; and' you look like your old self." The words cost her a pang. Phil © did look like hig old self, the sel? / Jshe hal fallen instantly fu love (with almost a year ago when, 'dreary and hopeless, she had come to apply for the position as his sec- retary. Surprise "We'll get to work really now," "he promised her; 'all our prelime inaries are over; we've even got some orders. It will take me a fow days to get squared around und then---well, I rather think I'll have & Bix surprise for you Beth." "That will be nice," she answer. ed, "provided it's a pleasant one. There are two kinds, you know." "Ol; this will pe pleasant, all Fight," he boasted, 'Tell you what ave'll have a party to celebrate when the time comes. you and Arnold and me, I'll pick out some other ir] to make a fourth and we'll row a4 real party. How's that?" "Sounds fine," she replied, not | g that He simply asstimed that | she would be Arnold's partner in | By such jaunt, | "4 Phi} dug into his work, and for few days said nothing further of . fhis "surprise". Beth wondered a little what it was then dismised 1t from her mind. Probably some Jit- 'itis scheme of his that he had for. tten in the rush of more import. nt things. But on the fourth day f his return he called her into his Jotfice and, instead of having let. ~ ters spread out before him to have i {her answer, faced her across a bare 'desc, W "Sit down, Beth, I want to talk "to you." + She obeyed. © "You know aé much about this w department ds I do, don't ou?' "Pretty nearly, I think." | "1 Recommend You' "Well, you know, too, that we ad a board meeting this week, and t that meeting an appropriation as passed giving us enough oney to put the thing over in a g way. One thing decided upon 8 the opening of an office in icago to handle Middle Western business. And, of course, they've hifted my present work ovey to an- her man. But I'll have to have "some one on the job eomstantly out her 1 can't be two places at ce, even though I'll spend part of ny time in Chicago. 80 they to let me have a Middle estern office manager---and I re- Manager In Chicago?" th's voice was faint. "You were the logical person, bh, and, fortunately, a lot of the d prejudice about women in husi- has passed. 1 thought for a ime "--If you don't mind my be- § personal, that you were going try matrimony--with Arnold. it doesn't look that way to me ." He paused. "No, I'm not going pold," Beth said. "Well, then, this is an opportun- for you that not many young women get, You'll have a around $75 a week, and a commission ,k percentage on what fyour branch does. It means a good income for you Béth, and a big ope portunity for the future. I'll be out there three or four times a year Hand we'll have high times." 'He could not fathom the Jook in ir eyes. In a kind of kaleidoscope, {mages Beth was trying to rea # what this meant. Not to see Phil daily--and yet to have him ymin; often enough to keep her alive. To go away from the she joved--where she had been and reared---to o her way nge place--but most of Phil, Jose him finally ) "It had taken this 6 waken her to how deeply the yoots of her daily le were grounds ot 38 seeing him often, "In working {for him, shoulder to shoulder. But ghe must say something. He ex- vg it, a / _ "Ths you" abs managed, "it's to marry " » 3 OVE'S PRISONER by Barbara Webb + ~1t's good of youssMr, Dane | "Beth--" sharply, 'what's the matter? You look so--s0 strange can I do anything---something {or yout" i "Yes," said Beth rising, throw- ing to the winds all consequences of the reckless impulse that had selz- ed her, 'you can come around the desk and stand here==by me" Like a man dazed Phil obeyed standing before her and looking down at her gold-browsi hair, wait. ing until she raised her eyes to his, "I waut you to kiss me--just once," she sald softly, her love showing unashamed in her gray. black eyes. Bewitched by her strange beauty at this moment Phil bent his head, put his hands on her shoulders, and kissed her mouth, For a long moment she relaxed against him, lying on his breast, her hands car. essing his face still bent to hers. Then she tore herself away, made blindly for the door before he could stop her, opened it and was gone, Slowly Phil straightened him. self. He was trembling, shaking in every limb, He put his hand to his face, She had touched it with fingers that were both gentle and passionate, Phin door opened. Arnold appear ed, "What's the matter with Beth?" he demanded. "She passed me just now in the hall like a whirlwind. fried to ask her where she was go- ing, but she brushed me aside and dashed out of the office like one possessed, She was in here just now, What's the matter with her, Phil " Their eyes met. 'What is the matter with her, Arnold?" Phil asked in the tone of a man not to be denied. Anold knew then that Beth had given herself away, that some erls- is had arisen demanding the truth, "The matter with Beth," he said slowly, "is that she's in love with you, Phil, and has been In love with you since the day she saw you --=since the moment she saw you Phil sat down suddenly and bur- fed his face in his hands. Arnold heard him whisper to himself: "Blind-- blind--" Very softly Arnold left the office, pullinz the door to nolselessly be. hind him, (To Be Continued Tomorrow) ENTERTAIN GROUPS FROM BOWMANVILLE Young People at Tyrone Are Hosts at Enjoyable Joint Gathering (Miss Leverne Burgess, ndent ol av Tyrone, Feb. 25=The members of the Beaver Tuxis Square together with the local C.G.LT. group had the Pearure of entertaining St. Paul's Bowmanville Tuxis and C.GLT. on Friday evening in the community hall Despite unfavorable road condition about fifty were present. Will Phil- lips took the chair for the opening exercises and the Swastiska pi provided an excellent program that was enjoyed by all. came to a happy close with expecta- tions of again joining with our town friends, The Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs, James Dudley, on Wednesday, Feb, 18, at 2 pm. The meeting opened with the President, Mrs, Luther Hooper pre- siding. After the opening exercises and business the following program was given, Valentine reading, by Miss erna McCoy; vocal duet by Misses Lola Richards and Alice Thompson. A splendid paper on "Work, Pleasure, Exercise and Rest" was given by Miss Harold Skinner, Mrs, James Dudley gave a demon- stration on footing men's socks after which a social half-hour was spent, . On Thursday cvening, February 12, Solina Young People visited our league, Meeting opened with the home president, Miss Grace Mackay in the chair after the opening exer- ciess, Miss Baker of Solina, took charge and the following splendid program was given: Devotional was given by Mrs, Allan McKessock: piano. solo by Miss llene Balsam; reading by Miss Marian-Nelson; Mrs, Roy Langmaid gave a splendid topic on a "Travelogue of Canada"; selec tions by male quartette; piano duet, Misses Helen Baker and Evelyn Fink; feading, Miss Lillian Dearborn, Miss Susie Van Camp took charge and contests were enjoyed, Lunch was served and .the meeting closed with a selection by the male quar- tette and God Save the King. Miss Rena Farrell, Toromto, has returned to her work after spending a week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Byron Farrell. Miss. Mae Cameron, Toronté, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Cameron, Mrs. Robt, McCullosgh and Mrs, Donald Davey spent Sunday at Mr, Dr, K. Fraser's, Bethesda, and visited the former's mother, Mrs, W, Little Mr. A. W. Annis, Mr. W, F. Park attended the apple growers conven- tion 'and banquet held in Newcastle recently, "w. Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Hampton, Spans Sunday with her'daughter, Mrs, obt, Burgess, Mr. F. L. Byam, Doreen and Yvonne visited his mother, Mrs, Clara Byam, Bowmanvyifle, -------- Grey and Brown, two suburbani- tes, met on the early business train and fell Into conversation to pass the time away. "Do you think contentment fs Bove i yd abi auste the topic of the weather. Grey shrugged his shoulders, -- "1 really don't know," he sald. Tye never tried either myself." , aap dic The evening | Ontario and Durham County News | SUDDEN DEATH OF JOSEPH HARLOCK Wellknown Man Passed Away at Greenwood Following Stroke Mrs. G, H. Robi , Corvesp: ' Thornton's Corners, Feb. 235.-~The sympathy of the whole comununity is extended to Mrs. Joseph Harlock, formerly Annie Langmaid, of this vicinity and family, 'The late Mr. Harlock was stricken suddenly with a stroke and lived only u few days. He was in his 63rd year. The funer- al was held on Tuesday at his resi. dence at Greenwood, Interment was made in the Union Cemetery, "The funeral was largely attended by friends and relatives, Mr, and Mus, Harlock lived in this neighborhood for many years before they moved to Greenwood and were widely known, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Willis of Oil Springs, who were here for the funer- al of their brother-in-law, Mr. Har- lock, stayed' with Mrs, Willis sister, Mrs. Wm, Garrard and Mr, Garrard, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Garrard, of Leamington, stayed with Mrs: Gar- rard's brother, Mr. Gordon Langmaid and Mrs. Langmaid, while attending the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr, Hanlock. Mrs. P, Lofthouse is somewhat im- proved after her recent serious illness All 'wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Win. Hoag is still confined to the house under the doctor's care All hope to see him out again soon The regular monthly mecting of the Ladies' Aid will bé held on Wednes day afternoon, Mare dth, ot tive sunday school, A good attendance is expected now the woatuer 13 so imuch better, Messrs. Jim Kinnear and Roy Ir- win are home from Flint, Michigan, for six weeks. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Gilbert and baby were in Manchester on Sunday. Mrs, Gilbert's sister, Miss Nora Spencer, returned with them for a week's visit, The Young People's Society held a progressive crokindle party at the Sunday school on Friday evening. Mrs. Harold Lick received the first prize for ladies, a box of chocolates and Mr. Harold Lick captured the gentlemen's first prize, 4 box of chocolates. After the games were over refresh. ments were served and all spent a social hour before leaving for home. On Saturday evening of this week the young people are having a skat ing party at 'the Whitby rink after dont which they return to the Sunday school for games and refreshments, Mrs. G. H. Robinson was in Tor- | onto on Monday, [ Mrs. LeRoy Sr, is a guest of her son, Mr. Frank LeRoy and Mrs, Le oy, 5 pa Mr. and Mrs, Morris, of Toronto,! were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Pierson, Sorry to hear that a few cases of chicken pox have been reported in the neighborhood, . FIRE OUTBREAK IN N. OSHAWA HOME Energetic Work by Neigh: bors Kept Loss Down to Small Amount (Mes. T. H. Sol Correspondent) N. Oshawa, Feb. 24.~Fire of un- known origin broke out twice in the home of Mr, Ted Boynton on Thurs- day night. The family consisting of Mr, and Mrs, Boynton and two small boys were at the barn milking the cow and on their return to the house just a few yards from the barn they nll a corner of the kitchen ignited. They gave the alarm to nearby neigh- bors who rushed to the place and soon put the fire out with snow. Lat-, er in the evening it started again but was extinguished the same way, A cupboard with dishes in and new wall paper with one window sash and Jome clothing was the extent of the 088, The attendanec at Sunday school stays close around the hundred mark there being (113 this Sunday. The Bible pictures given in the evening and explained by Mr, Max- well continue to be well attended, Mr. and Mrs, Leverne Stintson en- tertained their friends and neighbors with a dance on Friday evening, Good music was provided. and a good time enjoyed by all vith the usual refreshments served at midnioht. Ouite a number from Oshawa attend- ed. Friday evening Mr, and Mrs. Ed- gar Glover were ost and hostess to a progressive Euchre. Eight tables were in play, The prizes were award. ed to ladies first' Mrs. J. Alexander St. Second, Mrs, Jesse Arnott and Consolation for ladies was a tle Gentlemen's first, Mr. Alex Davidson, second, Mr. Joe Gullivor and consol- ation, Mr. Small, After a hearty lunch dancing. was enjoyed with Mr, Will Alexander playing bringing a hanpy social evening to close, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Burgoyne entertained with a small card party on Saturday evening. The hostess served a dainty lunch to which all did ample justice, Quite a large number of men folks attended the sale of cattle at Mr. Clemen's farm on Tuesday, We are glad to note Mrs, Frank Brock who has been quite ill is slow- ly improving, Mrs These both ladies have had quite a surge of sickness and their many friends are glad to know they are improving Save for one case fairly clear of {ll Iso Ciroat. North Oshawa is ness among the children, Serum for Diptheria, Scarlet fever and Small Pox will be given the pupils at the f Scarlet Fever | school where parents are willing. This is a wonderful help especially to arents of large families, who would ike to know their children were pro tected and yet would not be able to have them receiye the serum if they had to be taken to a Doctor's office, No doubt the whole' school will ug. cept the serum. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Fice entertained on Tuesday evening to a group of friends and neighbors, A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all, ACTIVITIES OF ~ SCUGOG ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. George Jack- son Honored on Eve of Departure (Mrs. D, Hope, Correspondent) Scugog, Feb. 23.--About ten ladies met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Jackson on Tuesday af- ternoon, Feb. 17th, the first meet- ing of the prayer circle. We sang some lovely hymns with Mrs. J. Milner at the organ, Mrs, Ceo. Sweetman gave a very interosting reading and Mrs, Joblin gave a helpful talk. A number of pray- ors were offered. We hope to seo more at our next meeting for they are very interesting and will bo | a great help to each one of us, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, C. Redman, of Balsam, on the ar- rival of a daughter; as his father was a young man here before mov- ing to Pickering. Miss Florence Albright, of Ux- bridge Is spending a few pleasant holidays with her friend Mrs. Geo. Samells, Sevoral of the families are glck with the flu. We hope for a speody recovery of them all. Mr. Percy Jeffrey, Mr. Milton Demara spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, O. Jeffrey, Eunlskil- len. ' Our boys played Prince Alpert again last Tuesday night in the Port Perry rink. Dut it was very one-sided ns the Prince Albert team were oldor and much heavier, the score being 5-1 in favor of Prince Albert und we are going to try them again some time in the future, Mr. Edward Dears spent tho woef-end with Mr. Roy Hepe as he goes to Toronto on Wednes- day where he has secured work on a farm north of Toronto... His friends wish him every success, Mr. and Mrs, R, Jackson and Mrs, A. McKenzie spent a very pleasant evening recently with Mr, and Mrs. (eo. Jackson, Glad to hear Mrs, R, Carter, who underwent an operation in tho Port Perry Hespital last week is getting along very niecaly and hope to hear of her return home soon, Mrs. 11. Collacutt and grand- [TSHING SKIN Dodds. OINTMENT In @ jor bike the finest face creams, Price 50¢ daughter, Betty, of Port Perry, Mrs. J, A, Sweetman and Mrs, Geo, Sweetnfan spent a very pleasant time with Mr, and Mrs. Graham one day last week. Miss Della Lee, of Greenbank, Miss Nellie Leo, of Port Perry, spent the week-end with their par- ents here, x The Y.P.A, met at the home of Mrs. C. Hardy last Thursday evon- Ing: It was well attended, as they went in sleigh loads, The meet- ing was in charge of Mr. Luzerne Sweetman. The meoting opened in the usual way, The seripture was read by Mr. Donald Crozfer; Mrs. Geo. Sweetman had a review of a recent meeting: Mr. Ray Milner taking the tople. After the close of the meeting there was a spell- ing contest. Mr, Herbert Sweotman visited with Mr, Leonard Hope on Sunday. Mr, Howard Lee is spending a ew rays in Brooklin, . Mrs. D, Hope, Mrs. J. Demara, Mrs, J. A, Sweotman spent a very pleasant afternoon last week help- ing Mrs, E. Lee with a quilt, Miss Helen Carter of Toronto, spent the week-end with her pur- onts, here, Mr, Arthur Sweetman was Toronto one day last week. Mr. W. Mark attended the fun- eral of the late Mr. §. Jacob at Little Brittain last week. Mr. Boyka has erected a sweep on one of his wells for drawing up water, It is a long time since one of those has been seen around here. Your correspondent used one when she was very young. Mrs. A. Prentice spent Monday with Mrs, R. Brown. Miss Leona Brown and Miss Lau- ra Prentice of Epsom spent the week-ond with their aunt, Mrs. Robert Prentice. Miss Alleen Jackson fs visiting in. Toronto and attended the 15th wedding anniversary of <her friend Mr. and Mrs. Thayer. . Mr, Jones has returnedd to his home in Toronto after a visit of a few weeks with his sister, Mrs T, Redman, Mr. W. Pearce and Miss CO. Craw- ford, of Blackstock, Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tetlow, Gordon and Joyce, visited their parents last Thursday in honor of Mr. Pearce's birthday. Mr, E. Beadle, Mr, Jones, Mr. C, Reader and Mr, }. Balley came in the evening and a very pleasant time was spent. We wish Mr, Poarce many happy returns of the day, About 30 friends*and nelghbors met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Jackson on Wednesday evens ing, Feb. 18 to wish Mr, and Mrs. H. Leighton and family who are goon leaving the island 'to take up residence in Reach township, good bye and good wishes. During tbe evening an address was read by Rev. J. Elford and Mrs. G. Jacke son presented Mr. and Mrs. Lelgh- in | ton with a pyrex casserole, Leslio "4 Testament and Connie a cup and saucer, : Mr. Leighton in a few well choson words, thanked the people for the way fn which they had remembered himself and fam- ly and it was a pleasure to know hat they were not moving so far (way that they could not be able to see their friends on the {sland quite frequently, A dainty lunch was served by the ladies prosent. Mrs, Leighton leaves for the new home in Reach this week. Scugog, Feb, 18, 1031, Dear Mr, and Mrs. Leighton: Understanding that you are mov. Ing away from Scugog we -are ine debted to Mrs, Jackson for the privilege of enjoying an evening with you here before you go. You have made many friends in our community wand have won the re: spect of everyone during the yeprs you have lived here and we feel that your going will be a real loss to us. At the same time we trust the change may be to your awvau- tage and we most heartily wish you bappiness and prosperity in your now home. We ask you to accept this casserole as a small token of our regard and tope it may be useful as well as a remem brance of Scugog. The cup and saucer Is for Connle, We tried to got one small enough for a little girl and big enough to use when she is quite grown up. I'or Les lie, the Sunday Schoo) has ordered a Testament, but we greatly re- gret that it has not yet arrived but when it comes Leslie shall have it at once and we trust ho may enjoy using it and always live according to its teaching, 1t gives us pleasure to know you are not going very far away and we shall be looking across the lake and im- agining you in your new home and perhaps you may see soma of us over there sometime and we most sincerely invite you to coma back to visit us. So we shall still be neighbours, though a little farther apart, Signed on behalf of the community, Miss Olive Gerrow of Toronto visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. F, Gerrow over the week-end and Mrs. Glen Owen, of Port Perry, visited them on Sunday. ASHBURN NEWS Ashburn, Feb, 24,--The Commu. nity Club held their semi-weekly rmathering at the home of Mr. Fred 0'Boyle on Thursday night.and al- though the night was very unpleas- ant there were over fifty present Progressive Euchre was enjoyed until lunch was served by the La- dies when the merry gathering Sioke up eager for the next gather- ng, Rev. Shepherd, of Elgin, preach. ing and evening and his earnest message left a favourable imprem sion upon all those who had the privilege of hearing him. Mr. Bill Burgess visited Whitby friends on Saturday. There is an epidemic of colds naking their rounds in the neigh- borhood, a number of the school children being laid up with, them. Miss Ilorence Balfour, who has been with her mother, who is {ll for the past two weeks, has return. ed to Chicago. ed at Burst Church Sabbath morn. | ¢ Nip that Cold in the Bud on, ~ Grippe or pneumonia may develop. Sa at the first symptom--ache, sneeze or chill--take a ZUTOO TABLET. They stop the pain and fever and help nature throw It off. Taken in time, they will bring relief overnight. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE The young people of the neigh- borhood are busy practising for the play which they are giving on Mar, 3rd, The title "A Family Disturb afce" is suggestive and the charac ters are sparing no effort to make it very realistic. After the program @ box soclal will be held. Mrs. Mary Fisher has been visit- ing her daughter, Mrs, Leash of Uxbridge. Mrs. Lou Richardson was a re- cent guest of Scugog friends. Crothers Hros., of Toronto, have been trucking baled hay from Mr, John Miller's, This is quite an im- provement on hauling by teams when 0 much handling had to be done loading it on and off cars. "Your daughter tells me that your wife is having her voice culti- vated." "Yes. Did she tell you that the rest of us were growing wild?" 'WAMPOLE'S TASTELESS EXTRACT OF COD LIVER will éreate new str A and sta - fortifying the py Lb Fini diseases, such us Grippe, Influenze, Coughs, Colds, Diptheria, Fevers, Ete. Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver also prompt and timely help for pale, sickly, -- anaemic girls just budding into womanhood, If taken regularly it will improve the impaired ape | petite, help overcome shortness of breath, and , restore 8 healthy color to lips and cheeks. Price = « $1.00 KARN'S DRUG STORE Phone 378 Next Post Office tie MILK 2 i mes 23¢ Prarl White NAPTHA f >» yay 0 Cases and cases of this popular laundry S34p will go on sale to-morrow. opportunity to stock up Costs are disregarde Your and save. SOAP BROADCAST SPECIAL CAKE 5 LIMIT 10° CAKES -TO A CUSTOMER INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL--HEINZ NEW VEGETABLE An entirely new variety. Fresh from the garden vege- tables, all their original ten. flavor and nourishe ment is preserved in this new delightful soup. . , .. Add new zest to your Lenten meals. Special Introductory Price. derness, 10-02. Tins SPECIAL-~-AYLMER PEAS No. 4 SIEVE grown peas. Tender, sweet and juicy, the popular Canadian- 23: 3:23: JEWEL Shortening "11h, 25¢ SPECIAL~LIBBY'S No. 2 SQUAT TIN Pork + Beans for 23: Prints . MONARCH [J 7b. Bag %¢ ¢ FLOUR SPECIAL-~-ONTARIO HAND-PICKED White BEANS 3.11; Vary Your Ment During Lent Aunt Dinah MOLASSES No. 2V4 Tin 1 7¢ / SPECIAL~AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES 3 No. 2 Squat Tins 23: SPECIAL-~AYLMER pi s HAWES Floor Wax | Durable | and Lasting Tie 43¢ No. 2 SIZE TIN Fruits for Salad Nonsuch Silver Cresm Polish Bottle "YOU SAVE rH mymr--, 19¢ . Watch For Red Price Tickets They Signify Specials SPECIAL --HANDY BRAND AMMONIA POWDER for All Your Cleaning | Specials on Sale at These Prices February 27 to March 5 SPECIAL-Featuring this Week BROOKFIELD ; LB. PKG. CH Cheese that |8 cheese--an irresistible mea EESE 1S5c flavor--so popular with ever lon toast--with macareni--and with every variety of ple. ALSO MAKERS OF BROOKFIELD CHEESE SPREAD. 1 TAN] SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY | PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF Cut Short ~19¢ CHOICE SHOULDERS for Roasting PORK 16¢c PEAMEALED BACK Bacon: 29¢ Sliced Headcheese » 13¢ 23 Fruits.' Vegetables 'Sw2d LEMONS = i76 Extra Large Size Oranges w". 35¢ NS.

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